The tribune. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1897-1917, March 25, 1898, Image 3

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Local Melange Col. Oscar Reese, of is "here this week. The hit clog—well, lie’s never failed to holler yet. Bring us any kind of country produce on subscription. Mrs. .T. G. Felton is quite sick at her home three miles north of town. Mr. A. B. Walton, of Buncombe, is attending court as a juror this week. ('lever \Y ash Golden was m town the first of the week on busi¬ ness. Judge \V F. Brown, a prominent attorney of Carrollton, is hero this week. Populists, read Chairman Mize's appeal, and act upon his suggos- 1 10 ns at once. Col.AV. K. Fielder, of the Cedar- town bar, was here the first of the week on business. Miss Mary# Jones, of Youngs, is hero this week visiting her sis¬ ter, Mrs 8 . (). Addison. Tlutfreight traffic over .j- the < t. < R. & 8 heavier at this time than ,1 . is over before in the history of the road. Madam Rumor says Buehanail is soon to have another drug store; and t hat, too, before many more moons. Air. W. J. Wad did 1, of near Dar¬ lington, one of the best populists 111 the state, gave us a pleasant call last week. Messrs. E. S. and G. I). Griffith have addl'd, to their already well arranged law office an excellent .. - ^ - -1 ' roller-fop riesK. Mr. Candler declines to meet his democratic opponents in joint de- bate/‘Nooody lielieved he would date to accept the challenge. Cols.:. Head & Head, Lloyd Thomas, McBride & Craven, lL G. Brock and QL H. Hutchens, of Tal¬ lapoosa, are at tending court here this week. The prospect for an abundant fruit crop was never' brighter at this season of the year, a fact, that ought to make the heart of every country editor leap with joy. If the present congress will es¬ tablish honest election methods in the south, it would do a great work. But it won't even make an r. - off or t in that direction. Quite a number of our friends from the country were in town shojiping last Saturday, wind many ot them called in t'o - compliment The Tk r-4 une for its grand work of rotor « * . There will be a meeting of ox- confederato soldiers at this place Saturday. Tho object of the meet¬ ing is to more fully organize a camp for H 10 county. A large crowd is expected. Better be called a crank in this age and fight for your rights than become the tool'of corporate ra¬ pacity that promises nothing for the future but industrial slavery fer the masses. Like tho old Turk who justified his burning of the great library at Alexandria on the plea that, “if the books agree with the Koran there is no need of them, and .if they do not they are pernicious, and ought to be destroyed.“ so Mr. Candler refuses to meet Mr. * , Atkinson in joint debate on the plea that it they agree there is no need of debate and if they do not, joint debates would be pernicious because they would degenerate into mud-flim . - Vugusta Tribune. tribune kodak. I was lately reading accounts ol trio Gnomons yield of; -hi m . \ IttS- kn and S uitli Africn, when ! wa ; - forcibly struck by the puiy-< • visit of an inhabitant of tie dan- ot Mars to one of our ivnsibus m! west, New, it is said that 11 V- . tho planet issues certificates iv- deemable in labor or produce unu the inhal itiuits know nothing of values of any kind of u.cml as money. The senator OW'.U hi:? visitor out to show him se,me ot his wealth, and told bin that h m was a silver mine yielding- .-wh :• percent.of silver and sfich a per cent, of gold, hut that In was not working his silver mine, as tin governn out had demonetized si. - ver. The visitor wanted to know what use they had for silver; the senator told him they used it as money till 1873. The visitor want¬ ed to know what use they had for money lie was told that, it was a medium of exchange, but now the government had so mu-h -fit on hand they had quit using it only in the arts. The visitor: '•You tell me there is a good deal ol go.u in America?” The senator said theib was. Well, ’• save- the visitor, • what will vciu* government " no •* ^ got-too muengold ..... i u senator looked reflectively, and scratching his head, said: it be d—m’d if I know ! Lot's go back to the.hotel. Now, if rejiorts he true I sge no reason why in-a few yij'ars.tlfere sjiould not. he as much or niore gold in the United States as there is silver, because the si! - ver mines are not being work'd and the gold mines are running in full blast. The only trouble is. England takes it away ;h fast as fast, as we got it, owing to bein;m> deeply involved with them. Well, these • beautiful .'prim; mornings,makes one fbel’calui and defend, and as Bill An would say, I was ruminating this morning while sitting or. my verandah an nit the beauties of natun , the putting forth of vegetation, and how man¬ kind should feel toward oneanoth- or, when my wi fe said the coo. had jumped out of the lot. This broke my meditation and somewhat dis¬ qualified my mind for calm or se¬ rious consideration for the time being, l ilt regaining composure 1 imagined my feelings a kin to those attributed l>v Leigh Hunt, Englands diadactic poet he wrote, of Alum Ben Adbem. May .his tribe increase. Awoke one night from a dream of peace, And saw within the moonlight it: the room, Making rich as a lilly in doom. An angel writing in a book of gold. Exceeding peace had made Bon Adhem bold, And to the vision in the room he said: What writest thou? the vision raised its he id And answered with one accord The names of those who loved the Loid. And is mine one,, said Abuo; Nay, not so; Abuo spoke more low But cheering up said: Then I pray write rue as one who loves his fellow men. The angel wrote and vanished. Tho next night came with a great awakening light, And shewed tho names of those Whom the love of God had blest; Ancllo! Ren Adhem’s name led alP the rest, A Man A rout Town. Mr. Editor:—Flense tell your readers that the Quaker Valiev Manufacturing Co., 319 and 321 South Canal Street. Chicago, sell a full line of direct high-grade household furniture from tho factory at 20 to 50 per cent, lower than re- tail prices, and wiil semi any one a copy of their catalogue free. FRgaI POT.’*: CO: • ’i .. Rem Ga., March 20.—Kov. IV, it, (,r Godsirtown, preiude'd ;U! i t«-r ou at Sliiloti < <> until laat Biinda”. j , j_.ii,,].', • ; lie nostor has been sick for some months , amt lias not neon able to fill his appointments at that pluee, so the members o*i lied Bro. Petit t*> lid the pulpit nidi* bro. UK j_ sey’s )•'*<-.• . , ih M.erry Gatin’.ay Night , Cluh ... . nan last. Saturday eight and it ad a ve; v interesting and lively time, A car load of guano came to this pi ve last *' -oid fanners came from far and near to net their share ot it. They av they aio go- ing to plant, some i-<vnt cotton this time. ftnudlpoA wiil soon he a thing ot the past in this county; there a re no new eases at this time. Picnics are going to take the place of smallpox. Tiie l.imc Branch. erary Social will give eno next Saturday. Machinery arrived last wee 1 , for the opeuing at another slate quarry near the < no in .pentlion at pres- ent. Thoro is serious talk of put- i i :,g up a factory for making school slates, also black boards, 'l’he compan. operating tho quarry - . out , . and "'1 : !>eg:n , laying a own, iiaving • '-.h-walks and a depot bit i it. The Misses Onmpb -•!!. of near V all wood Springs, visited Mis* ‘o', m ilennion last •'Terdyy. Wo are pleased lo learn that Hon. Thos. K. Watson has boon nominated for governor. If there is a man in Georgia nut has tho good of the common people at heart it is Tom Watson. We want a man that '*y. ill stand fearles- in the face of the money power, and one that is net a ft aid of being a ! . tl u:i] ■ qvh'.r I ’ 1% hap;a :ia to right. 8itch a man, we believe, is Tom WaU-m. W. C. i’GPLAR SI‘LING 8. Winter has gone and spring has come with its beautTul coat of flower:;. Everything is quiet but the plow hoy, and lie can be heard in evt-iy 1 I . 1 recti on. Prof. B. B. Beall was in this part of tho moral vineyard 8nt;ur- night . Ben is a clever gentle¬ man, and a bettor teacher is hard to find. Judge Thos. A. Hutcheson and Col. Ed. 8, Griffith wore seen in this section last week. Hon. John M. Munroo and A. T*. Richards are just from the Gate City with a nice lot of horses and mules. Mr. Lum Waldrop is wearing a smile from ear to ear over the ar¬ rival of a baby girl at his home. Miss Pearl Hammond is suffier- ing very much at this time with a severe attack of erysipelas. Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Pope went to Tailspoosa one day last week on a shopping tour. Mr. Richard Chandler is quite sick. Mr. Jus. AV Harris has had some very severe , sick spells re- cently. “Ignoramous - ’ seems to think that a democrat should not take a populist paper A person that don’t road but one side of a ques¬ tion wont make a competent jjiror. Best wishes for Tin: Tkibune and its many readers. Mercer. Col. Turn Taylor, of Ilavkins- ville, who is said to be the most: wretched wifo-abu-ing drunkard, ia making a- lively campaign for a sea f in congress from the third district. He is rmmir.g for tho democratic nmninotion, and if the Hxa i charges can be substantiated, it gi e; as a matter t ci-uo-o that he ll] ... ^ . ,, ...... L T . J to v ’ uu ' e > e\vis tho contrary uotvij|j)standing.— Upson Pilot. Os .ifnary’s t'linn^e < i‘*.- Georgia, G poll e<'M ' - m- Haralson county, ) eriny tho i ,on oi •). I.. Chandlerot al l o t > ;l o« ■ an order passed establishing change in the district line bol — '•"ii t j. ( , 1512 th and 05!’rd district ■/. s. as lo include land lots Nos. 254, 253, 252, 251, 250,249. 221, 222, 201 and 203, all in the St h district ami ol i: sect ion of said county 111 tlm 053rd district ami exclude - aid Iots lrom tho i 5 i^ th u^tri. t. it appearing that, the reviewers ap- pointed for marked that purpose have visk! and out said propos¬ ed change and reported favorably, under oath. Now, this is to eiti and admonish all persons t tint ii no good cause he shown to tho con- Leary, said proposed cluing..' w ill be granted as petitioned fee, on the the third Monday 111 April, 189S. Witness my official signature March 22, 1398. Tims. A. Hutcheson, Ordinary. ~ SJoa.S ( ilroiiiii. Georgia, 5 Whereas, cor- Haralson Go. ) tain petitioners have made tiioir application to this court praying for an order granting the establishment of a now road, commencing at Felton mid passing tho residence !>. of Join: William.-. H. Smith, 11* Lasse- ter and J. M. Simpson, and inter- socliug the Tallapoosa and Cedar- town road, near said J. M. Simp¬ son’s residence, and whereas, the commissioners appointed for that purpose have reviewed and marked out said contemplated road, and reported to me that said road will be one of public utility and conve- nionee. Now, this is to cite and admonish all persons that on and after the third Monday in April, 1898, said new read will bo grant¬ ed, if no good cause is shown to tlu contrary. Given under nwv hand and seal, this March 22 , 1898, Taos. A. Hutcheson, Ordinary. i in Diwlrid Linv. Georgia, \ Upon consider- Hnralsou Co. ( ing the petition of G. M. Goggcns ot al to have tho district line bytween the 2078th ami lfiBrd districts so changed as to include land lots Nos 2(50, 201, 214, 213, 212 and 259 eighth dis¬ trict and 5th section of said coun¬ ty, in the. 1143m district, and ex¬ clude said lots from the 1078th district. It appearing that the reviewers appointed for that pur¬ pose have reviewed and marked out said proposed change and fil¬ ed, under oath, a favorable report. Now, this is to cite and admonish all persons that said proposed change will bo established on the thrid Monday in April, 1898, if no good cause is shown to tho contra¬ ry. Given under my hand and seal, March 22, 1898. Thos. A. Hutcheson, Ordinary. QUARTERLY CONFEREXCEL The next. quarterly conference for the Buchanan circuit will be held at Buchanan on the third Sunday and Saturday before in April. It is important that all the members attend. J. I). Tuhnee, IT C. ----—-«op»—v FROM TALLAPOOSA. Wo hear much complaint about the excessive hot weather. But the people will hive something to complain about, and we are cora- pelled to have weather, but there are those who complain at any kind that might come. So it had just as well he this balmy spring weather, that brings the buds and blossoms as to be rainy or cold. We have many evidences that spring is upon us, not the least of which is that the air is redolent with the perfume of fertilizer; and the stores are full of new spring goods—so many things t > torn; the purse of fomineity. Miss Amanda Shannon, our pop- u,ar ^lilmnor, has gone to Opelika, Ala., to be away another season. She leaves her business here in the hands of Airs. Lassiter. Mrs. H. D. Tuggle has just ro- turned from St. Louis, where she hasg been laying m a spring stock of millinery. Mr. Ee.ny 0’3h:elds, of inghvm, visited ;his parents and * >• >.-1 3-. last Sunday * turning uosc.a 1 it'.»ry has nu. tty frirnd.-. in.-* w h<> aroalways yin to 8*% him, iind who are glad ;c» know of i 1 i'- -mv.- - in his ehosi 1 proi ess 1011 . Mies The die fie mix. is < ing i'rh'iids at Waco (!',-• Wo ' 7T L’he W . C. T. I . he'd :u nm. 0 services Sni ui> eveningai tin? M chu n. o o" .r of lhe late M i-. i’-.-anen F W-! -Ad. Mr. Cm ■( 1 V ir., ol near tow; . ! ins two -.ek children, 1. twin baid v lions we hope \\ i • i soon r.v.vVi Miss Cniniit ’Jeon Ims returnei from Alabama, 10 ■ Hie has b e .attending the t >< ! r- - - !■ ol a sn ! sister. Miss Maw Hill on is visiting b . siste •, Mi ••••..Tom AlIon. \YA' are aimi I > note the eonton. plated improv“iimnt in The IT; hunk. Then is lie n .ison vi>\ v .• should not have tiie I ;st papor 1 . the county. ! cry populist <>11 •_i• to take ir, and e ought to nud ii -n at i ractive that all v. im are nm populists will wai t to take ii Call out, f->r correspondents, f.i.. Editor; u « have talent enough t have an interest ing lettm 1 Y 01 every district in the count v. Non:. If von contemplate purchasing luomoliold timainre, i>y alt 'm an send for the catalogue of tho G'm ; kor Valley Alarui faefaring Go.. 314 and 321 south Canai St., Ghicago. ( 1 . I , & S I . fV%JB C- (Bon 111 Bound) Lv. Chattanooga, 8:10, a. m, Cliicanmuga, 8i^i, am. Lo Fayot to, 9:12, n. m. Trion, 9:8t), a. m. Summerville, 9:48, a. 111 . Rome, 1 1 :00, a. m. Oedartown, 11 : 1 4 , a. m. Buchanan, 12 ;27, j>. m. Ar. Carrollton, 1 :10, p. m. (North Bound.) Lv Carrollton, Buchanan, j 1 (A alart own, 3:07 Rome, 3:50 Summerville, 5 :03 Trion, 5:12 Or La Fayette, f> :89 Chicamauga, 3:07 Ar Chattanooga, (1:40 S. O. Addison, Agonf, Buchanan, Ga, PROFESSIONAL. W R HUTCHESON Atto rney=at= Law., Buchanan, Georgia Will practice in all tho 8tat' Courts. Collections a specialty Office in Ordinary’s room in Court House. J. S. EIDGDILL, Attorney=at- Law BUCHANAN G A Wiil practice in all State Courts. All business entrusted to him will rocieve prenipt and careful atten¬ tion. Office in Court House. Felix N. Col)I) * ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Carrollton, G a. Practice in {Superior Court of Har ¬ alson county, and U. 8. district and circuit courts, Atlanta, Ga JOE LASSITER, THE BARBER, First Room. tT[s Stair* Over i)ZSE'<* STWKit. Work Realty :in<l Promptly Jioner,. PROMPTLY SEGUREBI Write for our iacerestiui; books “ Inver 1 - ( or'sHelp” Send rough and “How sltotch you model are swindled.” ( ? us a or of your invention or improvement and we will toll ( you free our opinion as to whotber it i:> < probably of applications patentable. rejected Wo make in a specially I ( other hands. ( Highest references furnished. MARION & MARION PATENT SOLICITORS & EXPERTS > Civil & Mechanical Enjrtnecrs, Graduates of tho Polytechnic School of Engineering, Baehelois in Applied Sciences, Laval University, Memhcrtt Patent Law Assceiation, American Water Works ( Association, New England Water Works Afeoc. ) P. Q. Surveyors ABSoeiation, Assoc. Me rube 2 Pan. Society of Civil Enginoers. •• Ox'fices : ( WAsniXQTON. D. C. { Montreal, Can. it ■VVWWWVV