Haralson banner. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1884-1891, December 19, 1890, Image 1

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' vy ; ’ ), VR LA A 3 Filny 8 5 s Y\L iy / Wi ,:"“ #®” 1\ 4 o - sb ] ' i o\ -\ ' ] L' o N NW | 1 3 L fiy . g 5‘,," so\ : y “; \ | | ‘ 4 kS ! 3 ] # N Y | . ’ . 1.0 - R by ¢ I 8 ] SN IRN W LNY ‘ AN K‘\i}ia" \ Y ’ ‘l\' k %< | .J’,.f:, 2y VOLUME . VII. LOCAL ITEMS. . Next Thursday is Chistmas, .+ Goed weathor for saving pork. * Merry,x?en:y Chrictmas, wel _ some here ey A merry Christmas to you and yours. ThLe Bawxns wishes you a morry Christmas. . ‘ Pay your debts and get ready for Christmas. For Christmas goods call on Wil lis Morgan, M, J. W. White of Felton gave us a call Tuesday. Mr Ira B, Boas is vieiding in Carroll this week. You ehould get Willie Morgan’s prices before buying elscwhore. Mr. W A. MeCalman and tawi ‘)wen in town Sunday. Christmas goods of all kinds at ~ Willie Morgan’s. "% Youn can kill your kogs now if you feel like it. Mr. R H. ParXer, of Waco, Was In sown hionday. | Next Wednesday night is the time for the Christmas tree. At T. J. Loveless & Son’s is the place to get your Christmas goeds. Mr. Robert Shepard visited Car rollton last Saturday and Sun day. Buchanan is the place for a man of small means to secure a fort une. &Vell, boye, maybe we'll get off i the sweet by and by.”’ May be we will. Messrs. J. D. Duncan and J, M. Curtis, of Helton, were in town last Saturday. If you want fancy candies and fancy Christmas goods go to Neiil & Allmon’s drugstore. Col. M. J. Head moved in the house with Mr. T. W. Griffith Wednesdav. You know that T. J. Loveless & Son always keep a fine selection of Christmag goods. Mr. W: C. White and Rev. T.J. [Biggers of near draketown _vgere fin town Tuesday. :' T~§. Loveless went te Rome :his week and bought a mnice line bf Clristmas goods. | The committes on Christmas froe have decided to put up the ree in the Metodiat church. g Cols. W. P. Robinsicn and Price tdwards visited Cedartown and Rome the first of the woeek. ‘ Just listen to those wedding Jells. We told you so. Mark he predictions of the BaNmERr. Halloo! Santa claus come fto o .11%335"“ once more and left all - Ji bit Christmas goods with Neill | Alimon A AT wno N & ORDIR FEATHER FOR LiTTRESSES, PILLOWS B, 6f R H West & Son, o Rome, Ga BUCHANAN, GEORGIA, FRIDAY DECEMBER, 19, !8&90. Lets all take a part in the Christmas tree and maie the chil dren happy and be happy with ‘them, ; Rl { Considerable snow with some Hail fell last Tuesday evering in a very few minutes, but soon ‘melted away. ! ~ Boys if you are goilng to get married you should see Cap Cra ven. Ie can tie ibe knot for yeu in short oxder. Col. 8, L. Craven is getting to be an expert on marrying pscple. Ee has marriad five cocuples in the lagt few weeks. Ts you suffer from eatarrh why den't you take Hocd’s Uarssppa rilla, tke common eense remedy? It has eured many people, : The young people had an enjoy able singing a$ the hospitable homs of Dr. and Mrs. F. R. Bmith Sunday might. ‘ Miss Ella Burden who has beeu vigitiig relatives in Coweta coun ty for some time returned Lome last Sunday. Mr. I, A. Canirel’, the popnlar salesman of the Alliance stors, is a jolty good fellow and we are glad to have him in our midst. Mz. S. L. Hilton, the busiuess manager of the co-operative Al liauce store, moved his fomily 10 Buehanan Tueszday. We extend to them'a hearty welcome, T. J. Loveless and J. K. Hol combe went to Rome Monday and spent the night with that model farmer James Camyp and his love by SaIEIY sot aie Don’t suffor ;}our friends to bruise np their knuckles rapping on the door when Willie Morgan will put you on a nice door bell for $1,50. The Tax Collector’'s books will be open at Buchanan Dec. 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th. The law requires all collectors to close their bocks on the 20th day of Dec. threfore I chall be compelled to close my books on that day, Respectfully, Joe W. Krrry, T. G, ' Miss Mary Williams who has been visiting the fiamily of Mr. .C, Wilson fop_some wedks” ré turned to her home near Temple last week. If you want THE BEST in LIFE or ACCIDENTAL INSUR ANCE, NEW -ATLAS of the WORLD WITI CENSUS of 1890, or TREASURE HOUSE of univer sal and useful knowledgs, see or advise, Wat. Jaxison, Jr., ‘ Special Agt., l Buchanan and Tallapoosa, Ga. Dr. Oscar Bryant, of Kramer,ll was up to see us last Monday. The doctor has been a’stendingl college all the fall, but will have a vacation now uutil after Christ mas. He will graduate in March. All who ow¢ me on account are hereby notified that same will be found in the hands of an officer for collection if not paid by De ’cembea 20th1890. lam preparing ite move and must pay my debts ‘before moving. Those who owei \mev for land will find their notes with Mr. G. M. Roberts when they desire to pay them. Refpectfully, Thos. W. Griffiith. | Violins, Guitars, B jos, Auto barps and a full line of Strings and other musical ?m:haudise at low prices, at Tallapoosa Jewelry and Musical Store,d Tallapoota, Ga., Cor, Head av an%‘i?(ill ptreet . We are authorized {9 say that Mr. T. M. Mooro is @ candidate for coroner. No do 3' Moore will fill the oflice creditably if elected. - p o After tomorrow 'the tax booka will be closed, Watch repairing loliéted‘ T:.l-l poesa Jewelry store. , Last Tuesday Mesn‘f@ Oglesby Bros. and J. G. Crm?? startedl some of their employees with their cattle to south Georgiayaehere they expect to engage in tha:w milli business. 1t will take them about fifteen days to make thejtrip. ‘ All werk done prox;!&ly by a first class watchmaker—o botch— and {ully guaranteed al Lorine’s Jewelry Store, Cor. Hea@ av. and Mill street, Tallapocsa, ?a, i FOR SHEQITE, & | To the. voters of iiaralson {Uo: I hereby annodhce my ln;rmf;: as a candidate {4 sheriff, If clected 1 will :,iis;(;hg;qe the dutics of the office to €he best of wy ahility. s Yery Hespectfully, : E. C. Watsox. Messrs. Shell & Yancy are now rauning two livery stablel. one in Buchanan "and oune in K‘;:‘ er. My. Yaucy has moved te K‘l&fi‘ner and will have charge ofgezfiab‘le at that place, and Ty, SP<B villy run the one that is here. $6.00 ARERIGAN WATCH. You should see my seven jewel ed Genutne Awmerican, stem-wind !stem—eet wateh, for $5.00, before all are gone. . The best watch in America for the money. Victor C. Horine, Jeweler, corner Head avenue and Mill street, Tallapoo sa, (Ga, Mr. J. S. Edwards informs us that be and some other parties ‘have bought a lot opposite Judge Davenports residence on which they expect to build anew ginnery which, when completed, will be the hest ginuery in the county .So ! much forßuthanan. . We ask for your watch . work. Patronize a thercugh mechnanie in your own county. Victer C. Ho rine, Jeweler, Cor. Head av, and Mill stret, Tallapoosa, Ga. Mr. J. 7. Hearn's family left Buchanan last Sunday evening for Atlanta where they expect to make their f{utare home. They‘ bave lived in Buchanan about one year during which time they made mauny friends who were sor ry to see them leave. Go got a Chistmas present of life tiwe value for but little mon ey at Tallapoosa Jewelry Store, corner Head av, and Mill street, Tallapoos, Ga. Hale-Davidson Hardware Co., Rome, Ga., carry a full line of guns, pistols and sporting goeods, loaded sheils, hunting coats and vests, game bags, elc.” Prices as low as the lowest. Mail orders receive prompt attention. Orders for above goods amounting to over 85,00 wiil be sent C. 0. D. with privilege of exomination, on re ceipt of SI.OO to cover express charges. j GHRISTHAS PRESIRTS ! i L : DR BRSNS, ANRIANTEINCTERONAY ml i‘%m (REAT VARIETY AND AT LOW PRICES AT TAL LAPOOSA Jewelry <&3&% Store, TALLAPOOSA, - GA. Go get a nice Clock, Watch, Piece of Table Silverware, Musical Instrument, Jewelry ora Gold Ring for a Xmas Present: Good goods at LOW PRICES and Guaran- TRED, Repairing Watches done quickly, by a thorough workman, and fully guaranteed. REMEMBER PLACE—CORNER HEAD AVENUE AND MILL STREET, . Tallapoosa, Ga. " PROFESSIONAL. = W. F. GOLDIN. J. B. GOLDIN. GOLDIN & BRO, PEYSICIANS & SBUL.GEONS, J DRABOWN., - 2. @A Offer their practice to the citizens of Haralson and adjoining coun ties. mmmm_—__-‘_ S. L. Craven. " Lloyd Thomas 0 | ; 2 Th J | (raved & Thomas, ATToRNEYS AT Law, ; BUCHANAN, - - - GEORGIA. AT TYN B W ETCILE R NBST T A R A Iy F. Thompson W. P. Robinson, Cedartown, Ga. Buchanan, Ga. Thompson & Rodincon, | ~ Attorneys at Law, - . Buchanan, Georgia. ; T. M. Mcßripg, -PRriCE EDWARDS. Tallapoosa, "Buchanan. - 12 A mY e 2L ‘ 1 0y NTE QY S «Moßrids & Edwards, ATTORNEYS AT Law. Cfiices: Tallapoosa and Buchanan. . . o xYN X A i I. N. CHENEY, PHYBICIAN AXND SURGECH muta Bremun, GA. \ . Gu \-’V\ l"'\\ugtlriy | ATTORNEY AT LAW, ‘ Carrollton, « Georgia. ‘ J. M. NEILL, | PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ' BucraxaN, GEoraia, | Offers his professional services to the} town and surrounding country. All ealls. promptly re.:‘{ponded 10 night or day. .‘ Otfice at drugstore of Neill & Co. Ii will be found at night at the Buck Kelly place, 150 yards south of G. M. Roberts’ ] tore. NUMBER 48, GEO. R. HUTCHEN S, ATTORNEY AT LAW, & Tallapoosa, - - - Georgia. & Criminal law a specialty. —:‘—_flm—-_._.m =M. J. HEAD, A. I. HEAD. suchanan, ga. Tallapoosa, Ga HEAD & HEAD, ATTORNEYS AT LAw, Buchanan and Tallapoosa Georgia. mw J 5. COBE ATTORNEY AT lAW §Carrollton, Ga. Will practice in carroll and adjoining counties, mmmmm&m John T. Cobb, -\PH_YSICIAN AND SURGEON, BU'(',}{AZ\{;}N, (RORGIA. Hg\'ing pern)&ngnfi:{'&ql‘flh‘d at .BlI(‘h anan, I offer my professignal services ¢ the people of Bachanan ard ‘surround ‘ing country. BAII ecalls ;:u‘*sli}f“ iy re syonded today or night, "Office, YouLy' s old stand. I will be found at night at the Morgan Head place, opposite 1. P. Moore's, “-M’u W. O, ADENSON, R. D. JACESON Adamson & Jackson, LAWYERS, CARROLLTON, = GuoRGIA, Mmlm\mm JOE LASSETER, BARBER, BUCHANAN, GEORGIA. Work done neatly and cheaply at ali times. Giveme & eall.