Haralson banner. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1884-1891, April 19, 1884, Image 2

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TARALSON BANNER - PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. T et AR TITTS, ~ EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. *WMM*:::? B SATURDAY, APRIL TV, 1884 Union Hill Singing. In company with our young friend, Mr. Morgan J. Hcad, we went to Union Kill church last Sunday. The object of our visit was to hear Prof. Morris sing; but, ow ing to the inclemency of the weath er the daybefore, hs'failed to come. But we were not doomed to disar - pointment, for as we approached - the church house, the sounds of _ Bweet music] greeted! our cars. We found one-half dozen of the -singing professors on hand, and everything scemed prepared for a singing. Music was conducted by Profs. Shell and Griffith, after which an intermission ot one and a half hours given for preaching and refreshment. The Rev. R. Goldin preached an able sermon from the 2nd chapter of Hebrws and 3d. verse, was fol- Towed by the Rev. L. G. Cowart. : After preaching, the singing was - tonducted by Pros. Lewis, McAd ams, Griffitfhand others. Everything Was conducted very nicely and we did not regret our trip to Union Hill, DRAKETOWN. Egrror Baxxer :—The flood last night exceeds anything ever known by the oldest inhabitants. Conner’s, McGarety’s and Reeve’s dams and mills in Paulding county are all Washed away. Siy bridges within 4 miles of this place are all washed away. Damages to fences and lands are immense. The rain fell in tor rents from 9 o’clock p. M. till 3 A. M. MessrsiAllgood & Bros. gin wash éd away, and also, part of the dam and mill ot Mr. W. W. Crumbly. Parties froni Temple yesterday reported four mills washcvd away. JORIM. 5 BREMEN. DrAr BANNEE, we miss thee, I was gick Saturday and failed to attend the Sunday Scheol Associa tion. The Baxxer has mot come yet. I attended Mt. Zion Sunday and hieard Rev. Jasper preach 4 good sexmon. . I never saw a grander sight than the stotwa lagt night—su ch ~ continuous flashes of lightning. The old citizens say this is the heav iest freshet they ever saw. Many fences (we might say all in low lands) were carried off. Mills dam. aged—the raiload washed out—the cars don’t come to-day. _ Mi. Boatright has opened his new lHotel and we are going to fix up for summer visitors for health, pleasure and recreation. ‘ . We need and must have a good church. G WP BUCK CREEK. 1 . Eprror Baxyer :i—Corn planting | is the order of the day. : | . More corn has been bought here. this spring than for many years. L: am_ of the opinion that fwo thirds more coiti will bie planted in this seetion than estton: - 1 ~ . Mr.- Bartlett's little boy who has been sick is convalescing: | - Mr. R. L. Griffin’s dwelliig and smoke house that were. burned. ,some days singe, caught from the stove flue, A part of: the furniture .and househeld goods were saved. “The logs is said to bo sven or SSOO. [The neighbors bave assisted him, .and now he lives in anew house, .on thegame ground that bis other one was burned. - ! Tt raided from 11 oclock yester -day till one this morning. The wa “ters are higher than I ever saw _them, Mr. E. Creel’'s mill, gin and dam are all washed away. The “dam at Mr. W. 8. T. Bush’s gin is ‘also gone. Mr, Creel’s lossis about © SI,OOO, and _Mr. Bush’s is about Isloo,. . Mr. Bartlett’s mill is also badly torn up. His raw mill was g?gsh@i “away: and his loss is said f‘fiffi’é“m o A R R T AR R SRR T i e RN -Mr HM Harper is the happi est man on the creek—ho a’aya"f*g?iji aboy. Mr. J. T. Broek is the next happiest man—he saysit's a girl! M G b i J.R. R ~ Keep Out 0T Debt. - A debt is a fetter. It cuts hard in to the neck ; it binds you when you lie down to sleep ; it rises with you in the morning ; it clings to you through the day-—therefore keep out ofdebt! Itis a vampire that sucks your heart’s blood and con sumer your beauty ; therefore keep of debt. The debtor ig not himeelf; he cannot look the market man in the face; therefore keep out of debt.—“ Running into debt,” says an old minister “is the firat sin; lying is the second sin, for run ning info debt leads to lying.” It leads to many other sins, it leads to self-destruction ; and of the very large and lamentable number of su icides that have occurred of late, the majority have been caused by running into debt. Taerefore, again we say keep out of debt. If need ful, wear old coats longer, live on simpler diot, take a plainer house, rise earlier in the morning, do any thing—fair and honest—if you ‘must, to save yourself from run ning into debt. For debt isa tyrant, goading you, tantalizing, tortnring you, and still unpitying as the grave-pursuing and harassing you until you pay the last farthing. Therefore as you love serenity of mind, as you leve manliness, as you love liberty, as you love sweet life itself keep out of debt.—Ex, “I suppose you often want some thing to fill up your paper with? said 4 man, coming into a country newspaper. office, with a four col umn communication.on a patent, duplex, self~adjusting, double-back action harrow of bis own Inven tion.” “Oh, no,” said the man of the quill, “the paper is full enongl . It is the editor who wants some thing to fill up with. This will make four columns and two sticks —s42, please.” T Tt | Soint editor who evidéntly know? whercof he writes sends out the fol lowing: “Dip the Atlantic Ocean wit a teaspoon, twist your heel into the toe of your boot, send up fish—' inghooks with a balloon and fish for stars, get astride a gossamc ‘ and chase the comet; choke a mo squito with an anvil, get a horse trot up here—in short, prove all things heretofore consider impos sible to be possible, but never, nev er attempt to please every bodyf when you edit a paper. ] The man who will regularly read a borrowed paper, in order to save the expense of subscription to it may be a very estimable citizen, but we would vote against hiis han dling the collection plate in the church t« which we belong.—Fall River Advance. 1t is the slowest rulsation which is the most vital, The hero will then know how to wait as well as to make haste~~All gond abides with him who waiteth wisely.—Thor eauv: Bvery great example takes hold of us with the authority of a mira { cle, and says to us: “If ye hada but faith, ve conld also be able to do the’ things which I do.”—Jacobi. Love covers a multitude of gins. When a star cannot be taken away the next kind office is to hide it Love iz never so blind as when it is to spy faults.—South. As for the birds, I'do.not believe there is ¢ne of them but what docs more'good than harm :and of how many featherless hibeds can this be paid -=TLowell. | G e ’ If a lil;.m_do tot erect in this age ‘his own tomb ere he dies, he shall live no longer in monument than the bell rings and thé widow weéps - — Shakegpear. ) ‘ Thé good thingg of life aré niot to bé had singly, but camé to us with a mixture; like 4 schoolboy’s hioli day, with a task affised to the tail of tt—Eamb: 7 - : S it RS N T agamst me and I forgive? T4l sov on times?? Mat., xviii, 21. Peter, doubtless, thought seven times would be all that a man would Le required to forgive his brother; because seven seemed to be a com plete nuruber. : We learn that God finished the creation on the seventh day, “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he made.” Gen. ii, 2. When Noah entered the Ark, he took the clean beasts by seven into the Ark, and the unclean by twos. Seven days after Nozh entered the Ark, the waters were upon the earth. He sent adove from the win dow of the Ark, and ghe returned finding no place for the sole of her foot. And he stayed yet seven days and sent her forth again, The Ark rested the soventh month on Mt. Ararat. ¥ Jacob bowed seven times to E sau. ' i Pharaoh saw:. _injhis dream seven fit kines and seven lean kines, which was interpreted to be seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. The enemy shall flee before the servants of God seven different ways There are seven abominations, Jacob served geven years for Leah and seven more for Ra chel. The temple was seven year: in building. Naaman dipped himself seven times in Jordau. Job had seven sons. “He that made the seven starg.” * The priests sprinkled blood and oil seven times in his servizeg. The Psalmist said seven times do I praise God. The children’of Isreal marched a- Lround the walls of Jericho seven 'duys, and onthe seventh day sev en times. At the passover, they were to eat unleavened bread seven days. Seven weeks from their harvest, they were to have a grand feast, called the feast of the Tabernaele) which was observed seven days, ! The pricsts of the Lord were to "bear seven trumpets . . ~ The seventh year the land was to rest and not be cultivated, and all the servants were to be set free the seventh year. The priests offered seven bullocks and seven rams Bo it seems that the number sév en was a complete mumber in scripture; so, doubtless, Peter thought that seven times would be enough to forgive one who trespass ed against a brother; but Christ taught him differently. After the ascension of Christ, Peter said to' the church: “Look you out seven men for the first deacons:” and they were so appointed. We see in the Revelations seven colden candlesticks, seven stars, seven churches, the seven spirits of God, the hook with seven seals, seven angels having seven tram pets and seven vials of water, the hoast with seven heads, the seven last plagues, the seven thunders, &e. AT, Tallaposa, Ga. . Our teeming fancies, biight and fair, : . Flitting about on ghining Jvinge, Grow dwl breathied forth upon the air, ; . | And fall Tike lehden senseldss ithings-. o Lo ~ Sin or sinful is the life of that man who finds not the heavens bluer, or, the waves more musical in maturity than in childhood.— 1. W. Higginson. : Songs of departed glovy die the %pxivi‘lege of a confuéred people ‘and prophetic hope are a consola tion seldom wantingito the oppress ed.—Longfellow. ; : Ifvirtae doés not geem amiable to thee if thy enemy, and vice hate ful ‘o thee in thy friend, canst thon tell whether thou havest virtue or hatest vice? : : | ; A gt i & | : e a W W RETRS: Sl LA ; Ve S e ’ 2 Drugs, Painta, Ofle, Glass, Bcoks . and Btationary, G _‘“w CARROIITON. . | GRORGL HARALSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S : SALES. STATE OF GEORGH, j - Harausox Covnry, ety Wmn be sold before the court house door, in the. town of Buchanan, larals.n county, Ga., within the leeal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May, next the following properta,to-wit : Oune fonr horso power engine on four wheel, of Frick & C'o’s make. Levied on as the property of W, 8, Milner, by virt ue of one mortgage fi fa issued from Fay ette superior court, in favor of Frick & Co., ve, W. 8. Milner. Property fpointed ontin saidfi fa. Deft. notified of levy. Algo, will be sold lot of land No. 272 in the 6th Dist, and sth Sect. of original Carroll,now Haralson Co. Ga. ; levied on ag the property of Wright W. Goldin by virtne of one tax fi fa issued by the A. Trentham, T. C. in favor of the state and Co. va. the said Goldin for state county tax due for the year 1883, Property poin ted out by the T\ C. Alro at the same time and place will be sold lot of land No. 779 in the 20th digtrict and 3d sectlon of original Cher olkee now Haralson county Ga.;levied on as the propvrffy of Thomas H. Wal drop, by virtue of one tax fi fa in favem of the state and county vs. the said Wal drop for his state and county tax due for the year 1883, The property pointed,ou) by the T, C. Also at the Humo‘timc and place will be gold lot of land No. 1128 in the 20th distriet and 3d section of original Cher okee now Haralson Co. Ga, Levied on as wild lend returned tome in default hy virtue of cne taxfi fa issued by A. Trent ham T. C. infavor of the state county vs. the said wild lot of land for the state and county tax due for the year 1883. Property pointed out by T. C. : This Mareh vhe 26 1884, J. K. HoLCcoMBE, Sheriff, SUMMERLIN & SON. BUCGHANAN -o w 0 oivs GAL DEALBRSG IIN FAMILY GROCERIES. _ COFFES, '‘SUGAR, SPICES, TOBAC CO & CIGARS. Alsgo School Books. Custommers will filnd our Stock ‘FRESH AND PURE, As we aim to keep nothing but the VERY BEST ) DR. PARKER’S COLUMN, 1 | AP EPRS C. W.PARKER'S . AR _ ‘BREMEN, GA.IS GROWING IN PUBLIC FAVOR. | ! | ; A . - When in Bremen, go to i DR. PARKER’ FIVEDY | HOTEL | And get a GOOD DINEER B 1k ~N I TN DINT , S PRING BEDS | Far Sale at | . ' : DR. PARKERRS HOTEL BREMEN, GA, Dr. Parker has for sale the cele- Brated Seven Barke, kidneys, liv er, dyspepepsia, rheumatism, uri nary oigans, female complaints, diseases of the bowels, fevers piles, heart and nervoeus diseascs. It is 2 ‘good niedicing. : He also has on hand Bradfield’s Female Regulate» Siminon’s Liver Regulator, Waris: Safe Kidney & Liver Cure, and many other rem edies that are good and pure. : BBR &AQLC S ; Bad blood, and these can’t antee. Lots and lots of this medicine is seld. C. W. Pagker; Agt., | 5 e Bretnen; Ga. SALES. S i ey 4 0. W. AULT & BRO. A BUCHANAN, . » GA., Manufacturersof Furniture, Will gell you a Bedstead complete for - i - $2,00 Dining table - - - - 2,00 Small square table : - - e Centre table (ash) - - - . 2,50 Washgtan - - . 2,00 Safe - - - . 4,50 And will make you anything you want at low figures, We also make the famous | TARY HARROW WATSON ROTARY HARROW, Every farmer should have one. A few reasons why it 18 the best har rows made: Ist, {it never chokes or clogs, but relieves itsel at every revolution—2nd, it will hoarrow all around a stump or tree and never stops—3d, in sowing grain, it will not drag in heaps, but leaves the grain as it is sown.—4th, it is the Jightest draft of any harrow made. Come and see it. " : We are agents for Sawmills, Engines, Cotton Gins and Other machinery. Also, Manufacturer’s agents for Wheat and Corn Miils. | "We call special attention to the wheat and corn mill, EATTINTVNT NIDVERYEY COZYETEINVETY Y - 'QUEEN OF THE SOUTH.” Tt will grind one hundred bushelg per day, with a 4 horse power en gine. It is the lightest running and best mill made. Come and see ug a 1 write for Cireulars and Prices. 6 DELER IN ITNET MDY L N\ GENERAL MERCHANDISE, BT TAN S ® o e GrA: I have now on hand a full and complete line of Tl D i o 8 i AR ’ ] Dry Goods & Groceries, Hats, Men's and Boy‘s Clothing, Hardware and Crockery, : and a speciality of ! e R ERRa E A e i e MEN’S & LADIES’ SHOES, The beést selected stock ever brought to this market. T have on hand a full stock of Meat and Flour, Coffec and sugar, Tobaceo & snufis, horse shoes and nails 4rd all kinds of farming tools—all at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Come and examine my stock before making purchases, and T will convince you that I am selling Chicap for Cash or Barter. I want 10,000 raw hides, 10,000 Doz. eggs, 10,000 chickens, for which [ will pay the highest market price. Bring them along. T will gell you a good brogan shoé¢ for $1,25, ngood Ladie’s shoe for SI,OO, a good Calf Gent’s Boot for $3,25. Also, I have a full line of Burial materiat on hand; and in fact, everything usuallay]kept in a first clug store, Thanks for past patronage, I invite a continnation. il o 457 B G 4 s BN S 14 B il glO% 'SR AN k) )il LOOK! READ! COME AND SEE I want all my old customers to know that T amn still as my old stand and have on hand & well seleeted stock "of Dry-Goods, Bobts, Shoes and Hats ; and also, a full Stock of Groeeries, Hardware, Glagswd and Furpiture.. Talso keep on hand, at all tHimes, Fresh meal, whic! Lwill seel, together with all Py stock, jchenp. Come quick and price my goods. I mean busingss, Call'al'my store gouth of the court hons: Buchanan, Ga : i I am celling that vary popular brand, Pacific Guano.,