The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, April 09, 1891, Image 5

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CORRESPOHDEITCE. FELTON Mi. tins Lee, of Cednrtown, was here Friday. Messrs. G. W. Abernathy, J. W. Wood ii. i). Watts and Jim Buck Williams star os) for Romo on an o'* wagon last oay. Met much singing last Sunday oven ng We had a hog killing time one day last WOf-K Mr. t'i. It. Ayers killed a twenty-two P-mnd turkey one morning last week. We hod a rat killing at o:ir house last ■veuk. We killed over a hundred. Air. O. Knowles threw and killed wbbir, with his pocket knife last .-Sunday , normir.g. Mrs. Sarah Dollar, of St Clair county, via... is visiting her daughter, .Mrs. S. W, Knowles. Misses. Lizzie Goggins, Mollie Bailey, Emma Bailey and Messrs. Robert and Albert Goggins paid their grand parents, ,, Mr, ... Mrs. Joshua r , .... Baily, visit last ana a week. George.; she was gone Sunday, was she. Mr. J. M. Sims has moved to town. A car was loaded with cotton here and ■sent to Rome this week. Mr. John Brooks killed a fine hog last morning. It is said Mr. James White can out run ; 1 any man in town. Uxct.k Asa. 1 | i SALARY, $2-5 PER WEEK.—Wanted: .! | Good ,, , Agents , . sell ,, General . ,. hue ot to our merchandise. No peddling. Alcove sal ary wiilbe paid to -‘live” agents. For further information, address; ( III AGO GE >a>RAL K-..! i L\ CO., No ITS West YauBuren St., Chicago, Ill. iiprl 91 ly SUGAK HILL. Bito. E:>;—Everything seems quiet over ■>n our side. We liavo just come through a series of measles. We had eight down ■ait the same time. We saw a very hard lime. I doctored them myself without much whiskey. However, I drank some ■aval tried to Tweak them out on me, but 'they would not break out as I had them •twenty years ago. In answer to some one about the variety spoken of at tlie Bush school house, whether negro vari ety or not they are bad enough, but I will take them in preference to the tory vaviety. Brother Editor, please send my mail to Goldin, Ga. Well, boys, don’t cast the gavlin too heavy at Col. Brock. lie has, as well as myself, paid a good deal of tax and help¬ ed open the door for many late comers to sit under his vine and fig tree. When Wampson slew ten thousand men with • tlie-jaw bone of an ass, li ttlo did he or any body else think when be threw it away he would ever need it again to drink wa ter ont of. Well, 1 think we bad better .take care of them. We are glad to'hear from our many friends on farming. If some body ain’t careful the bush has been shook at New Orleans and some body will catch the bird and it may be a ■speckled bird. Yours in all good fidelity, I). H. Posey. Do yon want to save from 25 to 50 cents on every Dollar you spend? If so, write lor our Illustrated Catalogue, containing illustrations and prices of everything maqu ifactured in the United States, at man nfacturoif. prices. 10,000 Illustra (ions, ail lines represented. CATA LOGU E mailed free on application. Address, CHICAGO GENERAL SUP¬ PLY CO., No. 178 West Van Boren St. aprl911y Chicago, Ill. itouh! BtACKSMITHING. I respectfully call the attention of the farmers and the public generally to the fact that I am now ready to do any and all kinds of blacksmithing. All I ask of ye.u is to give me a trial. Shop at Groce’s old stand, cast of jail. J. S. Williams. WASHIHGTOH LETTER. Wasotnotox, Apr,:}, 1SSM, Sir. Blaine has by direction of-the Pros ident, in sale public a statement of the no ; gotiations between himself and the Itali an minister, which led up to the 1 national sensation of this week—the sud den recall of the Italian minister by his government, because of di.-satisfaction on ! account of non-action by onr ! in regard to its demands for the punish • j ment of the New Orleans “Mafia” lynch ers, and the payment of a money indem | uity to the families of the Italian sub jects lynched. Air. Blaine shows in a highly credit a ' bio and dignified style that this govern ment lind taken evtv y proper and reason ! able . steps to ascertain whether any of the j men lynched wove subjects of Italy, and j that the Italian government for | of its own had, before waiting for any definite information on that subject, rc called its minister in a manner that was intended to be highly discourteous, not I to sav actually insulting. „„' I here . , but ", sentiment ‘ . , here, , and , is one that is . against .... tins senseless , bit , . of , bins- ,, ter on the part , of , „ the Macaroni , r . eaters. , Italy ,, , has , a very strong , navy consisting . . of somo of the strongest vesslcs afloat, , but , her treasury is practically bankrupt and her credit isn’t , good , m . the money ‘of hots of the world,‘to say nothing her ticklish ami uncertain position during the present * “strained relations" between the great European that A . . . powers, so is is M tMt war i,„- t ao objact w pr, cipitate action. Vv r !iat then is the object? Surely King Humbert T , , 4 does not believe that , , he can fri S htel1 nB > I S ive h5m C1 ' edit for 1;avin S . better sense than to think that possible. Those familiar with the present condi tiou of Italian affairs have several rea sons which to account for the tive slap in the face that government has given Uncle Sam. In the first place there lias been a recent change in the ministo¬ ry ovei there, which amounts to about the same as a change of administration with us, and the new ministery may have been desirous of getting rid of their lnin j s ter to the United States, and have ta ken this decidedly dramatic way of doing it; another reason, and a good one, is that in order to keep up its immense war armament the ministry foresaw that an increase of taxation was inevitable, and in order to make its collection easier tlicj r got up this war scare; but according to private cable advices, there is another and more potent reason—the “Mafia” in Ital ly , . said ., to . , have compelled King Tr Hum is ," bert , and , his ministry ... to . act . as it ., directed, ,, This . , last , may or may not , be , true, , but , , if true, it would not be the first Jtime that this society of thieves and murderers have dictated the policy of tbs Italian government. There is no excitement hero over the situation-; and it is probable that Mr. Harrison is devoting more time to arrang¬ ing the details of his across the continent trip, upon which lie lias decided to April 15, than upon what Italy's next step will be. There is some dissatisfaction in the bureau of engraving and printing because Secretary Foster has declined to act up 0,1 a rel l uest lnade W the natiol,al organ¬ ization of the Knights of Labor, which presented a grievance against the A me lie an Federation of labor men employed in the bureau, and also charges against Cnpt Meredith, chief of the bureau. This is a revival of an old trouble in that in¬ stitution. Commissioner of Pensions Iiaum may be perfectly honorable and honest in all his private transactiods, and l think he is, but there is no denying the fact that lie has had the ill luck to get mixed up in a lot of things that tp the general public to be questionable. The latest charge against him is that a surburban real es¬ tate company of which ho is president, the object of which was to build a minia¬ ture city, had collapsed after collecting something like $ 30,000 from ifs stock holders, who are principally office hold¬ ers, many of them said to be under Gen. Iiaum, and that the money paid in totlio company has not been properly account¬ ed fog. Commissioner of Indian affairs $f organ is very positive that there will he no trou blu among the Indians this spring. He insists that liars are plentiful in the In dian country and that it is they who orig inato the sensational stories constantly muking their appearance in tjie Ex-Congressman Carter, of Montana, ' liiS ' '-hen charge of the General Land Of as Commissioner, The new law enacted by the last Com jrrcKs, imposing additional v r trie?tons upon immigration, went into cheat on Wednesday ol this week, with the ex eeption of the clauses creating an immi gration bureau in the Treasury ment, but making no appropriate >n there ^ ,r - This bureau will not bo c-:. 1 .:.. fished umess , the Attorney General, , to whom , the matter has been referred, shall decide that the act necessarily carried an priution, which it is not though, lie will do. LITTLE CHEEK.—I t has sometime since 1 wrote to you, ' and i don’t know that you * have space for my nonsense, but I though 0 I would give your readers some of , tne . news , from V., Kc Mr. L. X. Martin is puttingun a store ab ° Wt OUe - forth ° f a mile fr0n: Vhc P ° Sl ^ ltell y0U 0,d hCB8 f l! ‘ t!ii 5 t tl,m ,un '> •' ' “ worse than all it is getting so dark around ! “ re a “ «***»» «»“ baf ™ sundown. Negroes came in tins ment ’till it is as dark as a stack of black cats. It rains every now and occasionally and the fanners are the worst behind I ever saw them. There is very little corn planted yet, and the ground is so wet that it can’t he planted. Health is improving, though there is some sickness. Mr. J. A. Sewell’s little child is very sick. It has had spasms and it seems that they get worse every time. It is one of the sweetest lit¬ tle babies in the world. We don’t think it will live long to be loved in this world. Weil, the girls made April fools of the hoys on the last night of March. They pretended that they wanted the boys to make up a party and then never went to it. You may guess the boys were sold out cheap. This is the 2nd day of April and I have only about four acres of corn planted and ought to have forty and can’t get to brake the ground as it stays too wot to plow, don’t know wliat will become of the farmers if it keeps on raining through this month like it'has since Christmas. Wheat looks bad in this section, and oats arc just coming up and will bo iato and light if the come at ail. Well, well, there is a bad talo out on a man who is called a preacher. There was a crowd of men came in this section to camp 1 and the preacaer joineu in lha lnmt an ' ! wlien ftu thougnt they were a11 of f 011 t!ie 8tand hc wen - back to die house where they were camping and pick ed the lock and took out si : pounds of shot and other little things uid one of the party had got where he could sec the house and saw him. That is a bad report to be on a preacher, though they are toll ing it publicly and I am sure he had better been at home at work. Yours, Joins HP:NKINS, I'MIc iiw m tsSi i iyp'lii ] e ^’IaCEvL to $58^ J y*S-M SI '7. h is KlOtfan t .Verier Organ U stylo 700, ooiitttiiUiifi 5 oc- ‘;'• t\s r,s. cog, 4 Gets of r<-0<3n y 10 - stooi?, <1 fcnoo fv.xIIp. .Stool ^ Book For only . aaa free. ' . mOO. With ripht and Ult j‘" v ..... • • c’ovplor. ' Vi/arvaetflC fo; y?r"3 Uec^Hsarj'-f' ^ iCtsarf. "VCa on.i> e :*eicroTK:es aa to yot ! i .vp-T-el *pnt I.pu sponMibility from n.icrch ac-y E or e pootm&afsr, &nd the Organ J: ■Jn I'Npwtjs fiirf-ru/ promptly v: 111. Do rl:i tiAt pped ’ on ii®i Y; tGn. darn mnl. Ldi'dil-'M? .u-i/nv -d. tiw r i.'i- m c ui—-mag^yr^iirwri'• to all. * i - - ;treo Be s’jro fa write me, snii cave mcney Solid WRlsai c»s>ss. •'.i ” is Heat;-.a I’.tpcr chore lliis ‘ seen. Re elected Mayor April 9 , 1330 , by a large majority. II. w. ALLEGER. Wadc&igtos,: Wcrnn County- • u aw Jz’sefi Ui'UTXO W«-«T58 Of fintsftts*. V7 «yC'V5it 3- f YOU R fil W yd 1 W. * 1 lAi LI\ This paper down, please place it with my advert! Von see I always expect to be at the t'op, and trust you \ K ' d< I T:; slight favor. IN ANY CASS When you want to bu r SUGAR, COFFEE, MEAT, FLOUR, SHOES B A J. /r* v- r.<s> : "g r. «hj ... vi <w< 3 8 a a ' s u 1 J Gall on !? $ I WBM A* L, t\ ft D l. tsrryj X U Si i ■ i V w % k b BUCHANAN, GA I'wKW n wn L* t? J: v -J \ M S TUi 8 T s .*5 sTNS ¥ 5 \ 'y V'"' '""M B, r-i I 3 %» ! a 1 n »ir» « ;? i" v V A 0 d ibs 1 j & f ry 11 %/ j I E v 1 pi ip i y « vl y ^ j d w v.-.Aia t* I wish to call the attention of my lady friends to the facd T 1 dcA |pt<t L jl v^t' OoBiV Wrpfl 0Q a n -nioo HIC3 i.iH0 G'rio of Ox. - J ’ * HATS, . HAT . TRIMMING,. MBBOKS, ■ LACES ■ ETC,. » I have hats wortli from 25 cents to $3.00. Call i.-i ■ :■ : me before buying elsewhere. ■ Irs, 1 I fp m (Vi m 31 §4 f r B rj i e** i™' tr--'-' -Y. (J [) / ■ I ii j \ I BUCHiNAN, GEORGIA. (t% I ;*% a n pVjS fi r* m' q PH* r 5 a Ss o 3 1 1 1/ I I <ism& \iasa 6&aa fcaa n&sV H E H 3% A R £1 ^ ii * \s$ A s® o *-E 3 - y * I - Cedartown, lieorgm. n _J|;| ,*Yn, COMPELTiii ^ ATTi AND .V- Stock of Stoves 7 TABLE f, ll and v V-.i4p;v-i: 5 ■ Vkrf; .YVk; ' TINWARE . k 1 ’ I ' : v '■ / ' ' V ■ - es cryr, MAD AMSIUMVIVN AT LOW EM VilK'lfs. We would call your special attention to our lino of Cook!'.:;.; Suwes as ’v-mg best in the maiket. Also, Go!eaud Hood Heaters. TIN SHOP. Spouting. Roofing and all kinds of Reparing, (Ti K.-VP.’ m •gifswSfew. ■ ■ V . s - “-THE BKST J BT9 B3ES ■■iit i B ^ ' •• r? AS5S3 O^JRT® » <r~-> ? VMS 3S3T 'IP J 'S t ? 1 t '1 1 -J XX . t . r La-rr--- s ?3«- m * 1 Ai Y' '• JL X L oma ii X W* S'--.. ■ 189 THE MARKET • Send for Catalogue and Price List, ffi Ct \{ T _ n 'h 43 i -M jL KJ S’ SX' j, . RACINE. W.m,