Haralson banner. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1884-1891, June 21, 1884, Image 4

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RN, . Keep nccownts. N o e eS A . Keepa'dloan stable. . G Moy 6gt g Slean chickon| L e R Keepa gloan pon for your hoge, " When yon foed Hogs viever put *Mgme ground, bat ina CHAAKIEDOX. ngflirwtchks, hay or fodder i“%‘%wund for your cows, . 'Never Jet your stock stand in the ,‘“l*Tflens syou haye a very large Efinily never keep hut one cow. o Never let [your cows, hodg or - sheep run at large. ; P 15 i, (i YS : ’V‘aé‘g"’g'fifo good pastures for your - stock, and if they are not well set 'Jfi;fi_[geéméé, sow other grass. _ Sow different patchesg of rye for your calves, horses and cows in early spring. - Planta large quantity ot peas for your cows and hogs. 4 : P@a:rét‘ chuh ang goehers for ~ your hogs. i : Always plant enough corn to ~make double the ‘amount you " need for home use, ~ Put the hogs yvou want to kill up in a close pen early in the fall. Keep a large hogshead and put -brand, pcas and the wastings from the table in it for your hogs. - Never keep but a few hogs unless yon have plenty to feed them on. ~ Always keep your fence corners ‘eleaned out. Never])]ow or work your land-a -ny way when it is wet. . Besure you have a. gaod and _dry pen to keep your manure in, .Pfit yo‘ur cows up every night, and the next morning put all the manure in a pen. Clean out your horse stables of ten. Put dry leaves in your stables once a month. When you have the leisuye, haul lpn.veé and put in your horss and cow lot. ~ Save all the ashes an p}]t them 1 yeurajanure pen. - Keep your tools jn a diy place, Sow your wheat and oats carly in the fall, : . Never sow more wheat or outs than you can manure well. Plow up your oat, and wheat land before sowing. . l Try to Keep yoor land fram wash- ‘ ing by putting logs, rocks &c. in the hollows, =and then terrace well. .. Plant peas with all your corn. Be sure to have a good garden and cultivate it well. - ~ Never allow stock torun on the land you cultivate. | When you cut your wheat and _oats, sow peas on the land and when the peas are large enough to bear, turn them under with g large plow. _Never plant oyer eight acres for one hand to cultivate. : - . Never plant over three acres of cotton for one hand. ' - Break up your land twice in the spring, Lut never turn it, }1111(»55 it hag-a large amount of weeds and grass-on it, | Al_wdys have good tools and ~ keep them in a good condition. ~ Plantyour corn in March or May ~ Plant your cotton the last of -A --_ pril orthe fiest of May. . Put your manure deep -in the .~ ground. Hine s 3 Never do your work in a hurry. e (Continned next week.) BRIiERS. The crop prospect in Ceorgia is very flattering. There have been fine rains in mast of the counties in Georgia for the past ten days. The Rose murder is still a mystery. . Bouth Georgia farmeors have com menced shipping water melons. The crop is said to be very good. Ttig said that Swainsboro, Ga., hag enough fleas to pull the town ~ off, if they were properly harness- LSBT / ; " Dr. Felton has cousented to run " for the Legislature from: Bartow R eok A v bAg NN S ' e S "’;‘”"gelf’h‘e;filhfitéy’fiwwa;é houge at Mon teznmd, Ga., was Turned recently Toss, Sw,OOO sl Gk peis The city. council of Savannah, Ga., will not allow meélon rinds to be thrown on the streets, Hall county hag a good choerry grap. e e Notes from Carroll County, Mr. J. T. Tolbert, of Villa Riea, has just returned from a prospec ting in Ark. He says land in Ark, generally sells at $25 per acre. Mr. J. T Huckaba, Lowel dist., killed two very large owls at one shot. One meagured from one end of the wing to the ather four and one-fourth feet and the other four and one-third feet, Mr. J. T. Ayers, living near Vic tory, has a chicken with four legs and four wings., . s Bakerville, N. C., hag a popula tion of 700 and it has had only 6 deaths in three years. The town has 275 8. 8. scholars. ; ‘ The railroads of Tesas have lost $3,000,000 by the recent floods, A Mississippi man claims a calf with twa well developed heads, four eves, four ears and two mouths. | The yield of honey in Taxas will amout to 40,0001 fram4,ooo stands of bees, The apple crop of 8. C.is good. Col. P. W. Alexander has retired from the editorial chair of Macon Telegraph and Messenger, and it is said that Col. Albert R.’ Lamar will again take charge. A little child wag drowned in Ba ker county 'r(\cen_tly by falling into a hole of water in the yard. Sam Hinkle will be hung at La fayette, Ala., July the 11th., for rape committed on the person of a Mrs. Lovelege, of Chambers coun tv, Alabama. Death From Hydrophobia. Majy W. A. Handley, has 16ceiv ed a letter from his home in Roan oke, Ala., announcing the death of little Heury White, a bright ten year old boy, the pet of the village. About 60 days ago, as Henry was going home from school, he was attacked and bitten by a mad dog, and hydrophobia took hold of the litule fellaw. He was placed under the most skilled medical attention at home then sent to Atlanta, Up on his return home he grew worse —was raving mad—and had to be forcibly held, until a few days ago.i when death relieved him from his suffering. The dog was a worthless cur, owned by a negro; and Maj Handley says that the life so sac rificed was worth more than that negro and all the dogs on the face of the globe Henry was a son of Dr, W. A. White. He wag prominent in the school room, at church, and save every promise of a bright beautiful and useful career. It does scem to us that some law should be enacted to rid, the coun try of mad dogs, and spare the lli\'c@ of these helpless children. Let it be done, if it requires the slaying of the canine tribe, One human life is worth mere than the blood of every dog in America. Birming ham Chronicle. The following notice has been posted on afence in a county dist riet in New York: “Nottis---Know kow is aloud in these medders, eny men or women letten thare kows run the rode, wot gits inter my med ders aforesnid, shall haye his tail cut ors by me, Obadiah Rogers.” - FRIGETENED TO DEATH. St Lours, June 14.—During a heavy windstorm yesterday, at Carthage, Mo., the family of Mr, Brunk fled to the cellar for safety, leaving his son Alvin, aged 17, sick in bed. When they returned after the storm, they found him dead from fright. j There are 7,600,000 farmers in the U. 8, the largest number ‘en gaged in other pursuits being mi ners and manufacturérs, who num- Der nearly 4,000000. - COOD-AT TAKING A HINT. | There ig in our town a gentloman angaged in teaching who is partie ularly Ldldheaded. One of bis "pu pils is @ namesake of W. H, Fel ton, and Ly the way, o very sharp boy. This teacher has o' way of aid. ing thig little chap in plimulmving words by pointing out the article spelled if possible. Now, it happen® ed not long ago that our teacher was very hoarse, and when “Felt came up to say his lesson in spell ing, he came across "the word hoarse, which Felt promptly spell ed, but hesitated in prohunciation. Our teacher came to his aid by say ing, “That is what I am now.” Felt rallied, and with his eyes beaming, pronptly saidi “H-p-a-r-s-¢—Dhald headed.”—Cartersville Free Press. ~ Thyee Men to Hang. : Cuarraxcoaa, Tenn., June 1%.;— Threo confederates4n ¢rimie were sentenced to hang on August the first on the same gallows at Seotts boro, Ala., to-day, and ono will o to the pénitentiary for life. The doomed men are George Smith, Ashbury Hushes, George Hushes and John Grayson. The deed was one of the most atrocious ever com mitted in north Alabama. = They ! were members of outlaws, Tast March they assaulted a wealthy Now Englander, living on Sand Mountain, and foresd the gecd man and his family to leave the house, at the dead of night. They robbed him of SSOOO and ther burned the handsome residence, The old man died of exposnre and his family were left alinost desti tute. The four prisonersare all young nicn under 25, hut are har dened in crime. They heard theh sentence without & quiver. The conviction wag heard with extrava. gant joy throughout that scction. there has been a perfect deluge of crime in that locality and ten other murderers now lying in the same jail awaiting trial. The people have ‘[risen to suppress the lawlessness, and fully @ dozen hangings will soon oceur. Abraham, Isaac and Jaeph Kile. | ot Richmond Northampton county, Pa., are brothers. They arve triplets. 72 years of age. Isaac is 15 minutes older than Jacob and is 15 minutes the juniper of Abraham. Their moth er Catharine Kile, died recently, aged 98. Besides these three chil dren she left 9 others, &2 gl‘::-.mh-lxi‘l dren, 120 ereat-grand-children, 2¢ great-greategrand-children and twe. great-great-great - grand - children. | She had been a widow four years, her hushand dying at 95. They. ‘have been married 75 years A sipgular item from the Walton News: “Mr. Peter Knox, of Brick Store,shot his dog dead in the vard geveral days ago as goon as he dis ered that he wvas mad. The blood poured out of the bullet hole, and in 20 minytes nine hens died from eating the blood. A rattlesnake is nothing to a genuine mad-dog,” NeEw ORrLEANS, June the 14.—~A special from Oxford, Miss, says: Last night Abe Massey, charged with brutally outraging a six-yeuar old girl, was shot and killed while resisting arvest by Constable “Win. Joy. i i A Texas editor recently received a cord of wood, in pay for a sub seription, which was piled in front of the office at a late hour, The next morning he found six sticks seft., This fact led the editor to be lieve that the fmorals of the town were improving. A year ago there wouldn’t have been a stick left. An Irish Jover remarked: “It’s a great pleasure for ye to be alone, especially when ye sweetheart is wid ye.” : ' A 16-year-old boy and a 14 vear old girl were married 1 Alphavetta last Sunday. _ Palmetto, Gh:, will soon have a new %aptist church. ‘ Mr.J. C. Smith, of Hogansyille, Ga., igdend. g" i L ; 7 Wi, B;“Qy\f’fi, colored, was hung i St. Louis, Mo., May. 30 for the murder of a el T T L g 1B ROT Ag' T © Going ¢ ' | WL B vl et NORTHWEST, , AR : SO TELW KST BESURE Your Tickets Read via the N.C&ST. T.R'Y, The Mackenzie YHoute, 'l‘lu; First-class and Emigrants’ FAVORITE! Albert Wrenn, : W. I: Rogen Pus. Agent, Pus, Aacent, Alanta, Ga. Chattasooga Tenn - W. L. DANLEY, (i«,-u Pag. & Tkt, Avent. | i Nashville, Tew Margaret Bmily Fewell, ) Libél for Di ! voree in Har- VB, alson Superior ik J Court January Robert C. Powell. Term, 1884. 1t appearing to the Court by the re turn of the Sheriff that the defendant does not reside in this county, and it further appearing that he doesnotreside in this State, aud it appearing thaf the plaintiff does rexide in this county and State, it is, onrmotion of the courcil, or dered: That said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Conrt, olse that case be considered in default, and the plaintifi aliowed to proceed, And be it further ordered: That thig Rule be pubilshed in the Haralson Ban ner onee a month for four months uvext preceding July Terin of this Court. J. BRANHAM, 3: SO el T certify thatithe above is a‘true copy of the minutes of the court. Hy D! HUTCHESON T SR & DON";S WAGON SGAL!S,- Iron Levers, Steel Bearings, Brasd Tare Beam and Beam Boxs |3. Y i BCHAMTON 8S O .o JONES he pays thefreight—for freo Price List mention this paper and oddress JNES OF BINGHAMTON = AT Binghamtoms, Ny l’t vsemoawd O L O !,\T > 0&5 Iron Levers, Steel Bearings, Br.'m Tare Beam and Beam Boxa BeHANTON §BB S O ... JONES he pays thefreight—for fre Price Liat mention this paper an oddress JONES OF BIRGHAMTON R mad: Binghamtos, N,"i B PUB 1e0) DU HOLYALVIN) NUTHLAOR THY, b VP ‘VINVILY ‘e lamßl ? ‘d 'SIIBINOBNUB Xoog Jus[g pus ‘samifuy ‘sisysiqud ‘sojuNg Qe “00 ¥ NOSTHUFVH ’d[;g?[‘ g >~ ‘poysimlny 8q - ÜBD SINqUINT JoBY ‘Sloqmnu Aiqiuow oA[aM) go SOLI9B Uj ‘HOIVALLIN) WH]Y Ul paysjqud - Buq Mou §F 'YIN)[NONSY UI9YINOS JO WS ~ -BAS 9lNud 8Y) BUIBA0) ‘NOSMOI( AIAV(T ‘AN &q ‘Sutuiavg jo wmesly om;wam(} LR A } ‘9]o 'YOOq YOOO WOLVAILINY) ®HJ, *sido) piog - =esnoy juguwiiedop s,udlpliys fß[diro Ajwvy - oy} 118 pUB BOUILM :a.muua N[l¢ UWIDYINOY telnynod jingy ¢ piey Loxiaf ‘wiojoyo Boy (10} -00 P {OO3B OA[] ! 89381 BsioYy | Lavids gwy EFEIDBI 9y} 0} BanovlE ‘Juswivdap uon&;} LsoWp 941 Jo soldoy :IBpio o) 0) Bururegied onEA }O ~SUIGIAIOAD ‘Lrpuugsnii JO SUOIIR] oY, "WIW) 9U) U 0 IS3INUL JO Buji) L 1949 jSOU(B Sullo4oo suonsandb parossus pus pepunocd -01 d elB YoM Ul ‘yuotazandeq Lagjubuy uormu(; 691 01 jgauaq eonarad Jo SI9IIRIT WO KIOIUY| 159 q 180 JO 9199 JO SI[NEOI FulALd “tines oyg uy 03838 AIO4O WOSF ‘PIOLF O WoaS H183)0] Huennasdeaq wdery feaocuap oSuvaQ oYL, {3apuaaey, pus Suro)i {SPROY DY : SIRSK O 3 UL YIAOPY YOUSE 10) I 8 REIWT ’ oy} 03 suonssSing YROROVL Y ‘@jquniug I SHINOM YL YO4 SLHDAOCHYL | * leuanof wOIB 81y} Jo sang - -BOJ BUIPUA] O} JO OUIOH 818 SULMO[]O) O, | loredns ou - SBY ‘AIN)UBO W JIUq JOF PRION] 68Y If WOuM ‘,‘A‘ml ‘SISIMALTAINOV réngimmos 105 pug ~‘uoru)) oq) uy s{euinof azndod jsom pus jsapo 9N} JOSUO B[J] EOAIASqUAJJ S)8RI0)(T BSOUAL . BBOT} JO §39000§ 01} 0) [¥IIA HORPBULIOJU} [lja ’ DPOIYABI] 180 5808 JAUING £IOAO PUB—INOG - Oy JO FISIISIUL [REISIPU pue [BlnjnouSy oy 0} PRJOASD §] HOLVALLINY) NMIKLAOG ¥HL.fcu # e L B e g R Ry TR T e e e Sl DR Bl BRI N < PR ST B 2 O SO Y \ cika TR e X» i b R Rl T R B "‘aLr i R r* P G 0 BRR BRSSP Sy ] .HEMH Ry e AV PV AR N S I have now on hand one {the hest stocks of CLOTHING ovey hrought to Cedartown, My stock conpigty of MEN'S AND BOYS’ READY-MABE CLOTHIN ) 1 : A 9 vilvy by I NG G NN TIIY i, BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBER 5, HATS, CAPS WIRCT ATE DIRESEES CHOOIOE, , My stock is complete, and I avill sadl to my customers ag At Cheap as any Firm in Georgia—Atianta rot excepted. p=7= T have also the Latest Style of Spring TOTI FOR NN AND BOIY CLOTHG FOR MEN AND BOIS.. .{ ask everybody, wishing to buy anything in my !in;-, to call and ex mine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Come guick to MILLER A. WRIGHT, Cedartown, Ga. [ am now i the Huntineton & Wrieht old stand, A, d, YO NU, BUGHAINAN, GA. —DEALER IN—- ; Drandies, Whiskies swines, Beer, POEBACK IO & (TN TS, tee satighh ction. Call &! tuy Bar, south side of uthe courthoe WE HAVE RECEIVED A NEW oodU B PR ER L O FROMNEWYORE . And are Prepared to do All Kinds so ~ JOB WORK, CHEAP! sud in Your Order sat once, andthey will receive our attention