The tribune. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1897-1917, May 20, 1898, Image 2

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THE TRIBUHE, PUBLISHED WEEK IT, A. H. DODSON, Editor. Entered at tl.e Buchanan PontelBce »» second ulna* mail matter. Buchanan, Ga., May 20, 1898. THERE’S THE DEVIL TO PAY^ in our printing office, and we waut to make him earn it by plenty of work. Tou see we believe in giw! all ing the devil his due. Bring us your printing and you will help us. We will in return help you to the best and quickest printing at fhe lowest prices. THE TRIBUNE JOB OFFICE, Green-eyed prejudice, thou art a jewel. The New York pastor who raked in over five thousand dollars last year from wedding fees evidently doesn’t consider marriage a fail¬ ure. Chairman Butler has called a meeting of the populist national executive committee at Omaha June 12, and the N. R. P. A. will meet in that city June 10 and 11. If the “bosses” think they can silence The Tribune by their vile epithets they are sadly mistaken. They might as well try to appease their appetites by rubbing a beef¬ steak across their little stomachs. There is no difference between the man that would try to slander the good name of another behind a mini do plume, and one that would attempt to assassinate his follow man. using the darkness of the night to accomplish his hellish deed. » •— s 5 we do not intend to be buldozed into nban- doxting of the principles t set any forth by Ine populists in their state and national platforms. We believe our demands are right and just, and we intend to contend for them in the face of all opposition. “How the taxpayers of Floyd county have been unmercifully bled by the ringsters;” “officers of Floyd hold illegal funds,” is the caption of a front page article in the Romo Tribune of May 12. Had a populist paper made the above charge, Bome little dem- ocratic hireling would have stood up on his hind legs and yelled “an¬ archy,” “drunk, ’ “trying to array tlu- country against the town,” and every other vile epithet that could be mustered up by a diseased mind. In a recent convention the pop¬ ulists of Cleburne county Alaba¬ ma nominated that staunch popu¬ list war-horse, William *M. Evans, for the office of prebate judge. Mr. Evans is an intelligent andbroad- minded man, and has the true terests of the people at. heart. lie is a man that will not be guided by mercenary motives, but will strive for the elevation of man¬ kind and a better government. “Will,” here’s success to you at the polls in the August election; and it The Tribune can do any¬ thing for you command us. “OPPOSITION” AGAIN. :* An editorial in The Tribune May/’G seems to'have struck whtjle crew of our honored contemporary in the pit of their little stomachs, as they have been pawing the ground and twisting their tails like a herd of bovine* in fly time ever since. Well, the article referred to above was written with our eves fully open and ears burning with the facts that brought it out, fresh from the lips of as good a democrat—not a populist, mind you—cs the county of Haralson contains, and if Mr. Hip will tho trouble to call around at office, and will lond us his tine ears a moment we will quaint him with some other facts, which, no doubt, he be surprised to learn that we in possession of—all of which will use at the propo# and time. We give due and timely here and now that we ref use back down or.e iota from our torial remarks of May 6. lings may yell “arraying the try against the town,” drunk” and “anarchist” until they are in the face; it will have no for us, for we will always be found with the burning facts close at hand that will sustain us in any and all our charges. But the big “bugger” with 'em is, we are a populist, and that we are trying to run a populist paper in Buchanan! We want to in¬ form all such opponents that ve intend to stick to the old populist ship until she sails tc victory un¬ der the (lag of “equal rights to all and special favors to none,” or is consigned to the bottom of the sea along with her brave and dauntless crew. When she goes down we will lie found fighting on her decks with our hands on our guns, sending shot and shell into the rotten hulks of the two old parties. When the waves rollover us, and it is impossible to fight longer, we will send blubbers of defiance up from the bottom. If to bo true to the cause of pop¬ ulism, which is the cause of suffer¬ ing humanity, is to perpetuate dis¬ sension and bring down upon us the denunciation of a few little hirelings, then do your worst! “Lay on, McdutV, and damned be he who first cries, hold! enough !!” We are on to the plans of these mullet-l eaded fellows—now let them execute its details if they esn ! On with the dance! THE LION AND THE ASS. No doubt every reader of The Tribune has, at some time or other, read Easop’s Fables, and in it where it says that a lion once took a fancy to hunt in company with an ass. He sent the ass into the forest and told him to bray there as loud as ho could. “By that means,” saul he, “you will arouse nil the beasts of the for- ests. I will stand here and catch all that pass this way.” The ass brayed in lm most hid¬ eous manner; and when the lion was tired of slaughter he called to him to conn out of the woods, “Did _ I . not do m v part well?” ..... ask- ed the conceited beast. ‘•Excel- lently well,” remarked the lion. Wad I not known that you were nothing but an ass I should have been frightened my«ell.” So with those who are brsying at iThb Tribune, haitwe not kmjwn that the animals were in fhe woods we might have been frightened at tho sounds emitted last week from that weekly jordon across the way. All the democratic ring-masters have got to do is to give his tail a gentle twist, and the animal will do the rest. AN APPRECIATED ENDORSE¬ MENT. W. W. Wilson, editor of that staunch friend of the people, the Plow Boy, published at Buford, Ga., in commenting on an editorial which appeared in The Tribune of May6, that kinder stirred up tho animals hereabouts, says: “Bravo! Bravo!! brother. You are =‘ m y sort” of a reformer. Such as “ye, are the salt of the earth.” To such as you the world will some day owe its redemption, if it is ever redeemed, and it must be. The morals, the virtues liberty and freedom ; yea, Christianity it¬ self, will some day crown your memory with laurels. Haa it not been for the enemies that Christ made, while on earth, there would be no Christianity. It was He. who though born in a stable among the cattle and bundled into a feed trough, finally conquered all op¬ position; it was He who drove the money changers—the usurers— from tho temple. It was He who ■went among the lowly for a follow¬ ing. He never hunted Up the rich men of the world that he might live oil the fat of the land (yellow legged chickens) but went about among the poor and lowly, H< even chose his disciples from the lower classes. And he knew, of the twelve there was a devil among them. So, a reformer of today need not be surprised to find a few cowards among those with whom he chooses to associate. Many started out with you, but when “the cock crew” (the bosses spoke) they denied the faith. And these are worse to be dreaded than an open enemy. We hare in our mind a man who once represented Gwinett county in a populist state convention and said harder things of the enemies of reform than you cr I ever did, who today is cheek by jowl with the “men who con¬ trol” and never lets an opportun¬ ity pass without casting a reflection upon those with whom he once as¬ sociated and the cause to which he once pledged his allegiance. Enemies without are hard enough for reformers to combat, but ene¬ mies within are more than could be withstood by Christ. One of His own choosing betrayed Him for “30 pieces of silver.” And in this boss-ridden day you need not be surprised to be betrayed for 30 coppers. But we are proud to be able to say that very few have de- Berted the cause of reform in the last movement. Only those who aie lost to honor and shame, or those who are absolutely poverty stricken and thereby compelled to bow to bossism, have proven treacherous . to , the ,, cause, rpi. inese .re few and far bet j? eon, MANLY VIGOR RE5T0REI/in yiung, old oS* middle-aged men. Night losses and drains cease at once. Lost manhood atro¬ phy, unde veldpment and weaknesses of man cured privately, quickly and permanently by DR. CATON’S VITALIZERS. SUCCESSFULLY USED FOR FIFTY YEARS. Prfce $i, with directions and valuable instructions on diet, drink, sleep, &c. Qy mail, close sealed, plain, 6 for $5, with written guarantee of complete cure. No free prescriptions, fre? cures or C. O. D. fakes. To sincere seekers we send our book of advice and other valuable information free. Caton Medical Co,, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists throughout the world. THE 0 THE NEW GREAT REFORM MAGAZINE TIMF 1b \kMu A FRANK, FEARLESS //# Vt £ FORCEFUL UNCOMPROMISINfl v opponent OF V e V PLUTOCRACY - •••• editors u B. 0. Tlowr ■<, I T-mJ p§rr> Frederick •••• Opbam Adams — Monthly. 100 large dull page*, -VtcTNlunii Illustrated,—not a line in V it. It is fighting your fight;— it deserves your support. i NewTimc." Let VIC take those loads from your backs” a copy: sample number mailed for six cents. ♦♦♦ THE HEW TIME, 56 Fifth Ave., CHICAGO Brother Dodson, the Plow Boy is glad to strike hands with you and though we may fail as others have failed, our heart and soul—our whole being is consecrated to the work. We are for “the bottom dog in the fight,’’ and though the underling may not appreciate it, come weal or come woe, we pledge you what little aid is in our pow¬ er. Continue in the good work, brother, and if you are not reward¬ ed by the people for whom you la¬ bor your own conscience will re- ward you with ‘well done. ? ?? STATE TICKET. Following is the populist state ticket, nominated last Wednesday: For governor: J. R. Hogan of Lincoln. Attorney general, Felix N. Cobb, of Carroll. Commission¬ er of agriculture, W. P. Glover of Bibb. No nominations were made for supreme court judges. CARD OF THANKS. I take this method of thanking the good people of Buchanan for their many acts of kindness shown mo during the sickness of m} - wife and babe. J. W. Sprewell. 1 iirnitnrc from Factory to Fire¬ side. Being the only extensive manu¬ facturer of furniture in tho world selling direct from'maker to user, we save our customers the enor¬ mous expenses ami profits of the jobbers and retailers. Send for catalogue A, showing our full line of household furniture, at 20 to 50 per cent, undex retail value. ' Quaker Valley Manufacturing Co., 319 and 321 S. Canal St., Mott’s Nerverine Pills $ SF BEFORE AND AFTER USING. sex, lost such Manhood, as Nervous Impotency, Prostration, Nightly Failing Emis- or \ sions, Youthful Errors, Mental won orry, ex¬ cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. $L00 per box by mail; 6 boxes for $5.00. MOTTS CHEMICAL CO, Prop’s, Cleveland, Ohio. A Dr. WilliamR’ Indian Pilo JAOintment ^Bleediug will cure Bliud, and Itching ap? I g I K'ir^™ e °i« : H Piles and Itch- lug ot ttio private parts. Every box Is warranted. By druggists, by mnil on re- The great remedy for nervous pros- t rat ion and all nervous diseases of the generative of either or¬ PROFESSIONAL. VV R HUTCHESON A ttorney=at- Law, uchanan, Georgia Will practice in all the State Courts. Collections a specialty Office in Or¬ dinary's room in conit house. J. S. ltlDGDILL, Attorney-at-Law, blchanan, ga Will ill nil Nliil<> Cwiirlw. All l»ii*iiM*K» <‘iilriisl<‘«l to him will r«'i'<‘iv<‘ prompt ;m«| i-urcliil iitlru- tioii. Ofl’iM- in Court IIohm'. Felix N. Cobb, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Carrollton, Ga. Practice in Superior Court of Har¬ alson county, and C. S. district and ciieuit courts, Atlanta, Ga JOE USSITBH, THE BARBER. First Room, Fp NtnimOvi r min; NTODK. Work Xcatlj mill Prompt!) Dour. nm»~- C. R. & S R. R. (Soutli Bound) 1 Lv. Chattanooga, 8:10, a. m, Chieamaiiga, 8:44, a. m. LaFayette, 9:12. a. m. Trion, 9:39, a. m. Summerville, 9:48, a. m. Rome, 11:00 a. m. Cedar town, 11:44, a. m. Buchanan, 12;27,p. m. Ar. Carrollton, 1:10, p. m. (North Bound.) Lv Carrollton, 1:40, p. m. Buchanan, 2:24 “ Rome, Cedartowu, 3:07 3:50 Summerville, 5:03 “ Trion, 5:12 “ LaFayette, 5:39 Ar Chattanooga, Chicamauga, 6:07 “ 0:40 “ S O. Addison, Buchanan, Agent, Ga. If” ATENTS {promptly SECURED I invention or improvement opinion to end we will tell probably patentable. onr We as whether it is at applications rejected make & specialty hamK Highest references In othcr furnished, MABXON * MARION PATENT SOLICITORS * XXPKKTS Civil * Mechanical Engineer!, (Irsduatea ofth- C S ll “s C Sch001 01 En Bineertne. Bacheiot* In ( *™n i .V i 1 ™ University, Memb. ra > Offices: \