The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, December 03, 1891, Image 8

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* U\ * ' kAMER SASH, DOOR v BLIND » K'.MFACTURISG * COMPANY. 0. R. BULLARD, r. s noswlll >„\n m. k. Phillips, -Pill iPofKTORtf.— 'TV. dl'aet-nrtfH and 1), Lev .n Sash, poors ami Ktii.i ■ id liap, .s mu’. prices, We also make M'tnUes to order. Mouldings of ai! kinds, dress ••d mu. Miitcbeil Flooring wnl Ceiling; SUtllrp Give ns a cal! and we will save ,.;uy. V/o are also agents for r. J. Cool¬ ie ' A Bro**. Ready Mixed Paints, Pure white toad# and Liiitsced oil. Vi’l’.l sell you as chcaji a« ’ , v in Atlanta, Ga. 3 IXL WORK A srili TAI/TY AND SATISFAC¬ TION GUARANTEED. BREMEN, GA. JBkSeisri*: Yotii* SLvI.iwetn. With Indelible Ink C \f I •»,: \( Bottle Monograms £ or of 3 Indelible Letter with i| rmn tXVI H IfjL^Ink.GOcents. tRv, Seat upon receipt Vi ■ < Address of price. WM. BAUMOABTEN, t ia 3B. T-. 4 y Zita StM Baltimore, Md, — Agenta Waritoti, l 1 ! V. P » f ; r* l ms © m b aa © t £ Oirlta 15 p JBSSJ* RS5® WBWI I Ai.a. MI fiTfill tm. *#i&Zt&3rUi£iiZKr.s%xzj:tr3irm!?-. rx «:nv 0 - Ph.-sicianfl Midorre P. ?. P. it es with a eplemUd great Co ailiisalio.fl, an<3 prescribe of cl! f ;:;-.:e3 . r . 'J. iYunarj; Secondary asd Tertin-” [ pi --- v - am Syphilis, SyphHiUo Bbenzau^sm, Serofa. * 7 bx-rs and Seres, Glandnlar Swellings, Ib-cnmufisin, Malaria, old Clironio tJicera thr.l : a 70 resisted all treatment. Catarrh, , -x&cnisaBassssaaszgSKuaK^^ fi a c cures « ' >«a«T:®!W3E'RTO5aaaBBS!3lBtt3=a^^ Ffin Diseases, Eczema, Chronic Female Ccmplninru, Mercurial Poison Tetter,, (Spin .'lead, Etc., Etc. P P. P. is a powe rful tonic, and an as ,.b>A fgdp .KV-AA - - calk rupidl ■' appetizer, building up the system r. ■ ■ ■; - systems are poisoned and e blood is in a :i impure condition duo ; ‘V> ^ rJIPFS 3 J Urn<39 ^ U |i ■' aKMmjmI ,,■/ * I*: V S2acss» (j : b.,- K U ;.pvf ' It: - C- & L, $ eUw2rr-.-trwflfir‘t.Y»t r tst&d f ■L- by cvi tlio irrep.-iaritHr: Liiclsrfrtl are pjcalsarly ami blood i ■ mj v< tonic e’eauaing , Pol:o v . >rc»i.-f:rilcs.'o« Potr^am/ P. P. P., Prickly AsLj . , Hoot .d ooi IT'*.- -rr- ■»v>-yn_ y;. .7 :ln- y,v,/^5''r '■’vV\; • „;jiy - if ■ , mm bPF'.vl rii feb^eSs, UczKifn .ch s-uVAyNAH, GA, e. of f ' ‘ O’O ' ' ■■ ■ -- > S3 >. V* m\ El I fl f j M MM.,. ‘-.TVa'. ^ v. ■: {igU-/ msmtm SHOW G&SE s. »• nm «**-Ask for catalogue. T 25T “ ,p ° co " '“ 8HWUft TEKa - IBBiH St! 1 •IS ft, JUST RECEIVED A nice lot and tbo Latest Styles in— Eats from Twenty-five Cents $3. Caps, Ribbons, Laces, Veiling And Trimmings of All Ladies, I respectful!y ask you to me a call when wanting anything in above line. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. MRS. L. P. M’KISSACK 5 Buchanan, = H. K. French THE "FOTOGRAFKR" AT GEORGIA, lakes Ail Kinds of Pictures From A Tiventy-fiye Cent Ferrotype to -LIFE SIZE PORTRAIT— anil musm SPECIALTY. Como and see my Samples, and £et prices before giving your pictures to ngouts, and you will have a better class tv or and SAVE MONEY by it every time. PICTURE FRAMES IN STOCK and MADS TO OftDER. ■HEAD AVENUE, ALLAPOOSA, GA, DON’T 0 0 Kl iTllPh y f l MS jl 9 IN buying an article, the conscious¬ ness of having secured the best pos sible results for tho money invested, leaves one In a frame of mind that is sat¬ isfying m the extreme, Therefore to —BUY A— WHITE SEIMS ■ - mi 4 u tlill fl *ot> Will assure you of experiencing this most pleasing sensation. WHAT More Could YOU AS K? Live, Enterprising dealers wanted. Ad dross for Lowest Terms WHITE Kins BH CO. ) Stu. OHIO. ■WWJ1 mum mm hirsosigss. AOJWiRAL, SiiiRle Seed. D8GTATCIR, Doable Reed. Doalors'plcas-j send for Catalogue. No Uftnnonicas Sold atEotail. JOHN F. STItATToU <& SON 5 Importer* aa,) IVholMala Daalor* In ell kina, r j MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, A3 & io Walker Stroot, Row lerA. McEIree’a Wine of Cardul and THEDFORD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following rn*>irhants in Haralson county: Neill Sc Alnion, P.nch M. K. Phillips, 01 1 u ' J. V. Foote, Draket 'wn, S. J. Winkles, FcHoii, W. M, Crawford, Tallapoosa, Tallapoosa Drug Co„ J. If. Little, u Stnrrett «fe Co., U W. IT. & G. R. Price, Waco. W. E, Eagan, Earner. AMflNISTBATOR'S SALS, Agreeably to an order of the Court of Ordina¬ ry of Haralson county, will bo sold at the court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday in December, next, within the legal tours of sale, the following property to-wit: Part of lots of land Nos.151,152,153 ar.d 13 in the 1st district and 3rd section of Haralson county, oa., lying cast of the public road and a line di¬ viding let 13, commencing at lane running north cast to sourwood post on north line of No. 13 near a large poplar tree, containing 83 acres, more or less, 40 acres In cultivation, 20 acres of bottom land, well watered, good orchard, four dwelling houses, good l>.arn and ontbuUdings. One tract, part cl land lots 11, 13 and 153 and lot 12 in the 1st district and 3rd section of Haral son county, oa. lying west of the road and a line dividing lot 13, commencing at lane, running northeast to sourwood post on north ’.ine of No. 15 near a large poplar tree, containing 85 acres, more or less, fifty acres in cultivation, woodland well timbered, well Watered, 30 acres •bottom land. Lot of land No. 1278 in the 20th district and 3d section of Haralson county, oa., containing 4o acres, iflora orless, 20 acres bottom land, 20 acres cleared land, well watered, one dwelling house. One town lot in Drakcstown, Ga., containing % acres, more or less, fronting street with dwell tagaad storehouse and blacksmith shop thereon. Lots 0, 7 and 8 in Block A in Griffith’s addition to Buchanan in land lot 40 In tho 7th district ar.d 5thsection of Haralson county, oa., fronting depot street 96% feet each, and running back south 150 feet. I will sell on the same day before the court house door in Carrolton, <;a., ono hundred acre,:, more or less, of the west side of land let 303 in tho KtJ» district and fifth scctin of Carroll county, Ga., commencing at the north west c-onier tun¬ ning east to a big pine stump, thence south to the branch at a short panncl of fence, then along the fence row to the creek, the creek theiine to the comer of the above named lot, 303, bounded on the west by tho above described property, and on the south by land of R. C. Abercrombie. All 3oldas the property of j. W. Bigger?, late of Haralson county, oa.. deceased. Terms, one half cash and one half November 1st, 1822, with 8 per cent, interest. This third day of November, 1891. T. J. Biggehs, Administrator. Buekiens Arnica Salve Tho Best Salve in the world foi Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sait Rheum, Se¬ ver Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chil¬ blains,, Corns, anti ail skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac¬ tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Neill & Alnion. , a : s , , T y ~ W I ENCEESEEEES; REPEATNG ARMS .00.; _ ‘ F m5? gig; “6?". 3“?“ send :9 1, gigfifgfi : w Conn. ”Page fifiiifisjtrated Catalogue; $3 Q? ' V. — W I E g, i. . fl _ “a EVERY VAREETY. 0:»? ‘ “W _‘ 'Wufilwmg , - ,1; ^ /?0 rv A YEAI;’ t#.«l iy?** X 4 iv ’i$ i: >j$ tii-at:D".V Vv *}♦ wt„,- T ‘i. i-nm v; r •• : Wiailwlrown lo. *;uh:«.»winmwOmCrh r-fiftrn&d. I dfsii-t* but emo worker from tUntriot ft'f touiity, I Sheriff Sales for First Tuesday in January, 1892, Will be sold before the court hnncc door in Buchanan, Ga., within the lcyi! hr of sale on the 1st TucmLj- In November, I d. ’ ■ the highest i t’itv lot' Nns. 3 and 4 in HI -■k No. 205 in the I loan of Ta 1 la).iior,a,Ga., In criminal htnd lot No. j j l * ' un.'l fU. seotien of >»»»•.. G.t., levied on in the , I'lHrL of J. \\ . ■ , Issued! Dorsey to satisfy one Justice court fl fa from the Justice court of the 653r<l district, G. I M., of said county, in favor of G. R. Hutchens. ! > Property pointed ont In fifft. Also, at tile same time and place, will be sold one town lot in tbe town of Tallapoosa, Ga.— A lot 50 feet frontilng on Atlanta street and run¬ ning back north 200 feet in the south east corner of tot No. TO; said lot bounded on the east by an alley. Levied on as the property of W. 15. Spier to satisfy one fl fa issued from the Superior court of Fulton county, G?.., in favor of Blnen thal & Bickert. Also, at the same time and place will be sold, four town lots in the town of Waco, Haralson county, Ga., each lot 25 feet front and running * ,;u 'k lf.9 feet, tfic.--.ime h- in lot ho. I in block D. as per original plat of raid town; levied on as ^ K ' property of J. V.. ICi liam un ;or no. attach¬ ment fl fa issued from Justices court for 1143rd Diet., M., Haralson county, in favor Of ti e Lowry 1 unking Co. vs. .1. 5',. Ke '.am. Also, at the same time ar.d place will ho sold, the west half of land lot, No. ri In th.o 8th List, and 5th section of said county; levied on as the property of C. D. Phillips to satisfy 'a fl fa issued from tlio Superior court of Cobb county, in favor of H. M. llammctt, Ordinary, for use of Isabel¬ la Smith and J. Maugiu Smith vs. C. D. Phillips, principal, and Win. Phillips, security. Tenant in possession notified of levy in terms of t?;o law. Also, at the same time and place will be sold, lots of iand Nos. 807 and 5S7 in the20th Dist. and 3rd section of Haralson county, Ga., to satisfy two Justice court fl fas issued from the Justice court of the 1335th I)iat., G. M., in favor of the Atlanta Wagon Go.against P. C. and J. L. Jones Levied on by Constable and returned to me. Also, at the same time and place will bo sold, lot of land in the city of Tallapoosa, Ga., bound¬ ed on the south by Lipham street,on the west by Nelson place, on the A. o. Tolbert prop¬ erty and on tlie east by T. L. Daugerty’o prop¬ erty ; said lot in original land lot No. 552 in Etfc Dist. and 5th section of original Carroll, now Haralson county, G-a.; levied on as the property of G. It. Hutchens, administrator of the estate of"F. J. Myers, of said county, deceased, to sat¬ isfy one Justice court fi fa issued from tho Jus¬ tice court of theCoBrd List., G. Id., of said coun¬ ty, in favor of J. LI.' Binard, agent of F. E. Lindsey. Property pointed out in fi fa aud lev¬ ied.on by L. C. and returned to me, Also, at the same time and place will be sold, two town lots in the town of Buchanan, Haral¬ son county, Ga., one situated in tho northeast block of said town and fronting the public square 82 feet, running back 1U0 feet and fronting a street cast and west; said lot being apart of lot No. 59 in the plan of said town,the other lot front¬ ing on Buchanan and Carrollton street 100 feet and running hack west, from said street 225 feet more or less, to the lands of T.i’.Moore, bounded on tho north by lands of T. P. Moore, on south by lands of A. J. Stewart, containing nine-six¬ teenths of an acre, more or less; levied on by virtue of three fi fas issued from the- Jus sice court of.the 1 K8rdDist., G, V>1., Haralson county, one in favor of Arnold, Carlton & McCord, one in fa¬ vor of O. H. Williamson, receiver, and one in favor of Carter, McGill Hardware Co., all against H. ST. Stewart—property levied on as the brpov orty of H. N, Stewart. Levy made by Consta¬ ble and returned to me. Tenant in possession notified of levy. Ali o, at the ea,me time and place, will be sold lots Nos, 433 £i3ic} 4€0, contahiiti# 80 acres more or lens in the 1st district, and -uh section o! Hur.Jf i.u county county, Ga.; Soviod on as the property of Charles Zimmerman to .In satisfy '' one Ju^uciM.ourt i; 1 : isstkit l'rui.i tin- - court of the 133jtb district, O, AL, of enidfonut poin;i:«‘ v, in fb vor of (-. At. -Roberts. 1'rouorty out i.y I-. V.L. Kobi rts. Levy Biiitle and returned to me by !:t\viul-cc;.>,taiiic. WM. JOHNSON, JS-. Ai.vriff. This December 2, 1891. oi»rs tommmm. GEORGIA-— liAHAI.SO;, GuOSTY. Hiizaheth Kelley has app;i ft for.a auppiiuieut to her li'.iraestead, and I .-/Ill . .. upon saidap pliuatich on tho 21st day of Dca., 1381, at my of ¬ fice . This Nov. 30th, 1381. 3. M. DLVSiJFGRT, Ordinary. G EORGIA-HAit lso z Co it 2 % ty. Ail persons arc liorijby notified that an election was ii .Ul in anil for the 1475th Cktnct, o. :.t , s,,;j county, on the question of for fence or stock lav/ .on the 10th day of t October, 1821, which reunited in a v t.;.--rity ot 12 v.,tfor •i.u-ck b.v.-, b - same-wit! go into effect, after the ixpiraticn six months from tli? date of said ekotlon, This 3rd day of November, 1831 S. JL DAVLNi-ORT, Ord.inary. f-v**o ~irxr >rra’i»w »i»rm: rztmn*K*li£k txr. immi, (fofOfxKL AU persons having demands ;< : Hrjit the estate of Frank A. M<)cro, lat.s ;:i lir T‘.s fulree ucir.nty, State of It-.'Mz., riecca.-O'J, 'ire Ji.?r?ri>y tj t<; rc»\(]ev in thirir dc inida to the nndorsigned according to law. anu a l parsons indebted to the raid estate arc required to tnakbimmediate jiaytoen t. F:c.r -.Administrator 1 hi,. '■■'■■■■■'■ ! :r.c .. nod, at Omeco' A PiiY-sl:/'Ve-^etubis -------'----------w.. _________—1-lLfJ ........... - of mineral poisons, bad odors and acting cv- the liver, kidneys V* .‘ and U,w system, curing Headache, Rliaur.wtism, Bhdder ^ « v Llver * va:>l . *MJ -ram-ateirws^isaasr-tai 3 L£s _ . aM * 0 hthe “onpareU of ail home prescriptions. mim Waytelliurf make 10.C3 Alsum:* fMMT tLo our Wc boat World fur low pricon this pear. IMPORTED FLM3H 91.00 l ?}*’ R»br.eiK><» padded eida^ *jid M/w. exjen withstanding* tlx> tariff ou Imporiod ulburui Is Miami from 15 to 34 p*r c«nt. tlier • «ill not bo any inrvenn* Ih,r of%T“: /I 3 ing ( ,jj „i;d new ven aim, ore »ciit the ivi o a ,vaut. Agents selling Bibles and Album? aw . sored o profitable business. All persons in wont of .-.T.piojr inset will miao it if they do not fond for lllr.rttrateil tlrcula ™ “ nd agont 9 *"*>»• » w * FOUSHtS A Af.-. W//JT. XvpporKcf & Pii'.i’rif’bcra. CliHQiHNAT! OHIO. The Best in (he World. The “ if9 OVER HAIFA MILLION IHOSE fiPBB iLv";-. ry.; ^4 ; ^ 1 i/fmBr i ^ N&|» . 1....... I EOS ffSEJSS. BT0., ADESSS3, DAVIS SEWiMS IAC81NE CO. salt? oar, o. KSOCflArtO, run, Capacity, 430 Mashiues par Day, - NET/ B20F8 C? TES OA’/iS 3BWK8 MACHINE <4 JBpc.7r-? 1 % TjJ hSj|3tAI I ' ’ -. 333333313”. 3:13 :3: 21- 7'33 33 33-?» 333- W33 33, 31': -' _- '3 ’ 3. , _ : i . ‘ j ‘ Jx‘.’*§,‘~‘\«1.1:£§-43_J’;3"-1‘a~':'35{'35..A , m b 4'397‘1-43'2333‘ . ' ’3 3 3 _~ ("“1," “Efigwfim 3: . ~ wmvrw'”:33, , 21.333333333111333 _' 32‘ ~33”? <1 ‘ ' . “Wm”: « 3 > §§$mfi “3.133039% 3 92¢" ”whawgsgaj {:32'gg‘i'xr'fifntggiflf,’33,»; w -~ 3 . ‘ ‘ .3 " - 3333;352:1354. .' ‘ -3 3 ffizip‘v" .. : , ~3 ., . . . ‘3 :3] , , 3 _ «ha .> “'-?:513€§4.30¥<~"é'1~g _ .‘ 7V ,, 13;”-m331g3333353- ‘3 -3 j_ 333 3,‘ 53. (43-.." 3' .- 135933331" ‘3"? “£393 (:43; 3;: 33 i $374.5: :35 éu'if' .33311'333133W33 “,Htwgfi: 2? “Q9? . ~~3.3.-33}1. 3,3: 1 33.: . _ ‘33 1.13:3 “(3,, ~ 1:: 3 3.5: ,3" . ', ’91:;_‘1’“»f".(3. £52333§f3fiw33§3333;33:3'3(23-533,. 339335. 5" ‘3; .fi‘,;':.’;:’ ‘ '2 _ ’ a ¥ ,-; 3, Ncfiiziifim $1"? ' -, ' -33» ‘ ‘ {jeai'kwa '3, P1333: 3373:3333313 xpii'éfil} ~ . 33:33.32 fist , 52323331333333»: . ~ 531333.333.” {‘33: L 1'33 _ 3-33-33- ., 3:333 33‘W 3.333.333 1 “L“? 3,3, .9, $333,333, .. 3 3 ,: 3 , 7_ 5n;¢,";~fi;_ ("1; 3‘ 3 " U3, ' ‘3 ' u ‘1‘,“ I '35 1 .33]; “@333 3' ‘38:— f: 33.3333333313331333—3 3. 3_‘~:§§*J§_5f~.3j3373§g§z,3 . , 3 _ 3 #§'£¥‘y’__.3‘a€§ri?~i. -~ 3 ’3 _ > V ‘ ^ ' ' | ,r ! - ijSSiBfliSyfe o-m Ur’P.sAN BROS., Prcpric'crs, CroggistB, lipptnan'a Sips!;, saVANMAK. GA,