The Banner-messenger. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1891-1904, November 29, 1900, Image 2

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TBF BANNER-MESSENGER. iiOCHASAN- GBOBGIA, AEG. H, IWtO. * &. V. mIr.wIthIr: I and props PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at the Postoffiee at Buchanan, Ga„ a Second class mail matter. tBscRirwon Via trs. ne Yes’- - - x Months hree Months 25 P ^2* , j ft ^ Aj . tT k/ .■ ^ p ■ t^<. ^4* ■> {th V\ When you feci that life is hardly worth the candle take a dose of CamberlaHi’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They wilL cleanse your stomach, tone up your liver and regulate your bowels making you feel like a new man, For sale by H. D. Lasseter Co. In finishing up gathering, the farmers have fonnd that they have utade a better c.iop than they had thought fqr; aud, getting good prices for their pro¬ duce, the farmers are in good spirits. Uncle Silas—“Folks is different from what they used to be. Lots of them don’t believe in the Bible.” Uncle Hiram—“Yes, and some is even gittin’ sbv of the Declaration of Independ¬ ence.” Both makers and circulators of coun¬ terfeits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive you into buying worthless counterfeits of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. The original is infalliable for cur ing piles, injuries, eczema, aud skin diseases. H D Lasseter. A fast passenger train on the Plant system collided witli a freight train at Green Pond, S. C., last Saturday, kill¬ ing Engineer T N Jones, of the pas senger train, and seriously injuring his fireman, 'Ihcte. Lesseter. It looks now tb^jt the state’s funds will be used to erect Atlanta a new depot. The state will receive a good rate of interest in case liei funds ore used to erect the now depot. If you have ever seen a chilrj^in the agony of croup you can realize how grateful mothers are for One Minute Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as it is administered, lt, quickly cures cou?hs, colds and all throat aiul lung Doubles. The burning alive of that negro in Colorado was awful, but it shows that the satn‘' crime is likely to bring about the same penalty in any part of the United States and not in the south elone. A Virginia judge has decided that a Woman may be the head of tlio house if she foots the bills, and a Chicago judge ha« held that presents given : under the influence of love’s young V ream must be returned when Cupid .ValtK and Hymen blows out his torch. You o’an’t afford to risk vour life by allowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or consumtioir. One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and lunc troubles quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors use it as a specific for grippe. It is an in fa'lible remedy for croup. Children tke it aud mothers endorse it. D. Lasseter (Own Paul, the great leader iu the late South African war, is now in Franco. He is being given a ovation. The latest from the Philippines is that Aguinaldo is suffering from a gun •hot wound in the stomach. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets cure billiousuess, constipation and beadaeue. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by U. D Lasseter & Co. Actually Mark Hanna Is now said to declare that no man can have a full pail unless lie gets out and hus¬ tles for it. A mouth ago, all a man had to do was te lie on his back and let vOast quail drop iu his mouth—pro¬ vided McKinley was elected. A Great Medicine. “I have used Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find to be a grea't medicine,” Says Mr. E. S. Phipps, of Poteuu, Ark, “It cored of bloody flux. I cannot speak too highly of it.” This remedy always good opinion, if not praise, of use it. The quick cures which it Effects evene in the most sevete cases make it a favorite everwlraa^. For sale ,j y Cl. D. Lasseter & Co. The- following is clipped from a northern paper: ft, “Forty years ago the negro was a slave; today he is a problem. The south disfranchises and lynches him; the lioith lynches him and buys his franchise. Of the two, the north uses him the worse. The south understands the negro better than the worth, and on the whole, treats him better. It at least gives him what he needs most— employment, and gives it freely. But his chances in the north .grow fewer every year.” Times do change! A month ago, the Philippine war was said to bo over; today it is cheerfully admitted to be absorbing one-third of the national ■income and its existence is offered as an excuse for not reducing taxation. To The Deaf. A rich lady cured'of her defness and noises in the head by Dr. Nicholson’s Artificial Ear m ums, gave $10‘000 to his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear mums may have them free. Address No 1261 The Nich olson Institute, 780 Eight Avenue, New Yoik. While the leaders in the recent Chin¬ ese massacres should he punished, still it is foolish to insist that the Emperor shall behead certain of tho.-e selected for punished by the allies, For in¬ stance it is impossible for for him to execute the general commanding the army that surround s the court. Ifrpsident McKinley, it is said, oppos es/the plan to reduce the south’s rep¬ resentation in proportion to the dis¬ franchised negro vote. He is a firm believer in the maxim that honey catches more tjies than vinegar. This sigaatcre Bromo-Quinine is on every box ot the genuine Laxative Tablets the remedy that eaves b cold fa DM day BKKMEN. Since cotton has gone up, the farmers have been bringing in their cotton lap idly, and of course our merchants are doing a big business. Mr H G Entrekin made a business trip to Atlanta 1 uesday. Dr E B Hutcheson and the editor of the Banner Metsenger passed through Bremen Tuesday on llieir way to Atlan ta. Prof Lovvorn is teaching school near the Haralson and Caaroll line. He lias a good school for the time of year. The bailiff’s election will pass very quietly Saturday. The telephone is proving to be very useful to our citizens. Col Beall made a business trip Buchanan Monday. Wise Aker, lot us hear from you woek. The Old Man. State of Ohio, city of Toledo, ss Lucas county. Frank J. Cranky makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney a Co., doing business in he city of Toledo, county and state taforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each ana every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Ca¬ tarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHANEY* Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence. This 5th day of De¬ cember, A, D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nslly and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. Cheney, a Co. 5g^-Sold by druggist* 7oc. Toledo, O. Hall’s Family Pills aro the best. A Deadly Sin. Jesus calls a slanderous spirit a beam compared with which any other mis¬ take is a little thin splinte’-. [fere is a man that condemns every poor creature that is overtaken in a fault. He has no sympathy with Such The man took a glass of whiskey too much, lost his equilibrium, was seen in a reeling state—that circumstance is reported to the man who only in slander ous criticism, and the man immediate¬ ly calls for the excommunication of the erring brother from the church, not knowing that he himself is drunk., but not with wine, drunk with uncharitable ness. If I had been guilty of this ineffable meanness, 1 would preach te myself as loudly and keenly as to any other man. If I had been guilty of speaking an unkind word about any human crea¬ ture, or suspecting the honesty of .any man; if ever I had said about a brevier minister, “He is a fine man in many respects, a noble creature, kind chjyal roiis, grand of soul, but—”If eve| I have said that but, God will punish! me We do not lay holt of the great sufficiently. We think that a little slap dor is of no consequence. To be called Up before the church and condemned ^ for slander! Condemn the drunkard, turn out the man who by infinite pressure has com mitted some sin—tuin him out—cei tainly, and never care what becomes of him, let a *W(r)f r .. h,m -° U, y , lid ot ... Inm—it wo £f (} home and unkindly of toati, ^pnaan or child-,' wlio is the great siarier, the drunkard or the shaven, highly polished chris gentleman who does nothing but filch his neighbor’s good name?—Par¬ ker, To remov a corn or bunion; First soak the Cbrn or bunion iu warm water to sof ten it, then pare it down as close as pos sible without drawing blood aud apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm tw e daily; rubbing vigorously for fi> * minutes at each application. Acorn plaster be worn a few days, to protect it from !pY»u h <>e u,ut 6 a i^S s es tism, Pain Balm is unequaled. For sale by, H. D. Lasseter & Co. The price of corn is likely to go er next spring than it bag been for sevi era) years. Many think it will bring $1 per bushel. It would be best for our farmers to buy what corn they will need uow. ■ .-3 .i ,v'> Healthy Mothers Ftw mothers are healthy, because their duties are so exacting. The anxiety of pregnancy, the shock of childbirth, ana the care of young children, are severe trials on any woman. But with Wine of Cardul within her grasp, every mother—every pay the debt woman of personal In tht health land—can the owes her loved ones. Do you want robuit health with all Its privileges and to pleasures? Wine of Cardul will give it you. •• strengthens the female organs and Invig¬ orates weakened functions. For every female ill or weakness It is the best medicine made. Ask your druggist for $1.00 bottle Wine of Cardul, and take no substitute under any circumstances. Mrs. Bdvm Crass, Gorroer, Mich .1 "Whoa I commenced using Wine of Cardul I was Hardly dole to walk across the house. Two weeks aftefiil wa&ed half a mile and picked strawberries, When my other child was bom i suffered with labor 24 hours, nod had to raise him on «t bottle because 1 had no milk. using the WW during prsgowacy this time, {gave only birth last month toa but baby little girl, pda, and was in labor two niiilc. hours, with and I have in plenty health of 1 thank God For and thbgreat wine ofCwdul" hyprove meat my For advice ii in cases requiring ‘The special Ladies' directions, address. k giving symptoms, Department," The Advisory /fev . tanooga Medicine Co., 7 Chattanooga, Tenn. Vi lUiad Citation, Georgia Haralson county J. L. Kirk et al have petitioned the undersigned to have an order passed estabiishiug a new public road in the 1475th district, ar.d reviewers appointed for that purpose have recommended that said road be established. Now this is to cite all persons to show cause if any they have on or before the third Monday in November why said road should uot be estabiised, otherwise the prayer of petitioners will be granted. This October 13 1900. Thus. A. Hutcheson, Ordinary, Tact. Miss Esther (who has been handed a photograph) - Oh, what an awfully homely creature! Jane—1 am so glad you think It does not look a bit like me.—Boston Tran¬ script Belated Zest. “What made that widow elope? Did her friends object to the match?" “No, but she said her first marriage was so tame gild uninteresting.’’—Chi¬ cago Record. Kodol |% * O ^ S J5 0 |J SI 0 V 1 IS PC# Dl06StS Wh^tl yOU structing the exhausted JataUdtacoverefl digestive or gaps. It Is the digest ant and tonic. Nc, other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It in¬ stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps Sour Stomach, Nausea, and all other resuKsof imperfeetdigestion. Price Smallslze. 50c. and *1. all Large about size dyspepsia contains mailed times free Book Prepored by E. C. DeWITT A CO., Chicago, H L>. LASSF/l'ER & Cl> OOPBUNP BROS, S reiaen. ATTNTION. We have opened up a New Drug StOTG LU jBliCllcill" aU. * YV 0 liaVe ° afUll . 11110 OI UTUSTS ° 5 pfl.tftTlt. * TUP. Hi H I TI PIS ■ xr % v iii&h, nil dUU flTirl in lfl idW fapj’ al o-ntr *y' usually kept ■*— 1 "ftT’Q'f’ ° tiO/OO G C2G « ^ CLX'XXK’ ® 3X0X0 * Q©0 US bOiOX 4 © i buying. o BUCHANAN DRUG CO. TREEANf -RY INHA LA IU N 1112 Gira rd St. Philadelphia, Fa. For Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Hay Fever, Headache, Debility, Rheu¬ matism, Neuralgia. AND ALL CHRONIC AND NERVOUS l)ISOI!l)i;U8. ‘‘Com ipound Oxygen—Its mode of action and Re suits” is the title of a book of 200 pages publtilifcd by Dr«. Starken and Paten which gives to all inquirers full information as to this remarkable curative agent, and.a record of sur prising ernes in a wide range of chronic eases— many of them after being abandoned to (lie by other physicians, Will lie mailed free to any address on application. 12 Girard St., Philadelphia, Pa. 120 Butter St., San Francisco, Cal Please mention this paper. Chattanooga, Rome & Southern EAIL210AD CO. Passenger Schedule in effect June 11, 1899, SOUTHBOUND. aiCSs~No~2~y No I No Vi No 1(1 30 am -i 0 : no 5 ooain 0-i 32 | 5 (15 f.25 Ar Suin’rvIHe Rome Lyerly Carrollton (’ei’artown Buchanan Bremen ___.C5sss*tt 30 04 47 03 pm | 7 32 41 00 7 3 6 00 2-f 10 pm pm i 11140 855 *35 1 725 940 45pm NORTHBOUND. STATIONS No 1 No 3 | No U , Wo. 9 Lv Carrollton 2 00 pm 5 00a W Bremen 2 47 r» ooj Buchanan 2 44 fl 45 Cedar to wn 3 27 (120 8 90 9 lOain Rome 4 40 70ft 40 45 Lyerly 5 05 1 59 1 05 Bum rv iii- .5 23 8 47 1 65 Trfon 6 32 oh’karn LaFayette Battled r ;fa a 0 6 27 34 (« 9 24 31 Ar ohattan* 7 00 pm 9 56a» 6 00 Nos. 1 and 2 (tail}'. Nos. 3 and 4 Sunday only. Nos 9, 10, 11 and 12 dal ly except Sunday. Trains Nos. 9 and 10 arrive and depart from 0 . R. &" 8 . shops near Montgomery avenue, connections made at ehattanooga, Teun., with all roads for points north and west. For any information apply to C.n. wilbubN, President & Traffic Manager TO MY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS: In order that I may be able to compete with other cash housei and other towns after Oct. 1st, will sell strictly FOE CASH THEE MONTH OCT., NOV,, DEC., ' and will offer you some bargains Groceries, Dry Goods and Shoes! j A trial will convince you. W. A. McCalman, Buchanan, Georgia -•j Fall is Here And so is our immense Fall Stock of DRY GOODS We can save you money on BEY GO YDS AND GROCERIES 1 Get our prices beoreyou buy. EAVES & SONS MUTUAL BENFFiT LIFE INSURANCE CO. OE NEWARK N J. rri I he. Rest -n j t\ rolicyaiid. ■ • • -i the j'-i" ' Best -n i The Mutual Benefit has in successful fifty five years. i JMsg.*- — * it has. a surplus of over Five Millions of Dollars. ’ lt hiiS insiil ' auce iu foree of Two Hundred and Sixty-five Millions Dollars. Its annual preuiinm incooe is over Nine Millions of Dollars, Its annual interest income is over over Three Millions of Dollars. Ii has paid to members and their families since organization, over Ninety four Millions of for dead helaiius. lt is purely mutual. — ■ ■ Its policy contracts are and contain liberal cash values, loan values, paid upvalues, and term ex teasiou values after years, also inentes table. Its premiums are reduced annually by dividends, {no tontine estimates or 20 years distributions.) Specimen policies and full informa tion as to rates and plans will he (Sheer ully furnish For Fnll Information, Polieies or Agencies Apply direct to CLARENCE ANGIER, ST TE AGENT B1Q, 8 12, 814 English American Building, Atlanta II i il'lfl { Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description ot any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent¬ ability of same. “ How to obtain a patent ” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special mtice, without charge, in Thu Patent Record, an illustrated aud widely droulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. Evms & GO" (Patent Attor - «ys,) Ovssss Bylltllng, a o c> S. Bitters ANSWERED. iJSlwi «! WPI ^ K Co § Ills ll iii III itil In 0 W ft fife 1 i TokW s 5 s fo a A a iiiiiirliaii if@ iisip Gencinp hss i 1 * r The Wen °* character can secure good contracts. Of this sum there hag already bee returned to Policy-holders; For Policy C>s$«rs,46.0 per cent...................... $94, For Surrendered Policy 12.9 per cent ... ............... ,86.385,291.47 For Dividends, 26.3 per cent.................... 53,808,587.6$ Total ... .85.2 per cent... .$174,49.7,048.25 Leaving still in the Company s posses sioc......................$ 30,362,661 9 The Company’s investments have yie! sufficient pay all Er.pen an< ^ i’ i,x es, and sti 1 ? to add to t! o Policy hbider’s Funds for the fulfillment ot exististiiig con tracts.,, ..40,103,738.81 Total Assets, Jan. 1, 1900, Maaket Value , ,$70,463,400.48 P.h,— The Mutual Benefit has in force Georgia over FIVE MILLIONS of I)o! lars, and the Pofiay held era regard the Company as the BEhT ON EARTH, Verbum Sap!