The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, April 02, 1891, Image 8

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'Sheriff Sales for First Tuesday in April, 1881. W ll-I. ho **M bcfor .: thf- ooure l/ouse door fl*.. in the town • f Bwtaaiin, ll.<ral.«>;’ County, , n the first Tuesday in A j,rl 1. lHi'1. within the It • ,..i! hours of sale, so the highoni bidder fur each, the followlttg property, to-wft : Thirteen m reset land withdwellingh>>Oi»cand ...... ,I, «™, „#M> ■* la ,» ite hi i (listnet iM\ r -t,‘> tinn of said county. ••fl of eahi ot which iie< eouth of limed and w« Of ArbacooChee stmet. except ode cere In the .nittlo forwed l>y said Woetb, now aimed by W. T.SummerHn. Sr. LpvUhI <»n sis the projuirty of Mm. K. A. Davie by rfrtae ’of one tax Ilfs, issued by t« oolloewr of said cuanty a^tnet the snld Mrs. b. a. Davis for her unpaid etate and county tas tor the year M80. bevy made by nom-tabl • «nd returned to me. * * AI.SO, at same time and phtea will be aoldlanrt lot No. tain ;*h district ami 8rd section of said aounty. containlnc 303 l a aerCK more - c .' 0 , landed on as tins pr.yvrtj’ of A,. MeCiregor by virtue of one ta.\ ii fa Immsd by tax colhietor of wiil county said A. McGregor for M., unpaid stet* and county taxes for the year lavs). jLovy ntade by former sheriff and returned to .ii & Atsa. at same time and place will M* sold .one lot giaixSSi feel in corner of Kilter arid l,iph:tutstreci»ui Block H2 in the town of Tallapoo 1 , (lag I'tsiog pan. of hind lot l!S iu 8th diarricl . r,mi£tl» section of said .ounty, levied on as the pn periv of M. 0. and J. T. Furgnson by virtue ot one tax fi fa Nwett by tax collector of said ■county aprfnn s.dd M. C. awl ,1. T. Ka.tpism, Suf their unpaid state and county taxes for the ,sir m U>vy nude by constable and returned <110. Uin'lS Uasro c. •; the town of TaHaiKWa. Oa.. ,’..«.rfHa.Of*imn*th district and5th ...mi cwity; let led or. as the property of ,1. i>. db!' rt-ijr virtne of one tax * fa issuer by tax cdMecto!' of said county sgalnat said J. V. Miller CO, iusuup'U.i Mate and -v.-unty taxes for tt c wu;r im. Levy made by ermstatde and returned t > me. tb;-rt, at Avne i.Uno ,>nd [dace will be sold ; nd lots 4;i-l and 433 in the 1st district and 4rh rtom.f -aid ".oimty, containing 40 acre* each .ore or less; levied on as the j.r- .porty <tf J. C. . iiare by viituo ot'iuie tax: fl f-i issued bv tax col : ••tor of ■ oauty against said J. C. Glare ?’,.r ixruimSS ,,'c. ui»»aty, the placo wherron defendant now nv iovietl on ns the projierty of Mrs. m. C. tamed tv the r. ilivtoks for'her 'nr tli’3 yearlHyO- Levy made by coftstubie wul lytxurned to me. \HS<>, at same tinw» uni place will Im> sold u i.,-i Xo. in noth district and 3rd section of : , 1.1 county, contidniug forty acres c ore or lees; x-vici.: on as the property of Colbert it Cannon ", virsos- "l < nets’ ft fa issued by tax collector .-,j rabl county actmst said Colbm & Cannon ,.; 'op's nxoitul Mate and cownty -taxes for the . yAt l am. Levy nuato by constable ar.d rerurn .-.1 t” (OC. ALSO, at same time and place vrii! I/a sold land lots No:-. "4ft ?12, «4J. KIT, 741 and "»2 !n »h f Rfrfctan/13rd .section of said county, itdntotu ; gtacres each more or lees; lerieil on as the }•: roperty of Jehu Brnekf* by virtue of. one tax I; fa ineueu by tax collector ol eakl county gainst sa,W John Brooke for Uie unpaid statea/j.i county tax for the year 1890. levy made by con , ilc and returned to rue. /.LSi), at sumo time mvi plane will be sold end lot No. 608 in 20th ttlatricf and Srdscot rm ot snid county. voota.bning forty acresn/orc orloee; l.«Y led on its the property i.V W, iU and ,T. P. O.ol b'ert by virtue of one tax £ t:» issu* l! by toe tax collector of saldeoui/ty against said 'A'. R. and ,1 s. Colbert for their unpaid //tat-and c unity I'.vX. t OrU'Li yc;vr l^vy made b> vow!»taM»? «iiii return to me AI.S0, at same tbne and place win he C^ld land lot No. 561 in 2Ufh district- and Hrd <, s.ti/1 v/HUity; levied on as the property oflnffis i!. JAuell by virtue of one tax fl fa Ifirhed hv i.i\ coUeotui of said comity aipsiast said Louis II.. lizzelj for lib x, t .paid state and county ts,w> for the year 1890. Levy made ly and V 1 . r.rned to me. A LSO. at the same time and place will !>e sold 'or his uwt»aM state jm4 comity tax f ^>r the WtB # year 1.800. i.e\y made by 1 ' r ot sheriff and rs ttir:y <i to ::< j. and . , wffi . »>t . . ALSO, at the same ttrae p.acs SsssssJts 3? tor his unpaid stntc un.i countyto ill’.’ ytur l/Wt. Levy made by former sheriff vcj urnOd to me. ALSO, at the swne tbae and pines will If laud lots No... 735. w. &»'• ’*<. ®i, 801. f><3. 563. «"• - ^ w: ’ "A «»• m ' Silt) flCCtion an** & aci'efr '>P mm. <«"1. -mg .”.72. .wand 64.) in the 4th district «i-.i :ird io/i. .ill of said county; levied on us of Mary 8tvx>h?ns . iCaarles , , ,r K. IU,/*:. Hi** property .aid ooor/ty tax. for the nr :i t her unpaid state shtnft ‘“‘dre L/.vy ina/lc by former lun!< ' rfto,: "‘ AMM). at the same tbne and , place , land lot No. fill. JOacrss tikt- • or in tlio 20th ilistriei cm! rnl section, of s„ . county; levied on a'«theprepsrty of T. W. Tori for ids unpaid state and flonnty tax fur the yenriMO; i«vj nuule by frtmer• fieriff and returned t-> me. Ar.« the same tiumand place will W s./lo lots of Ipnil Nos. S71 and S72 In the Wt district ami Uu section of aid country, bonb lout together conviviiiing Sb acres more or loss i levied mi as the property of) nr. ."> C. Trentluwn for his unpaid state and county tax. for the year l*Kri. AJ.'m), at t:l> ; sanm time iu»d place "'ill'« sold t» » south half of Tatul jot No. m In the 7th die n county,(fa. trie.; and 5th section of ’iui’ »’.--’/: coc - (pining lilJ\acf<«*. //loro or loss; levied ou as the propeny of It Mobley amW and t.y virtue of <Hie justice court R fit ’.ss’ied from thc JiMtiee v.<n\ r of thc ll-tsd district, fl. M., said county, in , fa vor of Wiley Davis ys. said N. J). Mobley. atlt in jh • oics.-ioti noticed "! levy j, tor’ll., 'if the jaw. Property polntedont liy phiintilf’s act'ifiiey AI.1SO, at the same thus ami place will !.ee Ill one Kit in the town of Ihiehauan. Cm., and dwelling house thereon, lying we<r i>t C< dartowti Ht.rmt fronting on aai:l street237 teet. running baek wttt 1 , feet, being the place where -C, H. Btirdon ut,-v liv.-s, containing ofu ami •*., acres more or less f p r M . j j j J”'"™ »..n™»n.ihyem«oi,,ii II U M....... J *'*! UHtl,,e < nmlt t,f th, ‘ l H ' U1 strict, u, ' ’ * a ’. *" fav " r '■"■ '*• > • stova n «‘ <l l - «• «««««*• Defeiulwt* notifcxl ***'1 ’>* terms oi the htv> . Levy wwlo liyj. O. ft^npoirt, L. C., mid retumed to mo. A, at the same time and plane will lie sold fractional lots of land Jio». -1*56 and 1C57 in 30th dlatWet and 3rd station of Haralson county, fia., oonteinlisK thirty acres more ..l ies: a» the ««y of by yirtuo of an «• <0<t5oni88Utuir '" 1 “ Ue 'M»>.cUx ocean, o. sutJ 111 ,:iV " r ° r r - - T boteless A' Hon vs. Howell. ALSO, a) the same tliue aid place will be sold town lot of land \«. r, in B' No: 3 iroot ing on Uroad street ;ie root and fanning back north H»S fen ami havinp thereon ,, dwelling house iu the town of Tallapoosa- '.tid county as the proyerty of T. A. Higdon Hisil. ;■ and by virtue of .. n;or:- . ® la issued Irmn the Superior court ; ectinty in favor of A . T. Summerlin tit.. v*rr. !i *fsd'Ui. AI.HO, at the same lln.e .iHtl pl.u ■■ will be son. in BlocTc .No. l fronting <m Hr< .ml street Sfi fool and running bae.V north 105 foot anil having thereon a dwell In a h,.nee in the h.wmdf Tallapoosa,-aid eoujity ns yip proper of T> Btgdou under aud '•> vruc "fa ^ E." K*sSZr T £ A. Higdon «t the same time attdV^wiiUm ^Id th, ‘ *“**<*'«» , "' !Ulbftr 1,1 20111 ,llKtri ’’ s "‘ " et '’ u,n ’ H “ r ";*ison count, ti*.. cm " 1 ' *. fl • from the Justice court °i lc,,inst. ... . j88 ™ ut _ M.,Haralson cs.ur.t,'h, favor of Try F. Thotn,, * ,m against said Freeman Af>o. aisanii' time and place wU: bo «.-hl two certain town lota, Vos. 10 and 21 In Blouk 10 in the town of Taliapo'.sa. Haralson I’onnty, <t€« r gla its platted by the Tallapoosa X.»n‘d, v.inlrg A ifannfaetnrtng Company. Said lots fronting on hoberrson avenue JA! feet and ntr.nicg hack same width HH) feet tvlth a owelUng ar.u from the Supvriot' mmrl of t«<?id county in favor <>£ S- H. Keller Hirair:>t the Paid C. IC. Mcmirrj. ^ \\ ALHo nt the same time and place will . .w ikiW ., cut off saw. two pulleys on shaft; ono log car riage. one pair of lumber trucks, one driving belt and two out off belts. Levied on as the property of X K. Allen, A. ». Alleu and W. T. Favor to satisfy one mortgage £ fa issued front the Superior c.mrt of Haralson county tn favor of the Frick Company against Si. K. Alien, A. H. AUen and W. T. Favor, Property polntoil o;,t In ; Ufa. TbM Macrtb'&h, MBit Win. Jossws, Sheriff, j asS52SBHESS !SSSS.TttS!! ----i Sheriff's Salon cf Nareturaed Lards Jgp TirSt TOSS'IST ifi Jua9. 1321, Will 1« sold IvfoTC tho court house door In the town of Bnohanan, .Haralson comity. On., on the l first Tnesilay In dune, I8U1, within the hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following lots of lan/l, «wh levied on by rir U/eof a tax h fa Issued by the tax aollactor of aa ,id county for the amount of unpaid state and county tax assessed ujion each of said lots of )an ,j ^ unretirrned lands for the year 1 H 90 , u > lots «f.’) T tM3,6^ a?Dl all In l^t dtehict am i section of tjaid <v>njity: iw‘h rnnitainin^ 4L> at;reei wo rt or less. Also land lots 113. 2M, 262 uul SOI, a!! in ?th di-tr-hc ami 5th seotlon of said county, eivh can tafnlng 2 t' 2 H acres more or less. Al«t'> land lot 1*8 in 8th district anil 5tli section uC said county, containing 202*4 acres mor.- or less, A iso land lots 'i.l and itN. all tn *th district and 5tfi section of said county, »i;ich containing 2«2% nere- inert- or less. Also land Inis J186. 1248, 3 . 149 />flee, SJ 4 , «*. v;3 and 8*. ad in S»th distrim. and »rd Hectior. of ?••&!<* *uranty, Bach w;^talning 40 aeref* mote or lefts. ' ■ varchfith 18>«. »” F*i n Unnecessary tn Chi/dbirth. Pain is no lunger nt'oettsary in child birth. Its canai’s, Iming understood. easily overcome. Any woman may v^imme a mother without su ft snug any pain wlmti’vor.—the labor being made tmy. RJiri , free , from tJangpr. - Mora- « r ing sickness, sivoile/i limbs, and all Ollier ... ovila . !>e readily ... iwntroiiecl, . ,, , and hJce onn a j; fernulo, diseases staged ily cured. Pby siciitnR p rt)Ium noe it a wonderful diswtv ery. •[ Never known to f nil. 20,IKK) ladies doteKt its mol ]' ur eh is our. ir, ITU) ( save your life. Suffer hot a day but send us two2-cent stamps, anil re CL ,jy e j n sealed envelop full particulars, tes , imoI ,i HlSi 0 ,,r,ticitinti;)I lefter. A'C.- Ad p IUXR THo*A> & VO., Haiti m< ' le ’ , ,!(Il j 15 **** 3 J. ‘3T.WMWN ‘"OO Ouf.ftl AUU3A anSojuiA’ -Jo> -I’Y-AS •SiSJJJ 5BBBaaS:a ISIS HMM fllWrj r a, |.| | | U mm BUI 11 IIIiMII j-|-y ORliMRY’S MERmEMEHTS omi TOT BIT’S * ► >4 > U< II,Vr-Il ABAL-'° N (.'ovx'.’Y. .‘Scaled hide will lx received by the tut dersigrtoc^ mitt) 2 o’clock f. m., Tuesday ill m court Xmm >„ bod, Man, county. The j.**un and specification# of w ],i c ]’, can ) K , examined at the CmiinarvV office in Bncfianan, Cia., and fit tin; office of Bruce 4 ’Morgan, Arohitccts. Atlanta. (,!l lW) d after the lotit , duy of Match. 18D1. The names of purities must be in by the bidder ns the contractor will be ^ rC(n J;.. e( ] to enter into bond -with approved d()ub}e thc arn<nU)t 0 f tll , „ W1 . ' tIdct Il0llst ■ ' b« , Ctmplet.d , , >? thx * (Ovh of Jfinuiiry,, lfsP*. I^EIV Iirenis. ,'l r ’ s ,■ 1 per month, commencing -day, loth. ISM. j' 0 y pja]it mi-nlhs. $7000.01* to b« [mid Ol) completlcnatf the .contract or by the first day of . iM’rnarj,;. - , ,m:_ bhlauee , , a, . end . of . thje. v6ii i\ Kfc^ervirj^f- Uie right to rt v jtxir fin) ami all bki;«. li. M. i)A.V~E'S Ft’.>KT, l.^hliu^rr, TIiHi r.,th day of March. 18l'l. f” tiff TO SSLL. OEOKt^IA -i.l AfiAl.HCX ( • r.VbV. Will ito sold at ibuctHul the public «****< 'vithin the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday irs April next "in tho town of BuchnnhP ;d„ nabi eouuly, the <’««« l! ' >ns, ‘ belonguig to said county, (T1|t , iron rod* in said house AUw at Ul? same tho oW 1 ail ea « f of, sed adjoining J the {iaptist church, ° frotitag alley north -)0 feet umninp south 100 feel, lernis. wt, «“*« till 1st November, next, with U0sC and approved security. This. 2nd day J 1 1 ’* ' ' S, M. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. GEOKGLV— Cm’.vrv. To »U whom it, may concern; J. T. Tuggle, ndrmnwtrator of J. L. Bacon, cuv CttaHe d } u>s J n due form applied to th^ un ,« 7 t„ «„ ,h„ be longing to the estate of said uecea^eo. and said application will be h&trd on fbe ^ . " a g jj. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. GKOECIA H us v b.'cvn-, vlt persons are hereby nottned that an election washoid in thesiath district, G. 31.. said<g>uufy as i.rovided for by law on the 2lst .lay of this in stant, m, the questioii of fence or stock law. which resulted In a majority ■ >f jfi votes for stock taw ar.U the same will go Into effe ct ivffet the ex. pirationof six'/.’.tooths from the date of said elec tion. tVitness tay hand and official signature, ThL day of Febmnry, 18M. I »: M. DAVHXHOHT. OnUuarj. fMSOJMrXA-HAHSuua »' C« > ;■ *ity. I To aii whom it may ce v. ;#m ’aht- ,.s>xjj/idsslo;i ers aj.polj'.ted to set apart a twelve months sup port, to Mrs. Samara C. Cagle, widow of J. SI. c K her eight minor children haring filed a schedule of the property set apart, b ttoni urut ganle lie ma de the judgement of . . ,. h „„»,ii,,..rto-> this Ttils 26 th day of February, usu.' •K M. DAVKNl’UBfT, rirtilnarj , GEOJM LA- fL\itA !>:»> Co uS'i v. To all whom it ma>* ixinvern. The (^;mndiftiiiOD ere appointed to set apart a twelve .uonthd strp port to Mw. V. J. 'Jlyers, widtrw of F. J. Myers. deceased, and her two minor children having a schedule of thepoyert;; set apart by thorn WK [ the same will he mad* the judgement of the c ,mn after the publication of this notice. Thh 1 26th day of Feliruarv, is;.:. 8. M 1)2. V-ENri'C RT., rinllnaty. It.EOIK 11A—H.ui \(.yf » Ci nsrt, for the GnanUansbip of-tiie i*er*io»i and proper ty .,1 H.CarmU. Flflid troll, deceased, notice 1« hereby jrlvcn wiAt lus application wiH be heard at mj office on the first Monday in April, next. Given under toy hand ,7 '""" «—v. * * ........................ <gEoi:G)A -H.vii.urii’>’ (’vestv. .sgreeaWy tc> m onder df the t*gn of Ordinary. „f tiaralsmt county, will i* sold at am-ttur. the court iwittic door of said t.oimty, or: the first Tuesday!.. April, next, within the legal honreof «iiW> tUe iolloViUlv* orowfitv. t-O-wit •• Out- him )lr ^ a0regpf ^ , ntW u . s ,. }uinwi ^ the nrnei i’lWH: x xo - ~ /.>m,i,r ... rh 7 iu, « antrict ami *th '- uu sectit® o/iglnally Carrol) now. Haralson t.y, Ga. W/4! improved. Also one- third, of one tows lot in the town of Hnchanan. fro tiring Xal strwt w ^ two-thir/i feet, rnmir.g b:wtc 100 feet: unimproved; so/d as the property 0 f ^mos Helton, tats of spi/l co/mty. ,h ce.v-”d Termsc»sli. This'25th du; of Fshruary, usM. T. c. HPELTOK. ttoentor. — tlEORUA l-fAJiAl-U’.V Cor STY. All jierflons Interested are hereby'notified that, if no good cause he shown to the contrary, an or der will be granted l»y the undersigned o)i the 2(Hh day of April, 1891. estoblLihing a new r„ad, asmarkeii out by » majority of the eonmijsslon ers appointt’d for that purpose, cotumenchig at : she <1 pet at Wiw'o and miming g = , northernly di recti,iu ! j J. it Entrekin, ,J Ci ljush, J, A. Hudson. K, C. Alston awl M. A. BlaakstwkN. brtverseettjig the Biuhahan FSttiiuii) ruad baJi iu:j to south of churcti. « M. TtAXV-WtX, Ordinary, Tnr-i, MarUilfith, 1831. AdraiBistrator’s 3a'e. tVU3 bofon* tne court I tons*' '.loo?* <>n Hrt*r Ttiw*U:*y ir» .\ uca;. t* f lu* bi> r ?. % s\ Wittier for c&bii, rho following fropcny. fco-wit;: Uitflu iic.n.g of irtjMi t*> r-bc t s i‘.f at«- nf SIlv'la e'cntt. deceascil, t, nit' S» Vi* lend lot No. y.'it, iviitg iu tin' north cant ectv.vr of the south east ,Vi an,I one acre of land in 'v»». ........ „r ,,..i . a , u} the hoit«c*. orviuiM a.ul - ire. proven ibenmn. M.'.r, ’ ISi.1 J. U. UEKVKS, A<tiulalscrar.*r of tist.ire ,f Cilvui Hcoiv ,1. '•e.'vst'd. Oran.ilng, Hj.auUnng A ■_ ■ I rtarsvlst/i, Tallapoosa Superior . our. •S. 1 ' d. William* Circuit »|.pKvrt»y V' «»o Court by tht ^ ponuon 5 «> of I« ,; raI11 |i IV , s,, aa liUm:.'. i>,..tlut.l. WiUisins .... ( t : C (b,y<if Vfay v«e, c. clue, 1 ami .IcHvcrf',’ to saldGramling, ;-)'aulUt:p. Co. a mortage tWii t Tui ri* of V&rjl>r I a nain vi to wtt: T'.v'ivlo! Xo. W in the plan of the town of Brioh anan ill satdwanty. oontaininx dfty llv one hurt . !ttvlIor , !f ,., wl N( , In v >; f . rrj#*t^Kd 3 rd «»f ori*jfin*>’3y flherf/kf^ Rtiralson cotaity, containing ar^rwH nu.;.re or U#h for *.t:epuri»orn* of. xi/ymoT t of tw** cirraiu promJsucirj* notep for thf ot one hundred nod ftfty-Ovc uolbu besi-Jef. in torest luid ten per cent, ntc rnev., fee —.ade t.y the said j. WilUatuson the 1st. day t.f M;t; .its?. and payable re sold GiTteilng.Hpaunilng A ('<■ due one day afte r dab • with interest : r<.». date a* H\o ' rate of 8 i*>r *ww. $w«r Acrjum .md <yf * olloctinir, tjruC.ufI.1n a; I»: r r f'-oTi:. atfcorneyp fe ofi, wh!rti.^f;.td uotxir? tbo&Ud J evtuaw t > ‘ ’ ‘ ; ’ ’' fheS - L^VLdue'thLri^ian'Votth^ . , , seo la defaalt thereof the < will pr.Htewi as to justiceshaii ,J, apperttiln. Ami it Is f'anb,-i' < rdcr „o h ,.. hi< ,* „nl,Hh.i ..icduMhc l, on - s ». <rfU!>faWj ,.' tl inenthfor focr uM-ntb-. or Fprra(J 0 „ r . „ r <vw; , ,,r mrnsrth^ months pr-n os to the aert term ..f thi* ••< , r. C. (}■ 4'axm Judge, s. (. H A txao extract from toinntes of court TJut Feb- gdth, 1X81, H. 31. BKXmitS,t” S.C. , ^ t XU x r ? WILCOX ft WHITE I CUGMS A 2 TD PIANOS m f Te-riun reason obit- and made fiawy. l*t. r particulars address F. a, GOLDEN, Agent, Brsketswri. Cfa, rssssatrsB _______ KBP&SSm AND PLATE ’vvOHE, I ara now prepared to do any Kind of repair Work—deck*, watches, sewing MacMn'eS, Make or repair Bnggiea. Wagons and Carta. (roid and silver plating by electricity, Jt/xt vest or h.V' /r/onuisitn jv, mlUm west <it imclnm/uu 8. DSLAJS'. J. nsESKS!“3iaas2!HirfffrTfffr3r«-sff’ 168 Opens first Monday in .iaaiu/iry, 1891. Instruction thorough, original and giessive. .HfH’k-keephtg and Dernnaiuilitp made a wpeiciaiby. For terms, oongult F. a. GOLDEN, Principal. ’ j rss r r its*B&-.ssawr-a tOIW I i n s,fi, : -Stf.vae.'-auw* aa\d we c?w- sccxra la i*ea eIhso than t-hos« S/SfS i ^ if patamabla photo., with not, csscrip- o! ac v or coarff*. Otir nofe one til) patent Pstsats." with A ^sophist, ‘'Bow to.ObtsiB o; a. show & go. Oppojit* Patent OtSoe, Wa*Uiogi»a. 0. C. t-TT tH iMPMse e/**/v>ia —’ -*■/ i^j/ssreentis’rm isi iiMMKni i i — ili»i i>l »»l /fo :A •*- i » s^vsy 4 C tSisIf || a f5«“v?bu AV : . '»L *",:££ Io.-joUrf<*s t 'jrAffwrftrtii«yUY«.I willa3«fi8rAirL t 6 *”"' 11 ' * r"“ lcB b ‘n "" > workt» B*ai «.<&da.** „r«<.*»*,. r hare -,o«u!y tuavu: s»u •pr uTllJ "‘ wt* safli-rissav h.n * kw x-rg-, sum:,* :iu i?, ».%>'*»mopa* ^v»r»#ss* q* AlLKk5L Bi® id! a ill m Ur \9. Ji* S2>M a»W w nHS) HSEBSa Lt ____ f" MiWiiMH ____ ^ttwJdjBBrin^voytweaesjj)>ijifi|T^^t<ambnu:oG» j._______ SoidlQ 8 | tJRGUP: I AftlijWJ to 4 durtetaga. bwmWwB p«wd*H’. aiid ie onlysatijgfuwil. la m Mt, mm iwwitti ss- 4 exiean Mustang Liniment mm '-.r >■ , i-w-. and BEAST FOR Forty Tew 8 THK 8 TANDASD For Sal® BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Intelligent Eeadefs will nctioa tir^. ■ mm are not "/nmv/mW to <mneH nil of dtHMN. bit* «dy atxoh ufl iroar a aWxwered Uve*>, vxb i Vertigo, Headache, Cosifresness, Dyspepsia*; ' Fevers, ^ ^±3 c a fallible, hot tt-sro »s runwly. ixnapljrsto PtUms, us It 1-. ti&XjLr j;obi lOJdlUi to £n»h.« a M££XWMKfm*^ is*. 60 L« m r WM/K/rt, £2?z*?ssat ^L" i W®C0 *& yw )s &rvfc»r mftt'rt? Vr I HmCT i &<>*■'&'" ia,T vor,V ,Y.,«;. ivork j'oj: us. may irnt «a mnck.lraft vu r««* 9 ycsqoickij 4or/ t c &c- av _ + A m fe|gjS?'; * Au ? 31 i5 **‘ Jtora .74 you mt ora, B»t# siffAdA, m) r..*ibs. X’i jia-t" %■£ y <>R «*» cW' ; i 4 WWjm«.j *t ttottt grr - VONr ajoicc-wp.a# .;uj» t/r K F Clift work.. worker Aik ishtrv >7* . Gvofti jaj MUSi kti »v»ry BA8il.T.«PK‘£DIL!:4(*tti*S a tan voc, fomiOjW , : «rorTVlmi ? . A“ r I Cl. L A US i?liSl'1. .1 (i-’jff-w * i, ■.} \&iA •awL. in Pfyjj if* ! Onostt-IKK ■A : \ i i m w I % A i .1 \ i , V . r • * C?») I—’-*' '3 ‘SI ' V i The ivaportaaco of purifying the blood CA& hot be overestimated, for tviUioutpure- biodd you ctuaiot enjoy good bnilD, At this season nearly every one needs a Rood medicine to purify/ vltaikw, and eurtch *’' i00<1 ’ on<1 tv ask. you to try Hootfg n. ,|l j, Samparffia. Itafren«tJi«a» r «.« aud builds up the system, nfdates &u appetite, and tones ttsa dlgesttofli, while it eradicates disease. Xhe peendiai combination,- vegetibie proportiemy aud preparaapn: of the remedies haed give- to Eood's Sarsaparilla peoub *T“-, O i-rnitiW its curative powers. , JSfo ■ other medlelnshas such a record of wouderf u) er\K3. If you have made up your mind to bay Hood’s Sarsaparilla do not be induced 6) take any other instead- It is a fomf&r Mediclno, and is worthy your confldcace. ‘ Bowl's asrsaparfila-issokt by all druggistg. Prepared bj" C, I, Hood & Co„ Lowell,.Saw, ' 100 Etofi-fes- One Dollar: