The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, January 14, 1892, Image 1

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The VOLUME VIII. THE BANNER-MESSEKGER. Published Every* t hursday. HfiterM at the post office at Buchanan as second mas# mail matter. Professional Cards, E. B. HUTCHESON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Buchanan, Ga. Office cp stairs in the Holcombe brick building, second room to the right. Night calls ht resi¬ dence on Tallapoosa street. All calls promptly tilled. Charges reasonable. j. m. mcbride, A TTOUNEY-A T-LA W, Tallapoosa, Ga. Will practice in Superior Courts. PRICE & J. S. EDWARDS, ATJORNEYS-AT-LAW, BUCHANAN, C-SOPiGIA. I wi”. lie associated with J. S. Edwards in all oases in which he may be employed in the Superi¬ or Court of Haralson county. PRICE EDWARDS, Chattanooga, Tcnn. W. C. ADAMSON H. D. JACKSON ADAMSON & JACKSON, LAWYERS, Carrollton, Ga. Will practice in Haralson county. G. S. BISHOP. ATTORNEY - AT-L AW, Tallapoosa, Ga. Offers hi* professional services to the people of Haralson ami adjoining counties. J. T. EDWARDS, D PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Bremen, Ga. Now offers his professional services to the town and surrounding community. Office at Hood lire’s, old stand. All calls promptly filled day or night. M. 1. HEAD, A. I. HEAD, Buchanan, Ga. Tallapoosa, Ga. & HEAD, ATTORNEYS AT LAYV, Buchanan and Tallapoosa, Ga. Will practice in all courts of Haralson county and Superior courts of adjoining counties; also lend money on improved farms. Wm. II PRICE, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, YVaco, Ga. Offers his professional services to the calls people tilled of Haralson and Carroll counties. AH promptly, <lav <>r night. Office in drug store of Price * Co., iiov.don St. JOHN T. COBB, .PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Buchanan, Ga. Having permanently located at Buchanan, I now offer mv professional services to the people of Buchanan and surrounding country. Office r. Drugstore. All calls promply tilled, or day—night calls at my residence on Carrollton street. J. M. NEILL, PHYSICIAN- & SURGEON, Buchanan, Ga. Offers his professional services to the town awl surrounding nig':t country—all calls promptly re¬ sponded to, or day. of Neill & Almon— Office at Ding store yards wilt, tie Dme ) at night at my residence 200 e;i >t of de iot, left side of Depot street from de >ot . F. ROBERTSON, PHYSICIAN A k n SURGEON, BUCHANAN, - - GA. ( YViU pay special attention to Surgery Obst etrics and all diseases of Women and Children. •o—o—o OPIUM and MORPHINE Habit PERMANENTLY cured by ap¬ plying to Dr. YV. F. Robertson. jgp*Cure guaranteed or NO PAY. To the Ladies. There are thousands of ladies thvough out the country whose systems are pois oued, and whose blood is in an impure condition from the absorptiou of impuve matter, due to menstrual irregularities. This class are peculiarly benefited by the wonderful tonic and blood-cleausing properties of Prickly Ash, Poke lioot and Pottassium— P. P. P. Roses and bound¬ ing health take the place of the sickly look, the lost color, and the general wreck of the sv.-.lein. P. P. P. is the cure—be sure tp ge t at once. BUCHANAN, HARALSON COUNTY GEORGIA, THURSDAY JANUARY 14, 1891. LOCAL. ITEMS. Draw for the watch. This has been a cold, rainy week. Col. Brock is calling for recruits, and well he may. Hunt& Whitton have moved into the old drugstore. Mr. J. A. Cantrell paid Tallapoosa a visit this week. Mrs. T. 0. Keeler has been very sick the past week. Mr. J. S. M. Biggers has been elected clerk of the council. Oranges, oranges, nice Florida oranges cheap at C. W. Ault’s. Mr. J. H. Smith has been appointed marshal for Buchanan. , Mr. C. \V. Golden has moved to liis farm over in the 7th district. Dr. Robertson and Mr. W. L. Young went to Tallapoosa Monday. Mr. Tom Keeler has been appointed one of the L. C’s. of this district. Col. Shepard has been confined to his room with sickness for several days past. Mr. L. R. Scoggins went up to Cedav town Monday where he goes to work for the Cedartown Lumber Company. The first quarterly meeting of the Buchanan Mission will convene at this place on the 12, 18 and 14 of next month. When you come to town, take a draw at that watch at G. M. Woodley & Go’s. Only 15 cents a draw. Gold watch guar¬ anteed to keep good time. Boys, if you want to come here to go to school, Rev. Thos. Hollis will board you, furnish you a nice room with lights and fuel at reasonable rates. / A nice picture and six months subscrip¬ tion to the Banner-Messenger will be given to the man who gets that watch at Woodley & Co’s. Go and look at it. We met Rev. * W. J. Walton at the County Alliance meeting last Thursday. He has been engaged for seveial months' over in Alabama building a grist mill for some parties on the Tallapoosa river. Judge Adamson, of Carrollton, was in town last week attending to some legal business. The Judge’s reputation as a lawyer is widening every day. Adamson <fc Jackson, whose card you see in the Banner-Messenger, will give prompt attention to cases in the Superior courts of Haralson county. The weather is rather freaky these days. Last Tuesday night week it was fair and crisp and all indications were foreign to snow, but before midnight snow was falling at a rapid rate. Sudden changes in the weather is becoming of usual occurrence in this sunny south land of ours of late, years. i As cold as it was, the County Alliance meeting which was held with the Talla¬ poosa Sub-Alliance on last Thursday was well attended. 'President Ballew, Sec¬ retary Newman and other officers were on hand and conducted the meeting in a business like manner. The dinner was superb, and enough for two dinners. Some resolution4 were passed that will be published. Mr. W. A. Smith renewed his subscrip¬ tion last week. Ho said he had noticed where we had asked all to please settle up, and ho supposed it meant him as well as the balance; and, as Mr. Smith remark¬ ed, a mau.who aims to pay for his paper will not get mad when we ask him to set¬ tle up. I’ts only a matter of business,, and Air. Smith being a business man looks at it in that light. A little negro about fourteen years of age rode into town one day last week with a horse to sell. No sooner than he offered the horse for sale he was suspi sioned of stealiug it. lie offered to take fifty dollars for the horse, whereupon Sheriff Johnson told him he would give him that much for his horse, but he would have to go out to the house with him after the money. When they reach¬ ed the house the Sheriff tokl him he reck¬ oned that he had better lock him up un¬ til he found out whether the horse be¬ longed te him or not, and about that time a telegram from Cedartown was received asking the Sheriff to lookout for a stolen horse. The negro was carried back to Cedartown the next day by the owner of the horse and another gen¬ tleman. COURT. Next week is court week here, but it is not known yet whether there will bo any court or not. I t is generally that there will be no .f court until some time in March or Upril. as the new court house is not ready Cot .i holding court . . , bear from Judge Jr ic$ as to the holding of court, if there should be no court next week. A Good School Wanted. Any community wishing to make a school and employ a teacher, will please call on, or address me at Buchanan, Ga. I have five years experience as a teacher. Guaranteefull benefit of the public funds. Respectfully, Leok Brown. Boarders Wanted. I will take t\v<* or more boarders. Good room furnished with lights and fuel. Will board by day or month at very reason¬ able rates. For particulars apply to Titos. Hollis. £g~TAKE THIS PAPERS Mrs. IT. T. Darden has been quite sick this week. Mr. John Stephens says it’s a fine girl at Ins house. MeSIfee’B WINS Ct* CARCUI Cor female diseases. If your subscription is out, please re¬ new and oblige.. Col E. S. Griffith is attending court at Dallas this week. Mrs. M. J. Head has been very sick with lagrippe this week. If you want a good hat for little money go to C. YV. Anlt’s. **• We are told that the postoffice at Dug down. has been killed. YValker Cobb, brother of t)r. J. T. Cobb, is here going to school. Try aLACS-DRSUGHT tea for Dyspepsia. Col. M. J. Head and Mr. Joo Gaddy went to Vila Rica Hr St Saturday.^ Mr. YV. M. Me Caiman, recently of Car roll county, has moved to Buchanan. YY r e would not advise any one to be rid¬ ing on the railroads this kind of weath er. ‘Squire McEaclieni held three days court here last week. Col. M. J Head had a number of cases and never lost a single one. Mr. E. C. Wilson says ho thinks every¬ body got a wetting, more or less,Tuesday night. egmVIWE 0? OAHDUI, a Tonic forWomaa. Mr. Robt. Brown, son of Rev. T. YV. M. Brown, is reading medicine under Dr. J. M. Neill. Mr. J. Hesterly made an extended vis¬ it recently to Long Cane, West Point and to Alabama. Mr. J. T. Watson, a good farmer of the 7th, came in and subscribed for the Ban¬ ner-Messenger one day last week. Judge YV. J. Head, who was partially paralized some years ago, caught a fall Sunday which has had a serious effect up¬ on him. YVe forgot to tell you that the smile worn around here bv Dr. Hutcheson was caused by the appearance of a fine boy at his house some days ago. I-Iappy and content is a bride with “The Ro Chester : ” she byes in the light of the morning. To learn more, write Rochester Lamp Co . Lew lcrlc. Have you tried vour luck at that watch in G. M. Woodley ifc Co’s show window? Only 15 cents a draw, and on ly one hun¬ dred draws for a §26.59 gold watch. Try your luck, boys. Mr. Flom Davis tells us of three wed¬ dings that came off in the 7th last Sunday. Mr. R. A. Beall and a Miss Hicks, J. W. Ilall and Miss Annie Hallman and Aaron Harper to Lucy Stanford. Mrs. Lewallcnand son, C. M. Lewalien, and Mrs. Mary Dobbs, daughters of Thos. Hollis and his son-in-law, Mr. YY. H. Drumons, all of Floyd county, were here on a visit the latter part of last week ncELBEE’S WINE OF CARDUI for Weak Nerve., YVe call vour attention to Mr. Leek Brown’s notice. Should your comm uni ty need a good school teacher, call on or write him. Mr. Brown is a nice young man, and will give you satisfac¬ tion. YVb feol sad in announcing tin: death of Mrs. II. I). Cook,o which took place at her home in Buncombe district several days ago. The Banneu-MessBngkb ex tends its sympathies to the bereaved ones in this their sadest affliction. We are told and consoled by many good friends wheuat the death of a compan ion, child or friend not to grieve after them, which is good and well, but God and those who have experienced having to lose a loved one only knows the ach¬ ing of the heart such bereavements bring to them; but the sweetest thought and the one thought that gives us more com¬ fort than all others is, we shall meet them again, mid knowing that we have loved ones basking in the sun-light of God’s presence makes us joyful in the promise that if we do His will that where they are wo may go too. We have a little angel in Heaven and some sweet clay, among the hosts of little children Who have passd over and are so happy with Jesus, we shall meet our little Emily. While we feel that we are not inclined to supersti¬ tion, yet we some times think that the spirit of our little dead darling is near us and whose unseen presence tends to lead us from evil to good. But let this be as it may, we shall keep in mind the sweet thought of meeting our little dar¬ ling again some sweet day. Rev. YV. F. Lasseter, President of the Haralson County Sunday School Associ¬ ation, will address the school at this place on the fourth Sunday in this, month, at one o’clock, p. jx. Everybody cordially cordially invited to attend. Our experience covers many ills, many pills and many bills. Our ills are smaller, our pills are smaller, our bills are cmall er when we use DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. This is awful weather for that poor old cow of yours to have to stand in. Yon don’t want a torpid liver. You don’t want a bad complexion. Ycu don’t want a bad breath, you don’t want a headache. Then use DeYVitt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. "v Ce.i?i .the ... DeTVitfc’s I^ 2 iora 2 nieiils of Little Early Risei* fca mmf^-tnne. Little pills regulate the liveiVSTire head¬ ache, dyspepsia, bad breath, consump¬ tion and biliousness. J. T. Cobb* Co .j D ruggists. I The river is said to be very high. YVe never saw rain fall more incessantly tlnm it has for the past 86 hours. A trial convinces the most skeptical. Carefully prepared, pleasant to the taste. DeYVitt’s Cough and Consumption Cure is a valuable remedy. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. You may Cough and cough and cough and cough and cough but you will not, if you take DeWitt’s Cough and Con¬ sumption Cure. J. T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. Mr. YY r . J. Holcombe, of the 7th Disk was in to see us last Friday' He tells us' that Mr. J. BeaU'has moved toBenoia. “An honest pill is the noblest work of the apothecary,” De Witt’s Little Early Risers cure consumption, biliousness and sick headache. John T. Cobb & Co., Druggists. Mr. Jeff Perryman and wife, of Carroll tor., are here this week at the the sick bedside of Mrs. Perryman’s father, Judge W. J. Head. YY'hat measures are you taking to stop that cough? Let us suggest Do Witt’s (j ou <-] t and Consumption Cure. It is-in faUaWc> j. T> Cobb & C o.. Druggists. Happy Hcoslers YYm. Timmons, Postmaster of Idaville, Ind., writes: “Electric Bitters has done more for itte than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and liver treble.” John Leslie, farmer and stockam of same place says: “Find Electric Bitters to bo the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man.” J. YV. Gardner hardware merchant, same .town says: Electric.Bitters is just the thing for a nian who is all run down am.1 don’t care whether he lives .or dies ; he found new strength, good appptitc and felt just like lie had a new lease on life. Only 50c. a at J. T. Cobb & Co’s Drug Htoro - ------;------------- Cum Your Corns By using Abbott’s East Indian Corn Paiut. For Corns, Bunions and YY'arts great. . is NUMBER 52. PROGRAMME O t the Haralson County Sunday School As¬ sociation. Following is the programme of the Haralson County S.S. Association to con¬ vene at the M. E. church at Waco oil Sat urday proceeding first Sunday in Feb., 1892. . 9:30. Association called to order. Jp 9:40. Devotional services by Rev. B. I). Cooke. 10:00. Address of welcome by James Beall. 10:20. Response by Rev. C. W. Clem¬ ents. 11:00. Sermon by Rev. J. M. Crow. 12:00. Recess. 1:50. Devotional services by J. L. Bur kcr. 2:00. Devoti onal songs by II. P. Smith and A. D. Tally. 2:20. Enrollment of delegates. 2:40. Reports from schools. 3:30. What has the Sunday School done? What is it now doig? Discussed by Dr. J. C. Edmundson. 4:00. Relation of the Sunday School and church” by Rev. B. D. Cooke. SUNDAY SESSION. 9:00. Association called to order. 9:10. Devotional services by Rov. YV. J. Walton. 9:20. Mass meeting for children. Ad¬ dresses by Sunday School workers. 10:20. ‘-Divine origin of the Sunday School” by Rev. C. YV. Clements. 11:00. Sermon by Iiev, W. F. Lasse ter. All schools in the county arc requested to send delegates to this meeting and all of those whose names on the are expected to be present aucl prepared to discharge the duties assighned them. There will be a meeting Saturday’nigh t, the nature of which will be made known on Saturday. J. M. Dodson, Chairman Ex. Com. lt is an established fact that De YVitt’s Lifctle Earl V Risers have an sale, and why?* Sum^^ause they a^iar pleasant in trj ■. tBeTndltitude. a>., Druggists. BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. i BUCHANAN $ t GRADED SCHOOL* -EO R 1892 JAS. R. GRIFFITH, - - - PRINCIPAL, School opens first Monday in January. Besides the branches usually taught in Common and High Schools, special ar rangements will be made for those desir ing a course in Instrumental Music, Book keeping, or the Theory and Practice of Teaching. Tuition reasonable and terms made easy. Board can be had in good families at reasonable rates. For further particulars, call on or ad¬ dress JAS. R. GniFFITH,; -; Buchanan, - oV RIcIumS and Danville R, CHATTANOOGA D1YUSION. “CHICKAMAUGA ROUTS.” The direct aud quickest route, via Kramer to ROME, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS, DETROIT, CHICAGO, and all points North, —AND— GRIFFIN, MACON, ALBANY, SAVANNAH, JACK¬ SONVILLE, and all poifits South. The “CUicamaiiTa Route” passe.- through the historicalhattlotieid of Cliioamauga alongsidt of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, and through Ear):, the proposed Chicamauga National Depot connecting at Chattanooga in the Union with diverging lines. Connections made with Georgia Paeiffic Divis¬ ion trains. Tickets on sale at ai) coupon ticket offices in tne North and South via •‘Chicamauga Route” and Kramer. Forratcs, information, etc. call on or address Alex. S. Thweatt, D. p. a., Chattanooga, Term. Jab. L. Taylor, G. P. A., Atlanta, Oa. S. II. Hardwick, a. G. I*. A., Savannah, Oa. Sol Hass, Traffic Manager, Atlanta, Ga. Many Persons Are broken down'from overwork or household “ res Brown’s IrothHitters nUuilas tho system, aids rt'gestjoii, removes ox cos;; of bile, and cures malaria, tiotthegemtina