The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, August 13, 1891, Image 8

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The Best in the World. The “DAVIS.” OVER HALF A MILLION IN OSB *i TOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS, DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO. BAYTOM, O. CHICAGO, XLL. Capacity, 40D Machines per Day. OTjjfi' S&fl gjgjjjjspQv.j IBs Z/J SEW SHOPS or THE DAVIS BEWIH3 MACHINE CQ AT DAYTON, OHIO. Guitar 1 5 ■ tr m !.k¥c. z; o X J* o v 4 « ■mmt a 3 » 5 STRATIc !r'A •r-e SM 1 IU mm ttta “Manliattan” £53 0.2 M 0«M §§ c M ft c*3 g £ Z O h H" •6 h . £> 2 i HE and £ 53 o u. :* « © Harp” 4 ^ Catalogue. z n- Mt 6? 5 O -J- ID * 08 2 Sfc .4 nil 5»ua IK .M mz mm HkJ r fiE ist? < 1 i A Mitnillj I cpffiBBgT-' ATTAGt\M£NT§! , : ' I- B 3 -gjTHt:plN£S7: gSt woodwork >32, ^ Ol.OS’/jtG^^ FOR SALE. BY STRATTON’S PATENT HARMONICAS. •t. ADMIRAL, Single Reed. DICTATOR, Double Reed. ilaaiera please send for Catalogue. No Harmonicas Sold at Retail. JOHN F. STRATTON & SON, Importers oni.Wholesale Driers io all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, 13 & 45Walker Street, Kew York. u. FINE SHOW CASES B &£'■ Ask. for catalogue. TERRY M’F’G CO., Nashville, Tenw. tV fljviSf little fortwnwh«T«b^ntn»doat Austin, work fur ua> Ity Anim !*;•{?«. Ohio, mul .Ino. Itonu, Tolodo. rut. Others t»rt‘«lt)ingnsw L-S!. Why W) not you? Home earn < oft*: - sfi<M>, i» mo ui It. You OH II do lilt 0 work and lira Lit home, wlioravMF you nre. V.ven Y>e plnmtr# are Himily utirnintr from #5 to $IOa<1(ty. All osr*'«. Can work WtfHlmvr i»» you how timo And start you. ’•pare z work or all tU«* time, litix uumey fhetii, ers. Failure wuutlerful. unknown ntuonjr MKW Mini Parflculars free, S|.lla.iu-ii A esl01*urHaj»«l,»t, «r (Continued from last week.) Wliat a Grand Chung* in Everything. When was there a time that people en¬ vied ono another more than they do at this present time? If a man tries to tlo anything to make an honest living, some ore is ready to begin some sort of talk to try to injure him in some way. Well, back again. After we moved to Big Creek,Haralson county was organized and with the excep¬ tion of about four months I have lived in the county, and most of the time light at the same place where I now live. I have been living hero 80 years in Janua¬ ry, and have made a hard living by hard work. I was laiscd by poor, honest, hardworking parents, and no wonder they were poor. Mother had twelve boys and four girls, and after she died, father married again and his last wife has had ten boys and six girls. Don’t that look like keeping a man poor? Just think of one man having to woik for thirty-two children. No wonder that he could nev¬ er dress his children in style. When 1 was sixteen years old 1 only got one pair of shoes in the year, and 1 was as proud [ of them as a ten year old boy is now of a : pair of,b xtoel boots, and was just as I much respected as the boy that wears a ! twenty dollar suit of clothes and carries a pistol in one pocket and a deck of cards I iu the other, which is common now in | these fast days. I In those good old days if a boy had b icn ealight at church or any other pub lio gathering on Sunday with a bottle of whiskey in his pocket he wouldn’t have been countenanced bv the respectful boy, •nuch les i the girls, and if I was a girl and j was to lind out that a boy was guilty of j that. I would shun his company, sure. 1 I don’t think it is smart iu a girl to slight | a boy in company, but if I knew that was {the cause of it, I would say well done; learn them better than to act in that way. If they knew they would be slight¬ ed for acting iu that way they would quit it. Well,' I was eighteen when my mother died and I lived with my father about oigli teen months after that ami then went to work for myself and when I was tweuty one I married and settled down, and went to work to try to make a living, and was just getting so I could begin to move on when the war came on. I went in to the army and staved there until it was over, then came home with my health badly injured and without anything to go on. My horse had died and those that stayed out of the army by lying in the woods had stoien everything that I left at home —only my family—then it was a hard time with me again. No health and noth ing to eat and a family to take care of. Now let me say that if any man worked hard I did. I would work till I could get a “turn" of corn and then take it on my shoulder and carry it to mill, and it " as about two years before I could get able to buy me a horse. So you can im a gj ne that I had a bard time. Though I have been spared till this, and have rais cd eleven children, seven boys and four K il ’I- s > fiml they hardly believe me now when 1 tell them how I liad to work. They say “you couldn’t have done that and I don’t see how you stood it, aud so on.” If I was to tell now half of it some would say wliat a lie he lias told, for it seems like it is too much for one to stand. Well, anyway, there was a good many that did stand it and there are several if them that are living to-day, although, then: was several that didn’t stand it, and I came near not getting through my i self. There was twelve months that I I didn’t see my command and then there I was numbers of times that I was scared , well nigli to death; yet; I am alive and j hope to be spaired to see better times. Well, I believe that I promised to tell you where the great wrong was and now I will tell you where it is. You can do just as you like as to whether you believe it or not, Nevertheless, it is true. Who is it that is called the biggest preachers of the day? Wliat has 8 am been doing? Why he lias been gulling the people, aud not only him, but many others that are called big preachers; They act so that instead.of being s iigLt to the. world they- I ' Sheriff Sales for First Tuesday in September, 1891. Will be sold before the court bouse door in linclinnati, Ga., within the legal hours of sale on the 1st Tuesday in September, 1801, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property, to-wit: One SO horse power Eclipse 10x12 cylinder en¬ gine and portable holier, one Eclipse saw will, one cut off saw, two pulleys one shaft, one log carriage, one pair of lumber trucks, one driving bolt and two cut off belts. Levied on as the property of X. E. Allen, A. It. Allen and W. T. Favor t<) satisfy one mortgage II fa issued from the Superior coart of Haralson county in favor of the Frick Company .gainst X. E. Allen, A. it Allen ah(l 11. T. Favor. Property pointed out in li fa. ALSO, at the same time and place will be sold a tract of land in the town of Buchanan, Cla., said land bounded on the south by property of W. a, McCftlman, on the west by lands of ,Xoe W. Kelley and on the north by an alley running cast and west along south side of H. C. Head’s inclosure. Said tract of land being a part of lot of land Xo 4k in tho 7th district and 5th section of originally (’(tr/oll now Haralson county, Ua., and where K. H. Burden mov lives. Levied on as tho property of K. JL Burden by virtue of one tax U fa issued by tax collector of said county against said K. 11. Burden for his unpaid state amt county taxes for the year 1888. ALSO, at the same time am! place will be sold tint north half of lot of land No. :u> in tlve stb dis¬ trict ami 5th:section of Hardison county, Ga.; levied on as the property of W. A. Bucket to sat¬ isfy one Justice court li fa issued from the C53rd district, 0. JL, of said county in favor of Z. T. Mathews. Levy matte anti returned to me by I.. I’. This July 29th, 1891. AVAL JOHNSON, Ju„ Sheriff.. ORDINARY’S ADVERTISEMENTS. G KORGIA— H A HA J.BON COUNTY. All persons are hereby notified that a petition of sixteen free hot ers of the 1470tli district, G. M., said county, has tiled with me their petition asking that an election be held in said district as provided for under section 1455 of the revised code of 1882 on the question of Fence or Stock Law. Witness my hand anti official signature. This 29th day of July, 1991. 8. M. HAVKXl'l)KT, Ordinary. GEORt 11 v—Hauai.son County. To all whom it may concern: E. H. Kingsley, administrator of the estate of A. E. Hull 1ms in fine form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belongin ; to the estate of said <le ceased and said application will be heard on the first Monday in September, next. This 29th day of July, 1891. 8. M. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. GEORGIA—HaBAI.SON Corxrv. Whereas, S. AV. Strickland, administrator Pe lamia non of the estate of Jas. F. Strickland, de ceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed and entered on record that he has fully administered Jas. F.Strickland’s estate; this is therefore to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors to show cause, if any they cau, why said administrator should not he discharged from his administration and receive letters of disinssion on the first Monday in Novem¬ ber, next. This July 29th, 1891. 8. M. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Haralson Copntv. All pet sons are hereby notified that nineteen freeholders of the 1143 district, G.M., saidemm tv, have tiled with me tlielr petition, asking that an election he held In said district as provided for under section 1155 of the revised code of 1S82, on the question of fence or stock law. This «th day of Aug., 1891. S. M. D.VVEXFHRT, Ordinary. Libel For Eivorce. Mattie Evans Libel for divorce in Haral¬ v.-. son Superior Court, Janua¬ 5V. 1). Evans ry Term, 1891. Pursuant to an order in said case, granted by Hon. C. G. Janes, Judge of said court, the de¬ fondant, \V. 1>. Evans, is hereby cited and noti a ed, personally or by attorney to be and appear «t the next term of the Superior Court for said county to lie held on the 3rd Monday 111 July. 1881, then and there to answer the plaintiff's libel for divorce, as in default thereof, said court will proceed as to Justice shall appertain. Witness ttie Hon. C. G. Janes, Judge of said court; this April 28th, 1891. J. S. M. RIGGERS, Clerk Superior Court. THE KRAMER SASH, DOOR & * BLIND * MANUFACTURING * COMPANY. g. n. rulLakd, J. F. K. BOSWELL ami .M. K. PHlf.LIl’S, -VROI’RIETORS.— Mumifiieturers and Dealers in 8asli, Poors and Blinds of all shapes and prices. We also dress-I make Mantles to order. Mouldings of all kinds, ed and Matched Flooring and Getting; Siding I ofalljkiuds. Give us a Call and we will save you money. Wo arc also agents for F. J. t’ooi edge& Pro's. Ready Mixed Faints, Fure white leads and Lintseed oil. Will sell you as cheap as you can buy in Atlanta, Ga. FIXE WORK. A SPECIALTY AND SATISFAC TIOX GUARANTEED. BREMEN, GA. A Purely Yegetable Remedy. exempt of mineral poisons, bad odors and taste, acting o.’ the liver, kidneys and system, curing Headache, Rheu: tatism, Bladder and Liver*troubles, \y, the nonpareil of ail home proscriptions are grows darkness and the blind leaders leading the blind, and all have fallen into the ditch and are now in a deplorable condition. They arc overly wise and overly righteous and great deceivers. Now just think for a moment and see if you can't see where the wrong is. It soeins so plain to me that it looks like everyone could sec where the wrong is. If you want a cow to eat a straw stack, just lot her think that you are trying to keep her from it and see how greedy she will cat it, and that is just why theroHire so many drunkards to-day. They think that every chance that they get. at whis¬ ky is probably the last one. Now, if whisky was turned loose again, like it' used to be, inside of twelve months there would scarcely be a drunk man seen, and it is so by everything else. Even by eating. You go to a dinner and let it be thought that there is not enough for all and see how greedy the people will act, and if they know that there is but few to eat and plenty for all they are not in a rush, but go up slowly and eat moderate and go off satisfied, and it is so by everything else. Yon may try to force men or beast into measures and you must have full coutrole or you have trouble sure every time. Now the grand cause of the wrong that 1 have been talking about is caused by so many ten¬ der hands. It seems that everybody are -trying to live by a “beat" and I tell you that tho man who thinks he is too to work for his bread, you had bet ter let him alone, for he will beat you ev cvry time you give liim a chance, and he | will gape for a chance, aud if you don’t ! mind he will get it before you know it. Now, iu those good old days everybody j "’"‘ked for a living. The old man Asa j Trk,v that owned all Cedar valley worked j 45 or 50 slaves every day and lie was 70 j V ears °hl a "d it was a common thiug : tl,eu to see every man at work as much so I as it is now to see men loafcring and try ing to beat their way through the world. Oil, how disgraceful it is to see great big stout young men loafering instead of be ing at work to earn their bread. The Lord said by the sweat of thy brow you shall eat bread all the days of thy life, and that is the only way tlmt we have any promise of it, and that is all the way that we can get it honest and if wc don’t get it that way we can’t enjoy it. John Siunkins. Notice Farmers. We are going to operate a public gin in Buchanan this fall, which will be located in the plaining mill building erected by Mr. A. L. Morgan. We will have first class machinery, and respectfully solicit thejpatronage of all fanners in our reach. Kjoklki; & Waunon. A Good Farm For Sale. Having decided to go west, I now offer my farm for sale, consisting cf ! 100 acres, 40 cleared, including twelve or 1 fifteen acres pencil of good branch bottom; good j apple and ‘ orchard, and s „ ((d wull j ! water. In stock law and no farm in the i county is better fixed for IKlstures, and j convenient to churches, mills and m:\r- ! kets, being mid-way Bremen and Tem¬ ple on the Georgia Pacific It. li. li. 5f Brvaxt, Bremen, Ga. ANcElree’s Wine of Cardul and THEDFORD'S BhACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following m‘•'■chants in Haralson county: Neill dr A i 111011 , Buchanan, M. K. Phillips, Bremen, J. C. Foote, Draketown, S. J. Winkles, Felton, 1Y. M. Crawford, Tallapoosa, Tallapoosa Drug Co.. 2 J. li. Little, r Starrett & Co., t W. II. it G. li. Price, Waco. Bucklens Arnica Salve The Best .Salve in the world foi Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Illieum, Fe¬ ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil¬ blains, Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac¬ tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Neill & Alnion. Foi: Rent.— Store house near depot, Waco, Ga. $5 per month in advance. A. L, Tinsley. 1 a •j BIKE * f * S3 m DON’T Skip This; IN buying an article, the conscious¬ ness* of having secured the best pus. sible results for the money invested, leaves one in ;t frame of mind that is sat¬ isfying in the extreme, Therefore to —BUY A WHITE SEWING MACHINE In lira n m f : \x Mi J ' m mw a® Will assure you of experiencing . tins most pleasing sensation, WHAT More Could YOU ASH? Live, Enterprising dealers wanted. Ad dress for Lowest Terms Y/HITE SEWING MACHINE CO • 5 CLEVELAND, OHIO. — T «; m Sb -;V •v t i un e awMui combination, Physicians endorse P. P. P. as a splendid and prescribe it with great satisfaction for the cures of all forms and stages of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary w> a Mr Syphilis, Syphilitic Eheumatisa, Scrofu¬ lous Ulcers and Sores, GlaiultdarSweliings, Bhenmatism, that hare Malaria, old Chronic Ulcers resisted all treatmont. Catarrh, CURES «1 © Skin Diseases, Enema, Chronic Female Complaints, Scald Head, Etc., Mercurial Poison, Tetter, Etc. P. P. P. is a powerful tonic, arid an f.x aw m "r mm 5 v * M LV i cellent Eppetizer, building up the svsteni rapidly. LfltdW and when* Rystems are poisoned whose blood is in' an impure condition due CU8ES rf i ' *■ • i r i£i to menstrual irregularities are pecniiariy benefited by the wonderful tonic and blood cleansing oka properties cf P. P. P., Prickly Abu, 1 Loot and Potassium. m » a k UPPMAN BROS., Druggists, Proprietors. Uppmsn’s Block, SAVANNAH, dk.