The Dade County weekly times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1889-1889, September 07, 1889, Image 3

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WHEN HE STRUCK TOWN. - i ,;9e had ea.u a tallow caudle* to the desert of ** t’.hara. He I. 1 fou, at the wild hyena In the jungles of l 1 !: ft. He kuul x in *.ir senoi in the Hr. a grov CO Cl lUadelr.., And ted lived a year to ChUL where he Rcatped a native tfAest; He had wrest b-3 with the fever to the swamp* of I'pjier f.uiui. Ami had tnugnt the gauio ui luao ui uio Uzaz ,ol all the Turks. Once In Zanzibar tarried as « duslcr diatTwjpd uiiiuir, And lie’d slaved a luumu iu Persia peddling I'-ider r etard * works. ' He had skinm-' the um.conda ,hy dark Afrte's sluggi-sli river, no te l ! •>■;! on monl ?y sausage In the Hnmth I’acli.c laieS, Re had figured inn d'jal by the limpid Ouaiiyl quiver. Ami wpielcked the Tartar maM«> ' t>y his proud and lordly smiles. He bad hr-m a money lender toeath the Himalaya bauyu-s, He had llaaon skies. He h*«.l hunted sheep rail 1-: juns In the Colorado Canons, And hi-shot tho Jersey 'idceetn; a, Rahway lords of Paradise But the bunco stecror catght him, and he bought a her of iv-pper That w.-s ihiiiiy overplatcd with a d,oliar's worth of gold; While Hie cabman stopped aud filled him with pp entertaining whopper. And then borrowed twenty dollars on th.< streugln of what he tola. He was suddenly run over by a whisky b.urdomyl driver. And u copper came aud whaled him rad tr» r.-cn -ous were his ; ants. And ho pit uiptiy paid the Burgeon thu initiative flyer, For theh erpH a 1 expenses of A p"bik- unbalance• Tho wires eioclrjc utmost him and he uiiuosJ climbed to glory, And gang on-* eight Oisallixl him ryiil depyjved him oh his purso; Then ay eh- valor dropped him front yhe twetity seventh story, And his hair turned soft r.ri,i snowy when hr heard the n/* v-hoy's cur-so. Bo ho packed li!..i traps and luggage In a mad do termination ' To escape from n. gptatnualty that tights fo every bone. How ho carries on a sea tons aud (le-nfo exteymlna tion Of Urn missiompy stations in the chill Antarctic zone. —Dewitt Stcrry Tlirco Big Bugs. Charlie Rmiley, of thoClaxton corq pauy, is full of stories, ilo tells oua of a street gamin jvhq held out his ragged cap before Lord Randolph Churchill and Bir (Charles peresford a« they came slowly down the steps of a London club. “What are you beg ging for, l>oy?’-’ asked Deresford. as he noticed the little follow. Tlio boy' •aid he had nothihg-clso to yloi “See here,"said Lord Randolph, “if you’ll take that stouo mi<| hit that policeman in the buck of the head I’ll give von naif a crown.” Nothing loath iho Uov picked up n stone and let her go. Ilfs aim was true And the '“bobby” t uracil in wrath, chasei) the gamin and cap tured him. Shaking him so*agt-ly he demanded why )ie should insult the juajt ty of tho law us represent; (1 in Jus person so grossly. Tlip hoy whined that tho two genflemon, who were looking on very much jimu.ol, liad ollcred him half a crov/n ! > no it. and he would give him pm* pud t-iv <>! it if he would t-elcp.-e him. Diugsrijig the boy up to the two r.icn i.edtuu ...led to know what they meant ami asked their names. Sir (Charles Bere c foid handed the “holly" l.iscui d. when ho read it he Jiupibly‘touched his hat and bogged pardon. Then hi* asked Sir Rauilohih Luurchiji s name. lie. too, handed Jiis card, Ton! 'its perusal litid tho Htmw effect. “You great j.a-.nts must have your larks,” lie said, toitch i g lii.i helmet. “Low,' sir.” lie said ♦ if-ning to the gamin, “what’s imnicC Tho boy looked up at him, after eyeing tho great men,‘and rain, sticking his thumb:; in the armholes of his ragged vest, J in Lor'dSulisbuiy."-- Chicago llc*.kl. Ton Miiny i*artuciv. Coh Groover tells a story of how one night he was going from Athens to Augusta with C°l- Pope harrow, and Harry Hill, one of |ne known conductors iu Georgia, was on the road.* When Hill went Jo set. down his lantern its beams fell on the face oT a fellow under theseii).. The fellow at o:ieo crawled out and said: “Well, boss, 1 acknowledge tlui corn; j was trying to beat piy way. 1 have no money, you will have to put tw*. off.” Cob Burrow and a few others decided to pay his fare as a reward for his cheek and sangfroid. On the next round Hi 11 liappeppd to Bet his lantern' -down' near the same ipot, when ho found anotln r fellow, who crawled opt and said: “Well, you have me, too. Imq tlip other jnan * partner.” Again tlie hat yveut around and ige boys clapped in to pay hit*, fare. At this three oi her fellow s that Juid been liid. and thought that a general colleo tion was in order, came from their liiding places. This w.-is too ir.uidi for good nature. "Everybody laughed, while he made (hive, of the miscreants ekip.—Brunswick <Gu.) Times. T!)o Tlrkrt The class of business men formerly called “scalpers' are -.naked upon to day by railway managements ;.:id the trac'ling public geuerd’.y as indis pensnb'e to t:»a business' of 'one and Ibc of the pther. Ticket brokers now numbered by tk.e hundreds. So Car as l can learn. the original “sculpi-v” i.'tts Lansing. of Bnltimom. the president <>f llie hugest cf (,]<! national associations of ticket brokers. lie va». fiikK* years ago, a ..ot' l clerk in Baltimore, and when thus engaged U frequently fell into his line Lu buy at a burgyiin and sell at a profit unused portions of railroad tickets, lie saw there was money in the butitictsss, and hung out a -sign, “Railroad tickets bought, sold or ex <hanged ” At once Ijo bad imitators throughout .he east, and from the peddb pg of Moused portions of tickets grew the present far reaching system, for it must, be understood that if the 1 ?s of the ticket broker was onn x) the sale of return coupons, ic man could doall the business i St. jyuis. and lie •* r ould starve out it.’—p ( qo of Them m v»loU» rat. -4>/*jy jut/'RN -o.A> . A Pnibißin Aultutl" • tli.- A«v>il- my of S«- *-uc*- A ( miii'in, to i;<intii 11. volition. An advt'utn; on.s fiell uni t succeeded in igcm -jc i * mb s i i the sub Ly o» <f! 1 jw tors, with 'I,, -aid of a hWKB macliinethat had wings, and that eeemed tQ use them with considerable sucres- Fn> Jib,- „ d,- tliJtl ti H 1 i..,» % ,j .'!L!h 'll .11' \> *i|V • u l ■ „ chine had been at .w,ork upon it, and had been laughed at because of it beart’lv as r I l:e irrcpi-.-s.-.ild K<«l< : ol lame, was faugU ( 'd a.l laufy/ was a Bcotclippun, ;v)m/ possessed fruy Scotch .tenacity, lie stuck to lus idey apt! finally had the satisfaction of see ing i1..-grout wings bea-l the air over 'Honey Island and curry it a gniifid >r af-le distance before it was iliou fe u}. y.',ell To let it i-t-ft. Asa result of (this .there has been or ganized a company with a capiat! </f sjil.libl/,u!()(), the ohj.-ct of whirl; iscdu < ate fl/<‘ public in the inatlci-of Hying, and Ip supply the wings that'.will be necessai y.' Eyen the august academy of sci ences, jchicli once every week discu/;- .ses subjects that most people know nothing about, and whose member# know pretty much e.vcrytiling thaf mortal man ought to know, is taking some cognizance of flic affair at issue, ant) itf a (juiet wav axe discussing the question 'as to whetkep Or ;;ojt man vvjjl) be aide to fly. Jfany of the le.upycl'.professors insist that, as mat! has by flic helpof machim-ry been ably to pi-ojicj himself through the water, there is iio reason why lie should not coippuT the air mlliu same planner. But'many more of the professors shaky their beads in solemn negation when this Argument is advanced. Still the Scotch Inventor's success lias <jrented an ijhpressioji. His fit'" int; piachine is cigar shaped, some flO ft>st in length and -1“ fc. t t.i dian'ieba*. Its wings work exactly like those of a bird by the aid of a j)i-o|k*ll;m- \vor!:-ed by electricity, aul Lie pas.scngcr is carried just as an pag'e carries its pi- y. It is u jit-cuhar ali'air, but litis been more successful than anything of its kind, and lienceflie arguments among the syientitic professors. Most of them professors believe that map will be able to fly by nKp lianism only when that mechanism is made after that ot the bird. One of these learned men, discussing the matter the other day, expressed this opinion. He said thu from the earliest imp' the wish of man had been tq lly alter the manner and method of the bird Most models of the air ships that have been attempted have been after’tin bird of flight, and particularly of the sea bird, whose ability for continual flight, owing to the power of lighten ing its body, is well known. “Should mail ever lly successfully," said fhe learned man. "iff, will have to do it by njeans of mechanism modeled after the elastic and muscular junn of file sea bird.” The authorities tel! us that the fly ing machine is pf pi-ebistorieal origin. We are told also-that spine 4U() years B- C. a wooden pigeon was made to liv with considerable.success. As this exploit was accomplished more than years befqfe' the trial of our {scotch inventor's machine vvo haw not niuch to lioast of. Just vrhat ivill come of the discus sion at the Academy of Science re mains fo be speii. Nothing atall may come of it in the end except a good deal of theorizing. But jn the mean time PatrickC. Campbell] tlie jlougiitv Scotchman, who is the invento'-of a machine that made the successl'u 1 High! through fhe air. is going right uheac and is terrjlily iu earnest. He bus worked nearly ylj lps lifeoii his inven tion, and now, backed as lie is by a capitalized company, he thinks he sees success ahead.—New Yqrk Mail and Express. Tho Imagine yourself on a ship at anchor )ooknio- west or straight in fiont of you. There is a broad expanse of sea a little to your right ha nd, jiehind you will be the rugged coast, and to your left the |ohg, narrow iiord between thu islands and the ma'nland tliat tin* steamer has just traversed You watch the sun as it slowly, slowly sets; the islands and tho coasts look like a rich dark purpip, ami the shadows cast by the ship’s mast, ptc., grow longer and longer. After a bit. p hen the sun has sunk apparently twelve foot from the horizon, it stops and seems to it-nuun eattionary for about twenty minutes; fhen the very sea gulls hide away, while the air all of a sudden fstrikes fhiily. Each one has an aived, ex pectant feeling; the tourist steamer broods a silence that may !re fell. Sooq the sun rises very slowjy mice Ugaiu, and the yellow clouds change with lus uprising to even greater beauty, {irsf to the palest primrose and then to a bluish pink. The sky, which was just now rose polor, be comes gray. then pale emerald green, and lastly .blue. Rock after reek stands put, caught by the sun’s bright rays, aud the reign of day has beg.-i: puce more. —“Jubilee Jaunt to N’or- H u y-” A Grout Freo I.lbrary. The reading room of the Ctxopcr Union library is open puti) 10 o’clock every evening. 1 dropped in there about 1) tho other night to consult an authority. The big room was filled with readers, i eousulted the work I wanted and then waited until 10 o'clock to see how the assemblage would break up. Suddenly the. still ness was broken by the sound of a bell. Intautly books were closed, the readers taking an eager parting look; chairs were shoved buck, and vol umes carried up t > the )ibrari;in’s desk, where they were exchanged for round brown checks, which tho readers re ceive on enteringand give upon going out. The system was perfect, and the order was such as an army might envy. —New York Star. A Premature DiwOhsio^j. Miss Flighty—Have you decided to take any partin the discussion, “What will we do in Heaven (' Good Minis ter-No, miss. 1 am at present much more interested m the question, ’“What shall we do to get tneref”-- N'ew York Weekly. • _n .ACPBRCIATI VE. jlr,-v littln ,ve tn z; » pr- ite t’’at which j. <. fi t. hn • -r * ivies th* . aui hr-t. . • ..i ivies the health and strength of bis ypqr neignbor. ■ *.. t* •• • ' r 1(!j io--..-.yi.t, ' L'nminctui ot .yiiat eng How ..>ucb ~ -'u if pi! ,-\erii.d C, ’;'-'estooi> iain tfelr 1.- ...i. r. K)- ~i in imrvj seek to »-ila w ,-ilb !>-- Vrio-is i.t m; ; 1 1 .hits. 1/ poor in lioAio tf iw uv tiiov’ . hid) • v thu best :•-." V in.: . ymedie; s<-:d ! \ «■ tiit- ii -,w Botanic Blood ;'w the i'.iitj' llesh and blood. Fet:.- - • ' t’c da ‘‘l to. tc R. H. R., for ecu hud ui-c,- v-* given me much ti.pi’. l « i-- vr.-.i.-fi no* ii-_! fr >:n a use of ]|( nrt.f i'.ther -:n. h '.Vitl-.iii f::n days my uLLCnrJ' I, • ]*; j-"- i. mid tx-i-. - I into used three U :1-s ev/ , yo:t -as entire!; a, -i. It innnov [ :ay ,a:d gave no Hash rovs strength.” ttu-’ic;i. ; C. .C*.. ‘ DR i fl, ii ;> la- 1.. .1 tii'.: sev- : st lorn, DLUb-U j j-..-;; : .< ~-n for about Us year:;, y. r ,-. ! -‘•-ihariid i us'., > / daring a.i t.iaj. wh-h-. i -.1. --a i i. I>t a!.no ! -,top;ca f- f. Tf 1 . ij ' or-'alhii.-.; .-'aroigh now. hiS lislt b- ) ; r,. s: , i :; . ■ j, ,:.ej as if it had bee . t tuved M y hack w- ;so lanse i coula hard'--sh.nd 1 ui- .i nearly twry r.'i : - l, -‘ t iou * ,d n ° !v:ief i sw.wG ur.l-i ,« tii • i ]>. H. Vi. I used •evcral !> ; ; : d a- -oa-. d .a*J veil W any man in’' f. V/. Me ser. !iou, Cross ltnads, Ci-.aroVe© Comity, tia. write;: i wan ic-a 1 with chronic Pjifli a sor..-s nine ye.:-.s. rs.d li-ii tried many dv.i wV n.t*:!.i :n.-; and l!;-.' • did rut t;o good. I then tried i•. u. id., ana eight buttles cured me sound r od we'd.” („J ASK FOR m THE SELF-THREADSNG ELBREBSE “B” In It are com bined the flu- W- tre est mechanic skill. U^e. ing machine desirable to •ell or usa ELDREDCE MFC. CO. factory and Wholesale OfEce, Eel7idar9,llL Wnlutsh A iv;., Chicago. PERFUMES^- Made from Flows.ks jtr the —- LAND OF FLOWERS! ■ DOUSSAN’S Sweat South In 1 ax. S|>.-lnklcc-Top Bottles, EACH 65 ChLftJTS. ALSO OUR SXTRA SPECIALTIES: lys m mis i mm i I.PEAS l 1 IMPERSAL g»ir<&C ? ROUSSEL rIOSE EDEW EtOUQUET! LILY OF THE VALLEY! All GO cent* par bottle. PSCCJOLA J The most delicate and most lusting colors made. Our trade-iifurk j)atented on every “Delicate as a cobweb, liarttinK as the iiiils. your don't k.ecp them send amount to us uud we will forward prepuld* DCUSSAN FRENCH PERFUMERY CQ„ 40 rh«rtr«‘A "V • ■ THE ONLY gff 1 THE ETHIOPIAN CAN NOT GHANBE HIS SKIN w NOR THE LEOPARD HIS SPOTS.” » ■ABKINIi DO?SB WITH till, IKKU CSCtUNGEABLS. CAW WOT BE BEHOVED WITHOUT IIKKTKOTINK THE t'AHBIC. WO HOT I BOW OR SVWI.IGHT BJt QIIBEII, CAW lIE I’Neil WITH ST AMI* OK PEW. RETAIL PRICE, 25c. - ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF Writing and Copying Inks, Sealing Wax, muciiage, Wafers, Etc. THADDEUT DAVIDS GO., 127-129 William Street, NEW YORK CIT% Established 1826. a * HP** «».<i>J!!TYnTT.Tt I, ± ai .co* i.u smsfj lj i- ii ssjsrflfiij r,i wt*•«% free «o«m feSS/cO***« «“''*& laralty,fba vujy Ui Mwtrf -Jiwfcw mmim la fbL I world, with ell the •♦»4ebmeu**. yfa /JffcJ M Wa Will also twr»d free * *o**p4««a >8,4 (''v » ErSl JRUna of our oorvly aad vaJaabie nM iJJJ <<■£* * i MCTQpMnF**- In wwrc we t»K tbwt yM k> £3*l* A rrlUr billow what we »«*ud. to ihotr wtro fe&zJL" l *f CA,i at your fctW.end aAor 0 moot ha ail shall berwna yonr ,wk wi} ’ F^^lu jro P*' rt y- Thia fraud marbln# is r 1 th * Si"p rr V &>' ,&■>" X run on t it acid Por-OA*Jt, with Uta t V _Xsttachnirata. and now sells foe n P*-. V*rV \ Beet, wroofest, moat »«- vk■ Mf*- t a £ ■«. - *k%tl mucimis in the world. All V I tj i? B >® “WJ r»q«i«4. PUi* brUi WriwtiDß. r rI w u at o»«« «JC rara Vnc *k* » ww'M*a»tbi»e m the wnxla, m«9M Si'fcat*«**aof worse of b»fh art avar shown tojertb-r to An#» FjciTS&atc fM, l^bv. fTTi? i\ s m r V liifM •: LEGAL ORGAN Of THE COUNTY OFFICIALS . SUBSCRIPTION SI 'A IEAE IIST ADYANO EJ* U BH BEFORE flit -Fli? !? II TT7B Specially ask of von a liberal 6 ippf*it in <mv v } up a paper that will he a credit to the town in making* you r pinch ises?, where p *ssibk, please give preference to those merchants who utilize the column* of vour home paper, tluTeby giving an end< rsement to your paper, and assuring the ad" vertisej’s that you are pot iinUiiereixi; to those tha.t help build up home interest. :a home paper is a necessity And Should Receive the, Warm Support of All FOR TERMS AMD RATES ADDRESS T. A. J. MA JORS, ED. & PUB. i«s • | cM 0 ' a>i« ti^iaif? JF&SL - ' V v v , ~ djf^ijjMNiiil Axsmftkf I -v-• •>? r£7i//? //{?4#£ * IS HOT FURNISHED WITHOUT CHE. SAVANN AH, *Ji;., Nov. i, ir*n«. forty TlKiUNaud Sont: rn muilo fcLuj>i>y H*itn fini? fnstry>n*n;4 »» und mi ill tin* {;*;«♦«! work *iO* s on. 3*ooo I’iaiHM und Oigm:* r»«ilil I*if;s 3 5,000«ur mark f'ui’ inis x-ur. tow/. 4 ! i i> « h i Better iu«n'M»»H*iitM; l/.itoirr Termx and greutcr luduceiut'aU will Aiau u& tifin in* created am. It*. Tliiviimoiuls of Homes yet iiriMippJi* «! y»l*!i T intrui);ent!< t!i)!t to-day be rn}o.v|iij| itkcm tiiroutf a our easy syslem ui seiliug. CASH to jmy down not needed. iVe have A PLAN by W ITIIOCT KJSSv.. any oufM'nn trn In.-Arummii of any Style or Prices uulJ. in« either AiO.tT ii 1 A’ ( QUAitTBfM-V or YKAiJLV PAY I’ NTS uwtil paid .or, yaeauwbile u»e of Instrument. % No exturtlonnte prlre«. No K ink. No For feiture o( all e.’iMb paid if Insfairnienta can not be promptly paid, t o«itract pi rfectij FAIIt aid T.lp ITUIU;, tiroLeuiiujr put t lingers from all imposition or tow. .Write in and \vr will point out dn* vrny te yet a fine lustrum nt Fn-fl* and ;:f a 1 .o>* Price; Wonderful n* for Fall 18S8. Hitter y>nn any belofe ntTeretl. Prices Largely*ll educed. No tire lhe*(* Si’KCIAL OFF Ui: Upright Piano Cn?y S2OO A Octaves —Overstrung Seale—Three Strings—!tose\vU'«l—Si; jy (Jiiaru nteed —Sweet Tone. Catalogue Brk- , $<KlO. Parlor Organ $65 Four Sots Iteerls—ll v .-Couplers— Case. O f uiiov *«■' Price, WOO. Stool, Cover, Instructed, Musi c Sock and all Freight Paid. Other Snkiut Offer* juM as good. Largest Hock South torinosr from. T.*v.Y QUA A’/ 1 A KKI.S. SCO Diffsrejit-Slj/tes. Cun suit c.U ’in: err. Write for catalugies, ciitula ■*, an ' i'rcr C*gg, 4' our tow paver ‘ Sharps and Flute,” givingfuti cuyi 1 a!liable informatioi. REKBEI2J3ER OCR lfltV PRICES. C.V .1 EASY t'lii'l*. ONB PH ICE OM.Y OUTS ITS. I’ , T ' XSTitT' Mi'Vl'S. A Lb. Fi|@l«llT PAID. V. P ' yi’ TV • A 1.. • IIJONS V S.tVFO ALL. UiDDEK ABATES SOUTHERN MUSIC rtOtiiE. t*. ■—•id w.trn nnflH O'. until lately. 11 If I■ 11 U ip the W©r»£. |» || |*l |1 ifrnpyr. *’>»<■-JL 11 11*1 HtmuapV'»‘ri. bi tit Udic* and gents *i/ea. with wor** nurl ca***< of equal v*sn«. One Verson in each io% eaiiiy cm somre one filer with «’ur lanjc utidrtJ. a linn cf 71 tiuuohoM nplc t. Thoae u . as the watch, we r-*-*■ *- Fi’ec, and s*Vr y>u luire kpt tgofn In yoer home for © months amt shown them to ihoso who may have called, they tout own pxop«rt» Th «e who writ« at orwa an be sure of reetivmff »be Wultb rad Aamplos. Wo pay ail express, etc Adcrrcs* Stinson dc Co., Jftox Vortlauwl, fcPERFEGTION -1 BAKiaa, cooxwa and ROASTING. J3 ATTAINED BY-THK USB OB TUB CELEBRATED Jf*3D, NEW SUNSHINE RANGE.. Which we mate In tour >l»ea with or without RESERVOIR, HIGH SHELF, HIGH CLOSET, LOW CLOSET o WATER-BACK., „ - •siWir-'Trnt'ir;r‘r ra« M#AIR Can heat your house thorough- If | SIS ly, HEALTHFULLY and ECO- W NOIVIiCALLY with the . I TORRID STEL DRUM FURNACE. \ Those who use the TORRID always praise it. Send for FURNACE BOOK giving heat ing capacity and prices. ORR PAINTER & CO., reading. PL <MW SNBUIITEO FIBRE WARE. / \ ABSOLUTELY OnE FiLLEJ, HAS m HOOPS! " W- ' NEITHER PAINTED OR VARNfSHEPI hot affected by hot wateri HAS OF FSHStIEO MAHOGANY. MS MILS ’ TUF ’ B ’ BASiNS, PANS, KEELERS, SPITTOONS, SLOP jARS ’ WATER-COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, &c., Ae. large variety op gooos. CORDLEY & HAYES, New York, Sole Agent*. t ' \3r Factories: Portland, Me., P«terfaoro, N. H , Watertown, Maee^ (Oswego, N. Y., Lcckport, N. Y. , Cleveland, Ohio, Winona, Minn. FOR SALE BY ALL HoUs€-FURN!3HING, HARDWARE, GROCERY AND CROCKERY DEALERS. FUU. F'R-r.K’M*'-T AND CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION. t? m v-'r ■p!?**'? a £ J M&SjTi (L : yi> Tho Original Wins. CL I‘. SilttltlOs.?:, St. IvOUifi, I*|.'>D K . tji M. A. Sin no ns ;Ci • llci. :r, d f I IS4O, in t!ic U. S#C<>urt dm-eai.s J. I psi 11. Zciliai. Proji rA. Q. Smmons Liy [’ t*r KcguI.UGT, j.-tM jjnjir. i xU. L i&H A. Jj. X-. 'M. bus fi ycarf A c c.\ lNi:.p. - t i'YSr; iittADAC.;i£,l.Or'f ArrEiiT’*, Souk Kir S 0 A I(cv 1 p. ilk. im ~ Pastor .\u_ ly. \ C «AChurci’ A f \t'ru \ m} -wrixea,: *'l i v',. ;- .' . 1». • w. *“ 3 lor v.t.-r -un-' :». A. S»u* # If- >•'• ' i '•*' 1 !.;v « ic*. kail' K* sv* -•uaU’S f' 5 4rr^ v l mi *'v hn*s slug*’ Vi>r yocu 'lc j. |' 4 iC CUp/~sl yi'iQ, but it dou't answer thifj » / O *c«o f V -ir*,v/a.-. / • k>: * J - Grnrci-, Jlditor The -- ri K fi?i\ >' .tit-Uys, Tern*. • tys: T f i reedved , lcL.-go of vour,V.iv*;,r r o’ Mkdichie, and hnv« usad hal - f EL « It work.-. Itk*: n irharm. I\u ‘ 110 V hett r Liver V;*-"' n: ii cer f \ ° lul - Lcuu*s auxtutCL Knabe $5.00 pej A ■ -L. mJ i %. * fl> * V biotlt selling out fi ALHUjAS We beat the World for low prices. A iti.i> ru.ifsiv iuen 4mrw. x bides, tfoia etigee, e x ten sion emsp. hoiiimg; 3*2 pagee ;*f CabmO and Card pictures, nent for SIOO, retails for #2.25. bound also i in Japaneeae Morocc"! Illustrated circulars 1 KLL of .xAl* KK A| DIIMC f «r*lw-e A- | 2 I'inrliiliali, M IF IF 111 V ,agi A fir'Ai'm double then monev 1 XwlliDKoitr BRASS ■ W Finished Corrugated REFLECTING SAFETY LAMP \ A— 5 Is* snld in every family. Gtvei. ■ij - n.,.re liEht than three ordinary lanij-r. L Full sired Lamp sent by Kxprwss for thirty rente We also have the best i-lliux « <*«•>«* •’<►» in the V. S. vAjiTlilL 31 ‘-e'-d for illnstrated circulars to FOKSHEE & Mcitt AKlN.Cincinnati,J Type anti Presses have jmt been 1 . *««d x our Joo Vfors to t.iis put in The Tuner Office. 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