The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, October 22, 1891, Image 5

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CORRESPONDENCE. COL. BROCK AND HIS PARTY. The Apostle Paul said, “I am ashamed of the Gosoel of Christ, for it is tile power of God unto .Salvation to every one that beUeveUi; to the Jew film, then to the Gentile.’* Now, in the language >f the apostle Raul, 1 say lam liotasliuni ed of the Republican party and its prin ciples. for thev have kept and preserved the life of the nation. They have kept and preserved the rights of the people; they have kept and preserved the Union; they have made every man a free man; they have made the American nation the most prosperous nation on earth; they have made—and the policy of the Repub he an party has brought about our great and grand prosperity, that should cause every American citizen to honor mid love The Republican party and its grand and noble principles. The Republican party has ever been the Union party; the Republican party lias ever been against war and blood slied among her citizens; tlic Republican par¬ ty did all in its power to avoid secession. The Republican party begged the Demo¬ cratic party to not disrupt the Union; the Republican party restored the Un¬ ion and saved the life of the nation. against the combined power of the Dem¬ ocratic party; the Republican party in Georgia placed the state of Georgia back into the Union against the will, wishes, power and combined opposition of the Democratic party; the Republican party established the present free school sys¬ tem in Georgia against the combined op¬ position of the Democratic party; the Republican parly is for the American nation, her people, her interest and the interest of her citizens, rather than the interest of England aud her people and Europe hc»> people. The Republican par ty is American in principle. 1 have be¬ fore me the speech of the lion. Tlios. M. Norwood, made a few days since before the Georgia Legislature. It is one of the best Republican campaign documents that I have yet read. It shows most clearly, and without any doubt, the difference be¬ tween a state that is entirly Republican and one that is entirely Democratic, and coming from Mr. Norwood, who is a leader of the Democratic party I pre¬ sume the Democrats will take wliat he says as true. Mr. Norwood takes Rhode Island, that only has 1250 square miles. Georgia has 58,W0 square miles, Rhode Island is overwhelmingly Repub Heart and has been all the time. Georgia overwhelmingly Democratic and has been alt the time, for which lie makes tlic comparison. Now, what is tlie result? Rhode Island’s poor laboring people bad oil deposit in the savings banks in 1890 sixty million four hundred and seventy nine thousand dollars. Georgia, forty six times as large as Rhode Island—the population Riiode Island in 1890 was 345 000.Ga.133-h.00. The number depositors in Republican Rhode Island in 1890 was 127, 898. Democratic Georgia depositors on¬ ly numbered 43,870. The amount of de¬ posits iu Rhode Island was $60,479,000. In Democratic Georgia $2,037,000. 1 he amount to each depositor in 1890 in Rhode Island was $472,88. In Democrat¬ ic Georgia only $60,12. This same anal¬ ogy will apply to all the states in tlie Democratic south and the Republican states in the North. This comparison of Mr. Norwood shows, without any doubt whatever that protection is not any inju¬ ry to the laboring people, but a beue fit. Mr. Norwood says, “what are tlie ad¬ vantages of New England over the south? With what has God endowed her that He has not endowed us?” I see no trouble iu answering Mr Norwood’s question. God endowed the people of the New , England states with the principles of love for the United States government, also with tho principle of protection for American industries, and protection to American labor; and this protection pol icy, which is carried out in Republican Rhode Island, lias made it possible for her laboring people to make money and have it on deposit in the banks, The on ly draw back that Georgia lias is her Democratic principles—is her denuncia¬ tions of the Republican party, and the people of the Northern and Eastern states. Mr. Norwood and all the Demo¬ cratic speakers and agitators that arc ag¬ itating the minds of tho common poor j Iaboii "K people are denouncing the National Ranking System. I hoy say things that are not true, and fail to state what. For the purpose of making the question plain so the people may understand this ' inking system, and for the purpose that I tllc people may know the; truth when i Giese money agitators are speaking and j denouncing the national banks and na tional banking system, I will here state what is first to be done before any person ov persons can legally begin business. Hlwish to begin business with, say $9°,0OO, I must purchase $10,000 in gov j i en,ment bonds and deposit them in the twawivy of the United States. For this amount 1 get $1)0,000 in national bank bills. I lose at the start $10,000. I have to paySJO on tho sil0,«0 to tlio Jovorn meat to print the national bank bills, and this is the one per cent, that we hear these agitators say so much about. But this is not all the banker or banking corporation lias to pay. There is a heavy tax oil his banking capitol, which these money agitators fail to say anything about. I will now proceed to give the amount of taxes paid into the United States’ treasury for several years past. In the year 1S7I the national banks paid taxes to the amount of eighteen million five hundred and nine thousand nine huncred and seventy-three dollars. For the year 1877 fifteen millions seven lmndred and thirty-one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven dollars. For the year 1890 they paid one million three hundred and one thousand three hundred and twenty-six dollars. So we see they must have, on an average for each year since 1871, paid not less than ten million dollars for each year, which, for the last twenty years, would amount to two hnn drcd mil’ions of dollars. This vast sum of money was paid and is yet being paid by these much abused banking cor¬ porations into the United States treasury to pay a debt that was forced upon the American people by these same Demo¬ cratic speakers and agitators that are now so violently assailing tlie national banking system. Any and all men have tlie right to do a banking business. It is not a monopoly. Therefore, if it is so profitable a business, why do these raon ey agitators not go into tho banking bus iness at ouce? I wish, in this article, to refute and set aside another false and misleading state¬ ment that is being made and circulated among the people by these false and dis¬ cerning speakers and agitators, that are traveling over the country, claiming that they are the poor man’s friend, and true aud correct educators, and telling the people that what they say is true. They are saying to the people that the Repub¬ lican party has reduced the money circu¬ lation to one-tenth of what it once was. Some say that their is only four dollars per capita in circulation. Now, are these charges and statements true, or are they false and misleading? If their charges are false, the people ought to know it,— If true, they ought to know it. I now proceed to give the omount of money that was, and is outside of the na¬ tional treasury, and among the people, and the national banks ready to be paid to the people for their labor and the pro¬ ducts of their labor. In the year 1860 the amount in circula¬ tion was about four hundred and thirty five millions of dollars. The amount per capita $13.85. In 1865 the amount in cir¬ culation was seven hundred and twenty three million dollars, and the per capita urns $20.82. In the year 1885 the amount in circulation was one billion two hun¬ dred and ninety-two millions, and the per capita amount for each man, woman and child in tlic United States was $24.02. On January the 5th, 1891, tlie money in circulation was one billion three hundred and twenty-nine .million dollars. Per capita $24.10. It is a fact, that, instead of a reduction of the circulation, the Republicans have increased the circula¬ tion about four hunched per cent. So we see that the charges made against the Republican party, by these agitators, are utterly falso and misleading. We see from the facts, from the figures as given above, that tho Republican party lias gradually increased the amount of money and put the same in circulation, so that today we have more money in circulation in the United States than we ever had before, by about four hundred per cent, and the reason that I have not got my part of it is, l have nothing to sell or to give in exchange for the money, and per haps there are a few others in my condi tion. 1 hope not. In the next place these agitators are continually denouncing (he Republican j party, for favoring protection for j American T >>ey cal1 tlic labor Republican and American industries, j party « rw-her | P art y. These charges arc false, and j made that agitated by the same the agitators and and minds leaders of j country j the people previous to the year 1860-tlio result of that policy of agitator, is iv«ll j known and experienced by tho common people of the country. The policy that | was advocated by the same agitators that are now agitating the people was sought to be carried into effect, and I presume the common poor men, women and chil¬ dren did then, and some of them yet feel the effect, and have reaped a good por¬ tion of the fruits of these agitators. It was these agitators that advocated seces¬ sion; that advocated disunion; that advo cated the destruction of the government, It was this policy of denunciation and ag i itation that caused the war between the f States. Previous to the year 1860 these j same agitators were denouncing tliepeo pie of the Northern and Eastern states, and their policy and indusUies. 1 hey today have somewhat changed their pol my of denunciation and are c,enouncing : Ex-President Cleveland and the people i of the Eastern states. These agitators are opposed to the people of llic Northern an( l Eastern states because they puisued i a policy different from what was and is I being advocated by these Southern agita tors. This northern policy has made and is making their people rich,while the pol¬ icy advocated and carried into effect on the part of the South has, and is keeping her people poor. W. Brock. CONTINUKIl NEXT WEEK. Perhaps Col. Brock 'can give us some information on the following circulars. We pause for a reply. hazzaiid’s circular. Slavery is likelev to be abolished by tlie war power, and chattel slavery destroy¬ ed. This, I and my European friends are in favor of—for slavery is but the own¬ ing of labor, and carries with it to care for the laborer; while tlie European plan led on by England, is capital con troll of labor by controlling wages. This can be done by controlling the money. The great debt that capitalists will see to is made out of the war, must be used as the measure to control the volume of money. To accomplish this the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting to got tlie Secretary of the Treas¬ ury to make this recommendation to Con gross. It will not do to allow the green back, as it is called, to circulate as mon¬ ey for any length of time, for wo cannot control that. burr’s bank circular. Dear Sir: It is advisable to do all in your power to sustain such daily and prominent weekly newspapers, especial¬ ly the agricultural and religous press. As will oppose tho issuing of Greenback paper money, and that you also withhold patronage or favors from all applicants who are not willing to oppose the green¬ back government issue of money. Let the government issue the coin, and the banks issue the paper money of the^ country, for then we can better protect each other. To repeal the law creating National banks, or to restore to circula¬ tion the government issue of money, will be to provide the people with n (i < y, and will therefore seriously affect your individual profits as banker and lender. See your member of Congress at once, and engage him to support our interest, that we may control legislation. Jas. Burr, Sec’y, No. ‘247 Broadway, Room 4. OH CARS)".!!, a Tonic for Women. Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism and most diseases originate from impure blood. Cleanse it, improve it, purify it with Do Witt’s Sarsaparilla and health is restored, strength regained. Sold by Neill & Almou. NEW HOUSE! New® FirM! A NEW GOODS e. -» *• f o © -* © & w W6 , Keep & full tUUllIieOt linP nf Ury DrV Gnnfk U00CIS, WOCeOeS fimPPriPS 3.10 mfl NotlOIlS. tall p ii ail Cl j ayamillP examillC DUT Olll qfnpV fit tVlP NpW TL'irk StOTP SlOCK at me 1S6W BUCK XlOiG. WOODLEY & CO. 3 Buchanan, Ga. fix <2 NT GO *88^ To TALLAPOOSA without calling at ai 3 BOOK Store, Where you will find SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, MISCELLANEOUS, BOOKS, III B LES, TESTA MEN TS, SONG BOOKS, SLATES, PENCILS, PENS, INKS, WRITING PAPER, ENVELOPES, TABLETS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, PURSES, POCKET BOOKS, MEMORANDUMS, BOA'S’ WAGONS, DOLLS, ALBUMS, PAPER BAGS, WRAPPING PAPER, LETTER BOCKS, Tors, SCHOOL BAGS, GAMES, ETC, ET< .. A!! for Gash! FALL IS |11 AND WINTER IS COMMING! ave you bought SUPPLIES? Give us a call. We want to sell you goods at figures tliat WOUlu SlliGly - Please yoU. Bring us your Cotton and let us sell you your goods. Respectfully, . T.J. LOVELESS & SON 3 BUCHANAN, GEORGIA.