The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, April 09, 1891, Image 7

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and notes CONDENSED FROM TELEGRAPH AND CABLE. Epitome of Incidents that Hap pen from Day to Day. The grip is epidemic at. Oshkosh, Wis., to an alarming extent. The senate of New York hits passed the bill appropriating $200,000 for world’s fair. A disastrous explosion occurred in i> coal mine at Apedaie, England, Friday, and ten persons were killed. The police authorities of Buenos Ayres have closed the salvation army hall, claiming uized that church. the army was not recog by the A statement prepared at the treasury department shows that there in circulation was was a net increase of $11,641,145 during the month of March. Fireman Morris and Brakemau Fred Moore and John Conroy were killed in an accident on the Erie railroad, near Hornellsville, N. Y., Thursday. The secretary of the treasury has paid the direct tax claims of the state of Ohio, amounting to $1,832,025, and of the state of New Jeiscy, amounting to $382.- 615. The printers’ strike in the job offices at Washington, D. C., is ended, (he em¬ ployers conceding 42 cents a thousand, with extra rates tor more than nine hours a day. The East German conference of the Methodist Episcopul church, at Balti¬ more, voted 41 to 1 against admitting women as delegates to the general con ference. A strike was ordered Thursday in all Washington job offices that demand have not complied with the union’s for an advance from 40 to 424 cents per thou¬ sand and a nine-hour day. The utmost tranquillity prevailed throughout the coke region Sunday. It is reported that several of the coke com¬ panies in the region will make strenuous efforts to resume work at once. A small riot occurred Monday in the Phcenix packing house, proposing at Kansas City by a crowd of Italians to work for $1 a day. They were driven off by a shower of stones from the workmen. A telegram of Monday from Bridge¬ port, Conn., states that P. T. Barnum, the veteran showman, who has been ill for several days with the grip, has suf¬ fered a relapse, and it is feared can live but a little while longer. The will of the late General Joseph E. Johnston has been filed at Washington, and the court directed that letters of ad¬ ministration be issued to James A. Mc Lane, of Baltimore, executor. The value of the estate is estimated at $80; 000, A number of French capitalists have made an offer to the Russian government to build a Siberian railway from Tchel cabuisk to Vladivostock, a distance of 7,198 versts, receiving payment either in railroad bonds or by a loan of 300,000, 000 credit roubles. During the past week, ending at noon Saturday, there were 1,100 death in New York city, against 895 for the deaths preceding week. There were fifty-six from grip, against ten from similar causes the week before. The police department has 244 of its force on the sick list. Governor Boyd, of Nebraska, Friday morning, returned the Newberry maxi¬ mum rate bill to the legislature without his approval on the ground that it was unconstitutional. The bill passed believed the house over the veto, but it is that the veto will be sustained in the senate. The many conferences that have been held between the steel company and their employes, at Joliet, Ill., have resulted ia an arrangement of the w’ages question, which at least until the close of 1892, after six months notice must be given The slid¬ of a desired change by cither side. ing scale is adopted. Dispatches from Carson City, Nevada, say: The men employed suffered in the Holmes terribly mine at Candelaria have from the ravages of the grip. Out of 600 men employed about the mine more than 400 have been prostrated, and had over 100 have died. Work in the mine prac¬ tically to be abandoned. General Albert Pike, grand commander of the Scottish Rite Masonry of the southern jurisdiction, and chief of the Royal Order of Scotjand for this coun¬ try, died at 8 o’clock Thursday evening, at the home of the supreme council of the order in Washington, D. C., where he had lived for several years. A London calegram of Sunday says: Yon Caprivi, the German chancellor, has notified Lord Salisbury, the British prime minister, that Germany will abandon southwest Africa, unless the Anglo-Ger¬ man syndicate succeeds in raising the proposed capital, it is aoubtlui whether the sum required can be secured. A London cablegram of Sunday says: A movement has been started to create a gigantic trust to control tlie output of the collieries in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Derbyshire and Staffordshire. The avow¬ ed objects of the Dew trust are to bring the consumer in direct coutact with the producer, and to place the profits on a less fluctuating basis. About 200 honorably discharged United vet¬ erans, who have served in the States army and navy, met in New York city Tuesday and adopted resolutions favoring an organization to be known as the United States Regular Army and Navy Veterans. A copy of the r -solutions were sent to various organizations with a request for endorsement. Twelve brick manufacturing firms of Trenton, N. J., announce a reduction of wages, beginning The Tuesday, of 15 to 20 per falling cent. in the reason demaud assigned brick. is the oil’ for There was an oversupply last year, and the prospect is not good for this season. Employes are considering the advisability of striking. The Waverly oil works, at Pittsburg, Pa , covering an area of four acres, were totally destroyed by fire Fiday night, to¬ gether with 80,000 feet of sawed timber, owned by George S. Lacy. During the fire several tanks seriously of benzine exploded, but no one was injured. fully The total loss is estimator! at $150,000. cov¬ ered by insurance. The origin of the fire is not known. The French government has decided to allow Prince Louis Bonaparte to visit Paris. The Bonaparte family council at San Remo, resulted in Prince Louis re¬ taining the property left by bis father, Ex-Empress Eugenic raise granting incomo Prince Victor a sum to his annual to $22,500. The ex-Emprcss Eugenie is still wealthy, though part of her fortune was involved in the recent troubles of the Baring Brothers. A dispatch of Friday from New Castle, Pa., says: A naturalized Italian, named Gatiarrto, who owns property at "Warn pum, and is held in good repute, has made public the story of his having been approached by some" of his countrymen with a proposition to join 20,000 Italians in a plot to capture and destroy Pitts burg. Gabarrio says every Italian in Allegheny and Beaver counties has been similarly approached. Sunday’s dispatches say: Secretary Blaine is not yet prepared to make public anything throwing additional light on the Italian situation, and unless there should be, contrary to all expectations, and mother bombshell as sudden start lino- ling as QO IV,,, the refill recall nf ot Huron Daron F-ivsi Lava, if it is is probable that the Italian entanglement will not again be a subject of all-cngross mg public interest, and that it will take the usual tedious course of diplomacy. Up to Monday night several More wood rioters had been arrested, and eight depu¬ ties who did the shooting. The squire before whom the hearings were held found a precedent somewhere, held those charged with riot and carrying concealed weapons in $1,000 bail, while the depu¬ ties charged with murder were released on $300. It is said that the wounded strik¬ ers, previously reported as having died Saturday, were privately buried Tuesday. A Boston dispatch of Saturday, says: Thursday night’s storm has resulted in the general demoralizvtion of the tele¬ graph service out of Boston. The poles have been blown dowD, the wires tangled and wrecked, and it is said that the gen¬ eral condition of the telegraph system is worse than that which resulted from the blizzard of January 25th last, Neither the Western Union nor Postal had a wire working to New York Saturday, and the Associated Press wires were'down in all directions. QUIETING DOWN. The Italian EmbrffgTio Assum¬ ing' a Milde/ Aspect. It is reported that the president gratified and his advisers are very much over the latest message from Premier di Ru dini, which was the subject of considera¬ tion at the cabinet meeting Friday. They are inclined to think that it indicates an early settlement of the diplomatic Budini war. The milder tone assumed by iu his message to Marquis Imperiali is, it is considered, due to the clear state¬ ment of our government’s position by Secretary Blaine, supplemented by the very able presentation of the case at Rome by Mr. Porter, United States min¬ ister there. * If this government considers the ques¬ tion of indemnity, the inquiry will of the no doubt be made into the eh iracter alleged subjects of Italy killed in New Orleans, whether they were compelled promise to leave their native laud, under a never to return and were compensated these to leave, etc. Should it be found that men left the country for their country’s good, this government would hardly con¬ sent to compensate their families. It aho repored that at the cabinet meeting a letter was read from either Baron or Marquis Imperiale, intimating that the recall of the minister was really but a leave of absence. The dispatch from Marquis di Rndini, Italian premier, was laid before the cabi¬ net by Secretary Blaine and discussed for a time. Later, Secretary Blaine said that he would not be able to give the out any¬ thing for publication marquis' now, remains as exact text of the note a se cret, and it is regarded as possible that it will not be made public until the secre¬ tary has prepared his reply. ROASTED TO DEATH. A Conflagration in Which Ten People Lose Their Lives. In afire at Rochester, Pa., Saturday night, a large frame structure, in which was located the tea and coffee store of George Edwards, the millinery store of Mrs. Hall, and the shoe shop and resi¬ dence of E. J. Keene, was destroyed. A number of Italians lived over the millinery store and were burned to death. 1 here have been nine bodies found; only two recog¬ nized. .They are Mr. Keene and his son who was a shoemaker. One hundred and fifty dollars in gold was found in the ruins, supposed to have belonged to the Italians. An Italian, who is the only one of the family saved, and who jumped from a second-story window, says there is $500 more st 11 in the ashes. The conclusion arrived at is that the Italians became confnsed and could not find the stairway, which was a narrow one, and to reach it required of the building. opening of two doors in the rear the Discrimination in Words. Pretty refers to external beauty is on a small scale. Grace of manner a nat¬ ural gift; elegance implies cultivation. Well-bred is referable to general conduct rather than individual actions. Beautiful is the strongest word of its class, imply¬ ing softness and delicacy in addition to everything that is in similar words. Courtesy has reference to others, former polite¬ is ness to ourselves. The a duty or privilege to others, the latter is behavior assumed from proper Hclf-respect. Benevolent refers to the character of the agent act¬ ing, beneficent to the act alms-giving, performed. Charitable is restricted to except when used in reference to judg¬ ment of others. Lovely is used only where there is something more thau external beauty, when there is a combina¬ tion of personal beauty and pleasing man¬ ner. Faultless features do not make u lady lovely who is disagreeable in dis position. — Boston Journal of Education. Lapland Babies at Church. The Lapps are a very religious people. They go immense distances to hear pastors. Every missionary is sure of a large audience and an attentive one. As soon at the family arrives at the little wooden church, and the reindeer is secured, the papa Lapp shovels a snug little bed in the snow, and mamma Lapp wraps baby snugly in skins and deposits it therein, Then papa piles the snow around it, while the parents go decorously into church. Over twenty or thirty babies lie out there in the snow around the church, and 1 never heard of one that suffocated or froze. Smoke dried little creatures, I suppose they are tough! But how would our soft, tender, pretty, pink and white like it? Wide Awulce. Malaria cured ____ J nad eradicated .. , from the system by Brown’s Iron Bitters, which en riches the blood, tones the nerves, aids diges London, population tho largest city in the world, eon tainiuga of 4,764,312 persons. Ilnwkes’ Spectacles. The reputation of these flue glasses is not of the dorsed, cheap and order. warmly They praised have by been solid used, en¬ the repre¬ sentative men of the United States. Such men recommend them as Senator-elect Jno. W. B. Gordon, Ex-Gov. Fitzhugh Lee, Gov. E. Wilson of West Va., Rev. H. (J. Morrison. D. versity D.; Bishop the Alex. South; W. Gov. Gregg, R. Chancellor Hubbard, Uni¬ of B. Ex Minister to Japan; Judge simou 1’. Hughes, of Arkansas and many hundreds of others. These famous spectacles are sold iu nearly every Call town Ilawkes’. from Maryland Take to New Every Mexico. for no others. pair warranted. How’s This ? We offer One. Hundred Dollars reward for any case of catarrn that cannot be cured by taking HaU’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. Orkney & t o. Props., Toledo, O. We, the for undersigned, the have known F. J. Cheney perfectly last 15 years, amt believe him honorable in all business transac¬ tions, ligations and made financially by their able to carry out any ob¬ firm. West & Truax, W hoflesule Druggists, Tole¬ do, O. Warding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists,Toledo, Dali’s Catarrh O. is Cure taken internally,act¬ ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur¬ faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. 8okl by ail druggists. Good Blood Is absolutely Essential to Good Health You may have Both by taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla The best Blood Purifier. It possesses Curative Power Peculiar To Itself EI.Y’S cream bai/h _ Applied Absorbed, into Nostrils is Quickly j ^ Cleanses the Head, Heals the Sores and Cures jffCo(,0 I CATARRH. Restores Taste and Smell, quick¬ ly Headache. Relieves Cold la Druggists. Head and SOc. at KLY “ BROS., 56 Warren St, N. Y. For a Disordered Liver Try BEECHAM’S PILLS. 25cts. a Box. OF ALL DH.UGK 3 -ISTS. PROF. LOISETTE’S NEW MEMORY BOOKS. Criticism, on two recent Memory Systems. Ready ■bout April 1st. Full Tables of Contents forwarded only to those who send stamped directed envelope. Art Also Prospectus POST FREE of the Lolsettlan Ot Never Forgetting. Address Prof. LOISETTE, 287 Fifth Ave., New York. EPILEPSY or FITS Curpd by Dr 0 . P Brown , s H , * )aI Reinedv , th9 Restorative Assimiiant. A Treatise free, describing ^.^ PP ic ‘E;tkbil.w r N j. ttf" AIO I ^ Great PENSION Bill ft NolU^U iS «t«*nd PlSSed. Father, are en ““ louruT V™™, _ 4 Health Helper m tells bow. SOo. a year. * I J. Send H. PTgjjfi for sample. fijgr.Nui Dr. nr Canada, accoiding to a report of the chief of the Grain Inspection of Western Canada, raised 50,000,000 bushels of wheat last year, 20,000,000 bushels of which will be available for export. The 1.allien Delighted. The pleasant effect and the perfect sifety with which ladies may uso the liquid fruit lax¬ ative, Syrup of Figs,under all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gontie, yet effectual in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. The estimated population of the world is 1 450.1.00,000. SMITH’S I Bile [Jesns Cure Biliousness Sick Headache, Malarin, Costiveness, Heart Burn, Dizziness, Bad Breath, Nervous Debility, Dysentery, Jaundice, Pains in the Side and under the Shoulder Blades. Never fail to act on a Torpid Liver, Expel poisonous bile from the system; Clear the Complexion; Aid Digestion; Create an Appetite; Cure and prevent Chills and Fevers, w e also make Smitli’sg BLE SMALL EAfftS (40 to the bottle.) Rome prefer this size. Especially amonB women and children. Both sizes sugar coated. Pleasant to take. .RELIABLE, SAFE, ECONOMICAL, Price 25 cents per bottle, five for ?1, 1 either size. Sold by Druggists. Write oi Picture, I CITY. fiJg? The Cod Hi That Helps to Cure Hi The Cold. (a The disagreeable taste of the ■ COD LIVER OIL is dissipated in SCOTT’S Of Pure Cod Liver Oil with HYPOPHOSPHITES OB’ IZUME AINTID SODA. The patient suffering from mtoMiYrris. VoVgh.' rony IMIMi m-l.4*l>. may take tho remedy with as much satisfaction as he would take milk. Physicians are preserlb lug It everywhere. It is a perfect emulsion. and a wonderful flesh producer. Talse no other VASELINE- ■ FOR A ONE-DOLLAtt B 11 , 1 . sent us by m»a we will deliver, free of all uharges, to any articles, person oare- la the Halted States, all of the following fully packed: One two-ounoe bottle of Pure Vaseline. . . » One two-ounce bottle of Vaseline Pomade* • S One jar of Vaseline Cold Cream, - - One Cake of Vaseline Vaseline Camphoric®, unsccnted, - • . • 10 * One Cake of Soap, exquisitely »oei»ted,&> * - *• One Cake of Vaseline Soap, Vaseline. 25 *• One two-ounce bottle of White • • ti.n Or. for postage stamps any stable artists at t price 1 named. On no account be persuaded to aosep t from your druggist any Vaseline or preparation there fr m unless labeled with, our name, because you will oer* tain/yreceive an imitation which has little or no valus Ckevebrough Mtk< Co.» ii State 5»t., N. Y* BORE WELLS! M-A.ELIQ Our Well Machines are the most MONEY! RELIABLE, DURABLE. SUCCESSFUL! They do MOKE WORK and make OliEATKR PROFIT. \ff\ ’am They FINISH Wells where JrL others FAIL! Any size, 2 inches to 44 inches diameter. G 3 LOOMIS & NYMAN, J Cat alogue 7TIFFSM, - 0HI0.4S J.L §1!S FRErU At Money 41 to Loan oiicies per cent, on p> by this iirsr class fra ternal Order. Anybody can net as l3U*H0N$C£Sg3 an well, agent. ladies Active also. farmers $200 do to FRATERNAL $4,900 in from 3 $7 to 7 years $49 is m during in life, sickness. and Mention to a? weekly this paper and write at onco to (Big buKYNOU. Pay.) s. 8 Union Square, New York. SEEDS. We have the largest and most complete stock of Gar den and bield Seeds in the state. A-sorted boxes of garden rend (360 paprrH) at $3 percase, brats conwu-u Grass. Herd* Grass, Timothy. Johnson Grass, Lucerne, Free. Glover aid THlI-mMidow Oat Grass, Catalogue We import the famous Bermuda Grass and sell it at $2 per lb. German Millet, SI .75 bushel. Send your orders. J. II. IVIcMIJLl.AN, 25 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. AS Eh M Bffl MB at id Whiskey Habits M Balli ess ikJIIS Sr*' [sal H h Qfiraout jSfij Fq cured pain. at home Hook of tvitli- pnr ManHtnRnn m m £1 1 tyv 111 ticulars B.M.WOOLLEY,M.D. sent I’KEE. HfflP' A t laiitu, Ga. Ollice 1U1X Whitehall St fiIDDIiOCC WfinniNUCa. Send for catalogue and mention II. GRAY, particular 'i'i style wanted. Y. W. i£0 A Wooster St., N. City. 25 ms L.v, fcnnNKmk Chichester’s English, Red Cross * ^ r uais Diamond Brand m r THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only Safe, Hure, and reliable Pill for wde. ' Ladles* ask Druggist for Chichester’s English Diamond Brand in Ked and Gold metallic boxes oealed with bine ribbon. Take no other kind. Defuse Substitutions and Imitations. send ^ |4v_. All pillH in pasteboard boxes, testin pink wrappers, are danjreroua counterfeits. At Druggists, or tr» In stamps for particulars, Paper. moolala, 10,000 Hold by Testimonials. oil Local DrugsUt* Dame ® s “German Syrup” The majority of well-read phys¬ icians now believe that Consump¬ tion is a germ disease. In other words, instead of being in the con¬ stitution itself it is caused by innu¬ merable small creatures living in the lungs having no business there and eating them away as caterpillars do the leaves of trees. A Germ The phlegm that is coughed up is those Disease. parts of the lungs which have been gnawed off and destroyed. These little bacilli, as the germs are called, are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they are very much alive just the same, and' enter the body in our food, in the air we breathe, and through the pores of the skin. Thence they get into the blood and finally arrive at the lungs where they fasten and increase with frightful rapiditv. Then German g comes j n , loosens them, kills them, expells them, heals the places they leave, and so nourish and soothe that, in a short time ccnsump tives become germ-proof and well. © m A’ V i St o- N -1 (>] r -s Ut X m j\ 1 fli II >5 The French Crown Jewels were distrib¬ uted and sold to the public; their easily peculiar cutting and shape enables one to recog¬ nize them. We have some of these jewels in stock, and will be pleased to exhibit them. In Rubies, Pearls, Opals, Sapphires and Dia¬ monds, we have by far the largest stock in the south, and quote the lowest prices for fine stones. Don’t buy before seeing our goods. J. P. Stevens & Bro., Jewelers, 47 St., Atlanta, Ga. Send tor catalogue. I 5 nAATAl* U U LiU K ***T ■ oft JR _Hp jjj^Ef 1JN MPlfclMWk * : tHIlB ■ W !■ KHi . ^■■■1 IBHf BBHfl P - * * ENGLISH lr .ia J J ■ IREMEDYf ^ JJforCoughs, Colds andConsumption, isbeyontll : ; question the greatest of all modern remedies.; ■ It will Stop a Cough in one night. It Will Check J . a Cold Inaday. It will prevent Croup, relieve* in; SAsthma, 2time. and CURE Consumption HAVE if taken , IF THE LITTLE ONES ! ! WHOOPING COOGH • -- OR m ■ GROUP : n i * JgL. ^ USB IT WILL It Promptly. CURE! ■ m ■ y-D -iLf ,WWHEN THING EVERY-; ELSE» • : : » 1 ’ r/^*can’t / be without afford lt.”,8 to; A 25c. bottle save ^ $100 in Doctor’s bills: :—may • their may ASK DRUG*! save lives. YOUR SGIST FOR IT. IT TASTES GOOD.; Every Farmer his ovd Roefer CHEAPER than Shingles, Tin or Slate. Reduces Your INSURANCE, and Perfectly Fire, Water and Wind Proof. Va x-fSTEEL SJV CORRUGATED ROOFING, W-5'^uiW’® Catalogue. ^ SEND FOR QURHeV ft? & price* w< Hi Our Roofing la ready formed for the Building, buy and can be applied by any one. Do not any Roofing till you write to u« for our Descrip¬ tive Catalogue. Series K. AUENTM WANTJUk 0HM»mTsRY Habits Cured without physical or mental injury. Treatinont identical with that of Dr. Keeley, at Dwight, Illinois. For particulars, address THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, Edgowood Ave. anil 1 vv St., ATLANTA, GA. BAGGY KNEES POSITIVELY REMEDIED Adopted Harvard, Greeiy Pant stretcher Colleges, by students by professional at Amherst and other also and business men every¬ where. If not for sale in your town send 25C. to B. J. GREELY, 7io Washington Street Boston. A. N. U..... ...Fifieen, ’91, Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physicians. Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists. ‘01 ’0'.) '53