Haralson banner. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1884-1891, July 05, 1884, Image 1

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VOI.. 1. . Haralson Banner. " TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION | A—.-—O.‘-.' oy ¢ One copy one vear,. ... ........ $1.95 , One copv six months,. . ...... ..., 68 ,One copy three monthg,. .. ...........40 { ) . PROFESSIONAL CARDS Lot ’ i e J. W. BIGGERS, .. ATTOENEY-AT-LAW, DRARETOWN, + - (EORGIA Offers his services to the people of the Rome Circuit and Carroll conn 4y, Collgctions g speciality. + J C TRENTHAM ¢« PHYSICIAN & SURGEQN, t PotLAR SPRINGS,” - - (a 4 Offers his services to tbe people of Haralson county. He is also pre 'gured for Dentistry. Canbe found t' a]l times at his brother’s [A Trentham]residence. s : ) 2z 9 W. P.ROBINSON * ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BUCHANAN . ... L .1 ... GA, ; Claims Collected, Titles to Land lpoked aftcr and intruders ejected. . Office in Court hounse W. F. ROBERTSON, PHYSICION & SUBGEON, BUCHANAN,: ./% v L sot o BA Offers his services to the people of Haralson county. Obstetrics and diseases of women snd childyen a speciality. W. F. BROWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CARROLLTON,. ................Ga, Will practice in Carroll, Haralzon and adjoining Counties. . Collection a speciality. - W.J. HEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW; BUCHANAN ... ... .. .GA; Will practice in the Rome Circuit, and in" Carroll and adjoining Coun ties, Also, in the Federal Courts in Atlanta. Office in the Court house. W. W. &6 W._MERRELL;, LAWYERS, PARROLLTON, ... ... GA. will attend all the Terms of the Superior Court, for . Haralson County, or any where else, where business may call them. Equity and Land Litigation a speciality i TR J. M. M'BRIDE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MO s B Will Practice in the Courts of the Rome Circuit, and in ©arroll and and Douglas Counties. LS D e i SMITH & RICHARPSON, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, 00w e S. P. EDWARDS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BUCIANAREE i o GG Practices in Haralson and adjoin ing Counties. ¢ Office in Court IHouse. W. W. FITTS, —~DEALER in— : Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Books and Stationary, CARROLLTON, .. ... .GEORGIA HARAILLSON BANNER ! % " '. . : % 4 a ' : | 9 | .__J m‘ WMMMLLm‘““M_MMM“,m&,,,k o A 5 NN BT e£ T R - Democratic Meeting, - - The Democrats of IHaralson caunty iget in convention July the 18t at noon, pursuant to & call of the Chairman 'of the Executive committee. Hon. W, J. Head wag elected Chairman, and C. W. Ault Secretary. On motion, Mr. A. B. | Fitts explained the ‘object of the Moy “M K. Phillips,” J. M. Moßride, A.B’ PFitts, E. M, Little, G. O Smith, T. W.Loyyorn, W. J. Head, Br., A.J. Farmer, J. M. Lipham and C. Taliaferrp, were selected to represent the county at the State Convention. The followiug resolu-- tion was passed by a unanimous vote : : Resorven, That we heartily ap prove the wise and conservative administration of cur presgut Gov eriar, the Hon. H. D, Mc¢Daniel, and hereby instruct our delegates at the Gubernatorial Convention to cast their hallots for him. W. R. Ault, Thos. 8, Latham, C, Taliaterro, A. J. Hunt, J. M. Wal drop, W. "C. Mcßrayer, W. J. Brown, Jr.,.R, G. Bently, Jr., were | elected delegates to the District) Convention to be held in Rome. The following reselution was adop ted without a dissenting voto : ResoLvep, That we heartily in dorse and’ highly appreciate the faithful labors of Hon. J. ¢!. Clem ents, our present able and efficient member in Congress, and herehy ingtruct ovr delegates to cast their ballots for him at.the ensueing| Congressional Convention, and to; ase their best influence to secure hiz nomination. W.R. Avuwy, Sectly; ’ W. J. Heap, Chairman. Lemgperntic Congressioual Com- | : mittee The Executive committee of the 7th Congressional district met at Dalton last Thursday and selected Rome the place for holding the] Congressienal Convention and ';?.ml 38th of August the time, The con-| vention will be called to order t!m! 18th of Auagust, at 1 o’clock p. M, General News, 40,000 gamblers is the estimate for the city of New York. Postal Jeards cost the Govern ment 54 cents and 4 mills per thousand. i One hundred women are now practicing medicine in the United States. ~ During the present scssion of Congress 10,000 bills have been in troduced, and about 100 passed. In Montana the law probibits a woman from marrying until she is| 18 and a 2 man cannot marry until heig 21. | " The price of dead negros has been established at Cincinnati. It i fifteen dollars a piece, and men kill them and sell their bodies at that price, and “no question asked” by the medical purchaser. The population of the United States is now not less than fifty-six million, A pound and a half diamond was found in Africa. It was no doubt lost there by a Chicago drumraer. —Constitution, Gen. Sherman says he will not vote for auybody. He musi be for 'the Republican ticket.—Harris burg Patriot. , A party of Pacific coast Indians ate fifty sackfuls of grasshoppers at ene of their banquet.s A man in Campbell county, 80 years old, has just married a girl 12 years of age, who came home from hoarding school and nursed him 'through a severe iliness. Her pa rents approve of the match, and in return for saving ais life he has promised to prolong it twenty years more, ag his father andigran father did before him. If he keeps his word, and she does’ not elope BUCHANAN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1884. ‘with gome smart young fellow next month, she will become & widow at the age of 32, with a fine orange grove in Florida, ' ol The following teachers werelgrant. ed license by the Board of Educa tion of Haralson county to teach in the public school. . J 8. Gann, C. B Davig, J, 8. M. Biggers, Miss Sophia White—dth gradelicanse. | il W. T. A. Cook—3d grade. g . R. Hutcheson and Migs A. E; Shelnutt—2d grade. . T. O. Bryant, Miss &, A. Holdin, Miss L. A, Westbrooks, 8, L. "Cra ven and J. R. Morrig—lst grade. CORRESPONDENCE Tallapoosa, g Eprors Banser:—l have been absent without ‘leaye for some time. - The people in our town are all well, My wife has been faeding me on 'boms, roasting -ears and cucams bers. T got so fat that I -left home and went te Heflin and Edwards ville, Ala. I was at the closing exs ercises of the Heflin High School. Mr. Editor,you ought to have been 'there. They had plenty to eat, and T eat come, fat as I wag. T spent two days there and enjoyed my self very much, b o I came to Edwardsville Sunday and remained there til Tuesday, I met the Standard man while there in his office, and found him with a pleasant facé busy "t work. I raturned home safe and :~=:mnd,.i My wife says I am tho hardest per son to keep at home she ever sm\nl But you seg if I remained at home all the time I wonld naver know n nything but what T hear. H AT Curtis, Carroll Connty. Epit¢r BANNER (—lt is still rain ing and the farmers are badly be-' hind with thsir work. S. E. Helton, and thse Messrs. | Jordans have started their thresh crs, Some complaints of wheat spoiling in the field. Grand-ma Reeves is very low at this writing, and not expected to recover ; and, also, &. T. Recves’ oldest child iz very sick. J. M.,l Vines is on the sick list. Mr. M. V. Jordon has employ ment for all lazy folks, =~ ft's the iteh, and rest he can’t, day nor night. | Mr. Editor, come siound. We have plenty of Irish potatoes, snap beans, a few ripe- chickens and néw wheat dough to “rap” them up in. We will have mail twice a week after the first of July. Mr. S. P. Barnet will earry the n.ail from this place te Fitts and Emily. Success to the BaNxgß. OCCASIONAL. Paniel’s Mills, Ga, ~ Epiror BaNNER:—I have just returned from a vigit to Carroli r’cOunty,, Cropz along the road are looking well- Mr. Lindsey Holland has a cab bage that measure four feet across and over iwo feet high. He also has a grape vine that measures 18 inches in circumference. Wheat threshing is very much ; hindered by the wet weather. ~ Mr. Joseph MeCord and others started out with their engine, and lflwhile crossing Dog river the bridge gave way and let the engine ‘ fall through. It was badly dam aged. ' The Rew. Mr. Phillips, of this ‘county, has a calf that is hair- lip ped, is blind and thought to be deaf and dumb. Douglas is soon to have an clec tiow on the stoek Taw. The con test will be mixed 14 The sick reported in our lastare still very low. . e There were 171 failures” in thé U. 8. last week. The failures in the eastern and southern states ave he low the average number, . : No Norweighian git] is allowed to have a beau until ghe can cook, wagh and knit stockings. ; Notice to Voters, : We the undersigned take' pleasure in annonncing the name of 'W. W, Simp* spn to.the voters of Haralson, Polk and Paulding comfties; as a candidate for the 88th #enatorial distiiet..: Mr, Simpsow needs no recomunendation, for al) who' know him, will testijy that hig worality and ability can not be questioned. Magy Vorrrs IF YOU ARE Going Wegn B B T AT F T ENOIY i]\ ORTHWEST, r ! SOUTHW RST 1 BE SURE I Your Tickets Read via the N.O&ST, LRY, ‘The Mackenzie Ronte, | The First-clags and Emigrants’ i : Dlr FAVORITE! Albert Wreenn W. I Rogera Pag. Agent, Pag. Aaent, Atlanta, Ga Chattanooga Tenn W. L. DANLEY, Gen. Pas. & Tht, Agent Nagh ille,” Teou" G R HAMILTON & BRO,, BREMEYN GA Keep on hand a full and complete line o DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SBOOTS SHOES, HATS GROCERIES, HARD WARE, CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE, ALSO FURNITURE ,and some hing that is GOOD, too. All of which will be sold at the LOWEST PRICES, FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE, Etc Come andsee us, and on: clever sales man, Mre. T. O. Bryant, will gladly wait on you. WEBSTER’S -y UNABRIDGED. Latest Edition kas 118,000 Words, (3000 mor:(; gm any other American Dl_ct’y,_)}’ 00 Engruvinp! aie (nearly 3 times the number in other Piot'y,) &dgo contains a Biog!‘aphio;lninw | glvmfignef infiwnant facta concel g | TOO Noted glemn-. : The following, frora page 1164, shows tho:a-l,pggi | ‘ PR 4;‘: : ¥ 3 fl)‘ -.' A:’-S z . , o SRR R S M Moy s /AT PR & /é-%‘gm.« b KL fe/ | s-0 _'Ef e T sy n-_\._,_y ~. & sT SR - Ilustrated Lefinitions. 1, flying jib; 2, jib; | 38, foretop-mast-stay sail; ¢, fore-course; 8, forotop sail; 6, foretog-gallant saily, 9, fore-royal; 8, foro sky sail; 9, fore-royal studding sail; 20, foretop-gallant studding sail; . 11, foretop-mast studding-sail; k 2, main-course ; 13, maintop saily lfi.mflnboggnllant eail; 15, mnin-r?al; 16, main sky sail; 17, main royal studding sail'y 18, main top-gallant studding sail; . 19, maintop-mast studding sail ; 20, mizzen-course 3 21, mizzen-top sail 3 22, mizzon-top-gallantsail 23, mizzen-royal; = A 4, mizzen sky sail; 25, mizzen-spankers Among the many that could be citéd are the lbllowinfi: Beef, gonnr. Castla, Column, Eye, Horse, oldlngs‘ Phrenology Ravelin, Sh {gp. 14 and 1 10) Steam i%qfne and Timbers. Xheso 12 pictures define 343 words and terms.. . THESTANDARD. Webster is the Standard of the U, 8. !ugrems €Court and in the U. 8. Gov’t Prlnflni fiice. Recommended %Duto? &:?'u of Schools in 386 States. Salo 20 times of any other series, 9. &C. MERRIAM & 0., Pub'ss Springliold, Masa BROWN'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PULLS 1 offer t 1 the public a pill for the cure of dyspepsia, They will eure dyspepsis ‘angl auickly relieve all the distressing symptoms whichiavego commen in that disease ; such ag headache, swiming aud giddiness of the head, heart burn, ful nege and pairis in the stomach and how els; spitting and vomiting .of the food, {)alpitntion and irregular action of the weart, They act well'on theliver, reliey ing congestion of the stomach and bow els, They area good blood purifier; will renew the blood, and increase the red corpuscles, Thoy curo. costivenoss of the {)_owols. Will act regularly and cause the howels to remain go. They are a vegetable pill. No harm can Possibly oceur from t?xeir daily use., There 18 no better pill in the commencement of all acute diseases; « Cokds, Fovers ete,, where.a cathartia jsnecded. They are the best pill for family. use mow: knpwn' to the professign. Try a box;, . gu;yle.tkey will prove to be all and more than 1 claim for them. Can he jound at all Drug stores. Price, 2bcents, ... 7 . o 2 sG We BROWN, M. D., s Mitr. & Prop’t,, - Carro'ltop, (1‘.1.1 x| ) - o | DR. C, W. PARKER, ’ REM EMBER that ‘ A AN > )B Pé l‘] ! C W PARKER At Bremen, Ga., MEDICINE CHFAP, bR 2. ke L ke r rgy STOR Al % : 258 | ~ PARKERY j LI R B REINEE By LA e | WEE. AD N P ¥ BREMEN, I want 4000 aeres of poor pine land near the railvoad {or terpentine and rosin purpogses. Will pay a good price. Call at onee, C. W. PARrxER, Bremen, Ga, Farroers and mechanics can buy caen mills, evaporators, threshes, reapers horse rakes, ging, cotton presses, grist mills, wind mills, gaw millg, steam en gines, horge power, gang plows, harrows, cu]tiyf_atdrs, pumps, bells, fertizers, seeds of all kinds, wagons and ete through Dr C. W, Parker, agent, for Mark W, John son, of Atlanta, at the same prices in Bremen as elsewhere, Cash or on time 1 payvmeut to suit. EUREKA! Dr. Brown’s Female Pills arg good for all pterine or womb diseases, and will cure many of the same permanently, as all who have used them, will testify-— such ag amenorhea and dys-menorhea, or painful imenstration. They will cure chlorosis orgreen-sickness, making thoge of a pale and swarthy complexion fair and heglthy. They will be found of great benefit in all uterine or womb com plaints. They are not only good in uter. ine diseases, but act charmingly on the liver, gtomach and bowels. They never tail to relieve that distressing head ache to which most women are. subject. 1 d not claim my pills a panacea, bat ask of you, as an honest Physician of expe rience, to try one box, and, ‘pco.ve. their virtue. Price, 25 eeuts, Sold by all (h'u?g aists. J, G, W. Brown, M. 1%, sole Pro’f’t. and M’P’r., Carrcliton, Ga SUMMERLIN & SON. FBUGIBANAN " oeo GA IDEEATE FITRS TN ™ N / FAMILY GROCERIES. COFFES, SUGAR, SPICES, TOBAC €O & CIGARS. Also School Books, €ustommers will fiind our Steck JFRESH AND PURE, As we aim to keep nothing but the VERY BEST. e sRNDTO Sy JTONES R el ur % At s BINCHAMTON At 'T.f;,,;;;\i e'g I Sl e G U gy inr i AR e Yo LA e e }Joxlm.éz SUALE‘ e e pud Treo Price List ” BUCHAN AN | | yolit o i 5 e ko ACADEMY, BUCHAKN, " DAL L o TUITION : -~ =4O Primary Departrr}g‘_t’xt. iy s il§ Infcrmadiate’ Department. . 248 ‘Academic Department ... .25 High School Dcpi;r’tm.ggt Maothods of fhstruction; "original prhgrisive thorough aud p:@fbfi The location is unsurpassed so, healthfulness of _(:_l'i_z":iflte, purity’ (irs air and water. First Session wi begin Jan., 4th, '18,8_4. s O ABRAHAM G. UPSHUR, ; Princif)t}l ‘ % BREMEN :..,. 70 00 i AR Offets his Services as Physician of" many years exge‘rience. Cager: treated ‘at his Office at moderate - charges, for cash or barter™Hé keeps Medieine and Lamps for saie, TIOTINS St ¥ Yok BARBER SHOP. JOE LASSETTER ? { vill ent’ your haior shaye yafi% cheap, and in the best of ‘.style. ‘ not forget to call ‘on him,‘ 10 ‘;; west of the court ho;zgg Buc.ha ) 77%,% M’DANIEL & €G TALLAPOOSA, , . GA. —Dealeys in— Drags, Paints, Oilg,r Glasa, j'".‘fll:.“; and Stationary. Give them a ca} ‘ _!\—JWF'“‘.‘ A D . DR.F. R SMITH., | * i sy illu('hgmnn. s . i ‘ —DEALER IN— . Drugs,’ Paints, Oils, Glaes, Sta | tionary &g, Drugtitose South of Conrehousg MERCIER & JOHNg ON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, _ TALLAPOOSA, : = s A Will practice in the different SOUFLE of Haralson and adjoining gcoun ties. Office in the Watson building, A ok W. H. BEALL, PHYSICIAN & SURCEON, BreEMEN, - - GA,, Will practice for the people of Haix alson and adjoining counties, at reasonable priges, Give him a caly, PRICE & NELSON, Bremen, Gs., e Will be at their Gallery every Satase day in each week, for the purpose o% Taking Pictures. Give them a eall if you wast a good picture.. MOORE & GROCE, BUQHANAN, .. iR f Willdo all varieties of Buggy & wagen repairing; Iron and wood work, cheap. Special attention given to Horse-shoeing. . ST TS § _‘: ; ;if:;w,..:s et g ‘THE VI N . s_':;,‘? o ,{“..:‘" d ie e e eb B Dot el e 0 : RR e e NQ. 25,