Newspaper Page Text
Tl\f '
jll Lj 7 ! 1./JYI.V JJ 1 1 llVl JuO.
With this issue we suspend the
paper. We are well aware of its
short comings but have dose the
best we could when the business
have withheld their patronage.
We regret nothing that has been
said knowing that we were in the
right. Lookout for an officer to
your bill.
By order of the ; fate school
commissioner there will be held at
the court house in Trenton on Jan
uary 2, 3 and 4 an examination of
applicants for teachers license for
those who desire to teach iu Dade
county daring the year 1890.
This will be the only examina
tion for this purpose.
J. P. Jacoway, C S. C.
The world ajay be search id from
pole to pole and ne remedy found
equal to B. B. B. (Botanic Blood
Balm ) for the cure of blood poison,
It js a remedy founded on scienti
fic medical knowledge, and its
reputation as a curative establish
ed by such true and unsolicited
testimony as are found in ou
c®lumns from time to time.
Leprosy in the Northwest.
Dr Armaur Hanseu, a Norwegian
savant, recently visited this country
and iu Wisconsin and Minnesota exam
ined a number of lepers who had emi
grated from Norway. He arrived at.
the ii'Ofci'i. ■. ,rcsntr 111 ct of 100 ■- such
emigrants the offspring h remained
free to the thii J generation. Tins, the
author believes, shows v mphatically that
leprosy is not a hereditary disease. He
thinks that the different mode of life in
the new country does not afford the
same opportunity of contagion as given
by the peculiar conditions of life in Nor
way.—Chicago Tribune
-vjred on •*Boile<TYletnal» and Juliuny Cake.”
Walter Haynes, of Brimfield, is cele
brating his 100th birthday today. He is
in excellent health and does not look to
be over 75. As a carpenter Mr. Haynes
helped to build the first block erected in
Syracuse, N. Y., and alone excavated a
quarter section of twenty-six rods of the
Erie canal. He never used liquor or to
bacco, and attributes iiis longevity to
“boiled victuals and johnny cake.'"—
Palmer (Mass.) Cor. Albany Times.
TTis 15rl<?e*s Family*
A curious wedding has just taken
place at Lodz. Hungary. A young inau,
18 years of age and <>f good position, for
some unaccountable reason married a
poor widow with a numerous family.
The “blushing" bride is in her seventy*
fourth year! The “happy” bridegroom
has now eleven stepsons and daughters,
the oldest of whom is 53, besides twenty
three grandchildren and twenty-three
greatgrandchildren—and all that at 1a!
f a<( 'tali-
STMK oF uE-Mibh. I' 'J»K « o('NT
K* vnuieoi -in i • *i«n»».ie oi of
■ icwi <>ttru-t e\«cnie»i me on 6UI day o> -
i)ci«*b* by K « the same
b<*'u*oi « I in «I e-l bo.jk -.J” «>n }* ,#■ $
160 181 ..ii 4Htf ili lb i.fticw oi »h«* Supeuor
. qqri tit % ( i I «*.■ mi . i}, l o ft a c«!i debt
ii i) said «r. v**n> i• • A !. Wi> I will
ihe lir»i J'lienJa . >h* 7>h h i of .Janu »v.
W h I ill I* 4 1» III' «> 8 Cl* e\porve ’«»
i*l- i *«» i*t pub l mu-cr . i:i four ot lie
< .ii it Imipfi iii'iii in I’fftii** iu - d < omit
■ t.> to* bidiir - *»r 04»h in h ti» < mi in
I. •* o all +h nit 'i* > '1 »•»;• i ui| t nii In*
it 11 »v* > iig d - t i*mpe t>. t•- vv ii:
! t iMhn **>d> «•! lan i si»n it* d *•• »h<* imh
1 iM-m tan 41 •* . 0 . ri «u tii ori . iDa*l. h** ok *
nr ii ov% •.«*!• »•.«» it v. n• • • •I -
wi.oJ, hm mi n |mi *»l « f'» >1 i Hook'*
mill M4;.'t»* l a*i : ' 'c* p . nicul *l l % *l* -
ii: iif<i i h w-. I-* vvi :
1 Mu#* •u*,'-. o l'*t mii»nh** v (86’ *«iy hi \-- ix • n
• 1»« e i>t 'hie ol lookout I f < k h IS d • •*>•'
i «1 tii l)\ i i\o;i\* line, ion il» >y »h • *ii -
1t • H.• iiil ol >ui < «"C and We t i» Lookout
! • .ok.
*> l*r> t i te t«*nihs <*t an aor«* i»i ill** uoi’ih
, *, i* t i*o so<tD-.DI i*» . i*e>n-r the sdll • pvfid
I i».»; if- h I) 'ini • ■- iron) (■*»*•> rt.*i» »*x» m.
:> \-o ail of Dil tinti)b**t* > rijsli v -ev n
c . i til i I‘i i n*i ." Hi" O• o "
4. \i o oviy - li! ne ;%erv.- *f 10. iiit'M »♦*’• .*>o
( Ii i ii;> {> of, ; h we t lil*♦* OI I'G
|nn ine (5 s *) fi r eiihr at i»th»,*-y
1 .*». iu- *ud uniting in a tl"»• li-NO' l com>e
wnh M • tin’* line covisn \h* > r.-ek to he
i«i \ l l w h**» * i*” make* a*h teu \'** ro the »ou*t n
! ii dch u f'tw.t idl v nuU i «• l'Otd to a branch,
hen«*e up -.iid biHueh cith ii*> meander- t
he w -■ 11 n of-aid I#’. bo'ii . :*1 oi - i i lot
< xoept wb u i- owned by HI a i in
5 A Iso a •* e«ev«t n .»**r* <P* vi
ol jo, .umber 60 -\t . 1D0,..t.*d no Oi by
ICu -el J - * *ufb oy Hi.X >n, we- 1 bv
i-i»am V f e>i by l«>t iitpnoei* (sft) lilty
i i-isie. exerpt the iron »*r«
8 \lsoa»»«»th,er tract oi ti * - <in« acre- pTt
. (ti - , j.i lot in > her sixty, excepi the imn .»r**.
in: ii tided nort'i. sonth aroi wc-> h» • lie original
• mi, lint ', and e-t by Mixon, \ e-i m liu--
' oi 1.
7. Abo about live ttoa nl' lot numb »r (49)
iu. tv-niue mcliTii • a >m *'l triangle wl i. h
i.- bo"ndea -oiiih **v iwt nnuiber -i\t . ,*a-t }»y ,
itu >e*l, noi ■h b> the mi Iro o , and irndmliv^
] . i.-' in*»iiitv M*4< ton noth M<b d inn \. ti.
, ' li drovd tbe- ejos at Wildwood now
1 -tund- a"d includi y: the re>i b*nce
o-t id he depot. - i.l tr cl i> bounded - a»t
and north bv Ku*'elh 'Outh liy lot number
ixt\ an" west by the origin*il line, o said lot
* i umber 49. , , .
8. Also ull the iron or* and mi non) niterest.
in t ' !!S
r \vi'tT'c mllepeo • -ui r | >:» h:-ot-w av
o •.()•:v( \i' ’.o *. 'F-* bv M. K.
«, i*,»-a *1 h\ dee »»• 1 1 ;4i!i. 18-7.
Ko»-further description o le property v« f
,v, .re 11> » j., in u e *»l RiorU ttf**
: as ilUove >t4l e.'i i ) ,*\ll con v-y the
itv -<) bv vi*li<l Je. (! n lee t"
' 1,,, i.iiich i-ei- with tin- i -*. •! euvenuiits ot
.v .ii:.a«v «iven hv moi-tjr’.u.'t*.
Wit., smy bund ibi-, 45"'.; .1..; of Xovem
itcr. 1888. bOKKK.
ETI'KKS "*t' (,
| j 1* , roontv —" he v «*t. M. R M ill
• x>-.ii.t*r «t "’is. M • ill. .**-eia»ed. lenre-fn!-
r.. III.; <snnit ill hi* petition. *nlr 81**1 and »n*
errd i.h roeord. 1 In*’ It* ha« IVli)» t*x«UHts«l the
Hi .f J-c.o . -id Thi» i» >. V« «■ i-»t «• i-e t* ciw
„i| ptr**i>* coi.wsrneit klMr*« .a«4 or«<it«*is
to- <u f nu-e, it imv ’li«T uan.why said • xe«e
I.tor'll mill MOV In* Hi»«h.trjj«4 Irani his «e««-
i« -lii .ml r-vciv* letters at d -mis-itu an th
-1-t A.oml n in .lanuaiy 18»0. 1 hi* Sept 19.1 SSt»
.1. X. Ri-m ■•tr,
<*' Jim*ry *f l»nd« Count?.
(■.corgi* Dade CouhtV,-- Akrr*eable to mb
order *1 ihe Cdui I*l ‘iidinarr . I said eoanty.
wi I b*-old at auction at tie court house door
et **id county. on the first Thu uday in Jasn
*rr «»xt. within Hi* i*£al hou’» 01 the
foilhi'i hit |*i'o|»ortT. to-wit: Ai‘ of let ol land
nuoi or V.H) two hundred an! ninety-lour,
n y d# »ixt» aore*. onoro or lu*d, °t lot n.iin
bor .3*5 (wo hundred and eitf.-ljr-tve. all *
19th di*triot and 4th *ectio ©t ceil nty,
sol i as the jnopertv of M*ry E MeColly, de
eeaned. »»W land* ivihj about o*e mil* east ol
Trenton Term*: On* third cm*. hataßce in
twelve month* with approved »*©»rit.T. Thu,
Sootomhor 21. ItS*. M- 4. tt. TaTIjM,
Admin ittrator.
/ tHS
fZ., " ! irhoosia, Mala-
JtaS,..' r • JjllV. IW
™ , ♦ <of 1 d Genuine
lime.. ; VuT- Tv. -1- Uj» on wrapper
189 O .
Some people agree with The Sun’s
opinion about men and things, and
some i ebp e don’t; but everybody
likes o get hold of the newspaper
which is ever dull and t ever afraid to
speak its mind.
Demoora's k ow that for twenty
v®ar* 'I he Sun has fought in the front
line for 1 emocn>tie i rinciph s, nerer
waver ug or wea 1 •m ug i;i t- loy.-Uy
to t e rue in eiest- of the pa tv i w th fe rless in’e'lige >.-• and
di- ncr st d vigor. At times opinio®*
have differed a- o the f est mo ns of
m complisiti g the common purpose ; i
is n t The Si n’s fault if i ias se a
further to he mills on«.
E ghieen hundrsd an" * inety i. he
year that will prob biy d«'enri'i* the
result of He P,es ; dei tial el ction of
1892. a: dp r aps tlie fortu es of he
Democracy for t!ie rest of the ce tu r y.
Victo y i 1892 is >< duty, and the be
o-’iu. it) of 1860 is t'>. best time to start
out in company w'th he Sun.
Daily, per mom,' $0.50
Daily, per yea .. 6.00
Sunday, per tear 2.00
Dailv a d Sn> day, p r par 8 00
Daily a , i*' Sunday, pr m nth 0.70
Weekly Su . one year 1.00
Address THE SUN. N«w V«rk.
A vj) Til K N 4 M P.l, . .
1.1 rv YVTr N KKiU bogs
11, \ ro>t au c v (to * s!•
| t l' I. V NT V, G A
I \ rnl t I 'i \of y<.„ will r fr«n
" s ■u< i> h . opr or l tie
I Tan tine giv« your neighbor*
Hamilton." write lu! it. TALM AtrE amt
s» M ION K< uvem-li for it. Ur .JON Es writes
the "Fa.'Mere’ pe^e.' - ah.i M IP. KINO wntes
the “Woitetl** K i n s'l.'ni.’ VV A B BToRIEs.*’
AND AIiVENTURE,” in every neue.
Dade County Allianea will m e®
at Trento*, Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1890.
S. H. Thurman,
W. G. Morrison,
Peter Forester
siness entreated t» him.