Haralson banner. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1884-1891, August 01, 1890, Image 1

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@he favalson Banmner, VOLUME VII. j;;; LOCAL . ITEMS. R ~ Mr. R E. Edwards, of Douglas :.'-T'_H*le was in Buchanan last Sun - duy, ~ Bro O'Shields of the Tallapoo s Dispatch gave us a pleasant &"N‘a]l Tuesday. : . Mr K. 8. Griffith of Birmingham, Ala., ’;fi come to Bachanan to read law. He Wwill read with Col. Edwards, ~ Mrs GD. Griffith hax been vis | iting the family of bher father, - Uol. N. N. Beall, of Embry. Ga., gtbm Wweek and last. : ~ Cldude, the 7-year-old sen of - Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Burden, has beeu'very sick fer several days _ with brain fever but is better at ;;;%i*this ‘writing. * Two or three of our eommunieations ;:are unavoidably crowded vat this week. “% Mareellous and George Lee who were - eharged with the murder of Wyatt Wil - Jiamswere found guilty of volantary map, - slanghter and were each sentenced to - five years labor in the chataganyg. ; %he'finchanmz Literarvy gociety has ?’;b en suspended since court has been in session but will now be resumed and the ~ regular mecting will be held next Wednes “day nicht, every boddy invited to come. _ The Tallapoosa Auxiliary Mu iéwV Convention will meet at ;ies; mip creek charch, Cleaborn coun ” on Friday before the sec “nd Sunday in August. All good i singers are invited. ' Miss Magnolia Shuford, of Ac- E?a;;?"‘, rth, Ga., who has been teaching gnumc class in our town for the spnst tow wmonths, Jess for herlva> in Aecworth last Friday. Miss Shuford will return and resume _ her class the first of September. | Rev. M. F. Waddell, of near Draketown, informs us that he c-or?incteda very interesting se ‘}- rigs of meetings at Yorkville last week. He says he received fif teen members into the church; . eleven by experience and four by letter. | Little Jimmie Head, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Head, died last | Monday night. He had beensick foz' some time with typhoid fever. | His remains were laid away in the puchanan cemetery Wednes ‘f:iiay,evening. The bereaved fam “ily have our sympathies. | Last Thursday Dr. J, M. Neill's horse bl frightened at the freight train, ran ’_a;,. threw the Doctor out of his sulky ‘&udblmsed him up cousiderably. He %vow ¢onfined to his bed and suffering ~great deal. Although his wounds ave serious, it is hoped that they will not | prove fatal. .i%@fjé'anual-meeting of the Haral cé%féi;ébunty“flunday School associa tion will be held at Buchanan on ;édne‘sday the 13th day of Au ust. It is hoped that all the '.ols of the county will be well (Fopresented. A cordial invitation lis egtended to evrey boddy. Am ble arrangements will be made to ' l’;fail who moy come. An in feresting meeting is expected. f | ORDER FEATHERS FOR A , ATTRESSES, PILLOWS , for Of RH. West & Son, ’iififi Gfl : R AR S e S R BUCHANAN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY AUGUST, 1. 1890. . COURT PROCEEDINGS. M. M. C. Vernon vs. G. P. Rail road company, dismissed, H, N. Smith vs. L. Rosseter and J. C. Kibbey, dismissed. L. R. Ray, ‘administator vs. John Rodahan, judgement for | plaintiff. R. A. Green vs, W. N. Green, dismissed. Duvenport et al vs Saterfield et al ‘.'l.; B. Goldin et al. Claimauts settled. ; State vs J. J. Shelnutt, nolpross ed. : Cox, Hill & Thompson vs B. T. Keut, judgement for plaintiff. - B. E: Vaugtn & €o. vs Darnell & New and W. Brock, eclaimant; disnrissed. Frick Co. vs Willianis & Griffith; jndgement for plaintiff. Mrs. M. 8. Mann vs'6. P, Rail road company; dismissed. Mzrs. Doode Norton vs J. R. Dri ver; judgement for plaintiff, State vs' W. B. Jones; nolpross od. W. H. Beall vs . P. Railroad company; judgement for plain tiff. J. W. Tomlinson vs H. W. Bigh op; judgement for plaintiff. Ko A. M. Robinson & Co. vs Johin Rochester; jndgement for plaint iff. A M. Robinson & Co.vs W. R. Groce; judgement for plaintiff. S. J. Winkles vs Reubett Mor ris and Serenie M orris; ¢claimant, mistrial. State vs. Jeff Canamore; verdict Y, vecommend - imprisoment for life ; State vs° Wash Brown, -Arson; vedict not gilty. State vs Robt. ‘Green, murder; verdicét not guilty. ‘ State vs Martha Cheney, May Cheney, alias May Hoffee, arson; verdict not guilty. J. J. Wilson vs A. L. Richards, motion for new trial; motion over ruled. State vs A. J. Lee, misdemean or, plea of guilty; fine $l5O and ‘all cost. Al State vs 'C. M. Head, ‘misde meanor, plea of guilty; fine §l5O and all cost. State vs Mrs M. A. Crawford, misdemeanor- nolprossed. State ve Lundy Johnson, (c 01. larceny, no bill; malicious prose cution. . Salon Bevins vs J. D. Miller, sued on mnotes; jndgement for plaintiff. Naney Contell vs Orine B. Con nell, libill for divorce; second ver dict and decree. State vs Marcellus Lee, George Lee aud Green Lee, murder; ver dict guilty as to George Lee of voluntary munslaughter.” E.D. Hightower et al vsJ. A. | Maun rule nisi ‘to foreclose’ mort gage. : State 'vs Reid Evans, misde meanor; verdict guilty. Frank'E. Block vs C. E ——~ J. A 'Head rule nisi to foreclose mortga.‘ge; A State'vs D, 8. Jackson, misde meanor, plea of guilty; fine $l5O and cost. State vs Reid Eving, misde-| meano, (pistol); mistrial. | MASS MEETING. Bucnaxay, Ga., Jily 23, '9O. The mass meeting mhc Demo eratic party of Haralson county met in the eourt housent Buchan an on July, 23, 1800, Upon motien, the kon. W, 4. Walton was olected Chairman and C. J. Jaohan as S&x‘etury’. A resolution was offered by Link Newman' to elect all the state house officers, with Northern for Governor. Au aendgent to this was-offered by Capt. itht to sub stitute the name of Lester for Anderson for At’tfémej,Geimm], which amendment was accepted by Mr. Newman and thie ticket with Lester was elected without a dissenting voice. Gy Upon motion of Col Bob Latham the chair was adthorie’d o ap point four delegates so the con vention in Atlanta to mominate candidates. o The -following ‘names were offered and elected: g R. H. Paker, Link Newman, G. W. Mcßrayer and F. R. Smith. Major Lipham propesed the delegates go untrameled and un-, instracted, but after a patriotic speech by uncle Wyley J. James, they were instructed to vote for the nominee above mentioned, | - No other business kefore 'thei neeting it adjourned sipe die. w.: J. W.A.LTON,'\ghairvmun. ‘ C. J. JunaN, Secretary. * ' e ) ‘ -~ WACO. B g 4“»Gkomgtfl -see m}‘éfie'fl kin folk’’ is the order of the day. . Water melons plentiful and cheap." | "~ Rev. L. C. Johnson returned last Friday from a visit to rela tives and friends in Carroll and Coweta counties. 7 Messrs. S. J. Parker and Nelson Murphy have opened up a first clags ' livery stable in the Meßur nett old stand on Atlanta street. ~ Capt. John Shelnutt, the popu lar passenger agent es the E. T. V. & G. railroad'was in Waco Snnday. ~ Messrs. J. N.and H. W. Mec- Burnett, Mrs. W. A. Mcßurnett and Mrs. Sopha Brown left last Wedunesday for Texas on a visit to relatives. _ Mr. O."B. Moon of Birmingham, Ala., was over on a visit to his ‘parents last wesk. i Store houses 24x120 ard down to 22x94 feet is the kind it takes for Waco merchants. There are only two store houses in town but what have had additions put to them. Union camp meeting, four miles south of Waeo, will begin on “Fri day night before ‘the 4th Sunday in Angust and close on Wednes day morning following. ; Messrs. Johnathdan, Charles and Miss Bell Copeland spent Satur day and Sunday in the city. By ‘the way Mr. Copeland is one of ‘the best farmers in Carroll county and he sells cotton'and buys goods in Waco. ~— Our merchants are beginning to recive fall goods. Messrs Mcßurnett and Price and R. H. Parker speak of build ing a double brick on the corner of Wall and Bowden streets, north | of the Watson bnilding. | U T T T ey T B P T SRR e P Mr. J. 8. Jeter is figuring on a brick 23x50 feet to be built on his lot just south of Johnson & Hea ton, Our future grows brighter and brighter. If nothiug slips and our credit is good your unworthy seribe will add ‘8 restaurant department to the “‘glass front” and then, in the lunguage of the poet, we can “Feed you when you are hungry - Water you when yon are dry.” PN L J, ey }‘—-—n—-—-a-———-.- e i o "tlia'Bnrviviqg Veterans of the 40th ¢« G@a. Regiment, In July.of last yéar the Bth Ga,. Battallion survivors met in reun ion at Adairsville. By, invitation several of the survivors of our Tigi ment weré present, a temporary ggfgjknimtibn_”of the survivors of the 40th Georgia was effected, The un dersiged was chosen temporary chairman, and John L. Mosteller temporary secratary’ The survivorg of oy rigiment earnestly aud{ UNAnimously - quest me to issue a call for a meeting of all the surviving mem bers of ourrigiment. In obedience to this wish, I hereby call said me'e%%llg-fot the 14th of August, 1890, in Cartersville, Ga., At this rfie’efi'figflnv perminent organization will bg effected, and the day will be spent in mingling with our comzades once more. All survivors of the 40th Georgia are requested to be present. We hope to have speeches, music and other appro priate exercises. We ar getting old and our ranks are thinning each year. Let us embrace this opportunity of perpetuating our organization and claspe hands with each other again, Carpr. J. L. NekL, Ch’mn. The following papers are re quested to copy at once: Atlanta Constitution, Adairsville Ledger, Calhoun Times, Rome Tribune, Dallas New Era, Buchanan Ban ner, Douglasville New South. Surprising Testimony, Many physicians who have ex amened into the merits of BB B (Botanic Blood Balm), have been confronted with testimony which they decmed surprising, and thus being convinced of its wonderful efficacy, have not failed to pre seribe it in their practice as occa sion required. H. L. Cassidy, Kennesaw, Ga., writes: “For two years myv wife wasa great sufferer. Skillful phy sicians did her no good. Her mouth ‘was one solid ulcer, bher body was broken out in sores, and she lost a beautiful head of hair. Three bottles B 8.8 cured her com-l‘ pletely, “incredible as” it may sound, and she is now the mother of & healthy three months old baby clear from any serofulous taint.”’ A.'H. Morris. Pine bluff, Ark., writes: ““Hot Springs and several doétors failed to cure me of sever al running unleers on‘my leg, BB B effected a wonderfull quick cure after every thing else had failed-”’ One of the best known remedies for female weakness is the *‘Or ange Blossom’’ medicine. It is the ladies best friend. This well known remedy for sale by Mrs, L;”P. McKisack. NUMBER 28. Ri e e T PROFEBSIONAL. W. F. GOLDIN. J. B, GOLDIN, GOLDIN & BRO, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, DRAKETOWN, - - GA. Offer their practice to the citizens of Haralson and adjoining coun ties. 8. L. Craven, Lloyd Thomas - Graven & Thomas, | ATTORNEYS AT Law, BUCHANAN, - - - GEORGIA. M Ivy F. Thompson W. P. Robinson. Cedartown, Ga. Buchanan, Ga. Thompson & Robinson, Attorneys at Law, Buchanan, Georgia. M J. M. Mcßrive, Prick EDWARDS. Tallapovsa, Buchanan, " o oa +Mcßride & Edwards, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Offices: Tallapoosa and Buchanan. S SRS \ ; I. N. CHENEY, ! ¢ PEYSIOIANAND SU\M’%‘H[\N. [ BREMEN, Ga. ‘O'm— 'Gi WI Austln, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Carrollton, - Georgia. TLA, S M e, STR S ST, ST AR ISTRSASH, NSRS et J. M. NEILL, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BucuayaN, GEORGIA, Offers his professional services to the town and surrounding country. All ealls promptly responded to night or day. Office ‘at drugstore of Neill & Co. 1 will be found at night at the Buck Kelly place, 150 yards south of G. M. Roberts’ store M JAS. A. BLANCE. J. W. BIGGERS, cedartown, Ga. praketown, aa, BLANCE & BIGGERS. LAWYERS, Will praetice in the courts of Haralson county, and in the Federal courts at At lanta. Prompt attention given all busi ness, oVR 2 5 LA 0 N 4 STt T A BT, P BAN X S GEO. R. HUTCHENS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ~ Tallapoosa, - - - Georgia. s#"Criminal law a specialty. AT R A oM B 6000008 0 L M DA AT TSR, T M. J. HEAD. A. I. HEAD, suchanan, Ga, Tallapoosa, Ga, HEAD & HEAD, ATTORNEYS AT LaAw, Buchanan and Tallapoosa, Georgia. A AL NG LT B LBAN . 000 WSR oT SO S J. L. COBB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Carrollton, Ga. Will practice in carroll and adjoining counties, DCBATMSRE DA, TS VMBI eISIOST ST D B TS MO Ry John T. Cobb, 'PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, BucaaNaN, GEORGIA. Having fipermanently located at Buch anan, I offer my professional services t the people of Buchanan and surround ing ecountry. All calls igl'omptly re sy‘onded today or night. Office, Young's old stand. I will be found at uilght at the Morgan Head place, opposite T, P. Moore's, w / W. C. ADANMBON. R. D. JACKSON Adamson & Jackson, ' LAWYERS, ~ CARROLLTON, = = ‘GEORGEA