The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, May 14, 1891, Image 5

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CORRESPONDENCE. B EE MEN. Mr. T. E. Kirkley, our worthy citizen with his family, have move to Tallapoo s;v. We hope they will find it pleasant in their new home and the ladies so full of zeal will do much good there. The present cold snap seemed to stop the growth of vegetables. Snakes arc being killed, but no one comes forth with any extra ordinary snake story yet. Wo are reminded of tbc old serpent whose wicked trail can be seen through this country. The .Sunday school seems to he taking on new life and the Indie’s prayer meet¬ ing sometime. 1 ; gets on a boom. Rev. David Bryant had his only mule to die lately, which to him is a serious loss, as he expected to use the nude in plowing the garden and making an houcst support. The stock law is in force and the goats especially arc being put up to await the eomiug of their owner to release them. The wife of Rev. F. C. Johnson, Waco, died this morning at 2 o’clock. Rev. M. S. Williams, of Villa Rica, is expected to preach the f tin eial. We extend our sym pathies to the bereaved family. May the tender spirit console our brother. Dr. C. W. Parker has just returned front a visit to his old parish, Mt. Zion, where i he spent a delightful week among those clever people. “La Fayktt.” LITTLE CREEK. IIaxneu-Mes.-exgeki—W c had a good old fashion singing to-day. Bro. B. O. Munroo and L. A. Oswalt led in the sing¬ ing and we went to the old man Martin’s for dinner and as usual old mother Mar¬ tin had a good dinner and you ought to have been there and seen Bro. Munroe hiding the chicken pie and oilier good things, and then lie set in on tlie honey and you bet he got there then and Os¬ walt kept close along by his side that time and I hope that they will come again and sing for us. Well, the farmers arc pushing things to tiy to get up with their work. Mr. A. G. Brannon wants his neighbors to take all their chickens to Martin’s store and sell them so that his negroes can work till night. It is so dark that the chick¬ ens go to roost before sun down. He told one of the old man WRupee's little boys that their chickens went to roost too soon and that his negroes thought it was night when the chickens went to roost and tlie old man is one of the most industrious men in this countvy and a good far mer for bis brother told me that Andy used to go to the field before day and get on tlio fence and sit there and cry because he couldn’t sec how to be at work. That is getting there and it is hard that ho can’t get his negroes to work till after sun up and then the chickens make them quit work before sun down aud I think that the neighbors ought to sell their chickens sq he can get a day’s work out of his negroes. I pity him and if I had any chickens I would sell them if I lived in sight of the field. That will all come right some day. The old widow Gober is getting very feeble now. She has been a woman of a good name. She is in her 07th year so they tell rne aud that is something un¬ common in this day. She moved to tiiis county when there was no one only Indi¬ ans here. She was tlie first white person that ever lived on Tallapoosa river. She had a hard time then and has had ever since her husband died and left her with n house full of little children to raise and she did a mother’s duty and raised them all to he good citizens and respected and HOW the time is not far.ahead when she will be rewarded for it. So no more. Jons Spinkins. * Constipation, blood-poison, fever! Doc¬ tors’ bills and funeral expenses cost about two hundred dollars: De Witt’s Little Early Risers cost a quarter. Take your choice. For sale by N oilf & Almon. Col. Brock and Hift lie form Party. Editor Banjjkr-Mkssknoku—T he Re publican tariff reform party is going to defeat tlio so-called. Democratic, party, Why do l call the Republican party the reform party? I call it the reform party, or the party that is really in favor of re¬ forming tlio tariff in tlio interest of the people of the United States, and not in the interest of Europe, b p to 1861 we had free trade or tariff for revenue only. Under this Democrat j<; tariff for revenue only, the people paid for a paper of pins from 15 to 25 cents for a paper; and 15 to 25 cents for sewing needles. Under this low system of Dem ocratic free trade we paid for a shovel plow not less than one dollar; for a scoo¬ ter plow not less than fifty cents and up to seventy-five cents. No.w, under this robber Republican tariff reform policy any person can purchase in the town of Tallapoosa ten large papers of pins tor ten cents; two largo papers of sewing needles for ten cents, which is one tliou sand per cent cheaper to the consumer under this so called Republican robber tariff than they were under the Deinocrat ic tariff for revenue only. Any person can purchase a finished steel turning plow for twenty cents that under Democratic free trade cost 81.25. This is five hun¬ dred percent cheaper. To-day in the town of Tallapoosa any person can pur chase a nicely finished scooter plow for less than was paid for the making of such a plow previous to the year 1801. To-day in tlie town of Tallapoosa any person can purchase 10 pounds of fine white sugar for 81.00, and f predict, that in a few days 18 pounds can bo purchased in Tal¬ lapoosa for 81.00. Xot.e the difference in tlie prices paid under low Democratic tar¬ iff, or tariff for revenue only, and tlie ju i¬ ces paid under a Republican protective tariff, ami answsr which party is the guilty party; what party has committed the most robbery? Which party got the most of the consumers money? I deny that either party is guilty of robbery. The Democratic party in National Con¬ vention addopted and set forth in their Platform on which they nomina¬ ted James Buchanan and elected him president the following: “The time has come for the people of the United States to declare themselves in favor of free seas progressive free trade throughout world.” If the above is not for absolute free trade for tlie absolute free admission of tlie products of the nations of the earth free of any tax, I cannot understand their meaning. This being the policy of the Democratic paity, tlie Republican party differed with the Democratic party as to this free trade policy and set forth in their National Platform the principles of protection to American industries in the way of levying a tariff or tax on for¬ eign imports for the support o£, the gov¬ ernment for the purpose to discharge the National debt and for the further pur¬ pose to give aid and protection to Ame¬ rican industries, and for the purpose to aid tlie American people in the develop¬ ment of our American resources. This tariff which is so objectionable to a large portion of our jieopie is every cent collec¬ ted on foreign imports to be sold to the American people. The American people can produce 75 per cent of every thing that they consume. Why should Europe have the right free of tax te dump out their products here in the United States? Every dollar’s worth of products that are imported into this government, such as our people can produce, is to that extent a hinderance to our people and competes with their products and reduces the wa¬ ges of our laboring people. The Republican tariff reform party is in favor of reforming tlie Democratic free trade tariff foi revenue only that existed previous to the year 1804. They have reformed the Democratic tariff, and they are going to continue to do so in the in¬ terest of the Amarican people. They in¬ tend to have free trade or a free exchange of products between the different nations on suck products as we can not pro¬ duce. It appears to me that the Democratic party is actually mad from the fact that the Republican tariff reform party is reforming the Democratic tariff policy that existed previous to the year 1801, and by so doing and reducing the prices to the consumers on an average of three hundred per cent. So you see our finan¬ cial condition or our being in debt is not caused by tlio tariff tax. The second act passed by the first congress of the United States in its preamble said that it is necessary for the support of the gov¬ ernment for the discharge of the debts of the United States and the encourage¬ ment and protection of manufacturers that duties be laid on imported goods, wares and merchandise. This tariff act was approved and signed by President Washington with ten other protective tariff acts, all approved and signed by Washington. Thomas Jefferson high duties arc necessary to foster rican industries. Were these good men robbers? Did they rob the American peo¬ ple by favoring a policy that protected the American people and had the effect to build up the American people and al¬ so to encourage American manufactures? My Democratic friends call the tariff a robber tariff and the Republican party a robber party. What do you say gentle¬ men of President Washington? Was he a robber? What do you say of Thos. Jef¬ ferson, Ilenry Clay, James A. Garfield, Samuel J. Itandall? What do you say of every President of the United States ex¬ cept three? Were they all robbers? They were all protectionist. The Repub liean tariff reform party added to the money circulation in the last congress nearly 011c hundred million of dollars, which was opposed by the Democratic members and they are going to give to the people an increase of the circulation money in sufficient amount to do the bu¬ siness of tlio people and country and they are going to predicate it on a solid finan¬ cial basis. Not on tlie sub-treasury plan of mortgages on land, corn, wheat, oats, cotton,potatoes and the mortgages made payable to the government. This gov¬ ernment is not going into the mortgage brokerage business with every man or person that wishes to borrow a few dol¬ lars. The people need not expect any such legislation on the part of congress. The Democratic party was in control of the lower branch of congress from 1874 with as high as 65 majority until 1888, when Harrison was elected President with a Republican congress. The Demo¬ party held the lower branch of | for 15 years with a large major¬ also had President Cleveland at the of the government. Why did not the Democracy repeal the so-called rob¬ ber tariff laws? Why did not the Democ¬ racy increase the money You say Cleveland is a good Democrat. You say the Democracy is in favor of the free coinage of silver. If so why did they not pass a free coinage law? Have they just found out that the people need a greater volume of money put into cir¬ culation? I fear that tlio Democrats that expect much from the next Demo, cratic congress will be badly disappoint¬ ed in the way of tariff reform, also disap¬ pointed in tlieir financial legislation. They will say and promise a great many reforms and do nothing for the good of the common people. Mark my predic¬ tion. We need no tariff reform in the in¬ terest of England and Europe but let us have all the reforms made in the interest of our people and our industries. W. Bbock. Mr. S. M. Solomon, Macon, Ga., says: I believe that Bradycrctiue is the most wonderful medicine for the cure of head¬ ache I have ever tried. An old negro woman at Dalton, pushed her son forward to shake hands with the President; but tlie latter reached clear over him and shook hands with a white man. Then the worn ui said: “Come on home, Jobn; ’ taint no use. Harrison may be a’publican, but he ain’t got no mo’ use fer a nigger den a white man lias. Come ’long home, en let him go to de dehbii— fo’ dat.s jes’ wliur he lie’s gwine!” Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism and most diseases originate from impure blood. Cleanse it, improve it, purify it with De Witt’s Sarsaparilla and health is restored, strength regained. Sold by Neill ifcAlmou. a^jg? — m ■ <•] FI LLY WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. DELIVERED AT R. R. STATION FREE V. R. DAVIS, Agent, Temple, 8a. j| M |j Rj ff*“j i < ^K'WD«Ok 3 Pj We Go! Where? To T, J. LOVELESS & SON'S To Buy__ The Cheapest and Best HATS tn Town! The Nicest and Best Dress Goods In Town! The Cheapest and Best SHOES In Town! Well in fact everything we need. They keep it and we are going tc buy it! Yes; come along, Ladies and Gentlemen, we aro ready tc you wliat you want, and at Lowest Figures. Respectfully, J. Love!e 35 & So g XT-’ B t & E rur MlhJj" to K'' r W‘ «s - I wish to call the attention of my lady friends to the fact I have just received a nice line of *HAT * TRIMMING, # RIBBONS, * LACES * ETC.. • I have hats worth from 25 cents to $3.00. Call in and see before buying elsewhere. Mrs. t. P, M’Kissack. BUCHANAN, GEORGIA. WE ARE IM THE LEAD FOR FINE QUALITY AND STYLE OF SPRING VEHICLES. THE MOST FOH THE I0NEI IS OHS MOTTO. BEST ONE OF MATERIAL OUR CATA¬ WORKMAN- AND X KPfglr FULLY LOGUES' iL - SHIP - '‘‘‘"““MS a; A j| LUST OUR RATES LINE. ININS. utiasisi az a. SMALL m LARGE ORDERS RECEIVE BEST ATTENTION. A SAMPLE JOB WILL CONVINCE YOTJ THAT OUR WORK IS THE WORK TO BUY. BRIDGEWATER CARRIAGE CO. ZRO-AJSTOIEIEJ, "V-A.