The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, July 21, 1898, Image 1

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BANNERMESSENGER. VOL. BROOKE JOIN oo m 1 • a General to Come Back For the Purpose of Selecting New Invaders. FOLLOWS MILES AT OUTER Railways Leading to Chickamauga to Mow "7 the Evorythlus boldlers and I,,Ke-.ll.. Kquipmeru P s. on Short Notice. Ghickamauga. Ga.. July 19.—Major _ General John R. Brooke will return to his headquarters at Camp Thomas to morrow morning and then the question of what regiments will go to Porto Rico and when they will go will be definitely settled This question °in has been the one one of or main mainmtei-st interest m the the to bi ft armv army camp since the departure of General Brooke for Washington several days ago and there has been speculation and discussion among both officers and men. d oZ7o7o f ,2 *%t nothing official given out here. As far as can be learned only two divisions will be taken movement m^menMvilMjeEiu^abouT win begin about tiie thelast last ol ol the present or the first ot next week. The railroads acting upon notice given ' a * e got ,en -rains in readiness ” M » e ChXu^UWw »« ply depot, is receiving Large quantities of rations daily, which would seem to indicate that a still larger force of sol diers will be sent to Ghickamauga soon, Today he unloaded 31 cars of provisions, mostly meat, sugar, flour and coffee. A still larger number of cars are expected to arrive tomorrow. So far Major Nye has received no orders to ship provisions south. Captain RockweR of Genera 1 Brooke’s PnfJlfn Colonel Rockwell i n P u^° has te< ? been ° a at C ,°l? the a T head C ^ of the ordnance department and will continue in that position. The colonel is one of the hardest worked men at Camp Thomas Adjutant General Otto L. Sues, of Colonel Griggsby’s cowboys today gan the instruction of the officers of the regiment in sabre movements. This practice will continue every day, Ad ju tant Sues instructing the officers and they in turn instructing their men. Er,£S£ The carbine Z for scabbards the regi ment have been received at the camp and the regiment is now fully equipped with the exception of a few minor sup¬ plies. The men are also becoming well drilled and Colonel Griggsby says that his regiment is ready to go anywhere and do all kinds of fighting.^ It is claimed that the regiment is the best equipped and the finest drilled of any regiment of volunteer cavalry in the United States. All arrangements have been com pleted for the brigade review, which oocurs one day this week. Those who will he in the review are the cowboys, the First Illinois cavalry and tho Kentucky cavalry. Twenty-five hun - dred horses will be on the field at one time executing the various cavalry movements and the sight will be quite ^vision, ta » Third, g C^.^ h <Xl«oad corps, are now arrant IHXIIAXAX, HARALSON COUNTY, GEOUGI A, THURSDAY,. ILLY 21, IS'ik. iug the new rifle ranges and will get down to practice at once. Tho general states that the equipment of his divi¬ sion is almost complete, the regiment only lacking a few articles of various kinds. ROAD OFFICIALS NOTIFIED. Alli Queen and . Crescent „ ^ „ Route to Move th, Park Soldier.. Ciiattasoooa. My 10._Tho officials of 4 . the ^ Queen and ^ Crescent route , have been notified to hold tlUmselves in read iness to load 8,000 soldiers for Newport News within the next 24 hours. Al* tht f gh nu mformatlon oau 1)6 secured at headquarters, 1 the 3,000 men referred to doubtless compose General Haines’ Second brigade, First division, First corps, which is in shape to get out on a few hours notice. Pennsylvania. No regiments are ex peeted to receive moving arrival orders, how until the of General Brooke at camp tomorrow morning. At least 25,000 men are nowin shape to ^ eave ^ ere on 24 hours’ notice. Germany to Keep Hands Off. Washington Julv 19 —The naw do nartment f T hns meniveri reived no dispatches , from Dewey rela lug to P ross sports concerning our relations -with Germany. but officials feel much less concern over Germany’s attitude and there is good reason to believe direct assurances have beeii received from Germany that she nSzZXrZTT “ K iAMPA > ria., July 19. A move* ment has been started here to present Admiral Cervera a home on Tampa bay, alnc S? treatment of Hbbson hnoano and wd crew chiv- and a desire to save him from insult and possible death should he return to Spain, ----------- S °' <,,< ' r ’ G ° *° „ „ Francisco, July 19.—The tan, P ort steai ner Pennsylvania, with the First regiment and 300 re cruits for the First California volun teers, sailed today for the Philippines ' __ Five Hundred Men Sail. r> UAW ' t,,w y 10 team- . ’ " ship Panama sailed this morning _ for Santiago with 500 men, bridge and dock builders. Two hundred negroes shipped herCl the candidates. ’’ e ca ‘* yum' attention to all the an nouncements of candidates subject to the action of the primary to be held in the differeilt district8 of the couuty J next , 5 <uui «ay. For tveasqyer you will find Ayres, Mr, T. L. Dougherty withdrawn his aunouncement to make Mr. For tax receiver, II. I). Lassoter and U rn. G. Robinson, For tax collector, E. C. Wilson, G. M. „ ^ T oodley and J. 1. „ 1 owell. ,, For representative M. J. Head, For Sheriff, G. W. Bullard, Those not announcing in this pane ' aro s, Griffith for representative and u, tj. Head foi clerk. These are all good men and worthy the of the voters of the county, Turn out and vote for your choice, To Tax Payers of Buchanan. The city tax books are at my store you can call and give in your per property. The books will close of this month. Parties not giving *»«• Don’t forget this. W. A. McC’a.lman,. C. T. R. MILES n If B#EII If . .) x \ S " J U - ' — Expedition * to Porto RicO Off at Last Alter Beillg 1 Delayed J Slifrlltlv J * HALT OWING TO MISTAKES " the War J urned Over to Him Far Kxeeed . the Strength of His Own Army. ashington, July 19. General Miles did not start for Porto Rico yesterday as exi ' Gcted ’ but either has already Sallcd thls> monung or Wl11 get away during the day.* The delay was owing to a failure to receive the necessary ders through some mistake of persons *i„„ } tou|?h 1 " .» hoso bands , ,. tlley travelecl . , . , , - G^-eneral Miles telegraphed heie over bight and the orders were repeated to him and he was told to start for Porto H:linc8 ' "■^^ ouK ' Newport News, whence they will b ar ]j f or p or t^ Kk-o: Third Illinois, Fourth Pennsylvania and Fourth Ohio, uprising from 3, MX) to 4,000 men. ^ T addition ..... four ,. . batteries .. . ot artillery, .... making 700 men and 1,000 horses, a hospital corps of 200 and a signal corps of 200 men have beau erdered to New port News . It has not been definitely decided, and will not until General Brooke has been heard from, which regiments from the First and Second divisions of his corps shall go to Porto Rico, but the First and Third Kentucky and Fifth Illinois are among the proba ble selections. The First Illinois is the only regiment known here to have actually gone to Porto Rico with General Miles. The troops under General Coppinger f Iucb do J 10 * FO to Porto Rico will be transferred to Fernandma, account of the malaria at Tampa, where they are now quartered. Xhe war department has received a dispatch dated yesterday from General Shatter saying that the roster of pris oners was handed in yesterday afrer noon by General Tora 1 and that the total was 22,789 men. General Shatter’s dispatch added that the prisoners turned over to him far ex ceefl iu numbers the strength of his Shatter ba S „ ked the department to hurry forward the regi¬ ments of immunes for service at San tiago city and vicinity iu order that there may be a minimum of danger of further infection of our troops from tho fever which prevails at Santiago. Secretary Alger said this afternoon that it is probable that the total number of Spanish soldiers who will have to be transported to Spain will reach the 25, 000 estimated by General Shatter, as Toral’s reports did not cover quite all the soldiers who would be turned over, The secretary says the military gov ernor of Santiago has not yet been defl Cuba, so that it will not need such sup piies for some time. The secretary would not go into de tails concerning the Porto Ku o expodi tion, but said be ful v co d it started today on its i AO. 2 (> NEW CAMPS ESTABLISHED. All Precautions Taken to Prevent the Spread of Diseases. Santiago pe Cuba, July IS. via King¬ ston, Jamaica, July 19.—Strenuous ef forts to prevent tho spread of infectious diseases , among .1 the Amoncnn , in troops boot <>» S»a»»KO «e «’»ha were « soon as the city surrendered and for the past 30 hours our soldiers have been sent as ra phlly ns possible to the hills north of the city, where new camps have been established. Everything possible is being done to improve the sanitary conditions of the camps, which especially in the case of troops are expected to take part in the expedition to Porto Rico. Of the regi meats here only those which are not in the slightest infected will be allowed to go to Porto Rico. The others will ve for ,he 0I1 the high ground north of Santiago, The immune regiments from New Orleans and Mobile are expected here daily, and upon their arrival they will be sent to the city, forming the only American garrison force which will re¬ “‘riVphPsiral condition of our troops is not considered serious, now that the number of cases of fever is growing less all tho time, and it is believed the disease "ill disappear with the re moval ot the soldiers to healthier local ities and the extra precautions which are being taken. Waders cavalry div boon is ^ lre ® 11 ( ' ,ll slrkn ® h ^ ‘ uu J l )r< ?b* 1100 K,s "‘" m ‘r:......-“*'*• w W ashington, July 19. — News has reached here to tho effect that the drained relations between the Ameri cans and General Garda's Cuban sol diers are increasing. " Indeed “aim the situ-i tj(>n lmg nuW wa ched n there is practically no communication between the armies and their relations Wdor on thoso of hostility mfber than £•»“““ 7'™’ di-.*,! “ ?». In -suppose some nuarters tber»> i ei . ) f° p i l ” esy an early colnsiun ’ betwe ui ' ° n men and the Cubans Orders to Move Unchanged. Tampa, Fla., July 19.—The orders re¬ ceived here yesterday directing a move¬ ment of tho trot os to Fernandina, which worfl t u en nnrm b _ ‘ prol Btill gtand uuclian ;(1 vim-x ,u. testg havc been fmavarded tho } >nsident b every persou of distinction here Picnic. There will be a jmblie picnic and .speak¬ ing at James Green’s millpond five miles northwest of Temple on the Bremen and Draketowa road on August 13th. both democrats arid populist candidates ai o especially invited to make speeches. Ev erybody invited to come. Kefreshmeitta ““ «“ —‘*• Mr. . A. Chandler, of Trion, has ie turned to his father. Gl,1 ° burning wear her and the farmers are putting in good time. “If a newspaper man knew how many kicks he received behind his back he wullld adopt another calling,” remarked ’ a young man recently. , „, That min was mistaken. The newspaper man who succeeds expects to be maligned by ev 0 ry lawbreaker, swindler and hypocrite Ever ......t-very of u<,t °uety who is ignoied. I he editor who expects to go through life without being misrepresented should make ar ra „ K ements to die young.-Carrolltnf nu:t, s ‘