The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, March 19, 1891, Image 7

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V*ui;i T> r.o ii *S »'• C2 •: --•— VVM.SC AhhXAXCK speaking. APruuc Ai.manck Spu.vkixo will be held at Pleasant HtJlsub-AUiance no Sat uiduy before, iho fifth Sunday in this month, commencing at 10 o’clock a. m. There will be dinner on the grounds f or everybody, livo. W. T. Morris, of Mt. Zion, will deliver an address at 11 o’clock, He is an a hie speaker and none, fail to hear him, as he is very interesting *s well as instructive and is well posted on the conditions of the laboring people and their wauls. Bro Jr 1). Hutcheson, of Tallapoosa, will be with us also. He is well known to our popple as Leingtfie best posted and most enthusiastic Alliance man in Haral sail " county There will be several other prominent Alliance men present on that occasion. Bro. W. J. Walton, County Lecturer; Bro. J. J. Coalsoii, Asst. Loot; Kev. U. 1). Cooke a nd others. We expect to make the day as interest possible and cordially invite the public to come and partake with us. We extend a helping hand to all who are on gaged in a legitimate’ business and will like to impress the minds of the outside world that we are handed together not to tear down but to build up; not to level down the rich but to level up the not to dethrone kings or enslave nations -bad we the power-but that we are unitted in the bonds of love and friend ship and ask that justice be meted out to every man, woman and child of oui beau tiful land. Wo ash no favors of anybody or any political pai ty—simply an equal chance with other lasses and our climate, our minerals, our crops and our toilingpeoplc with theii unjust burdens will do tee rest Oscout W: i.D. GRANYVILLE, ALA. Mu. Editor: —The weather so far has been very wet. Rain, rain, much water, everywhere nfloat; tfie rivers on a tear, the earth rotten by wetness, the railroads a dangerous institution, on this, the It. & D., a wreck occurs every day and twice a day; farmers have done nothing this season at work and will not until the weather changes for the better. The health of the people is reasonably good. There have been some few cases of grippe, but they were moderate. Wood chopping has been on the ram¬ page all winter. It is said to be good ex ercise and profitable passtime, when the wood sheriff don’t dock them too heavy, At any rate it keeps the boys out of mis¬ chief to cut and put three cord per diem, that is h 1.50 and it encuonrages them to take the exercise. One Mr. Grahatn here makes his spend¬ ing money catching fish in the river Coo¬ sa. Two weeks ago there was a woman found dead on Brushy Branch up here in Georgia, and we heard since that she had come down from Chaattanooga to Rome and wandered from there down to Lev im'Ston and from there across Cedar creek road to the branch, and the riyer being up at that time the water was back¬ ed up Cedar creek to and up the branch past the road about one and a half miles from the river, and by some means site was drowned tliero in the back water. She was said to be insane. Some of the papers make remarks com¬ mendatory of the B AN'NJCJt-IllKSSKNHIiU. We propose to sav to them that the Ban xSii-Mussknoek has a powerful clever editor. Simon Co nw wood. COX POSTING. Some say uo use in composting manur ers, but chemists tell us that raw, green fresh undecomposed manures are not or available for plaut food until they go through a chemical process and be de¬ composed and made soluble so that the roots of plants can become affected by it when they run near enough to it. It is said that manures will decompose after applying them to the soil and that they will also have a tendency to decompose the 8oi1 ’ Rnd a,K « t,iat u '* wit,lout *"* !“»* of ammonia when left to go through t!iat l )rou0ss in the soil, all of which R<n,nds very plausiblo and we might im ij ihe the idea and be led off the track if it was not that we. have tried it and olmerv *d closely for fifteen years many of ns :tnd »«? still well pleased with the plan “ f managing manures. However, we would do well to notice our compost heaps as Jones says and if tlu 7 a ’-’e getting too hot job holes and 1 ,0 «* water down in them and cool them off. We are confident that composting is tIie best f<>r tbe l’«’ sent C10 P if no more, ^ when we let them get so hot you can’t * )<l2e J ,,nr band in them and they smoke wheB cut down there is bouad to bu loss of amonia an indispensible food * whic, ‘ a11 writers agree should be e uardod against “Well, don’t it rain” was a common word a week ago, but geo and wo haw and get up here is the word most cora ,,: °nly used just now on the farm. Those of us who know that it is tiaJ to £ ood 01- °P S of 00111 to P lant tlu ‘ m oar\y on uplands as well as a thorough preparation are going to run off and double furrow and plant and then burst ou ^ ! *' ie balks good and deep as soon as P oss 'hle. We will commence running out thc lwlks rJ K ht in tho n,i,1(llc between tiie «> w » with a Johnson wing and four inch scooter and bed to the middle so as lo kee P oin ' mitldle a little tlle stead of the lowest; in other words we Wlb finish plowing out the row next to corn instead of the middle. G. W. M. (Communicated.) GOOD AIJVICE. It is a generally concealed fact that few persons are thanked for advice given gratis. Nevertheless, I believe it is the duty of all to give counsel and warning when where possibly good may be done or result therefrom, and, therefore, in the interest of the young and rising ginera tiou, and possibly to enlighten and bene fit some fellow-mortal I wish to make these few remarks and suggestions: That certainly a great injustice, if not injury, is done and being done to the dear children—tiie bright boys and girls of the land; those who are the hope and prospects of the future of our country, by permitting them—yes, in many cases, learning them to use tobacco in its dif¬ ferent forms, also alcoholic liquors, stim lating drugs and narcotics. For the sake , ! of ^ ul ' lovo(1 01108 aild sto P consider! and think wliat your are doing! “for as ye sow, so shall ye also reap.” Therefore, remember to “train up a child in the way it should go,” not may go “and when it is old it will not depart from it. For as the twig is, bent, so the tree is in¬ clined.” Yes, not only do not learn the children any of these bad habits, but try and keep them from it. Teacli them tiro evil and injurious effects of using tobacco arid snuff, chewing and smoking, or using any of the stimulating drugs and alco ilolk: Averages, and when they are older and have become young men aud women they will thank and praise you for it. Think how much nicer your young ladies and young gentlemen can and will be without those vile ami obnoxious stirmi lants and habits! Think of it young hoys and girls, men and women, which would you prefer, a breath sweet and free from these nasty odors, or a breath and system foul from these injurious aud degrading narcotics and stimulants? Then also think of the many nice, good and useful tilings which the money thus spent for those worse than useless, yes, injuri¬ ous things, would otherwise buy and bring to you. How many of you think and say that you cannot afford to gee or take some good paper, book or other good and useful thing, which would perhaps do you good in many ways—enlighten and refine you, your family and eoinmu. nity? and yet you spend many times more in ways and for things you would bo better without. Think of these things and hereafter act the part of a wise per- son. Mini of woman, boy or girl, spend not your money and labor for that which is injuiiona, demoralizing and i»g, but, spend it for that which is llcial, enlightening and refining, Not in the spirit of finding fault, but with the hope that at. loast some poor, yet perhaps bright hoy or girl may bo bone fitted, 1 subscribe myself An Oi!SKitv::!t, Vieli’s Floral (Inliic for 1831. No lover of a fine plant or garden can afford tube without a copy, ii, is an ele¬ gant book of 100 pages 8 l-4xfl<> 1-2 inches, beautiful colored illustrations of Sunrise Amaranthus, Hydrangea a|id Potatoes, Instructions for planfin#,j cultivating. etc. Full list. at everything that can he in the way of VtataUo and Flower .Seeds, Plants, Blubs, etc. Also full of *1,000 particulars and *200. regarding The tlje novelties cash prizes have been tested and found worthy of cultiva¬ tion. We hope it will be odr good luck to see the Nellie Lewis Carnation and taste the Grand Rapids Lettuce. It costs nothing because the }0 cents you scnd for jt oau bo do<lucte | 3 the first order forwarded. We advise our friends to secure a copy of James Vick, Seadsinan, Rochester, N. Y. WORDS OP WISDOM, Success anywhere requires singleness of purpose. The man wl|Q 1()ves hi , duty never slights it. Common sense is^ hard thing to have too much of. The man who goes out to meet trouble always does it. Sympathy is something that cannot be learned at college. Love can see beauty where the world sees only deformity. If you want to be a thinker ask your * '\ A t ' ood 1,1an ^ 'l' 1 1 sd "’ ISl If you want happiness . don t try to find it in somebody else’s garden. You can always be happy if you are willing to rejoice with others. If you want to be able to speak kind words, cultivate kind feelings. People who are not to be trusted in tri Res are not to bo trusted anywhere. A man is very poor if he has nothing that will do more for him than money. No man will ever he likely to have a good character who does not try to have one. Murder is always committed in the heart before it is committed with a gun. Success that is not planned for, and worked for, and deserved, is never e:i joyed. A man who can pay his debts and won’t do it, would steal if he was sure lie would not be caught at it. People who do not quite right them¬ selves always feel better when they can find something wrong with other peo¬ ple. It will help to be charitable toward other people if you will remember that every other man has just as much mule in him as you have.—Indianapolis Rani’s Horns. 111-nature exaggerates other bad quali ties. God never intended that any man should be stingy. If you are not helping anybody, God is not helping you. The tiist step toward heaven must be taken on the knees. Truth makes men gentle. Theory makes them bigoted. Selfishness is only .another name for the spirit of murder. If there wasn’t any opposi ion, tin re couldn’t be any progress. Perhaps no greater wrong can be done to any man than to misjudge him. The biggest (oward you can find any where is the man who is afraid to do right. ‘ ‘NO KAO’ TO-NIGHT.” Many years practice has given C. A.. Snow A Co., Solicitors of Patents at Washington, I). tin surpassed success in olitaing patents for all classes of in ven ti'.'n. They make a specialty of rejected eases, and have secured allowance o’f many patents that had been previously rejected. Their advertisement in anoth¬ er column, will be of interest tt**invent ors, patentees, manufacturers and all who have to do with patents. An Atfs’<p.-,ttvc POCKCT ALMANAC lo.'abii:,',! MBMOKANDUM HOOK and IRON BITTERS advertising BROWN'S Drug and the best Tonic, given away at general stores. Apply at once. ‘Tp^''ap’jfc "S’” 5 ^ "*2 "M Oil XV |!L#^ JLwiX n jvi $ ! 6 T VS VJl JXO.-£«J,.k wit t J.i.X\ repp jaJXll JL — 1 « I wish to call the attention of my lady friends to the fact + that I have just received a nice line of ENTS, * HAT * rpD7 M > NS, * RIBBONS, > LACES . ETC., * I have hats worth from 25 cents to $3.00. Call in mat sea me before buying elsewhere. & ter;" v ■os I rs a o fli ivk ’k SiVioberiCK. jT n <8 sancm □ . BUCHANAN, GEORGIA. GAMPBEL sai s 5 j 3- A R D W A «v-. «n. BP™ 0 i » V» LA' fr.XATI a U » Cedartown, Georgia. JM »4W1 POCKET C0MPELTE AND ijgPIPi £ ock ar.d of TABLE hi CDTLEEY sra TINWARE. am, : ? ■ hr. GUNS AND AMMvNlTlVN AT LOWEST PRICES. We would call your special attention to our lino of Cooking Stoves as bain* the best in the mai kc(. Also, Cole and B'ood Heaters. TIN SHOP. LL? Spouting, Roofing and all kinds of Repaving, CHEAP! HERE FELLOW! •o ® JUST FROM M ARKET? * Ye3; and want to call your attention to the fact that 1 have just laid in a new supply -OF GOODS! .S Til A ir NATS , WOOLEN IIA S, Fli LETS, WOR SEDS, CASHMERES, LA H'-V.S, SHEETING, TICKING, Ii LEECHING, CHECKS, ROOTS, SHOES, ETC. Respectfully, H. N. STEWART, BUCHANAN, GA. mmw m mm i m m .R M 1 & $ THS BEST is a fprvunat i - ■ m SH i IS J IS & R &MD No ROAD O JLIRTS 73 $S SEST j j»ya ■ p 158 THE MARKET s ^nd for Cataio&'UQ and Price List b-4 SH .K. ®9 RACINE. W IS. * FULL LINE. OF f FAMILY GROCERIES, Which 1 am now offering at live and let live prices. Give me a call when you come to town, and be convinced that it will be your interest. BEING MS Y0UH B A R T E rCr