Dade County weekly times. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1884-1888, April 13, 1888, Image 4

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THE COW-BOY COSSACKS; OR, Following Fortune Through the Finnic* A Story of tho Great Wars of To-ilay, When the Grand Duke Alexis, of Russia, visited the United Ht itrs ho was captivated hy the wild life of the far western plains, ninl took a great fancy to the cow-boys, who reminded him of the famed Cossacks of Ilia own country. There were throe cow-boys of whom lie i ecame so fond that he in vited them to visit him in Russia. One of them was Jacques Dirdoville, from New Orleans; another was Robert Many, from N mtucket, and the third was Rory O'Brien, who came from Dublin when a baby. They nil had nicknames, Ilardnv.lie’s being *‘D: rodev 1 Jack,” Mucy’s ~ Boh,” and O’Brien’s “ Little Bricks,” from Ids small stature and gamy qualities in a row. These cow-boys liked the Grand Duke so well that they resolved to accept his invita tion, and as soon .as they could get ready, they went to Russia, on i hearing that Alexis was In Moscow, they hastened thith er. Shakespeare's Macbeth w. s to he played at the theater in English on t o evening of their arrival, and they went to see it. General Skoboleff, the celebrated “ White General,’’ as bo was called, who was the Idol of the Russian army, was present,, and Daredevil Jack, Buckaro Bob and Little Bricks happened to sit in the parquet near him and his friend General Krapotkin. Bkobelcff, who bad been told much by the Grand Duke of bis cow-boy friends, sur mised who they were. #S '' : GENERAL PKOJiELKFP. . Pkobeleff, having fired a bullet through s mirror at an aristocratic parly, bad been de prived of his command, and knew that he had got to do some daring deed at the be ginning of the war with Turkey, then just coining on, to get himself reinstated in the royal favor. In order to succeed, he would ijeed some comrades skilled in horseman ship, and of unflinching courage, and lie at once thought that the American cow-boys would be just the men for him. He was about to speak to them, when a loud cry arose, and the scenery and stage were seen to be on fire. At once, from every quarter, arose the shrieks of women and the shouts of men. Within fifty seconds the front of the parquet was absolutely empty, save for the three Americans and the two officers, Hkobelcff and Krapotkin, who hud retained their seats with imperturbable coolness. Little Bricks said to Macy, in a quiet wav; “Reckon tliar ain’t much show' for us Buckaro, unless thar’s a door under that stage.” Then, as he glanced around at the demoralized crowd behind them, he added, with some Wonder: “Well, I swar, ef tliar ailit’t two real men at last.” . lie referred to (he two officers, who now rose slowly from their scats and came to w rds the strangera Skobeleff was us cool as a cucumber,as he held out his hand to Little Bricks, and said. In excellent English, or rather shouted into hiR ear: “ You ore n mulodijetr. —a brave fellow ! How came you here? What brouglvt you to Russia, I mean?” Little Bricks, grasping the hand extended ns if it had been that of a comrade, yelled hack his answer in the other's car: “Came to see the Grand Duke Alexis. Met him on the plaina We three helped him his first buffalo hunk Asked us to call on him, if we ever oamo to Roush a. Got on a tear and came. Here ice air. Know any thing about the Grand Duke, stranger?’* “I'iie Grand Duke is at Sebastopol You know he is in the navy, not the army You will not be able to dj any thing with loin in this war, gentlemen. You had Letter come with me. Here is my card. If wo get out of this lire alive, call at that hotel in the morn ing. Is that understood?” Little Bricks nodded, and just at that moment Krapotkin touched Skobeleff on the arm, and pointed out that, under the stage, the door by which the orchcstrq went out and in, was wide open, and looked black, bk it there was no fire, in that direction. The gesture was sufficient, and Skobeleff touched the three cow-boys successively, and pointed them to the door. Then Jacques Dnrdeville screamed into Bkobeleff’s ear: “Go and find if it leads out anywhere, and we’ll bring-some girls out that way.” Skobeleff nodded assent, and darted down to the opening. In a few moments he came back to shout in his companion’s ear: “It leads Into an open court. If there is no jam we can get out quite a number. ” Then the five men left their place of safe ty, and advancod to the back Of the shriek ing, struggling mass of humanity, that was nows urging around the foot of the b 1 ony. The fire on the stage had spread by the curtain, over the roof of the theater, and was already licking at the curtains of the boxea *• Skobeleff, surveying the scene with un diminished coolness, pointed to the great entrance do%c, widen could still, he seen through the smoke, and roared into Parde vilie's ear: “Blocked tight! Get them back!” So saying, they begau to pull at the terror- Btricken ones that they saw running to and fro in tlie rear of the crowd, and po’nted out, by gestures, the dark door under the Binge; but by the time they had escorled al out a score of ladies < >ff in this way. the fire had crept so near the stage door that the next-coiners shuddered and shrank back from the apparent danger. Skobeleff yelled in Macy’s ear: “We’ve saved all we can. Take another girl apiece and let us go i rht>e we can.” The Americans nodded silently, anil each man looked about for a woman to sava, when they heard a great cry behind them, w'hich was followed by a crash. Looking round, they saw that a part of the roof had fallen in sparks on the crowd, and that oil hopes of escape seemed to be out oft; but they heard Skobeleff say aloud, in English: “ Courage, my fr.ends. If we get out of this, you are the boys I want to have with me.” The continuation of this thrilling historical narrative of “ The Cow-Boy Cos sacks ” is given in number thirteen of the New York Ledger, the great family story pnper, which Is always full of the best and choicest reading matter, and every number of w'lilch contains something to amuse, to entertain and to instruct the reader. The subscription price of the New York Ixdget Is J£3 a year; for six months, $1.50, and for four months, .Jil, all postage free. Sub scribers can begin with No. 13, containing fi continuation of the great story of * Tlje Cow-BoyCossacks. * Address Itobert Bonner’s Sons, Publishers of the New York Ledger, corner of Spruce and WiUi&ui streets, few lorit FIFTIETH CONGRESS First Session. Washington', April 4 —Senate.—A bill wai reported withdrawing public lands in Ml.'s's sippi from sale. A resolution was agreed to ask ing Information of the Secretary of the Treas ury in regard to lead ore smuggling from Mexi co and Canada. A bill was passed granting right of way to the Billings, Clark’s Fork and Cook City railroad through the Crow Indian re sort atton. The bill to reimburse the Freed* man's Bank depositors was taken up, but laid over on a demand for the regular order, which was the ho.nd purchase bill. At 5:15 p. m. the Senate adjourned. House. —After the reading of tlic journal, the direct tax bill being the regular order, it was proposed to fix a time for taking a vote, but the opposition objected. E. B. Taylor, of Ohio, moved to .limit debate to an -hour, whereupon filibustering was resorted to until adjournment late at night. Washington, April s.—Senate.—A hill in re gard to the terms of U. S. Court at Vicksburg was passed. Senator Wilson of Virginia, spoke at length upon the President's annual message. House.—The entire day was spent in contin uing the filibustering of yesterday ami lust night, against 111*’ passage of the direct tax bill and a recess was finally taken till 11 to-morrow without coming to any agreement. Washington. April fi.—Senate.—A message from the President with the draft of a bill for the revocation of the withdrawal of certain lands for railroads. The House joint, resolution appropriating ¥25,00') for the International Ex hibition at Barcelona, Spain, was passed. The bill to authorize the sale of mineral lands to aliens was considered and postponed until Mon day. A preamble and resolution were offered by Riddleberper calling for copies of the cor respondence on the subject of territory report ed as recently acquired hy Great Britain from Venezuela. It was referred. Ono hundred and twenty-seven private pension hilts were consid ered and passed, sixty-five being House bills. The bill for a Bureau of Animal Industry was considered and then postponed until Thursday. House bills were passed for public buildings at Greopville, p. 0., and Texarkana, Ark. At 4:15 p. m. the Renats adjourned until Monday. House. - Filibustering continued the legisla tive day ot Wednesday until .5:83 p. m., when a recess was taken until 11:30 p. m. Washington, April Z Senate.— No* in ses sion. House. —The House met this morning in con tinuation of Wednesday's session. The filibus tering tactics wera"contmued and no business was transacted. Washington, April ft.—Senate.—Among the bills Introduced and referred were the follow ing: To amend and eniarge the act for the dis tribution of the awards under the convention with Mexico; for the establishment of a per manent Court of Arbitration between the United States and Great Britain and France. A joint resolution was passed appropriating 1,30.0)0 and accepting an invitation to par ticipate in Hie International Exhibition at Brussels. The House hill to authorize the Second Assistant Secretary of the Interior to sign patents was passed. Mr. Chandler introdueod u bill to revive the direct, tax law and collect all unpaid balances, with five per cent, interest thereon. The bill to autiiorize the sal* 1 of mineral land*; to aliens was consid ered, but Ibid aside for the hill to admit Dako ta, which also went over for the executive ses sion. At 5:3d p. ni. the Senate adjourned.' House. —The legislative day of Wednesday was continued by filibustering, which lasted into the night. At 10:15 p. in. Mr. Taylor, ot Ohio, moved that a, recess be taken until to morrow at 11:15 a. in., and it was carried. Washington, April 10.—Senate Among the petitions and memorials presented and re ferred was one for amendments to the inter State oommeree bill, so ns to make the act ap ply to tlie trim port,ation of oil by "pipe lino. On motion of Mr. Sherman, the Freedman’s bank bill was taken from the calendar and re ferred to the Committee bn B’inanee. The In ternational copyright bill was made the special order for Thursday next. The hill to authorize the sale of Territorial mineral lands to aliens was passed. The bill to admit South Dakota was taken up and considered. ExecutLe ses sion was then ordered, and at 6:15 p.m. the Sen ate adjourned. House—There was no change in the situation, And filibustering continued against the direct tax hill. ip' -—— -4 • A rossn from tins vicinity of Ashland, Ksis., overtook Hilly Gill, a notorious des perado, and riddled him with bullets. John Hutilife, a notorious criminal, died at Steubenville, 0., agod ninety-fivo years. At Palmyra, Mo., fifteen children, en gaged in Arbor Day services, ivcre pre cipitated in an old well. Arthur, son of Mrs. Jjem Little, was drowned. Hans Stackried and his wife, of New York, each took n dose of poison and dio I. They* left a five-months old baby. Ex lroma poverty was the causa which in duced their fatal acts. In a game of “cowboy” in Burgettstown, Pa., little James Burton was lassoed by a playmate, receiving injuries from which lie died. The Canadian rnidiament, by vote of 1 to 07, defeated tho resolution fuvoringun restricted reciprocity between tho Unitod States and tj’auada. J. H. Draper, a telegraph operator at Horace, Kas., stole SI,OOO in currency from tho Pacific Express Company’s office. Florence (Straub, two and a half years old, was fatally crushod by a cable car on East Walnut Hills’, Cincinnati. It is said that Emperor Frederick in sists upon tho marriage of his daughter with Prince Alexander, but that besides th ! » ho and Bismarck differ on other sub jects. Harper Meadow* was convicted of the murder of DosepH Leavers at Fairfield, 111., and given fifty years in the peniten tiary. A young man named Charlie Lacour was lodged in jail at Shreveport, La., charged with murder and arson in having set fire to a house fh which Alice Wise (colored) was asleep. Tho woman was burned to death. Tito crime was caused by jealousy. Tpeslioc manufacturers of Cincinnati, at a meeting, declared for free shoe shops, and expressed a determination not to here after enter into agreements with organ ized labor. Judge Howei.l E. Jackson is promi nentl.' nicnti cod as a posdblp ap pointee of tha President to be Cuief- Jastic ?. Mayor Rocoe, of Chicago, has notified the proprietors of C!0 saloons t-bat llioy are on the black list, atul will he refused li censes iu the future —'A lady of Muskegon, Mich., went to bod in a Milwaukee hotel the other night with tlie recollection of all the hotel fires of which site had read surg ing through her brain. She soon awoke with a start, for site heard con siderable noise down stairs. The noise continued and the poor woman be came so nervous that she jumped from her window to a shed, and thence to the ground, and never stopped until she reached the house of a relation, sixteen miles away. Her room was over the kitcl en, and the noise she heard was the servants doing up the evening work. FASHION LETTER. Fresh anil Beautiful Spring Fa bi le s—The Craze for Braidings Beautiful China Silks Jackets, Walking and Visiting Dresses, file. [Spocial New York Correspondence.! The groat perfection of ease and comfort to which dress lias- been brought., the in finite variety and elegance of the prevail ing modes, the good taste displayed in se lecting appropriate gowns for special uses and occasions, argues that fashion is not so capricious as she has been, so that tlic styl ish autumn or winter costume can now do excellent duly for spring, and its wearer still look iu the height of fashion. But al though many of the “ high novelties” ore still held in abeyance, the shop windows are aglow with fresh and beautiful fabrics whicli are the perfection of art Stic color ing and design. A lady lost week visited a celebrated em porium on Broadway*, intending to make a purchase of four different materials for a spring outfit The visit,ended in Ike pur chase of four Henrietta cloth dress pat terns, in golden brown, mnplo loaf green, black and a very lovely shade of “Lenten ” grey, this to bo made uji with silver pas sementeries. Each separ.itc color iu these goods had its own peculiar charm and proved too great a temptation to pass by. Braiding in every style and pattern is the rage. English walking coats are liter ally covered with it Dress skirtH, wMst -oats, yokes, collars, girdles and border /'*}?'■■■-/ru\ ibgs ore one qjasa ® 't of sou tache or oth— or traC3r Y in braid. , The orfssij for this 1 y’-Ju! - ' style of decoration Xfcx /S3i, IH HO P reafc abroad that targe manu f n o t n r ies huvo IPMelllliM la been opened and fl operators upon the richest textiles se- H cured, with prom /IvciPrSs M 0* steady cra /fiXsMSwh ploy me n t for /«lv k months to coma The exhibition of English serges,mo ll iji hairs, camel’s hair Foods, French HI. caß h m er es and \lkm/zt' H m o us tnos was never surpassed /'mm’3 ihe Frenctl chal - M lies aro marvel of ‘ delicate beau;i and the mohair c bailies are fln ished with a glos sy surface that renders them almost as effective as a China silk. The dainty mate rials, w hile very inexpensive, are delight ful fabrics for dressy afternoon wear dur ing the summer. The grounds are beauti fully tinted or else neutral, and sprinkled with novel and quaint designs, both sober and gay in color. For morning use they are made up plainly. For dressier wear, they are draped over plain skirts of moire’ surah or plain challie, with a band of soft satin merveillenx as a border to the skirt matching in color, the tint of the flower or other device on the figured material. Most beautiful, however, of all the count less attractions in dress materials are tlio ASJfc. Chinese silks. Their ff*p29 finish and tinting is L y simply marvelous to f V f see, and they are /- > ||| brought out in pom padour effects in eol or combinations of white and gold. »*\ Mauve of the lovliest faint tint, brocaded with plush rofees, ab j sintlie green coin t bined with cameo V> pink, primose yellow JHHif ■<> ', w ith yellow* green, E&mk / SsT& 4 golden terracotta nSfiitfM % , ' witb oHve, olive with tmfrMh. tsjf white or silver, pale r h b,?be bln®, with chest* Mlr / in?. M 4 n llt brown figures, jSsPiffiM isa. |L-. etc. No written de vStfC'/ Ik* j* 11 Rcription can picture in even the faintest - degree the delicate loveliness of these textiles which will form one of the 'highly popular materials the coming season for dainty toilet tea gowns, and rechercho and picturesque toilets for bridesmaids. At the publishing house of L'Art <le la Mode are shown some original and stylish creations in spring jackets, walking and visiting dresses, and novel tunic and pole naise drapings, which are the latest expo nents of La Mode in Faria The walking jackets this year * are of medium length, finished rwhL and fitted very lion plaits at the back, but are simply finished cured below* (lie ■ lr-rgc buttons. Braid! n g ap- ■ EfXWsJ pears upon six the -to jackets ■ V I which are made' Jl of terracotta, T Venetian bronze, F? VgeV I marine blue, \ j * moss green and YMW'sikX ceveral hand some shades of fl L gray, borne of r . the coats in dark blue olive and moss green are finished at the edges w*ith the merest outline of gold or silver cord. Silk cord passementeries, galloons in silk or metallic effects, gimps and rich applique bands, all in entirely new devises, ere pre-eminently fashionable gar nitures, and rival braiding In popular fa- Vor. Gold braidwork or yellow will be much used upon tailor gowns of white Isle of Wight serge, camel’s hair or Henrietta cloth. The exhibition of spring millinery is ex tremely alluring. Snowdrops, daffodils, anein ores, English Hawthorn blossoms, jonquils lilacs and primroses, are conspicu ous on new and graceful devises in straw and fancy braids of countless sorts. The 6ba|>cs are uncommonly pretty and becom ing The Apine, L i Tosca, English Turban and Spanish Gipsy are the favorites in round hats. C. D. F. “How d’do, Greenbag? 1 see you won your case in that suit of Ketclium vs. Grabbum. Perfect success, wasn’t itP" “Yes, 1 won the case; but I don’t consider it a perfect success by any means.” “Why, did Grabbum ap peal?” “No; but I find that Ketclium has two hundred dollars cash left. If I had known it 1 would Jun e post poned the ease a couple of months longer.” —Spring field Union. -“Is your father a Christian?” *Bked the now minister. "No,” re plied the bo}, “hg sings ia the choir ” Dr. Talinage Writes as Follows! “Tho Christian Herald has for many years had full permission to publish m t y sermons. I shall continue to revise them for this pa per, which is growing wit h miraculous ra pidity in circulation, influorco and moral power.” The same paper is also authorized to publish liov. O. H. Spurgeon’s sermons, which are sent direct from London every week by special arrangement. Every issue contains the portrait of one or two eminent persons with pictures and biography; a summary of tho week’s news from all parts of the world; part of a thrilling serial story: Sunday-school lesson; short illustrated stories and missionary Beenes, anecdotes, etc., etc. In short, it is a complete and ex cellent family illustrated paper of Iff pages, and is rapidly increasing in popularity. Hub scriptioi. price is f 1.50. Special terms to clubs of two or more. Bend postal card for free sample copy to the Manager, 03 Bible House, New York City. We would strongly advise our readers to send 25 cts iu stamps or cur rency for a two months trial subscription. There Is a big difference between getting on well in life and getting well on in life. Look the Ground Over. To enable all parties interested to visit the rich country reached by the Chicago it North-Western Railway system, and famil iarize themselves with the magnificent op portunities offered for settlement and in vestment, that company will at frequent in tervals during April, May and June, sell land excursion tickets from all principal Eoints to various points in lowa, Minnesota, •akota and Nebraska, at one fare for the round trip. These tickets will be good for return passage any time within thirty days from date of sale. For full particulars apply to the nearest ticket agent, or address E. P. Wilson, Gen’l Passenger Agent, Chicago. Riches have wings, and It takes a fly man to clip them. Pleasant Journeys. Pleasant journeys can always be had via tho Wisconsin Central Line. The employes are courteous and obliging; the sleeping and dining cars and day coaches are peers of any in the Northwest. Tho leaving hours at principal terminal points are convenient ana the depots are centrally located. Al together it is the most desirable route in either direction between Chicago, Milwau kee, Bt. Paul, Minneapolis, Ashland and Duluth. Try it and re convinced. It is not impossible to meet with a plump refusal from a slender girl. —Xew Haven Aewf. A Tender Kidney Is Not Nice When it happens to be your own. Not only will the kidneys become tender, but serious ly diseased, if their inactivity is not reme -1 *icd. No finer and safer means to this end exists'than Hostetler's Stomach Bitters, that, in addition to its tome properties, pos sesses those of a diuretic in no common de gree. Remember, it stimulates, never ex cites. Incomparable is it also for constipa tion, liver complaint, dyspepsia, rheumatism and nervous debility. Private business—carrying a musket Washington Critic, FREE! A 3-foot French Glass, Ov»l Front, Nickel or Cherry Cigar Case. Mer chants only. R. W. Tansill & Co.,Chicago. A i.a wyes’s brief consists of half a hun dred pages of reiteration. A Prompt Wav of Easing Asthma. Use Hale’s Honey of Horehound and Tar. Pike’s Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. The greatest drawback to tobogganing is the draw back. A valuable paper on homeopathy, giving remedies for curing diseases,sent gratis by Goppert, M. D.. :it)s Race st., Ciu’ti, O. Politeness is popularity’s net. The aspirant for poetic honors whose effw sions are flung into the waste-basket is apt to feel that, bin lines have not fallen into pleasant places. —Detroit Free Dress. Dogs are excluded from good society in warm weather because they insist in wear ’ng such loud pants.— Merchant traveler. "Blessed are the pieoe-maker3,” said the small boy, when he dropped a costly porce lain ornament — Golden l)a'js. An old attraction—gravitation. It is a lamentable fact that when (hteves fall out they do not fall from an open sev enth story window. Bent on disturbing—a crooked pin. ■ • “Actors are art’s s,” insists Henry Irv ing* True; even ballet-dancers are limners. A fair lone hand—a pretty wife. The apothecary’s Wares are always a drug on tho market Out on a strike a defective lucifei match. —Mcrcha it Traveler. Curiosity is eo-t'y, especially in poker. A good many dough-heads are still found among the upper crust. Duluth Dara.- grapher. « - - « A circus rider who discards a bridle is ipt to keep his eye on the mane chanca Texas Siftings. The man who is “ wedded to art ” gener ally lets his relatives support the family.— Darlington Free Dress. An ancient relic—a knolled bell What a pity it is that coquettes are not liablo to indictment for tampering with the males. Now vs. Then Our oldest inhabitant delights to refer to the good old times, but when you pin him down ho reluctantly yet honestly admits that he c n not name an Item or an industry that is not greatly improved in these later days. Take for instance the article Hood’s Sarsa parilla. Why, it would have been almost an impossibility to have produced it in th<J olden time. In the preparation of this medicine the arti cles which investigation has proven to be inert are discarded, those vhieh have proven their merit are retained and a combination formed of the most effective medical agents of the vegetable kingdom peculiar to this medicine alone. Their active properties are secured by a process so modern p.od original that an emi nent professor in the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, whllo being shown through C. I. Hood & Co.’s mammoth establishment, stopped and looking Mr. Hood in the eye exclaimed, “This is the present, that is the past,”—re ferring to competing houses. Another point worthy of mention right here: Hood's Sarsaparilla Is not an accident, but the ripe fruit of industry and study. It was or.gin ated by men thoroughly educated in the manip ulation of medicines and Is made to-day under their personal supervision. If the public could see the care exercised in the selection, and pur chase of every article that enters into Hood's Sarsaparilla, and tho cleanliness and neatness with which its whole preparation is conducted, they would not wonder at its great curative power or at the hold it has on public confidence. Its success is the natural result of real merit and giving every purchaser a fair equivalent for his money—One hundred doses one dollar. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by druggists. II; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar It Never Fails. Durang’s Rheumatic Remedy will euro any case of rheumatism on earth. It is taken internally. Write for free pam phlet to It. K. Helphenstine, Druggist, Washington, D. C., or ask your druggist for it. The popular music for missionaries !• selections from Pagun-nint In 1850 “ Drown's Bronchial Troches ” were Introduced, and their success as a cure for Colds, Coughs, Asthma and Bronchitis has been unparalleled. The ludian’s peculiar sin—moccasin.— Siftings. If afflicted with Sore Eyes use Dr. Isaad Thompson’s Eye Water. Druggists sell it.2sc. . - •-«*— Girlish actions are suggestive of buoyant spirits. READ THIS! NERVOUS SUFFERER. Do Not Fail to Heed the Warning. Hare you dyspepsia, indUKttioty, constipation, kidney and liver disease) Hirer y hour V f ni uefflect them may take years from your life. Have you nervousness, weakness, nervous dchillty, sleeplessness and exhaustion) Every beat of your heart is hut a funeral inarch towards your grave. Hare you neuralgia, rheumatism, epilepsy, paipita - Hon, the tobacco or morphine habit 1 An y one of these is liable at any moment to take your heart in its deadly grasp. Have you headache, loss of memory, numbness, trem bling, prickly sensation, cold feet or Weariness of the limbs ) The s word of Damocles is suspended above you, for just so sure as you neglect these symptoms, Just so sure will paralysis, insanity, prostration or death follow. Save yourselves from these alarming results while there is ye, time by the use of that most wonderful itis covery fur the nerves. Dr. Greene's Neri'ura Kervs Tonic, which is a perfect and complete cure for all the above disease>. It is purely vegetable, and pronounced the greatest medical discovery of the century. It will take away your nenmtsness and make your nerves strong and steady. If you are weak, tired and exhausted, it will make, you strong and vigorous. It will cure your indigestion and dyspepsia, give, you an appetite, regulate your bowels, kidneys and liver. II will give you natural and refreshing sleep, slop all palpitation of the heart, trembling, numbness, head ache and neuralgic pains. It is a perfect specific for nervous debility and exhausted nervous vitality. It is the best spring tonic, invigorator and restorative in existence, for it makes the weak strong, invigorates the tiredand overworked brain, nerves the weary limbs, and restores health, strength ami vitality. IS r IK> NOT FAIT. TO XT HE THIS WOX BEEPI'L REMEDY, AVI) YOV ARK SI RE OF A CURB. For sale by all drußßlsts at SI.OO per bottle. If your druggist does not have It he will get it for you. Insist upon having lift. Greene’s nkrvura Nerve Tonic, for nothing in tho world can tako Its place. Its discoverer. DR. Greene, Is the groat specialist In tho cure of ner vous and chronic diseases, of 35 West 14th Street, New York, who can be consulted free or CHARGE personally or by letter. •3-NAME THIS PAPER eierj time 7011 write. fairofSHOES FREE FOR EVERY PAIR WHICH FAILS TO SATISFY. Adolph Meyer & Co.’s * $2.25 Warranted Shoes,” IX KII*, COAT OK noXCOCA, For LADIES and MISSES. £)(h / ADOLPH MEYKtt & CO.’S ECONOXY FOR MEN AND BOYS. Urst-dnna i'nlf Shoo warranted in every par* tioni&r. An extra pair of soles pro with each pail-of p hoes. (Finished, ready to be attached.) Any onocan RUttbem on-taoks pro with each pair—save tne cost of Half-Soling, f Retail at $3.00.) All our goods made in evorv style and iu;>t. Dealers wanted in every town to Handle onr lines. (If you can not gretof your local deal or, we will forward same by mail on receipt of price.) ADOLPH MEYER & CO i j m""NNATI|o! roq»si-E:s THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY For Liver, Rile. Indigestion, etc. Free rrom Merouryj contains only Dure Vegetable fnerredients. Agents- CIIAS N. CRITTENTON, NEW YORK. Ely’s Cream Balm l MWI Glves relief at once and cures M COLD ill HEAD, 'v’J Catarrli and Hay Fever. Not a Liquid or Snuff. l&M Apply Balm into each nostril. •Lssy i:i.vp»«i Yinujpwlitiit tit MEMORY -WAKES SUCCESS Wholly unlike urtiflolal systems, t'ure of mind wandering. Any book learned in one reading. Classes of 1087 at Baltimore, 1005 at Detroit, I*soo at, Philadelphia, 1150 at Washington, large classes of Columbia Law students. at Yale, Welles ley, Oberlin University of Penn.. Michigan Universi ty, Chautauqua. .Vo., ftc. Endorser" by ItirnAKD Proctor,the Scientist. Hons. W. W. A STOH, JitdAH P. Benjamin, Judge uibson. Dr. brown, e. h. Cook, Principal N. V. State Normal College. &c. The system is perfectly taught by correspondence. Prospectus post fheb from PROF. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth Are.. New York. ojr->i AMS THIS PAPF.S every time you writ®, FOR HALF RITES fit* SJ3 “■* **« S«u»h I itroiltiu*. It.-uiitirn nnd wiw Hcltlifal Capital City, COLUMBIA. Six million dollars in public buildings; superior social, educational and religious advantages; mag nifleent water-power on tho Conga ree; cheap manu facturing sites; exemption from taxation; River Nav'aai'.oii to sea and railroad center. Most equa ble climate and unsurpassed agricultural sur rounding*. Population 15,000. Ask Railroad A Rent S?i e l-™£ or J n ,*« rn '»«on address HOARD OI TRADE, COLUMBIA, 8. C. •F NAME THIS PAPER every tlar ;eu vrlle Ok JO| N«S gwViß l *Mlyi£B.T r • 0 eTcr# * Hearing*. Brui Tare flrnin and Ron for \ -y"vStK* Rvf ry Bilf Scalp. For free price lift ¥ S. If JOJ *ES OF BINOHAMTBN. * BINGHAMTON. N. k. NAME THIS PAPER *r«y time you write. Only greatest and b?»t selling work in America Hill’s Manual. Prospectus only *1 «». Send Wl.oo and set Agency at once. Txkkitort going fast. HILL STANDARD BOOK CO., 108 State street, - - Chicago, 111. teT.NAill THU; PAPEfv t7«rj time you vntt. JACOBS dl|| HHEUaSATIBM. Wjj Corroborate and Concliisivo Testimony. fIH Lowell, Main., July 9, ISBT.HH (tantiemes:"Mr. Lewis Dennle hae spon me, and informs me that tho hoy Oris ■on who wm a poor cripple on crutches, and cured by St. Jacobs Oil ia 1S81; tho cure remained permanent. Thn young man has l„ And li now at work at manual labor; the curtatnly prove* the efficacy of Bt. Jacob* o*l. “■ DR. GEO. C. OSGOOD, K. D. H PbW by Druggists and Dealers Tveri/wha-e. H T’ro Charles A. VogolerCo., Italto., Md. • "~m mi Hi w> iff«, W. I $3 SHOE. GENTLEMEN. The only tine calf !$!1 Seamless Shoe in tho world made without lacks or nails. As stvliah and durable as those costing lsor|S, and having no lacks or nails to wear the stocking or hurt the feet, makes them as comfortable and woll-flUing as a hand sewed shoe. Buy the best. None genuine un less stamped on bottom "W. L. Douglas $3 Shoo, warranted.” W. X. DOrr.MS St SHOE, the original and only hand sewed welt $4 shoe, which equal* custom-made shoes costing from to cb. W. L. IIUI GI.tS s*.so SHOE la unex celled for heavy wear. . IV. 1.. ItoKIMS snOE Is worn by all Roys, and IS the best school shoe in the world. All the above goods are made in Congress, Button and I.ace, and tf not sold hy your dealer, writ* W. L. HO VO I. AS, Brockton, Aluus. **- NAME TUI3 PAPER ever, tl«. jon erlle. quicker than any known remedy. It was the first and is the only Pain remedy that instantly stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inflammation aiA cures Congestions, whether of tha Lungs, Stoma cZ Bowels, or other glands or orgnns. No matter howvloleiitorexrruf’lntlng the pain tlfl Rheumatic, Bedridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervoufc Neuralgic, or prostrated with diseases may suffer RADWAY’S READY RELIEr Will Afford Instant Knae. .internally, a hnlf to a teaspoonfnl in half a turn, bier of water, will in a few minutes euro Cramps, rpasms, Bour Stomach, Nausea, Vomiting, Heart* burn. Nervousness, Sleeplessness. Sick Headache, Diarrhea, Colic, Flatulency and all internal pains. Malaria Itj its various forms cured and prevented. There is not n remedial agentin the world that will cure fever and ague and all other fevers (aided by Kadway’sl‘ills)soquickly aslladway s Ready Kellofc For headache (whether siek or nervousl, tooth* ache, neuralgia, nervousness and sleeplessness, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and weakness in the bnek, spine or kidneys, pains around tho liver, pleurisy, swelling of tho Joints and pains of all kinds, tho application of Railway's Ready Relief will afford immediate ease, and Its continued use fora few days effect a permanent cure. Price, SO cents. Bold by all druggists. W WILBOR’S COMPOUND OF [PURE COD LIVER OIL] AND PHOSPHATES OF I Bfr, IgIME, SODA, IRON* Jk Cures Consumption, Coushs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis Debilitt, Wastihs Diseases, and all Scrofulous Humors, Almost ns palatable as cream. It ran be taken with pleasure by delicate persona and children, who. after u. ingrit;, are very fond of it. It arsimilates with the food, increases the flesh and appetite, builds up tba nervous system, restores energy to mind and body, creates new, rich and pure blood, In fact, re Ju vena to# tho whole system, FLESH, BLOOD, I NERVE, BRAIN. This preparation is far superior to all prepara* tions of Cod-Liver Oils it lias many imitators, but no equals. The results following its use are its best rec ommendations. Do sure, as you value your health, and get the genuine. Manufactured only by Dr. Alxr B. Wilbor, Chemist. Boston. Mass. Send for illustrated circular, which will be mailed free. Mention thit paper . $93 Sewing Made Free ? Wf want mo person in every villagr, town and township, to ke«*p in th<*»r hones a line of our ART SAMPLER; to those who will keep nnd simply show these samples to ilioee who call, we will send, free, fur very best Sewing Machine mamifartuml in the world, with nil the nttcrhments This machine is mada after the SiNGKR patents, which have expired. Before the patents run out, this style machine, with the : ttarhments, w as sold (ot it now sells for S.V). Leader, it may seem to yon the most WONDERFUL THING ON KAUTII, but you can secure one of these machines ABSOLUTELY FltEB, provided your application comes in first, from your locality, and If you will keep in youf hom** and show to Ihose who call, a set of our elegant nnd un« equaled art samples. We do not ask yon to show these sam ples for more thnn two months, nnd then they become your own property. The art samples nrr sent to you ABSOLUTELY FREE of cost. How can we do nil this?—easily enough ! We often pet hi much ns $2,000 or fd.OUU in trade from even a small place, after our art samples have remained where they could he seen for n month or tw o. We nerd one person in entli locality, ail ever j the country, nnd tnke this menus of securing them at one*. Those who write to us at, will secure, FREE, the very best Sewing Mac nine manufactured, and the finest general assort ment of works of h art ever ihown together in America. All particulars FREE by return mail. Write at ones; a postal card on which to write to trs will cost you but one rent, and after you know all, should you conclude to go no further, why no harm ia done. Wonderful as it sceuis, you need no capital—all is free. Address at once. TRUE ACO., Augusta, Malne. THB NEWEST CRAZE! fiDCCftPY’CaA splendid study for Checker UnCQUn I O ■ Flayers. Tho game consists in p Li rpgrrn o u making in men change sides by wn klfitCn O B jumping each other without ntov* dll ITSiDC 8 ‘"gone from the hoard or moving wOLI IAIPL I backwards. A Handsome Prize-~ ONE IICMIUEII I'OKTKAITS given to those sending St» correct answers out of a possible S 3. The game complete, with Key—“ How to do it.” mailed for »0 cents, hv FRANCIS (IKKOOHY. 44 llriiu lwny, Xll\ YORK.. IT IS MORS KXCITING THAN THE FAMOUS “15” PUZZLg. (9“ NAME THIS PACER .very time you write INFORMATION M* BEST FREE Low prices. Essy term. Mild climnte. Variety of crops. Half Fare Excursions. N. R. WARWICK, Agcut, 131 Vine St., Cincinnati. O. tBCP By return mail. Fall description »* Ml W‘ 9* Mnody’s NewTallorSjstem of Jlres* ■ BUbaSa Cutting. MOODY A, O. tar JiAMfi IHlb PAPJLK every time jcu write. EfVf ft at home and make more money working for ns tha» MvMpi »t anything elep in the world Either sex Costly outfit Tcfuis ekke. Address, True A Co.. Augusta, Maine. fMlo i"APLK «verj urnejuu ante. A DAY, Samples worth 51. 50 cUnE FTtEF. Imi's n..f under the horse’s feet. Write BRKWBTF.It SAFETY ItKI.HIOI.PKK CO.. Holly. Hick. • NAME THIS PAPER ...ry ti.n, you write. ynUF STUDY. Book keeping,Penmanship, Arlib* ft U BIU motle, Rhorthnnd, etc., thoroughly faugh* by mail. Circulars free. Dill A NT’S college, Haffaio.Nl. A.N.K.-K. 1182~d .1 HEX WKITINK T» ABVERTISEKS I’LLASR •tute that v«u tw the Advertisement in Uila pager.