The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, January 07, 1892, Image 1

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CD Banner-Messen tm. VOLUME VIIl. THE BANNER-iESSEHGER. J to, «t>lished €ver y Thursday. •, . at tlic post office at Buchanan as lass mail matter. Professional Cards, pJraUTCHESON, - PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Buchanan, Ga. See |)ul up stairs In the Holcombe brick building, jHAffallapnosa room to the right. All Night calls calls promntly at resi ■Hharges street. reasonable. It e BRIDE, I TTORNEY-AT-LA IF, Tallapoosa, Ga. :tiee in Superior Courts. & J. S. EDWARDS, jTTORNEYS-AT-LAW, 'AH, GEORGIA. •sociatcd with J. 8. Edwards In all ill ho may lie employed in the Superi raison county. PRICE EDWARDS, Chattanooga, Tenn. K. D. JACKSON iON, aYERS, ItOLLTON, Ga. BUCHANAN, IIARALSON COUNTY GEORGIA, THURSDAY JANUARY 7, 1891. LOCAL ITEMS. U3T-TAKE THIS PAPER^ga Work on the court bouse is still going on lively. We would bo glad to have you come in and tell us the news. Some property sold here Tuesday, which went very cheap. Messrs R. H. Parker and It. C. Price, of Waco, were here Tuesday. Tax Collector Kelley has turned the business of collecting taxes over to the bailiffs. The Haralson County Farmers’ Alli¬ ance meets to-day at Mt. Zion church near the McBride bridge. Mr. Wm. Sewell, of Howell’s X Roads, Ala., gave us a call Tuesday. He says that is a good country where he lives. Mr. D. J. Morris says he can’t do with¬ out his county paper. He has been try¬ ing it for several months, and says be is lost without it. Mr. W. S. Jean and daughter, of Far mersville, Tex., have been visiting friends and. relatives in Haralson the past week or so. Mr. Jean went from Haralson to Collin county, Tex., twenty odd years ago. He thinks that a much better country than -this. A. Hudson and .J. J. Lovorn one day this week. We they were going to ,V- V * [^Almost simultanc )■ yu > Bkk’ STRICTLY FOH CAStf. I want to sell you your goods, but I must insist on selling for the CASH 1 With the money you can buy goods from me cheaper than you ever bought them. If yon don’t believe it, just give meatrial. JCg^Those owing mo must positively come up at once and settle, or make me such notes asareconvertableinto money. The security must be good of course. Isaac Weatuekhy. COME UP. All who owe us positively must pay or make us such notes as are convertable into money, and the security must be such as will not be questioned. UJJ^This means you, if you owe us. Yours truly, Hamilton & Brown, Bremen, Ga., Nov. 17, 1891. Dissolution Notice. The partnership heretofore existing be¬ tween the undersigned, for the practice of law in Haralson County is dissolved this day by mutual consent. Toe old bus¬ iness to be wound up by the firm under the old contract. Ivy F. Thompson. AV. P. RO HINSON. This31st Dec., 1891. The disappearanoe of Mr. Lige Morris who has been working with B. F. Mor¬ gan for several years past is quite a mys¬ tery. Yesterday was a week ago he arose early and fed his mules and awoke anoth¬ er teamster, returned to the house and ate his breakfast. He then told his wife that he must go, as the other man might be waiting for him, and his whereabouts since, ho one can in for his sudden disap debts Happy and content is a bride with “The Ro. Chester ;" site lives in the light of the morning'. To learn more, write Rodialer Lamp Co. .Vein York. Our experience covers many ills, many pills and many bills. Our ills are smaller, our pills are smaller, our bills are cmall er when we use DeWitt’s Little Early Iii3ers. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. The December number of the Scientific American is a model of Beauty. You don’t want a torpid liver. You don’t want abad complexion. You don’t want a bad breath, you don’t want a headache. Then use DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. Mr. G. F. Reid, of Bremen, was in to see us one day this week. flSg-WINE OF CARDUI, » Tonic for Women. Ignorance of the merits of De Witt’s Little Early Risers is a misfortune. These Little pills regulate the liver, cure head¬ ache, dyspepsia, bad breath, cousump tiou and biliousness. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. Mr. J. W. Tomlinson was in town Tues day. A trial convinces the most skeptical. Carefully prepared, pleasant to tho taste. DeWitt’s Cough and Consumption Cure is a valuable remedy. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. * Dr. W. F. Robertson and lady have just returned from a visit to Tallapoosa and Atlanta. WcELREE’S WINE OF SARDUI for Weak Nerve*. You may cough and cough and cough and cough aud cough but you will not, if you take DoAVitt’s Cough and Con¬ sumption Cure. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. Mr. W. A. Floyd, of Yilla Rica, was here yesterday. “An honest pill is the ' noblest work of the apothecary.” De Witt’s Little Early Rjbers cure consumption, biliousness aud sick headache. John T. Cobb & Co., ■Pruggists. honest debts and have a good ■lory-gcp*;*. ggSyB^Wltt’s Braking to stop N ANNOUHHB Editois I 1 .VXni:h you please make the pHHB ■S|§!||!| meats through your There will be preach^C*,^’: anan work by the pasto®.*-,^: Pleasant llUl first Sunm-v^ ^B||§ 5 ?-:' and Saturday beioie. Friendship first Sunday Philadelphia first Suudl^H and Saturday before. WB Felton first Sunday at 7 l-S Smyrnia second Suuday a« and Saturday before. | Mandeville second Sunday at' Ebcneza second Sunday at A. and Saturday before. Waco third Sundy at 11 A. M. Bethlehem third Sunday at 8 1-2 P. M. and Saturday before. Waco third Sunday at 7 1-2 P. M. Mt. Ziou third Sunday at 11 A. M. and Saturday before. District Line third Sunday at 3 1-2 P.11 Buchanan fourth Sunday at 11 A. M. and 71-2 P. M. and Saturday before Bremen fourth Sunday at 11 A M. and 7 1-2 P. M. Felton fifth Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 1-2 P M. Bethlehem fifth Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 1-2 P. M. We hope to arrange with our preaching brethren so there will be Divine servic¬ es at all of our churches on the jvork at least two Sundays in each y God abundantly bless iu| may we do more for tl« than we have ever donfl here ask all the brethr^B tK; the cause of religion God that we may be tBi in His hands of bringi of souls to Jesuls tlii us the victory! J. C. Edmc| J. M.“ i tef- BLACK-DBAU6HTJ