The Dade County weekly times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1889-1889, September 07, 1889, Image 4

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THE WEEKLY TIMES trenton/ ga, LOOPEKA NtTuALINA 1) VAN CK PUBLISHED Et/ERY SATUREAY MORNING. T. A. I. MRS, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. space. | 1 mo. J 8 mos. J 6 mop. j 1 year. ' J inch |s2 50 J 5 (Ml’ f 7 50 flO U 2 inches... v 3 50 7 50 10 00 15 0 8 inches...' 500 10 00 12 60 20 0 « inches... 6 00 12 50 15 00 ‘25 0 M column.. 7 00 15 00 25 00 40 0 W column.. 11 00 20 00 40 00 60.0 {column.. 16 00 85 00 60 00 10000 Leaded advertisements in the local column and business notices ten cents per line lor each insertion. Entered into the postoffice at Trenton, Ga as second-class matter. For the purpose of organizing a a Confederate Veterans Association for‘Dade county all ex-Confeder ate Soldiers arc respectfully and urgently requested to meet at Trenton on the Ist in Oct. next and to become members » .... of said association, J. T. ,Wo ilbright, C. M. Tatum, J. A. Bennette, J. P. Bond, ftf. A. B. Tatum. ,v Our Texas and Arkansas subscribers t* * - ' f • > * ' are requested to pay up or their bills will be sent to an officer for collection. it Hon Wtfy McCullough, represen tative In the last Corigrtfis from the ’"lst Pennsylvania district, died at Greensburg, Pa., on Saturday, t. m J i__ Silver advanced a sixteenth of a penny in London market on Satur day, and its' course hae been steadily but slowly upward for a month. ‘ >• Eighty years "ago Tennyson, Dar win, Q.'adstone, Oliver Wendell Holmes! Edgar Allen Poe and Lord f lough ton were born;lßoj3 was a great The range of the Mannlicher »ifle was proved again in a startling man ner the other day when an Austrian soldier was killed by one at target practice at a reputed range of over two miles and a half. „The Baltimore Manufacturers? Re cord publishes a large number of let ters from Southern Governors, may ors of cities ard members of Congress all favoring Washington as the place for holding the World’s Fair in 1892. f ... ‘ The Washington Poet claims to have information that Mrs. Grant wou'd interpose no objection to the removal of the remains of General Grant from New York to either Arl ington or the Soldiers’ Home near The New Orleans Times Demo crat ofSunday niorning has mea gre reports of a riot at Freetown on Saturday night. The origin of the difficultywus in some way connect ed with a fire which occurred there The trouble appeared toliave caused a conflict between the white people and the negroes, This report says that thirty or more shots were fired one man was killed, Mr. Mil ler/a police was shot in the head and the place was in a teryiable state of excitement. Two hundred armed men had left Gretna for the scene of the disturbance. An Associated Press dispatch says that when an excursion train of colored people arrived at Golds boro depot, a tiegro incensed by a | remark of some one there, drew a pistol and fired four or five shots, one of which struck Miller, and the shooting then became general, re sulting in the killing of a colored woman named Fleming and the wounding of a negro named Ed. Long. The negroes on the train claimed that it was fired into by white men. \ wu*— M *■■■' ■■■■HH.llilP .1 ■■ mi mini ISO KG IA. OAOE COUNTY; X' W herea*, certain petitioner* have made their application to thi.-i conrt, praying lor nn order granting the establishment ol a change tu'the WhiteOakGap road in the 1222 d district, G. M., commencing at said gap where tlic old Load comes ont on top of the mountain, running fiorth east ah nit 470 yards, thence south about 100 yards, thence north east rbout 250 yards, hencea tittle southof east aboutSOOyards,thence sroriheast about 4 0 yards, thence south east 4boutl2syard>,thence north c ist aboutlUOy ird>, thente south en»t about 150 yards,thence nci'.h iast about 160 yards, thence south east ab >ut SOO yards, to the foot of sand mountain, inter secting the old road agaih near Case’s mill;and Vhe re as,c >mmissi*ners appointed for that pur fiose have reviewed and marked out said con. t mpl ited change of road, and repotted to tne that said road will be one of mueh pullic util ity and convenience. Now this is to cite and Admonish all persons that cn and after tile 7th day of October If-hP said cli ittge of road will he granted if no good cause is shown td the con trary. Given under my hand and official seal this the 4 th day ol Septemb *,- ISB L t-< ' < J. A. BENNETT, Ordinarv of Dade County. ■■ ~~ ■ itkKiiy iVjtsoiis /.re broken d »w ti from overwork or household cares jtrottn's Jrt'ii J'.iiicrs kehalldstlie system, aid- digestion, removes ex cess ofbile. and , o-'es Liulai in. Get tile gentune Even the most vigorous and hearty people have at times a feeling of lassi tude and weariness. To dispel this feeling take l)r. J 11. Mel can’s Sarsa parilla; it will impart vitality and vig or. For sale by Cole. Send your Job Work to this office. Tiie boom don’t hoometh Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver, and the whole system becomes deranged. Dr, J.H. McLean’s Sarsa parilla perfects the process Of digestion and assimilation, and this makes pure blood. Coje, dealer Send your Job Work to this office. The mother of John L, Sullivan is dead. Pimples, blotches scaly tkin, ugly sores and ulcers, übeepes, and tumors, unhealthy discharges, such as catarrh, eczema, ringworms, and other forms of skin disease, are evmptons.of blood im purity- 'lake Dr. J. H. McLean’s Sar saparilla. At cole’s , IF YOU a nA < h ACHES Or you are all worn out, really good for nothing it is general debilitv. Try “ jikovtn’h ihos mm ns. It will cure you. and (five a good appetite. Sold by all dealers in medicine. T;ie W. & A. leue toll has gone; to tiie Senate. Sick headache, blUionsness, nausea, costiveness, are promptly," agreeably banished by Dr. J. H.' McLean’s Liver’ and Kidney Pillets (little pills), at Cole’s.' Get your Job Work done at the Times’ office. There are times when a feeling of lassitude will overcome the most robust, w hen the system craves for pure blood, to furnish the elements of health and strength. The best remedy for purify ing the blood, is Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Sarsaparilla; 1 at Cole’s. A speculative boom is expe< ted in Wall street this fall. For a saft> ansi certain remedy for fe ver and ague, use Dr. J. IL McLean’s Chills ana Fever cure ; It is warm:, ted to cure. At cole’s i'rlaiiy I'crsuns Arc broken down from overryork or household cares Unnvii’s 1 roll Hitters rebuilds the system, aids digestion, removes ex cess of bile, and euros malaria. Get thegenuin& Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, dis tress after eating, can be cured and pre vented by taking Dr. J. H. McLeans’* Liver and Kidney Ptllets’[little pills.] At cole’s. If you m-h a friend of TilE TIMES pusli its circulation. If health and life ap worth anything, and you ard’‘ fueling out of sorts and tired out, tone np your system by tak ihg’Dr J. H. McLean's Sarsaparila. At Cole’s. No need to take those big cathartic pills; one of l)t\ J, H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Fillets is quite sufficient and more agreeable Fot* sale by Cole. Has th> PoTlf County Ci£i” n «w« - lowed the ( edaioWu rfimifl trd? Jt has not put in its appearance in two weeks. The most delicate 'constitution can safely use Dr. 1 J.' H. McLean's 'Far W iue Lung Balm. It* is a sure remedy for coughs, loss of voice and all tiiroat and lung troubles- Sold by Cole. The Times Office is now prepared to do Job Work. DADE C utity IS the only county that the taxable prop< r'y hi , de creased in valu“. It is a crime for men to prepare aud advertise a worthless, insert remedn as a cure for terrible and chonic blood poisen in hope that the sufferer will use a hundred bottles before lje finds out its worthlesahftss, and yet there arc some who do. ' liontanic Blcod Balm B. B. B, is not a remeey of "this kind The first boitle begins to do good, and a cure usually follows before a dozen ’ bottles are taken.' Local Legislation Notice is heiehy given that a hill to he en titled'tin act to prevent the sale and manu facture of spirituous or matt liq iorg within four miles ol the Wildwood BaPi ist church, aho the Morglinvijl church, at the present e-sionofthe Eeeislaune. This August. sth 88P. 1 - Georgia. Dade county Notion is hereby giv ed that a lodal hill wilDbe ititr-xliiced in the present legislature of said 1 state to allow Geo. VV, Smith, a maimed confederate soldier a pension under the laws of Georgia. This Aug 7.-ISSB. • Notice a bittw-i., oe oiT-oduced at the present session ol tlie genei r.l assemhl v of the state of Georgia, to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors with lour miles ot two churches, situ ates at Cole city in said county, and known as Cppe.l and lower churches, at Cole city, us alorc said. Aug. (Ith lSßti. 4 DM IXI-TKA'I 1 1 It SW.K. - GEORGIA j V Dadt? ‘‘ountv,—By tiitne ot an outer ol iho court of Oniinayv of Dade countv will be sold on the Hrst Tnesday in Oi-toher ia-9, at the con' t house door in the town oi Trent ui in said county, betxven the legal hours of sale, the tra t of land in sai i countlv now in pos session oi GeO. S. Harwell, and known as the W alker place, being the same deeded to An nie M. Peeples and lfnhert 11. Peeples and conta'iuing one hundred and saventv ac res(l7oj more O less ol lots of l and Nos. 184 and 185 in the ldth district and It section of said county. Terms of sale cash. 1 This' August lst. ’•8*1) - • It. li. I'HKI'EES, Administrator of Annie M. Peeples, deceas'd. JOB \V<) 11K K!y.3" ecuteii at lint Times office 1 icnton. t; -. Georsia, Dade County:— Whereas James’ 8 Kennedy admin estratar of Hugh }j Kennedy, de ceased represents to tha court in his petition duly, filed and entired on record, that lie has fully adniin istired Hugh L Kennedy’s estate. This is therefore *o cit<" all per sons concerned. kimlit-d and cred itors, to show cause, if any tiny can, why Laid ‘administrator should not he discharged frtm his administration and receive letters of hismision on the first Monday in Decern her 1881). J. A. Bennett, Ordinary.* BE OF GOOD CHEEn. To the honest inquirer after .truth, 10 troubled with some contagious blood dis ease, seeks a remedy which will com pletely eradicate from his system every germ ot blood poison, that the ones he loves —his wife and his children—-may be saved, the experience pf others comes as a mighty revelation. Common sense tells him actual results are the only sure proof of curative virtue. P.ea£ the following true testimony : • Twelve year's ago I contracted a terri ble case of blood poisoning. My afflic tion was truly horrible. 1 had no appe tite, did r.ot sleep well at night, my diges tion was impaired, my throat was full of ulcers, and in fact i-vvas a tornl wreck. I had been under thd treatment of several of the leading physicians cf Atlanta; tried nearly every blood remedy adver tised; went to Hot Springs, where I re mained several receiving no ben efit whatever—the djedd'discase still clung to me. Three years ago I was ]«i l up with rheumatism. My knees j drawn up in such a position that 1 could cot leave my bed for months. Last summer the disease seemed to re new its attack upon me with air the rav ages of death. My life was a lingering torture, and I bd<jl-clespiired cf < v\ r get ting well when a friend'v f mine recom mended Ik I!. B. 1 began to use it at once, and find myself permanently cured. I refer to Rev. CVC. Davis. Hr. lohn G. Westmorland, Dr. Knott, Garrett ;; Pro., and numerous others who know i f my case. I cheerfully recommend 8.8. lb, for I really believe it is the JjcSf medicine for the blood in the world. l l L Jas. L. Losworth, Atlanta, Ga. During the mpnth cf February I bought one bottle of lb 13. B for my four-year old boy, who had what doctors term heredi tary blood poison, and to my utter aston ishment one bpttle cured him. In Feb ruary my elder son, twelve years of age, Jvas literally covered with rurly sores on hi:l legs, and it terrible eruption on his bead. He was cured with two bottles of B. 13.13. As a quick blood cleanser it has 50 equal. JaMes Hill, Atlanta, Ga. ' l** _ , * 1 For several years I have been suffering frond'a" constitutional blood poison, which has resisted the treatment of our best physicians, and the use of the most noted mediahes. I was covered with a copper-colored eruption all over my body and limbs, with loss of appetite, excruciating pains in my back, aciiir.g of my joints, general debil ity, emaciation, falling off c f my hair, sore throat and great nervousness. I became incredulous, but being told that B. B. B. was a sure erioigh blood purifie? andrthat it did not require a patient to use a'gross tjefore he was cured. I commenced its use. \yuhm two weeks’ time If- It im proved. 1 I have taken about ten bottles ind fed n« well and sprightly as any man. My appetite and strength have returned and my hair does not fall out. I cio rot hesitate to say that B. 13. f». has no equal as a general blood purifier, and any one who will use only pae bottle will be" con vinced that it lies bo equal in these parts I still continue its use, as it is a splendid tonic and keeps my system in a line con dition. You have the Ifberpy to direct any sufferer to me in person, K. P. 15. Jones, 1 Atlanta, Ga. I had 24 rqnr.ipg ulcers on one leg, and 3 on the other,’and felt greatly prostrated. | believe I actually swallowed a barrel of / in vain efforts to cure the dis ease. With little Jfcpe, I finally acted on the urgent advice*i a friend, and got z Dottiest C B I>. f experienced a change and despondency was somewhat dis pehed. I k 'pt using it until I had taken sixteen bottles, and all the Ulcers, rheuma tism, and other horrors cf blood poison have disappeared/and at Lst f am sound and well again, after ap experience of twenty years of tqftbre. A'. P. Brunson, Atlanta, G;q, Kennesaw, Ga., Sept. 11, 1387. B. 11. 13. 'Company—My Dear Sir, I take great pleasure in ac noLfed hng the great benefit my wife has derived from yonr great and'Wonderful medicine, 13. B. B. For two years she was a great suf ferer from some blood dis ease which had lain 'dormant ail her life. We had attentibh ffom'some of the most skillful physicians in the country, but all to no effect,’until‘we had all despaired of her ever recovering. Her mouth whs one solid ulcer, and for two months pr more her body was broken out with sores until she lost a beautiful head of hair, also eye lashes and eye brows ; in {act, she seemed to be a complete Vreck. « Now comes the great secret which I A’ant all the world to know; That three bottles of Blood Balm medicine lias done the work which would sound incredible tc any one who did .not know it to be so. To-day my wife is perfectly healthy and clear from any scrupulous taint, ana she now has a three-month-old babe, also per fectly healthy. Very respectfully IJ. L. Wassily. Glen Alpine Station, N. C. ) February loth, 1883. j This is to certify that three years rro I hail my left leg amputated four inches below the knee, caused by blood poison i and 1 bone affection. After it was ar.pu tated there came a running ylcer on the end of it that measured oji| inches cne way and 4'fy inches the other, and con tinued growing worse every dfly until a short time ago/ I was given up to dkUy the best doctors in Charlotte. 1 heaid of the wonderful 13. Bi B. I,resolved to try that. My weight at the time I com menced Ik I>. I>. was 120 pounds. When I had taken three bottles I gained 37 j poufids in weight; when I had tjken ! twelve bottles i was sound and well, but continued taking until I had taken fifjeec bottles. I now weigh ISO po>f ids and measure five feet and three inches Ugh. I contend that your medicine has uoccua is a blood purifier. It ccrtainlv worked like a charm. (12) JR. Wilson. sss Solid Aoid wctoh rmTiVY r forHlo6. until laul*. I * ( ) | J I 1 * Viß Uc * l "aioh iu thn woriJL H1 1 H r ■ l'vriGci timekeeper. 'Ter-I II 111 - I 00l :ih ... rfcj tJrfjNe v" Vi <>ne übidubid h loi Ui/V?*.ouejar caitijr can ptmic one ’'••■qy toffpiiier wi'b our la/j o anJ v®|, n ~ r • 1- j* Uftblc line ef Ft<•*;«» Nitajplr*. These al'Mplet. at as ,h ® wtteKr' »» *-i%4 •v •- -im V* .a Free, ani aftar yo« have hape tneir in ydCI nnitv*. fby notith.* ami shown them to thmg who mt/ have cnllcd, tUVv bcoome ront own propertr. 1 who write at ot. e « fbe sure of receiving the aViitcb jpd S.%m!>les. *0 tejf all eatures*. fr, ieht. etc Aldia»* Co., ll'orMo ml* Muiue, 1 i*? i ‘S — —i A Type -'nil /' ex>e.< Imre just been pill i 1 Tup 'l :• ■ Of A BOON, Not a Boom To the People --OF— TREftTON v . ..- v 'i<r A XII Vicinity. Sf. P. Majors, OF THE Alliance Store, Is Hie Place for ALLIANCEMEN -AND EVERYBODY TO TRADE WITH f ) ■ ■ lal / Wiwxsr****-— ——- |j^j DRY GOOD QAPIE A XI) rFancy Groceries- CHINA § CROCKET. Y; GLASS AND WOGOEKVVA&E, TINY APE, CRACKERS ftl D TEA CAKE? Canned Fruits, CANNED VEGETABLE* AND HAUDWAR , B, P. MAJORS, v . I! IS IB! EILIESTI Water Ground < Meal and Floyr, IS BEYOND DOUBT TilE 13* e£*,ltibi "est And to get the best you should carry your Wheat and Corn . —TO CURETON’S MILL And let an Expert grind it. W. H. BOWMAN. MILLER. TRENTON, GA. J. W. HUSSEY. ffHYSICIitV AMI SRIUKOY. \ 4 * ; » ! KISING FAWN, GEOKGI^. r|l HE,UNDERSIGNED having perma- J nently located at Rising Fawn for the practice of medicine and bitigery offers his service to the public. Needing money to pay for drugs. All persons indei,ted vre requested to come forward aud settle up. J, VV, HUSSEY, M. D. T. J. LUMPKIN Attornev nl tas V,. T « Trenton, Ca. Will practice in the several courts of Georgia. BEN. T. BROCK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TRENTON, lMl)i; COUNTY, GA. VXTILL PAY STRICT ATTENTON TO ALL V v business entrusted to him. IV. 11. & J. P jacowayT A ORNKYB-A -LAW. Will practice in all the courts of.th3 Cherokee circuit and he Federal and Supreme courts. JOHN. F. STRATTON <fc SON Importers of all kinds ot NOiifh Ifaniiomicns, 49 Maiden Lane, New York. S W MS EISING FAWN, Has just received a full line pf New Goods Consisting in evei y lliing usually kept in a first-plass coimtiw store. 1 have no old MUSTY, SHOP Worn goods to unload on you but can supply you with the latest styles to he found in the market,and will sell them cheaper than any one else in the country. Produce tak cn in exchange for goods! BRING ME ALL OF YOUR CHICK ENS, BUTTER ANI) EGGS. C(! if.Afift SOTT ms. OkGAM «,.i.-t ni.avned a standard zf fttyfikuice whick • dniita of no superior. 1 ' r It eontiilna '-very ln\pr<;,v,OU|ic-n\t ihat Ins .'.l\*e ffonius, sliill and mom y » a 1 -• J-- Axac -JtArTsaj in rox fjo (N yrva wflfwi sm;,. ybassl -srar Th?sc gxco I .’ Organs nrc celebrated for vol ;ae. <iU'% s'bf’t'A.v, quivk respen'se, variety it com Mlnon, doslgn, b muty In finish, y.-rtevt. «<•; ‘i’M’laL nnJt'og tin in flip most ttrp.M.ivT. orniuiKTiUuand d 'SlmbleoraiansfoU Uohv schools, churches, 1< , pieties, etc. KST VBlktiT.rEk> It --IPITViriOJi, !.' ' > FACSEATASiW, • KikKliliEl> WOHRMEI, RF.b T HATKBIAL eoTiiniKFi), mai'.b this Tp’ j?OPOLAH OHQAH FU kCS, STOOLS, BOOKS. ‘■/>v’i'..-t.ion, Free. HKSmSG GSTTfiSE OjPN CO. L J'CAOC > ILL. —Made rno:.: Flcw-ehs is the LAND CF FLOWERS! DOLMAN’S Sssit South la 1 ox. Kprlnkler-Top Itotqe,. EACH 65 CENTS. ALCO OCR EXTRA FINE SPECIALTIES: LYS DES INCAS l SPRING MIST { Limm l NEVADA l IMPERIAL PINK i ROUSSEL ROSE EDEN BOUQUET! LILY OF THE VALLEY! The moat nml most lasting odor* aiAde. Our traae-mnrk patuntod on l»bel “Oelinata «s n pobweb, I.aafiiig na tije bills.” IXIf your drnnUi don’t Ufpp them .end Amount to 11. ami v ■»- will forward prepaid. OOUSSAN FRENCH PERFUMERY C 0„ 4C* St , >'"V pr|«Mii L*. ASK FOR IT! THE SELF-THREADING lILOiLiOE C( n In It are cpm bined tfie fin- 'W •st mechanio-^^^^^gS|«jy^^^^l^ nnd pwciicaiSfe,L#yf^^M^ elements, an eldkedcl: mfg. co. # Factorj and, Wholesale CGco, Bolvidere, 111, 295 Wabash Awu, <7i icagn. SI) Jiroad Street, Neto YorP. urn ■the ' THE ETHIOPIAN CAN HOT CHANGE HIS SKIN v NQR THE ICOPARD HIS SPOTS.” fUmKiNo ikwg wn it tun ink u Kgi ally i.ickasueablb. CAST NOT UK REMOVKU WITHOUT, OKSTBOTINO THE KABKIC. KO HOT IRON OR SEN 1.14411 T BE fil'IBEI), CAN RE ESKR WITH STAMP OR PEN. RETAIL PRICE, 25c, —ALSO MANUFACTCRERS OF Writing and Copying Inks, Staling Wax, Mucilage, Wafers, Etc. THADDEUSWIDS 00., 117-129 William Street, NEW YORK CIT* ESTAUT.tSUED 1325. m M BJKJ Si p ‘ --a fan niaho • > pr. Bk B a Bn ALfl y Ml? IM OIU bCt.mir -M.r Ullr B .s. wt bp/it tit" Bp! CBB Bv? B World lor low prtren kei> PLtlsti rnitTin.turn t i.ri RU X WU, tmbusMHl DlvldcG rtxleli sion clasp, holdilsff Hi of Uahin.*; ami cm I pietcres, sent for #1 00, rrtuii* lor 2.'»; tuHind «l> * In Japaneoae Mora<*r»». Illustrated uircuuxrs l of the above amt S 3 MJt m n K M A 3 WP AXU HP UiVO J'Uiule ili.-i i limin'.' s£l nlp PS I A .riling mil- UItA >■> NUi*ll 2 Fini.Tieil Ci'rrugiti-il \%hREFLLCTIIS SAFETY LAMP I.A-y Sw'ißCun 1> - sol') in every t- l-niiy. Gives ■Hr I 111 i»M li -lit than thri t. nrdinurv lumps.- yontaS Full <i '-I Lamr o'- t iii iesi wmnilvl ll 111-M n-n.s. We uls<s I,«M- tie- !-«t <V eeliilig t offi-e l*ot in tV" 13. ' Semi for inustrutiAl > ir • ni.-«rh to FOR7HEE A ATrMAHi j.V..m:innatkJ