The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, December 10, 1891, Image 8

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THE KRAMER SASH, DOOR & # BLIND * HAKUFACTURIBG f COMPANY. G. n. BCLLAltO, J. F. B. HOSWEf.l ASH M. K. PHILLIPS, —PROPRIETORS.— Manufacturers and Dealers in Hash, Doors and Blinds of all shapes iuid prices. Wo also make Mantles to order. Mouldings of all kinds, dress¬ ed find Matched Flooring and Ceiling; biding of all-kinds. Give us a call and we will save you money. Wo are also agents for F. J. Cool edge A Bro’g. Heady Mixed Paints, Pure white lead , and Untseed oil. Will sell you as cheap as you can buy in Atlanta, Ga. FINE WORK A fiPECXALTY AND SATISFAC¬ TION GUARANTEED. BREMEN, GA. Marie Your Wnen With Indelible Ink C -<*£7 2 or G Letter _ illy lu M Monograms with ^inrinKv _)/] lb llCD\' 'o' "T T l 'Bottle of Indelible _ [ijQ^Ink.BOeents. Sent upon receipt -eSt. ofprice. Address '*2 WM. BAVMGAETEN, il3 E. Payette St.. Baltimore, Md, —-.A-aerata Wanted-— !• [8/ »p'>. | t rv > ® El —i ■ ' QMj * O " ( ■ c.'.23 HI LsaJ paps J 'S» Lzssa esaa f t r a ' lisi Fwm ngrr w&ldLA a rni I - A V t; Acrnns endorse P. P. P. as a splendid combination, and. prescribe it with, great satisfaction for tho'cures of all forma and stages of Primary, Eecondary and T .17 | I M Syphilis, Syphilitio Bhoun m, Scrofu feus Ulcers auu Sores, Glandular Swellings, Ilheumatism, Malaria, old Chronic Ulcers that have resisted all treatment. Catarrh, I iiiL e 5& f M IJS aamei eicie n r-s 6km Diseases, Eczema, Chronic Female Tetter, Complaints, Kerenrial Poison, beam iioatl, Etc,, Esc. -rj P. is a powerful tonic, and an ex . I ... '/.-/y '.f- V8/8t:8r ceheni; appetizer, building up the system rapidly. Ladies whose poisoned and systems are whoso blood is in an impure condition duo r KI.W I ,1P r IWnPRFfl CURES u : 8 i r i c j g c ‘Y-fi y. te monst-rual irregularities are peculiarly c < od by the wonderful tonie and blood •7 c?-l> Poke iug properties Potassium. of P. P. P., Prickly li out and / % jM i r - r,xy — '* m* £i ! v " ■ . . - 7*,' ’ iv-b D AV ft ' *■ i > ir LIirMAfl Biib'S., Cfissgists, Proprigtors, tippman’s Skck, GAVA! MAH, G& __ W. ■fj ■; ■ iff m 'W i S5J , v -w K P&,, jpas y?-?. - ■ I "v r f * f I 8 - 5# - mi GASESc Abii lor catalogue. TLPRY M’F'G CO., Nashville, Tekw. mm t ' Gv V. r7- > msSBM y JUST RECEIVED A nice lot and tlie Latest Styles in— IIat3from Twenty-five Cents to $3. Caps, Ribbons, Laces, Veiling' And Trimmings of All Kinds. Ladies, I respectfully ask you to give ine a call when wanting anything in the above line. SAT 1SFACTION GUARANTEED. MRS. L. P. M’KISSACK f Buchanan, Georgia. — H. H. French, THE “FOTOGKAFEK” AT TALLAPOOSA, GEORGIA, Makes All Kinds of Pictures From A Twenty-Rye Cent Ferrotype to A —LIFE SIZE PORTRAIT— COPYING- and ENLARGING A SPECIALTY. Gome and see my Samples, and get my prices before giving your pictures to ageufs, and you will have a better class of Ivor and SAVE MONET by it every time. PICTURE FRAMES IN STOCK and MADE TO ORDER. HEAD AVENUE, TALLAPOOSA, - - - DON’T GO “a ! ro KiEKjl © This VO O IN buying an article, tho the conscious¬ ness of having secured best pus sible results for the money invested, leaves one in a frame of mind that is sat¬ isfying m the extreme, Therefore to —BUY A— WHITE' SEWING MACHINE isaiffl S' IPS Mi 1 1 .V m ' pm )b w. L-£'" Dl Will assure you of experiencing this most pleasing sensation. WHAT Mors Could YOU ASE ? Live, Enterprising dealers wanted. Ad¬ dress for Lowest Terms WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO, CLEVELAND, OHIO. STRiTTOil’S PATENT ffiREOSICiS. mmimimik ABL76RAL, Single Reed. DSOTATOR, Double Read. Dealers picare send for Catalogue. No Harmonicas Self at Retail. JOHN P. STBATTON & SON , ImpGrt#r» and Whoimlo Iter-len Is oil L'nds of MUSICAL MERCHANDISE 43 & io Vi alier Street, Now lore, i NOTICE! Will be sold nt public sale to highest bidder before the court house door in Buchanan, Ga., 1st Tuesday in Januray, within the legal hours of sale, the follow¬ ing property, to-wit: 150 acres more or less of land lot 40 in 7th Hist, and 5th sec. of original Carroll now Haralson county, Ga. Said land lying one mile west of Buchanan; good bouse, good orchard, 25 acreas cleared. One half mineral in¬ terest reserved. Also, at same time and place will be sold, 55 acreas more or less of land lot No. 209 in 7th I)ist. and 5th section of original Carroll now Haralson. Co. Ga. Said land lying 3-4 mile N. IV. of waco pretty good house, good orchard, 20 or 25 acreas cleared. Also, at same time and place will be sold 11 acreas, more or less, land lot No 2M2 in 7th Hist, and 5th sec. of original Carroll row Haralson Co. Ga., said land lying in S.E. corner lot af foresaid, being inside the waco incorpo¬ ration. Terms cash consideration with privi¬ lege of running one half until Dec. 1st, 18 93 with interest at 8 per cent. Said property to be sold for the benefit of the heirs of Hark L. Dean deceased. For particulars of land near Buchanan, apply to M. w. weatherby, Buchanan, Ga. For particulars of land near waco, apply to J. E. F. weatherby, waco. Ga. J. S. Dean, In behalf of heirs. Headache is readily cured by P. P. P., which tones and regulates tho digestion and creates an appetite. Ulcerated sore leg. with a running soie of several years standing, which the doc¬ tors thought incurable, and amputation w s regarded as the only relief, the pa¬ tient scarcely able to walk before/ now runs, appeantntly well. The. cure war. made by P. P. P., uadis known through¬ out Savannah as one. of the great cuies thatP, P. P., the wonderful blood medi¬ cine, lias made. McElree’s Wine of Cardui and THEDFORD’S BLACK-DRAUGHT are for sale by the following mediants in Haralson county-; Neill & Almon, Buchanan, M. K. Phillips, Bremen, .T. G. Foote, Draketown, S. -I. Winkles, Felton, W. IT. Crawford, Tallapoosa, Tallapoosa Drug Co., J. B. Little, Starrett & Co., W. H. A G, K. Price, Waco. W. R, Eagan, Earner. Abbott’sAist Indian Corn I’airit Is a quick enri for Coins, Bunions and Warts. Bucklens Arnica Salve The Best Kslve in the world foi Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sait Rheum, Fe¬ ver Sores, Tetter, Chapued Hands, blains, Corps, and' all skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac¬ tion. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Neill & Almon. CO •i Conn WINCHESTER ARMS REPEATING Haven New ^%0 o 4, OF VARIETY •r ■p d fi 0 i M. o Q? Catalogue. r n IS m for Illustrated EVERY W. Send Page o 8o . Sheriff Sales fol* First Tuesday in January, 1892. Will li3 sold before tlie court lwnse door In Buchanan, On., within tho legal hours of sale on t he 1st Tuesday in November, 1891, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property, to-wit: City lota Nos.3 and 1 in Block No. 205 in the plan of Tallapoosa, Ga., in original land lot No. 129 in 8th district and 5th section of Haralson county, Ga.; levied on as the property of J. \V. Dorsey to satisfy one Justice court ft fa issued from tho Justice court of the 653rd district, G. M., of said county, in favor of G. It. Hutchens. Property pointed but in ii fa. Also, at tiie same time and place, will be sold one town lot in the town of Tallapoosa, Ga.— A lot 50 feet frontilng on Atlanta street ami run¬ ning hack north 200 feet in the south east-corner of lot No. 70; said lot bounded on the east by an alley. Levied on as the property of W. T5. Spier to satisfy one fi fa issued from the Superior court of Fulton county, Ga., in favor of JUuen tlial & Biekert. Also, at tho same time and place wlil be sold, four town lots in tile town of Waco, Haralson county, Ga., each lot 25 feet front and running back 109 feet, tlie same being in lot No. 1 in block 1). !>. as per original plat of said town; levied on as the property of .7. tv. Kt llam under an attach¬ ment tl fa issued from Justices court for IH.’ rd Hist., (o M., Haralson county, in favor of tie Lowry Banking Co. vs. J. IV. Kellam. Also, at the same time and place will bo sold, the west half of land lot. No. 91 in the 8th Hist, and 5tli section of said county; levied on as the property of C. D. Phillips to satisfy a 11 fa issued from the Superior court of Cobh county, in favor of If. M. Hammett, Ordinary, for use of Isabel¬ la Smith and 7. Mangin Smith vs. C. B. Phillips, principal, and Wm. Phillips, security. Tenant in possession notified of levy in terms of the law. Also; at the same time and place will be sold, lots of land Nos. 807 and 587 in the 20th Hist, and 3rd section of Haralson county, Ga., to satisfy two Justice court ii fas issued from the Justice court of the 1335th Hist., G. IVL, in favor of the Atlanta Wagon Co. against 1‘. V. and J. I,. Jones Levied on by Constable and returned to me. Also, at tiie same time and place will be sold, jot of land in the city of Tallapoosa, Ga., bound¬ ed on the south by Lipham street,on the west by Nelson place, on the north by A. <;, Tolbert prop¬ erty and on the east by T. L. Daugerty’s prop¬ erty; said lot in original land lot No. 152 in 8th Hist , and 5tli section of original Carroll, now Haralson comity, Ga.; levied on as the property of G. It. Hutchens, administrator of the estate off. J. Myers, of said county, deceased, to sat¬ isfy one Justice court fi fa issued from the Jus¬ tice court of the 653rd Hist., G. M., of said coun¬ ty, in favor of J. H. Kinard, agent of F. K. Lindsey. Property pointed out in fi fa and lev¬ ied on by L. C. and returned to me. Also, at tlie same time and place will be sold, two town lots in tlie town of Buchanan, Haral¬ son county, Ga., one situated in the north east block of said town am! fronting the public square 30 feet, running back 100 feet and fronting a street cast and west; said lot being a part of lot No.59 in the plan of said town,the other lot front¬ ing on Buchanan and Carrollton street 100 feet and running back west from said street 225 fee t more or less, to the lands of T.P.Moore, bounded on the north by lands of T. 1’. Moore, on south by lands of A. J. Stewart, containing nine-six¬ teenths of an acre, more or less; levied on by virtue of three fi fas iss ued from the J nstiee court of the 1113rd Dirt., G, M., Haralson county, one in favor of Arnold, Carlton & McCord, one in fa¬ vor of O. H. Williamson, receiver, and one in favor of Carter, McGill Hardware Co., all against If. X. .Stewart—property lev i erty of H. N. Stewart. Levy made by Consta¬ ble and returned to me. Tenant in possession notified of levy. Also, at tlie same time aa:l place, will be sold land lots Nos. 433 and 460, dr-iriet containing 80 acres more or less in the 1st and 4th section of Haralson county county, Ga.; levied on as the property of Charles Zimmerman to satisfy one Justice court ii fa issued from tne Justice court of the 1335th district, G. M.,of said pointed'out county, in ft. vorofG. M. Huberts. Property by G. St. Dobcrts. Levy made and returned to me by lawful constable. WM. JOHN JON, J1L, Sheriff. This December 2, 1S9I. ORBIKM’S ADYERTKEiESTS. G KOBO I -t—H AHA I,sox Cousxv. Elizabeth Kelley has app'i d for a enppliment to her hornettead, and X will ]>ass upon said ap¬ plication on the 21st day of Dec., 1801, at my of¬ fice. This Nov. 30th, 1821. S. M. HAVENFOBT, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Kak a lsox-Couxtv. All persons are hereby notified that an election was held in and for the 1475th district, ji., said county, on the question of for fence or stock law «» the 10th day of October, 1801, which resulted in a majority of 12 votes for stock law, and the same will go into effect after the axpiration of six months from the date of said election. This 3rd day of November, 18‘Jl S. M. DAVENPORT, Ordinary. NOTICE, omiTORS. All persons having demands against the estate of Frank A. Moore, late of llampdree county, State of Mass., deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, anti all persons indebted to the said' estate are required to make immediate payment. 1 FuedH Piult-y, Administrator Estate of Frank A. Moore, deceased, at office of Whitney & Soutt, Tallapoosa, Ga. Buchanan, Ga.,Oct. 10th, 1891. ; The best spring merlieinf! in tho world J { good is.P. P. spirits ,P. If you P. would bo weak well and and in use P. P. If j bi.ii.ated.aud run down take P. P. P, j For the a spring general medicine ailments to cure of tlie and system tone ; up j take P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and j PoUassium). The Best in the World. The “DAVIS. OVER HALF A MILLION IN USE as : . iia ■ £ ! ;i. Si ?«/, ■ ***WT':i xtl~ TOP. TERMS, ETC., ADDRESS, DAVIS SEWING MACHINE 00. BA7TT027, O. CHICAGO, XLh. Capaeiiv, 409 fefpes per Day. ■-V ■5 . :v ; 8;88'| ^ \ . -A ' KEW SHOPS OF THE DAVIS SEWIN8 MACHINE CQ AT DAYTON. OHIO. fi5SH©W$ If,I 5 pv-;, yc x M * A X v ! ( i • ' I'./i r.■ Caveats, amiTrade-Marks ebtainei i i. a. ent busine.-s conducted far M of era ® Our Ofii c is OpBOSito U. C. !;pt 08 ce. tho and we can o :nre patent .n 1 rtj iir.e tliafi remots fro iVnslilmrtoE. SetKl.irnt raw 1 oe ov 'ho to. tvri; tion. \Ve e, if paten charge. Her fee ,nr. :ue ti*.i at A r'umribiet, k- lio to Obu i *h ru’.m ft i ui in Vo as State, cpiint to u. sent fvi-e. .'.ttdress, (Pk a“‘ A 1 iJ*" ^ i- H.-- *7 'J p 0 .',.- : ‘tv* U- A n • . Opposite S'-ate:,i otiice, WasUcgton, D. C. •M- IIP 'TV": e V mmm s Hi [EfS mm » 74 », SMS p— CO IS I Y@f3C t'/. N *rq j?-;;: E n SO t >‘l s HEW r CO p I iwai r oc..fsJ •*“1 ‘‘"*1 ' fl m * 1 ,T io.;i § ; If t.1 ■/ i- 5 "*>, i-- (33 mi Tl "4 - -Ml -it M II •'.j o </ r 'M w >T- r • D I sv?:AT'TOM& £ 0Ct. il j* 0 D. 1 H '.AJ a v. :: !■-- -S rl Wl if, i r [ v 4 GSti ^ * ei '* -t, 4'. & : -J, T -• a: ' 5 % / 1 HI? friipfc <^u“i J, TuH: & M '8 r/ m fi f a f ,; '.2 ‘ WBm hstf n| •S/rfr-S ~"i mM >i '8, W * wl WM JK UFP.YAK !03„ Proprle'ora. DrugjLls, Lippmsi'/s Bleck, SAYHfiKAIl, Sit.