The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, October 08, 1891, Image 8

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AGENTS OaynBllinK low van Wo beat price* make the this our *5 World year. Auuai. 00 p«* for IMPORTED PLUSH ALBUM, $1,00 fc-j x ins Embossed padded sides, poht edpes, ex ten •o.on pictures. clasp, Pout hold In* nearly fifty Cabinet and Card iviihsiaiiilim: for »I. m (retails for $ 2 . 00 ). N'ot Ihe tarlfi on imported albums is raised Iiom 15 to •» per cent, there will not bn any inrreass 111 our prices thin S v — “ — — — —- - Our lien lino of *ir- ft kDUBVld old and new versions, mo what tho peoplo want. sellinj Bibles and Albums aro assured .a /n.fitablo businoee. All persons in want of employ ?hho W ,U 1,1 ™ * If *hev do not send for Illustrated circulars . and 1 agent s terms, no.vr JBKX.AV, SITU fORSHEE & McfnAiO/V, aJk iw La: C]Vc7nNA T/ ' oH/O. •r*,.. - --- «w«fWHWjr< 1 mm *-» © B IA om © m © luHk- I $ i Tij /$ft i; p| /* jP"(^| L oTlLcja Jl id lie t. « * LA rhydcianscndoivioF.P.P.asaFpleiiriid it vidt combination, and tke^cuiesof prescribe great and tutisfaolion fev all forr-in 6 t °Se3 of Prime rj-, Secondary ar.d Tertiary HP i, fZJse WmmM vS&m ITMMMaMM | Syphilis, Syphilitic Bhernnaliraa, Scroffl- I Ions Ulcers nuil Sores, Glaiulnfarbwellings, Biienmaliisri, Jlal-.n - \ old Chronie UJe(-r.» that have resisted til treatment. Catmh, 7 nr - - —ty ----iTfrriii irri> iiw. | fi—— in~r $n n R KS « CURES 5 5 s RKS*. kila i » MM»»C3Er^v.tur/Xiai JHartWKfialMP* irmrtrrxK. tnxntmr.xrws fvxvsacn $ c zema, Chronic Female uriah Poison, Tenor, Be I T E* I p° .1 .nd c r-Tv**i.V\-.:" y^rr- -sss. M.™ ■ m :eiic pid PP ! ;er, buikllng up the system dies whose systems are poisoned and w e bicod is m an impure condition, duo ■III i -r* I iPiIIc p P m CURES i f J?i ! I m numm F* } § • 6 eastraai Iffcd irregularities aro peculiarly by the woEderful tonic and blood S I >l>erties of p. P. p., Prickly ■ ium. s. jaeitootuid to ass c itfisSs y: m , Ti K® W*A 263> fl J LfPPMAfl BROS., Di'usgists, Proprietors, LI,Lilian's Bloc!;, SAVA LN AH, GA.. 1 - •• m ! f m V mi Ah •.Tfie.BCST: Jb f I n IP^ % (ATTAenMEHIS: CM!C/>«o. °?OR 25 UNION K SQUARE. N. Y JA« '"^KlScg, sX&:BY SmTIOfi S PATENT HARaiONkAS, ’ssiemm Js dv ■. •,;» ADMIRAL. Single Heed. DICTATOR, Double Reed. Dealers please setid l’or Catalogue. So Jiarmoaiciis Soli] at Detail. JOHN F. STKATTON & SOX, I:np«rtm'and Wholesale Dealers in ell fclnds of musical merchandise iu A 43 IValkcr Street, Ken fori;. si Li 14,,, ti A PH , | ; *1 fm y A* la — | U I f I J <* ! ■ u iw 4 UPPWlf.N BROS.. Proprietors, Brag-irts, Llppaea’s Slack, SAVANNAH, £A. r.Hvri'itJNTs or the woiaii's TOUT. Knwn thc n,rlstian n<,, ' onI - ,!c,u1in ‘ t ’ Vn - Ben Franklin onco made the ‘ ■.Schools teach us the rudiments of ... but books tench , . how to , ... , gUllgP, lis therefore, no mini is truly educated less lie is a reader of hooks.” Ben right, but lie lived in an age when Were SO SCdl'CO, comparatively that lillt little of the pernicious ill lolct'alet.. IJllt these (lays , ., tlll’e , WftS 111 is different. Your boys thirst for knowledge of the world, and if you give them some wholesome reading slake that thirst, they will get hold cheap, sensational stories that will SOU their minds and do them terrible jin'y. There is sucli a vast amount, of trashy stuff being poured into the at the present time, that it in a relief to pick up a new book that is at once thrill ing, romantic, wholesome, and true, Suuh a work is “ Froot l >rlnts of tl!0 World's Histo'ry,” thc latest and wovk , (,t the two celebrated lnstonans, John Clark Riclpath and Win. «. Bryan, These distinguished gentlemen, having W on their laurels by independent writ- 1,,SS ba 7’ C<M,1,cmled ° n lh,s work ’ :m<1 ' produced a gem “of tho purest, ray so ont ..» n u not :l dry, uninteresting statement of the plain facts, but rather each of the most important events of his ‘"'T haH been taken up and described by a master of language, who holds tho read* er oil traced as lie wends his way along I,he path of history, following carefully ; in the footprints of progress. Wo are delighted with this superb vol time. Perleet in thought, suporo ! style, and magnifieent in execution. Tho - hinding are sumptuous, as are also the many illustrations and colored plates, The publishers have rightly concluded h leli a gem should have a rich Ini i a valuable addition to literature. It is a book for the old as well as uie youn, the married, as well as (lie sin'de; the v as well as the grave, Evervbodv will read it with equal eagerness and profit. It is sold only through agents, and the Publisher’s advertisement | pears iu another column, j ________ 9 II h 1 i H m ’a. H J ): mm ! l I H,. ■ - VK LA 44 m * k s ra A wm Mw 3 ism e a »•- lP wmB?- a, HELP WANTED! j BETTLK TII AX A GOLD jIIXTi! No Capital ?,’ceded! Xo risk, but slOto si5 ;i day prolit! TEACHFUS, STU j BENTS, JilKUSTEKS, BLIGHT MEX and I.ADIES wanted in every Town and | County. Xo experience needed. Credit I given if desired. Be early this time and ! secure first choice of exclusive territory ! on this BLAX XE'.C BOOK. I DON’T BE AX OSTRICH ! ' Vr5to and ?:et fuI1 infonnati<, » ■ filets bdlOllt POOTPEDTTS OF THE WORLD’S HISTORY Bv VC31. S. BBYAX and JOHN CLAHK I51DPATH, The World Cklkrkatkd Historians. The .Story of the Xntions as told in the Brilliant Deeds and Grand Achievements of tlie i- 1 ’ s Heroes and Heroines. rich storehouse of History, Travel. Au venture, and the weird and Wonderful events of the “times that tried men's souls.” Thrilling .Stories of the Worrieis Crusaders. Also a vast collection of the rarest gems of English and American Historical Literature. The most wonder i nl New nook of to day, ihe (<r**at Self Eudeator: just the book tlm people want, Over ;-!5 ) Grand Historical Illustrations, Half-Tone Steel Engravings, and brilliant Oil-covered Plates. Everybody finds it a i bonanza of success. It, sells without I asking. Xo capital, no risk. Straight j business and big profits. free. Splendid Address, illus j tinted circulars sent HISTORICAL M R. GO. Mil;;., Ra. elTEIS...... at *<>»^^ the gin house that we call purticulurnu. in ion - •• <• published liy "JONES OF BINGHAMTON ” in Binghamton, X. Y. It contains full information regarding costs, patents, &e„ and should be read by every intelligent gianer. A postal will get it. A A Baltimore Belle Captors a Noble Lord. A SenwiUlojI in 2'TtMhioiiublo C'lreles In Sar¬ atoga. Among tho arrivals at one of the hotels yesterday in Saratoga were two stylish ly dressed and beautiful young girls ac¬ companied by jin elderly lady and three servants... They registered from Balti¬ . more and it was learned that they were reigning belles in that city. The eldest sister had just entered her twentieth year. Her friends tendered her a dlight ful reception, and she was the recipient j 0 f many unique and costly gifts. I Her fiance arrived upon the brilliant i j driv,ng pair of perfectly matched scene a cream-tailored jionies, handling cream colored reins with gold buckles, and at taclied to cream-colored dog-cart with 1 gold tiimining elaborately mounted. i These lie presented to the lady of his oboice; . and at an early hour the follo.v- . „ iug dav thc chief designer of The Now v orV « m l i>-uis Voium Ladies' Fashion Bazar received a message from the ladies to produce , witln.i , t-l.o next live . days , four pfiie-ereain India Silk drosses of tho same tint as that of the gold-tipped (log-cart. T |, c proprietor of Thc New York and Paris Young Ladies’ Fashion Bazar will spare no paiius to make these natty iug costumes (lie most showy and gorge ous of the season. The design which struck their fancy was that shown in Eig. 5. of the Beptetnhei mvmber of The New York-ami lkm& Voting Ladies’ Fashion P^n'- But where that dress is designed in pink, their dresser are to be finished i;n pale ecru. The frill on the sleeves of ^ - wju , )(; j !limtly lo , d u wUh rt!al ' se * i * n g°hl buckles. I he Septem her number, containing this design, is now for sale at all news-stands, f ,,.j uc conts;. Abbot's East Indian Lorn Paint re¬ moves quickly nil corns, bunions and warfr without pain. Our snies of Plantation Cliiil cure ex¬ ceed all others together. Ask for a bot¬ tle—we do the rest. W. Ault. A Good Twill l-'or .Sale. Having decided to go west, I now offer my farm for sale, consisting of 100 acres, 40 cleared, including twelve or fifteen acres of good branch bottom;good apple and pencil orchard, and good well water. In stock law and no farm in the county is better fixed for pastures, and convenient to churches, mills and mar¬ kets, being mid-way Bremen and Tern pie on the Georgia Pacific lb It. It. M Bryaxt, Bremen, Ga. We could not afford to urge an mticle without mem. We not only urge but guarantee Plantation Cliiil Cure. C. W. A nit. I McEtrse’s Wine of Cardul ' and THEDFORD'S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following mei-ehants in Haralson count; \ Xeill & Alnion, Buchanan, M. K. Phillips, \ T - Bremen, J. c. Foote, Draketowil, Felton! | ' S. J. Winkles, Tallapoosa • W. 31. Crawford, Tallapoosa Drug Co., u -J. B. Little, Stavrett & Co., u W. ir. A G. L. Price, 3Vaco. W. L, Hagan, Kanier. Bucklens Arnica Salve The Best Salve in the world fm Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Sait lllieum, fe¬ ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cliil blains. Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac¬ tion. or money refunded. Price 2~> cents j >e) . ; H)X . For sale by Neill & Aliuon. XI*iE CELEBRATED »WILCOX k WHITE x OEGAHS AID PIAIOS TOOK FIB.ST PRE3HIJ3I AT THE LATH PU'HYOXT EXPOSITION. 1\ ; r .-;i.s.)ii:i le and nnido easy. Fe ' ; • id. •ill: r d.- ess i, O'- i AffSIit, ■w , 0 a. Hr. J!,;. Fhw 'be savs: 1 O', using : ji: Sheriff Sales for First Tuesday in November, 1391 . AVI 11 lie Hold before the court bouse door in llueiiahatl, flu., Within the legal hours of sale on the 1st Tuesday In November, 1SU1, to the highest bidder for c:usli, the following property, to-wlt: l.ot No. 57 la tin- plan of the town of Buchan¬ an, said comity, containing fifty by one hundred feet,and also land lot N'o.l 1U7 containing •'!.'> acres, more, or less in the 20th l)ist. and 3rd section of originally Cherokee, now Haralson C ounty, (la..; said land levied on as the property of J, Will¬ iams to satisfy a i nrtgage ti fa issued from the Superior eoui-t of said county, In favor of <1 rain ling, Spaulding A Co., against said ,1. Williams Property poited out in said il fa. This 1st day of October, 1S01. * Also, at the same time and place, will bo sold land lots Nos. 433 and 4(10, containing SO acres more or less in the 1st district and -1th section of Haralson county county, (la.; levied on as the property of Charles Zimmerman to satisfy one Justice court ti fa issued from the Justice court of the 1333th district, (i. M.,of said county, in fa vor of (f. M. Roberts. Property pointed out by (I. >1. Roberts. Levy made and returned to me by lawful constable. Also, at tile same time and place, land lots Xos, 3-13 and 330, containg forty acres each more or less; also, half of bit Xo. -]!I2, containing twenty acres more or less lying in the 20th Hist, and 3rd section of original Cherokee now Haralson eoun *>'• Levietl on as the property ol John t : p fT*’ *f* iy Bis., (1. Jf., in favor of H. C. Allgouil. Tenant in posscr-siou notified of levy. lTnpcrty levied on by constable and returned to me. Also, at the same time aiwl i>lace wiW be sold one steam engine and boiler, now situated on the r gbt of way of tho 11. <\ lb K, near tbe iiinnin;; mid of d. K. Uti' ya Uuv-Vvam.'ai, Ga. Ia vied on as the jirojiefty of I>. lb .tones to 6ati - v 0,10 niorigage li ia i- iron* toy suia* - riur enurt of ifaralson county, in favor of J. It. Driver against- said IX K. Jones. Also, at thn same time and place will be sold land jot Xo. I-!1 >n t-lic <Stli district and «>tli see* tion of Jiarabon eountv, Ga. Levied on and sold as the property ol C. i». Phillips to satisfy one H Li issued from tlm Superior court of Gobb county, in Liver of H. M. Hantniet-fc, Ordinary, for use-of L abclla. .Smith and J, Alon^iu Smith a-p«in?'.t (D. i'Iiillips, trustee an principal and security. AL<>. M in the city <>r TaRiumo-a. «a. bim;-ile<:mi tltc south l.,v I.b.ilwm st-rtet. on west i ; y ;Jece. mi north by a. (i. Tolbert prop «'*>• 1,11 east by T. 1- Daugherty's property. Said lot in ori inal land lot No. 152 in 8tli Dist. and 3th Foe. of original ('anoll now Haralson county, (la. Levied on as tins projierty of (1. H. Jlnteltens, Administrator of tho estate oft'. J. .Myers, of said county, deceased, to sati.-fy one Justice court fi fa issued from the Justice court of the C33rd Hist. (J. 51., of raid county, in favor of J. fl. Rinard, agent of T. L. Lindsey. 1’rop erty pointed out in ti fa and levied on by L.C. and returned to me. AVAL JOHXSOX, JK., tSlieriff. Tliis October 1, 1831. ORDINARY'S ADVERTISEMENTS. O Ki SRG1 A— 1 1 a n a t.sox C<* ex tv . To all whom it may concern: T. J. Riggers, Administrator of .1. W. Rigger.-*, tleet.iscil, lias in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell Ihe hinds belongin'’,- to the estate of said do (•eased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in Novembor, next. This a:--tli day of September, l Hill. ,s. 31. mYKXI'URT, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Haha i-sox OorxTY. Whereas, S. W. Strii-kliunt, administrator J)e bonis non of tho estate of Jas. F. Strickland, de¬ ceased, represents to the court in his petition (tidy filed and entered on record tlisit he has f:d!y adnituist. red Jas !•'. Strickland’s estyte: ti*i< is tlicrti'ore to (rite all peivons croiurerited, IkAiv; and creditors to .show c:n;se, if an> they can. why' said adminLtrator shoidd rc.ot he di.vcharmed irova his i\ dv'.iiniBtratioii and receive letters of Monday Xovem- i dismssion on the first in her, next. This July L’iitli, isai. S. J.i. DA VEM’GRT, (i-rdinary. AdrfAi'.isiratcr’s Sale. Agreeably to an order of the court of Ordinary Haralson county, will In- i-old at am ti m at ■ tlie !l,,,lsc ,1 " ,,v ° rrii,id ■ '•"'*? tl,e « r ' 1 Tteo-day in November, next, within the Icjti.l hours of sale, the following j roj er'.y : o wit: Lot No. .('S in Stli Dist. and 3;li Section Sold :si thc property of 1-’.3I. Wilson, late of said, deceased. Tenns cash. This 30th day ii. of Sept. 181)1, x Admiui.-trator. m WA YA' j mm m iV A? LWL’ THE KRAMER SASH, DOOR & * BLIND • MANUFACTURING * COMPANY. (r. R. DU.LARD, J. F. 11. J50SWKLL AM« 31. K. RilfLURS, ; —RRORRIKTOUS.— 3Iamifacturer- anil Dealer* la Sash, Doors and Winds of all shapes and prices. We also make Mantles to order. Mouldings of all kinds, dress¬ ed and Matched Flooring and Ceiling; Riding of albkinds. (live ns a call and we will save you money. 3Ve are also agents for F. J. Cool edge & llro's. Ready Mixed Faints, ifiire white leads and Lintsecd oil. Will sell you as cheap as you can buy in Atlanta, (la. FIND WORK A SPECIALTY AND SATISFAC¬ TION (i FA RANTER!). BREMEN, GA. DON’T e m 0 o J IX buying an article, the conscious ness of having secured tlu; best port Bible- results for the money, leaves one in a frame of mind that is sal • isfying in the extreme, Therefore to —BUY A WHITE SEWING MACHINE (- :________ BlBl IS - ■i V WMm\ m iV V \ w ' : i mm m\ Oea- Will assure you of experiencing this most pleasing sensation. WHAT lore Could YOU ASE ? Live, Enterprising dealers wanted. Ad d^Qg^ for Lo\VCtSfc ji'ci’lTlS WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO *3 CLEVELAND, OHIO. |f> : « * i« W* Lc-; FIRE S10W CSSES fr,;, -Ash for catalogue. TERRY fd’F’G CO., Nashville, Texm. CO 3—1 8*2 U ■> p- 1 | 1 K 6 ft 11 O (>0 ^ £ 'I Sr-I u / p; f-4 O’j , v ; M tr>5-*v J -As —1 . fe-a Z, i ; o Ldl'r C~J$ v, cd "a ol Is (*. cf Itpi- r; c K “ CO I Hi h u It ’TZ3 -I Ll '■ DJ V ’ |.’.7j c: % cj i uf ‘ ,5 h S ”' J sS *- 2 1 5 5 O SS I3C| £ . Jr} re ’•v.j EO j XT’ The Best in the World. u a OVER HALF A MILLION IN DSE m W tBfStaamimtm " HHHH |B|^j BH j Ft Ji ' "ii true lliailu 6 1mm as FOB mss, ETC., ACTRESS, DAVIS SEWiNG MACHINE CO. EAYtTOIT, 0. CHICAGO, ILL, Capacity, 480 Machines per Day. -• ’Tfi jl f ■N f . -Mi LO* / ~: /* SHOPS OF THE DAVIS 8EWIN& MACHINE Cff AT DAYTQlt, OHIO.