Newspaper Page Text
m he Banner MX*5
Published Every Thursday.
Kntereil at the post office at Buchanan, April
St It, 1889, as second class mail matter.
HUCIIAXA.X, GA.., JAN. ^ H*#-®*
Professional Carols,
Buchanan, Ga.
Will practice In all courts of Haralson and ad¬
joining counties.
Buchanan, Ga.
Southwest public square. Good turnouts at
any anil all times Charges reasonable—terms
cash. 2-41
Top Turnouts 82.00 per day. 81-25 day. half day.
Horse, buggy and driver $2.50 per
Buchanan, Ga.
Offers his professional services to the town
t id surrounding night country—all calls promptly re¬
sponded to. or dav.
'•tHce at Drug store of J. M. Neill '& Uo.—will
in .mind at night at the .Toe AV Kelley place,
160yards south of G. M. Roberts’ store.
M. J. HEAD, A. f. HEAD,
lliichanan, Ga. Tallapoosa, Ga.
Buchanan and Tallapoosa, Ga.
Will practice in all courts of Haralson county
and Superior courts of adjoining counties; also
lend money on improved farms.
Waco, Ga.
Offers his professional services to Die people of
Haralson and Carroll counties. All calls filled
promptly, dav or night. Office in drug store of
Price & Co., ilowdon St.
Cabkollton, Ga.
Will practice in Haralson county.
Buchanan, Ga.
Having permanently located at Buchanan, I
now offer mv professional services to the people
■ if Buchanan and surrounding country. Office
at Young's old stand. All calls protuply tilled,
night or dav—night calls at the residence of
M.J. Head, opposite T. 1*. Moore’s.
This new and popular route has a Double
Daily Passenger Service between Chattanooga
and Carrollton. would do well to patron¬
The traveling public line between the North and
ize this new short
South. Close connections are made at Chatta¬
nooga, Tenii., Rome, Ga., Kramer, Ga. and Car¬
rollton, Ga., with all lines diverging from these
*' patrons assured good and comfortable
Our are
accommodations. In effect May 4,1890.
Note Schedule below.
tha ins. STATIONS. TltAlSS.
No. 3 No. I No. 2 No. 4
Daily Daily Daily Daily-
1 ■ A. V. Dei). . M. A. M.
9 50 CHATTANOOGA -. 40 11 15
9 55 ROBSVILI.E •25 11 (12
4- 10 08 MISSION RLDGK C: 14 10 52
4- 10 19 CRAWFISH SPR’IGS Ct 04 10 42
3- 10 32 ROCK SPRING Lt 10 32
4- 10 40 COPELAND 10 21
4* Li 10 11 50 12 I MARTIN LAFAYETTE DALIS ■ I* mi 0 10 18 8
Li 1128 TRION 4- 53 9 30
Vi 1139 SUMMERVILLE 42 9 10
S' 1! 49 RACCOON MILLS 32 9 a
C7 1158 l.YERi.Y »■ 22 8 54
CV 12 04 TALLA FERRO 4- 17 8 17
c: 12 12 HOLLAND 4- 10 8 39
C'.- 12 22 WHITE SPRINGS U 57 8 30
r. 12 53 I LAVENDER U 40 8 17
-1 1 10 ROME W 15 7 50
7 1 28 SILVER CREEK 3 00 7 29
7 1 42 SUM Mi l 2 47 7 10
1 47 LAKE(REEK 2 42 7 12
8 2 15 CEDABTOWN 2 30 7 00
2 20 YOUNGS 2 00 I
2 47 FELTON ! 38
3 07 BITCH (NAN 1 19
3 35 KRAMER 112 59
3 48 MANDKVILLE 12 45
4 00 CARROLLTON 12 30
P. M. P. Al.BArr. Dep.ll*. -if. A. Af.
Passengers leaving Chattanooga on N<>- 1, ar¬
rive at Rome, Ga., 1:11 P. M., Carrollton 4 P. AI.,
Griffin 7-20 P. M. anil Macon 11 .•20 P. M. Retuni
in , *‘, leave Macon, 8:10 A. M., Griffin, 10:20 A. M.,
Carrollton, 1 :45 P. M., Rome, 4 P. M., and arrive
at Chattanooga at7:10 XL M. Making a ilayUgln Tenn
ride between Macon ,Ga.,aiul via Chattanooga, C., It. & it. H.
See tliai your tickets read
A. N. SLOAN, Geu’l. F’gt. & Pass. Ag’t.,
Chattanooga, Tenu.
W. H. WILLIAMSON, As’t. Supt.
A sure Liver medicine, strengthening,
invigorating. Wa33*3iS
In advance
Pays for the
Bannkk-M wit
For twelve long months.
The election is over and the people ns
well as the*:aiidiilates may take a long
If you want your goods advertised, the
Banner-Messenger is the paper to ad¬
vertise them ill.
The little folks had quite a display of
file works at Col. Julian’s Wednesday
Air. W. E. AVilsou lias moved to his
farm in Carroll county. Ilis postoffice
is Carrollton, Ga.
Air. G. M. Roberts says he wants his
case considered before the next council
as a suitable candidate for marshal.
Haralson having been cutoff into a new
judicial circuit necessitated the drawing
of a new-jury, w hich we publish this week.
Section Boss Hannah lias been a little
scarce of bands on his section, hut he
expects an overflow of help now, as the
election is over.
Falsehoods told on some of the candi¬
dates may he lemembered by them and
their friends. In the long run it doesn’t
pay to tell falsehoods.
Air. W. A. AIcCalmon lias moved back
to Buchanan. We extend to him a hearty
welcome and hope that lie will be con¬
tented to remain with us so long as he
may live.
Mr. J. K. Holcombe, Jr., will soon
commence to run a new planer in Buch¬
anan Wo are glad to know that he will
remain a citizen of our town. Buchanan
never had abetter citizen.
The election passed off quietly, and, as
we expected, some of the boys were beat
while some were elected. Our defeated
candidates are all clever boys and they
may come again some day.
Some of our friends who have not paid
for their papers are rather complainy
about not getting them. If they can’t
get them and will come up and pay what
they owe we will stop them.
The election in Bucliapan last Satur¬
day resulted in the election of Af. J.
Head for mayor and S. AI. Davenport. J.
T. Cobh, G. Af. Woodley and A. E. Nix
for council men. J. C. Pope and J. O.
Davenport were elected for bailiffs.
Our old friend, T. A. Cook and Aliss —
— Reid were joined in holy bonds of
matrimony new year’s day. AH\ Cook is
one of Haralson’s best young men and
his bride a charming young lady. May
happiness attend them through a long
and prosperous life.
The Banner-Messenger will be Issued
every week. It is the official organ of
the county, in which all the legal adver¬
tising of the comity will he run, which
necessitates theissneing of a paper every
week. If you fail to get this paper every
week it will be some one elses fault.
We find a number of names on the Ban¬
ner books who Jiavo been subscribers one,
two, three and four years with no credits
to them. We have enough vueh subscri¬
bers, and will not add any more to our
list. It takes money to run a newspaper
and we aie not able to give them away.
Actually, honestly, candidly and all
other men, we will not send this paper to
men v. ho are not in the habit of paying
for their papers. No man will censure us
for not sowing where there is no chance
of reaping anything. —1st act in 1st chap¬
ter in Baxnkp.-Mksskxg MR. Turn to it,
read and ponder.
We can’t help but sympathize with a
man who says lie is too poor to take liis
county paper. Why “iny stars aliving”
before I would do without my county pa¬
per, before I would dispossess my wife,
iny children and myself of the pleasure
and information that one dollar invested
in my county paper would afford dining
twelve long months, I would work four
days in Christmas at twenty-five cents
per day or have it, or I would work at
mending shoes till ten or eleven o’clock at
night or have it.
We have worked that late night after
night trying to get out a paper for you to
KSWf mmaamm wmm
Lois of people attended the sales Tubs
Afaj. Blanco attended the sales here
Buchanan and Tallapoosa are head
qu.nters for candidate on election days.
Air. Lindsey Chandler, father of our
esteemed citizen, Air. Asa Chandler,
died at his homo in the Oth district of
Carroll county last Tuesday night about
11 o’clock in his eighty-first year. lie
bad been a consistent member of the
Primative Baptist church for a numbii
of years. Uncle Asa says he never saw
him take a drink of w hisky nor a chew of
tobacco or a sup of coffee in his life. Al¬
though very old lie never wore a pair of
speektacles in his lifi. He could see
how to read or do any kind fff work with¬
out them. He lived for 53 years at the
place where he died. He was buried at
Poplar Springs church Saturday about
1 o’clock. He leaves live children and a
host of friends to mourn their loss, but
their loss is his eternal gain.
Cases Set For Trial Next Term of Haralson
Superior Court.
1. Johnithan Long vs. John L. Rowe
and Sarah Rowe, claimant.
2. Waller & Brown vs. McDonald &
Thomasson; ejectment.
3. B. F. Bigelow vs. Bcnj. Kirk, eject¬
4. \V. N. Upchurch vs. Beuj. Kirk; et
1. Giser M’f’g. Company vs. G. N.
Strickland and .J. II. Anderson.
2. S. J. Winkles vs. K. Morris and C.
Morris, claimants.
3. A. AIcGregor vs. F. AI. Wilson.
4. Foundry & Machine Works of Har¬
risburg, Pa., vs. John Rodahan.
5. G. W. Driver vs. B. E. Mathews.
6. R. AI. Dyer vs. Thus. Hobbs. John
Hobbs and Cant Hobbs, partition.
L A. I. Hembree vs. G. N. Strickland.
2. A. I. Hembree vs. Strickland & Vil¬
la Rica, Lmupcr Co., garnsliee,
3. A. J. Hembree vs. A
Green; garnishee.
4. Birdsall Co., vs. Rodahan.
5. Birdsall Co,, vs.*kodalian.
(5. Scranton & Paschal vs. H. II. liar
7. J. M. McBride v/i (’.,' it A- <'. R. R.
8. C., It. & C. R. R. Company vs. J. Ai.
0. C., K. & C. R. R. Company vs. F. R.
1. AI. M. Mason vs. Weaver & New and
Mrs. New. claimant.
2. J. R. Driver vs. Weaver & New and
Mrs. New, claimant.
3. J. Af. Lipliam vs. L. H. New and Mrs.
New, claimant.
4. Birds;,11 Co., vs. John Rodahan.
5. C. W. Miller vs. Clias. Turner.
(!. C. VV. Miller vs. Chas. Turner.
7. W. X. Williams vs. John Aloon.
8. Winship Afaeiiine Company vs. J. 1).
FRIDAY 23i:d.
1. Frick Co., vs. S. II. West & Co.
2. J. T. Myers vs. W. A. Goldin.
3. J. IV. Burton vs. G. J’. ITy. Com¬
4. National Exchange Bank of Hart¬
ford, Coni’., vs. .John Rodahan.
5. AL AI. .Mason vs. Hill & Jones.
<i. Jane fveathorby vs. J. R. Driver.
7. J. tv. Spoon vs. Joel Hulsey.
8. Thus. J. Loveless vs. Walker Brock,
breadi vvarrenty.
1. Airs. Mary A. Mann vs. John P. Mil
2. F. J. Alyersvs. A. J.Tnmhe.
3. Rachael Runnels vs G. B. Crouch.
If You Have
No apwti((, Indigestion, Flatulence,
Sidi iilcndnche. -all rua down,” los¬
ing- fiesta, you will find
I l is
the remedy you meed. T’.e.v ?om> up
the weak stomach and tiullii untae
flagging energies. otciivooIi Sufferers! ill 'Yon find
mental or physical v.
relief from t Lem. Siccl y sugar coated.
List ni' Grand jni'>B
tlic January term, ifl
porior court: kV*;:
I George 'A'. <i
- Andrew Whitlow,■ Reid,
A W. I'.
■I Arelial.ald I).
5 A. I). Whitten, H
li Muses S. Gnrner^M
7 Aim. A. ('liaison, K
8 .James <l. ('mui'liB
8 .John I,. n.ivenpi^B MrGi^J
10 .James M.
II Robert, Morris, BiggergH H
12 Tims. .1. Goldil
l.'i Reuhin F.
14 Elijah G. U’ood.B Nefl
15 Nathanial II. McPhl
1(1 Charles L.
17 -J. A. J. Wood, ■
18 James I>avis, Jr.fl
10 George Mathews,!
20 James A. Uudsoi! I
21 .lessee Waddell, Murplnl
22 Hailey At. Bcauchal
2i Wm. W. l
24 George W. Me Ura
25 George H. Blaekstl ifamilll
20 Wilson F.
27 John T. Latham, WoodlJ 1
28 Geoige M. I
29 Henry T. Hied, I
JO .lessee Beall.
Names of pevsom.^M
Travers jurors at the Jm
first wkJ
1 John II. Mathews, 1
2 .James II. Garner,
8 James M. Harper, 1
4 Wm. T. Summerlin,
5 Areliah.ald D. Killgo
6 Patrick H. Fergusoi:
I Tims. J. Beall,
8 Tims. i». Sanders,
9 John A. Gamble,
10 Elisha F. Garrtt,
II John W. Miller,
12 J. 11. Hilburn,
13 John Speight,
14 Wm. 2. Hitt,
15 Joseph B. Long,
16Mize|Q Liner,
17 Wm. M. Albright,
18 Hiriam Carter,
10 Wm. C, Wesson,
20 Robert T. Jones,
21 Wm. AI. Holcombe,
go (!hai M. MltcheU,
28 J. N. Mel^imett, J
54 John ,J. Y:inee, — a
25 Roh.t. G. hentley, .H
20 Jason 1>. Morris, Holcompl ■
27 Robin'.’. M.
28 R. AI. Sui' kland,
20 Wm. J. Wilson,
30 Robert AI. llanu'ick,
31 Zaddoek Simpson,
32 Hilery C. Ayers,
33 Janies Af. Wood,
34 Benjamin S. Riggers,
35 James K. Hobbs,
30 Andrew J. Hilton.
1 Wm. M. Lovvom,
2 James R. Griffith,
3 George T. Kemp,
4 Wm. V. Perryman,
5 John P. Powell,
(! Loekwel! L. Hamilton.
7 Wm. T. Harper,
8 Wm. .1. Waddell,
0 Laz Summei i n,
10 Levi L. Chandler,
11 Irvin I). E. Pollard
12 Joseph W. Dean,
13 Wm. A. Westbrook.
14 James W. Liner,
15 John II. Aline,
l(i Wm. M. Ayers;
17 Alathew A. Wimpee,
18 Francis Ai. Hutcheson,
10 Elijah Kirk,
20 James 11. Murdock.
21 John W. Humphries,
22 Wm. AI. Pope,
23 James AI. Perryman.
24 Wm. G. Robinson,
25 1). L. Watson,
2(1 Hobart/M.Wood, ill.
27 Arehaliald Talley,
28 28 John Wm. L. RyvSyks, Ckr/li,
30 John B. Harrell,
31 Joseph A. White.
32 Henry J. Sanders,
33 Dora C. Little,
34 John T. Minehew.
35 Rul ert K. Raid.
40 Warren B. Ilart.