Haralson banner. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1884-1891, May 10, 1884, Image 3

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HARALSON — DANNER ;’_‘I_‘.'BLIBHEH EVERY SATURDAY. A, B PITRS. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, The United States had 1,317 mur ders Inst year-—93 wore l_qg;lk'll\: éx ecuted and 118 men were T\'d@hn‘(l. ¢ Charles Ford, hrothed of Bob }"()rd who killed Jesse James, com mitted suicide in Richmond, Mo., _Mny thacdeh, |0 A man by the name ¢f Flippin struck a man by the name of Ham mond with his fist at Chattancoga, the sth,, and I}'.l‘9(-}s(\(! him in the river, and he was drowned. | Coweta farmers gig chopping | cotton at a lively rate. | Coweta county Democrats wills gelect delegates tq the convention in Atlanta, May the 17th, There were 131 failures in ihe Y. 8. last week, an] 7 of that l)l}llfl)()l‘} were in Georgig. ‘ Some of the countics, of this state have instructed their delegats for Tilden, and it is quite probable that every county, with a few ex peptions, will follow the same ex ample, A lively time is axpected this tall in the sth congressional Dist, There ave three candidates in the field, and all threg are gogd men,. Hoy. J. C. Clements scems to be the coming man in this district. He should be npminated by ac clamation, and every Democerat shoald vote for himn. Dr. Felton seems to have enough of onr “Jud” He says he prefers a private life now. It taken twao struggles to con vince him. 2emeeratic Gains, Muniaipal clgetipns tnok place May the sth in Raleigh, Newberry, Ashville, Greensbero, Tarboro, CGoldsboro, Greenville and other towns in the state. The Democrats were successful in all, and in some instances made large gains. | A cyclone struck the lower end pf Davenpart, lawa, May the sth, i and leveled a number of buildings, | killing one person and badly in juring others, The hest autharity now divides up the Republican convention in the early ballots as follows: B 8D MR o 0 e 28T Wlainds o 0 s bl Lobane 0w i vaal Bheiman s i o Bl @ipsham oi sl e o ] Pnbnowhe s 0 ols et e e e FITTS, CARROLL COUNTY. . Sh : Eprror BANNER :——As there i 10 one writing for vour paper from this place; I will jgive you a few items occagionally. There is not much sickness i thig community now. Mrs. J. T. Norman has boen quite sick for some weeks past, but is much bet fer now. ¢ The faviners are very much be hind with their work, They are us ing more guano than formerly, and are trying’ the same old method, viz: Plant all cotton and no corn. The corn-raiser will pocket the money this fall The big rain, of a few weeks ginee ¢id great damage to lands in this loeality, I noticein Tur Basyer that the mill at this place was washed away, which was a mistake—only a part of the dum washed out, but we wiil soou be ready for grinding again. ‘Wheat is looking very fine, 1 hear some complaint of the fly. Oats were injured very badly by the late cold weather. Old fashioned faw-gol-law sing ngs are in fashion now. We have lginging two Sundays in each month at Cross Plains church. “IHow f)lousant tis to sce Kindted and frigmls agree ; _ Each in his proper station move, And cach fulfil his part, With a sympathizing heart, In all the cares of life and dove. e Weo M. €handler PDRAKETOWN, - Korpor BANNER j— Everything a round this place is oY Woiwing a very cheerful aspect. The heautiful folinee of the ‘forest has nearly jenclied maturity;, nu'(] the sweet o dor of flowers is being wafted pn the breeze, i Yesterday we had g bpautiful rain, which was being needed a lit tle, and this iorning (the 6th of May,) all natyre seems to he wear ing alovely smile. Farmers in this vicinity are done planting cation sced; nnd; plowing over the early cornis now th ' orvder of of the day. Rev. J, II,'(jg;!(: preached at the Baptist ('lulr("]4‘hg‘;l,‘.@: on last Sun day, a very §l\@Ql:(\sti|lg SCrION, which was listengd toby the con gregation with parked attention; and it is hoped that it may result profitable to these who heard it. Rev. J. D. Phillips, from Cle burne county, Ala., vaid a visit to his son’s, Dr. ML K.2Phillips, as this place, the latter part of lagt week, and preached at’ the chygeh on Sunday night, quitg an interesting digcourse, which gegmad to make quite a good imprassian upon our people. He has promised to visit our town again gometime in the coming summear, and spend a week iur so with us, ‘ Prof. R.M. Newton died at his ‘home, in Paulding county, on last Thursday night, after a severe ill ness of about pne month, His re mains were interred on Saturday in the family burial ground near Whitesburg, Uarroll county. Tru |y, a good man Tias fallén out ol ‘the walks of men. His death hag produced feelings of sadness in the hearts of his many friends in this community. Mav the love and providential care ofa kind and merciful Providence be vouchsafed t 5 his hereaved ¢nl hLoart-siricken widow and orphans. The general health of our com munity appears to be] improving, as our three physiciang are not so continuously engaged as they were some timo ago. Dr. Goldin, who some time ago was professionally engaged continuously day and night, can 'now occasionally take off his coat and look over his farm. Our schools here, both literary and Sunday, are doing very well, NEW YORK BANK STATE- { MENT, NEew York, May 3.—=The bank statement shaws the following chan 5684 Loans decrecase - - -% 1,365,000 Specie decrease - - - 2218 200 Legal tender decrease- -12,70 C Deposit deerease- - - 2,463,400 Circulation decrease- - - 76,000 Reserve decrease- - - 1,613,000 The banks now hold $806,000 in excess of legal requirements, HEALTHY HINTS, Don’t shake a hornets nest to sce if any of the family are at home, Don’t try totake the right way from an express train at a railroad crossing., Don’t talk to a woman who handles a shovel with grace and dexterity. Don’t go near a draft, if a draft comes toward you run away. A licht draft is the most dangerous. Don’t blow in the gun yonr grandfather carried in the war of 1812, It is hore dangerous now than it was then. : Don’t liold a wasp by the other end while you thaw it out in front of thic stove to seeif it is alive. It is generally a live. Don’t try to persuade a bull dog to give up a yard of which it it is in posessi n: Possession toa bull dog is 10 points of the Law, Don’t eat things after you have enougn because you fear they’ll o to waste ; such acustoin will bring you too much o wasite yonrself, . Don’t oto bed with your bhoots on. This is one of themost unhealthy practi ces that a man especial’y, a married man can be addicated to. Don’t call a yery large, sinewy man = prevaricato*, If you are sure he is a pre varicator, hire another man to hreak the news to him. - Don’t put an old ‘hombshell in the stove to amuse the audience. You may not linger here below to enjoy the applause even if you shonld win any. Don’t, when gunning, put the pipe you have been sinoking into the pocket where you are carrying your powder, un less you have a ¥ vy strong constitution ~and another suit of clothes, S [ have now on hand ong of the best stoeks of ‘ CLOTHING ‘ gner brought to Cedartown. My stock oonsizts of ‘ MEN’S AND BOYS’ G ADY-MADE CLOTHLNG REA ADE CLOTHENG \ BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBER 3, HATS, CAPS ; : | HTD AT T DRSS 00, My stock is complete, and [ will sell to my customers as Cheap as any Firm in Georgip—Atlanta not exeepted. = 1 have also the Latest Style of Spring n THIC TOR MUY AV ROVS LLm e FUR B .‘3.!! B“ \ i T ask evervbody, wishing to bul\" anything in my ling, to call and ey amine my stock beforp purchazing clsewhere. Come quick to MILLER A. WRIGHT, (Cedartown, Ga. I am now in the Huntiggton & Wright old stand, A:d: YOUNG, BRETCHET A WAN (oA, : — 14 ER IN— Brandies, Whiskies, wines, Beer, TOBACICIO & OTG A RS, I guarantee satisfaction. Call at 1y Bar, south side of uthe courthoe: WE HAVE RECEIVED A NEW JOB PRESY ; v L FROM NEW YORK, And are Prepared to do All Kinds of } WORK, CHEAY JO]) ’ § fi ! Send in Your Orders at once, andthey will receive our attention W. W. FITTS, ~-DEALER in— Drugs, Pajnts, Oils, Glass, Books and Statipnary, CARRBOLETON. L GEORGIA DR, PARKEIRR'S COLUMN, \ / ) PES I C.W.PARKER'S L GOV e, BREMEN, GA,IS GROWING IN PUBLIC BPANVOE. When in Bremen, go to PR PARKIR FEVE HOTEL : And gel a GOOD PINTER | { 1 {l J 1 ‘L RV LT Al ¥ ) Nl z ) N 1 SPRING BED»S For Sale at DR. PARKERS Y 1,8 | 14 liJ i BREMEN, GA Dr. Parker hag for sale the cele brated “even Barks, kidnoeys, liv er, dyspepepsia, rheumatism, urt nary organs, female complaints, liccases of the bowels, fevers piles, heart and nervous discases. It is e sood medicine. | He also has on hand Bradfield’s Female Regulates Simmon’s Liver Regulator, Warta Safe Kidney & Liver Cure, and many other rem edies that are goad and pure. 5.89.68 &4 QIC. . Bad blood, and these can’t agree. Lots and lots of this medicine is guld €. W. PARkER, Agt., Bremen, Ga Tatsblizhe? (02048, 000 Rezdens, M QATITIIT (ULTIV 0D (B Nt < b i ¢ wh SUUTHERH CULTIVATOR &5y DTS P3B T ANTIR SR DIEIE PRDVIRIR, By recent pu x-g):;fi@i;_gnw combines: Tug Dixlic FArM rr, Atlanta, Ga.; TUR Praxrarion. Mentgomery, Ale.: Tirk g A e T OTRCOT Sy MBS IR Bl DBoran Sus, Nashville, Tenn. Tuw SOUTIRNY Takvis MonTiLy, Sa vannah, Ua, and umites the bairons of ¥l these with its own LARGIE LIST of s Y S NI 0 LAKGE LIST of_sns ngv scribors, Tho Press and_paople all tos + Ufy to e great marits for_Agrieniturists, \"?\, i, and aaa mediam for controlling South ;\\’r‘;’/ern tradae, = b _————t &~ A I ) SAMPLE ??:l?&, ;fi} ¥ Aoy L 7 Gt COPIES Ran = BN B 7 s, R LA :-h SR ¥ !SR A AL fi_‘&véfié-.h ey gt R . o e oo A R T -?",, AT ._,..; 8 }'_, ;"\;9«“\ eI £ Y zé‘f;‘“:“"“’ ;“:%'\“i-;fi- v %fiqt’r%fi‘?"?"' : TAEAT e T Ree e S o\ "\k}:\y;x v ?flku %flhfl?“}“’ifi)m.v L g s 4,.,1((£ g e S G g SS e ¥ Tur SoUuTHRRN CULTIVATOR is devoted to thre Agricultural and Industrial interests of the Bouth--aud every number goes out freighted with information vital to the snecess of those whose iuterests ftsubserves. Itis oneof the oldest sud mnslgol‘mhr'lnnrnulx in the Union, and for SOUTHERN AGRICOLTURISTS, for whom it has labored for halfa century, has o superior, : The foliowing are some ol the leading fea tures of this yreat journal. THOUGIHTS FOR THE MONTH ; Valuabie, Practieal Suggestions to the Farmer for ach Mounth ia the Year, Publiec Roudy: Ditehing aed Torracing; The Orange Grove; Legal Department; Lettovs from the XMicld, {rom every Stuto in the Souih, giving results of tests of our best })lunters on matters cf practical benefit to the armer, luquiry Department, in whici are pro pounded and answered quesiions covering almost everything of injerest on the farm, The Patrons of Husbandry, everything of value pertaining to the order; topics of the times ; %iou departmen., attractive to the ladlgfi t#&'apiary ; horse notes ; live stoek doc tor; ha@ cholera; Jersey herd: fruit culture; Southern silk eculture; science and art; the family circle; children's department; house bold toiaics; THE CULTIVATOR cook book, etc. Tho Intensive System of Farming, by .MRr. DAvID DICKSON, covering the entire sys tem of Southern Agriculture, is now beinfi ?üblluhed in THR CULTIVATOR, in series o welve monthly numbers. Back numbers can be furnished. J4SB. P, HIRRISON & CO., State Printers, Publishers, Enguvem, Allt Blank Book Manufacturers. P. O. Drawer ATLANTA, GA. * THB SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR One Ycar, and ACADEMY, BUCHAAN,, ... TUITION : Primary Department ~ §1.508 Interpediate Department., .2, Wy Acadeic Departigent. .., 2.5 . [Higl Scheal Department. . 3.08 - Methods of insirmetion, originall s progressive,thorough and prac ', ;,. The location is unsurpassed fox healthfulness of climate, purity , ; air and water, First Sessiojgt¥il | begin Jan., 4th, 1884, C ABRAHAM G, UPSHUR, - Principal tiaralsen County Sheriff’s Sales \\7 1L he sold before the court how door, in the town ot Buchana ! Haralson county, Ga., within the lega hours of sade, on the first Toesduy 9 June, next, the following pro’])('l’t_\', 1 wit: Al the pine timber, size from 12 i ches throneh, up, situated on the ea third of lot of land. No. l_'fl.i,in ~4he- 84 and sth seetion, of ofiginally _(.arml now Haralson county, Gia, Levied on as the property of A, J. Wilder, detendant by virtue of on- superior court !i'fi&; sed from Heard superior court, it fug vor of K. G, Kramer, va AJ. \Vfld{t l'rn\wrtj.' pointed gnt by plaintiff. Des fendant notified of levy, k. Also, at the sane time and place, will be rold 12 eallons of corn whiskey 3 wallons of pynrh}mmd}. Levied on : & the property Yof J. T, Crawford & Cos by virtue of one mortgage fi fa issued hy the Clerk of Haralson county supe ourt, in favorof L. Cohen & Co,, va i FoCrawford & Co. Property peinted o m it Deft. notified of Jevy, e Also, the Paptist church house guel oty situated in the town of Buchanagi, @ Haralson county, Ga., north-west of the ; ourt house ; "hounded west by Cedare s own street, north by Alley street, '(‘l' by old jail Tot. Size of lot, 50 by 100 fecies,. Levied on as the propovty of T, 1, :Ll)\"_fi ) tewy . W s and 8. Edwards, Trass wees, by virtue of pne justice covrt fi A waued Trom 1,148 d. distriet, G. M., in fa vor of (!, Muunrce, vs said defendants.— & Property pointed ont in suid fi fa, Pos s ‘endanty potified of levy. Levy made id returned tome by L. °C. e J, K. HoLcossr, Sheriff. - May 3d, 1884, Tt o alite L e G R HAMILTON & 8R0.,_, 28 A BRIEMEN.. 500 e i Keep on hand, a full and m;nplfléhfié L Ty Tl DRY ¢iooDs, NOTIONS, ~BOOTS & SHOES, lATS GROCERIES, HARD! WARE, CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, ALSO FURNITURE and soul | » 7 : hing that is GOOD, too, All of§ whiel will be sold at the S LOWEST PRICES, FOR CA IR COUNTRY PODUCE, Ete N -"‘;,“, ‘ome andsee us, gnd ony claver \sar, wan, Mr. T, O, Bryaut, will gladlyffi-"‘ onyou, AT < . 4 ’"‘é Margavet Kmily Powell, ) Libel for Di- = . vorce in Har- "3 VR, alson Superior Court January = Robert ¢, Powell. Term, 1884. et [t appearing to the Coupt by the: res 88 tirn of the Sheritt’ that the defendant = does not reside in this eounty, and it '8 further appearing that he doesnot resida’ S n this State, and it appearing that the. faintifl'does reside in this county- a ‘% State, iCis, onmotion of the council, OFEN dered: That said defendant appear aud answer at the next term of this Court, 8 clxe that case be considered in default, = md the plaintiff allowed to Ym(‘or‘d, 4 And be it further. ovdered: That this - - Rule be publlshed in the Haralson Ban- 5 ner once a month for four montlis unext 1 preceding July Term of this Court, .% . J.BRANHAM; S . F 8 G RGO I eertify that the above is a true ('«')_p,\"“m, of the minutes of the court, * By H. D’ HUTCHESON : 0.8, ¢ S v e N Ly p 3 @ SUMM-ELIN & SON. BUCTIANAN, g 0v i e i DEATRERS IN - }* r & FAMLY GROCERIES, -~ COTFESR, SUGARSBICES, ToBACS BEE T gl - 0O & (‘IGN“E‘- e Also Behool Books,*" et oy ('ustn.nmli}gn: V“:i]_ fste(k i h;.(: j JFRESHIARPURE, | A As weaim to keep nothing but the e S S NGEREBEAT