The Dade County weekly times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1889-1889, May 11, 1889, Image 1

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Slic Dni) c Counts UJofeln dimes YOL. 6. THROUGH THE TOWN. QUIDS GATHERED HERE AND * THERE. ?hf News ot lJ»«e TVeck Granhically Portrayed—Tiling! of Interest to theFeople ofTrenton ami I bide County —Personal Mention, Hot weather, j Snakes .are plentiful. Read B. P, Majors ad in this is sue, TomfJTittle JJsays he has coin knee high. Hob Smith is sporting a new pair di breeches. ... * Not a vary iarge crowd attended sheriff sales.. < Advertise your property if you Want to sell. G. A. H,. Bible, of Smith, Ga.,was in town Monday, One dollar pays for this paper twelve months, J. W. BJeyins, of Rising Fawn, was in town T.v.ewW, Conference is at hand jimd wont obickeus hide out? Aukn McMahan was in town for ja u>i#ute the other day. Rep Brock has last pl.apjod ids garden and gone to reading poyels. Are you a frie**4 to this pnper? (Get your neighbor to take and pay 1 if)j then. Let every friend t-ry and get a jyhqcrijber for the paper. It isn’t* paueh. Try jjt friends. ■Stop goiqa fco Chattanooga and getting jh jam bugged, but spend your money with home map. A Ch.attanoo® erod’d plcniced fX Allen Springs Tp,urfcday. A final 1 crowd wept fr.ojcp this plaqe. | The trading public at ilising fawn should read G.\V. M.Tatem’s ad and thop go snd trade \vjdh him. exert yourselves and try to increase the circulation of your .county paper. It will be apprecir a ted . > Jt keeps Colonel Jerome B. Wil liams busy piloting sirjwigqrs to different point# ,of interest ifboat the city. A chicken with two heads pud four feet was found on the place of Mr. Ike Craig, Jr ; , just week. I; .was dead. Our people should spend their jnoncy with home merchants ano jthen they could afford to carry a Jjetter line of goods. Property continues to change hands every jyeekf. The truth the ipattpr Trenton is goiqg tft! crowd Chattanopgg for ippm. Last SaturdayV issue of flip At lanta Journaj sas a fine paper. Tne Journal is circulation is i:i r greasing rapidly. Merit iyjll tell. The Cufilbert liberal is the best pdited and beet all round coun ry pewspapef in‘ (Sunn has few equals jq Affttp an 4 E° perior. • We can prove beyond oontradjc; tion that pW 3 ?’ i 8 fiOt nor nev ' pr has heep appreciated by people of Dqdei county. Our list is enough proof. If the Alabama Otaat 3outhe?n railroad qan’t ppake its present schedule it slip i d make one it irould. If bps bt pn ahput two hours late nearly evqyy day this week. We iyppt 100, ne\v subscribers by pext week and if the friends pf the paper p,pt tq P bt tie trouble we will get tbenp. Will you not makp pp eflprt friends? Doqs youf neigbbe. r borrow yppr f IMBS? If ItP tloiaa get him to suh |cribe app tf he don’t show him your copy anil VW t°< * * how many paying subscribers ypa cap*gt for us friends. The following marriage licens was issued this week. S, J. Tinker to Miss. Nancy A. Holland. Judge Bennett spent Wednesday at tiie coming city of Morrison to pick out a residence lot and also a site for the court house. The K. T. Rogers property, i« (town, was sold Tuesday by the sheriff for two hundred dollars. Considering everything it sold for a low price. Thomas C. Holmee, Doc’.c. Patter son and JValien, Jr», were ap pointed r tau^binmission!)rs fdr the 974th district at the May Bitting of court of Ordinary, Here after you can get every thing you need to put away your dead at B, P. Majors, from the j ehapest eofftnsto the finest caskets. I He will also curry neat line of furn iture. The postmaster at Whitesides should fee fired while tl»c pspsent. *dminisu#tio«is doing thed work Hjb.seems to handle this careless. Wo ba¥e»to re complain* from that office and Rising Fawn than all the rest combined. In asking us to publish tributes of respects, and long windy mar riage notices read tho motto of this paper,. We haye tried publishing a paper for patnotUwa <md gtefy and propose to AJOjiduct this one fpr the cash or its equivalent. The streets of the old town were crowded Wednesday with prosper | ,tors They yver* hunting a large: body of Jand so they could lay off j a new addition. The Bennett, and i Jacoway & Morrison additions have sold and stjJJ ikay eoqi<b • Fifty .eonvicis were carried from fusing Fawn to C ole City i#s,t Fri day V* «4-ork ip the new -wal mine bejpg ppeped by the Dado Coal &oq*pany ‘-‘just discovered M .-«rsp ’claimed. 1/ fjyae laborers take tlie place of the convict# the merchants pf Rising Fawn will be happy you' bet, If you want this section written up you a re apxious to pay some outside* iQ do jt, but when it comes to the horns asking pay it is preposterous. As about one-fifth pf the county take it &r»d about one.-fiftieth that take it that pavand , that is pay enqugh for thii home ‘paper, its columns should be filled every week about the resources pf the tqwn ap4 cqqnty. Ahemi Have you received a statement of th« sjzp of your account at this office? If you hayg you will do us a favqr bv reuniting AT ONCE. Spine of your bills are cqtirply too large and you don't seem to make an effort to reduce then? either. |f if was nqt qeeded we would not tpqblg you as ff js wan t and tpat bad—bad enpqgb tfl »8 k you. Please pay up. *T this suit in Chattanooga Aiqt sb 6 p dandv? M Your pome merchant, whq spends his money tq help you bepr Ike burthen qf Keeping up you? tqwn and county, should have hft4 th? meney you spent for it, By sustaining home iqerphants with pU of yP r trade they pquld afford tq a large variety and sell you as cheap as they can in Chi ttanoogp. Patrp-r njze hppte institutions exclusively, DonH forget the poor editor when you haye a news item, If y°o* V’if® Whips you let us kqqw qf it and <we will * et il tight before the peo ple. If yo,u bay© § Sober ing of a few fweqtfs, bring propod a big cake, seyaq W eight pies pud a ham, not nessary fq pat, hpt ps a g arentce of good faith, You uted pot bother about inviting ua, f r it is a little too unseasonable for our wardrobe. We mention these little thing*, for we want the news and we are going to have it.-—- | Ex. lh voted to the Fi?/ancia i interest of T A< J. Majors: TRENTON, GA., SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1889 TWO TRUTHFUL ITEMS. SPREAD OUT BEFORE OUR REAl>> KRS THIS MORNING. A Homed Snake Kjlied—The Eftect* of "Hoiking" From Oncof Them— A Ftgh-Snnke Caught Out of Lookout Creek Wednesday, G. A, R, Bible, one of tho county school commissioners, and a truth ful citizen, of the lower part of the county, told the reporter, while in town last Monday, of a snake he killed ip ld» f&tA. It was what is known as the homedspecie, and a very poisonous reptile. Instead of biting it fkrikes with its tail, which has a horn on it. He aaid that he once -saw one strike a dog and in fifteen minutes it waa dead from the effects of the poiron in the horn. This snake that Mr, Bible killed he said also had fangs. It was five feet long and the horn was three inches showing that it was a very old one. It is said that this specie of .snakes are so poisonous as to pven kill a tree if they should happen to strike it with their horn. They are uncommon in this section and we trust that they will grow beautifully less, A Curious flsb. A curious fish was caught out of Lookout creek List Wednesday. Its like cannot he matched., it was caught by Judge G. Martai* Crabtreeex-or.djpafy of Dade couru ty anda very trthfql citizen, one who has the confidence of the en tire public. The first is half fish and half snake, Ifcs he&d and about ,o*ie half of it is like an or dinary fish while the other half is formed and has .ail the movements of a snake, after it wae taken off of the-hook it would cpjii up like a •snake smd stjnk its tongue put, and striking aljfcpy .object thrown at it, ffojivfJJ have it prestryed in alcohol and will probably try sell it to some enterprising aijojwnaan. ft now can be seen at his ts.U ya;d where he will fiaye it on exhibition for a few day 3at twenty.-fiye cents admission fee, A Brutal Act, One day last week Mr. G. W, M. Tatum paid a negro to drive a gew and calf from that this place toßis» jig Fawn. The cait turned arfi started back and did not want to go, and instead of running and trviog to head it off the negro picked up a rock and burled it at the oalf with ad his might knopkr ing in its skull but not killing it. The negro fiad been in trouble be fore and Mr. Tatum was on his bond and after learning what he had done notified the shejiff to arrest bijn as he would no longer remain on bi» bond, Which was done last Tuesday night. Mr. Tatum did exactly right and when the grand jury meets it should find a bill against this negro for cruelty to animals. Fop Sale, A good second hand mower in running order. $lO will buy it. Also p good cow with young calf, Can be bought cheap. W- C. Cure* tqn, Rising Fawn, Ga, A movement is on foot to build p cotton factory in Waynesboro. A geptleroan who is intonated in the enterprise says that it Waynes boro will raise $20,000 outside capi talists will put up $30,000. Norcross Town Counoil has been knocked opi bv & railroad superin tendent- The Counoil decreed that no passepgey trairi should bo pUowed to Stop on a 1 the depot. The railroad superin tendent ordered trains to run through, and the Counoil succumb cd and rescinded tb© ordinance. ' — : A charter for- the Berry Loan and Saving Bank will he applied fi# at the June session of the Georgia Legislature. Rising Fawn, Ga., May B.—o at urday was a great day in the his tory Fawn High School. They pieniced at Potter’s Bluff. It was fhe event of the season. Mrs. A. T. Fricks has returned from a trip to Dalton. Miss Betty MeCutcheon, of Dal ton, is visiting her sister. Miss Guaeie, at this place. The indications are that we will bitve a wedding in our town soon. | The choir of the Methodist church rendered lome very fine music Hmiday. Matt Allison says he thinks that if He doesn’t have any bad luck lie wilt get married soon. All right Matt- Chptain "Buck,” the clever ac commodation conductor, was in town. A goodly number of our people are expecting to visit your town during district conference, Mike Allison, Mike Fahey and ‘Misses Mollie Allison and Gussie MeCutcheon visited Deer Head cove last Sunday, We rejoice with you in your '‘boom/’ You need it. [Are you speaking sarcastically? If you are go to the head of Lookout creek with a j&ouple of- double bar rel L«fhot guns «*d wait until we come and we will make yo*a swal low some of your loose talk.—EdJ, It Ought to Be Done Every where A newspaper in Ohio recently brought suit against forty-three me* whfi would not pay their sub scri|>tom and obtained judgment in each case for the amount of each elaijja. Of these twenty-eight affidavit that they owned no more than t£e law aS lowed? present ing attachment, Then under the. decision of the Supremf* Couy>j they Were arrested for petty 'and bound over ip • sum earti, AII but six gave boml >J#u« six went to jail. The new jrftal law makes it larceny to take a paper and refuse to pay for it.— Marietta Journal, And the law ought to he rigidly enforced, A great many people seem to think there is nothing' wroi g in beating a publisher out of a few years* subscription to his paper, If the weekly press of Georgia would consent to enforce this law and make examples in every county in the state, the effort would be. very welcome. The amonnts are, separatly, so small that they are generally allowed to go uncollected rather than go to the trouble of enforcing collection In the aggregate they amount to good large sums and would help publishers wonderfully.—Cuthbert Liberal. W WUI A few weeks ago a young man by the name of Martin, near Anon in Oglethorpe county, fook his girl out to ride with him, He went about three miles and returned without speaking a word to her, but when she went up stairs to take off her hat he hid himself be hind the door, and as the girl came down the steps he ran out and says ‘‘Bool” to her, and then exclaimed, “Well, I’ll declare^l'didn’t know I was so devilish,” Ex-Sheriff H. C. Coleman, of Clay county, tells of a curious find in a well being dug on the Fair field 91 Joe HU! place in the north ern portion of Early county, now owned.hy Drew Brambo, Jjr, After digging thirty feet or more d a , mostly through rooks, a stream of .water was obtained, in which we e found’ several fish, Mr. Maynard of Abbeville has a pair of strange looking creatures which he calls Chin©®© rabhits. In appearance they very muoh re semble hound pupies, They are of a very lazy disposition and will lie for hours motionless. A WOOLEN FACTORY. TO BE BUILT AT TRENTON, DADE COUNTY* GA. The Chattanooga Times the Author of the Statement—Sales of Subur ban Property —An Interview Willi Postmaster Rodgers. The following appeared In the ? Chattanooga Times last Wednesday ! from its Tteuton correspondent. Trenton, Ga., May 7.—[Spec ial.] —Trenton is expecting to be come aGutlirie very soon. B. T. Pace has an offer on fifty acres or more of his land adjoitjiaig town. Have not learned partic ulars, but understand that the amount involved is no little sum. The purpose. I understand, of this offer is to obtain the land for town lots expressly. The people are on the tiptoe of expectancy. A woolen factory is contemplated A little over .©ue-half of the stock has been subsrdbed. Tho reporter was ordered to go out and hunt up the facts in the case. After chasing four .or .five parties around town for an Hour two he was finally .directed to Post master Rodgera, Mr Rodgers was fiund in his elegamtly furnished private office in the new custom house, reading the morning papers. He was all smiles and said that he would gladly give the reporter Any ift/ormation he could. “Can yow tell me wko it is going to build the woolen mill?” asked ilie reporter. “Go to the douse.”” The interpretation of this 1b that the mill is to be built “What part of the city is it to be located?” “Didn’t I tell you to go to the douse!” At the comer of Mam and Col ’lege streets at the old blacksmith shop atand is full meaning of this last, answer, ••When will the company- com mence work?** “Look here? Didn’t I tell you to go to the douse?’* “Yes, yes, I know it takes time to do anything.” “Who composes the company?” M Dad blame it] Go to the douse, douse, douse, doused” After further conversation, we learned that all the stock was about taken and the subject of a woolen mill was first spoken of last Sun day evening. Judge Bennett, Col, Williams and General M. A. B. Tatum were standing on the steps of the court house when the ques tion of a wools'll mill was ap proached and from this conversa tion the mill was nearly built by Tuesday evening. The is another case of the three black crows. GEORGIA, iNEWS. Captian T. H Johnson, of Macon is dead. k Ot the last forty-eight babies born in Dodge county forty were girls. S. B, Brown, of Albany, bas a $4 continental shinplaster, bear ngdate of 1777. The Maoon deal has been con summated and the gas companies are under one oontrol. Moses Austin, co’ored, of Butts oounty is dead, aged 110 years. He never saw George Washing ton, It is very likely that Forsyth oounty will hold a general election on the stock law question this summer, A North Georgia cock was whip ped in a fight for the first time last week, In his shame he sui cided in a convenient well. Rome Alliance Herald: “A South Georgia farmer boats of a deer farm. Rome has enough dear forms to make every man's mouth in Floyd county water. Two of Griffin’s liveliest voting men are getting ready to open and operate the bnwoa* factory. A Georgia grocer adseetisea Itik business by .Ramping hki .name and address in red ink <on every <*gg he .sells. ... A gentlemen of Amencus pus chased a building lot about threw weeks since for $450, and on Bat u;- day refused $760 for it. It is now given out positively that Col- Freeman a ill-secure the appoiutmeut as collector<of inter nal revenue in Georgia. Joe Plummer i» in jail atGriffiu There is .the ectougeat evidence that hr the Btnee of Mea-srs. George Ar Hartwell. A negro woman on the ljilaee :il Kit Harris, near 'the cross .roads Tamili county, bill fin .the fire and •was iStweaeftr burned 'iu#t Tuesday Bill Harp, fof Walton county, tendered the lftanner-Watchman a “Joe Brown piilsu,'” in payment for subscription, but Editor itojpe drew the line at pikes. The Georgia Teachers’ associa tion has endorsed a hill that is to be introduced at the next .session of the legislature establisiag school in Georgia for the indus trial training of girls. J. W. Griffin, living, near Roch elle, has been bittea. twice by r*U tlQ?nakes. He -says be can care any snake bite. In 1887 be k4H >1 377 snakes, and the next year AHA. He expects a bigger reeord this year. The class of '*Bl, Uuivezaiiy *f Georgia, a reunion of which has been called for 1890, have about decided not to come together next commencement in view of the uni versity centennial celebration this year. The Knoxville, Blue Bridge a*l Augusta railroad is budding ea paper. Its proposed total iengtu is 286 miles, and it is to be an extension of the Knoxvill fcoutkern from Blue Ridge to Augusta. I* would be a great fine. Last February Hon. Jam** BJ. Smith, of OgDthorpe, senttoWash ington his application and bond to have a postoffice established at his farm, Smithsouia, bnt has never er heard a word from it. Congress man Carlton has complained of the matter, but cannot even receive a reply to his letter. A disease commonly known as yellows is attacking fruit trees in Oglethorpe county, and in some orchards is playing havoc. The leayes of the trees begin by wiltihg' turning a bright yellow, arid in a week or so the trees are dead. r I Wonder. I wonder if dreams over you cast, I he witchery of days that are past; Alas, too fond to last. Onr past with its mem’ries ; .aught. With joys from Elysium caught, Are they forgot? ) I wonder if a Uar you’d shed. Or a moment tow your fair head. If I was dead. And then would your eyes so bright, Look on my faoe with tender light. Fir our last good night? —lkie Green. “Little Girl.” Take care, take care little girl, little gij4 WUh heart in a flutter and brain in a whirl, This playing at lore is a dangerous game, And your pretty wings may be scorched with flame, If you go to near,if you go too near Little girl. Hearts do not break, little girl, little girl. But yours is pure as a pearl, as a pearl. And it might get a wound that woftht bleed for years. And your life be wrecked in a storm «f tears, If you playat love.ifyou play ntfrin Little girl. NO. ll