The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, July 30, 1891, Image 8

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The 3 e*t in the World flu "DAVIS." \ I FOR fCISKJCS, ECO., ABDRB68. MIIS SFWiNG MACHINE CO. h 2 T. -ji if, 3. CTLibAGO.KUX* V ** fipasity, 400 Machines per Say. m* asi [ iVl 0: ^P| jjg l 2g>’ RH Vs Km m • HN EaSq KK ■ : -I— 1 - - - —— - - i nr SHOP* or THi BA VIS SEWINfl MACH IKE M AT DAYTON. Oil 10. *>3 & YOri-L zO; oa* 5 B 2 2 v- m C3 E % O ~2> A NEW r~ ^ vhj r ? 3>-i _ o r m 0«M ^ b \ z u O BTRA *.CS t *=a . *€ ■£ s: SC fj Si m , % , if) Walter HE PS fl g p cti Uu i M e-1=1 Iff § x 45 & ■S'! *3 ? - r A Vi jL±L fesr 5 mi S %i I 4 M’U&J. .’nmrtHUp iffA V wimsi cHlCACM^, ts UNfflM SWlAHS. !iY '} V i f'.M - w -. Soc'.M.aAaA « tU |TA.JA. as-iawtat M r05? aAix av *nHMW MtBlf B 4 M 0 HCIS. m SBSmt&Sgm Siiisla Hoed. DICT ATO R, Double Reed Deeiere-ploase- send fog-Catalogue. So Harmon iwm. gold at Hotair. *J<Hor P."iriclTToi r & son, Jjn^«?4srg aad Wlioleiolc Den-Jor* la all kinap-of WUSJCAL. MERCHANDISE, A3 ^io.WiUkir gjtrept, Non vprft. 7 • ■' M m % m mm oases * m Aslc for catalogue. TERRY M’PO QO.. NABHVII.U. T£NN yrr '^7' *'««»», ^^S.^fSwo.81 a: Hi .ini*, ffmir, Tok-Ju. UbM. b lb K;„ ^■nr-i-.iii. .varkaiK* Von.rfli: .:<> Ill,- it*-* r*>:m Jtt! noittp, ivj;r>rfvor.Y.nv. -tTf. IvvomAf* /.fttHRUir* uvb iMUJ.l.y a»mit8<5 fVon if S 10 : l?!0.niinv..'A'1i iVc r!>otv youlio-.v dU,il fiiBii voii. On work 5u finavpliuift or in ti**; time. Riff -4%. wftrk- l: <?re, f’niUu-c ttftfetk. s*ii . NlW n«<: veniid"! v*c« if>.?’ .\H, u *5i — s Shwi ' f 10 W be old e/ore th» court famine door »u Bt ct anar Ga wi*h’:i tbc Icjrnl hours f * d<- >n the i»t in S''r>temher,189i, to the hlghe t bidder for cash, *be following property, to-wit: One 20 horse power Eclipse 10x12 cylinder en¬ gine and portable toiler, one Eclipse saw mill, one out off saw, two pulleys one shaft, one log j carriage, o:ie pair of lumber trades, one driving I belt and two cut off bolts. Isirlf# on as tho property of N. E. Allen, A. I? Allen and W. T. Favor to satisfy one mortgage ft fa Issued from the Superioi Court of Haralson comity in favor of the Erich Company gainst N. K. Allen, A. B Allen and W. 'I'. Favor. Property pointed ont in ti fa. ALSO, at the n-.nie time and place will be sold I a tract of oil. in too town of Buc hauan, Ga., i said land iwniuded >n the south by p roporty of W. A, McCalman. on the west hy lands of Joe j W. Kelley and on the north bv an alley running | ea'-s and west ftl< ng south side of H, C. Head's ) inclosure. Bait! (ract of land being a part of lot j of land No 48 in the 7th district and 5th section I of originally Carroll now Haralson county, Oa., 1 and where K. H. Burden now lives. Levied on ‘ a the property of E. H. Burden by virtue of one tax ff fa issued by tax collector of said county I f gainst said K H. Burden for his unpaid slate 1 and county tax* s for the year 1888. : A 1,30 at tbesame time and place will he sola the north half of lot of land So ?f. in tho 8th dls ; trie* and 5t,b section of Haralson county, (!a.; ievu -0 v n a. r ' the property of Vf. S. Fuoket to sat ; iify ou? Justiic court ti fa Issued from the 653rd I district. <4. W of said county in favor of Z. T Mar.isews. l^vy made and returned to me by i t. This July 29th. 1891. WAT. JOHNSON, .In Sheriff ORDINARY’S ADVERTISEMENTS. GB*JRG1A- HARA.I.SON COUNTY. Ail persons ,:e hereby notified that a petit; >n of Rixtedn free hoi ers of the 1475th !!i>tri<’t (). M.. said uo»r.tJ, has filed with me their petition asking that an election be held In said district as provided for under section 1455 of the revieeil | node of 1*82 or. the question of Fence or Stock jjjtw. Witness my haws ami official signature. This noth day of July, 1881. h. M. li.AVK.N FOR?' Ordinary. ! GFUUGf x -IIAHAUIOX COUNTV To all whom it may concern • E. H Kingsley, J administrator f the estate of A. E Hull has in ! due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sou the lauds bolongin z. to the estatt of said dc - i "ea-'ed and s*io application will be heard on the lirs 1 Monday ir. September, next. This 29th day of only, 1391. S. M. 1>AVENFORT, Ordinary uiEirltGiA—h aralsox Count*'. Whereas, S. W. Strickland, administrator Dr bonis non of the estate of Jas. F. Strickland, de ceased, represents to the eourt In his petition duly filed and entered on feeord that he has fully • ...inin itcreri Jrs. F. Strickland’s estate; tnit is thew^ate to cite alt persons creditors to shov cause if any they can, why said administrator should not be distdrargtd from his admiulstration and receive’etters of disnisM u or. fee first Monday in Novem i*er. next TWs fuiv 29th. 1591 I GKOR(HA--Ha kausox County, a; persons are hereby notified tUr.t a new Ma* licia District has bee?*, formed from the 1077th district sax’ comity; said district commencing ! at tUe north 'vest corner of land lot No. 99*, ! thence dua oast to the north cast coiner north of ;.:t | fio. 913; thence north to the Polk line to i west corner of lot No. 488, district 29; thence due east to Paulding line to north cast corner of 488, district 19th and 3rd section, thence south to soutU east corner of lot No. 302, district C and ! section 5; thence west to south west corner of ; lot 34 hi ?tU district and 5th section-, thence north to original district line near south east corner ■ mb district and 3rd section. thence : ot lot 1261 , i west to south w.-?; corner of 1260; thence north to starring ,oi;it. W.tcess u;y hand and official signature, tuts Jui e Uth. 183' S M. DAVENPORT, ordinary. NOTICE. Notice :.i hereby given that application will he m»-ie to me >,resent session of the General At sembiyofGe r@i.»to repeal Section 8 of the Act! ‘ ■ aytaM*.‘h s system of public schools in the cl ty of TaUaporjsa and provide for tie raainten accc s-.t port of the same and for other pur¬ r-os 33 Haul sect i*i. wads as follows Be it . further enacted that s-'i-l Foard cr. Fdunation ':.m. and present the -an'e to the County School j ! i ' joumUssto,ier f ^•■•d couoty. and i- shall he hls ' l! *ty to pay over to saidi Foard at Education, or | to 8’ioii oti.vr jo-rAon* •»» Uiey may appoint to re- j -Vive w.esu.d prorata part of the pubii. I school fund an may he due such public schools within said city and rq provide instead thereof that said ci ty of Tallapo<*sc shall receive its \>to rata .if the imbli: sch.oc! fund in proportion to the ,u mi.'- of the school population of Haralson cotix.t;' witiii the it:corporate limits of said city t Talr* po'-s-, Ga., July 9th, 1891. C. Vf. a ’JUT. Char. Board of Education. W. A. SMITH, G. M. WOODLEY LIb'd For Pivoroe. Mattie Evans Libel for divorce la liars! ■ vs. ' son Siiperi*-! Court, Jatiua IV. D. Evans 1 ry Term. 18S1. 1 Pa • in: t an v ide* in aaid fuse, granted by Hon. C..G. !w«; , T udg»of said court, th: de j feudant, W. i) fi'vRns, is hereby cited ai d noli 3e*l, personally or ly attcfiiey to I c and appear rt the next term • the Superior C.-nrS fer aaW county is* lie held i.ji the 3rd Monday In 1*31. then and ;a»e. to answer the plaintiff's IP el for rlivn ce. »s it, d- fault thereof, aid court will proewia. W shallappe;tain. ':uc Ik<ir * ' Jn'judge of said court; tbjs i m. n o. fi in mnas«i.s r oiorl: Siypciipr,T;ourt I LOT* MT Bt.SSSKD JESt'8. Written by Kunrii* Fwrg-usftn May ISlh. IHI. I l ove my bloused Jems, I’ll tell you the reason why, Do came tv save the sinners, And for the sinners died, f love my blessed Jesus, Because ho first loved ine; Re never will forsake me, If I but faithful be. • I love my blessed Jesus, Because bo is so good, He gives a light to guid Ine Through the dismal gloom. I love my blessed Jesus, The cross ho died there ou To save the wretched sinners, And carry them to God. I love my blessed Jesus, I ones his face did see; He said to doubt no longer, My sins he would forgive. I love my blessed Jesus, Because he is so dear; He’ll help rae bear my burdens; I feel that, lie is near. Specimen Cases. S. IT. Clifford, New Oassel, Wis., tyas troubled with Nemalgia and Rheuma¬ tism, hia stomach was diaovdei e«.l, his liver was affected to nn alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly re¬ duced in llesii and strength. Three bot¬ tles of Electric Bitters cured him. , Edward Shepard, Harrisburg, Ill., had a running sore on liis leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven lx xes of Bucklen’s Av fiica Salve, and hi* leg is sound and well John Speaker, Catawba, G., had five large fever sores ou his leg, doctors said be was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cur¬ ed him. Sold at Neill ft Almon’s drug 3toi p. DO YOU «x- tV Aft » VTfii 1 VATtd ___ _ AN& BLACK SMITHING D()I10 . RDU 8<l TSiiSOliB&lP pn«* • and I at a a* the a' time you need it? Yes, we do. Well then call on C.H. GIBSON & W. K. GROCE at T. P. Moor’s old stand in BUCHANAN. - GA. , ,, ver - v «f wd , ' .,iUs Littte.E;»r;y Rioers, the pih for constipation, biliousness, seek headache, For stile bv Neill ft Aim on. JL ICE.A.ML i 1 to bri«fl/ teach any fairly r<ai intelligent end vrrlte, person &ud of either sax, vvao caa 'tfi-ts after Instruction,will Three .Thonsauf! work. inox-Mtoueiy, OolJ bow to earr. live.I will alaofuruiih t-.r* a tfearm fheirown loralitlea,wherever which they that fiftntMvn cremployruor t,at you con e«ru amount. JSo money for meualeM succsssfttl'as above. district Enmily and quIcAIv I learned I doulro hut one worker from each or cotmfy. have already taught si.d j.-ovUled «ith employment IX'EHy a le.:za number, who ere making over i|3rM'*i each Ife Jg?c,' , 5fj££jca!! A.X.I£EJ&3E?SS.-SS HSffl ii PS 1 S 1 S! tO §o1t mrnilfcmimir. F «g 5 utP«»I u? .Agaa stylo 70(1, contatotng 0 00 - 'A wmlR »ves, * sets o* reedu, 10 i ?53.W. With right and loft ~A JMp A«i3qS 7:' coupler. ' ! IVatfamod ice 6 TTlTouIy rears. *_________ I'ai-sef yen'3 ([i ary to references ae to yoi-r r-v eponsibility from any hunk- vBB-riPwmeisni 'S'JL lfjWii or, poeUunrter. mevchrut or i' express shipped ageui and the Organ will ho ajjg promptly " on j&m^w'iMM&Y ten day bt trU.. CW'.dTSt’l mb' t"i”a!T! __ Solid Be lure to write ew, and save money. j vaU-v.t cases ‘‘AD ” is Slf UtloB Paper whore tills sees. Re elected Mayci April 9, iS39, by a large majority. H. W ALLEOER, ^ashLigtcs,: barren County, li’etv tersejk ! UNITED *v*Tta OrkMWItt, &. Purely V eget able RemMy, --------- , exempt of mineral poisons, bad oc :rs and taste, acting op the liver, kidneys and system, cur-ng _ Headache, f Rhemufitism. Biadder:<nd ' L! " ver fvoubies, 3S3S3u iath.e.npny/Orejl .‘J aii.boymi prescn-ijytion* DONT Skip This; IN buying an ail.icle, tin- cauKCioos ness of nn / ng eecured the bent pos¬ sible results for the rtmny invested, leaves one iu a frame ot nund that ie sat¬ isfying In tho extreme. Therefore to - BUT A WHITE SEWING MACEKB 0’- 'ft-faKa 91 1 ii V 7 ¥ W /1 Will assure you of experiencing this most pleasing sensation. WHAT More Could YOU ASK ? Live. Enterprising dealers wanted. Ad¬ dress for Lowest Terms WHITE SEWING MCHSE CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO. Mexican Mustang Liniment 1 mm and FOR Forty Years ! THE I ■ 1 k flO k t!II. For Safe or ALb DRUGGISTS. P|a» w 3SS u lit' r* J't - '* ; f ; . ' i iSetB sraFlS wms ll0fi *£j?3SP m » .0, H hh mm IE® i |p jO THE CELEBRATED t WILC 3 ? ft WHITE * OmJJ- 4 w|. PIANOS Tcr*’7 Isa I’ M AT THIS f *'v\t np 'YPOHLIOK if t r. V-lo and made easy. for ] ' u C. 1 * * . 4 ‘ Agent, u. S-^OTT. HI D^lwtowa, G-a. Gremlin*. Sp.'.r.Winp & - Haralson Sv.t er:-n vs. , Coart — TalU'i, J WmtHTS ■ Circuit, January J !*», j.iu’ucWTcnu, 'ji. It appearing to the Cou Ly the p« t rite 1 i Grawliufc, GprUdiog ft C*. that t WHUanw.-u I the 1st ! ny of Vs^iw. .-.vernwt and delivered i to said Gram.’vf Spaulding sabl « Co, uuty » nvoitgagc to wit: j on two tracts ’ Ian ’. lying ir ■' ‘ No yV in lan of the t >wu if Pucb Town lot. | in said etc r vy, containing fifty by om hvn' anan ii j dml feet ;.uv. o’lant ;.Vo. 1 o7 In the ' >*t ; trictami ii J.' n ot iglnvHy tllic' i- a now ftaraisou con-ty mfitaialn^JB acres more or .esc forth*purpose •>; sieurl the paj no'it’ .•! f, Certain proa story notes 1 r the aggrevute stu:. of one hundred ard *ifi> i ,’e dollars he*- '.!es :i - terest and tew par cent, attorneys ice, m i 1* ,y tbesoldj Wfii.av.ssontbe 1 st day of Mav.iss,, and payable t • sail Graini ng, Spaulding at C j dne one day alter date wU in terest fmv. uh'. ; »t the rate of 8 per v ns. p< t untim, and :> ?*•* of collecting, Inciuditij 10 pm .vnt. mbiriu-y* fees, wbicusaid notesIhe ••a.d J Williams nu n--; pay. that toe saijl.’. ' It is therefore ordered < iauispav into tb c:>; t r. or bgfore the r.-xt term there't the prw eipn., interest am! tt'ar ncys fees One the* ■■ >‘n ; viiecostaot thUsrp. in default thereof -,V ■ 'can will pr iceetl j u Jottieeshall appertain. And It Is farther * 1 r eAtlittthis ra'.-f ’• kihUsweu in itx Hannx;.. Mkssexoki’. ar-w.-(ru>ei publishedIti tb- -.vy of Haralson, o cs a month for lour more, .s j* served on T. W lliaroR or t:‘p special agi-r.t v*k torney three monrV-’prc’-i torhe next :*>' oP . this court. 0 O J.*rrs. Jrxpp * s t I. i A true extract from, mlnutor p.-u This Feb. 20Si. 13SI. J M. Btuo U) :s s Bo yon want to s:v»efvom 25 to Jo ats'-s on every Doll;’ y spend? If so. x: .c fa>r our Uiusti nteri Catalogue, eouta'. ;g Hhistiaticns and price? of every!.; ,/v manufactured ;■ the United .Stale: at raannfac'niers' pi ice: 10.000 Uiusf-i* , tions. all lines represented. ca: a LOGUEmailed .'roeor aupliration. Address, CHICAGO GENERAL - . * PLY CO., No. I”.; 'i*36t Van Bnr«; * NprlOlit Chicago, PI. Buokichi. Amies Salve The Beat dnivy in the world for t . Briiiso:, fr.-rtK, IJJeers, .Salt Rheum. A ve’ Sores, TetL” r--i • ! IT< biains, v J. 'tUskia'Rrujr’ >n* 'v i* poatlively curs Piles,or. no pay r-oir It is .guarantor'll • perfect lion, or irxMiOy; Price 5 cool; per bus. Fot'sr: 1 ;• Neill ft Ah;> ;• SALARY, S25 ’ K ElC.-WartS'l: G»u.h? Agent" toBfn f»'?r : t;e «i itieri hamliv- N«* peddling. Above saijl ary will be paid to “Eva” j gents. Fv'i further ipformavion, address: CHICAGO GENBTLAI. SUPPLY CO .' No 17,S ttVc Yp.h I't'.-eii St., Chicago, III. apr! S’ 'y iEHNl if mm m i l'a Caveats,and Trade Motvs all Pat¬ ent bushiess condac^el T-~ i-9jrate Fsss ffi Our Ofilcs I* OqyoslY ii. S. Patent Office and wc csoi/cl .'i oaten? 'r Ices time that these remote mode;, from W^ehinglor drawing r',;- \o.. with dee Scud r free ct tion. We ad •■•lab, fee if patent:.! Y.V. patent a or not, U saeuref charge set sue Patents,' with A PatopMsV.’Tlevr to ( iitAi.'. name a oi facias! clic-xlt iu;-, u: dt&tc, ermnty,or tOtVU. PC- atfirca Address, 7 C.A.SiMOW&CO Opn rite p 3lv*«t Office, ffrasMngton, Q. C. Iat«Illger>i Be&tieri will notice tZM ! Tiitfs Pills *»» not ••vvtri , as> 4 cd ! rt all (sSimv-cs garnet nr dlseswt, hat auiy surh «tx 1 »-«m u A if «vde»vd Elv-wr. vi* 1 HcsI^Ciie, Ctis^TiesR. Dy8p£p8i3| BiHoas j reverse Caffe F?9tulence, etc. JTor sitr vo f&cy err not traTOuM h; -n-* fallible, M b<« an neatly to a;, ft prs*-' ulhls t< moliff »- remissly. Prlco, iiis«<f8 - JEYIiEltWIAEIUS b ; lidas -ai3.- Fj- J,ts* 3. ' Wood i froy.N V - ----- tv n, -•>- ^ . ,ni ivo*)c (■ : u? mm, ‘ 'it ' rt .‘W rt’ «•'»* ivif Bjukc UHikc ?.» fa muib-i m u ;bj but !?*-• R> J fl ’B-'l’iLJ ‘ otf £•< fryra *■'. c '•; ■ jj »am ir* 1 . c t*«*y ' rt t tilu ilin btait. rr.ti moro u* v-o go aU a^rS };« RJiy , f fihb c*‘ir.nur .."0 r.t Jti.yfcS gtv- , fcr.-.-9t*»g;'bJi r goF tin)yjiOj'tjjnM SC Kh U'C V o L ,• VjHM.t Dpv ’ erery v-'-rkGr. . Vv'd vou,' 1 VAunv Bn&'-rtLt ’ -5w«‘‘- . '^Ui? YV yuKfc. WU:iUM\ «.1W 5*/ .,