The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, April 16, 1891, Image 8

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ORDINARY’S ADVERTISEMENTS. 0P2N FOB Firs. • iiOlH'.T A—ITaka>; Covsty, Sc.ilo’il bids will be received by the uu until 2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday .If 11 day of May, 1891, for the build in# 1 new court house in Buchanan, said "anty. The plan and specifications of can bo examined at the Ordinary's i.i Buchanan, Ga., and at the office Bruce & Morgan, Architects, Atlanta, on and after the loth day of March, y j i The names of svuities must he sent, by tlio bidder as tlie contractor will hr o<|ii:i'(id to enter into bond with approved cc’.tiity in double tlio amount of tlie eon art. Mouse to be completed by the a !j of January, 1892. Payments: pi r month, commencing May, 15th, 1S91. for eight months. #7000.00 to lie paid on of the contract or by the first of February, 1892: balance at end of . he year, 1892. Reserving tjic right to re any and all bids. S. M. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. This ' 111 day of March, !891, URlCti FOll SALE. •’jui’os wishing to purchase good ’clc would do well to call on me. J. Holcombe, Jb. Pain Unnefiesuary in Childbirth. Taiti is no longer necessary in child Its causes, being understood, are ; ixily overcome". Any woman may now -come a mother wi thout suffering any whatever,—the labor being made easy, and free from danger. Moru sickness, swelled limbs, and all other bee evils can be readily controlled, and i ; female diseases speedily cured. Fliy "i-iaimpronounce it a wonderful discov :v. Never known to fail. 20,090 ladi OS Cast its merits. Cut tLi.i out; it may your life. Buffer not a day longer, send us two 2-ccnt stamps, and re '■ive in scaled envelop full particulars, <; '• t. imonials, eoidkleiitird letter, *c. Ad Ekan.v Teomas & Co., Balti- 2 m jl5 i am ready to do your wood and iron pairing. Give me n trial. Shop race's old stand. Respectfid’y, •J. v. Williams. ' LAOTKS ■* : o(Tlr,<* a tcslc^w chilflreu that traat-bufldSBg Tin, shoifid tn'te * IIKOWJi'S ifU« ■Al’TTF.K.S. Mirfev;:.,!,:’, -fi«8G AXJgi EK SMSOELnB in m a m ! This Elegsut containing Parlor Organ' 5 nljlo 700, of reeds. eo ta • l sets 10 ;f,-v=,-spV ;,?( si ijis. 8 swells. Stool J‘i fe" ic.,1 Book free. For only t-W.OO. With right and left ' i roupler. " 2/arranieti for 6 lard. ' •; i b agent.and the Organ B " wUi be shipped proamOycB TcSr^ra [->> :,u:e to v/rita me, and save money. walnut cases. “AD” JleEtion i’ajiei- nliarc this is sean.,-' Re elected Mayor April 9, 18313,_by a iaJ£3' majority. II. W. ALLEGEH, V7asldngtes,: \7arraa County,: New OMITEO »'-S7E3 OF AtSsaiCA. Y m IS my likvtA b& ij ml Every strain or cold attacks that vreak ofica anil nearly proi/.ratei you. wrnmmi 1 m cz £75 s * i w.. **S6 im •-■tr* ni so co 111 a i srtr I ii^i i THS u & fiiu.rcles* BEST TOffiC Strcustheca tho Hteodiea tlio Nerves, Unriehes tl:c IUooc, (LIvcbj New Yieor. Da J. L. >5YEHS. Bitters FufrliolA Icwa. Ire,a medicine •• jBrovra'S Iron is tho bout found 1 have line™ in my SO s’cara' pructice.. I have -Is 13 pec, a Sly bonullcial debilitating in nervous ailments or physical that bear eihaustion, hr'.n.y end in ell ft in family.” » «u Uie system. Uce ireely my own Ms, VA T. ^ Baowx, iV57 Mam 'Sfb«Jr"iS^“i52 Covington, Sy.. J l .. enSrely nufto Bitors restored hetath." — Gi-oniue has above Ti'ado Mark and erased rod lino* on wrapper. Take aootBer. Made only by HlibVVK ClUtSULAi. tV- ltAi.aUl.WJiB., AUts Sheriff’s Sales of Unrsttirned Lan&3 For First Tuesday in Jane, 1331. Will be sold before the court house cloor in the town of Pncltarmu, Haralson county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in June. 1891. within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the foil-win lots oi land, oimh levied on by vir tueof atiisii fa Uimert l»y the tax uoBcetor of said county for the amount of unpaid state and county ta RS» »,%sed upon each of nau) lots of land as tuirchuxucd lands for the year 1810, to wi t: baud lots 865, C-M. 550 and 4:0, all in 1st district and 4th section of said county; each containing 4o acres more or less. Also Jam! lots 113, 251, 232 and 301, all In 7th district .aid W: scot ion of said county, each con tabling 202'.* ar a : -mm or less. .Also land lot 143 in Cth district and 5tii section of said county, containing £02*4 acres mere or Also land lots 69 and .129, all in 8th district-and 'tli .-.'Ctionof raid county. c:m h ( ontaininir 202 1 , acres more or less. Also land lotstttf, 1013 and 772, all ill 19th (tin iricf and 3rd section of said county, each con tabling 40 acreu more nr loss. Also land lots 1249, 118,% 1248, 1149, 1059, 934. 773 and 690, all lit noth district anil 3rd section of said county, each contalnin..' !" more crl€- s. This March 0th, 1891. WM. JOHNSON, Sheriff. --- Grai .ling,Soauldmg %• Co.) Haral-cn A’ vs. LOourt — Tallapoosa J. Williams 1 Circuit, January Adjourned Term, 1891. It appearing to the Curt 1 > the tition of Gramling, Bpauldlug & Co., that. J. Wi’Uams on the \fct ihv: id! May, 1880, executed and I, paid Gram ling, Spaulding ^ Co. aTnortgage on 4: .vo tracts ol land 3yii.-g ill :*aido »untj to wit: Town ,'ot Xo. 57 In the plan of the town of Buch¬ anan in said comity, contalnin:: fifty ’ y oic - liim drcil feet; and lot of land No. 1107 In the SOtudl • trie-twulM-.lsection originr.lly CT’.erolax . row Karalson county, coiiodning T''aqrfes more or 1 ■ for the purpose of securing tho paviueptof r •.■.•, certain promissory notes for the aggregate sum of one hundred and fifty-live <l»ilr.r* besides In terest and ten per cent, attorneys fee. made l-> the said J. Williams on tlio 1st day of Mu.y.1 •*!. a miimy..b1o to said Grinding,Spaulding* Co. due oi:o day rutrr date with interest irom d ite at fh0 Mteof8i,er ,,w,t ' ^ : ‘ n,,um ' an<1 c ,, ' t ■ of eoUecting, including 10 per cent, attorneys tec-, which said note; the oald J. trill lotus refr. •. s t;> pay. It is therefore.ore.:-:red that the said ,1. Wi'.' lams juf into tin court, or. . before th- ' term thereof, the ]>i'ir.cipr<!. inter-st and alh.r neys fees due thereon and the costs of this •»:«. >r in default thereof tlie Court will proceed .;■ to justice shall appertain. And it is further ord- r edthatthi 1 ruts he ymblished in the Ba.nm forv-.d oil T.ctVillhi'.ns or his special agent or at f.-rne:- three months previous to the next term of thu €i;:!K - C. (C .Tanks. Judge, S. C. A true extract irom minutes of court, Tl.'is Ffb. iOfh, J8S1, J. S. >1. Il!OGi:i!s,C.K.C. IMTOIITA^T TO TaX L'JKS ONLY. Wo want a woman in every county to establish a Co, set Pa. lor for the sale of NI.,I,..;. to bieak, v. ill outwwear any three ordinary corset'.;. Wages-s-pi to 87Si per month and E 5 :E IrSSSf r. close 13 cents stamps to pay postage etc. address with references. G. D. NICHOLS * CO.. 25 East 14th St., New York. THE CELEBRATED i WILCOX k WHITE i OPMITS tr.y •! »i; r TOOK FIRST PREMIUM AT TUE LATE PIE DM ON T ENI*'- )SITIOM. Terms rearonabie and made easy. For particulars address IT* U . ft w < nl'AiiI, Agent, rraketewn, Ga. sin m> sum tress. I am now prcjiarcil to do any kind of repair work—Clocks, watvber, -Sewing Muchiuca, Mate <>t rfcj'air Puirgies, Wagoni. Carrs. Cold and silver plating • y ck-ciricity. Just west or Backbone mountain I', mlU v C't oi Ikiclvanan. J. S. U:lAN. IT A ti y. rv«T 1 tiiMEs %jLj 4 ; da Blood Purifier Cures Boify, Old Bores, Scrofulous Ulcers. Sore? uloua SoreSwScrofulous Humor and all scrofaUbnA diseases BlcxxJ Primary, Secondary Ulceroua aud Tertiary cliseascKOei Con tageouft I’oiaon, Sores. the Scalp. Salt Rheum, Blotches, Pimp* les.Itc’i,Tetter,King-worms.Scnld- ltiicusnattoi:;, Coiutitutional Blood Band Poison, .Eesnsa, Mew curial Kbsurantism, Diseases of the Boner-. Gt.o eral Debility and all diseases s rising from import Blood or Hereditary koy Taint. Retaeiiy Sold Qo.j bv retail own- Col. iisto, ptv bouie. Atlauto, ■ ■■ ■ MlS Shf* ► ssstsesat & 0J B *3*Ask for catalogue, TERRY M’F'G CO., NASHVILLE. TEWH. w 0 ; F Iftrw N t& 18 {fried S riff HJIIpwimI vtrenuth* ov TTija p Lihixild tiffcv* Tpoiii , Icti Dceullar fio taek* i»ez» it# Uk'|l||W|9 re m fm jj | jnpKflH jjfwj i.j| lr f^oS ) avt®* ’ j ( dr " 1 *' M ^ — «*E fawsl pa 4 | 1 &h* Tk| $ flESTTfl&ilC. Tc?ui 3 roolicmp cnr*oines rji,i>J^ for Irou ^th ];w vo/rrUbl® r\zs? toI<JP, unit I is bivA. v ?>?« ;-*on xa Xi'tuHGlu aori ull \,}u !c.\dsecter.1,: y It ;vv« : r»rt ifeo '••'wtrJatpss U.t Apatite, ^trcn^.iSt»f •fas Aho &r-4 Nfirv'i’fi-Y Cj.^aiT 1 bo fw”.. tAptaVm, ttioroutfh.'y and: m.airav i Mem ter. (Kaecrth, co u’K' >>■ J.t does jg’: wachcn t h «* Ic^CLGa- ii'fi Iwvid.Htio, o: protkua wstir.ictti'iM—od madid jim.'Suau.msa Hump, 7» ITenw31 fn, HUlv/ta. PT, ^l|?-- W; “Jfi r 7,^ ekrr c^ CV-JuptHiriAt-. bei*. ww w- aa4 •*% iiave •anffoivd nra/.uc ZKiiouy iroux nctlhr.jf WeswM Cc-n:*'Uirtt.?., .Tlrcprri’s aad Jj:un -sa :kl rbti-te. 7 rtiiui ixutii esi-vjpJ'i ’ Genciir-. h- : Vis.rl' - o Acr r- r r 1 ro t lima; on wsapper. TtkrtsW other. Mr,.!.- only ly siuo’wa; i.o, lux/smum^teak, _ Pnup l’ttlff rnadoat \ 1 YiVj iHiMSkn ct vi’Hi? You Hr-,:, . do iho , m w»"fk r f 51 aaA ) 0.00 livo «. ( ^ I v'-^v lv ,lt hoiop, vy h«r c.nn *you -iff:. Even bo , j % P - % 1 y?* /'3 du" 7 "'V*ro ^y^fifotJ ■■ EE .11 a licit .k €!«.. «!<*» SMOJTareiAndtMifrltte Pfr*S i, T!BrT ; 2 s s 3,0 trl r-'jtelv* fa ^ f It ^ 'V.^' ^, " b. *3* llfP PI pi 'W* JL«r Vi mt 5 f I 5 5^1 ;/.4 ^ 3 S’ H yt-f jyA«aaB fi-hg SaH r-y. Hi p Oi BsASfc p (iviL _ \ UiCaD-' r.‘i C.OSL-Od and admired by all. Among tho tilings which may best 1 h> dune to M lKiv .4 oJ! V,> xVVId l-i-f' T .'.chiiy i'Jr * ^ V ’ ^ y V -' Igor. jNO - . IHiirOcr Xr—h JcoM ..VA What tho c.«lor of ■ a . . rj.A hail* tl’ls nvena. V 2v:. . >: ft’$£$***— ration gives it , a Jus " tre and pliancy that I ~ charm. adds greatly Should to tho its vL^ hair lie thin, harsh, 4 ^ £ ,1^1 dry, or turning gm&, 4/W m -aii' Aye^s Hair Vigor will restore the £_A —* color, bring out n now growth, and render the old soft and shiny. For keeping the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, there Is no better preparation m the market. “ I am free to confess that a trial ol Ayer’s Hair Vigor has convinced rue that it Is a genuine article. Its use has not only caused the hair ol my wile and daughter to be Abundant and Glossy,' but it has given my rather strutted mus» tachc a respectable length mid Ohio. appear* 1U10O. "— lv. Britton, Oakland, “ My hair was coming oaf (without either). any assistance from my wife, I tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor, using fine only one bottle, and 1 now luive as a hi;;nl of hair as any one could wish for.” -Ti. T. Sellmit.ton, Dickson, Tcuu. “ T h ive used Ayer's Hair Vigor in my ftvody for a number of years, and rtv yard 'it as the best the hair scalp prcjiaration clean, the I know of. It keeps hutr toft and lively, nud preserves tho r-rigiu il color. My wife has used it for n ion ; time with‘most satisfactory M. re¬ sults.’*— 'Beniamin II, Johnsca, D„ ■j'homae Hill, Mo. “ My lusir was becoming harsh and dry, but niter using half a Dottle- ol Ayer's I Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy, cannot express Tin’ Hardy, joy anu Debt gratitude Ill. * I feel.”—Mabel 0. van, Ayer’s Malt* Vigor, peepap.ed r.v Or, J, C. Ayer it Co., Lowe!’, Mass Sold by Druggists ami Perfumers. IMS 3£5 1 wfAil P fa M fii M Caveats. am! Trade-Marks obtained. and ^i. Pat¬ ent bnslnesa conducted for Moderate loss, ti Oar Office Is CppMilo U. 3-. Patent Office, and we can secure patent la lose tiKe than those remote from Washington. drawing photo... with uescrlp Send model, patentable or not. free <d iloa. We r.dvlse, If or la secured. c'anrse. A Pamphlet, Oar fee -How not due to Obtain till palest Patents." with names ofLctuel clients in your State, conutv, or totrajen^rge^ Address, C.A,BmW&G0, C. Opposila Patent Ofilce, VVeeiilngton, D. T-Z 2Z *WHITE IS Itl^ mmm ; 35-i« V /.vTJ'b ti i / i V ■ -t 'A” I ( A.-M ,1 v, ^ .. M - m i'te % biM ‘ m 'it)' •rTHfl'-V- WvMm fiS EASIEST SELIMS, Till BBT S&TSSfWi a n r f im If sy I 1 ^ r 7 u A nil INF i’ua fill C 3 1 W In tli© World. rME MOST ELZGArMT, STRONGEST AMD BEST WOODWORK OI'! TWK ftfiARKST fOMMlvaBr nr vnC MtCt 0KB SPIES SATWPACTJfia . "KB Wins 13 THS PEXR OF ANY SSWINQ KAOHtW Ye WHITS is thb ushtest runnikq akd sss FiWiSCTD »*™ m w YHE ■« KET " » COBSTBUCTIOM IS SIMPLE. miTlYl 4 0URABSJ ITS WORKMANSHIP IS UNSURPAS8E0. TOW CAM SECURE THE ASSR8Y IF YOU APPLY * OMCfi. AS WS WANT DEALERS »« UN00CUPIE9 rapi,n “ Fries;? ami Terms Ssds £alk;&story. ’ "/ ( While pacing iscMng So. i#JJt*£S.KBaea - o ervrp»3 1MR w #4 vY* (¥% 6 f *k fk 5 f -A. TJi&'st! i ■:iiCertsk*toi>ri*iir ; 1 ^ C?UUiSrJsf^'virHSsS^ fi s ,5 . ■ .. thoir AVIFU 0 .'_u i i IU '3 ATb t Yv '2 <’T tllCY !ivC-.T > V .;:: f.Ino fsimifl’a 1 | lilt? Ko KiNtniiuutireinp'iovim’Utjlitwhicb for tboYO. yov cniwhcu IVoiiytiua tbet auicunt. quickly Uiouev iiipt;nk-sH «!iccf«fifui .is j JaRrupd. 1 . but o»f: worker from each vlutricj; orcoiuitv. I ; a-’ 1 -: istt .,|UB. tail ij-iiciasr* Jf.Fbjfijfb, Ai.iirwButcu.'e, 14. C. AhL£S. Hox 4*0, Jtf eiae. ; ■ ■.®A ' ■ ■■ FkucIi Wlna Coca ©ti engUveus and EsJjIferates;, Sustains owl refreshes, attSs ffigsstinn, Jsnpari* new energies to fit© worn or exhausted mind end body, mul excites every faculty to healthy acsKca, COCA B a wonderful tnvlgor.uor of the gcirttrl organ* 1 and la o specific for all nervous comphtints, such 63 sicx hkaxiach 3, xivv.jii.cfix, wak > jrcufK.*, u»s or jnoiotrr, xxKvota.ntiptoBa, i*os.i or Arra nm ram*aoK or warn, m „ Pemberton , __ 8 A ;n« Coca _ _ Win vitalize year blood and b*3ld up your health at once. lancers, MiTd3ter«, Teachers. OmtoM, Vocalists, aud ad who speak In public, will find the tVrne Coca, taken tell liour before ipeakiug, a spcdflc for the voice. WITViiP COCA .1* endorsed by over 20,00 eaiiuent Hectical Mem In the worid. aod Pomberton’s Wine Coca i» amusted the palm over a'l othex tnvlgoTaxits by physician* and people who have need it. Thesb is health xaa joy in Bvaar bottl*. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. i. S. PEMBBBTON & CO., Solo fTopnetars and Manufactirrera, ATLAIHAGA |1 ?! ill ‘.' 4 ', inflp till Vfi 9S» WP ^■',r h: a .ott - 5S . assaa . .. >*L . m ■fl fr MAM 1^^ $Fm 111 ansc he tk® r M FdR Fort 9 f flits T ■. o d t 1«ill! 111 b MU a p n II S3 RES B ^me BY ALL Intelllgout leaders will notice EoltS .• m "»*• W!wi « J U h i 111 r j ftps vneft “K’arrcmteil to eavc?’ all classssr* of dlreunos* Sou* only suefi us rcssBi, f noni fc «IIsi»pi 1 ops <1 Slvep, viai • Vertigo, Fevers, B Gostiveness, ! oadaGh€ ? Dyspepsia, Bliloagrr-; Coils, FJatuIeRse, etc. fallible, For these bait they nro nearly not waivantied it is jkS#* fl are as st> iaei ffiMe to mulio u reinody, S»rioo* feoetSjj as,. £O.LU» l5VIIitm r I£Eiiii, trrworr f^v'ssWKPe VIATeuiijsy cob oh j (hi not quickly ixal.t bow r.s tuu.:h, to fcic fh>sa *^£ v unru t» '\ 4 ’ 11 Both l!iv - v ’vf t-Uo »tjirt fi’i r fl-nd juor« In at- v-,v:; ro fitxos. ujru«. si: •• of |i* 4 ' fe,' T/’flA-inorit.-d, yon can cocuutncii ftt honic. %'r, &-•» 3 % '$.y ’ fal1 T ° ri; V0,U • ' ^ott.oe s«arn tiFYUJvarS-niS'fiTf :• t-rauh E <tal* t'j - Yfe P.U- •«"..«» evf rr Yr»<:", Wool :art you. fiiriahirf?; —Tythlnjr. EA.SLI.T,. FiTiiLE. Artdrew 2UI5.aH a.’i ,-a^p* BTOBC.N & to,, JKxilU.3^ i I »• ismwM i J 5 COMMIT iE FJHMCI^ ^ :/ : 4 V- 7 / 43 r i i >J <S^ i -.i i 4 t- Ij : l I wmm A A4Afc«* 4^UUyyW^*A0<ia8 _ ^* e importance o. ... purifying the blood . , CSE not be ot firestimated, lor without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health, At *™** a E(!arI 7 every on® needs » good Diedicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and wo ask you to try Hood’s P.o.c>ssjjpp “wtUlldl Sarsaparilla. Itstrengthena and builds Ep tlio system* creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it erailicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, ol **’- e vegetable remedies used give to.. p 0011 curative s Sarsaparilla powers. pecul- No *T*^ tEgeajJ^ othermeucinehasaneh arecordof wonderful cures. If you have made up your tnind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not Tic induced to take any other instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and la worthy your confidence, nood’s Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass, IOO Doses Qno Dollar;