The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, April 16, 1891, Image 7

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NEWS AND NOTES. CONDENSED FROM TELEGRAPH AND CABLE. Epitome of Incidents that Hap¬ pen from Day to Day. Total gold coin ordered for export Fri¬ day, $2,750,000. Not a single Indian has been sworn in the regular infantry. All union painters of Boston, Brookline and Chelsea, Mass., struck Monday. Monday’s dispatches say that Barry Sullivan, the well-known uctor, is dying in London. Dr. Eben Tourjee, founder of the New England is dead. Conservatory of Music, at Bos¬ ton, W. J. Edbrooko, of Chicago, has been appointed vice supervising architect of the treasury, Windrim, resigned. On Monday the employes of Wcsten holm’s cutlery works, at Sheffield, struck against a 5 per cent reduction in wages. Thomas Baumgardner, coal and lum¬ ber, Lancaster, Pa., made $500,000;" an assignment Monday. Liabilities. ussets, very small. Twenty national banks in Kansas have signified and their intention of denationaliz¬ banking ing laws, reorganizing uuder the state Thursday’s registration of immigrants at New York was the largest since last summer—4,332 steerage passengers from six steamships. A new World’s Fair bill has been in¬ troduced in the Illinois legislature appro¬ priating the $500,000 bill. instead of $1,000,000, as in old The medical faculty of the University of Bonn, Germany, has abandoned the use of both Koch’s and Liebreich’s rem¬ edies for tuberculosis. The first consignment of Chinese to¬ bacco has been received by London brokers. China is desirous of competing in European markts. The United States Cotton Mills, at Providence, R. I.* have shut down for repairs for an indefinite period, and about COO hands are idle. Monday’s dispatches say that the situa¬ tion in the coke regions of Pennsylvania is unchanged; but the operators fear trouble when the military is withdrawn. General Biber, who represented the state of Nevada at the Paris exhibition of 1889, has been sentenced to eighteen months’ imprisonment in Zurich for swindling. Capt. Edmund Hope Verney, member of parliament for North. Buckingham¬ shire, has left London for the continent on account of a warrant sworn out against him for gross immorality. The Illinois legislature has passed park the bill commissioners permitting the issue West $1,000,000 Chicago in to bonds to complete that system of parks, in aid of the world’s fair. Draughtsmen in the bureau of con¬ struction and repair of the navy depart¬ ment are not satisfied with their pay, and are rapidly resigning to take positions with private firms. Fifteen stonemasons were caught under a falling wall at Fifth and Race streets in Cincinnati, Saturday. Thirteen serious got out by their own efforts without injury, but two were killed. The Fabre line of steamships Italian arc get¬ im¬ ting into trouble by allowing landing migrants who were barred from at New York, on account of having come over in violation of law, to escape. The trial of the suit of William Witty, of Philadelphia, against Terence V. Pow derly and other members and officers of the Knights of Labor, Monday, resulted in a verdict for Witty for $1,000, being the full amount of his claim. Andrew Todt, Michael Sobal and Geo. Rushock, three Hungarians, convicted of the murder of Michael Quinn, who was killed iu the labor riot at Carnegie’s works at Braddock, Pa,, last new year’s day, were, on Wednesday, sentenced to be hanged. So many were the funerals in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sunday, resulting from though the grip, that the hearses of that city, all busy and doing double duty, wereinsuffi cient, and many from New York were sent over to Brooklyn to meet the emerg ency. The United States government is look¬ ing at the records for the purpose of find¬ ing claims against states as offsets against direct tax claims. Some have been found on accounts of quotas of arms over-issued. One of them is against Georgia, amount¬ ing to $4,229. La Patria, published United in the City of Mexico, says the States govern¬ ment should return to Mexico the tro¬ phies captured by United States troops in the Mexican war, and now at West Point military academy, thus showing its magnimity. Crazed Wilhelm, with delirum from the grip, Louis early Monday morning three himself out of a window on the top floor of a five-story tenement in New York. He landed on the sidewalk sixty feet below and died within an hour at Bellevue hospital. Senator George F. Edmunds, of Ver¬ mont, who has been in the senate of the United States since April, 1866, and in nearly, if not republican quite all of leaders, that time has been of the has re¬ signed, the resignation to take effect the 1st day of November next. A New York dispatch of Saturday says: The Mutual Real Estate Building Asso ciation has just purchased $20,000 Land worth Com of property from the Augusta j>apy. The property beg in front of Schuetzen-Plats, between Crawford ave¬ nue and Bohlers. It will be rapidly im¬ proved. The three Niivnssn island rioters under, sentence of death at Baltimore have been granted a 15th respite by President Harrison from May to June 12ih in order to give time to examine the papers in the matter of the application for a commuta¬ tion of the death sentence to imprison ment for life. Grand Master Newman, of the Train¬ men’s Brotherhood, on Monday ordered all the striking Burlington brakemen to go to work, and declares the statement of Sweeney, of the Switchmen’s Brother¬ hood, in asserting that the Trainmen's Brotherhood would uphold the strike, was unwarranted. The president has appointed John C. Daney to be collector of customs for the district of Wilmington, N. C.; Roberl W. Furnas of Nebraska commissioner at large at the Columbian exposition, and J. Hale Parker of Missouri to be alter¬ nate commissioner at large. Parker is a colored man. LETTERS OF INSTRUCTIONS Sent to Governors of States Re¬ garding the Direct Tax. Assistant Secretary Nettleton, at Wash¬ ington, has addressed a letter to the gov¬ ernor of each of the southern states in re¬ gard to the refunding of the direct tax collected in those states by direct tax commissioners from citizens. Copies of the letter were, on Friday, mailed to the governors of West Virginia and North Carolina, who have filed applications for the refunding of the tax. The following is the text of the letter: “In the matter of the refunding of the public tax t£> certain states provided March for by act of congress, approved de¬ 2, 1891, it is the wish of the treasury partment to furnish to duly authorized representatives of the government of each state access to the records of the department under circumstances which, will occasion as lit¬ tle inconveniences as possible. Inasmuch as these original records connot be re¬ moved from the custody of the govern¬ ment, and as the available space in the treasury building is limited, you are requested to name, at least approximately, the date when you will wish your repre¬ sentative to make this search of the records and the number of persons who will be thus employed provided. for whom In work this room will need to be connection the suggestion is made that the matter would be greatly facilitated if you would send an 'agentto Washington to look over the records which will need to be examined, and form some estimate of the amount of work to be done. All the facilities within the control of the department will be furnished for the pur nose indicated. From Secretary Rusk. Secretary Rusk, of the agricultural de¬ partment, has issued the following: “Notice is hereby given that the regula¬ tions made February 5th, 1891, for the transportation of cattle from the area des¬ ignated by said regulations disease as infected with the contagious known as splenetic fever, apply to north, the movement imme¬ of cattle from said area for diate slaughter. The transportation of cattle from said area for feeding or for any other purposes except immediate slaughter is prooibited 1884.” by the act of con C re-s of May 29th, ATLANTA MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY. Flour, Grain and Meal. Flour—First patent $0 50 ; second patent $6 00 ; extra fancy $5 75 white ; fancy $5 mixed 50 ; family $4 75. Com—No. 2 95c ; 93c. Oats—No. 2 mixed 70c ; white —c ; Kansas rust lie proof —c. Hay—Choice timothy, large bales, ; No. 1 timothy, large bales, 90c ; choico timothy, small bales, $lc ; No. 1 timothy, small bales, 95c ; No. 2 timothy, small bales, 90c. Meal—Plain 78c ; bolted 90c. Wheat bran— Large sacks $1 35 ; small sacks $1 35. Cotton seed meal—$1 30 per cwt. Steam feed—$1 35 per cwt. Grits—Pearl $4 50. Groceries. Coffee—Roasted—Avbuekle^ Green—Extra 2fi%c $ 100 ®> cases; Levoring’s 25%c. 21^; fair choice 23Xc; choice 23c; good 20c; common 18@19c. 5%c; Sugar—Granulated 5%; cut 5}£c; 5%C; off granu¬ white lated powdered loaf extra C 4%c; yellow extra C 4%c. Syrup—New Orleans choice 48@50; prime 35@40c; common 30@35c. Molasses—Genuine Cuba 35@38;imi¬ tation 28@30. Rice—Choice 7}^c; good 6%c; common 5%@6c; imported 50; Virginia Japan 6@7c; Salt—Hawley’s dairy $1 Cheddars 13c; flats 75e Cheese—Full cream, 13%e; skim---White fish, half bbls $4 00; pails 60c. turpentine, Soaps—Tallow, 100 bars, 75 lbs S3 00a3 75; 60 bars, 60 lbs $200a2 25; tallow, 60 bars, 60 lbs $2 25a2 50. Candles—Parafine llj^c; star 10c. Matches— 400s $4 00; 300a $3 00a3 75; 200s $2 00a2 75 ; 603 5 gross $3 75. Soda—Kegs, bulk 5c; 1 lb pkgs 5c; cases, assorted, lbs 6%a63^c. % lbs 5%a6e. Crackers—XXX soda XXX butter 6^o; Candy—Assorted Canned goodB—Condensed stick 8%c; French milk mixed 12%c. $6 00a8 00; imitation mackerel 83 95a4 00; sal¬ mon $6 00a7 50; F. W. oysters $2 20a2 50; LAV. 8160; corn $2 00a2 75; tomatoes $1 75a2 50. Ball potash $3 20. Starch—Pearl 4%c; lump 5%c; Pickles, nickel packages $3 50; celluloid $5 00. plain or mixed, pints $1 OOal 40; quarts $1 50al 80. Powder—Rifle, kegs $5 50; % kegs $3 00; kegs $1 65. Shot $1 65 per sack. Provisions. Clear rib sides, boxed c Oxalic, 6%; ice-cured bellies 7c. Sngar-cured hams according to brand and average ; California leaf 8%e 6%c ; leaf breakfast bacon 9c. Lard—Pure ; 7%; refined 6c. Country Produce. Eggs 15%c. Butter—Western creamery 30a 35c ; choice Tennessee 25a30c ; other grades 15al8c. Live poultry—Hens small 12al4c. 30a32%c Dressed ; young chickens, large 20a25c ; ducks chickens poultry—Turkeys 17al8c ; 14c ; 15c. Irish potatoes $4 50 per bbl. Sweet pota¬ toes 75c per bushel. Honey—Strained 8al0c ; in the comb 10al2c. Onions $6 00 per bbl. Cabbage 2a3e per lb. Almeria grapes, 50 lb packages $6 50a7 50. Cotton. Market steady.—Middling 8%c. Boys, Tip Your Hats Do our boys to'a ever think, as they raise their hats lady or girl friend, why respect should be shown in this way? Here is the explanation lifting he of the hat custom: had its The custom of t origin during the age of chivalry, when it was customary for kuights never to appear in public except in lull armor. It became a custom, however, for a knight, upon entering an ussembly of friends, to remove his helmet, signifying, friends.” “lam The safe in the presence of my age of chivalry passed away the with the fifteenth century, but, among many acts of courtesy which can be traced back to its influence, none is more direct in its origin than that of lifting the hat to ac¬ knowledge the presence of a friend. Producing Bain by Science. Wc may be considered visionary when we assert that the Tie time is coming when copious rains will produced at the will of man, and drouths will hence be the misfortunes of an unenlightened age rele¬ of gated to the past by the progress rain science. This problem of producing by scientific methods is not a new one. It has engaged the minds of our scientists in the past, and it is every day getting nearer to a practical solution. A few millions spent by the government in ex¬ periments in this direction will not be wasted, and when success is attained, as it will be, the benefits will be simply incalculable .—Western Plowman. Fon Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Stomach disorders, use Brown's Iron Billers. The Best Tonic, it rebuilds the system, cleans the Blood and strengthens the muscles. A splendid ton¬ and debilitated Thkrk is a sufficient recompense in the very consciousness of a noble deed.—Cicero. Dearness Can’t be Cared By local applications, as they cannot reach th. diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu¬ tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in¬ flamed condition of the mucous limner of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in¬ flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper¬ fect hearing and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inflam¬ mation can be taken out and this tube re¬ stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by condition catarrh, which is nothing but an in¬ flamed of the mucous surfaces v\ e will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused bv catarrh) that we teend cannot for cure by taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure, circulars, F..J. free. sold „,,, druggist j Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. by J . 75 cents. Light Hearts and Plenty Money, I have completed S24.25 my first clear week with ray Plater, and have money. I am charmed with the business. X bought my Plater from the Lake Electric Co.,Englewood, Ill., for $3, and feei confident if people knew how cheap they could could get a Plater, and how much money happy they make, we would seo many more homes. It is surprising the amount of tableware and jewelry there is to plate; ami if persons now idle would get a Plater, they would soon have light hearts and plenty money. Peusonal—Free— To ail persons who are grow aYnxurhint suit o?hair? r noml°Uer w W hat the cause or how long standing; no humbug, T^^rUc^ars^nd^stimonia^wrrte Paor. FITS stopped free by 1 >k. Kune's Great Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day’s trial use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and §2 bottle free. Dr. Kline. 831 Arch St., Phila., Pa. Ifafflioted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp¬ son’s Eye-water .Druggists sell at25c per bottle. For a disordered liver try Beecham’s Pills. 14 C 5?' t r \ . ( % I ./A 'll! COlffRicMT jjgo Too large ■—the old-fashioned pill. Too reckless in its way of doing business, too. It cleans you out, but it uses you up, and your against outraged it. system Pierce’s rises up Dr. Pleas¬ ant Pellets have a better way. They do just Nothing what is needed —no more. can be mild more thorough—nothing They’re is as and gentle. the smallest, cheapest, the easiest to take. One tiny, sugar ative—three coated granule’s a gent'le lax¬ to four are ca¬ thartic. Sick Headache, Constipation, ious Indigestion, Bil¬ Attacks, and ail derange¬ ments of the Liver, Stomach Bowels are promptly re¬ and permanently cured. CU.L.flUn PK 'I UIIUTI I LEI CV>C 510 BEADY BADE o suits fob men five universal satisfaction. Why should you pay mid ilemeu’s profits when you can buy direct from us, th. manufacturers 1 Send us .10 and the following measures refund ind we will guarantee to lit and preuse you or your money. Rules for hieasurement: breast meosuro, over vest, close up under arms, waist measure ovei pants at waist, and Inside leg measure from crotch to heel. Send Six Cents for 12 samples of our .10 Men'. Suits, fashion plate aDd tape measure. HUNTLEY Boys’ Suits, $6.50; Children’s Suits. $3. ED. I.. &*eo. - T.llorst 1S4 East Strmt, Chirac.. 111. EPILEPSY or FITS by Dr. O. P. Brown’s Herbal Remedy, t he Assimilant. a Treatise free, Address describing 47 Kpilepsjr and Jersey its oure, City. on N. application. J. Ustab'.isbed 1850. Street. MOTHERS’ ~ WMTffllm FRIEND ml W « m l ! 1 ^.LESS 0 S ArmrnHG rf >m. .-a*,. _• a . 10UFE fm WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN COLD. If a price can be placed on pain, “ Mother's Friend ’’ Is worth its weight In gold. My wife suffered more in ten minutes with either of her other two children than she did altogether with her last, having previously used four bottles of "Mother's Friend.” It is a blessing to any one expecting to be¬ come a mother. Geo. F. Lockwood, Carmi, III. Write The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga., for particulars. Sent by express, charges paid, on receipt of price, $1.50 per bottle. Sold by druggists. , CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH, It ED CROSS Pills DIAMOND BRAND A * ,, THt ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. The only Safe, N U ro, Red and reliable Pill for aale. \ Ladle*, uak Druggist for Chichester $ English Diamond Brand in and Gold nipfallic y boxen sealed with blue ribbon. Take no other kind. Refuse Substitutions and Imitation». All pills in pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers, are dangerous counterfeit*. At Druggists, or send n» 4c. in stamps for particulars, testimonials, and “Relief for Ladle*,* in letter, by return Mall* 10,000 Testimonials. Same Paper. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL PHILADELPHIA. CO., Madison Nouare, VA. Hold b s all Local l>rugrf*U. x pISO’S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. —Best. Easiest to use. Cold Cheapest. in tile Head Relief it has is immediate. A cure is certain. For no equal. r C ATARI R H It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied to the nostrils, lncc, 50c. Sold by druggists or sent by mall. Address. E. T. IIazkltink, Warren. Pa. “August Flower” I had been troubled five months with Dyspepsia. The doctors told me it was chronic. I had a fullness after eating and a heavy load in the pit of my stomach. I suffered fre¬ quently from a Water Brash of clear matter. Sometimes a deathly Sick¬ ness at the Stomach would overtake me. Then again I would have the terrible pains of Wind Colic. At such times I would try to belch and could not. I was working then for Thomas McHenry, Druggist, Cor. Irwin and Western Ave., Allegheny City, Pa., in whose employ I had been for'seven years. Finally I used August Flower, and after using just i one bottle for two weeks, was en tirely relieved of all the trouble. I Can HOW eat thill gS I dared not touch before. I WOUid like to refer you to McHemy( for wholn J worked, who knows all about my condition, and from whom I bought the rnedi* cine. I live with my wife and family at 39 James St., Allegheny City,Pa. Signed, John D. Cox. G. G. GREEN Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New Jersey. U. S. A. LV\ l: c? o' •S. s. minct W/b V To the Indian Territory wc have shipped a good many of our watches. It is a fact that the people out there know a good thing watches when they see it—and wherever one of our goes, it makes such a reputation for itself that other orders are sure to follow. Iu this way the demand for the “Stevens Watch” comes from every part of the south and west, they are the strongest, simplest, market, und most accurate watches in the and, considering quality, the lowest price. See the Stevens Witch before inlying. J. P. Stevens & Bro., 47 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Send for catalogue. Every Farmeries own Roofer CHEAPER than Shingles, Tin or Slate. Reduces Tour INSURANCE, and Perfectly Fire, Water and Wind Proof. wm tSTEEL ROOFING, v corrugated mi //vr 7 SP.BE Catalogue C Send I’NCi \ m Vvj FOR in, ftOOHNO A & OuriJew V prices V, 1 J C ' G. Our Roofing is ready formed for the Building, and can be applied by any one. Do not buy any Roofing till you write A«KNXS tons for our WANim Descrip¬ tive Catalogue. Series K. tea 1 PA1NTT. 6 Requires ol\»$lSg adoitIOn * WM ® L P A o c AovIEtiseo in7348 .PAPERS Where we have no Aarent will rrnnge with any active merchant.—L. A HI.—N. Y. 01 Health Helper miT tells how. 50c. a year. I rKfr HM. Send for sample. Mtor.BurfaKST Da. J.H. DYE, , “le Friend" in am grated bkting I hue ever oficred midwife ch%ld—bearing woman. been a for many years. and in each case where “ Mother’s Friend" had been used it- has accomplished wonders md relieved much snflering. It is the best remedy for rising of the breast known, and worth the price for that aione. X38. M. M. BBUSTER. Montgomery, Ala. ..... COUGH CURES; DOCTOR ACKERS ENGLISH REMEDY SOLD IN ENGLAND for Is. Ibid., and in j AMERICA for 25 cents a bottle. IT TASTES C OOPj a K 58 _ m Z.iiu UoiES Kv Eli m 0 ’p •-■v I tPS ,; - > I Boys -i-n- Wa fej, mm j. .... m ;• ■wall W a L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN, FOR S&.Ull Genuine Hantl-scweil, an elegant and w stylish dress Shoe which commends Itself. $4.00 equalled Uauri-sewcd for style and Welt. durability. A fine calf Shoe un* nr $ 0*50 (Goodyear Welt is the standard dress v Shoe at a popular price. Policeman** Shoe Ls especially adapted v for railroad men, fanners, etc. All made In Congress, Button and Lace. $0.00 lor L.adic«, is the only bund*sewed Shoe ** sold at this popular price. $0.50 Don&rola Shot* for Ladien, Is a new do » parture and promises liiidies, to become very popular. $0.00 fc Shoe far and $1.75 lor Mime* still retain their excellence for style, etc. All goods warranted and stamped with name on bottom. If advertised local agent cannot supply you, send direct to factory enclosing advertised price or a postal W. for order DOUGLAS. blanks. L. Brockton. Mass. \VANTKi)---siim‘ dealer in every city and naentsadvLTtiNfd 1101 occupied to mite local exclusive agency. Send in paper. illustrated catalogue. BII.L. Mat us by nul will deliver, free or ail oharjes, to any per toaift United States, ail of tne folio wria* articles, packei: two-ounce Jar Cake two-ounce Coke of of of Vaseline Vaseline Vaseline bottle bottle Cold of Camphoric®, Soap, of Pure Vaseline Cream,..... unscented, Vaseline, Pomade, - • . - • • . • • SS323 &ti:u i Cake of Vaseline Soap, exquisitely seented,35 two-ounce bottie of White Vaseline# - * ~ J *i.u \e prim for postage stamps any stngls article at t On no account be persuaded to aocep t from druggist any Vaseline or p reparation there fr ra labelled t cUh our name, because you will oer* receive an imitation Alhr* €•.. which U4, has SRat« little $t., or noyalus N. SEEDS. We have the largest and most complete Assorted stock of Gar¬ of and Held Seeds in the state. boxes seed (SCO papers) Red at $3 per Orchard case, b°ftts Grass, consign¬ Blue Try one. Timothy. Clover, Johnson Grass,Lucerne, Herds Grass, and Tall-meadow Bermuda Oat Grass. Grass Catalogue and sell it Free. $2 import the famous at lb. German Millet, $1.75 bushel. Send your orders. H. McMlLLANi 26 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga, COTTON or sell your Cotton on JONES 5-Ton Cotton Scale. NOT CHEAPEST BUT BEST. SJ ii For terms address ** JONES OF BINGHAMTON, BINGHAMTON. N. V. gjgfttl sBb n| gLffi III ■ ■ mm i&dSlg and Whiskey Habits ir" ft nHcut .'lire’ll at home with HBI a? K? I jn if M KTB pain. Hook ot imr U titulars sent FREE. IIIIIIMIII ......... M. W OG LLKY, M. D. mm Atlanta. Ga. Office 104 Y a Whitehall St.