Haralson banner. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1884-1891, January 01, 1891, Image 1
The Dovalson Wanied { vV B 4 v {1 l\:‘)?,i Rk VI, = lis ~| 0 - 31 L P Published Every Thuisday. . | fed at the post o.iice at Buchanan, April ), a 3 socdnd class mail mattos. i CHANAN GA.¢ JAN. 1, (891 | LST P I T WY LRV TT TR AT LI SR Sl Y | Professionnl Cards, THAN, AFTTORNEY-AT-LAW, BuciiAFAN, GA, sractice in all courts of Haralson and ad counties. SHELI: & J. A, YANCEY, VERY and FEED STABLE, BU¢HANAN, GA. west publie sauare, Good turnouts ot 1 all times Charges reasouable—terms 2-41 farnouts $2.00 ner day. 31.25 half d&w buggy and driver §2.0% per day. NEILL, LR o NF o TP ANE PHYSICIANK & SURGEON, BUCHHANAN, GA. rs his professional services to the town srounding’ cohuntry--all calls promptly re -led o, night' or day. 2 xl}:'!‘.: gtore of J. M. Neill & Co.—will ouaine . ichtat the Joe W Kelley plae ) yards soutl: sf <. M. Roherts’ store. A A ottt i i s otk A RATDY AL HEAD, Buehanan, Ga, Tallnpoosa, Ga. EAD & HEAD ATFTORNEYS AT LAW, BUucuANAN AND TALLAProosA, GA. Will.practice in all courts of Haralson count) 4 Superior conrts of adjoining curnties; also W oney onimproved farins. M e PRICK: PHYSICEAN & SURGEON, WAaco, (A Offers his professional serviees to the people of aralgon and Carroll counties All calls {ild omptividay or nicht, Ofdcs in drug store o ice & Ca., Bowdon St . O, ‘n\ MSON It. D. JACKSO NAMION & JACKSON : LAWYERS, CARROELTON, GA. il praetice in Maralson county'. HIN' T, COBDB, : PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Bucoanaz, Ga, Having permanently located at Buchanan, 1 now effer my prodessional services to the EO of Buehanan and surreunding country. Offiec at Youne's gidsmna, Al calis pramply filled, night €r Niy—night calls at the resiuence ol Mo Head, opposite T. P.- Moore’s. R lAR T A T R R VY S AR R 5 R RAILROAD SCHEDULES AININ AN LA RS 1D i iy USOO, AT AN S DOMNT O D TMEITIN D HAT] ila'.;{\»f( ,-'“,A';'i“t‘l!i‘f! & ”\’B]_"‘} il" it \’ mi e kR A A e “CHICKAMAUGA ROUTE." This new anid popular route has a- DOUBLI DALY Passenger Hervice between Chattanooga and Garrolivon, The traveling public. wonid do well o patron IZ2C X‘l new shovt ine between the North and sonshs Close connections are made at Chatta noosa, Tenn,, Rome, Ga., Kramer, Gasand Car rollton, Ga., with all lines diverging from these DOINUN, Oy patrons are assured good and comiertable acconnnodations. 23 Note Scheduls below. In effect May 4, 1890, SOUTH. E,‘ x; NORTH. oA Bl RASSENGER X b PASSENUERER PRAINS. h STATIONS. § TRARNS. ~_,____;‘.V,.w..va Bt e T e No. 31 NOl } t“ 1: FINo. 4 Vaily | Daily | fDaily | baiiy e« ) s—— R e e et et st | S - e 3. AL LA N B Dern Arsas, MoiA. M, A Wi Y CHATTANOOGA X 6 40 121 15 g <yl 9855 4 ROSSVILLE 0541 to 2 811008 § AISSION RIDGE: 20 34 110 52 (1019 ROTLA WI LS SPIRLGSE 6 04 1) 42 R d ROCE SPRING . ™53 110 82 b2O 40k COPELAND # 110 21 06 FAFAYETTE - {592 |lO 8 110 4§ ARTINDALE 5101048 BE PRION B 453 | 930 noas k. abMamervinie baw |9l 114 y L RACCON MILLS 482 1975 1158 o LY ERLY § 4522 | & o 4 G 0t A (MLLAFERRO §417 184 bt lok o HOLLAXD § 410 |8 aßy 6ao 115 o W SrRINGS f 8 67 |8 30 } 43|10 55 ¥ LAVENDIER 5346 | 8 17 T 304 110§ ROME 83156 1780 oA e 780 401 28 {ll BILVALR CREBID %5 00 729 Tt | 7E2 N BUMMIT ‘{.‘J 71T 16 wap | Lzl TARRCREBR f24o| 712 Rozl 2169 GEDARTONN. -K% 805 790 12 o 8 4 O X OUINEES g G bAad RO R boes N I p X NAN &4 10| gs g WRRAMER El‘_‘ 0 ae s BAKDEVIDER §li 45 | {4OOB CARROLLTON gl2 20 P,OMLIP, WA, : Dop g, M. 4. M. 1 \ 1 l o é Passenizers leaving Chartanooga on Xo. 1, ar dve at Tome, Gu., 1111 PoAL, Carroliton 4 P Crrifin g 2, Aad Meeon 11920 PR Return ing, ey S 0 A Moy Griftin, 10 20 AL {arol LML Rome, 4P M., and arrive at {he tTA PM. Making o dayligs wido ¥ Lon L(a, aud Chattanoog:, Tonn See hatg raad via O R&E OO R, R Gonl. kgt & Yass. Ap'ts B Chattanvaga, Tenn, N,-As't. Bupt. edicine, strengthening. RUCHANAN. GEORGIA. THURSDAY JANUARY X {B9l PIATS ‘ LOCAL ITEMS. 1 We didnot expeet to print any Banner this week but in order to make this month’s advertisements legul we get out o half sheet, 1501 ; “Junuary the Ist, 1801, Next Tuesday is sale day. Mr. Tom Keeler says itis a fine boy. We will publish the jury list next week. M. R. C. Price, of Waco, wasin town Tuesday. H. T. Reid, lEsq., was in town yester day morning. Sk Col. C. 1. lead, of Tallzpoosa, was in town Tuzsday. Speak a good word for DBuchanan wherever you go. Col. Tvy Thompson, of Ledartown, was here Monuday. Mrs. A. J. Young has been quite sick for the past few days. Mr. J. S. Edwards and lady are visiting at Douglasville this week. Rev. T. M. Moore will svon have his new dwelling completed. Court will convene hery as usual, third Monday in January. Work was begun on Dr. John T. Cobl’s residence Wednesday moerning. Cel 8. L. Craven visited Cedartown on legal husiness yesterday morning. Editor Fitts, of the Carroll County Times, was in town again Sunday. Miss Minnie Dennis is visiting friends and relatives in Coweta connty this weelk. & The chimney to the sherifi’z office in she court house is bLeing rebuilt this week. Too much tangle foot caused some of the boys to pay out a little of itheir cash last week. i Chuistmas was very dull in these papks. Alittle “tom and jerry’ avas about all we got behind. Those candidatesswia bave: not, will please call iny, fecoive and pay for. their tickets, eavds, cte. That was & good "pmmil we borrowed from Bro. Fittslast Sunday. This loeal was written wigh it. - 5 ' Christmns has comemd gone and you | Thaven’t bronght s sßat eorn yel.: What ‘will our bost piguiedo? Mr. W. M. Shell moved into his ros idence “recently - purchased feomm' €ol, M.-J. Head: last Mesday. . Mr. A, Bl Bush paid Clerokes connty, Ala., acvisitlast wesk. Ie went over thepg to sewafbond his favp " - 0 Lot’s allpull together and see (if we can’l pive Buchauns a lifk - Don’t be afraid of helping sonie one else, Mr X A, Chudsoll cume e Thwesday evening aftergponding portion of the holidays with e OFd people and ———es, My D. B: Head, who has heen 1'(*..45!3%1\;;" in Carolliton for sonre, }vi;;i(‘,li‘n'f‘ thine, moved back to Buchanan Tuesduwy: We extencso him a hearty welcome, Mr. 8. Edwasrds hag 16tived from’ the racerfor county tweasurer, We only have two canditiates bwthe field for thav offiee: D, FiR. Smich and M JoIE ssewart: . Mr. U, GoWestbrook, of the firm: of DeLogeh & Bro., Atlanga, Ga., spent Christmas hrolidayswdth bis father and mofher, My, aunad Mis. J. €. Westhrook, of thigconnty. <My, D&, Feee,.of Bdua, Ala., was here | Tnat weok looMing aiter the property 6f jthe late Dr..D: Free. Mr, Frée is gefing i'specinmn of ranhood and those sp%%(i H Pinvimatel yacquainited with bing say» thed ilzufalsqn never hid a betterchzéu%%t’%fi; Rev. B. D, Cooke, of Buncomby, @lo triet, gave us a pleasant call Tuesdoy eve niug. He paidas for six month's sub ißeriition, each, to the BANN }:}:-,Efimssnfis Penn to be sentbo his brothers, R. T. and R. 8.. Cooke, of 'Taslors Station, L Gomo aguin, Baoy Cooke.™ 1w nd {(i i e : -3;-' e CEEES IOR THEBLOOD, : W Weakness, Malarla, Indigestion ang D prhdiatye Tl S S b (TS G e Al |, BRCGIOEAL O VAO RS BETIDHIIC. - S Noxt Wednesdiy is cloction day. New year's day'is a pretty rongh day. Yigquirs A, L. Newman and J. B, Bent la. were in to see s to-day. Jndge Davenpart »aid Rome and Cal houn a vigit during the lo¥ddys. How do you like the BanNER-MessuN erß? Now is the time to subscribe. Mr. T. W. Griflith has bought nroperty in Kramer and will move to the same. Sheriff Holcombe arvested some pris oners down abont Waco last night. Bailiftf Williams traced a runaway man Tuesday and treed him in the depot at Kramer. M. T. P. Moore spens Saturday night in Waco, Hemet,with the Masons at that place. ¥ Fhe shierifi’s sal ® will be continued the second day if the property is not all sold the first day. Col. Juhan says he will finish that foot race next week. .t will be interesting. Look for it. Dontfail to attend the sherifflsales next Tiesday as there will be some valuble property seld, Judge C. J. Tanes was here to-day set ting cases for tria) next court. We will publish them next week, Mr., A. J. Stewartsays he is going on 75 years oid and never had a law suit nor a fight in hislife. Peaceable man. Messrs. A. . Lavvorn and J. B. Adams of Tndex, Ala., have been here on a wvisit to friends and yelatives this week. The Haralson Couanty Farmers’ Alli ange mectys fo-day*veek (Thuarsday) at Wesly Chapel, four miles west of Buch anan. Prof. C O. Stabbs, recently of Bowden butnow of Waco, was in town Mondav looleing atter the interest of lis school, Read notice of the Waco High Bchiool in thispaper. When you eall for your tickets he sure 0 have the money to pay for them. Don't forget to seftle off for all your campaion matter before the election. Defeated 'cai’u?idat-es geénernily have an atluct or :*ivndisfgosit-i(m“;:‘t't'ex-' electivis. | i & " SrraveEpi—A long il sndy coloved Asoffl', unmarked. Waieht ahout 195 or 3¢ ‘pounds. Any information as to her ‘whereabouts will be gladly received and reasonably rewarded: ! : e W. M Sumu, e z x }s If you ave due the Daxxenr. anytbing Lplease conse up and settle. We havent Lasked onr subsertbers for momey il over fwelve months, butnow av we are going cout of business we mast colleet therold ac fonsiits and close the bovis.. j;’!&'\%"’c’l’»l‘ll':lish“fhe folewineay & porviion lofn lettor written by o Trivadiof Mr, Kel ey toanothor friend: : _ |DA Keliey, swo all Baow, has nnde ?Xf;ufil‘i\l'tflll county thebest tax collector the c(‘;utstv has sver Lad, and'that it hig fivst bemwfuif{ifl Jdlw iy IPralson’s owp Lorn sen, ond unfortanately for him and ihie fatniiy dependent wpon’ hitn, he has “heerrendeved aimost an fnvalid from his ehiddhond Ly falling i the five and burn ing bis sbomach. -M. Kelloy only asks for the oifice ote moTe term—says that this term will just about place himout of "«‘mht--h.fi ving had to go in debt to eduente hisseltsinee he was 21 yzars: olil-—-no! l'bnmgalfin'f.&) farm, Liadyto prepaze for comothing elses > o 2 t-_;" %2%%@?}"{,\“#@« s said to be a - aiec ',ifii"” i ualified todill the ofiiee, lic can’t :"‘he Wy picsr m'etfi%fififi)m&tuiul the & i‘xk’ithf 4 (‘fl;ll than M}f" Kolley, 'ang it would seein bard indoed so place. a man i_)fii 00 :,\lem;"uakl oul%%gfien hvmg}k‘ the B g IR ey, ek W*‘%fl*flmwm’m i and s eminently qualitiod and deserving AN Melleyina: . e L .Ve Tiopo the vaters of Ihinison cornty will pive this matter o sober, serions jEouchii g eien vore. accordingito the [i ol Wieh gowolence. ! gol i R e S R ER AL e | BBRRPES B 17l i wirie, diaab oTt | g sys, Ll sour dine o' (e ok, Tl is o Legua el L . W orenndee 06T L NS NIRRT TETNHET fl!‘.\"‘\"f\?v&"fl‘v‘. NAERSTITHTIN N | ANNOUNCEMENTS, 1 FOR T'AX COLLECTOR, ! I take this method of announcing to the voters of Haralson county that am v candidate for the office of Tax Colleetor | L am au old exippled up soldier—lost my right arm and had wmy left hand badly shot up in the war. 1 ask for the office because 1 fecl the need of it. Respectfully, JOonN A. SlmPsoN, FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I wish to state to the citizens of Haral son county that throngh the solicitations of many friends 1 have concluded to make the race for Tax Collector. Having some | experience in the work of a fax coliector, ; [ feelmiyself competent to fill the office, | and trust the citizens of this county will | consider my claims. | Respeetfully, : W. F. LASSETER. FOR TREASURER, After havine been solicited by m:myl friends, T have consented for my name ' o go before the people as a ecandidate so ! County Treasurer. I have been living | in the county twelve yvears and have nev- ; er asked the people for any ofiice. 1 feel j that I am competent to fill the offico, and | promise,if elected, to diseharece my whole | duty to the best of my dbility. ! 13 ¢ Spe l' ; i | FOR TREASUBER. | Having been solicited to allow myv nam ‘ to go before the people for o office of | peoy | ‘Treasurer, I now announce myself a can didate, asking all voters to consider my | claims.. Having been badly crippled in Confederate services and worn out :9:? hard work, I feel the need of the office | vhikids my first effer £ slice. ‘ ‘ Respectfully, \ T \ % s OR TAX BECRIVER. By the solicication of my friends, T an fOUNCe Ny Nan S ¢ Ca :‘:’, ) O 1% i lection to the office of Tax Receiver, a 1 [am ainable to farm. If elected, I prom iߢ to discharvee all thae dauties pertaining io the ofiice with as much convenience te bils peovle as possible, Lespectfully, I, D, LASSBTER. FOR CLEREK SUPKERIOR COURT, To the citizens of Haralson couuty: I sulmit to youwmy name as a candi date for re-election to the efiice of Clerk of the Superkon. Comt., It eleetod will endeavwor “to do my duty, I thank mg friends for past favors, and earnestly ask Are support ot all | a 8 M Brooens. | FOR TAX RECEIVER By the solicitations ¢f many Hdonds, [ Borebyannonnce myselfas o candidate ! for the office of Tax Reeeiver, promising ’ ifeleetnd o discharge the dutiesof the oifee tatne best of g ability, A€ my \ wife hag been an invalid and almost as | helnless as an infantisfor many yoors, I | feel that I need the office, and respectful iy solicitthe support of the voters of the ' ‘Guisty, Respectinlly, | P. M, BERGUsoh. ! s | FOR SLHERIPY. ‘ Tiavizag Been solicited Ly some’good friends to'allow: my nameto go bhefore ! the people of Haralsom county as & can- Laidace for the office of Sheritt, L therefore i_tai?-;a this method of annomcing: nyyselt e candidate, and respoecticlly ask the peo- I ple to consider my claims, as will be pre | sonted to thewr by myscelt and friends.. H ‘:-k-vtv(.’». I sliall do my utmost to fill the l office to'the hionor of the wihole peapls iwlion I'serve, . Baithfally, l War, JoNson, Ji } PARTCLERE O F SUPERIOR COURTY I T have had suflicient cneohriage l{‘mm friends: and good men over ¢ tmw: portiviig of Haralson county 4 Lnounce nysell asa candidnte for ¢ t the Supevior Court. 1 promise t duty.as an officer if electod, and ‘ o those who are not acguainted ’ that. Lam a Jaboring mun, we Ldualy wagzes formy living, - tuw: asmuch as five cents i Lenotganterprise in thetworl NUMBER 50. R R T O T YUY Y R BRN L e county will make ) 1 rmindg vote { mnty i make w Irmmas o vote 1O Nne, Iv' W i LTAVOoLD gy 9 'L\“‘\" s 51 : 118 . DIMS, ¢ ho votor loy o rarad anty: I un & canavdate for re-eleetion to th ttice of treasurel I a wnkiul to the voters of tire co ! ) heiv supnort 1 nast and Di 1144 + 1 ’ ana 1 I'\"l' | 2 oMice at i 00l 100 t and i o . 1 1t CHOR/TLC hha‘dtd 4 y yduties of the same y the v bost of 1 I. By the solicitation of m { QIK [ n mounce my r . i | fee 1Y A Ipetent,Quiery m ! 1i . \ R \ Ui i | L Havi i solted hix : ¥of i i ! { : L 101 1 no nNOUNCe m ndi- P 1 2 WIS CO 1 Lit} R ( y ) @ m 0 ny 2 3 agal 1 f O |.l€OC ’ ! ) i ) 1 N | ‘J CITOI I 1 1 | | o O | i ill | 1 1 1 fe 1 v g N § { ( \ beounty, : eine . { i ) USIHIEeSS ( ol it ; ' &l tana feeli Ol < MU L ) | Fge 1 g sOO ; {lt el odl to att i | : | e O \ | | | Havineg b jcif | { Lirien:s to m ) oy Bsrrnd ! idl Ly 110 { tronbile of assing {lived i LlOll 01 Ty HTe 4l a { t Hopine those who | make me, an Nt ote { | COing