The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, February 26, 1891, Image 7

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WASHINGTON T N VJ 1 Vlij D . * NEWS NOTES AND ITEMS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Proceedings of the Second Ses¬ sion of the 51st Congress. SENATE. The Nicaragua (a ial bill was taken up in the senate Thursday as unfinished bus arguments made against it. Edmunds, Speeches were also made by Messrs. Gray, Vest and Turpie. An effort was made to reach an agreement upon a time for taking a vote on the bill. The con ference report on the navy appropriation hill was presented and agreed to after a statement by Mr. Hale that the senate amendments were agreed in the confer ence report. Adjourned. Davis, the On motion of Mr. senate, after the transaction of routine busi ness, Friday morning, proceeded to the consideration of pension bills unobjected passed to. There were 130 pension bills in forty-five minutes. The senate then proceeded to the consideration of the Nicaragua canal bill, giving a guarantee the of the United States government to company's 4 per cent bonds to the amount of $100,000,000. The bill was read in full, and Mr. Edmunds announced that in the absence of the chairman of the committee on foreign relations (Mr. Sherman), it became his duty to take charge of the bill. Mr. Vest took the floor in opposition to the bill—not, he said, from any hostility to the Nicarague canal, but because he thought it of im portancethat in considering the pend ing bill, the relations between Great Britain and the United States in regard to interoceauic communication across the isthmus should be considered. Mr. Vest argued that the bill throughout, from beginning to end, goes United upon the assumption that the Scates is to control that canal. Mr. Davis opposed the hill for the rea¬ son, among others, that the instrumental¬ ities by which it was proposed to have the canal constructed were objectionable. It was his opinion that, if the canal was to be constructed at all, it should be done by the government directly in its sovereign capacity, through its corps of engineers. Mr. Edmunds replied to what he called the earthquake theory of oppo¬ sition to the bill. The committee had not been oblivious to the danger from earthquakes. The committee knew that earthquakes occurred in Central Ameri¬ ca, as they occurred in San Francisco and Washington and Charleston, S. C. No one had ever hesitated to go into any public work that was deemed useful, on account of the possible danger of a cata¬ it. clysm of nature that might overthrow' He concluded his remarks with a general With¬ defense and advocacy of the bill. out any action upon it the senate, after a short executive session, adjourned. *** HOUSE. The exceptional action of the house Thursday, in holding two distinct legis lative session on the same calendar day, give rise to some confusion Friday morn¬ ing as to what journal should be read. A brief debate arose, which resulted in the journal of Thursday night’s proceedings being read and presented approved. Mr. petition Flower, of of New York, the H. B. Claflin and other merchants of New York in favor of reciprocity with Canada; referred. Mr. Cannon, from the commit on rules, reported a resolution for the immediate consideration of business re¬ ported by the committee on judiciary— the first bill to be taken up to be the bill for the relief of the supreme court, -with senate amendments, and the next bill to fix the salaries of United States judges. Mr. Breckinridge, of Ken¬ tucky, raised the question of con¬ sideration. The house decided—yeas, 113; nays, 79—to consider the resolution. Mr. Cannon then took the floor, stating that he would say but a few words as to merit of the Mr. Mc- Milliu inquired whether the object of the gentleman in saying a few words was not to prevent the forty-minute debate al¬ lowed under the rules after the consider¬ previous question was ordered. After able wrangling, the resolution was finally agreed to—yeas, 155; nays, 4; nnd under its provisions the court bill was immedi¬ ately taken up for consideration. The reading of the senate amendment fixed was concluded at 2:30 o’clock—the time for the ordering of the previous question question —and the speaker put the whether the senate amendment should be non-concurred in. The speaker announced that the senate amendment had been non concurred in and a conference was or¬ dered. The house then proceeded to the consideration of the bill fixing the sala¬ ries of United States district judges. Mr. McMillin opposed the bill as being ex¬ travagant in its appropriations. He had never seen anything history like the prodigality of this, congress in the of the couutry. M|PCheudie, of Indiana, also opposed tLe bill, regarding It as a stepping stoae towai’ds an increase of the expenses of the taxpayers of the country. Mr. Cas¬ well, of Wisconsin, spoke in favor of the bill, holding that adequate swlaries should dis¬ be given to judges of United S’atcs trict courts. The house substitute war withdrawn, leaving the senate bill in its oiiginal district form, providing shall that the $5,000 salaries of judges be pes annum. Mr. McMillin offered an amend¬ ment reducing the salary to, $4,000. To this J. D. Taylor, of Ohio, offered an amendment, providing that the salaries of district judges shall be increased $500. On Mr. Taylor’s motion no quorum voted, and under the rules, the house took a recess until 8 o’clock, the evening session co “ i,ic "“ i °° ot prI "'“ The house was in a bad humor Satur day morning, and several lively little tilts occurred among the members. The democrats followed their tactics of delay by demanding the reading of Fithian the journal in full. Several times Mr. inter¬ rupted the reading, declaring that the clerk was skipping some of the names on roll call. This, upon authority of the clerk, the speaker stated to be incorrect. The clerk proceeded interrupted with by his Mr.Springer, task, when he was again he reading who stated that was only the numbers of pension bills passed Friday r ,he r*-. After a brief controversy the speaker stated that the clerk was reading exactly what was fur nished him by the journal cferk There had been no time to till in the titles. A lively and somewhat heated debate fob lowed regarding the manner in which the journal was made up. The journal was finally approved, of and Lnited the senate States dis- bill fixing the salaries trict judges was taken up, the pending question being on Mr. McMilhn $ amend incut., fixing the salaries at $4,000,which was defeated. The bill was ordered to a third reading and pi ssed yeas 148, nays 89. 'lhe bill provides that the dis- the salaries of the several judges of shall be iriet courts of the United States at the rate ot $5 000 per annum Mr. ^igham, of Pennsylvania, moved that the > 0U8e g° i nto committee of the whole on the postofflee appropriation bill, which a S reed *>• Caput*. arose over sev eral paragraphs of the bill but no amend ment was made The bill was laid aside “ favor ^ recommendation, and Mr. Cannon called up the deficiency ap propnation bill, asking that its first read bc with To this Mr. '' ™ b of New York, objected and the was rot conclued until after 8 « clock, and then a discussion arose as to "Nation of debate but no determina f rived at. Ihe committee arose aml Uu! house, at 9 o’clock, adjourned without , disposing of the postofiice ap propnation bill, NOTES. The copyright bill, as it passed the senate Thursday is not in a shape to satisfy those most interested. Its advo¬ cates, however, expect the conference committee to correct the inconsistencies. The bill providing for increasing the salaries of all tederal district judges to $5,000 a year passed the house in the rush Saturday. It has already passed the sen¬ ate, and now only needs the president’s signature to become a law. Wesley Lewis and Henry Jackson were lynched by a mob on Saturday night at Dent’s Thfcy swamp, near Brunswick, Ga. had been tried in the morning at Sterling for the murder of Mr. C. Jordan, of that place, and were found guilty. They were on their way to Brunswick in charge of a posse, when the mob sur¬ rounded them and hanged them in the woods. Washington’s birthday was appropri¬ ately celebrated at the Capital Monday by a parade of civil and military organiza¬ tions, which passed in review before President Harrison. The “Oldest Inhab¬ itant Association” observed the day in their time-honored way by listening to the reading of Washington’s inaugural address. All the executive departments were closed, and after 12 o’clock business was generally suspended. The nomination of ex-Gov. Foster, of Ohio, to be secretary of the treasury, which the president created sent to little the surprise, senate Saturday afternoon, as it had been generally expected. Irre¬ spective of party, the pullic men at the capital commended the selection, and from the number of complimentary things which were said of Gov. Foster, it is evi¬ dent that he is quite as popular among is the politicians of other States as he among those of Ohio. THE HOSPITAL DESTROYED. Three Hundred Patients Miracu¬ lously Saved. Further particulars received Monday of the Rochester fire report the loss at $65,000. Fireman Frank Jayne was fatally hurt by falling irom a ladder. None of the hospital patients were injured. There were in the 300 patients, nine¬ teen sisters and fully that number of em¬ ployes. The inmates were in all stages of disease and many were unable to get from their beds. Immediately the fire was discovered and an alarm given a scene of the wildest confusion ensued. Tho corridors were filled with a terrified crowd of patients, some clad only in night clothes and all trembling in abject terror. Never before did women work more nobly than did these sisters, and to them alone should go the major portion of the credit of saving the lives of the patients. The insurance on the hospital building is $20,000, or $22,000. IS IT “JACK?” A Man Arrested as the White ehappel Murderer. A London dispatch of Monday, says: The latest discovery made by the metro¬ politan police in connection with the Whitechapel murder Friday morning last, by which the woman known as “Carroty Nell,” lost her life, bids fair to connect the man, Sadler, now in custody, with the “Jack the llipper” crime, The metropolitan police now have in their possession a sharp, dangerous-looking knife, stained with blood and showing traces of having recently been washed. This formidable knife has been traced to ■the possession of Sadler, who was a fire¬ man on board of a steamer, which recently arrived from Turkey. Bits of Knowledge. The largest circulation of paper money is thnt of the United States, being 700 millions, while llussia has 670 millions. The largest body of fresh water on the globe is Lake Superior, 400 miles long, 160 miles wide. Its greatest depth is 200 fathoms. Its surface is 685 feet above the level of the sea. The largest suspension bridge is the Brooklyn. The length of the main span 1,595 feet 6 inches. The entire length of the bridge is 5,989 feet. The largest inland sea is the Caspian, between Europe and Asia, being 700 miles long and 270 miles wide. The largest cavern in the world is the Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. The most remarkable echo known is that in the Castle of Simouetta, two miles from Milan. It repeats the echo of a pistol shot sixty times. The highest monument in the world is the Washington monument, being COO feet from its base. The highest denomination of United States legal tender notes is $10,000. No bills of the value of $100,000 have ever been issued in this country. The aggregate of laud in the United States owned by members of the House of Lords and British syndicates is 20,941,666 acres, a greater area than all Ireland, 2,000,000 more than Scotland, and over half as much as in England and Wales. The longest tunnel in the world is St. Gotliard, on the line of the railroad be¬ tween Lucerne and Milan, being 9J- miles in length. The loftiest mountain is Mount Everett of the Himalayas range, having an eleva¬ tion of 29,002 feet. The greatest cataract in the world is Niagara, the height of the American Palls being 165 feet. The highest fail of water in the world is that of the Yesemitc in California, being 2,550 feet. Big Inducement for Druggists. The druggists throughout the country are making a specialty of handling Itawkes’ Crys¬ tallized Lenses. They write that they mako more money, in proportion, out of this lino than anything else they carry in stork. These fine glasses have been advertised extensively tor many years, and have received the en¬ dorsement and approval of thousands of the best citizens of the United States. They are eagerly sought after by druggists spectacle-wearers and everywhere, and it will pay gen¬ eral merchants to put in astoek of these goods. Exclusive sale is given (cone firm in each town. The trade can he built up, and the entire spectacle business of a large section can be monopolized with there goods. Factory, De¬ catur St., and salesroom, Whitehall St., At¬ lanta, Ga. For terms and prices address A. K. Hawkcs, 13 Whitehall St., Atlanta, The largest foreign landholder in the United Stutes is the EiiRlish Syndicate No. 1, in Texas, with 4,500,000 acres. Brown’s Iron Bitters cures Dyspepsia, Ma¬ laria, Biliousness an.t General Debility. Gives Strength, aides Digestion, tones the nerves— croa es appetite. The oest tonic for Nursing Mothers, weak women and children. London, the largest city in the world, con tuiuinga population of 4,784,312 persons. State of Ohio, ( jtt of Toledo, ( Locas County, )' • Frank .1. Cheney makes oath iliat he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business n t',.e city of ioledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay he sum oi One Uu dred Dollars for each ana every case of Catarrh that can¬ not be cured by the Use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Frank .T. Cheney. Sworn to before me and suusvribed in my presence, this ttli day of December, A. D., 1888. j i A. W. Gleason, seal 1 ) ’ — Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts uireetly on the blood and mucous sur laces of the system, a nil for testimonials, Lee. F. ,T. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. t3£~ Sold by Dr . RRists, 75o. There is only one sudden death among wo¬ men to eviry eight among men. Malaria cured and eradicated from the system by Brown’s iron Bitters, which en¬ riches the’ blood, tones the nerves, aids diges¬ tion. Acts like a charm on persons and strengih. in general ill health, giving new energy The estimated population of ho world is 1 450,000,000. Do Yon Ever Speculate t Any person sending us their name and ad¬ dress'will receive information that will lead to a fortune. Benj. Lewis & Co., Security Building, Kansas City, Mo. FITS stopped free liy Dr. Kune’s Great Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and Phila., $3 trial Led tic free. Dr. ICline. 931 Arch' St., Pa. Lee Wa’s Chinese Headache Cure. Harm hfsin effect, quick receipt and positive of $1 in action. bottle Adekr&Co.,3KWyandotte Ftnl prepaid on st.,KansasCity,Mo per Timber, Mineral, Farm Lands and Ranches in Missouri, Kansas, Texas and Arkansas, Lough t and sold. Tyler & Co.. Kansas City,Mo. Oklahoma Guide Hook and Map sent any where on receipt of 50 cts.Tyler & Co.. Kansas City, Mo. Are You Ready For the change of season now so near, when Impuri¬ ties 1n the blood are liable to manifest themselves in most unexpected ways, reduce your general health, cr bring on that tired feeling ? Hood’s Sarsaparilla wlJJdo you an enormous amount of good just now by purifying your blood and building up your sys¬ tem so that you will “tide over” the depressing effects of milder weather. Try It. HoocFs Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepared only by G. L HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, llass. IOG Doses One Dollar m AVI BIX ICt 10 Plants mailed for91.OO. UHU J lUW free. Book oil A. Cactus, Blanc lOo. ifc Co., Catalogue Phila. TACOMA neon!E * 100 isvKsrissrTii.^'ntoiu,** *iii° < uiY ' ru " 7 mK , *‘ ll ' <r< ’ 1001 test m. wish. 20c.; beat. „ Lekabix’s Sox Hill Little Ferry N, J.. “German Syrup” G. Gloger, Druggist, Watertown, of Wis. This is the opinion a man who keeps a drug store, sells all medicines, conies in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than anyone else how remedies sell, and what true merit they have. He hears of all the failures and successes, and can therefore judge : i i I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, or Hoarseness that had done such ef¬ fective work in my Coughs, family as Boseliee’s Sore Throat, German Syrup. East winter a lady called Hoarseness, at my store, who was suffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, and I told her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give re¬ lief; but she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her to take a bottle, and if the results were not satisfactory I would make no charge called for it. A few days after she and paid for it, saying that she would never be without it in future as a few doses had given her relief. ’' © Bermuda “ Yi»u must sr<> to Bermuda. If you do unt I will not be respousi ble lor the consequences.” ** But, doctor, I can allord neither the time nor Ihe money.” “ Well, that Is Impossible, try OF PURE NORWEGIAN COB LIVER OIL. I sometimes call It Bermuda Bot¬ tled, and many cases of Bronchitis, CONSUMPTION, Cough or Severe Cold 5 have rt with it; nnd the Artrautng’e is that, the most setisi tive stomach can take It. Another thing; which commends It 1* the stimulating properties of the Hy popiiosphitcs w uuTt it contains. Von will And it tor sale at ynnr Druggist's -an see von get the original SCOTT’S I * 3L m II a® / . ._-5 If you were to find a diamond you would scarcely feel move fortunate than if you had bouRbt it from us. We have these Roods at such low prices, that you scarcely miss the money in paying for them. The same remark applies to our only watches; reliable we carry an immense stock and sell timekeepers. Before purchasing call and see us. J. V. Stevens & Bro„ 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Send for catalogue. ELY’S CTtKAM B Y l.Vt Applied Into Nostrils Is Quickly js/CA’ir&fQftV'Y Absorbed, Cleanses the Heart, (-i6ik®j Heals the Sores and Cures MCQ/_q [n CATMRH.P^i 1 Restores Taste and Smell, quick¬ We ly Relieves Cold in Head and Headache. 50c. at Druggists. N. Y. J& ELY BROS.^5ti Warren St., KPa 0 BJ EKES5 and Whiskey Habits fiSnffil MsS® a il n 1 mga out cured pain. at home Book of with- par m ag M B2 aljSS tieulars sent Fit EE. WiS>' kM.WOOLLEY.M.l). Whitehall Atlanta, Ga. Office 104% Bt m (iNmE U1UE Mngajtitte makes home happy a whole year for .$1.00. Articles Always bright, fresh and interesting. ac¬ cepted on their merits from subscribers only. Sample copy, lOe. No free copies. AMERICAN PRESS CO., Baltimore, Md. n KAbb! K Pf> if Effurrc ftwcLa POSITIVELY REMEDIED GreeiyJPant Stretcher Adopted by students at Harvard, Amherst and other Colleges, nlso by for professional in and business send men 25<% every¬ to where. It' not sale Washington your town Boston. B. J. GREELY, 715 Street BEATTY YOUNG WIVES! We Offer You a Remedy which Insures Safety to Life of Mother and Child. “Pother’s phiend” Robs Confinement of Its PAIN, HORROR and RISK, as Thousands Testify. Haw-owe, N. Cm January, 1880. Lamar, Mo., Jan. 10, 1831. Too much can’t be said in praise of After using one bottle of “ Mother’s “Mother's Friend.” My wife used only Friend,” before confinement, I suffered but two bottles before confinement, and was little pain, and did not experience that in labor only twenty minutes. She is doing weakness afterward, usual In such cases splendidly. Thanks to “ Mother’s Friend.” My recovery was rapid. JNO. S. MORTON. MRS. ANNIE GAGE. seal Dy Express, Charges m-palil, ca Receipt of Price, $1.58 per Bottle, “Boon to Mothers/' Mallei Vies BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA. £501*33 bt sriwa-o-xe'x’©. TXXB KINO OF ALL COUGH CURES ■ DOCTOR ACKER S ENGLISH REMEDY SOLO IN ENGLAND for lg. lHd„ and in l AMERICA for 85 cents a bottle. IT TASTES COODa ECLIPSE COTTON PLANTER. E ’I tns 8,000 celebrated in Planter, lias been of which before there the pub¬ are over now use, lic for twelve years, and has Riven entire sat¬ isfaction. The simplest and most effective and reliable implement of the kind made. Free from complication in its mechanism, light draft, perfect strong and darable, thick thin, it will plant be with de¬ sired. Gunraiiteed accuracy, Rive or satisfaction. as may Re¬ to tail price $8.00, f. o. b. cars Laorinliurg, N. O. Sena for circulars. Agents wauled. Address manufacturer. 1). O. LYTOH, Laurinburg, Richmond Co., N. €. BM FOR. A ONE-DOIjliAR III LL sent us by mat? we will deliver, free oi all charges to any articles, peri rson hi the Unit d States, all of the following car# fully p&cke i: One two-ounce bottle of Pure Vaseline, - • 10 eta One two-ounce bottle of Vaseline Pomade, - 15 “ One jar of Vaseline Cold Cream,.....16 * One u* ke of Vaseline Cam, hoir Ice, - - - - 10“ One Cake of Vaseline Soap, un scent 0 *}, - - 10 * One Cake of Vaseline Soap, exquisitely scented,26 44 One two-ounce bott.e of White Vaselluei, - - 35 * Or for *1.10 postage stamps any single article at the price named. On no account be persuaded to accept from your druggist any Vaseline or preparation therefrom unless labelled with our name, because you will oer tainly receive an imitation which has tittle or no value Ch—ebrougi; Mtg. C«., dt State St., N. Y. rail The universal eorded-TitiiNaHASi’s Pu<jer Sound Gubbuge-Seeds leads me to offer :i I*. H. Grows O nion,(hr finest Yellow (tlobu m ** i'i VAiumiii'tvj.j. io it,.n ni i.x? it Wand show its capabilities'! MByield ,j|w!il pay obtained $100 from tor the 1 best ounce U: B® W of seed willed I will mail for 30 ct». Oatalomie free. r Isaac F. Tillinshast, Pa. La Plume. ME WELIS« HBi RELIABLE, DURABLE, SUCCESSFUL! I They do MOKE WOltK and $ m. make ii HEATER I*PIT. \r Tfrey FINISH where K: other* FAIL! Any size, 2 inches to H. inches diametev. - Catalogue LOOMIS & HYMAN, FREE! TIFFIN, - OHIO. PROF. LOBSETTE’S NEW MEMORY BOOKS. Criticisms on two recent Memory Systems. forwarde4 Head, about April 1st. Full Tables of Conlents only to those who send stamped directed envelope. Also Prospectus POST FREE of the Jotsettlan Art of Never Forgetting. Address Prof. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth Ave., New York. PENSIONS oTeat is «™and Passed PENSION Fathers t Bottler*, Wiilone, Bleilt- their Bill titled to $12 is , Blanks free. B EJTP'ff'Ifc CANVASSER* Fornn v n WM IPS fk hdS fi N- wsfiS tU lustivde . New York weakly giv uni r mg subscibei* $$).$) worth of Iteratnre for $5.50. E«ay wnrk, big pay. No cap¬ itftl “ON* reqnirad. A r>«rt er all of yam- time. Address E A WEBB, r ” 1 28 .Uurielta Street, AMfinrsi* <»a. Our achine. Improved *2 Nqvelty mail, Rhk M List.' •ruyy S1 .1 (>. Send for Price E. BOSS Ck CO., Toledo, Ohio. ■■ tborongbly taught by MAIL. Circulars free,’ Bryant’s Col. ego, 437 Maiu St,. Buffalo. N. Y„ W pre'rrlbr^ and ^funy cu fi&gtirl days, 1 n xiS specific (orUte^ertaiQcure to 6 wn of this disease. H o»m.o_Strtoturc- Dot « G . xi. XNi 1 ItATTAM, M. D., Amsterdam, H. Y. fevWnc KrdMiyby th« 'Wo have sold Big G for SA21 wSfir”* ChacititCe many years, mid it hns “ Riven the best of satin Y-Kfe., Wk dcelunati.aM^BI Ohio. . . faction. 1). It. DYOHF, & CO., Chicago, DJ. Ti mil^TWiilFiiii lift no Solibby Druggiala. A. N. U Nine, 1891.