Dade County weekly times. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1884-1888, April 06, 1888, Image 2

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f / Ti.i'oc wlccklg £imc R HAh COCK, Edttor FlSf )AV r /TR H f, 888. . TRKtfIMN - - GEORGIA roiifspoßdoiii'ti wffpifßd; but to receive ut tei. lion .cum unune.■ ti<m* must bo ncooii jmiiiod by a roponsible naui* ,—*in>t for publication, but as* airimrabtee of giwil faith. Advertising rates and estimates given on application. t,l a iv' v rtr»TO't and notices, 75r per linn nrcd words each first four iii.orliOßS and 35c each subsequent iuserlion. I, v*.il notiej-*, lOa first insertion, do eac' fubseqitent insertion. Obituary notices, resolutions of respect,A e 75eper hundred words. Estrays, farm products and stock for ■woe iasirtio rin local columns free, SUBSCRIPTION.—StAO yEK annch. There are indications of a sharp con test betwei ft (he white and the colored republicans of Alabama for tho eon trol of luti state c-mveatioa of their party, * Dcn'ccrsts of the house ought to bo very cautions in their voting hjiod the hill passed fey the senate, which mitlierizes the presi dent to retalinw on governments that dis criminate against the ] reduets of this ooun try by prohibiting the importance of their products. Proeidcut Cleveland would no iloiibt exercise' this great power judiciously if be i xereised it at all- It is said thut Senator .Joe Brown has far a private servant '‘Aleck’’ the fa mous body guard of Mr. Stephens. It is In order for some reporter to interview ••Aleck” upon the relative merits of the statesmau Perhaps, however, this had bettor be defered untill after the Sena tor's death. '' Vlmn Mr Gould's yacht was sailing throngh the Me ditieiian it was bil lowed for some miles hy a very large andjhungry looking shark. It is said that when •! and this shark caught sight u 1 each other they exchanged « smile ol recognition. The bill as recommended by the Comm ittee on Rivers and Harbours apprtpria. te $19,432,783and of that sum the Sou thern States get more than they have at any time heretofore. The Western Sta tes also get a very generous portion ol it. aud while the amount is considered very large, still the indications at the tfe-Ttflt WlieU it gcTsTliereT - Great excitement is prevailing iti Wash ington over the discovery, that §IO.OOO worth of good Mail bags have been sto red away in the damp cellars of the Po st Office and allowed to rot, while, ov ery year calls have been made for nvore hags. It is charged that this wrong hn* continued for years past and is bro ught to light now only by the Superint endent who has had charge of that bla nch for 23 years dast. Sow that the tariff is fairly before the House, its consideration will take up most of the time for some weeks to e >- tne, and some lively debates may be looked for. serious illness of Chairman Mills has prevented the sub mission of the report of the H> iso l>*f > re now,but ll e members of botli partie have availed themselves of the time to consider the bill in all its provisions and to qrepare their speeches thereon 'jlah want* to he admitted as .v •late. Imt tbeie i* a strong republican opponiticn to it because it would be a democratic st to. '1 liere is also a de fined poli’iral opposition to tbe ad mission. 'p be offices In Utah are now nearly alt federal, llnnprcds of poli ticians are tmv doldiug office out there and teolly the lerritoiy is "tinder a •emi-martial-law condition AH these men and their friends want the oeder— at cveriunent to keep the territory as it is for their suken Knowing tha if Utah 1 •■eime a state their offK'e- I elding data wciiMcih! at i,ut, Jt m asserted that the* Mngvrn ps ate very much disapuiuted in lb,** - fieut course srith regaidh to civil service r firm, If this is true it is because tlio Mhgwuntjs dont in liere in civil service reform. .Ur Clove i- tha only President the country has ever bad. who has boldly aupportnig tli » iff i in. I be I’hfl nlclpliia News offers a ri w,r I s'2 rto any who a ill n.iine the *cp Ueicao nominees forthe presideticv and vice presidency. The News is a ► •rong republican paper, and is m> ♦1 nht ai x otta to fun! oi f. lie t isk seems to he 1 difficult one ;*t presell’ lmt still more difti >'H w i’l he the ask of electing the candidates. ~ c*--. ! 7 ASIHNGiW, 1> < Vai.tu 31,1*88 j GRUMBLING REPUBLICANS j R»*v*ublicans t through correspond:!nls aid he press, have been on mg at the delay of tiie CotumiUe on Ways and Mean- of the_H n«e lor not. reporting the tariff hill, when, in fact tl e hill wo lds! have been reportert Wit ks ago bad i s t bee fo llit obstructive a lies of ! Ih< Republicans Ihcmst Ives it is well known that as far as the m«j rity if the eoirmittee was eoueerneil.thev had agreed upon the bill substantially -as it now stands; tliat every moments delay was due to the non-action of the Repub lican minority; that everything possible was do&e to delay ami prevent final ac tion by the committee, aud then, when linal action could be delayed no longer, they asked for time to make a minority report. Time was allowed, but no repot t was made* aim finally the major ity of the committee gave their report to the press. This lias created a howl from the Republicans, who say it was not proper for the Democrats to submit untill the Republicans were ready, but the fact is, tliat there is no prospect of their ever being ready to make a .asit is impossible for them to agree up on a bill or report. Democratic unity The great cry that President Clevelan d's tariff iressage was to disrupt the Democratic party has - proven false; on lias given to the party a platform which eAery true DeMocrat will rally, while like a thunder-bolt ii lias rent into a dozen fragments what was left of the Republican parly. Every day in Congress some one of the supposed faithfull comes out in deferen ce to the demands of their constituents and denounces the war tariff that is sap ping the life out of the nation; makeing the rich neher aud the poor poorer Mr Cleveland read the signs aright and saw it was time for the true Democracy of the country to return iothe principles that made the party inviuoidte in the past and pre-eminently the party of the people; he saw tliat the country was groaning tinker the heavy burden of tax ation that was piling up a mountvnn of surplus in tho treasury and crippling every industry and he boldly performed what Ids great heart conoeived, and I>v this stroke cleared the way for the De mocratic party to retain power iu the country for an unlimited tithe. REPUBLICAN HISSES’HON When Mr Blair wrote his letter stag ing that ins name would notdepresent e t to the Republican Convention at .Chicago in June next there was great rejoicing among the Giant Contingent, the 306 ami their supporters, aud it was prod limed that now there would be a loving reunion of all the discordant elements of the grand old party. A few weeks'lias demonstrated the fact Ujat, instead of liaimonizing, tho withdrawal lias had a contrary eiiect. The frienbs of the various candidates commenced -«j.i . « -i ti • * • ICloirnu |.-» fttlVU* ailed by each, when, behold! it is found that (here is really no u .ion of sentime nt and it will bo about as impossible to unite on a platform as it will be on a candidate. Tiief leading spirits of the Blaine wing of the party have becu in coufarenee and correspondence, and fearing that 'f not mi iteii they might be downed in the convention, have concluded to make a united movement favoring Allison of Iowa; mul it has gone out quietly to All the old Blaine managers that Allison is the man on whom the Plumed Knight’s mantle lias fallen. There area few of the old Blaine contingent who are not ready to be turned over to a new mas ter without a protest, and there is cou -eipiently quite a tempest raging. All the other Would be irwndiilates are up in irms. nub efforts are being made to un ite all the factions against Allison. A Pritilris sL>i*i*:u:a A printer sat in his office c! air. his boots Vcre patched a id his coat thread bare, and ins face looked weary and worn with care. While sadlv thinking of busiuoss dabts, old Morpheus slowly around him cerpt, and la for ho know it sad Icily slept; an d while sleeping ho dreamed ho was dead, from trouble and toil had fled, and that not even a cow-hell tolled for the peace-full rest of his cow-hide solo. As ho wan dared a uong the shades, that stuoke and seor r dt the lower hades, be shortly observed an irou door, that cyeakingly hung on hinges ajar, but the entrance was clos ed with a red-hot bar, and Satan him self stood peeping out, wate ting for travellers thereabout, and tints to tlio p assing printer spoke: Come in, my dear, it shall cost you j nothing, and never fear, this is the place whore I cook the ones who never pay taeir subscription sums, for though in life they may escape, they will find when dead, it is too ’ate; j will show you the place where I nv It them thin with red h-rj chains, and scraps of tiu. ami also where 1 eontd their heads with broken glrss and molted lead, and it of refpeshuients t eyouly think, terns IroiJ ing watei tor them t.; drink; there* tlio red lmj griml-otnuo to grind theii toes, and if they mention ti,. y d>n like fire, ill sew up their month.-- with rod-hot wild; and then, dear sir, you should see n!i,-m squirm, wnile 1 turn ihem over and cook to a nun.” vitu those last words the pi inter a vok,*, and thought it all a practical u»k<\ hut a! times so iea 1 did it simni inat lie cannot believe it was a dream, ami 0.t.-a Iks tmi.ks w t!i a dime ta. an 1 grin, of rlic laic of tli .se win, save limit tin, never pay the A ,ii..ter.“ ! IMOV A If €Ol4l f 1 of SA A S The Presil end recci.iiinu nds that no snrpli.M b“ laiaeikby taxation. Sonic of oik pub ic men (filer with the Pre sident on this subject. Bo the tax payers they.say: " If yon jnst continue to raise the money wo will contrive to sp ml it. ” It ninst be admitted that the ampins is larger by virtue ol ill* economy of the Administration; they argue that proper extravagau ci ivohl I have ieduced it, This is the Republican form of opqo sition to the wise policy of the Admin -1 ration-. I’. as. illy they think a spir. itrd foreign policy might ci hm metne surplus, and eveu render higher taxes necessary. '1 he opposition of a small minority of ttie Democratie party is oi like character. VVoiiderfall enough ts it that the Republican party should tqke tills ground of opposition, but it passes wonber that any man callin g himself a Democrat should opjiose this most Democratic, poliey-oppose it even at the iisk of dividing the party on so plain an issue. They go with *L/. .. publicans in ] relei ring, if tsxe3 must be reduced,to take them off fne u.iuce wssaiies of life rather than the necess aries. THE REAL PROTECTION 1 am in fiver of real honest bins fide protection-protection against all wrong and injtsntice-evcii against the injusf ice.wrong, and gross partiality now practiced in the sacred name of protec tion. ” I would protect all honest industry against being pi mile red in the interests of a lew wire workers. I would protect the great hard working mass of failing people against the traps and deceptions of the douse-; and managers. I would give the people an honest platform of honest qi juciples. I would cake the devil’s hymn and make it serve Goe—the false protectiinof monopoly and make t the trb-j ufot'e ctio ol the citizens. Who pay tariff taxes”? There is a dim hut false idea aflon in si me minds that somehow the ini-- poiter.the middle man, or the foreign | mjnfactnrer pays the tax. By tracing ! the n maciion the mistke is revealed. j - —— - / ---» ••• *•«'• me* |rt i»vt»| pnrtTl i to the custom-house officer by the im j boiler. Ihe importer adds the duty J to, the price with his profits on both, jC--fe sells at the incroseil price, iricltuling 1 t no. profit on piime cost and duty, to the retailer, and he sells to the coasttniei [ml a price iiiciiuling his profit on the ■nt ire cost. Out of of the | consumers comes at last,the nttcimos i farthing. In the .State tax the tax-on! | * : lector pays into the State treasniy, hi t | ilie citizen pays him fust. Tin mon ey docs not co me •-■m of d p •Bucket. In> i r xation the in | porter pays int.• ihe Treasury .nd col lects aftwaacU. All tiu taxes a l ist are paid by thr Citizen, not by the a gents of the Goverment. All these iusunmeutaltics aiv mere conduits between the taxpayer and the govarumonr. The taxpayers do not i übiderstaud the operation. InState tax ; v-s thay understand it all— thdy sec pay the trx collector and take a receipt | In Federal taxation they bo not know 1 "’ho collects, when liovv, or for what purpos c. They rse as ignorent as if they hid no interest in the results, so litiie do the people know of ihe direct operation of the tariff. With respect to the tax on fobac co, I would retain the tax on cigars ami cigarettes. 1 hoy are by no means necessaries— ilit?i are the indulgecies of gentlemen and dudes. As a meas ure of compromise to effect agenaal re duction cf tne tariff, I would consent to aeniove the tax on tobacco iu all flier fonns. I have compared thd tariff of to day. out present tariff'r»l ahomina ions with the tariff ofdiffeilmt p.ido ls of oitr history, showing (inti the tariff'd* I. dd prepaied by Hamilton the father of protection, compared with the pre sent tariff iif 1888, Maups ms one '<■ three to a people then of three inihiom* now ot sixty; lot a people then scatte. e! ami \ tmitg i o npareil with a cono*- ry imw knit together by 120,000 mil* oi railroad, v.itb felegtaj lis liewsj ap ci , e f o. Ann .-ini we have infant in Lnstries a hundred vtart chi, and srrow iug more climorons for the buttle, 1 have sliswn relative i-aosp-rity nil. mg 11»o low ianl l ;»<-! :« d aiwt *Le big: —I lie form r exceeding the lattrr in clie cou.i.iy ami in t vein hjtite in wealth and ih every detail. f\z YEARS SH THE POULTRY YARD, Mill Edition, lCSpagen. •xplulim ikeeutlro busim-.-is. Symptom* 'Sv- ri-nipilios for all dlsnajpi*. Written sold by a i*rmer. 'SiSfyj 2% o’J. to SUnupa. The rbv» halt wr l\Mltry Toiil, one year, cl*. - —.l 1 FBKE copies to ill. A.m.rANO.rovc Hale. Ky. 13 WEEKS. The police gazette wfii he miali-d, seeur :ly ?rrnppcd, to si j address in rhe United Sister for three month on receipt of ONE DCLLAU. Liberal di,counts allowed to pottmasters, agerus ana clubs Sample copies mailed free. Address Ml orders to RrCU ARD K. FOX Franklix SqtAHE, N.Y LtLߣ MILS ga Tastes goird. Uso Piso’s Cure u ition saved R J. Dowell, H iror Eden- gjj Mil 23, 1887. B The Res’. Cough Modi- 3 H cine is Piso’s Cure tor H L; Consumption. Children N ll take it without objection. 2 By all druggists. 25c. GUIES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS.” grq Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use Eg Bd In time. Sold by druccietc. prfl What are they? As a general thing they are pa ewt tuedicine.s having been used with great success I>A old oud well read Physicians. Thousands of invalids hpve been unexpectedly cured by their use, and they me the wonder and dread of Physiciahs and Medical Colleges of tlieU - §., so much so, that Fhysicicians grannatitig at Medical colleges a.te requited to dis countenance Proprietary Medicines, as throngh them the country doctor loses his most profitable practice, As a manufacturer and Proprietary Medi cines, D. G, G. Greeu oi Woodbury, N. Y, advocates most cordially,— in order to prevent them’sk tliat the risk that the sick and afflicted are lia ble to, almost dailx by the use of Pat- ( eat Medicines put out by inexpeiinced persoui fos aggrandizement only, aud the employing of inexperienced and in nempetent doctors by which almost ' . n ,,,\ men claiming to bo doctors who had better be undertakers, experimenting with their patients and robbing them of their money and health, — tor the good of the afflicted that our govern ment protect its people by making laws to regulate tho piactice of medicine by cbtter experienced and more thorough ly educated Physicians, and thereby keep up the honor and credit of the profession, also form laws for the re cordingof receipts of Proprietary Med icines, under exatuidahou and decision |of eqpeiienced (ffieu.usts and Physi- Icians appointed for'tliat purpose by | the Governmeht, before tliev are lic ensed tor general use. He would j most freely place the receipt of Busches (Getman and Green’s August ; 1 n'.uT' such hiivs. had he the piopt r t.i"ti lion, and sherohy sove the prejUi ce ui rhe people, and avoid ti e . competion and iinit&'iou of worthless me i: fines-—Copied from the Chicago Maii, Aug. 3, ’B7. GROUP MQ CONSUMPTION •» q ESI-i: ~—- I M fV " ’ gt 4ms w 1 ak, ‘ vy V'\ -SWEST CUrtS"* ras ill s >.:?« 5 ii rV t fef fei dk* Aii. n t a The rvec-t irun:, mb imhcrcd from r. tres of the as roc name, ifrowinn uione U*.c ru.aU slrrouis In th.: Southern States, coutslna a stinn:lnt!n< e*- p e'o-jir.f f-inap'e thut toosotia the rhltßa oro c'■ ■: • r -i.iiiß t ragli. un i .-timMlates .ho oh:' i■ ■ ll'.i.wTiii«falsamerabi-ene in c roup and wh<'o.’iT!K-cr.r.o!i Wh-’n o'-ne-iiiod with tha l-OMliut; roue,;.; •.n.nun nn .-ipla J s too mullein pl.iofc cf the old holds, r-ro-cr.te tn's C.IaCIIOKCR RKIiKT Ot BWI.TT C .1 AS!) MrL l-ris tho It nest known remedy for Cousha. Croup, V. KKipi. x ecash and . nsummi.-n: an.! BO p".iH tabu , any child l»plo,.- - ' t. 'eke it. Ask vour drii>-Bi"t for It. Prtr-o X »c. and 71 .hi- WAh lCn A-.’JCA , Vtlcafo tJu. T 3 THE FLCTLE CF THENTON AKD DADE COUNTY:- We extend a cordial invitation to call when in Chattanooga and examine our immense stock of OL.OTHING for £ * Men, Boys and Children. In Suits, Over Coats, Pea Jackets, Coats Tests, extra Pants. also Hats, Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Shirts Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear, A N !> 800 'l' Si &' SHOES * m WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY, ami give yon Chice Assorts ment to select from. Don't fail to sec us before purchasing. -»m —^ The Read House Clothing Store, B«. .. . A Collier bih dt Chesiiut St.: Gnfltt3ll6o?3 , oposito Union Depot. RIMI) The Ciothier. Eli 1 - I —-UL_ .. L.Llt" . M L ■' ' -‘H» 'L.i LULL. AL.L GrOODSS Marked In Plain Figures.' tVhen making an investment you want at the light on the matter you can get. J-OE3 THE ON. PIUOE CLOTH I E E. Has the Best Lighted Store in the City, lift o— ■ TTo sells I’orT.igh 'Prices light profits. He treats yov in such manner 1 *y< ur heait will he light with satislaction, aud clothe yi in awu y that you will be Light in Society. If yi iare a LIGHT POCKET BOOK and want to get » that is possible for your means, call on JOE SIMPSON. 705 Market St., Next door 3d. Nat’l Bank, T*?*tn h ' Mi SHOVI s CASE*! J M Ceuar giests.Calilaets,Wargretesg'' CABINET WORK.asaasiggßM CMSuRK * oubVALT7AßLH papers AGATKST . . F3!?£! FlffEJ ;° UB SILVERWAIiE a nd money against BU RGLARS.' jpggi|| The Victor Safe I| | rf ;| **•**£■•* tor the Farmer, la wyer, Ifceetwr, Postmutc^ £j : sij Ij l,l '« - ch»nt, Township and Coanty Officer, the Home, Ilf IVI ln fret every©® o pbouid have a secure place for Yahiables. Wa ft ■ *YiS.ViCTha ||i !| 2f er ln tho VICTOR SAFE » first-class F£re.S»roof, 111 SArE * jjH a B “r*l#r*Proof, Combination I.ocV. Safe, handsomely 1 ! <sn ‘ f ' hc * # - Konral corners, band decorated ; burnished portions ■ | nickel-plated. Interiors nicely fitted with sub-treasuries, book spaces and pigeon hol c-s. mK !?• i s « £ c ™ d G22 x IBxJ6; Inside. I2x&cß*; Weight, 260 Lb5....*30.00 AKr • R&AJ *°. 1 2Sx 18x18; “ I Ext 0x10; “ 600 " .... 40.00 V h 0.4. “ " 32x22x22; 11 I9xll v i2'»- “ can “ anna PATENTFn The VICTOR SAFE "is under strong patents— CLASS SAFE is manufactured" midlr’ patents. ls ?* P^dauqeroul'i o blty " h'pJriws oS" descriotion C “ 1 0r Ul;o,i Insiall ™ ni ««*. write foAK tota !!!!!!!!!: thomas kame & company, Chicago, ill ATTENTION? TO3 EANB ENGBT2 J3j how Curant Porcapla 3 Seiler. ' ESPECIALLY ADAPTED SMALL POWER 1 ENGINE VOUR WA.^TS? on tho market. /fade in sixeaof Jdf : sßlSHj hs-Sgl from SS to 12 horse-power. ’A Lpi® wtCAUSE, f- Especially well adapted to-* LjLSjJ; jiplL ifjjlj SIMPLE, Ught VJork. ,|S|g |i . COMPACT, KEROSENE SIiSWP ’.iff DURABLE, Wd ,or Fue, ’^ d e,silystoweA If ECONOMICAL, NO DANGER, ftyJSTjia EASY TO HANDLE, SMOKE nor SMELL. \ ' H* automatic, By jaran. of Automatic appia V, _ AUcep, when onre « t no \\X/sgy7-*f SELF-FEEDINGI further care is necessary. ' . RUNS ITSELF! YOUR OWN ENGINEER. ASS FOB CAIALOOIE OF OUR STATIONARY ENGINES. MENTION THIS PAPER. I•. l * . JdaUi ih .N i lMi A ,Aiy. One or lire gieaicsi literary lots or tlie season is the story of Uaby limiting, or rise Alphabet ol J.,\e ! 'V Ijtitir Ji j aii I,i blipy, which is m present peirg publiaheo in the columns «>t ihe \Ol k Family h>t, > \ Pape-. The paper containing tin opening chapters of this wonder In! I I o pillar romance appeal'd o» the nevv.- stami!. this morning. The tremendous ■ n s li ho cl; it. mini!>er by the young la lies, of tu\yn shows deaily that the publishers have stun-!; bonanza. Tile Family Story Paper is lor sal*' by ai! news dealers, 01 will be sent u» an\ a idless ii nr mouths, posing fiee p,.. 1. 00, Norman L., pul IP l. -r 01 and ‘2(3 Vaadowatcr Street, >. .\\ Voik. THOMAS KANE & COMPANY, 137 A 139 Wabash Avenue, CHICAGO. ILL. /. F/r t! VU. AN',i "bo "ill wf'ik fi.illife y (an miiui (it they so desire) a rare to ruako nnm.iv bv handling Tub Hon. Henkv W. P»r. air’s (Senator from Nkw Ham.*. h '■") Temperance Movement, or The ( onflict between Man and Alcohol, b tona the fact of the peep intros; be taken i i the Tm hence Movement oday. as a -n *’ e high standing of the .•writer as h!• rl erof men and inoiilde of public ( pinion, if is presumed your car. read.’i see the utimnal opportunity °f to mak i money by selling suoh a " °i'k. If favor:.die to ■ngngirg with u°, please answ rat once ( is t(rritorj is bmg taken verc rapidly uid give ns full particulars as to jour, 1 • ‘ence, i efe; cnees, &c. W.M. hi. SM VI HE Cl)., 5 gomciset St., Boston