The tribune. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1897-1917, June 17, 1898, Image 2

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THE TRIBUNE, RUBLES II ED WEEKLY, A. It. DODSON, Editor. Entered at t lie Buchanan 1‘oatoftice aw second class mall matter. Buchanan, Ga.,Juho !7. 1808. Don’t Be Blind. Don’t be blind to your own int orcuts. A business mnn can use j.oonr print¬ ed Stationery if lie chooses, but he surely will not gain the respect of those who receive it. Judge for j oin self. Does not a well designed, cleanly, up-to-date pieco ol Station¬ ery attract your attention'.' Docs it not create a more favorable impress¬ ion at the standing of the firm from whom it coiues? You admit i t? Then try my service, 1 produce uni¬ formly none blit liist-class word. W.A.Dodson, ANNOUNCEMENTS. , Tux Collector. t hereby office announce collector myself as a candidate for the of tax of Haralson county at the ensuing October election, subject to the democratic nomination, i he support and votes of all arc solicited, and would he highly hi appre¬ ciated. If elected l shall do my st.' to dis¬ charge the duties of the office properly and to the best interests of the people of the county. (I. M. Wooiu.kv. In response to the requests of iny friends 1 will make the race for the Statu Senate from this the 38th Senatorial district. I ask the sup¬ port of the voters Of. Polk, Paulding and «ou, and pledge myself, if elected, to render the people, vice in of tliis district and state, the best ser¬ my power. .loit-v I. T'uj.lwood. Old Glory waves over Cuban soil. The principle trouble with fus¬ ion is that it always fails to fuse Hon. J. K. Hogan’s letter of. ac- ceptadce will appear in this week’s People’s Tarty Paper. It is one of the funny phases of politics that tho place hunter al¬ ways regards patriotism and his own advancement as ono and the same thing. The first bid for tho issue of two hundred millions of bonds under the new revenue bill was by a syn¬ dicate composed of the national bank and central trust company of New York. The democrats were too high- toned to allow a “nigger” to par¬ ticipate in their recent primaries, but when the final election day comes around they will take car¬ riage rides with him and give him a 1-e-e-t-l-o red-eye besidos. Wo see in Sunday’s Constitution that J. A. Blanco, of Cedartown, has “quit” tho populist party again. The major manages to do this act every two yoars—just af¬ ter each populist state convention —and we’ve got in the habit of looking for it just like we look for a change in the moon’s phases. It is already announced that tho sugar trust and the standard oil trust will refuse to pay tho tax cf one-quarter of one per cent on their gross receipts in excess of $250,000 imposed by the war reve¬ nue law, and will go into court to tight the constitutionality of the law. The senate committee on post- offices and postroads, last week, authorized a favorable report upon tho bill providing for the estab- lishment of a system of postal ings banks. The bill reported is tho regular committee measure It authorizes overy money order postoffice to receive deposits for any sum in excess of $1, and al¬ lows interest aL the rate of 2 per cent. , j WATSON ON TIlE STUMP, Now that, tho race for governor | on the democratic side has nar¬ rowed down to Allen D. Candler, the pigeon rooster, and lion. J, It. Hogan, the nopulist nominee, hav¬ ing accepted, there is lively times ahead. Mr. Hogan will make a vigorous fight, and will have some of the best and finest stump speakers in the state to assist him. It is statod on reliable authori¬ ty that the lion. Thomas E. Wat- son xs ill take the stump for Mr. Hogan and the entire stato ticket. If this bo true wo may expect live¬ ly times in Georgia this year and no mistake. Mr. Watson will be invited to deliver an address to tin* voters of Haralson county in the near fut¬ ure, and should he come, the peo¬ ple, regardless of political belief, will turn out en masse to hear him. the state campaign. Though this contest which is . Will . . ... bl'lllg lilt , now opening again two parties in this state into active antagonism, and the adherents of each party are to be expected to do all they can honorably to secure the triumph of their ticket, there is no reason why tiiis should lead to any new estrangement. There is no reason why any one should seek to inject bitterness into the campaign ; and in view of the past experience of our state and the de¬ plorable consequence of such acri- monious campaigning, we say cursed bo the man, on either side. who would attempt it. The anathema of the entire state, the good men of both par- ties, should at once be hurled up¬ on and crush a wretch who would seek to revive partisan rancor. It is a pleasure to support for the highest office in the. gift of the 4 ,, peoylo of this state such a man as the Hon, J. R. Kogan. That the office should seek the man and not the man seek tho of- lice is regarded by many as a pleas¬ ant myth, entirely improbable in actual life. Yet Mr. Hogan is such a candidate. Unsought and en¬ tirely unexpected the nomination has como to him ; and being other¬ wise well qualified to discharge the high duties devolving upon the chief executive of the state, this alono should assure him the sup¬ port of every man who knows real worth clothed in a modesty which does not seek to exalt its possessor. Mr.' Hogan is a populist, but what of that? Haven’t all the democratic papers m the stato vied with each other in tolling what good men populists are? Is it not a tact that so far vs platform dec¬ larations are concerned there is now so little difference between them that it requires an export, or a man with a strong magnifying glass, to discern the difference bo¬ ttom them? *" So far as state matters are cerued, the difference between 1 A ulists and democrats may well bo suDoiainateci to personal prefer- , finro 6nce, and *ind who would not . prefer.of c .. two men assumed to be eounllv 1 “D competent, the man whom the omen /v. sought , to the man who was so o fficohnmri h ui igq\ v ( hat 1, ho did not hesitate to cast odium upon his party in that particular spot which ho himself made up in pari? Mr. Ilogtui has served m the leg¬ islature for throe successive terms, and during all this service, though often brought in antagonism with 8ome of ]lis colleagues, there is among the partisan opponents who served wiih him not a man who does not honor and respect him, or who has not unbounded confidence in him. It is to his honor that he accept¬ ed the nomination, after it had boon refused by another; and that thus handicapped lie consents to obey the call uhicli has been made upon him. Does he lead a forlorn hope? Not at all. There is nothing more certain than that ho will bo elect¬ ed in Octobober if our opponents, who control the election machine¬ ry, will do the square thing and allow us an honest election. ■The recent democratic primary is instructive when with the fran¬ tic efforts made by contesting can¬ didates to get out the largest pos¬ sible vot«>, it was so small in the aggregate that not one of the dem¬ ocratic papers has been bold enough to give it, and its smallness will never be officially revealed. It is certain that less than 50,- 000 votes were polled—indeed it may be doubted that the aggregate reached 40,000—and it cannot be longer disputed that tlm white populist vote exceeds the white democratic vote in the state. With a man safe, Honest and ca- b ab]o - and whose "ell known con- servatism inspires confidence in every heart, heading the populist ticket, is there not every reason to expect that we shall have a fair election? Is it not recognized by all that honest elections are of greater importance than which man shall be elected governor. So v.c enter into the campaign with the assurance that the ticket we place at our masthead will lie elected in October.—Augusta Daily' Tribune, The fact that the war revenue law provides for tho coinage of the silver bullion owned by the go\ eminent at th~ rate of* $1,500,000 a month destroys every argument advanced by tke gold standard men against tho coinage of the seign¬ iorage. The amount to be coined oach month is less than was pro¬ posed by the silver men, but au¬ thorizing the coinage of any umoupt was a recognition of the principles advocated by the silver men. liuekleit's Arulca Satyr, The best salve in the worldMor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, sail rheum, lever sores, tetti r, chapped hands, r ulblatns, corns, and all shin eruptions, and po lively cuics jillea,or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give, perfect sat¬ isfaction or money refunded. 1’rice 25 ctr per box. For sale bv Cobb & Lasseter. Col. Ed Griffith made a lirief business trip to Cedartown last Tuesday. FIIEi; S'UA.S. ■ Wetid your adclnw.s u> H. K Uia.-kleu iUld (v ., Ghicago, and get a free earn- 1>le ! ,ux oi J,i '- u«w life i>H!s. A } trial These will pilis , convince you notion < fMieir i iiorit*. are easy in and are partieuJarly effective in tl.e cure of constipation malaria and liver arid sick troubles headache. they have For I been icoved Invaluable, They are ! I deleterious substance >*» perfectly and to t free'from purely e 1 vegetable. their action, They but by do not weaken the h'y summed) and bowels giving lone to the system. Regular grea st'/c'2>v Jy invigorate box. N,id by (Jobb and Lazier. per ■ MANLY VIGOR RESTORED in young, old or middle-aged men. Night iosses and drains cease at once. Lost manhood atro¬ phy, undevelopment and weaknesses of man cured privately, quickly and permanently by BR. ORION'S VITALIZERS, SUCCESSFULLY USED FOR FIFTY YEARS. Rrfce $i, with directions and valuable instructions on diet, drink, sleep, &c. By mai, > close sealed, plain, 6 for $5, with written guarantee of complete cure. No free* prescriptions, fre^ cures or C. O. D. fakes. To sincere seekers we send our book of advice and other valuable information free. Caton Medical Co *» Roslou, Mass. Sold by druggists throughout the world. \ from fish. Fish, Ga., .Turn* 15.—Have had some line rains for which we are both thankful and happy. Now that it is Folk’s time to select the stato senator from the 33th district-, I want tourop a hint- right bore that we have a man in the person of Dr. D. M. Russell, of Cedar town, who is eminently fitted and qualified for that very important office, and one who, if nominated, would receive the sup- port of a large majority of the voters of this county. Ho is a pop¬ ulist true and tried, and I hereby place his name in nomination for senator from the 38th* senatorial district. Wishing Thk Tkibune and its editor success in their noble fight for justice and right, I will write again Now and Then. --------- BOau flcorgia Haralson County — cert: in petitioner's asking h.-.vo that filed with order this be court passed their estab¬ ap¬ plication lishing second-class an public toad com¬ a. new mencing 1 v. McBride's near the place, bvideo and across running ijt-cch ctoek. eastern on . . an direction hv the i isidences and this ugh the hi. d-s ol 1. M. Mcitac, \V. A. sr.lith, M. o . Weathe.hv. Tallapoosa hard Co.,W’sh yCau.p, I., s. .Icrl: iesatid M. Robo ts, ar.d intcissct with the and 'laiiiipoosa road near m ■ .. Su p'ers' ic.-i donee. He views is appoint' ri loi that • u 1 pose tj-jv v viewed am! maikedout tli : San,-. 'I’his is to cite nil j c i.- ons tliat. 1 will p:a s upon sui'd applicati.m on the. IhijdMondav In July,’."SW. 1? no pood cause is shown to the c mtitii v said road will ho established. Jium lii.lOig. Thus. a. Hutclicrdis, Ord’y. NOTICE, S. S. WORKER*. Revival No 2 is the song book to be used is the district Sunday school association, whicn convenes at Villa Rica, Ga., Friday night before tiie fifth Sunday in July. AH delegates who use these books will please carry them to the con¬ vention. Thus. W. Dimmeek, President. Ilaalis Hat- Klmtdiki'. Mr. A C. Thomas, of_ Marysville, Tex., has found a more valuable discov ery Klondike. ihan nas yet been made in che For years bo suffered un¬ told agony from consumption, accom¬ panied lutely cured by hemorrhages, by Dr. King’s and New was abso¬ Dis- covoiy for consumption, couglis and colds. Me declares that gold is of lit¬ tle value ui comparison wilh l his mar¬ velous cure - wouid have it. even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asth¬ ma, bronchitis and all throat and lung alfectlons are positively cured by Dr. King’s Mew Discovery for consump¬ tion. Trim bodies free at Cobb and Lasso tor's drug store. Regular price 50cand M. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. FROGRAM. The lollowlug jiioj^ram li:i- been arrangeil by tho lipwotth S,i:agiifi for t’.telr HiMtliigVo beheld mi Saturday iiiylit before the third Sunday: First.— Song by the congregation. 2. '-S<:rij)tuie ic-rtKon, by Thus. A. Hutcheson— 23rd Psalm. 3. —Song, entitled ‘‘Ib ing Them In.” 4. —Discussion of scripture lcssoti, by Itcv. J D Turner. 5. —Song. (!.- i’raycr, by W. A. M.ct'almain I’a'ier by Mrs. I’lti c ICdwardfi, “lly their frnitH ye shajl «uiov/ them,”!!,' Ij.'' Alb.-.V.oidn loimtah. 0 >1 lu.rictfc, by Tlioa. A. Ilutclioson, hi. -o'i'/io ,;tiod Unit Citn be derived from the 10;iworth Is by I;. H. Oiillitli. U. -“Tbe relation or the Kpworth laiagae to tin* eliurch,” by . 1 . Ji. UUIgdili, . 12.— Kon.T al'd (IJsinisslrm. Mr. Editor:—Hlease toll your reader HUmt, the Cjuaker Val \#y Mnnufacturing Co., 819 and 321 .South Canal Street, Chicago, sell a full lino of high-grade household furniture direct from the factory at 20 to 50 per cent, lower than re¬ tail prices, and will send any mm n Vi» v 1! ..... ‘ ‘ •* ' PROFESSIONAL. W R HUTCHESON Atto r n ey - at-Law, Buchanan, Georgia dniarv’srocm in court house. VtfBfe J. S. ItlDGDILI A Attorney »at.= Law, BUCHANAN G A Will practice in all Mlsilc Courts. All business eniriislei) to liim will receive prompt s,mi earel'nl atten¬ tion. Oiliee in C ourt lionise. S. P. SHEPARD, attoksky-At-laW And Ui ;il I>t: tc Agent. will practice laml in the courts ■ of the state; amine negotiate wili s, make abstracts, ex¬ titles, Arc. F ciix N. Cobb, ATTORN E Y-A I’-LAYd, Carrollton, Ga. Segp'ITactico in Superior Court of 1 laralson county, and C. S. distliet and circuit courts, A hints,Usi. JOE LASSITER, THE BARBER, First llmuu. l'j> SlairsOvcr OHt h STORM. Work Arallj’ xod Prompd} ffoiic. i C. II, 2r J. 1 L 1 (Soutn Bound) I Lv. Chattanooga, 8:10, a. m, Cliicamauga, RaFayet 8:44, a.m. to, 9:12, Trion. 9:39, a. m. Summerville, 9:48, a, m. Rome, 11 :00. a. m. Cedar town 11:44, a. m. Ar. Buchanan, 12 ;27,p. m. Carrollton, 1 :10, j>. in. (North Bound.) Lv Carrollton, 1 :10, p. in. Buchanan, 2:24 “ Cedartown, Romo, 3:07 (% 3:50 U Summerville, 5:03 u Trion, 5:12 La Fayette, 5:8!) a Ar Chattanooga, Cliicamauga, G :07 it (> :40 a s 0. Addison, Agent, Buchanan, Ga. l iirnifnre from Factory to Fire¬ side. Being the only extensive manu¬ facturer of furniture in thp world selling direct from maker to user, we save our customers the enor¬ mous expenses and profits of tho jobbers and retailers. Send for catalogue A, showing our full line of homehold furniture, at 20 to 50 per cent, undei retail value. Quaker Valley Manufacturing Co , 319 and 321 S. Canal St., Chicago. ATENTSI PROMPTLY SEGUREDl Write for our interesting books “ Invent¬ Send or’s Help” e.nd “How sketch you nre swindled.” Invention us a rough improvement or model cf your free or and we will toll you probably patentable. our opinion os to whether it is of applications Wo make a specially Highest references rejected in other hands. furnished. MARION ft MARION PATENT SOLICITORS ft 2XF3RT3 Olvll A Msobsuloal Enianeorn. Grnduntos of tho 1 olytijyhiiio School of F,n gin 00 ring. liacUulai* in. Applied Kckmetis, Laval Univereltv, Members Patent Law Apaoqlotlon, American Water Works Aosociuthm, “• New Knjrlimd Water Works ,issoc. Society <1 Surv.oyor* Association, Assoc. Mernlar Can.' of Civil Engineers. OtvicEs: 55 < PENNYHGlfit PILLS Itu’liy Thoy ovorcomo ttnei ontiyy/oitH.lnpvettH-'o H'eultnej?s, irrog-u- vlpor ami imulHli ** «t‘:amountrun- to Uon. Qfirlfint» J ’ TJicy wo»i)on)n>ott. nvn Jilfo auven.” atdingr do-* vfflojmmti Knptvh riHuofl ofortm ( na *»net oqtttvls No v or ; tUt*l»». Crvn^or /In l»a»*t»»—lift* in- ctMWWi a pV'iHori'. #1 ***** Lon t»y mall. dvniwcKi*. 0 , .