The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, December 03, 1891, Image 5

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CCItRESFQOTEN’CE. sstsyion. Mu. Eli i’tok: —Superstition is a strange •.•oncer;!: Webster says that Friday is just as lucky a day as any other. But .'pffiQ folks shudder to begin a piece of work on Friday, It is bad luck they say. Some say if a rabbit cross your path, change your course orpull a thread of your clothes or something ill or unpleas¬ ant will happen to you. When one cross¬ es our path and we fail to kill him, somc thiug unpleasant has already happened to us. A few clays ago a man walking along the toad behind us. picked up au old rusty horse shoe and ‘'Yes,” said he, “I have been needing' this a good while.” •id lie was going to nail it up over his or fo keep the witches away, that ho L 1 : pt one nailed up over his door for five years and bad good health all the time, but. since he has been here has been sick i! the time. We thought that health and sickness was the result of the condi¬ tion of the system. Is ignorance the pa¬ rent of superstition? It seems to us that such is the case. Wo attended tho service of Rev. Dr. Baynes last Sunday. In time of liis dis¬ course he paused to call some young folks in the assembly to halt talking and laugh ;>i., in time of service: and after service 1:0 S3A l to thorn that ho was engaged to preach at that place for a year and lie wanted all of the people old and young to attend as much as possible and he want¬ ed t he young people to behave themselves. Thgn be said, “I must be understood, I win be understood, young people, if after this admonition you continue to behave as bad as you have today, I will reprove you for it mildly a few limes, and if it does no good, and comes to that extroam ity, I will leave you to tho mercy of the powers that be.” Wc might write a lengthy paper on Behavior at church, but refrain at presant, ■Simon Cord wood. Now Try Tills. It will cost you nothing and will sure¬ ly do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs. Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guar¬ anteed te give relief, or money will bo paid back. Sufferers fiom LaGrippo found it just the thing and under its use had a speedy and perfect rocoveiy. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yoiiself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at J. T, Cobb & Co’b. Large size 5oc. aud 1 . 00 . Hair all gone, scalp covered with erup¬ tions, and pains in all of his limbs, a dreadful easo of disease, vet P. P. P. re¬ mained master of the situation, a cure was efiected, and the patient, the mar¬ shal of Moutieet’o, Fla., says his hair has mown out, aud that he is a v/cll man. This cure spread far and wide, and now the drug stores of Monticello buy P. P. P in large quantities. Do toot let other merchants palm oil other preparations on you because they have not Plantation Chill Cure instock. Apply to agents named below who guar¬ antee it. 0. \V. Ault. WOMAN’S BEST FRIEND. Lt'XOMNI—The Gem of all female romcdicG for irregularities, pains discas 03 peculiar to women. Used 50 years by an eminent physician. Never fails to cure. Address with stamp, Luxomni Co. Atlanta, Ga. P. 0. Box 357. See ad¬ vertisement elsewhere. NOTICK 1 Persons wanting to buy Lime can ob¬ tain u good quality of tho same in any quantity— car load lots if desired. Will ship anywhere south on C., li. & C., W G. P. P- P- Apply to J. K. HOLCOMBE, j92 Buchanan, Ga. Notice. AU persons^ indebted to the firm of N ei’u A Aim oil are requested to come for¬ ward and settle at once, as we are com¬ pelled to have what is due us. Please act promptly. Toil will find the books vv.itl: Dr. J. T. Cobb. Very truly yours, J, A. Chambxrb THE CHRYSANTHEMUM. I am tho chrysanthemiJm. I know I’m yaller. And Romotimes yallerer; But I ftm in it J ust the same. I am aware I’m built Somewhat After the pattern of a mop; But yet I am an efflorescent epitoino Of the great American spirit Of get thur For I struck tliis country A stranger Without a cent And no capital, Except my blooming shape. But I stood straight up And hold my head high, And do yet. And to-day myself And my decendants Are in the floral Four Hundred, And the more Frills We develop The more we're admired. Our sales of Plantation Chill cure ceed all others together. Ask for a tle—wo do the rest. C. W. Ault. Many years practice has given C. Snow & Co., Solicitors of Patents Washington, D. C., unsurpassed in obtaing patents for all classes of tion. They make a specialty of cases, and have secured allowance many patents that had been rejected. Their advertisement in er column, will be of interest to ors, patentees, manufacturers and who have to do with patents. TAX NOTICE. I will be at the following places for purpose of collecting State and taxes for the year 1891: “ Draketowu Nov. “ 12th “ Felton “ 21st. “ Chandlers shop “ 23rd a. 31 . “ Abernathy’s Mill “ 23rd p.m. “ Monroe’s Mill “ 24t.h a.m. “ w. T. Owens “ 2-1 tli p.m. “ Martin’s Store “ 25th A.M. “ A. C. McKiney’s “ 25th p.m. “ Pleasant Hill Church “26 th a. m. “ Cadle’s Mill “ 26th p. m. “ Poplar Springs P. O. “ 27th a. m. “ Gin at Rowell bridge “ 27th i*. u. “ waco “ 28th “ Kramer. “ 30th DKCKMBEP_ First Tuesday at Buchanan “ 7th Court Ground 2nd “ Draketowu 3rd “ Old 20th C. G. “ 4th “ Mountain View “ 5th “ Felton “ 7th. At Spearman’s Dec. ?h *4 Poplar Springs P. O. “ 9th u Walton’s Mill 10th << Waco nth “ Bremen It 12th n Tallapoosa 14, 15, and 16th “ Buchanan 17, 18, and Respectfully, JoeIV. Kelley, T. C. Gentlemen—I have suffered for years with a kind of a Tetter, or breaking out all over my body, and at times these small pimples would terminate in boils. While traveling iu the South last year I had occasion to try a bottle of I’. P. P., ■which was rceommenecl to me by a f riend and to my surprise it helped me so much that I got six bottles more, and after tak¬ ing tho full contents, I felt better than I had since the beginning of my troublf^yud while I have no symptoms of the disease returning, I am still using tho wonderful blood medicine at intervals, and am fully satisfied that I will be entirely cured of a disease that for fifteen years has troub¬ led me. I cannot express my gratitude to you for so wonderful a benefactor as your P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potasium). I am yours truly, JAG AT PETERS, Traveling Salesman, Savannah, Ga. THE CELEBRATED * WILCOX SI HITE * ORGANS AID PIANOS TOOK FIRST . PREMIUM AT THE LATE PIEDMONT EXPOSITION. Terms reasonable and made easy. For particulars address P. &. G0LS3N, Agent. DraLtown, wr A. VIGOROUS HEALTH. Can bo had by using Dr. O. Jacob’s Nerve and Brain Treatment for sexual and bodily weakness of every kind Cures guaranteed. Address, with stamp, Jacob’s Pharmacy Co., Atlanta, Or advertisement elsewhere. FOOTPRINTS fv tan woiti TORY. From the Christian Roeonl, Reading, Pi. Ben Franklin once made the .-.-.atment, “Schools teach us the rudiments of lam guage, but books teach us how h> think; therefore, no man is truly edue; tu 1 un oss he is a reader of books.” B n right, but ho lived in an age, when hooka were so scarce, comparatively speaking, that but little of the pernicious hi liter. 1 turn was tolerated. But in there day s it is different. Your boys thirst for knowledge of the world, and if yon give them some wholesome reading to slake that thirst, they will get hold of cheap, sensational stories that ’.V! 11 son their minds and do them terrible in¬ jury. There is such a vast amount of this trashy staff being poured into the market at tho present time, that it is a relief to pick up a new book that is at once thrill¬ ing, romantic, wholesome, and true. Such a work is “Frootprints of tic 1 1 rj World’s History,” the latest and great*, si work of the two celebrated histor::' ;•>, John Clark Rid path- and Wm. S. Bryan, These distinguished gentlemen, havi won their laurels by independent wi ings, have, co-opcrated on this work, and produced a gem “of the purest ray 30 rene.” It, is not a dry, unin j.Bx j-i statement of the plain facts, but rather each of the most important events of his¬ tory has been taken up and described by a master of language, who holds the read¬ er en traced as ho wends Iiis way along tho path of history, following carefully in the footprints of progress. We are delighted with this superb vol¬ ume. Perfect' in thought, superb in style, and magnificent in execution. The binding are sumptuous, as are also the many illustrations and colored plates. The publishers have rightly concluded that such a gem should have a rich Bet ting. It is a valuable addition to literature. It is a book for the old as well as the young; the married as well as the single; the gay as well as the grave. Everybody will read it with equal eagerness and profit. It is sold only through agents, and the Publisher’s advertisement ap¬ pears m another column. Corns. Warts and EireJms Removed quickly aud surely by using Abbott’s Easf Indian Corn Paint. m .:■• ■ ; UiK i ■ a - ! El 1 A" 1 : i ■1* U:A •y 1 4 ; Mzsmiskm See m Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and « ilPttt ent business cendueted for Moderate Fees 4t Our 0!5ce is Opoosiie U. S. Patent 01:1ce, and we cm: secure patent in less time U»s:i th ose remote bend model, from Washington. drawing photo., with descrip¬ or tion. Wo advise, if pate-amble or not, froe of charge. Our fee not due til) patent is secured. A Pamohiat, “How to Obtain Patents,” with of actual clients in your State, county, 01 town, sent free. Address, 0LA.SS30W &GO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D. 0. It la that impurity in tho blood, Which, ac¬ cumulating in the glands of the neck, pro¬ duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on tho arms, legs, or feet; which rlcvelopcs ulcers in the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can¬ cerous growths, or tlio many other manifesto tioas usually ascribed to “humors: ” which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being tho most ancient, it is tho most general of all diseases or affections, for very few persons are entirely free from it. Mew Cars It Bo w By taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, often when other modiclaos have fatloa, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Borne cf these euros are really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sat&sarllia. My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof Qious sorb nock from the time she was 22 montha old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed in her neck, and one of them after growing to the size of a pigeon's egg, became a running sore for over three years. Wo gave her Hood’s Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all indications of scrofula entirely dfs child." „pr>, aud now she seems to boa heaL'ay X S. Caklit.x, Nauiight, ST. J. K. 1 ;. n 0 s ore to get only R.U u u Sarsaparilla Bold - : 0 !>-!• M. 9l;*lxfor|B. Trep»radonty tj- C. i. '' - /othocai’ies, Lowell, Mass, I Vi? f 1 um g 0 no Dollar sj» •7 in -■4 VA An jj >-■ vJP Sw¬ i ap t&s tJLmf: * J V > I s UY PT ESENTS UNTIL YOU HAVE V {SITED A. aw •v > : 7.. i l ■Ck; ~ o to V 'ij allauoi ■A fi T! OPaiA ■ V ou will there see displayed a nice assortment of Toilet, J Dross in and Collar aud Cuff Cases; Work I ioxes, Albums, Picture Frames, Picti Miscellaneous Books, Yaces, China Cups and •aucers. TOYS! TOYS!! Tops Trumpets, Drums, Cars, Pistols, Guns, etc. Wm C .es, DOLLS.—Big Dolls, Lb tie Doll J. that CV Dells that Cry, and Dolls that Speak. WORKS.—Crackers, Roman Candles, Rocket: ^ l! v “ 1 you i Ft f'Y SVffdLi aspras g a ess&m ■ w. 2 a a s % s p .t** / I i&sa ■i •sa E ■0 U A m m ffl n V 4 . A k y. a v © IN S' - . A 8 izMM* W L W A -'.r-D i l a MJ Cl' % mia cw <a-oora Si^f A*. A %f,0 > sffrti / P Vv e keep a full line of Dry Goods, Groceries and Notions. Call and examine our stock at the New Brick Store. % fa iX- ■ GO IMF o Buchanan, Ga. 17 — A T T TT1T1H 19 -idki rtM AND WINTER IS COMMING! Have vc o if” W- pt T %W V B ui £ 1 , Jf ,C f Give us a call. We want to sell you goods at ilgnres that surely rlease vo 3 Bring ns your Cotton and let us you' goods. Respectfully, a p CL SON - BUCHANAN, GEORGIA >