Haralson banner. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1884-1891, May 23, 1890, Image 1

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Che Havalson Lanner. VOLUME VII. e X NN S g IWCAL ITEMS. © Bemu'ful wexther. Mews items seares, ~ lHave yoar picture talken. ; Subsesibe for the Barsu, Attend the Litm%i‘y Brciety, ~ @ene Loveless 18 a carpenter. Correspondents, give us the news, Bill Shell has bought a fine horse, Give us a call when you come to tewn, 4. v, Wester is at the Loveless house Who was it that wanted a. “pass” in the Baxnen? ~ @ive something to bay lamps for the Baptist church. l The down passenger train tor Tues day night did not pass Buchanan antil Wednesday morning. | Miss Magnolii Schuford, of Acßworth, KG&' is in the city, for the purpose of in stracting a class in muasie, Mr. and Mrs. T,O. Keeler, of South Georgia, arrived in the city Tuesday, on a visitto Mrs. Keeler's mother and other relatives, Miss Susa Hateheson, daughter of Mr, H. D. Huteheson of near 'T'allapoosa, is attending sehool here and boarding with Mr. . D. Grifiith. : * Geozge Cole is painting the front of Young’s old saloodt. George is ong- of the best fellows in Dnchanan, and sells a heap of good soda water, Mr, J. W, Qglotree is ranning his saw mill for all it is worth these days. A visit to his mill will convinee anyone thet he knows just what he is doing. Mys. Shell wishas to inform the ladies wf buchauan that she has a gate. So they may visit her without having the ’t_roubh? of climbing the fence. ; Bucifanan's - school still holds good, with quite a number of pupils in regular attendance. It has twice the number us wally in school at this season of the year. ‘Chis shows that the citizens of Buchanan are becoming united and see the folly of division. ‘‘Let the good work g0.0n,” There were some numbers that should have come out of the wild land, last week, that is advertised to sell the first Tuesday in June. Mr. Kelley, our effi cient Tax Collectaz, gave us the numbers in time for us to get them ouf’lagt week; but owing to the prgsure of business we failed to get them out. Mr, O. M. Reid, of Tallapoosa, and Mr. ~——Wright, of Chicago, 111.. gave us a very pleasant call last Monday. Mr. - Reid is a member of the real estate firm of Reid & Howe, of Tallapoosa, and Mr. | Wright is prospecting in the south. He expresses himself as being highly pleased with this pazt of Georgia. Come again : gfimflemen. ~ Mr. Jay Hesterly, in, company with George Cole, went auf on Lit tle river fishing last Saturday. = ° Jay had zemarkably good luck, eatching gix or eight fine suckers. . If George caught any fish he must to have slipped, in the xiver and lost them ail. Wken you, get all ont of sorts,‘ Billigus, Dyspeptic, Despondent, Blood impure Giver inactive, lack * oframbition, tired feeling and everything goes.wrong just come " to ns and geta bottle of DEWITTS - SARSAPARILLA. It isa.perfect- WY reliable petrparation apd will bnild you up and renew your strength, Neill & Co. We have a. letter from Mr. G. W. Gentry, who has been in the ‘Lone Star State’ for the past . few weeks. Mr. Gentry’s: many. friends in this county will be ;-“:?gla,d to'learn that he has had a, " pleasant. journey, so far, in iine western country. Mr. G. will gj}w;rte our readers a more extended _ account of his trip when he re- BUCHANAN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MAY, 23, 1890. The saw mills aronnd Buchanan are making thiags lively. The weather has been delight ful for the past few days. Messrs. T. J. Loveless & Son are building an addition te'their hotel. Gew. Cole at the drugstore keeps on hand some' excellent drinks of soda water. Messrs Lee Dennis and on Griflith paid Tallapessa a visit last Sasurday. I Cleanse your breath and regn- | late your bowels with DE WITT'S | LITTLE EARLY RISERS. Sold by Neill & Co. 1 Prof. A. G. Upshur closed the spring session of his school at Oglesby last Thursday. i Col. C. J. Juhan went down to] Carrollton Saturday, returning Monday afternoon. | DE WITT'S LITTLE EARLY RISERS. Best pill for Sick Head ache and Sore Stomach. Sold by Neill & Co. There will be singing the firsti Sunday evening in Buchanan at| the Baptist church, Everybody‘s come ont.. I - Miss Kittie Heod, who has been visiting relatives near Wesley’si Chapel for two weeks, returned | ‘Thome last Sunday. DE WITL’S LITTLE EARLY RISERS. Most pleasant cathrtic liver pills ever made. Sold by Neill & Co. l There was an excellent singing at the Loveless house Sunday‘ night. The young gpeople ofl Buchanan can certainly make mu sic when they go to a singing. ' No man can gain public favor. ‘in a profession unless he is compe tent and qualified to fill it. Dr. Toppings knows what he is doing and hence has the confidence of the people, While in Atlanta last week, our clever liveryman, Mr. Bill Shell, purchased ome of the nicest hor ses we have seen lately. Mr. Shell is doing a good business and furn ishes his customers gaod turnouts. DE WITT'S LITTLE EARLY RISERS are little pill: that do not gripe or cause pain. Small, easy to take, safe. Sold by Neill & Co. There is one dude in Buchanan. “Let’s make up a purse and buy him a monkey,” was a remark some one made to his best girl. I don’t think two monkeys would 3june well together,”” was her re ply. ’ The Atlanta Constitution is :putting forth every eflort in se curing an elephant for the chil dren of Atlanta. Said elepant is to be placed in Grant Park. What will the greatest newspaper in the south undertake next. | We regret to learn of the ill health of Uncle-Abby Wilson, who lives two miles.west of town, Mr. Wilson is one of Haralson's.oldest land marks, and his many friends in this county will regret to learn | that from present- indications, his time is very short with us. | Advice to Mothers., : | Mrs, Winsnow’s SvoTHING Syrupshealdalways. be, used. when children are cutting teeth, It re. eey and he L v R man DAE e oothon eel woftons 1 e lleg L pAin, o Aiaeeiver whethor Arising fromtsoßlAg Op, o&r euuscs, 'Twenty-fiwe cents a bottle,. . 5’ 2 Cool mornings. ‘ Fine looking gardens. Corn, some knee-high, Farmers are choppitfg cotton. An excursion so Reme Thurs day. Several Strangers im sown this week. Any amonnt of fleascan be had in Buchanan. Mr. Bill Shell says he Iws a fine mare for sale. ; 1 Tallapoosa is a boomigg town— Buchanan too. ! i Come up fri*nds and sabseribe fer the BANNER. : Some of our citizens went un to Rome this week. ? i Buchanan is a publie resort for old dilapidated wmules. ~ Dr. Toppings has experience in ihis profession; hence his sucvess. o Mr. and Mrs. J, K. Holomobe paid Cedartown a visit Wednes day. Talk up youz town. Pur dog that wonmt burk at a hog in his own yard. Why sufter with yoir teeth ‘when a little time and maey will ‘have Dr. Toppings repairthem in ' good shape. } There is danger in impwe blood There is safety in taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blod puri t fier. 100 doses one (lollzu'_;x | I’ Me. (. W. Ault had thenisfort une of getting his lumber kiln ' with about two hundrefi dollars worrh of lumber burned yester terday. The Literary Society wis large |ly attended last Wednesdy night sand the exercises were vey inter esting. The young peope of our town seem to take coniderable interest in the society, atl’ when you see the young folks iut their shoulders to the wheel juu will see it begin to turn. J | DEWITTS SARSAPLRILLA “ will renew and purify tl blood,l eradicate disease and mmL diges tion easy We sell it, Nejl & Co. Dr. A. J. Toppings istoing a fine business in the zfj[);evnt,stry_' line, Those needing anytHin in his ‘line will find it to. thir inter {est. to call on him. Office Buchan aand Draketown. i Mr. Pirece Chandler, hom we | reported to be very low st week, died at his home last laturday night, and was buried t Talla poosa church Sunday :vening. Mr. Chandler was one ' Haral son’s best young farmrs, and was loved and. respecte by all who-knew him. We exnd our sympathy to his Lereavefamily. Mrs. Leander Wrighfinfierms us that she was cared of hronic Constipation by DE WITS.LIT TLE BEARLY RISFRS. old by Neill & Coq Mrs. Daniek B. Hd; Mrs Harriet White, of Auro, Ala., and Miss Kittie Windomf ' nean Tallapaosa; Ga., visitedlatives _in,to_whthis week., Mrs./ead is. the step-motker of Mess: H: C. and W. J. Head, Sr., 4 Mps. | White is: their sister. ey. ar~ rived in town, lgst: Sund even ing and returned;: home ‘ednes-. day.., The Alliance Day. Last Friday was the alliance day for the farmers of this ecoun ty. By eight o'clock the people from various section of the county ‘began to come in, to hear the }primeipals-uf the alliance expound ed by their leadetrs By 10 o’clock o sarge crowd had comgregated on the streets and about the groves. When they assembled in' the house, for spesking, it wase an nounced that Col, Livingston would not be on haud to speak on account of having to speak before‘ the ways and means committee atj Washington, D. U, on the Sub. Treasuery bill. Mr. H. D. Hutch son introduced Hon. W. S. Cope land who delivered a nice ad ’dress. Mr. Copeland is a fluent speaker and made a good impres ‘.s’iea onr his hearers . | After the speaking it was an ‘unmmced that Editor Brown, of ithe Southern Alliance Farmer, ' would speak at 3 o’cloek in the lafternomx. Accordingly the peo {le remained to hear Mr. Brown ’spmk. When the time came for the speaking Mr. Browm was on ‘]mud and made a splendid speach. | The day was quite an enjoyable one for the farmers and their friends. ! Wheu you need a mild laxative you should have a medicine that will aet on the liver and kidney, as well as the bowels. Beggs’ Vegetable Liver Pills are prepared ‘expre;@sly for this purpose. Insist on getting them, as they have no ‘superior and few equals. Neill |& Co., Druggists, Buchanan, Ga., and Bishop & Hearn, Waco, Ga. I The Mason Celebration. ' | SRI | The: Buchanan Musouic Lodge |Lias deeided to celebrate the 24th day-of June. 'Phey have invited several lodges and speakers to be present. ‘The public exercises will take place at some suitable place in town and will consist of several speeches and an old fash ions basket dinuer. The citizens of Buchanan and surrounding country are cordially invited to be present and grive their help. in making the celebration a suceess, and especialiy the dinner part. The committee is putting fozsh ev ery effort to.make the oceasion an enjoyable ore to all who attend. We will give-a more extended ac ‘count of it later on. | Db pha e GEORGLA:—HarALsoN CoUNTY. I will hold an examination in Buchanan for applicants for teach er’s license on Friday, the 30th day of Muy, 1890. Applicants are requested to be present by 7:30 o'clock aud to submit with their examination papers, evidence in writing as: good moral character, May 6th, 90. G. D. Grirerr, County School Coum | The Villa Rica. Record. is.to heye & new eylinder press soon., ‘ Bizziness, Loss of. Appetite, | that Tired' Feeling, Faintness, Dyspepsia, Blood Disorders. Ke-| zema, Blotches, Pimple, Sallow Skin and most diseases result from an impure condition of the Blood. Purify it with DE WITT’'S SARSAPARILLA. We sell and recommend it, Neill & Co. . NUMBER 18. ‘& L. Craven. Lloyd Thomas - Craven & Thomas, 1 ArrorNuys AT Law, l BUCHANAN, - - - GEORGIA. A A .T A Y S 5 A S DS A s Ity F. Thompson W. P. Robinson. Cadartown, Ga. Buchanan, Ga. Thompson & Robinson, Attorneys at Law,. Buchanan, Georgia. R A AT SSUL 2 TIRS TS J. M. Mcßgine,, Prick EDWARDS. é Tallapoost, Buchanan., |8 : s #Weßride & Edwards, ATTORNEYS AT Law. ; Offices: Tallapoosa and Buchanan.. A A SO o L TST ST T M RA I | . N. CHENEY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOR, BREMEN, GA. | - G. W. Austin, e t ATT@RNEY AT LAW, { Carrollton, - Georgia. | J.M NEILL MD. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BucHARAN, GEORGIA, Offers his professional seryviees to the. { town.and surrounding country, All calis promptly w_*rslp(;:udt\d to night or day. Office at dragsvore of Neill & Co, 1. ‘will be found at night at the Buek Keliy place, 159 yards south of G. M. Roberts’ store M, JAS. A. BLAWNCE. Ji W. BIGGERS. cedartown, Ga. praketown, Ga. BLANCE & BIGGERS. LAWYERS, ‘Will, practice in the courts of Haralson county, and in the Federal courts at At lara, Prompt attention given all busi ness. w . GEO. R. HUTCHENS, _ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tallapoosa, - - - Georgia. §7"Criminal law a specialty. B 74 .30 AT AT B S, S ATS g M. J. HEA{S: A. 1. BEAD. suchanan, aa. tallapoosa, Ga HEAD & HEAD, ATTORNEYS AT L.AW, Buchanan and Tallapoosa, @eorgia. m 5 } I.L. COBB, | ATTORNEY AT LAW, Carrollton, Ga. Will praetice in carroll and adjoining eounties, m-. John T. Cobb, PHYSIPIAN AND SURGEON, BucHANAN, GEORGIA.. Huving permanently located at Buel anan, [ offer my professional services t the pesple of Buchanan and surround ing eountry. All calls promptly re sponded to day or night.. Odfice, Young's oY(i stand. I will be found at nigit at the Morgan Head p:lnce, opposite . P. Moore's, . A 3010 .G 0 WIS Y 8 TS W. C. ADAMSON. R. D. JACKSON Adamson & Jackson,. LAWYERS, CARROLLTON, -.-. GEORGIA.. JOE' LASSETER, BARBER, ; BUCHANAN, GEORGIA. Work done neatly and cheaply at all times. Giveme a eall. M‘, DR.; PARKER'S * Medical & Surgical Institute . 16134 N. Spruce St., Nashviite, Tenn. ' Treatand Cureall Chronic Dis . Deformities and 1y : 7 c1.1.::._ Sox om::u :‘u 'B'::. P A fetgs Rl o ST e @ - ey Plial ia; counection, Wrile-fof ¢lßaLs