The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, February 26, 1891, Image 8

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FHOM tOOiCOM MOUNTAIN. Mu. Eiutoh.—I t has lieen quite a while since T have wrote to your valuable paper. So I will coinmi-uce by giving a short sketch of my experience for the past two weeks. 1 have attended circuit court at Foit Payne. There 1 met several Georgians with whom ! was ^iad to meet. Dekalb county has two weeks quart. The coun¬ ty is so large and so much business to at¬ tend to that it would take twice that length of time to keep the business in good shape. Tlie people of Dekalb have no right to complain, so far as tlie Judge ami Solicitor are concerned, for I don't thinW I saw any man discharge bis whole duty in a more gentlemanly way than docs John Tusk, as solicitor. We have always heard it said that law is no res- 1 lector of persons. 1 saw that clearly de monstraled Ft. Payne. At tlie . at expira ti on of the last week the prisoners were brought in to receive their seveial senteii cts, and there met my gaze a sight I shall . never forget. I lie old, tlie young the strong, the weak, male and female alike came in to hear the sentences pro flounced upon them for crime. There was a young man about twenty-two years old sent to the ebaiugang for a period of six years for stealing' a mare and colt, ‘fiie next was an old man who bad too be supported by a stick in one hand and the sheriff by the other to make his way to tlie Court room. Then como an old man in a chair cniricd by two negroes. Tlie old man has not walked a step in twenty-five yeais. Sad to think about, but sadcst of all is yet to conic. Two women were there to receive their sen¬ tences. The first a weakly looking wo¬ man about 45 or 50 years old under sen¬ tence for selling whisky, two cases, $100. Then came a lady about 35 years old, fol¬ lowed by two little children. She ac¬ knowledged guilty in six cases. Tlie Judge put the lowest fine possible on her. That was fifty dollars in each ease, mak¬ ing iu all $300. This is an awful thing to think about. Tlie children are now to be t hrown upon the world to do as best they can. Though likely it is better than to be kept by a wom an of that sort. Xow. duar reader, I am more solicitous than ever before that we all lie more care¬ ful that we raise our children averse to all such things as men drinking whisky, much less buying, selling or making it: and V,c should keep close watch over our children and see that they keep good company. See that they don't carry a bottle of whisky in one pocket, pistol in the other and a deck of cards in an other. The best way we can tcacli our children to leave off these bad acts are by precepts ft and examples, lie sure you are not guilty of any bad habit yourself, and your children will dread to face you when they arc guilty. Try this plan, father and mother, for twelve months and see what difference it will bring about among your children. Never take a dram, nev¬ er swear an oath, never tell a falsehood, never leave a wrong impression, but do that which is strictly wright in the sight of your eliildren, , your neighbor and , your find, and your family troubles will be •» ■Treaty •’ diminished and ‘ your happiiluss ‘ at lioine will bo greatly increased, and if you should keep up a rule of this kind through your life, when your head shall be .silvered for the glories of fine world to come, you will have no remorse of science, but peace ami quietude will ill! the space where otherwise sadness, sm row and rogret would reign. 1 will close by giving your many ers my best wishes. W. J. F. Tlie Georpra Alliance Beronl Improves witii each issue, and is one of (lie very best, all-around Allranee, cultural and literary papers glinted" Fro. > liristopber was among the first newspa men in (Georgia to print an Alliance pa per and the .-1 Hi a nee people should, pat ronize him. Trice ;'?] per year, S pages,, weekly. Sample copies sent on applica¬ tion. Address Alliance lleeord, f.Ioute zuina, 'Li. It begins to look as though Canadian annexation might, so oil become a nation al issue in this country. OMARIS ADVERTISEMENTS. GEORGIA— Haralson County. All persons mV'hereby not!lierl that nn election was field in tlieHIStli district, G. >fi, said county us urovided for Viy law on the Cist day of this In¬ stant, on the question of fence or stock law, which resulted in a majority of 10 votes for stock law and the same will go into effect alter the ex ptratlon of six months from the date of said elec¬ tion. U itne is my hand and official signature. 'Tills 25th day of February, 1801. S. M. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Hakalson County. To all whom it may concern: The commission¬ er.' 1 appointed to net apart a twelve months sup¬ port to Mr«. Samara C. Cagle, widow of ,1. M. Cagle, deceased, and her eight minor children having-flicda schedule of tlie property set apart by them and same will he made tlie judgement of this court after the publication of this notice. This 25th day of February, lHnl. S. M. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. GEOROIA—H vu w.son County. To all whom it may concern. The commission. cr* appointed to set apart a twelve months sup* port to Mrs. F. J. Myers, widow of P. J. Myers, deceased, and her two minor children liavimr 11 ‘‘ ll il schedule of the property sot apart by bu m and the same will be made the judgement of this cmtr . after the publication of this notice. This 20th day of February, isM. a. >1. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Hahamon County. To all whom It may concern: 11. .7. Denham having in due form applied to the undersigned for the Guardianship of the person and proper ty of W. H.Cantrell, minor child of Rudy Can troll, deceased, notice is hereby given that his application will lie heard at on the first Monday in April, next. G,veu under my hand and official signature. This 25tli day of ry, 1881. S. M DAVEXPOKT, Ordinary. GKORGIA—Has.ii.son County. Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary, of Haralson comity, will be sold at auction at the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in April, next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: One hun¬ dred acres of land, more or less, known as the Carnot place No. 73 in the 7tli district and 5th section of originally Cai ro!) now Haralson comi¬ ty, Ga. Well improved. Also one-third of one town lot in the town of Buchanan, f outing Tal¬ lapoosa str« r 1<; anil two-third feet, running! hack 180feet; improved. Sold as the property of Amos Helton, lvte of said county, deceased Terms cash. This 25th day of February, 1891. T. C. HKLTOm, F.xecuu r. _ issMtSSi WM $ G mulling, Spaulding Jt Co. ) J Haralson StijK’tior vs. . Court — Ta llapoosa J. Williams .1 < ircixit, January Adjourned Term, 1891. Itappears to the Court by the petition of Gram ling, Spaulding & Co., that J. Williamson the 1stday of May, 18831, executed and delivered to saidGramling, Spaulding & Co. a mortgage im twb tracts ol’ land lying in said county to wit: Town lot No. 57 in the plan ot the tov.-n of Buch¬ anan i:i said county, containing fifty by one hun¬ dred feet; and lot of l and No. 1107 in the aitli dis¬ trict ami 3rd section of originally Cherokee, now Haralson county, containing 35 acres more or le s for the purpose of securing tlm payment of two certain promissory notes for the aggregate sum of one hundred and fifty-live dollars besides in¬ terest and ten per cent, attorneys fee, made ly tliesaidJ. Williams on the 1st tlay of May, 1881), and payable to said Gramling, ispattldjr.g A Co. due one day after date with interest from date at the rate of 8 per cent, pier annum, and costs of collecting, including trt pier cent, attorneys fees, which said notes tlie said J. Williams refused to pay. It is therefore ordered that the said.T.Will jams pay- into this court, on or before the next term thereof, the principal, interest and attor¬ neys fees due thereon and the costs of this suit, or in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. And it is further order ed that this rule lie published in the Bannku Mkhskx ,newspaper published in the county of Haralson, once a month for four months, or ^rved on l. Williams or his special ageid orat torncy three, months previous to the next term ot thi.; coart. C. G. .Tanks, Judge, S. C. II A true extract from minutes of court. This Feb. 20th, 1805, J. S. M. Bmiuuhs,C.S.C. Nellie I.ewiw Cay nation. Tlie latest and one of tlie best novelties for ISffil is an elegant. Carnation, growing on long stems, a free bloomer w ill- large flowers, of an exquisite shade of pink, something entirely different from any thing in Carnations. This flower is des tined to become a great favorite among the florists, ns the ladies prize very Tiigh corsage bouquets and decorative pm poses generally. The endorsement of ,], e ..pj ft Vin 0 f James Vick, llociiester, X. Y., who introduced this plant, is enough to assure the public that it is all they claim for it. The pi tee is only 50 cents each, 3 for §1.25, 0 for $2.25, doz. $4.00; but a better way would be to send 10 cents for Vick’s Floral Guide and the 10 cents can be deducted front the first or dev for warded for seeds. Notice of Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing between I. Wontherby and (1. 1). Griffith lias this day been mutually disolved. Wkatukrby «fe Ukikfiku. Feb. 11th, 1801. Notice of Dtoolution* Tlie partnership heretofore existing between John Lee and J. II. Lee, by llio death of the former, is disolved. Those owing the firm must make immediate set¬ tlement or their notes and accounts will be placed in the bands of an officer for collection, J. II. Lr.E. waco, Ga., Feb. 11th, 1H01. WANTED.—The consent of 10,000 Smokers,-to send each, a sample lot of 150 *‘XICKEL" Cigars ftttd «i 20 yom* filled Watch, by Express C. 0. D. $5.25 , UK | a j] ow examination Hav.vnna Cigar Co.. Winston, X. C. Sheriff Sales for First Tuesday in March, 1851. w vV ill he sold to tlie highest bidder for cash within the legal hours of sale rm the first Tuesday in March, next, before the court house d‘ ,,,r °f Ilaral-wn county, Ga., the fo,lowing l>r’>l't'v:y to-wii: The east half of lot of land No. 2 i'S in 7th dis ti'iet mm 5th section of - Haralson county, Ga,, containing one hundred one and one quarter acres more or less, as tlie property of ,T. .1. Wiel imtt, '< vied <,n under ami l<y virtue of live Jus¬ tice court li-fas, Tour in favor ofG. M. Roberts against J. J. Slielnutt anil J. Williams, issued from the Justice court of the 1143rd !)i-t. G. M., said county, and one in lavor of McBride A K<i warJs against J. J. Shelnntt issued from t'xie Justice court of the 1 i20th Diet. G.31. saidconn ty A Iso, otthe same time and plsce will be sold the north west quarter of lot of land No. 37 in 7th I list, and 5th section Haralson county, Ga. containing 50 acres more or less as the property of J. W. Hush levied on under and by virtue of two Justice court ti fas issued from the Justice court of 1143rd Dist. G. .41. said county in favor of T. J. Loveless & Son against said Bush. Also, lot of land No. 221 in 7th Di-t.ntii section of Haralson county, Ga., containing 232 1 , acres, more or less, levied on as the property of C. N. Vines tinder two certain ti fas issued from the Superior couft of said county in favor of Frick Co. against C. Vinos, principal and TV. F. Golden and V. A. Golden, securities. January 27th, 18!>f. 17m. Johnson, Sheri IT. Notics to Debtors and Creditors, All persons having demands against tfee es¬ tate of J. W. Diggers, deceased, are hereby noti¬ fied to rendered in their demands to rile under¬ signed according to law; and all per- ot indebt¬ ed to said estate are required to make immedi¬ ate payment. Dee. 31st, 1890. T. J. Brno uita. Administrator of J. W. Diggers, deceased. EXECrOirs SALE. GI. IRGIA— ilMULsitx County. To all whom it may concern : A. C. Helton, Executor of the last will of Amo.i Helton, deceased, lies in due form applied to tlie aiulerrigned for leave to sell the lands be¬ longing to the estate of said deceased, and said application wilfibe hoard on tlie first Monday in Feb., next. This Jan. 1st 1«91. S. M. DAVKHTORT,. Ordinary. GEORGIA i— 1 I.ijjAi.son Countv. All per-ons are hereby notified that an Elec¬ tion was held in the I42i;tit district. <«. M., said county, as pi vvided by law, on tile 27 Ll day oi December, DW. on the guestimi of Fencr or Stock Ltw, wMirli resulted la a majority of 18 votes for stock law. a/wt the same will go into effect after the exprirui iim of six mouths from the date of said tdoetion. >1- DAVENPORT, Ordinary. pBW? g | ^ ^ f f S V | A* ^ 1 'f-'I K | Caveat*, nsd Triidc-Mjvkp obtained, am'- >‘11 Pat* ent haziness ci'ctUieted for MoilcraU FU'b. A Ow 0«iOD is C-n-vsilo II. S. Prtinf Ofilce. and wc can secure patent in leas tiaiy than ihoae remote from Vrwdiimrtivn. photo.. with lescrip fiend 'nodel. drawing pstentuble or i">t, fr"p ol tiou. We advise, if or secured. chare*. Our foe not die till patent is A P. mphiet. -How to Obtain Patent*.’’ with names client? iiiyonrStiite, county, oi town, sent free, Address, C.A.SFiiOW&CO. OpposiH Pster.t Gfiics, Waalilr.glon, D. C. IF TO 17/C HACK ACKJtW Or you are a TI worn oul, really «ood for nothing itisgenerci debility.. kitticvs. Try Bnoirws inox Bold K will cure you, *nd give n gold medicine. appetite, by all dealars in Pain Unnecessary in Childbirth. Pain is no loiigbr neecHsary in child birth. Its cnunes, being understood, are easily overcome. Any woman may now become a mother without sufferin'; any pain whatever,—the labor being made short, easy, and free from danger. Morn¬ ing sickness, swelled limbs, and all other like evils can he readily controlled, and all female diseases speedily cured. Phy¬ sicians pronounce it a wonderful discov¬ ery. Never known to fail. 20,000 ladies attest its merits. Cut this out; it may save your life. Suffer not a day longer, hut send us two 2-cent stamps, and re¬ ceive in scaled envelop full particulars, testimonials, confidential letter. Ac. Ad dress, Frank Thomas & Co., li.dti more, Md. 3m j!5 Notice to Debtors and Creditors All persons having demands against the es tate of J. \V Kiggcra, deceased, are hereby lioti ««lto render in their demands to the under l igiieU according to law; and all persons indebt¬ ed to said estate arc required to make immedi¬ ate payment. Dec. 31st, 1890. T. J. IIIOGBRS, Administrator of J. IV. Diggers, decexscd. THE CELEBRATED * WILCOX & WHITE * ORGANS AND PIANOS TOOK FIRST PREMIUM AT THE LATE PIEDMONT EXPOSITION. Terms reasonable and made easy. For particulars address F. &. GOLDEN, Agent, Draketewn, Ga. EBPABIN& AND PLATE WOES. I am now prepared to do any kind of repair work—Clocks, watches, Sewing Machines, Make or repair Buggies, Wagons anil Carts. Gold and silver plating by electricity. .Inst, west or Backbone mountain Ifij miles vest oi Ruelianah. DEAN. J. S. DMKEI9IN HIGH SCHOOL Opens first Mmulay in January, 181)1. Instruction fchotougli, original and pro¬ gressive. Look-keeping and Penmanship made a specialty. For terms, consult F. G. GOLDEN, Principal' leKioeo as 71 ass lien for p and m K i v*> FOR g I *' i-7 Years m ES For Sale BY ALL DRUGGISTS. *WHITE IS w : ‘ : ■ mm tm IP w BpSa* $ W<$t V'-' ft p . •G ,Yi. * m :' v*'3 .-••a W9 ms EASIEST 5 ELU 3 S, TKE BEST SEWING * In tin© World. rni MOST ELEGANT, STRONGEST AND DEST WOODWORK ON THE rooo®® wow m EVERY ONE GIVES JATISFACPr?. HE WHITE IS THE PEER OF ANT SEWING K0.V RACE.. 'IE WHITE IS THE LIGHTEST RUNNING AND FINISHED SEWING MACHINE IN THE MARKET. T8 CONSTRUCTION IS SIMPLE, POSITIVE * ITS WORKMANSHIP IS UNSURPASSED. (0U CAN SECURE THE AGENCY IF YOU APPLY ONCE, AS K'E WANT DEALERS IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY. Prices and Tern’s Made Satisfactory. A A-dclreas : t White jewing Maohine Co. CLEVSUMD, a ^spepsia Makes the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, less of appetite, a faint, “all gone” feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu Dlstress larity of the bowels, are some of the more common . After symptoms. Dyspepsia does Eating not get well of itself. It requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood’s Sarsa¬ parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus Sick overcoming the local symp-«... toms removes the »ympa-*’*8aw3Cf?0 thetie effects of the disease, banishes tho headache, and tile tired mind. “ I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little* appetite, and wiiat I did eat ju distressed mo, or did me burn little good, in an hour after eating I would expe¬ rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou¬ ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut up in a ©our room with fresh paint. Last Lt'OITJSiCJl spring I took Hood's Sam rilla—took, three bottles. It did mo an immense amount of good. It gave mo an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied tho craving I had previously experienced.” A. Pagb, Watertown, Mass. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. J?1; &ix for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD &• CO., Apdtiiccarlea i LoFrell, 3tass. 800 Doscm Or,o DoJSar Intelligent Headers will notice that }■ if i Pis are not “vparvwntcd to cure” all elaase't of tllseanes, bat only cneh us result from a disordered liver, vizi Vertigo, Fevers, Headache, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Bilious Coiic, Fiatulence, etc. For these they are not warranted f« fallible, elble to but make are as remedy. nearly so Friee, as ft is ss'etse pos» n SOixii EVERYWHEE3S, •> ."m 1 * ; ; vw *««» ivosn c*. to > p' 1 '* 1 }, <’»•*•»! «i vm. pah tif: vdf. ,,,<jr {‘ ; L y ’' ,l1 k H H • Or 1111 It i ' 1 ; o 0 fl * feel!}*, [»iv :e ^ 'M'k. afKiif Great pe; Si'lili u-i '-!v ifO.J f'Ohi'i’jji-’K.Uy '.Add.’iiwvat otice',