The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, November 12, 1891, Image 8

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THE KRAMER SASH, DOOR k • blind * MTOACTURISG ? COSPAHY. n. bfll.vrd, ,1. F. B. BOSWELL AM) M. K. PHILLIPS, —PROPRIETORS.— Manufacturers and Dealers In Hash, Doors and Blinds of nil shapes and prices. We also make Mantle* to order. Mouldings of all kinds, dress¬ ed and Matched Flooring and Celling; Siding of all-kind*, (live us a mil and we will save yon money. We are also agents for K. J. Cool* edge iV Bro’a. Keadv Mixed Paints, Pure wliitc leads and Lintsced oil. Will sell you as cheap its you can buy in Atlanta, Ga. Ft XL WORK A SPECIALTY AND SATISFAC¬ TION GUARANTEED. BREMEN > GA. Marls: Your lyinotk S’ With Indelible Ink l 2 or 8 Letter ■15 Monograms Indelible with ^{rrr jAjmMTM IXyAlnk, Bottle of Myy Fun. 50 cents. Uvs Sent upon receipt of price. Address W5S- BATJMGARTEN, ilS E« Fayette St.» Baltimore, Md« ——Agerxta Wantocl,—— n PP t m 9 fia © m © CURES 1 # ALL 5KW DISEASES! Physicians endorse P! P. P. naft eplendid combination, stud prescribe it with great, fcatififactiou for the ettres of all forms and fc*-tigc3cf Primary, Secondary and Terbuiy i m 1 Byphilis, Syphilitic Blieamatlsm, Scroro pne teeuirtritism, E aad Malaria, Bores, Glandular old Chronic Swellings, Ulcers that hi’.- ' resisted all treatment. Catarrh, P* 7 ■t.zTj&iKxam awjBH.^JMK aBC ag EnTtK.: cszzr .. ■.-■nvrr' 1 i ” S-E.KJ nirtlli , > S '£ ® § © P ■mmgeatsamsxr aoznassscK jzaounaam: Skin Biseases, Eczema, Chronic Female Complaints, Mercurial Poison, 101101, Scald Head, Etc., Etc. . tl. P. P. is a powerful tome, and on ox p - pr^t ■— ts! fej >p; v R. ‘ a cellent appetizer, building up the system fapidly. Ladtet! ivbone systems are poisoned and vkose blood is iu an impure condition duo \Fff s ga i| ' M CORES I S O b 0LO j to menstrual irregularities are peculiarly blood benefited by the wonderful tonic and cleausiug properties Potassium, of P. P. P., Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot and fi | E&Es y iHi* lii r UM [fs LIPPMAU BROS., Drugsists, Proprietors, Lippman'r. BLck, SAVAkNAH, GA. yil ; - vV '-f am r. © ! ■l» ; y um% mimm I B pBH fi i > 1 T . R immiB t: ! s;.T-' K . /Rvi-Ask for catalogue. 1RY M J F‘Q CO.. Nashville, Tewn. if I *^ ■ V •? W i ;24'« JUST RECEIVED A nice lot and the Latest Styles in— Hats from Twenty-five Cents to $ 3 . Caps, Ribbons, Laces, Veiling And Trimmings of All Kinds. Ladies, I respectfully ask you to give me a call when wautiug anything in the above line. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. MRS. L. P. M’KISSACK, Buchanan, Georgia. H. H. French 5 THE “FOTOGBAFKR” AT TALLAPOOSA, GEORGIA, Makes All Kinds of Pictures From A Twenty-fiye Cent Ferrotype to A —LIFE SIZE PORTRAIT— COPYING and ENLARGING A SPECIALTY. Come mid see my Samples, and get my prices before giving your pictures to ageut.;, and you will have a better class of tvor cad SAVE MONEY by it every time. PICTURE FRAMES IN STOCK and MADE TO ORDER. head avenue, TALLAPOOSA A. DON’T SM'« 0 A IMS' 9 IN baying an article, the conscious¬ ness of having secured the best pos sible results for the money invested, leaves one in a frame of mind that is sat¬ isfying in the extreme, Therefore to —BUY A WHITE SEWIHfi MACHINE « I •V Will assure you of experiencing most pleasing sensation. WHAT More Could ASH? Live, Enterprising dealers wanted. dress for Lowest Terms WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. J CLEVELAND, OHIO. STBATTOS’S PSTE8T MIIOWCSS. ' MS* i ABMWAL, Single Reed. DICTATOR, Double Reed. Dealers please send for Catalogue, fio lsaraionie;:3 Scl.l at Retail. JOHN F. STRATTON & SON, Juipor^ifs end Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. 43 & 40 Vi ttlfcer Street, Kew XorV* LicEires’s Wine of Cardui and THEDFORD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sa'e bv- the following merchants in Ilava •minty* Neili u .v.'mon, M. K. Phillips, iiVClTlCU, ,T, V. Foote, ^..alrntmi-n DlAkltOtyn, 8. J. Winkles, Tin*****’ Felton \V. M. Crawford, ‘ ‘ 1 ’ Tallapoosa Drug Co., J. 13. Little, Starvet,t & Co., W. H. & (J. 11. Price, Waco. W. li, llagan, Earner. AIMINISTEATOR’S SALE. Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordina¬ ry of Haralson county, will lie sold at the court house door of said county, on tlie first Tuesday in December, next, xvitbiu the legal hours of sale, the following property to-xvit: Part of lots of land Nos.)51,152,153 and 13 in the 1st district and 3rd section of Haralson county, t;a., lying east of the public road and a line di¬ viding lot 13, commencing at lane running north east to sourwnod post oft north line of No. 13 near a large poplar tree, containing 83 acres, more or less, 10 acres in cultivation, 20 acres of bottom land, well watered, good orchard, four dwelling houses, good barn and outbuildings. One tract, part of land lots 11,13 and 153 and lot 12 in the 1st district and 3rd section of Haral¬ son county, oa. lying west of the road and a line dividing lot 13, commencing at lane, running northeast to sottrwood post on north line of No. 13 near a large poplar tree, containing 85 acres, more or less, fifty acres in cultivation, woodland well timbered, well watered, 30 acres bottom land. Lot of land No, 1278 in the 20tli district and 3d section of Haralson county, Ga., containing 4o acres, more or less, 20 acres bottom land, 20 acres cleared land, well watered, one One town lot in Draketown, Ga., containing % acres, more or less, fronting street with dwell iugaml storehouse and blacksmith shop thereon. Lots G, 7 and 8 in Block A in Griffith’s addition to Buchanan in land lot 4,8 in the 7th district and 5th section of Haralson county, oa., fronting depot street Ct;% feet each, and.running hack south 150 feet. ' I will sell on the same day before the court house door in Carrolton, on., one hundred acres, more or iess, of the west side of land lot 303 in the (itli district and fifth sectin of Carroll county, Ga., commencing at the north west corner run ning east to a big pine stump,thenoe south to the brr.nv.h at a short pamtel of fence, then along the fence row to the creek, the creek tlieline to the original south line. Also. Cl Vi acres, more or less, in the north east corner of the above named lot, 303, hounded on the west by tha above described property, and on the south by Sand of It. C. Abercrombie. All sold as the property of J. AY. Riggers, late of Haralson county, oa., deceased. Terms, one half cash and one half November 1st, 1802, with 8per cent, interest. This third day of November, ISM. T. J. Biggeks, Administrator. Bucklsns Arnica Salve The Best Salve in the world foi Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Bheum, Le¬ ver Sores, Tetter, Cliappod; Hands, Chil¬ blains, Coras, and nil skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac¬ tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Neill & Almon. CHATTANOOGA,ROME & COLUMBUS R. R. “CHICKAMAUGA ECUTE.” This new and popular route has a Douule Daily Passenger Service between Chattanooga and Carrollton. would well The traveling public do to. patron¬ ize this new short line between Hie North and South. Close connections arc made at Chatta¬ nooga, Tenn., Rome, Ga., Kramer, Ga. and Car¬ rollton, Ga., with all lines diverging from these points. patrons assured good and comfortable Our are accommodations. April 12,1891 Note Schedule below. In effect SOUTH. i NORTH. PA8SKNOEU 1‘ASSKMiEU TRAINS. STATIONS. TU.VLNri. Daily No. 3 No. Daily- 1 | J rally No. Daily 4 ~ A. M. SDep. Arr.,P. M. £55?- M 0- CHATTANOOGA ti 2b »U LD nossviLL : (> 02 1C «fr- « MISSION Hil tlE 5 51 BATTLE Fit .1) 0 55 CHICKAMAI JA 5 41 4- 10 (Hi ROCK Sl’RiVG 5 32 % X* 10 14 COl’IiLAM- 5 25 ET 10 30 LA FAYETTE 5 11 CA 10 45 MARTIN I)A1 E 4 58 «U 11 00 TRION 4 45 11 11 SUMMER V HI.K 4 34 C*. 11 21 RACCOON jMILLS 4 23 13 O II 32 LYERi.Y - 4 4 13 03 C. 11 38 TALLAFERRO 4 08 C5 II 40 HOLLAND 4 03 50 c; 11 57 WHITE SPRINGS 3 » r )2 3!> CL 12 10 LAVENDER 3 41 -t 12 40 ROME 3 in i oo 12 50 SILVER CREEK 2 55 1 10 CALDWELL 2 42 1 14 LAKE CREEK 2 37 1 31) CEDARTOWN 2 20 1 41 YOITNGS 2 90 2 10 FELTON 1 45 3 00 MUCH WAN I 00 2 55 KRAMER 1 on 3 10 MANDKViLI E 12 58 3 30 CARROLLTV X St2 45 M. F. M.IArr.’. .>(. A. M. l : Passengers leaving Chartanuega on No. 1, ar¬ rive at Rome, ffa:, 12df7'U'. m„ 'Carrollton :20 3:30 M. P. It. GrU»>«r-.23 <A* -F-.,-'.nut -faeon 11 P. Returfni'g, leave .Macon. 8:1«M., Rome, Griffin, 10:20 A. .11., Carrollton. 12:45 P. If.. 3:10P. 51., and arrive at Ohataiiooga, at 6 P. M. Making a <1 lyllglit ride between Macoi Ga., and Chatta¬ nooga, 'fenn. and Griliri. Solid trains between Chat.ta ooga See that your ticket- rca<l vi: It. & C. R. R. A. N. SLOAN, G F. & P. A., ( lia J.anooga. Tenn. tV. if. IVILLfAMSON, Rupt. Rome, Ga. % Hi a y i| Di'iulv \\ '• , : v v x .' 1 *" VV,'V'Ctr.tiarl «»** } ^ Oj* $3 I*. 'lam'rirc ffcmiah Vpuria thfiroivn loffiii tics,wiH'it.’iTr the - ’ivo.! uh) \yiU a Iso thu »it«aUt»woi*t , ni>‘ w\>‘n ‘.i y» uni ibntnii)uiint. K.) money fur nui nc- i?. ICit^iyniu! quickly I harm rf. I dtMiro l/ut one worker iioiu ..«ii>jiln.Visrjro .. (Uafriei orcoumy. have ftlroiuVy tftiijjiit mid provid'd \?h-> U-'sKiCwV number, who ftre'Hmkliij? over ^ r, tfrvnch. and iz, 'Full particulars 't IliL A.iJilress ritoiice, C, £»«x Sheriff Sales for First Tues" day £ in FeCember, 1891 Win ,n,d before the court house dour In Buchanan, «a., within the legal hours of sale on the ft ret Tuesday in December, 181.1, to tl.c high eat bidder for cash, the following property, to tvit Hit. • • One hrindle ox about eight years old, one red oxteny ** r * ohUme ,iRbt Mn,Ue aml veU,,w • pided ox and one yellow ox with white face,botll about nine years old, and one log cart,-iron axle, about half worn, and the interest of K. G. Wood ed.!. E. Murdoch in one BiwtoaU saw mill and fixtures, tosatisfy one mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior court of Haralson county, oa., in fa¬ vor of C. A1 unroe. Lot of land number one hundred and thirty three (133) located in the Seventh (7th) district and Fifth (fitli) section of Haralson county, Ga.; levied on as the property of H. C. Posey to sat¬ isfy all fa issued from the Superior court of Haralson county, Ga. in favor of W. J. Nortlien, Governor, etc. against A. 15. .Mixon principal, A. D. Turner, -Allen Pliilpot, H. C. Posey, J. P. Boatright and E. H. Burden, securities. Ten¬ ant in possession notified. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold that tract of land consisting of one hundred and ten (110) acres off of the north side of land lot number two hundred and fifty six (256) located in the Seventh (7tli) district and Fifth (5th) sec¬ tion of originally Carroll, now Haralson county, Ga.; levied on as the property of W. N. Green, to satisfy ail fa issued from the Superior court of Haralson county, Ga., in favor of John P>. Gordon, Governor, etc., against G. AY. Sanford, principal, and M r , N. Green and I. Cheney, securities. Tenant in possession notified. Prop¬ erty pointed out by piaintifi’s attorney. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold land lots Nos. 433 and 460, containing section 80 acres of more or less in the 1st district and 4th Haralson county county, Ga-; levied on as the property of Charles Zimmerman to satisfy one Justice court fi fa issued front tue Justice court of the 1335th district, G. M„ of said county, in f; - vor .... of G. M. Roberts. Property and pointed rctitrnc-d out to by. G. JI. Roberts. Levy made me by lawful constable. Wi;, JOHNSON, JR., Sheriff. This October 20 1801. OHM'S SOTERTiSEMEBTS. GEORGIA—Haralson County. To all whom it may concern: Ail persons in terested are hereby notified that if no cause is shown to the contrary, an order will be granted by the nwfvrsigned on tlic 23rd day of Novern her, 1831, discontinuing the public road running by H. C. Alston, J. A. Hudson, A. I’. Bush and J. R. Entrekin’g and to YYaco depot. . This Oct. 20th, 1891. S. M. DAVE'S LORT, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Haralson County. O. E. Houston ha? applied for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, A. M., on the 28th day of this inst. at my office. This Nov. 2nd, 1891 S. M. Daveatobt, Ordinary. GEORGIA—1 i A oa LSON County. All persons are hereby notified that an election was held in and for the 1176th district, o. m., said county, on the question of for fence or stock law on the 10th day nf October, 1891, which resulted in a majority of 12 votes for stock law, and the same will go into effect after the expiration of ix mouths from the date of said election. This 3rd day of, l8i)L S. M. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA—Karalsox County, VVill be so d before tlie court bouse door in Buchanan, Ga., on tlis first Tuesday in Decem¬ ber. next, between tlie legal hours eff sale, the following described property to-wit: The north portion of land Iqt No. (7<l) seventy, lying and be¬ ing in tlie(8tli eighth di-trictand(5tlt fifth section of originally Carroll, now Haralson county, Ga. Sold as the property of Mrs. Jane A. King, de¬ ceased. for tlie purpose of paying off a mortgage held by Francis L. Achey, and other debts and expenses of Administration of said estate.— Terms, cash. This 13tli, October > 1801. \V. C. Knight, Administrator of the estate of Mrs. Jane A. King, deceased. Administrator’s Sale. Umler authority from the Court of Ordinary of Thomas county, Georgia, I will fecll at private sale at Thomasville National Bank, in Tliomas ville, Ga., on the lirst Tuesday in November, 1891 lots of land No. 143 in the 8th distric# of Haral¬ son county, Ga., as the property of the estate of S. Alex Smith, deceased. Terms cash. Bids re¬ ceived up to 12 o’clock on day of sale. S. L. Hayes, Ad’r.S. Alex Smith, deceased. Thomasvilte, oa., Oct. 23,1891. Guardian Sale. geougi A—ITuyd Comity. Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordinay of Floyd county, will be sold at auction at the court house door in Haralson county on the tlr-.A Tuesday in December, next, within the legal hours of sale tbe following property, to-wit: One seventh undivided interest in one hun tired and forty (140) acres of land, more or less, of lots No. 00, 61 and 78, being and lying in the 8tli district and 5th section of said Haralson county. Hold as the property of Henrietta Hancock, minor. Terms cash. This Out. 28,1891. AV. S. Hancock, Guardian. KOTIOE, CESEITOES. Ail persons having demands against the estate of Frank A. Moore, late of Itampdree county, State of Mass., deceased, arc hereby notified to in their demand., to the under-;. ri; . d >rocordin«; to!; i .w, and all person* indebted to the said estate are required to notice immediate pavllieilt. 1 v Fit-r.n if Run.;;v, Administrator Estate of Frank A. Moore, tit ceased, at otllce of Wl.itucy & Scutt, Tallapoosa. Ga. Buchanan, Ga.,t)ct. loth, 1891. fnn niki 85.00 jw? Itay selling our Albuv*. We boat the World fol¬ low prices tbia your. I MPORTED PLUSH ALBUM, Sl.00 gb; x io'j. Kmbo»Hwl padded «af, sides, <-•,«»« gaid cdgi's. »»<« exten m,u;lr is raised withstanding the tariff on Imported Will albums bo nvenotso from ir> to 35 per cmt. there not any iu our prices this of Srj.f- year, M £1 W n 13 fig K wf”:■>{\h*x @SiH Our new line MILiSy JVt lug old and new versions, #ro what tha people want. Agents soiling Bibles and Albums aro assured a profitable business. All persona in want ot employ¬ SiSTlCi^ FORSREE & McNiAKIN. Importers & Publishers, OHIO. da CINCINNATI. The Best in the World. The -DAVIS.” OVER HALF A MILLION IN OSE •f; ' ; mtm ■. SJTO LG* jjffl m BUililfl™ FOR TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS, DAVIS SEWING .MACHINE CO, EAirsroH, o. CHICAGO, XXX. Capacity, 4S0 Machines per Day. ..fSaiiffJ -v:; m i VJ NBW SHOPS OR THE DAVIS SEWIKG MACHINE CO, AT DAYTON, OHIO. MA RLIN - ot.. W - ___.. . EVERYWHERE ‘ V NEW .HAVEN. CONM., :0,S V A. A ’ ?E-E E STREETS :1 “a ;.;.;.‘~‘I.,,s—.»,,r.~_e~v:.-1:-.“V.‘-’4‘»? 5‘}. E ("3:12 Mp ” and L N Hanhattaa _ n Guitasl ' ..., ; ‘Varranmd not‘to Crack. No Guitars sold } at retail. Deniers please sad for Illustmm. : Catalogua , 3 4135*: N F. STRATTON 6:. SON, . 43 a 4-5 Waiter Street. NEW YORK. % L Kf lla.1 '^ #b b:v (1 %: UPPUm SK, Prtpris’ere, % Qrugsists, Lippaan’s Slock, SA’.vikiiWIL CbL