Haralson banner. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1884-1891, July 12, 1884, Image 1

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S VOIJ. “11 ~ Haralson_ Banner. - TERMS OF SUBSORIPTION : it } Lod Al : __.fi.o.'_.‘;.f Ay Ono copy ONO Year;..... ... ... $1,28 One CQny SiX MOt .+ evveviovs....oo ‘One copy three months, .. ............40 ' >I o . PROFESSIONAT, CARDS - i | e 2% %y g ] :" £ i ) ATTORNEY-AT LAW, - DrRAKRETOWY, - - GRORGIA Offers his gorvices to the people of the Rome Cireuit and Carroll coun-. dy, Collections g gpecialityy” " ;.__-._..-—-——-—.c-__..,,__..._-‘-..—-—-—-—-——-v—— { . s : ! 3 MPRIAANTY J O TRENTHAM . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, J' Porrjz SpriNaa, ~ & agl Offers higservices to thg people of Haralgon county. He is also"pre pared for Dentistry., Canbe found at all times at his Jbrother’s [A Trenthamresidonce. vy 3 () ™ BRI W. P,ROBINSON R: 9 . ATTORNEY-AT-TIAW, ¥ BUCHANAN ... 4 e GAY . Claims Collected, Titles to Land jooked ;Ift_;:l7 and intruders ejected. . Office in Court housé, - = W. T. ROBERTSON, PHYSICION & SUBGEON, BOCHANAN. 0 00l o s A Offers his services to the people of Haralson county. ‘Obstetries and diseases of women and children a speciality, -2 i YOOVWN W. F. BROWN, - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Gaicinn, L 2 gk, 4Vill practice in Carroll, Haralson wondadjoining Counties.” Collection a speciality. m‘"""""“""’_"'—"‘_ """“hT"'““ i . | W.J HEAD, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW; | QEDHANAY .. 6A. iVill practice in the Romo Circuit, | and in*Carroll and adjoining Coun- | ties. Alzq, in the Federal Cgurts in Atlanta, Ofticg in the Court house. W. W, & G. W. MERRELL, a <5 %8 LS WA g - LAWYERS 1 CARROLLTON, RO wil] attend all the Terms of the Superior” Court, ™ for * “Haralson County, or any where else, where business may call them, Hquity And Land Litigation & spemahty! 5 %/ / 9 ‘ J. M. M'BRIDE, - ATTORNEY-AP-LAW, BUcHEINSN, i ~.G‘\; Will Practice in the Courts of the Rome Cireyit, and in Carroll and and Douglas Uduntics. * ~ SMITH & RICHARDSON, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, BUCHANAN, ..o G 2T X T S. P, EDWARDS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAV, _Buanx}\N,.. (% Bl 0 e Practices in Haralson and adjoin g Counties, ; Offico in Court House, T 7 STV O W, W, FITls, ~-DEALER in— 1 Pritgs, Paints, Oils, Glass, Rooksi and Stationary, CARROLITON. . ... .GEORGIA f HARALESON BANNER. COORRESPONDENCE g lon O el LA Eprror BANNER i~~I notice in the Bavyrr of June 28th last, n ¢étmfviiention from 'yonr ‘corros pondent, W, B. R., some errors of whiich T feel duty beund to correet, though I had hoped that I would never have to fellow hifit’ through Haialton and adjoining eountios toperform this duty) notwithstan iding' my ditive wiilingndss €6 con tinuo in the future asin the past, 40 instragl; advise whd “Thcyery. possible manner ta assigt my aelghlor and triend W, B. K., in any honorable effo_rt% Jo attein an onosable position *in life, a 5 well s resi and havpiness sver after, The correction will b 2 ‘mainly in regard so. iba language ‘used; for belng,a witncss* to ‘the ‘cercpony myself, T am awgro thap hiz iplor | ant gave hini & correct reporf of the performance. - Byt let mg cay to my friend, W. B. R., through yaui paper, in erder that hisaa ny friends may not be misled, that in the future, andimore’ €specially @}3.o reraaining portion of 1884, tiat Tie should, correct reporta. ke | fore publishing, at least the or thography and punctuatiop,. if it is to'be published (_h}ring'-a politic al campaign: I have not ipgnired as to who reported the above facts, but the language ' suggests, and 1 doubt if W. B. R. had time to cor rect the report or any part thereof; for if a man can Hve in Bremen and be a hotel keeper, farmer, doc tor, merchant, lawyew, pumip agent, preacher and bee hunter,ever keep ing ag:awatchword “will persevere unte the end,” could- hardly have time to respell, punctuate’ and re write stch ' communications as his porter “may gather' up on the stroote. Biit it wounld be unjust to W. B, R. to fail to mention that he tis boginning to lay aside some of !the above avecations, pump ageu ‘ ¢y, boeaise the sample proves'it to be a sprinkling . pump, and bee hunting, because he discoyered, by experience, that the heos would be drowned by burial of the colony, bees and all, and that sprinkeing would do hettér, but he had rather quit than own up, hut will slways contend that\Vater Burial is Right, ’hcnco his signaturé; *“W; B, R If W.B. R, will lay aside & few 'mora of his professions, and the tdld traditions, subscribe for the BaxNFE; and not have to. depend upaiy borrowing papers to kéep up with the tinjes, witness all occa sion’s of which he expeats to write, or copy his porter’s reports, e would make you a good correspon dent. T hope to hear from hini a gain. ' “Aiccess to the BANNER. Skl . SUBSCRIBER, Bowden, Ga. ~ Enigon BaNNeRr: — Sitting to night watching the pale moon’s flickeying light, memary flies to the friends of carly childhoad, among whom, death’s keen sickle has reap eda fair jewel, Mis¢ Emma Mossiss quietly hreathed her jasé on the morning of the 24th, Fmma came to Bowdan three months aga hop ing to improve Ler shattered fhenl.th ; but alas !t for the vanity of Lhuman hopcs,;death markoed her for hig vicitm, and she passed be yond the mystic shores of time ere she erossed the threshhokd of wo manhood. ~ Rev. J. A, Scott, of Davisville, Ala, preached at tbe Baptist church last Sunday, Mr S. was once the pastor of the Baptist ohureh for several years, and many of the Httle hoys and givle. of our town have grown into manhood and womanhood during the years of his ministerial service herve, therefore we give hing the dovetea love of a grateful people; and we arc always glad to eee hiim come and sorry to: see him leave. Mr. J. I, Lovvornand his amia ble sister, Miss Mattie, made a.fly- BUCHANAN, GRORGIA; SATURDAY, JULY Iz, 1881, ing teip so Alg., Safurday and yé turned yoesterday. i There lave been 138 burials .ip Bowdon gud 'vicinity duriig the past five meekey ot 7 A 'véiy fatal type of fyphoid fe ver is raging*imong some of the colored peeple in. this neighbor: h(‘jdd. Al _"”’ _,’,.»‘..\.':». . Quito o nlfihbcr of young gontler ragn snd ladies metab thoe heuse of the writér last ‘Thyrsday evening ‘afid played allong contested game |of oraquet, in which neithar side »{vroces*-d.ad. yiotorifys, .Only fwo young men ——— whea the game ‘gmne Lrcke up, and now dap’t you | tell anybody; but _"é'oifié “of “them 1 liked to talk foq well o motice ]how the game was drifted. | Thezg is to be gn all-day singing at | Bethléhiem , chureh three miles ;] south of Bh\stfl the '2d Sufiday in l July, M;,Editor, céhfio' down “and 1 take a pleasant jaynt over the coun ‘tr'\'_,‘gz}jg;.j the singing and & good 1(11:1;;1:1". LT e RPRA, .'i 12 {ls 7e e g A Swarm of Sharks. ! :." A‘ ;‘ W e While tne Pacific Steam Naviga-' tion Company’s gtean China, Cap tain Hogg, now in his port, was. leaving’ Bahia ong of the. cooks, who was aglecp on 4 raily fell over board, An alarm was given, the ship was stopped and backed, life bouys were. thrown; pverboard, and with amazing rapidity a boat wasin the water and in charge of Mr. Kel lick,hefirst: officesjrpulliing « hard in the direction of the - man, who was a splendid.swismerand who made good progress in the direc tion of the beap. Suddenly,; howev er, the place beeanie alive with sharks, and itat’mifie Decame ap parent the unfortynate man was (lo\“.medf’Oné‘é'l'ié tlirew himazeif al mogt. completely in the. water in a 4 effert totecapiithe jaws of the monsters, but a few secends af terwardsthowhs " evidently * seized and dragged ‘under, as nothing more was. geen’’ sf kith “ Qther sharks, apparently '('lisz}ppointod in their hopes of prey, were then ob served rushing throughithe” water in all direétions and even appeared to meditate an attact upen. the hoat, which, ‘after an ineffectual search, pulled back tp-the ship The sharks were appaently vayen ous and the rapidity “with which they swarmed around the unfortu nate man amazed all who witness ed this striking proof of the vora ciousness of thege denizens of the deep.~—Panama &tarand Herald, Tn 2 Nutshell. In Bracken lcounty, Kentucky, the land to pat a poor farm on costs $125 per acre, A Florida farmer haryested 8,000 pounds of oats from ene acye, Quts are yery good in most of the coynties of Flerida. A g:_a.ttlesnake bit a mule in Burke caunty last week and it died in 20 minutes, e Catterpillars are at wark in soyth-west Georgia. Macon, Ga., had a fire last week. The damage wag small. . Col. J.F. Moody, living near Chattanooga, Tenu,, had a difficul. ty with two, of his neighbors last week and shot wuch of them dead on the spot. | The Hon. George F. Barnes has been nominated ter Congress by the Democrats of the 10th Con gressional district of Georgia. ‘ \ - A woman in Kansas has,xecent-i ly fasted 53 days. She died. The grasshoppers are doing much damage imN. . The peo ple are catching and killing them. ‘A traveling Chingse student has written back to China and says all the American women ape hump backed, but the hump is very low down, - v The 38 states of the Union con tain 2,299 counties. Texas has the’ Targest yumber, which is 151, ;maj (Cleorgin next with 137, . . Peaches are selling ot two del lars per bushel in Athens, ~ 7 ¢ A bling’ man by Itht nhme of Earl, of Grafton, W. V., is undes arrest for attempting ¥ dilrage ‘a child 22 menths old, ; Asvbly fatal diséase is prevalent anzong the horses arvound Chatta noog: J¢ s gimhilay do epizootic. t .A The Peidwmont Prees ,tells:of a vojgana sesr Cloveland, Gag which as edrly as ten years ngo wis scen, to omit great volumes of fire zgnd'! Javaat night, Lang. Mauntain Tigs. crizc}éul-"oi»on, and the cracks sre ‘getting lm gor. .The people near the mountain fear some great disaster ] in gome future day. .. AMr. Stephens, on'his way {rom; Gainesville, stopped ot the howse of A. Reywélds., in. I}u}aski; yeglanty . Roynoids atteinpted to force his guegp to gas, dinner with him and hg hegame envaged and ‘inflicted a number of wounds cn the pexson. |of Rowgalday i jal b iy A man fn Whitfield county has « 1!11%;‘& that~ he ‘has” refused’ | to sell for S4OO. broete | Aband of 'Yyisitors to the North Georgia © Agricultural college at Dahlonega, recommended the log islature ta appropriate. $3,500 to finish the building "and $1,500 - for some mors. furnitgie+: . | Wumnßritwas severely stabbed by Joe Hieltsrab Mill €ieely: Whit fieid cevinty last week. They fell outabeuta mule. A miird in Elbert county sowed 6 bushels of wheat and - reaped from i“ 0110 hundred and thirty. A négro \ho.}" wae killed by fight ningwear Suwanee, Ca., last week. Bili ITughoy, who {s “living near lpr‘iitigl’lacc, Ge., ate, afew days {ago, twe’and ane-k4lf pounds of raw:Lacen; one quart of syrepf- two and ‘one-half pauwds of biackers, drarnl ene pint-of whiskey at ane sitting:’ -He offered e bet that he conld fll:n cut a peck of cggs, John ;T’l‘.ix;;zy, - of Augusta, is doad v b : i Ttis said that Blaine’s mother was g Catholi¢' attd his- father a Congregatiotialist. L A DeKalb county jury hasrecent !]y given® $15,600 to Mr. J," 5. Can- Fdler for a train rinning over his leg tsou;e time last year. { Some of the =outh Georgia pa. pers want Fstill, of Savannah, for Governor, There are 450,000,000 Christiang now in the world. At {he end of the first century there were only 500 - The rubber works of Chelsea Mass., was destroyed by 'fire last week. Loss, one-half a million. A negro woman, of Elbert coun ty, hag 400, decendants. | Watermelons are selling ai ten cents a picce in Albany, ('a, A few days agq, Mys, T. L. Dan iel, of Dublin, Ga., wished to shange shoes, and when she pick ed up the pair not warn for some time ghe poticed that one of them was vory heayy. She ran her hand ‘into it to ascertain the cause, and to her great surprise aud fright she felt s.qrixething very cold. The shoe dropped, of course, when a snake about three feet long ran, out,which had been there safely housed, The man who, was aceidentally killedt at the G mile posy on the Western and Atlantic railroad, on Saturday morhing, was buried at Bolton, yesterday, and has not yet been identified. | © A storme in Washington was so gevere that the vain fell in perfect Ftorrents. One man was drowned. Thereof of «large iron building fell t, carrying down the walls. ' The descending timbers caught the watchman and he was perhaps fu tally injured. Anotheér man in the puilding was also_severely injured. He Crawled futo - a-diolloy Log 1 { g . Wo hope thoso who read the foi. lowing gad story wnay profit by it, styé the Times: - Reccently a resi dent of Alonfana'was ¢ 1t hunting, "'a"nd to gdt Ehelter from an approach ing stora he erept infd a hollow log. Afterihe storm abated he at ;:t:éi)f_i{fn«l‘ to crawl rut,‘ hut found that the log had swelled so that it was impossible o 16 make hig exit. He endeavored to compass himselj acmuch as possible, but without suceess. He thought of all the acan thinge ho had ever done, antil finally his ‘mind ravorted to the fact that ingtead of subseribing for his county paperhe wag in the hab it of bowowir if from his neighbor, and jthus "d(?{r:uu'(ing the printer, On this he felt so amall that b 'slip ped out ot thi fog without wiy {rou. ble. ; Sr. Lours, July £.—3ix bodies were to'day faken out of the wreck | of the train on the Cunnigham and Burlingten road,” which went | through the bridge Saturday last. | Tt ‘wagiiundetstood at the “time of theaccident that tio lives weredost. The scetic of the wrecek is surrotund ed by alarge erowd, and much 2x {citement prevails. Tt is supposed that seweral other bodic: ars huvied | under the cars, : {4 | The Mails to be Guavded A e goinst Cholera. . Wasaingroy, July S-To avoid the possibility of importing'cholera’ from France into this country through the tail, the British Gov ernment vall ke zequested to thor ougnly disinfeet all French mails passing through England to this country. The adoptien' of * this precaution'by English postal offi cialg will relicve the health officers. ofthe principal American ports from the necessity of estublishing a quarrantine against ail British mail steameps’ ‘1 ¢ s pim A strange death of a little girl by accidentally gwallgwing a light ning bug, is repopted from- Coneord, The litt’e ¢hildwag playirg in the vard with a number of other children, at her pareuts’ houge, near Odelt's faetory, and I\\‘hi!c laugking ard romping aboat, “a ‘ lightning bug flew into “its* maehth and i made its way down her throat. The little gir] beeame 1)1, and though physicians dideverything to relieve her sufferings, she died in a few hours afterwards. This is t.h.ufirst death from sinch a cause on record-~ Carolette obiseryer, The Macon Telegraphls Fort Gaipes correspondent says: Goneral Lynch made his - second ad venture into our county since tha war ol the first ingtant. Report says an armed body of magked men appreached the town fr‘qm a northern direction, just be fore day on the morning of the 24 inst. It is fl]l_‘th_()lf I‘L‘l)ol‘tazll_ L!‘mt‘ fl_my slipped the key. from the sherifl’s officp the'day previous, and with it entered spid office, aot possession of the jail keys and there from a calored man, whohad been inear cerated o few days previous on the charge of assault with intent to commit a rape an the person of a white lady in the northen part of the coanty. 1o was carried olt about ong mile from town iv that direction, where his body wags found yesterday riddied with bullets, and the following epitapl posted near hy: “Our wives and out daughters we protect. Art ful decaygrs, felon protegtors amd policy 'seekers we detest, Tarved, feathered and matehed, - Twelve ear loads of melons from South west Goovgia passed through Macon Thursday on the East Tenuessee Virgin ia and Georgia Railroad, covsigued to Cincinnati., A Cincinnati pastor declares he will keep his. chazeh going through the sum - mor-if he has to offer chromos for Sunday attendance. A ndgro boy wag killed by light-{o lii?"gfimzx;'Su\i'mlécl Ca., last week. |y Bili Tiughoy, who {s ‘living near|° prifig Place, Ga., ate, o fuw days I go, twd'and onhe-h4lf pounds of | aw.bacen, one quart of syrep}: two© BUOHAIN AN A e ACADEMY: : BUCHAAN, 68 s¢ A TUITON - 4 Primary Depactmend. . sl.aß Intermedinte Devartracnt 24 Academic Déepartment. .. . 2. High, . Behool Departm vt 34 Methods Of instruction; origina progressivesthorough gad praction The location i 3 unsurpassed healthfulnesssof climate, purigys air and water, First Session. ¥ begin Jan., 4th, 1884, > 08 ABRAHAM ¢ UPAHURS 7 Prageing OW. PARKER), BREMENT, .. i rfisine it S Offers his Rervices as Physician g many cyefiis | experience, Case treated.at =his Office at moderal charges, for’ cash or bartor, SR keeps Medicine and Lamps for s BE o | A TR YADPDRID. QITOTD BARBER-SHOP 3 v e ‘ '.-,}}7 JOE LASSETTER . = vill eut your hair cr shétxfbif cheap, and in the Lest of style. B not forget to ¢all vn h“T-{ west of the eouri hotize, Bue \&na Ga. - iy ‘ >4 TMIANITIET € MWDANIEL & OQ TALLAPOOSA;: . . GAY —Dealefs in— .. H Druge, Paints,- Oils, Glass, Books, and Statienary. Givé them a cal DR.F. R SMITH Buchanan, - . ’ L. Ll sl IR TN % , . Drugs," Raigig; Oils, (+lass, Staes : : fibi)?l‘y &di 5‘ Drug Store Sonth of Court ho 188 L B PR P ARG ; MERCIER & JCHNSON ATTORNEYS-A TV-J_LAV"W:‘; TALrspoobl, =k e . Will practice in the different couLt of Haralson and adjoining coum ties. Office in the Watson building W, H. BEALLg PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, - & BREMEN, %, A o Will practice for the-people of Has alson and adjoining counties, ag reasonablp prices, Give ’ PRICE & NET.SON, = ke o Bremen, Ga., 3 yo Will be at their Gallery every Satig day in each Wwogk, for the purpose’afifi Taking Pictures. *% Give them aeall if you want g 200 picture : vt MOORE & GROCE, !J ’ v "‘il BUCHANAN. .00 7oS Wiltdo all varieties of Buggy&fi% wagon repairing; Tron and wood wotk, cheap. Special- attentie givento Herse-shoeing, = % i .. $1.60 STOP.THIEF ONE Ounee to 10 Pounds. Sold ax harfldv:}::e. OS sz;\!‘ Ly expressYor logo.« $6; S OF HERGHA 3 SRR ON S VRS NEAE YOUE ¥ 1 O o 4 “THE CURRENT Y SSO, Pama e . R Rl g‘:am-,rvhct,mul!& upwards of 100 most brilliant writars.of s sud Euvopa . Dueg @ woek whist theanaganiucd sl to d\.&‘uvmc Only §4 poe yeur 2 10 vents for sataple copy. g 5 s 2 0. ".‘3(]