The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, December 10, 1891, Image 1

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The Banner-Messensr CJ& I M r— -r— ..»*■, — ~ — . ,„ .. „„ — VOLUME VIII. THE BANHEit-KESSENGER. published Every Thursday. RntwM. »s t'no post office at Buohalian as second mass it -vU nuaier. Profess! omVi Cards, E. B. HUTCHESON-, F!J YSsGJAN & SURGEON, !'• ir.vx.vx, Ga, Office r.p st.fiks.lM Uu> Hotomiitie 1 rich building, res’l sec,cot ro-jiu to tt;C rigid.. Xtiiht calls «t i-.uv) on mil.-ipoi* i siTn'-t. A!1 < alls imimntly lilied. CEifivs rots •ituffiG It ' ■ J. M. McBRIDE, .A TlOliy SY-A T-LA TU, '! a i.i.apoosa, G a. Will practice in Superior Courts. PRICE & J. S. EDWARDS 1 ATTG1 £NE Y S-AT-LA W, B.UCHANA& - - GEORGIA. X will be aisir-iatwt v.-:tb s tMwants in mi cases in. wlaeXi he may be employed in the Superi¬ or ’Court of Haralson eonnfy. I’UICE EDWARDS, Chattanooga 1’enn. — W. C. ADA MSOX K. T). JACltSOX ADAMSOIn & JACKS OX, LAWYERS. ('aukolltox, Ga. Will practice in Ranilson county. G. S. BISHOP. ATTORXEY-AT-LAW, Tai.t.atoosa, Ga. Offers liis professional services to the people of Haralson awl adjoining comities. J. T. EDWARDS, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Bremen, Ga. Now offers his professional sendee# to the town and surrounding ■■ immunity. Office at Hr. id Tr /s. old staufi. Ail calls promptly tilled 'lav or night. M. J. TIE AO, A. I. HEAD, Buchauan, Ga. Tallapoosa, Ga. HEAD A HEAD, ATTORNEYS AT I,AW, Buchanan and, Ga. Will practice iu alt court# of Haralson county .-aperiov <\>nrt» of ail joining comities; also lend money oh improved -farms. Wil. H PRICE, • PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Waco, Ga. Off.-a lii professional 'Carroll services to All the calls people tiffed of Haralson and counties. promptly, day or i iy’at. Office in drug store of Price & Co., Romlon St. JOHN T. COBB, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Buchanan, Ga. Having-permanently located at Hucltanan, I now of Buchanan offer niv and professional smrohiiclhi;:' services eotratry. to tlie people Office fn Drugstore. AH -calls promply filled, night, or day—night calls at my residence on Carrollton street. J. M. NEILL, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Buchanan, Ga. Offers his professional service# to the town anti surrmBHUve- country—nil calls promptly ra $pointed to, iiiglu; Driej- or ilay. of Neill & Alnion— office at store residence yards will lie of found depot, at left night, side at of nyv Depot street from de¬ east pot. W. F. ROBERTSON, PH 1 SICIAH M, SUS 6 E 0 S, BUCHANAN, - - GA. Will pay special attention to .Surgery Obstetrics and all diseases of Women and Children. •0—0—0 OPIUM and MORPHINE Habit PERMANENTLY cured by ap¬ plying to Dr. IV. F. Robertson, jjiyMCnro guaranteed or NO PAY. TAX NOTICE. I will be at the following places for the collecting Stato and ’ county purpose of taxes for the year 1891: At Spearman’s Dec. v Poplar Springs P. O. “ t; Walton’s Mill H Will ii Waco i iC 11th ti Bremen il 12th it Tallapoosa 14, 15, and 16th <4 Buehanan 17, IS, and 19th P- Kpeetfiiily, Joe iv. Kelley, T. C. BUOHAMN, IIARALSON COi MY GEORGIA, THURSDAY DECEMBER i; . 1 B‘>! i * LOCAL ITEMS. Hurrah for Crisp! Hurrah tor Georgia! Hurrah for Speaker Crisp of GEORGIA!' i McE»ree y S WINE 0? 7 CAftOUJ for female diseases. For a first class mule, call on or address A. Gentry. Como in and give us the news. Why don’t you? Mr. M. M. Ford is quite sick with pneumonia. The Atlanta Constitution never fails to give all the news. CoH J. S. Edwards visited Atlanta and Douglasville last week. I)r. Toppings has been heard from. For particulars, consult Col. Thomas. For Candy, Toys, Etc., Etc., Go to, J. T. Cons & Co’s. Drugstore. Mr. J. A. Helton, of Waeoi was in to see us last Saturday. He subscribed. All the Alliance men from Georgia, ex¬ cept Tom Watson, voted for Crisp for Spenkei. The Masons are preparing to ha ve a nice time at Waco the 26th of this Inst. Read the programme in this paper. The Atlanta Constitution is the best newspaper published in the South, ex¬ cept the Bakuek-Messkwoeb, of course. Fireworks! Fireworks!! Where? Where? At, J. T. Conn & Co’s. Drugstore. Mr. Lem Scroggans, of Kramer, visited Ms mother here last Sunday. Mrs. Scrog¬ gins has been quite sick for several days. Editor Fitts, of Carrollton, was in town Monday. He is getting out a sprightly little daily and the weekly Times has but few equals for news. BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. We say, you ought to subscribe fora paper of your own, and not be cheating the hard-worked printer by reading v onr paper. TTorft borrow that which you can’t pay back. Those of our friends who- promised to bring us some wood, will please do so be¬ fore the winter is over, Oh, you may say we will shiver many a day before winter is over yet. Just so, unless you bring us that wood. The Buchanan Literary Society will give the people a free entertainment on the night of the25th Inst. This will be an interesting occasion, aud all should at¬ tend and behave like men and women of culture and refinement. We will say in behalf of the Society that it will be no place for.drnnkneBS and rowdyism, for many ladies and gentlemen will be pres¬ ent. Mr. —. —. Westbrook, of the DeLoach manufacturing Co., of Atlanta, Ga., has been visiting his father, Mr. J. C. West¬ brook, of near Draketown. Bro. West¬ brook should be proud of his boys, for they are a set of fine looking men, and are all doing well. Train up your boys to work and when they' become men they are sure to make a mark in this world— a mark to be proud of. ffi^-WINE OF CAROUi, a Tonic for Women. Mr. W. C. Waldrop was iu to see us one day this week, also, at the same time, Col. J. S. Edwards who has a list of ac¬ counts of ours, Bro, Waldrop drew a dollar and requested us to erase liis name from the list, but on examination we found that his name was not there, but had already a credit of one dollar on this year’s subscription, and here goes credit for another year’s aubsefiption in ad¬ vance. If all subscribers were as good pay as Mr. Waldrop, no lawyer would ever be called on to help ns collect our little accounts. We gave notice to our friends last week to please close the doors when passing through, but Mr. T. J. Dewell bad to over do the thing after calling on us one day this week. He not only closed the doors but turned the key on us as he passed out. But that’s all right, for Mr. Dewell is a good paying subscriber to tho Bannioh Messknoku —all paying subscribers are allowed just such privileges as they may see proper to take in this office. Like Steve Ryan, wo are willing to be locked up for a little money just now, but hope our creditors will be a little more leni¬ ent with us. acSlRSE’S WlffS OF SABSMJI for Weak Nerves coma vv All who owe us positively must pay or make us such notes as are con vert able into money, and the soeirity must be such as will not bequest^, i^i>“This means you.'t jam owe us. Yours truly, . flAsm/ros & Brows, Bremen, (5a., \ov. 17, 1891. ’ mm ....... ■{**• ■WIMl' M M Try BtflCK-CHAURHT tea. upcpsia. Boys, the l lice to get your best girl a Christmas present is at. J. T. Coins & CoN. Drugstore. Idrs., Joe \\ . Kelley mid Winfred at tended services at Pinoy ■ Woods church last ■ Sunday. A trial convinces the most skeptical, Carefully prepared, pie** w to the taste, DeWitt’s Cough and Co^smiption Cure is a valuable remedy. U Cobb & Co., Druggists. The ears ran over and lulled one <ff Sher¬ iff Johnson’s fine hounds Die other day. . Ignorance of the merits of De Witt’s Little Early Risers is a misfortune. These Little pills regulate the liver, cure head¬ ache, dyspepsia, bad in*fc?.th, consump¬ tion and biliousness. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. * , If you need job work w.e can do it or have it done.for you neatly and chcap iy. You don’t want a torpid liver. You don’t want a bad complexion. You don’t want a bad-breath, you don’t want a headache. Then use DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. Joe Lasseter has moved his barber shop into the Holcombe building, up stairs. “An honest pill is the noblest work of the apothecary.” De Witt’s Litt-le Early Risers euro consumption, biliousness and sick headache. John T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. Clerk W, C. Knight ami Mr. W. S. flan cock,-of C'edartflwT), weArtiero on busi¬ ness Tuesday. 4 What measures arc you taking to stop that Cough? Lotus suggest De Witt’s Cough and Consumption Cure. It is in fallablo. J. T. Cobb & Co.. Druggists. Tax Collector Kelley was kept very bu¬ sy here Tuesday taking in the sheekles for Uncle Sam. It is an established fact that Be Witt’s Little Early Risers have an enormous sale, and why? Simply because they are pleasant in taking; and happy in results. A pill for the multitude. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. We are now- offering special induce¬ ments to subscribers. Foi particulars, call in to see us at once. Our experience covers many ills, many pills and many bills. Our i*is are smaller, our pills are smaller, our bills are cmall ev when we use DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. You may cough and cough and cough and cough and cough but you will not, if you take DeWitt’s Cough and Con¬ sumption Cure. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. Don’t let your subscription run out. Money orders, postal notes or money can be sent through the mails. We could not afford to urge an article without merit. We not only urge but guarantee Plantation Chill Cure, C. W. Ault.. Why pay other dealers 75 cts. and $1.00 for a chill euro when yon cart get Planta¬ tion Chill Cure, a better one, for 50 cts.?— C. W. Ault. Guaranteed Cure for La Grippe. Wo authorize our advertised druggist to slill you Dr. King’s New Discovery for Coasumption, Coughs and Golds, upon ■this condition: If you are afflicted with LaGrippe and will use this remedy aeeor ding to directions, giving it a fair trial, aiid experience no benefit, you may re¬ turn the bottle and,have your money re funded. We make this offer because of the wonderful success of Dr. King’s New Discovery during last season’s epidemic, Have heard of no case in which it failed. Try it. Trial bottles free at J.'T. Cobb & Co’s. Drugstore. Large size Soots, and Sl.oo. “X" Comes Abilin. Mr. Editor:—! suppose that M. S, B. by this time has decided that I have nban doned the Hold, and as to argument rluced by him on the school qm dion there is none, and I only write again to give the public some facts 1 had re¬ served for a fight, thinking surely M. S. B. would produce some argument, or he would not have taken up “unm,” in the fight. Now, the only argument M. S. B. has ever used at all, (and it is light weight) was that “other towns have long term schools as’well ns Tallapoosa.” To that i will my, if other towns have the advau tnge of the country schools, amend the bill that justice may be done the country schools regardless of any or all towns. I guess this was quoted by M. t. B. from Tallapoosa’s embassadors. Well, if oth¬ er towns do have longterm schools, they are under the jurisdiction or suptren teudaney of the County School board, and have to comply with the same rules and requirements that the country teaches do, while Tallapoosa has a system of its own, independent of the county board and 1ms many chancels to practice fraud on the other beneficiaries of the public fund. I am informed that Tallapoosa em¬ ployed a colored teacher last year , hold¬ ing first grade license and put at least 80 students under him, at 7-1-2 cents per day from the county board, which, at per cent, of that amount, paid by the public , or brought into the A town school , treasury 8-99 per month, while he receiv ed at the hands of his town board $35, making a dividend . , , to . said ... town , board , of $64 per month, while the school board of the county restricted her • teachers to 50 pupils while they only had about 50 days in which to make the 125 days that the tows got; yet, M. G. I>. would say justice is mooted out uo the people alike, and seems to want to get. up on his -‘toes. when the pen of a countryman” is mis ed in defense of the poor “-lads and las of the , country. And , I r see George ses Woodley gets a “hump” on him when the people speak out through the County Alliance in defense of themselves, regard¬ ing the purchase of maps and charts by the board, while any thinking man that knows anything about teaching public schools in this country, knows that said purchase was not only useless but a fool¬ ish expenditure of the peoples’ money, and it was done without consulting the people, and regardless of their knowl¬ edge, feelings or wishes. Yet, Mr. Woodley says “it is Jaw, and others say it is a good investment”. I wonder if Mr. Woodley has never yet learned that almost all laws are enacted for the benefit of certain classes and combines, and influenced by some persons or par¬ ties interested for their own greed, and if not influenced into law, they are bought into existence, generally with the money of poor people, (indirectly.) So is the Map and Chart act. The producers procured the passage of the act, through a legislature that also disregard the wishes or interest of the people, of whom they were servants. Hence the law on the subject of maps, and of course their agents and men employed by them would fully represent them and advise boards of education that they were the thing for the people, and possibly teach¬ ers that speak in their favor have been “sugared” a little by these manufactur of nwps and charts. let, aboaid ofed ucation should have interest enough in 111 the education of the children to look to their welfare and education re gardloss of such law, or statements of others, and if they have not that interest they should “step down and out,” and let those take tlieir place who are not gov erned entirely by syndicates, lawyers,put iticians or anything else but justice to all the children. The County Alii- MM hi H s(). unco has t right, and a pcfe.efc right, to speak but in condemnation of thu acts of the board of cducatiqh, or mn oiiun w - v;ln(s th(n j, lV0) nml the (imo wil j SOOIt KtJl0 pewl , lo will wAu , in nin . k ,, nl)ing 8Uoh Iict8 as tliat of tI)c spho((1 b(>nrrt) of 8onio of the acts of the i egiria . tore, and even that of Congress, that the highest tribunals of tins government will consult the wishes and needs of Up people, instead of of looking -through the eyes of politicians, silvei tongued lawyers, demagogues and frauds, as this world is ruim by those in authority, oven to a hoard of education. X. Happy and content is a bride with “The Ro. Chester;" she lives ia the liyl-.t of the To learn more, write Rochester Lamp Co. At-iu Tork. Notice Teachers. 1 will hold an examination at the nond* emy in Buchanan, Ga., on Saturday, De¬ cember, the I9th, 1S91, for the purpose Os examining applicants for teaches’ licensee. All applicants arc expected to be pres¬ ent promptly at 8 o’clock, a. m. Exam, airvir -n will lust only one day. -G. D. Griffith, C. S. C. PROGRAMME O f Uio Kntertaittim>ni to lie Given by The Hnoli inaii IJtemrj Society, Friday Night, Dec. 25, 1«!H, Inttoductoly address by Col . j. S< Ed . wards; 10minutes, Mimic by Choir. Dialogue. 4. Debate. Resolved that America's Glory Excells her Shame. , Affirmative, , ... ]£, g. Griffith, E. B. lluteheson. sieg¬ a rive, .1. ••. Edwards, . I. Ilufstutler. 5. Music—Duet by Miss Della and L. _ Roberts . Recitation by Miss Kora Weatherly, 7. Reading by W. F. Robinson. & Music by Choir. Bi c.amation by J. A. (.ana-ell. j !' jI'. do '* uc iy. Recitation by Miss Annie Ault. 18. Declamation by J. S. Ridgdill, LI. Essay by Miss Flora Ault. i '' t 10. ImpromptuQ Simech by J. 2. Gri¬ ven. Pi. Recitation by Miss Tuka Weatherly 18. Jieei a ion by W. T. Newton, 1°. Music by Choir. 20. Comic Speech by C. B. Weatherly, 21. Eia’ogue. 21 Oration by J. II. Griffith. PROGRAMME Of Exercises for the Masonic Festival at Waco, Ga., Dec. 3G, 1891. 10 o’clock, A. M.,Music. Quartet by Profs. J, H. S. Davis, A. D. Tally, C. I. Cooke and W. E. Slaugh ter. Welcome address by Prof. W. T. Mor¬ ris, of Mt. Zion, Ga. Music. Address by Col. Robt. Favors, of Temple, Ga. 12 o’clock, M. Refreshments, served at the Parker Shop Building. 1:30, P. M., Music. Address, by Col. J. L. Cobb, of Ca rollton, Ga., who will also conduct the servses of installation of officers. Exercises at the M. E. Church. The best of order will be preserved. J. M. Gambia:, Com. Carroll Conuty Times please copy. NOTICE. All parties who have made accounts at the Drugstore since October 1st, must settle at once. J. T. Conn N Co. Why don’t ypu conic in and subscril - for this paper and quit ri-a-iing you-, neighbor’s paper? This is to notify all pet ■ i i, fish or (Kh'-rwisetres- v- - , ( it »■<» l r i>' ,,;,. . ; ; for A L.mions a