The Dade County weekly times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1889-1889, December 07, 1889, Image 3

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THE vVEEKuY times Trtev ropi, ga. TsSKTI* »b! ott-i bttlaeea ••Ilea* tea #*»par !*• far «•«* iaeantaa. mmn4 (a»« <£»# pant:,*.*• at nnrrta m» u ia<Mi4-i>iu< Matter. A RUINED HOME. Cut hc:ir» 1* on 'ire f Onr home Is burclrg’ nj*M f iiiul try so piercing to the soul I Fire, inuet-J, Is toriiLi« when it destroys inaninr-te tSinjs v/e love, (Hit I. •a much mo. e terrible when it destroys the flviajj liticcs of the fiesh I Fire in the blcod, how Crtc i in its efiectl < ovenng the fuir skin with spots prui blcriishc*. Twinging the limbs and joints with aches . '4 point, creating ulcers a:.d running sores. (Singoieg the verv roots of the hair and causing it |u tail dead away Cramping the functions of th« Urtr an 1 l.idneyi with internal swellings and sores IfUhguilng form and feature. Thank liaaven, Ik the mid A of such fear- QUiCKCURE ful contemplation a re re, safe, su;« and OVlcsln its effect, comes to mind. It is Botanic BlooJ balm, made in the beautiful city cf Atlanta, (fc An Illustrated "Book of Wonders’’ sent free by Urn Ble d Balm Co.. Atlanta, Ga., is idled witt •sent convincing proo of its remarkable merit. RT-RoVrt Ward. Maxey, Ga writes: “For Fre.»e «>r l.mrteei years 1 have a g:eat suffer or from a terrible form of blood poison. My head, face and shoulders became almost a mass of corrup ti<-o, and f aaily ‘he disease commenced eat ing r.way my skull bones. I became so horribiy repulsive that lot three veins 1 bsolutely refused to let people sec »r. I used large quan'ities of most not d blood t and applied to nearly ad physicians near me but my condition con- BAD ELOOD tinned to grow worse, and all s. id that 1 must surely **«- ■' ’ became the seat of M--**** and pains; my nights v.ere passed ia miser"; I - • isaucid in de'.h and strength; my kidr.eys «u< V "j, y dvraDged, and life became a burden time, f *■—act’d to see an advert;_-e:nent of Botanic l.iood Balm, (TJ. L. B.) and v.’.icn eight or ten bottles had boon used I war pronounce 1 « >und and walL II ua dmlr of scars can now be seen on me, lev ’, inij Ilk t ma* who kid been bur .' id and then ra»iored. M cue »sl well krown in f ; county. ’ • , I *w Johnson, Bel mo: t Strtion, Miss..’, writfj ”hi / vai j sc,.lp we- r l .'vore.l with so re and all *' heir came out. I tost my appetit» and became a mere skelet n. I aru now tahir-tr *>. W H.,andthe •ores are going away and my ttiength is cotr tut bets." 03 A | WRITE YOUR NAME H API) THE N AMR or P 3-" r.'sor roust NKiomifuts T*| S| on a post ir,CAiir» and * | ADOOEH? IT T<> CARO 1 THE CONS . ITUTICN PCTC k atl\NT\, av. ll£ i 5 k* An \ Jill *ix of jr\\ wi’i get a !**'• |U s• wp * rop.yfof the SIX. fsOUTHERN WEEKLY. |>Qp*r*l W Ton thus give your neighbor a rtlCCi p WREK’S READING FRET " vc “B U. Altl*.” ‘UNDUE I’KMI'S.” “RSTs) Ha) lIT*. N,” write for it. IMI MtiiK -ml S\ *1 .IO\EH presi-h for it. Dr. JON K* write the' Ka rons’ page," and MR - *. KING writes ttie ••Woman'* Kingdom.” WAR *roßH M ,' ••J*l< TI’HKS ufHTK V NUB U \ N OS,” IHiVtL AN l> ADVENTURE,” in every issue. A PALREECT MAGAZINE. genTt. BROCK. ATTOXN BY-AT-L AW, TRfXTOX, DAD* COUITY, «A. WILL FAT •TRiCT ATTRRTO* T« A 1.1. > I sees eatrycSeA ta biro. ___ W. u.aTpjacoway, AITORKStMT LAW. T 11 in »ll fh«rok*« eirsiit »»d he 7«4eral **d F«]»ram« rcaris. ~ NOTICE. o Having rented the Pace bh eksmith shop I propose to do all kinds of work in that line chunp for Cash. Will put c n horse shoes at 10 cts. a shoe. THOS. R. ONKAL. J. AV. HUSSEY. PHTfICIAI AID HKNI BOINH FATVN, fi BORGIA. Tn«WNDRRi!«irE» HiViaO rißMt ■ •illy lielted •» Risiig Fawn far ln» praitl** if roedtiiie and sirgiry ifftrs bis ■ ei-1•• u rhi pablia- Rildiag wioiiy ti pay fir drag*. All pereons lidiftedire ie«iittid M i«t»a firwnrd and l«tlll ap. J, W, RUSnBY. M D Water Crottnd Meal and Flour, IS IEYOND BCSIT THE JET ealtb. 'eat Aid to (it tk« best Tin ih««l4 «»rrr y*»r Wheat and Corn . -10- CUR ETON'S MiLL SgrJT Anal 1© an Bxpnrk jfrind it W. H. BOWMAN, MILLER. TItBMTOH, o*. / ?—**» vt, rngwUH ABB- 1., NdSk ■>“- »< •s".i ■’ SB Psrxx w »♦** w vUHI Wse®'*— wp ~4 mb Tr*«, 1*« T>* b^4 a« b pmr Nm n • •»*< *• »** »U«wb"wlWl. Siiibi tw cSiKilsi.’VrßHur.dSr Holiff r litk■!<! IsT'TK <>K f"K'N»f;i \, rorvT- Hi lituiyo! mi i’ deo’iue of roortg ge of deed of rrn®i exeeti‘B lU> in** on lb* dsn d.ijr or Ociobe , by dekin tt. * ravens, ihe mine being tit record in dce<f book "J” oi page*, SO, !H1 ano main the ortir.v of the Supenor coui ioi laid county, r.o«eoore a certain debt j ue b? said *:r-. ven» to A. •*. Wisdom, 1 will ; oil *he Hrst Tuesday, the 7tb day ol January, I Dig), wi hu Hie ieaal hours of «alo expose to 1 s. le snd *ell at public out-cry, in front ol ihe Court Houiv <l»or in Trenton in sa*d Comity, to 'he highest bidder tor eaah in hnml nu*i ia hai nt ail right and equity of ledemption he 1011., lag described prope tv, to-wii: All that body ol land siluati it. in ’he 10 h Disti ict ami 4'ti lection oi origina'ly ' herokee t-ut now ''aiie county, Georgia, near Wild wood, ami on a pirr of which the old Hooke mill is situated and more parliculaily de •ci ilied as lollows, to »>•{•; 1. One acre of lot ulimber (8(5) eighty-«ix on the east-ide of lookout Creek, hounded ea-t and south by llixon’s line, north by thenrig li al >ine of »; id lot and west by Lookout bio k. 2. • Iso i ire tenths ot «n acre in ihe nor’h east corner of said lot, being the name parcel bought by said i ravens from Georee ilixoo. *. Also nil of lot nunvlier (H7l eighty-seven coaliiii lng IHO acres more Or less. 4. Abo 'oriy-nine acre* of lot number (-.9) li ly-rlne heirlnnirg di he we-1 line ol lo number (s*) Sitr-right at Dalu.i Mart’n's eoruer ; nd 'uni ing in a nor h-we-t course wi bM* tin’s 11 a,, .-tossing the creek to hi road * here i* m k»s a short eu: re to hesoutn, H ence wi-twa:dly with the road to a branoii. 'h-neeep «.-"d branch v ith i's m*-nmlers t ■he wes Ine of •,i I lot. being all of s i I lot . X' ept what is r wiieit by said Mal i in 5. 4 Ist. a tract ■■ elryen arris, being a oar. . f lot lumber HO) s'\tv. bennded to ti t •> Russ, |’» land, <®u!h ny Ilixon, w.-st lii bi-uni Vest and east hv lot number (.’9) i!r't> - 1 ine, except Ihe iron < re. b I'oanother iraetol 11 'v-nine aci-es p*r> ■if sai l lot nu tier sixty, i xcept tve him on b. united nrivb. «oi-,'h and wot tiy heorigina I n i Hm». and ea t by Hixon, Vest and Hits sOl I . 7. l«o about ti e -errs of lot ncmbir {49 lorli-nine inctudi ga smu'l triangle » ii-li is bounded south i b t nnm'-er sixtv. ea*i b ”ti-■ cl, north hi the mill ro id. and including Iso nnoiher trai lon both *ide» *i me \. ■>. It.'itro duller the depot al Wild woo t now 'i.amts >n d iurludi g a'so the residence jusi •st of -be depot s id tr ct is bound! t .at ai d north bi Ku"ell, sou’h by lot nun Vin ■ Xt- in.' wat by ihe original lino ol said lot . u•■ in her 9 8. Also all the iron or® md mineral inr-re t In lui tinmu r-on Innulrod and nin t' i n (119; v. ii h the pri iil ge ot ui ■ ing to>l rigti: oi -wa • cot vine to s id .1. tt. i raven« by M, K ru*s t 1 b te iit -ded ' tty tit li 18 7. For fu rber description of the p'-oper y rtf. i-rence i' m ule .* said in lentn e of m. ifgag** ol record is ah. v,. ■ tat cd I will conv y the pop rty '<l so’d li v« id deed it 'ee .imble to i Hie i urchaser wi'h the m l royenanrs oi -. wairaiity gi- en hy mortgagees. Witii sf ro> hand this, 2Mh day of Novem ber, ISH). C. P. gORK.K, Mortgagee. iV, ia"F v» CsißGl », iha Ull )f j To Ihe set eiler t’oi rtef •> id »os' *y. . he petiti n it ». 'J. Rsrren. R C. « eish at. ! f>. SV serihner Sr.d their oy»o« ales, -ho » «h *h»* they k- v. he a israreerilvd sad a a b <4> < •"••orate tm o.ilieaader the laws ef Gee’fla liy a secret of the SaueriOr court of • al« jsunfy, rendsie’ by H s Honor Th-g-a* W, Mi ner, lu<tg* of tiie Hspc hr en*n ef •be i herekse - iu-nil. at a are ial lr ia of ssid court h-’d al the eourt hense ia Tr«n‘."», ’ll y»n bei■ 1. KSfl. ender -he corporate name of tha New ki (fined I.and, ( e*t, Iroa and Nlsnofactarii g Canpany. Pelitieaer* prny i ha> the ■ hsrtrr grs.a’«4 aa rhere be rhaegvrt j aad anarmlrd ny changin* 'he name * t •ain { oorp-si at.on te bn name of 'b« "Nit j < •'■poii," by which name ll *he'l b* «»*ee- | f-r n k - ewe and oeacrined with all l e right* | <nd pi it ing s granted te the New Aegises l.and, i ml, lira and Msnufsciuriag Corn j psnv, ami ihst » id ch rt. r be fur her amend- | *. by a din* t.t-ieo the f-llowiag worda, to wii; l he said onrpor lion '.kail have she an . hcrity io «*( **e ia ibe hatines* of baying o wring. Ins ung ard sslhe* In of a ml minor. I 1 iaieicsk, ihs m n-ng of eeal and tree ere the roaeaf slate nrd selling **f Iren, steel end snke in all their variant forms. *• er**«t till ilroetcrrs, and manatacluie alt tost* and mnnh a«ry accessary for tbecatae, temaautae ture bile*. Are Itilck, peuery, dig stay, qeern slone of all kinda asd do ail Ihlag* neo*«snry for >he complete aad pei feet aclmag and maa ufaetarlag of Iron, caal, evke aad ske*l ta arect. rant, bny and sail dwelllag houtns, ha lets, stores, shops, manufactories, asd all other struetßrrs accessary '»• the baildlng ap :nd Improvement ot a tewn site upon their property, gntde the streets eaea the came, ••onitract water wei ks. la* sewera, lay tram ways, tracks nad rrilwavafor ihs bsadt s' then werkmea and e'hrrs. aad for the Irnue pertatina ef pnetangers and all kinds el freight, and run yebidra by nteana er eiher wue upon the tame, and de a l thiaga that may he ereeatary te iaprtve their lead! had property. Peiitioaert pray that thU petltlea may be lecetded by the e ei k ef the Superior e.eurt ei • aid eeiiaty. aad that the tame ba publi-hed la Til D • h> CogKtT WtiCLT Ti ¥ Bi. a aewa paper publiaaed ia said realty, str.t a week for four weeks, aad thxt afterwards the eoart will pats aa order dnclariag said appliaatlea g> aated and petltloaera will ever prav, ate. T. J. LUMI KIR, Petiiteaera Atterney. Georgia, Dade County; L 9. H. Thermal, | Cleik ef doperlor eeurt or said ceuaty, de ■ hereby certify that the above is a true iraa- j 'oript ef tbe rcrorde Alt 4 la my oßce. This. Nevcmher 9‘h, IMA. a. a. THURMAN. Clerk Bnperler Ceorl ef Dade Couaty. I RTTRE9 «F DiaMl4-I».A •-•*f»E«I v 1 j Pads eeeaty. —tt her* «, w . R. Me#tli | xeenter ol Wm. Mc*iil, deecased. represeat- I te tke eearl ia kis petitiea, dalv lied aad art ] tied aa rcr-ard, iha> he has fallp exeeatod the wld ef said deceased. 1 his is therefe:# te cite a.l persees eeseeraed. kiadred aad creditors te t ew caase, if aay hey ean, wky s rid xeea atersheald aat he diieharged frets hie nert twmhlp asd receive lettars *f dismissiea ea tb lsl Meads* ia Jaaaary DM. This dipt It.iaft J. «. Baaaatv, • rdlaary ef PideCeamty. P tSTI’OSKI) ADMINISTRATORS BACK. tjeorgia Unite County,— Agreeable to an order of the Courtof Ordinary of snid county, will be old at auction atilt' couit house door ol said county, on the Hrst Thursday iu Janu ary in Xt, within the l*gal hours of sale, the following i-roperty. to w it: All ol lot ol land nuro ' r ;■•*») two hundred and ninety-four, 'fnd ;W) sixty aen «, uiorc or less, of lot num ber C*Bs) two hundred and eighty-flve, all n IlHh district and 4',h sectio of said ceunty, sold as the property of M ‘ry K. McC< By, Ue oeasad, s.->td lanes lying ab- ut One uiilo east of Trenton- Terms: One third ca-h, balance In twelve months with approved security. This, September 28, 1989. M. A. B, I’.tiUM, Administrator (1 ROM li, U iI)R COURT!.—Te all whom I it may noi-saraAll peiseae interested me hereby Aetifced that if no goe*l stale he shewn ta the eeatrary, aa aider will he g: ant ed hv me on the Aret Mt aday ia Uaeemhex, 18M, establisbtag a new raid as marked aai by 'he r«*i* were appaintsd l'ar that aarpesa. cfinmen iag on the Johnson Craok head ea she west brew ol l.oekaat aanatain, and ran aiug in aa ensterlv oireeti >a acres- the aoii .ain bv Jsceb BuOingtea’a lo tba hawers trail, s public read coming up the monataia aa the aast side. This, Oct Mib, 1889 J. A. BHNhETT, Ordinary Data Ceaaty. (t to kill A, DADE UOU NTT.- To all whom h it may oenre*-n l'be petition ef Jeha ( eazard guardian ol his daughter tiasael .1 t wuard, has ie due lorm applied te me fai leave to sell 'he town property ia the town at I'rentea ia said couniy bf longtag te hie said ward, and said appiieatiea will be heard ea tha first Monday in ba*'amUer, 1989. This, Oct. IQlh, 18T9, J. A. BENRirT. Orv’losry Dadal.eaatr, C'ilalioa. Cl EOBGIA, r A l)R COUMTT—To all wbem jj It may ooaeiii a.— Mr*. Mary C. Wilsaa. giionlisa ef John T* ilson aad Robert Wilsaa. (bermiaer abildrenl b.-s ia dan form aaaliod io me for leave "> >ell the 1 <ads belonging ta her aald wards, and said application wil‘ he beard ea the Ant Mendav la Decamh, r, RttA. Tain, Get Mth, ltt». -1. A. BBNRKTT. ttrdiaaiv t>ad» < 'w-«• v «r.sid w vnTVnTI O. until talel* li U ll I* a .*> ta# wvria. f* f| fl fa lopr. Vlsf-X 111 I » t raui**l. Heavy Sol.J o. | Uuulmg Cases. Bulb ladl.V ind pun siscs, with wotaa aud cases or equal Tslua. One S*ereww in each lo cality ean •ecur* one tree, 'he* with oar Urge end ni. • line ot lleuseheld ■plea. ThF«e saasplea, aa U the watch, we eewd ee, end elte* yen here hepe them |a year home tor S months aud *hewa them te theee who may have oiled, iher becemeyoer ows property. Theee who write el onre con be our. Of receiving the W.leh Ask Four dealer for Ed. L. Huntley 3c Co.’t HONEBT Clothing. If on r fools are not lti ■ ll " » i i tto bands oi ••THR TIKELBSS TOILKB FOB OOm© STOBB- TnAbr I” KEEPER In J Balr^Ol.ot.u^c. ( I dejes oat keep' . 7o”r«, arxlous to please, ! onr goods send l Ed. L. Hontlst. ana wg. \ rou a Suit or Oycrcoat, orprosj or me 11 r aid, lou receipt of price. We will win and hold yonr paticncr'© if you try U 3 with aa orderl ; IV© have built up this lmmonso bueinerA by I our painstaking; methods find by debug by i othors &s ws would be doco by. 1 En. L. HomtilEX & Go., Stylo Originators. BvrS ,to Inord©r!npr Suits or Overcoats oboorve r-nj strictly following rules for meaiiuro ment; Breast moaeure, over vest, olos* np under arms. Waist measure, over pants. In-, tide leg measure, from crotch to boeh PRICE-LIST. HMAVT-TVEIOHT OT-OTnrNO—STTTT9. Hen's Brown All-Wool Double and Twist Cassimorc Sack or Frock Suit .. sa oo! Mon a Kanoy Bluckor BluoKngliuh Worst ed All-Wool Beck or Frock Suits 14 OO i Men’s Brown or Gray Velvet Finiab, Ail- j tVool, Tricot Weave, Fine Gaseiuicre r Back or Frock Suit 17 QO Men’s Black or Blue English, All-Wool Corkscrew, Sr.-e worsted. Sack or Erooi i Suite ‘<9 <J©! Men’s Black, Bluo, Plum, Lavender or English Wno Wale , Worsted Saok or Prcok 3uita 24 00 j Referonrcs—First National Bark, ct ’alcapn, capital *8 000.000; Continent.! Na .onal Ea-.s, of Chicago, capital SS.OOO.OOd. Ko. L. linim.;rY U Co.. Manufacturer-and Whol<i“Gle Dealers in Clothing for M- n, Boys ; nd Children, J‘.’2 nn-.i lti Market fit., CLioago, i. Post Oifioo Box. Bd7. I SCIENTIFICAMERICAN h She oldest nr J roost popular sctepMfle n 4 roeotuwiMol ?ie*w paMlebtHl anil hne tke W*BU*» mvrmleiloT. et any Mp< r of He obis* in fea vtU. FaJty IdiMU-nved. B«*,t obum ot Wood Bnovav- Los. Pnbn.kod weekly, bend lev mwtdgnea spar. Price 88 » ye*r. Pour se* utbe’ krtu, ft. fiMXH h <0„ Cl’sufli'ic. *U Broadweg, ITT. AESmTE£TS & IIILBSIt IdHlon of Sciefrtlßo Atc«rloMl « A great »u canes. Bull laette com sine ewtopOT Bek,|ti-a«4uc plates ef ecowtry aud etty ruetßcW •es er eoMto t.wibtlnwe. Numeruoa ,u«u»*>p e*4 hv» ptesM amd *. a«o Utcwtu»e tor u*e mo Ax ■tab •< acwteaipbue fcnHAtco. PO« iXJt a y«a> Bets a eopy. tiUTfX * co.. rvaaJMOML lIfIRiRSB i &jßtzj32£Z' JaarajM ■a Bigm potoeeo. 9*e4 f<w Garndbook. MUM yew tea as etrtatly eowfld ewUei. TRADE HARKS. G9MII9HT* tor bwta, ttwH aw owtekt/ yroewrwd. Addreee Mil * 00., PaNHat awHoMwtro. - taotit bum: la BaeAtwav, M. 1 ITMIT-FISIST I Tha Original Winm VA •. F. Simmons, Bt. t.tiwAe, fl if. A. Siwimone LJvsrt Medi 8e», ttJti I I bf-n, to tbq U. S. Court wo<rmnwe L E Lsi B IjUtMp. PrwpT A. Q. Ibwwn Ldr- OJ *< f.cguUtwr, Su'd by Ksedm ML S .X. 1 M. A, 3. L. U kae 9er qy vwwee 9 ® ewwl InsieamaK, Wei lifemwwn, 1 Mft •varwreaA.Sica H miet ,L.w— If Apr»T*TW *wv« »T««eA«u. Eve I * f R«v. T fe. Reams, nnwlt. ft \ c MChweafi, Aduma, wi4*i«e: *7 llKlult I skoal ri have boy . d**d bwt at Lor year Gcauisa M. A ftw P L Unit Mediiiea Imw St*-'i'taKS eeatsfiwsoe bad te -‘-t-* fa «rm 1 "BeOTw’i vt«4r for y««f Wccii CW'.vin'-.. J edwe, bvt A don’t esiemoe Ay PirlSUh* I pw*^vot. v I KvSSp \ Dr. j. a. Svowwa.Edttmr rir Ssy'CX..btjßU'bii, Tens- eegwi I 1 1 received a yaanogc •< vcoer' -Awr A A t-Udimws, arid keve ueoJ kaU •< X P-. \ 11 veweft* bite, a ehaera. I wans aa F'. 'J bott»« Live, Rorralocor end a V- P ■ \ ttwnij so nv.rc ef ''a aa* -n-s c m c Add COTTAGE ORGASM <u i>t*ela»d a ttuiUrft OT wsweMwawa vWrt Admit! if an Maarior. It ewtalx ererr iiryrorwenewt tkat lavas Art gwlai, ■ Ull aad meney own prodwsw. azx ****** Ttae emwellr at Or ran* ora ee!®tv»*w4 vol m,, quality of tons quick. rt*»T>°«» c *- Rf •OfllWftAtlon, ftrtiatio J® I»*NR, ywrfoet sea,trueaou, roaktag »Wrm Iks atkrsstlTe.ociuuKioai-x’acd 8 estr-abls wva vse for • osass, aolaoola, churskes, lodgos, lesulm, eW: MTABUCeiL’ ftimTintS, FACmnsfl, kftu.Ud waxaubimr, lIMT KATEUAI OCWSTB*D, Kill tn TH2 POPULAR ORQAI. mxos, iTooiA, Boexx OaMJegtaws •* a#yilss»law, Tom*. CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAO U COTOftCO, ILL Advice to Ittot hers. lyfrs. SooiHiuiAhviti *• should always bo used wbon children are cuttiug teeth. It re lieves thelittl- sulTerer;it once; ltpvoduceunHtural, quiet Sleep, mid the little cherub awakes**.* ‘’bright as a button." it is very pleasant to tarts. It soothe* tl e chil ,softe> sthcpums.sll.iysaUpain, rege alcstbeboive s, and is the b st known remedy for dmrrhoßii, whether itrising in*m t“tthing ot other c-iuses. Twenty-live cuts a bottle. LADIU tewdlnt a tonic, or children that want balking up, should take BROWN’S IRON BITTKR*. It le pleasant to take, cure* Malaria, Itadlgss- Iso, aud bdiwunuei. All Cealec* keef It. LAND OF FLOWERS I DOUSSAN’S Sweat South la 1 «. SprtaklsmTup SMSkn, RACH G 5 CSWTS. AUK) OUR BXTMA BPExHALS’SISi lys dcs mm i spssts mi t LDNCAS l mm I HMPERSAL PWX. I ROU RBRM LILY OF V-I LEY! AU »• egaaSe yw k tjM*4r ?• If-’ ©LA I The most dallexte :*j*-4 c • -t I [■**»>■ f ■ 'rt* :s»fA Our trade-mark .u evary ... -*A "Ptlwte-ai a Laetiug »i .v» * . Wtr your a—*- -*i»i «fe> -: t tryep Amt tam 4 •awaatle ms mud w< wkJ tura irepnpmK BOitmN sc* SO SheeStM •*-. iUw*v <Su -«>1»A Jm a. ASK FOR IT I THE ££LF-TH?.KAD(Faa ELDREDGI “B” ***** w** UMd la W ;1 ? f IT SJf •nil | R& ■ * tag ahaeteM s destrabla ta & * •ell at ua, &Q. AnlMf Ml WlMdasrie SL KM Ww6ortA Aem., m Nrwmd gareeS, Fw. T«4- DEMmO THE -^WATERS—- B^WKEKi Guaranteed Represented, HAS THE BEST PRINCIPLE! LEAST LABOR U OPERATE I Dots Not INJURE DRAIN of BUTTER! SiLVEB Tiivna i # MAKES BETTER BUTTER TaixCix Possibly Bk Pkodccbd By Hmu. EYERY BUTTETMAKER SEEDS ORE. j SWIf yonr dealer does not keep them, send direct to the manufacturer and get one, but under any circumstance do not purchase wltbout Investigat ing the "WATERS ” and you will surely buy no other. RATERS M’PG. CO., r JOHNSON, Vl’. 2*3 OTMtinOTaJ*. wide * "Wm m indwiin aw —Bee . mien I 1 MW Ww m |"W >« A a it- i e. * !iv: /wot nJbOBOTI v •** r 1 • 1 * * 1 • w ■ ■ ** l^ :r*i I »■>■* OaOTm 7»ia A* < HMVw U*w moo* to §!©« «r --ftMi m 1«Ml Am mm «%• M 4 mt «l*» *F* AaU wo Hart fuK hi mU luhiM. wwJnh m—e ot% wm m* u r*+ a^'s iaJ mt T+m *» •* mirnmmr Vm am m*. NUehwmmwaimeCm KinLwT Uw*w«Tm» 4 r -jjrrx zzsst itu jiggSp |j M | THE ONLY ——... JsSs^elNKl tii naiiPiAi cai Mr maim m m * IM Til LCOPAH BIS •AM MWT WB Rllltm WIT—W KMTEM lUI* T— rABEM. w eft nun on ibilimt mrn RVIUb, car ns VEEOT EnE KETAIL PliiOL jh Vriflßf Mi DdwlW w«, Sodkf Vaz, Hooiftfo, Vtfort, Ho. «jnAimsumtH^ ION* B mil, hhiii Mjjiirn jfH5 NEW SUNSHINE HANOI, . *l-jHLWwB w mm RHIRVOW, Ml »»F, Nil BLUET, UW BLBSET sglTEl-MML BIT All Can your houM thorough- wi If 1111 »y» HEALTHFULLY and SC«- % NOMICALLY with tho I TORRID STEEL DRUM HIINACE.\W% Thooo who uoo the TORRID always praiaa IL Rond for FURNACE BOOK Bivins Hast- W ing capacity and priooa. MR PAINTER I MqUUII, M. «M9BRATEB FIBRE WARE. AIMLUTELY ONE PIECE! MAS NS H00PI! ■EITHER PAIMTEI IN VAMMMEti MT AAtdti BY HBT WATER I Ml APPtAIANCf m POUBI9 IAMUT. NULI, TUBS, BARMS, PAIN, niLBBt FfTTINR BLBPnIABB, WATIR-BBOLEM, BVMtEBATBtt. Bn, An 00RBLEY & HAYES, Maw Yarfc, ItU AfoHt. PmUHms Pertedt Me, Feterber*. E. D.IOTOTk BmE, B—epa, k. Y-, UdqMri. E !., fcaeilnnl BWe, item Em. FULL FtUeeuVY AME MTaiMW FMS M MOTUOTITtVCI. ! mm IQ TUB TIME ii!] tv ii iliu iilc. i - Do You Wieh lo up ywIIL th« Pro grcßß of D«de County? Hubicribe for The Dade County Weekly Timet. it will keep you posted on tho tranifer* of Beal Eitate, New Snterpritei to be Btartcd, etc. DADD] COUNTY is the richest mineral county in the “Em pire State of the South.” cry men, women end child in the county should reed “THE ms." nni uiiiumim. Dr. Little, foratr State Goologiat of tAeargia aad Ala- Vaoaa, in an interview about Trenton • luperiar advaatagee far itiikißg iron, between Bimiigham aad Trentoa, aaji: “Tkare >■ but obo ia favor of Birmingham It baa the advantaga ia he thickneaa of its iroa vaiaa They are two feet tkiakar han at Trentoa, but they are fiAe Miles away, aa ia iaeir aaai, wkila at Tren.on they are within one and two oiilee raapeet • vely. At Birmi lghan they have better aatural apaainga far railroad*, *o that it kas a better distributing poiat. Witk a railroad to tha river that *dvanr»gc would be overcome. “But a* a *ite for a city Treaton ia vaaily superior. Bir mingham lnek* drainage; Trentoa ha* it. Treaton ka* akuaa ance ot water for furnace* aud all kind* of maaufacturiag aa rabliahaent*. It he* the advantage in the matter ef pure aad wholesome water, and there ia na reason wky Trentau may not become a« praaperou* a* Birmiagkam, wkea it kaa aa Eiany oatleta to market.” T. A.. *T. Major*. f. 0« Bax 4t, Traataa, #«.