Haralson banner. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1884-1891, October 04, 1884, Image 2

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VOI.. 1 i - The Election. . i AThchfluflWillc ifi. ‘}W vote flf\fllfg conpe oty last Wednosday § e o 0 o i T FORSRIATOR: | . Mcßrido = . ot 615, Mlmpgon : A ;)awiM FOR REPRESENTATIVE : Beeenpeit s 0 s e |- 435, _ Brocki . ; 3 338, - Talinforre "~ - . -] 188, Judgd Davenpost’s majority for Rep resentative in this county is 97 votes Al Col; Meßride's majority in this coua ;,:§§}'~is2&3. AW‘e"’lpiim that Cal. Meßride - cayried both Polk an Paulding. His ma ~ jority-in the tliree t‘i?finties 14%35 ra e AN LE. Tobe entitled and act to@mi‘_\n the - Jogal votei¥ as Haralson county, the - Yuestion Gf'prohibiting the sak of soiriti: - Bus or malt lignors in said county, to ‘wive effect to the result of said election and to proyide 2 venalty for the violation ‘of this act and for other purppses. 5 Notice is hereby given that application ‘will be made to the next session of the Legislature of Geargip for the passage | of a bill haying for ifi %isle the above und joregoing. " October 4th 1884, & B. Titts, J. Williams, J. P, Wood, A, G. Upshur, W. J. Head, J, T. M. Sam swerlin, G. M, * Woodly, (. O. Smith, ‘f,. Fulbright, JOBS Remember you can get yowur Job Werk of ali kinds done ai this office CHEAF. We print Posters, Letter Heads, Envels ope corners, Cards of all varies ties, Blanks or anything in the Joh line. Come and see us at once or address the Banner, Buchanan, (ia, | CAMP & CO. ORGAN! THE BEST LOW-PRICED ORGAN now in the market. We call the special 1 attention of Dealers and Agents to 1 the above Organ, and cau offer prices « and inducements which will make it ’ an objeet for the trade to handle and push it. Itis SUPERIOR IN QUALITY AN'D TO\E, DURABLE, ATTRAETIVE iN APPEARANCE, and FULLY WAR RANTED. ; . Reliable Agents Wanted. ~ Send for catalogues and prices. ' PlaNos of all grides furnished as lowest prices, .. - ESTEY & CAMP, 203 N. Broadway (sth St,), - CHICAGO HOUSE, ST. 1.,0U15, MO: 188 & 190 State St. . » - Now is the time to advertiseif © you wani the worth of your mos | Béy. 5 l by f s o ‘ . ¥ ! &‘ : 1 J 4 A - il . 74 A g - -~ A ® [ The elaction pursed oft very qui-.i letly‘ e : ‘.“. “ ’ The trade Issua will he ont qu=' day, et o T e - Weleary that W, F. Brown and = Word werp ‘elected to as rep resentatives from Carroll county Wednerde g, 2o t B gt !.'\l,.’.-‘._.. so-o i Read the «56 advertisements of the WP 50 T o e | : e ‘n""'k""!-—’{ (‘n‘Qll»fo-hrh"-‘;_; it very fast , T ;'{;_,,% t 2 We could not haveny reading mat® ter in the ha}l% hcdifiu' 11 our type - g vl W»%fl“fit il we coummtp‘g ot it Baghkdn tivie. The trade issuewillbe out s banas ‘printed” We publish this half sheet so give ‘the’ le and the account of the eleeti y‘* - —Ee Mus, K. P. Langford has been g §§rfor come time but is up now, ! e Little Jefi Hewd, soi of Mr. Dan Head, £+ 1 from a tree Sunday ard died frowm the «~ffects of the 1111 Wednesday. The ¢ wera only I,ooo] votes in the vounty tast Wednesday, f DONE! ’.”::v: s *m ) X , = = . - (0 et | e an § A ImEy T e P D] el e Y S Ay e S e Gy Bee AT X Ve i s =27 A j R (e e i Ai:.—i———%—q‘g}' w 1,,, IO WERTSY 4 i e e A i T T e e AEE ) W e v R e e N 7! - i i } 18 e i i il = S 3 £ TRI ' ; el g Y /ol ' 4 i i oy W £ s Ty o D B e g ) % iy Ae e ] i 11 sL] e/ 2 i G D enh s T BUCITANAN, GEORGEA, sfifuhm), OCTOBER 4, 1884, WHEELER & WITSON'S g s ) NEW NO. -b- o e % ) W . e - X ’ O - | (W. ; | |ol < . s i %;“‘;h;A }"d" IT RUNS THE LIGHTEST" HAR NO NOISY SHUPTLES, 7 It is not dangerous to health like the Heavy RunNinG and ‘;\'or;\.' ghn tle maghines. : AGENTS WANT KD, ¥end \or l"fri\ ¢ List and Terms | \"3”‘3!:'“'2!‘ & WILSON Mig. CO - g e Atlanta, Ga, | Felastaet 3T -88.02 ". o) ,;:A..;;..,..‘ C':: b ;AP;OR il 800 1 Hiid CULTIYAT &Rg T 2 TR LR ST, DI 2 FARTTERS Lo puiTasedt now combines Ty o Fasvien, aaiaie, Gao: Tue b FLosz e monte-acry, Ala.: Tye .hi Rukan, Syix, Nashviio. Tenn. Tuy g', Bovvwen TUVGERS' MONTHLY, Sa. R i e AN R T s T 1% van “°' fa. and unilis the perons of sI X the |- i itsown LT @i of m. .'-;\'; S T s gpil atronie Al Ay U sgeag perls for Agricultaritty M/, anc pg VBGM IRr contiolling South e . : F‘@\\ o - _.".,_... e\ ‘ S-/'i i SAMPLE il L . - i i 5 TR e ves COPIES s, ‘ b 07z, foe net 2_ B ,___ o, PO . ‘ 3 1 jB9 TREE. e > Gihiln S UL R f s e e S 0 ez"s;.c' =2 o ';fi“"i“l; e 0 SR T A B LR “&«\? 2 L Ha R 7:(«%};_ ',v"'.zn;:‘i ‘ ) A e e £SS THY. SOUTHERY CULTIVATOR is devoted to the Agricuitural and Industrial interests of the South—and every nu:nber goes out freighted with information wital to the success of those v ho3@ interests iteubserves. Itis oneof the oldest and most Fog‘ulnr Journals in the Union, and for SOUTHERN AGRICULTURISTS, for whom it Hes lebored for halla century, has wosuperb, ol - he fi)j{owmg afe Some ot the leading fea ‘el of this great joyrpel. THOUGHTS FOR THE MONTH ; valunt 10, Practical Suggestions to the .wrmor ior Kuch Month iu the Yeanr, ’ublic Roads: Bitching and Torracing; The Ornnge Grove; Legal Department; Lettors tre -« the Ficld, from every State mn the Sou ~ civing results of tests of our best Przmtm ull waders of practical beuefit to Lthe Armer, . i Ingqniry Department, in irhich are pro pounded aud answered questions covering slmost everything of interest on the farm., The Patrons” of Husbandry, everything of value pertuining to the order: topics of the times; fashion department, attractive to‘the ladise: the apiary: horse noles; live stock doe tor; hog cholera; Jersey herd: fruit culture; Sopthern silk eulture: science and art; the family circle; children's department; housa hold myiux; THE CULTIVATOR cook book, ete. :Tho Intensive System of ¥Farming, by Mr. D.vib DICKBON, covering the entire sys tamn of Southern Agricultuve, is now bein% published in THB CuLTIVATOR, in series o twelve monthly numbers. Back numbers can b durpisheds. = CD JAS. P. HARRISON & CO,, State Printers, Publishers, Kngravers, and Blank Book Manufacturers. P. ©. Drawer 8, ATLANTA, GaA. ey Tae SOUTHERX CULTIVATOR Dne Year. and ussoan] 5 T O'N. ) JONES)| .¥AgoN scaLes, Lion Lovers, Steel Bearinge, Braw | or Tare Beam and Beam Box, ) o 800 .. e paye rel for fret Price Ul‘ mention this m” and o sdircs JONES OF BINGHAMT N Ringhamten, l‘-* “THE CURRENT? CHICAGO. T geoa s 5 ary and Family o vruil of ow tizie. Cloan, perfec, vand ! Har wpwards 00100 must brilliant writers of America vk Europe. Doga m:l arveek what the magaiings sun to dagnoothly. Oulv §tper w 2 S Wignts for fauin's OPy, WES’PMUH EIAND'S “7()"]( FOR THE “7 ORLED AT LARGE, ' : # DESIGNED BY., A B = T G, B g £ 7-\ B & S ‘(;: \;,‘v. % 8 / /Ssy \== % ™ ; .f*\ 2 = bE 2R my \Se& \o N o ) \&= K ‘/2 8 4 r*" % > k\ ”A(‘l =2 &\ W LU I\ ‘> Go 3 Comprising Four Preparations DIARRHOEA MIXTURE—For Digrrhea anl Dysenterry of c¢hildren and adu'fs, LIVER, HEART & KIDNEY TONIC, For Indigestion, Palpitation &e., irom torpid Liver and Kidney. BLOOD PURIFIER. Yor serofula, goitre, syphilis and skin digeases from impure blood. RRAIN TONIC. For spasms, convulsions, dud epi'ep tic fits. ¢ One medicine will not cure all diseas es, but these preparations will do exact ly what is said of them. The Blood Puri fier has uat failed in a single case in 20 years use. Manufactured by WESTMORELAND, Grirriy, & Co., 55 South Broad Street, and sold by druggists. Sept 20—3 m, ‘Haralson Cgunty Sheriff Sales, For November, W ILL be sold before the, court house ¥ ¥ door, in the town of Buchanan Har alson county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in November, next, within -~ legak hours of sale, the following pv%fi‘ to wit . Let of land No. 43 in the Bth district and sth section of griginal Carroll now Haralson county Ga., containing 20215 acres more or less. Levied on as the pro petty of W. E_ Slaughter, by virtue of one justice court fi fa iggued from the 12- 25th 'district G. M. in favor of Allen Phil pot vs. said Slaughter. Property pointed out by plgiptiff acd levy made” dnd re turaéd to me by an L. (. Also at the same time and pla‘e wil ‘be sold a town lot and house situated in the town of Bremen Haralson county, Ga. Baid lot known as No. 6 in block No, 1 north of the railroad fironting the street 30_feet running hack 100 feet. Lev ied on as the (i)roperty of B.T. Kent by virtue of one distress warrant for rent is 'sued by a notary public of the 813th dis trict G. M. in favor of R, nm. Parker vs, the said Kent. Property painted out by Elaintifl‘. Leyy made and returned to me y.an L. C. + Algo at the same time and place will be sold a onehalf interest in town lot No. tin block No. 3in the town of Bremen naralson ¢gunty, Ga. Levied o as the property of W J, Reeves by virtue o .wo police court fi fas in favor of the town council of Bremeu vs. the gaid teeves. Property pointed out by plain uff’s attorney: Levy made and returned tome by W. M. Lovvorn marshal of Bre men. Thig Ist day of October 1884. J. K. norcoynce, Sherift, IF YOU ARE Going 4' ! WEST, NORTHW EST, —OR— SOTT T EEW BT, BE SURE ; Your Tickets Read via the N.C & ST. T/RY, The Mackenzie Route, The First-class and Fmigrants’ N A% Trevy FAVORITE! Alboert Wrenn, W 1 "Roger Pas. Agent, Pas. {\zwnt’,‘ Aflanta, Ga, - Chattanonga Tenn, W. L. DANLEY, Gen, Pas. & Tkt, Agent, : Naghville, Tenn ba FOR SHERIFF. ' ‘ We are anthorized to anywopnce the name of My, 'pr Roberts as g pandidate’ for Sheriff iitlthe ensning electfon. Mr, R, | is ane of Hapalson’s best®citizens and. wotdd mgke g good officer if eleeted, o 0k fOR SHERIREF, - I vespectfully submit my nnmev‘ H'to you as (~mu‘)_itjln'to k’nt,n’;fcwiole%ltim tg the oftjce df Shewifty T also Jeapectiully. solicit tho votes of every aitizen who feels thgt he can, in jus@ico' to himsell and county, support mo! T promige, if e lected to dischapge the dipies due the of fieg tothe best of my skill and ability. Respeettally, J. K. Hoteonns, Jr, . For r'ax Recerver, We are duthorized to annoynee the name of Mr, C. W. Ault asa candidate for Tax Receiver for Haralson county, to tlne'J-,}nuury election, 1885, Mr. Ault earnestly solicit,s the support of the peo ple, promising'if elected, to fill the office so the best of his ability, For Treasyrer. ; We are authorized to annonnce the name of . W. M. Brown as a candidate for re-olegtiofp -fo_the Gi}m of_Counts., Treasurer. Mr. Byown has made Haral son county a good cflicer, anid promises, if elected, to do his duty to the best of lhir«s ability, : I R set i For Clerk Superior Court. We are anthorized to aunounce th: name of H. D. Hutcheson as a candidatc [for re=clection to the office of Clerk Su perior Court. Mr. Huteheson has servec the people two years, and all join in giv ing him the praise of attending the du. ties faithfully. Hesolicits your votes. § promising, if elected, to serve you to the §' best of kis ability. 1 St se e — !j For Sheriff, | We are aythorized so annource the name of A. J. Hunt aga candidate so Sheriff of Haralson county. Mr. Hun; promises, if elected. to faithfully dis harge to the best of his ability the du ties of that oflice, For Ordinary. I take thig method of announcing my name so the people of Haralson count; as a candidate for ordinary- I was bor’ and raised in this county an< I fe. that my all is with the people- If electe shall fijl said office to the best of my abil: ity- C- MUNROE - For Tax Collector, We are aathorized to announce th agme ¢f A, Trentham for 1 e-clecticn the offive of Tax Collector for tuis coun ty. Mr. Trentham promises, if electe to fill the offiug to the hest of his ability. Talley H, Turner | Lib-Ifor divorce in Vs, - Haralson Superior James Tunrner, ) Court July Term, 1884. It appearing to the court by the return of the sherift in the above stated case that the defendant does not reside _in sata county ; and it fur:her appearing that he does not reside in this state. It is therefore ordered by the court, that ser vice be perfected on the defendaht by the publiea‘ion of this order once a .month fcr four months, before the next te:m of this court in the Haralson, Ban ner, anewspap-r published in Haralson county, Georgia, S. P. Epwarps, Petitioner’s Attorney. Granted, J. Branham, J. 8. C, R. C. I certify that the abeve is a true ex ract from from the minutes of the court. ' H, ). Hurcnesox, 0N m 4 GEORGlA—Haranscy Couney. All persons are hereby notiied that, if no good cause be shown to the contrary an order will be granted by the under signed, on the 20th of October, 1884, es tablishing a second class new road as marked out by the commissioners ap pointed for that purpose, com ;ng at the Carréll county line in the%&lis trict,G. M., thenee west by the vesidence of Mr. Wright, thence west intersecting thé Columbus rodd. This, 15thday of ‘September, 1884. , | 8. M. Daveseonr, : Ordinary VIGOROUS HE ALTHror MEN T N R NERVOUS D! k . OF. ::mi:n :filmu nfi & Y numerous ¥y m‘n diseases, bafflin: *killful physicians, resui: from youihful fndisors tions, £oo froe indulgence, i « + and over brain worke.. 0 SR not temporize while sl %m cncmics lurk in your sys tém, Avold being fwposad ‘ M 1 c on by pretentious ohetmie. d¥ cal Yurd other yemedics for m - FOR troublos. Get our free ol {z,u' ln*i‘lrln.l-,pnwp and SPERMATORRHER | i, it vines 'kln“:‘] ‘ugx r:’:x?utim a':‘u curcd AND thousand’, unt dnds not i lM PUTEN"Y terfere with attention to busi- B £ gy A O Bs U " 88~ Tested for over 5 ntlle medical orinciples, n; avol U Lo years by use in thou- | i, ch?&nprfi::&ofl:’; the Boul SCAS: Epe pands of oases, el Ininenoe f 616 Wit 4 — b delay, Themmna tions of the ori:_m NOQ _ FIR = ey ;| ~ A n| o dRIAL B %" iiien “Bave been PACKACE, iGI ;{hwd are {!ven bm; become. an BETTEN ehoer Y aod gait RGPS G 0 T R » ¥ emis 80634 Nocth 10th St., St. T outs. Mo, ';“ Cuie Mows TReaTHenT B 3 ; 2 MonTus.§s ; 8 vonhe & Dr. La Barge, Q- ] Gsuacn&son TO Bu E;E .’ Iu diseases %fl.hn 'lll»vi;d;l Illt‘l’ one:l.—Nelévm::uml)mtyi Im~>eney, nie Weakness, Gongrrhes, Sy ¢ any Mereurial Afl’erg(.lons. Scientific treatments snye and sure remedies. Deformities Treated. Call or write for les fil questionsto be answered by tii@se desiring treatment by mail, Persons saffering from Ruptore shonld send thelr address, R —~ mr}mml\:flw.- Mv:‘nlqze. X 5 wol & truss, sC, i Prea’t and Physician In Char, Contret Wi o, Inatlinte, 030 Loenst o bt Lain B Bucoessor to Dr. Butty' Dispeusarvy:, Establisbed PO Xoars, ’ FREE! T .l 1 "RELIABLE SELF-CURE. A favorite prescription of one of ths , most noted and successful a&gcialists in the U, bi { gxgwretlred) for the cure of Nervous De Zity, { st Manhood, Weakn and Daqag.d.sen{ ~ inplainsealed envelope fi-em)xuzzismmnfln ity */ Address DRFWARD & <., Louisiana, Mow G e s i ee B TR S, oe { > G o A = REXD TO L:ii’*f - P et TSR Sl > e =AR ""‘.‘ 5 34 A ;,«3;:,, e T = AMT 23 e Lol g 3 3 i B S = ~h y "E T fi’?—‘f’ oo gl k. ,b s e e Sag oy ¢ Lina Bl = v:i’:* j;}’,’f"'“""—' e ‘,fl‘»{r’!»!. s _’«?CU'; et i Tho AT 2y S - ~.4 X '.l e‘: (-"A ‘ SR Ve Ay Fl\ WEBSTER'’S UNABRIDGED, Latest Edition has 118,000 Words, (3000 more than any other American Diety,) 3000 Eungravings, (nearly 3 times the number in any other Diet'y,) also contnins a Biographical ilflionm givmg'limt’ 1:1]1;0r;_unt facts concerning 00 Noted Persons, ; The following, from page 1164, shows the yalue of d g JB 7S T A;‘ A P‘tg—-fi B 3 e N R T 1 R = /fil@.\\.'.&_&’@-\,v“» TR A L /778 4. T , fA%lQm«i%y; (P aY s "7‘ 5 Nl .~ Nl\ N/ i s oSO PeBT TL N R ;v:é-,,j._' T - €lrusts» . ™ Jaitions, w fiying iib 3 forctop-massrp s t rse, & forvelop gai’ \ -u}fiufsnit; % foro-roya. - . @ forc-royu Bhown , al. 10 foretop-gellan: tuadiag 4 11 foretop-mests~ A o }:_ maliu-coursfi, zr main an A A 16 mnlxtggf:nil 7. omal ne 18, mair top-gallan, studding v 39, maintopanast b, iy > 4o 20, mizzen-course, L wien 2B,mlmn-top%;lfm: CEn aemi e ; & mizuen sky sail; By v Lmong the any in Y # hox)owhg. Besi, Boila wats #n 370 Horp Gfl!ngflg W "o kY g’l Y!.‘*’_C O S s e o Pharthers. EMOE W e Aol Al ek berm AN el Blbbta . mé dard of the U, 8. Su; .Q"WW‘ W . 8 cov%-'yfimmgmm Meansie o Sat Sup't ) Sohools id l@“\“, AT Mot kg 4y gher serles Ae R R e R 1 S N 7 " r #isl k. 3 TRk NG, .38