The tribune. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1897-1917, October 11, 1901, Image 1

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! '—~*^y m —a i "* \ Vi S T 4 t S Li r* 3 ? I 61 $ 9 , / ? \ A* k- It*. . VOL. IV GMMrmFs That’s a good name for Scott’s Emulsion. Children . are like young J t> plants. 1 Some will grow in ordinary soil, . Others need fertilizers. The nature of some children prevents them from thriving on ordinary J food Such dren right if treated right, . grow All they J need is a little fer- tilizer—a little # richness. # extra ocous Srntt’s EmuLion X^UiU.sioil is lb the UlL rio-ht It gill treatment. Fertilizers make things grow. That’s just what Scott’s Emul¬ sion does. It makes children grow in flesh, grow in strength, grow rich blood, grow, in mind, grow happy. That’s what we make it for. Send for free sample. SCOTT & DOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 5-'>c and $1.00; all druggists. HONEST ABE, U. S. M. THE RURAL MAIL CARRIER ON HIS DAILY TRIP. | 5 c Prescvil^is R Cure For "’Tvs. Biggs' i.nd Hears That liicle •Jim Cummin^H intends to Break Up the Government. [Copyright, 1001; by C. B. Lewis.] When I got along to Biggs’ cross road the other day, I found Mrs. Biggs anx iousiy awaiting my arrival. I had scarcely driven up when she said: “Abe, I want you to come in and see Sarah. She’s been acting mighty curi¬ ous for the last two or three days, and I can’t make her out.” “I’m representing the postmaster general, the administration, the Amer- fin! K ! 14) Ai !! i . ) i M MU "Wm ifT l [lit . V/C XJ I POUND SARAH SITTING UP IN A ROCKING CHAIR. lean eagle and all that,” said I, “but I’m no doctor. Have you given her lobelia tea?” “I have,” said the mother. “And soaked her feet?” “Yes.” “And fed her on milk toast?” “Yes. The trouble seems to be with her brain, Abe, and I’m afraid she's losing-her mind.. Come In and see if ' she knows yon.” I went in and found Sarah sitting up In a rocking chair, with a bed quilt around her. She had pencil and paper, and she was dashing off poetry by the rod. She looked at me in a mournful way and slowly shook her head, I picked up one of the sheets and read; To kill my love for Henry Jones My mother must not try, For sooner than prove false to him I’ll hang myself and die. "Look here,” said I to the mother as I took her out into the kitchen; “you have been trying to separate Sarah and Hank Jones.” “Y-yesshe replied. “And Sarah’s mind is being unhing¬ ed. She may become a raving maniac any minute, Mrs. Biggs, Sarah is 29 years old if she's a day. When an old girl falls In love for the first time, she has It bad. It doesn’t take much oppo¬ sition to tie her brain up in knots. Do you want a gibbering idiot or a raving lunatic on your bands?” “Lands o’ massy, no!” she whispered as her face grow white. “Then take down the dinner horn and toot for Hank Jones to come over on the dead run, had you tell them they can get married i. ::t week.” “Abe. is that your, official advice?” ‘‘You biit Lt is. Yxik maLaztti i’ m "Don’t Give XJ^o -*>o.o 45 J* *« *X’-* * BUCHANAN, GA,. FRIDAY, OCTOl > i j > speaking from tinder the wing of the baldhended eagle of liberty and while representing the bulwarks of freedom and the principles of fraternity. It’s an ollicial opinion clear down to the ground, and you get a move on you at once.” I 1 She grabbed the horn and went out and blew a bin t) lift a calf off bis fcot ’ T 1 ' 1 ll k vc a "'k 1 :iUV ;i young lartner in his shirt , sleeves coui- ing across a :: adow SO fast th: t the ' ued 10 be smokiilg under !,1S feet. 1 expect to Hud Sarah fully re- covered When 1 drive along next. For tin? last four weeks I’ve been n<>- ticing that Farmer Jim Cummings lias 1)0011 aetin ” sorlo!iisl) :is he t0;:k li:s mail, but he didn’t volunteer any ex- plauations. and 1 didn’t ask for any. ' rno Gl llo; U:; Vi nowevor. he v. as so sur- - - Ij that I QpeiuHi out on him with: “Look here, Uncle Jim; have you got cramp ' s or anything?” “Cramps!” he growled in reply. ‘'D’ye reckon I’m a blamed old fishwoman to have cramps in July?” “Any trouble in the family?” “No.” “Wheat, com and taters coming along all right?” “Yos.” “Then what s hurt your feelings? Something is wrong. Uncle Jim, this government wants to know what it is.” “Look a-here, Abe,” be says after a bit, “am l for this government or ag’in “You are for it. of course,”' “Do you know how clus the vote in this township was last fall?” “1 forget.” “Well, sir, the present administra¬ tion had just one vote to spare. If it hadn’t been for me, the vote would have gone the other way. My hired man had the eastin vote, and 1 threat- e-ned to ltek him if he didn’t poll as 1 did. I’m the man who saved the day.” “And you should be rewarded,” said I. “Yes. so 1 should, but bow have I been rewarded? A few weeks ago there was a new school board elected for this district. The cohorts of this gov- eminent ought to have been on hand to see that l was .-’.e-.-ied chairman, but not one blsu; • <1 cohort showed up, and I didn’t come within a mite of it. That’s wh.-it ails me. Abe. if you want to know.” “It was too bad,” I snid. “I’m one of the cohorts of the government, as you know, and 1 never even heard that you wanted the oSlice. Can nothing he done now? “The government might cohort the feller out and cohort me in,” suggested Uncle Jim. “I’m afraid that can't be done.” “Oh, it can’t? Well, I ain’t askin the government to break its back. Just let things be as they are.” “But you may do something rash.” “You bet I will!” said Uncle Jim ns he looked up at me with a grim smile. “Yes, Abe, the galled jade winces, and the iron has struck home. It’s too late for the cohorts of the government to show up. I got up this mornin fully determined to upset these United States aml bust this American nation into a cocked hat, and, by gum, I’ll do it!” “Can nothing induce”— “Nothin ’tall. Abe, and you might as well save your wind. When the gov¬ ernment left me to fight it out alone, I left the government to sink or swim, Slie’s goin to sink, Abe—goin down like a cow In a quagmire—and all the tootiu of all the brass bands in the worn! can't save her. Jest drive on and get ready for the awfulest. biggest calam- lty ihis world lias ever heard of, and you are my witness that the govern- meat is to blame for the hull tiling.” Poor Uncle Jim Cummings! lie spells cat with a k, but he has saved this country no less than three different times and ought to have been the whole school board ere this. M. Quad. AN EASY PROBLEM. file Old Man Was In lo Danger if He Followed Directions., The druggist had written it on the labels and also cautioned the old uegro by word of mouth that the contents of ouo bottle were for Internal use and the other for external use, but be hadn’t got a block away before he stopped a pedestrian to ask the difference. “Why, one is for external and the other for internal use,” was the reply. “But which is it?” “This is for external. External means outside, you know. You rub it on.” “Yes, sah.” “And the other you swallow.” “Yes, sah, but s’posin I dun git dem bottles mixed up arter I git home?” “Yes, you may do that. Have you got a wife?” “Suahly, salt." “Well, then, let her take the contents of one bottle, and yon rub your legs with the other. Understand ?” “I. does, sah,” said the old man, with gJholi. (vLadmikUlhin* ‘k’At.LLLn. l:.>: v thankful to yo’ ’bout it. Befo’ do I.a'wii, but when desc yore niggers routi* cry purteml to nsdniil.'tio de eon pieuo tv alongside a white man doy don’t come widln a hundred miles of it.” M. Quad. Is lour Life Worth 'i~t Cents ( Vlisi.lll ;.i I VI . VI k li'UV t I) || have been disappointed many tint but e ake one rn re e f f. rt t i.'cell’s .MexioatiSy up lets enr •<! i ■ amis and if will cure • o i is file r«sH) d m r> sin aid go i r. I) -ii'tatn 1 e h M )ng ;b ’rued and t — ,r i 11' in tub -ellIons = 11 r. l’o (IV .. ri i- w li¬ c 01 v 1 at <1 r f. r>‘ rill- rnmri d! yst ,mu i its iiiifurai cotir- r 1 his i icconi pii shed ,v t M ex ict. Syrup. Jt controls cougtis, pigli sis iv Y s, spitting of blood s ( •ness dies,, ; - inflamed tiiioit an lungs, ditli cult > oi hreatliing. heavy coughs ac- com pa tiled ivtllt i-xpccioration and parched lips. We know you havi ioen disappointed man times', bit! make one more effort to c yoiirsc !' You can buy a bottle of Gooch’s Mex can Syrup tor 25 cents. Ir cures a sim tile cougii as if by tn i gic, and is tii best remedy for wbooi i tig cough. Stevenson's fn?) of 3I.’«ery. R. L. Stevenson, writing in 1 S 03 to George. Meredith, in an epistle quoted in a new edition of his “Letters,” says, w '^* ) * IOilI t touching pathos: “For 14 years l have not bad a day’s real health. 1 have wakened sick and gone to bed weary, and I have done my work unflinchingly, i have written in bed and written out of it, written in betuorrhages, written in sickness, writ* ten torn by coughing, written when my swam for weakness, and for so long, it seems to me, I have won my ' V!l K° r am ' recovered my glove. I am better now—have been, rightly speak- Ing. since first 1 <•: e to the F ■i fie- and s few t (t:i vs lie: i am n«.-t in so trie nliv ( And the battle Loes o;. 1 a trifle so that it jroes 1 mai.e for a contest and tin k: ivt- so willed that my battlefield sii be this dingy, inglori¬ ous one of the bed and the physic bot- tie. At least. ! have not faded’, but ( would have pre'ernitl a place of tiutn petings and the open air over my htxxd.” The Lite Line Its One's Uanil. Thm , im . , !;r> . e ,, r0 m,nent lines in the pa | m t lm line of life, that of the am j !!l( , [„. ;■{ imp. The line of life begins on tlie Inner boundary of the pultn. a’.iou: midway between the thumb and the forefinger. If we imagine the left hand to lit' a map. with the fingers pointing north, this line runs toward the southeast, then curves toward the south and in curves finally toward the southwest. It thus skirts the base or “uprise” of the thumb, known *>.s the uprise of Venus. If it is deep, broad. of good color and extends nearly or quite to the wrist and if the rest of the hand indicates vitality and cheerful- ness, the subject may be expected to live to a green old age; be has a good dispo- sition and the qualities which good health and good temper usually create. Crnne lulnuil. In Lake Minnetouka. Minnesota, there is a picturesque island which takes its name from the faef that it is unin- habited by man and given over to the cranes. Generations back these birds decided upon this spot for a summer resort. As times went on and the sur- rounding islands populated no man bad the heart to disturb them, until now Crane island is pointed out from passing boats as one of the curiosities of the northwest, —-- STinves and Colds. It is not generally known among men that close shaving is apt to bring on a cold. Barbers, however, are acquaint¬ ed with this fact and it is rather on account of it than through any desire to bring their patrons hack soon again that they do not, unless ordered to, minister close shaves. Mother’s Worpii Syrup. Best worm meificifie, ( hihlren like so well ttiey eat it on bread. Nisi to Foreclose Mortgage Superior Court, Haralson County, (in..— January Tcrni, 1901.—It fining rciu-e- 'to the court by tlie petition Butler ninety-eight,'Thomas conveyed the said O. tin Mrs tier and ft. l-t. Lottie Ba¬ to the real estate as described in the forego¬ petition pew mwii jo. for the purpose, I vra of — ."'"""'S. securing rlio of tlie sum n:\ui-d in said mortgage, ....... this court, by the first day of the nex. the principal, interest and costs dm on id inortuag, or showcau. e, if apy he has to contrary, or matin detautt th'irof or.:- T.i diTciitiant iheiein tie forever tiarred; anil ' ° n H This JMdg’e July 15, tout. ... Lral^i Superior Court County. . f ---- i c i hi! - I 1. ' » ! 'V ' ' i f; V. ! turnei t! Wi at! 1 o1 ^ fat i a ^ -J C you think man, WI F( m. which " :ls \ e been a t,v owtusiy. an, arm ^- ’ s la;! U l in a loud v me my overc ci f a ct l bricks.”—Indiana! li Us Tt\ re U !* „ »I ? ?'? A S V Itl tal X • : 1 7 for i .. I :l line.’ “ilOV “1 1. werr mountain elimli 1 id you over i:y mount:'in i who /) l cage L’v..-1. r- :•» a: 01 SU; i . NO <.i . ils b:u a w;'oose ;k) ^,v. m in % 1 QggS ‘OO.” Monii.---F!isn’t ev: -CUioa- go Hot vASi-i - S .; , Tlit* sort ;i ; tint row Vo- cru-it to our :od SoiiAfo* 1 Sorghum. “lie's one of the uiosl d.: t talkers I ever uxet with.” “H’inl I don’t be!!. we ' ill need him. What we are looking ■_ r ;.-..wa- days is the tua who can . ts lo himself.”—) Bns H 5 s Tin V; She—Oh, f'ced. i'oii are so noble, so generous, so hamlscine. so chivalrous sn p ;;oh t] "‘ •- ’ ; : 1 ov ' ®' ,!! 1 m ,ot 1 1 ’ 1 !. •!!• » y ;!>5 y<; !. ; - 11 ‘•■f *' oU = 1,1 :, 11 JJl lu 1 1 s ‘ 1 ' admire? He—Oh, I don’t know. dear, but you cei . ta ‘ i n ‘ ly h.-tv ‘ ’_____ - very good * judgment. - - ■ More Appropriate. In designing this tombstone.” said the v , <lmv uf tIu , |., ;o Wall street brok- ev ..r w .,., !; g of this inscription; ‘He did well by his friends ’ ” “Ab!” remavkod tt.e t who knew him, ‘‘I vvtiuld sn -.t. l( * 1*1* friends well.* ”—I’iiiluJ 'pi 1: L Bet:!-;. ■i i* S3 tt ft. Mosquito—The are get- getting after us with k •;■ sene, House Fly—Is that • >? Well, around win re I bend tl- i re ■; d up an electric fan to Weep me ee. i. -Chicago Record-Herald. Hawk nn<ii FartrlJ”^, In “Reminiscences. of a Falconer” Major Fisher describes the tactics oi a partridge when pursued by a tame falcon. The falcon was descending upon the rmrtrid:>;e when the ne.rr-ge stopf.-d short ami tell to the end us it dead. lie* seemed to he tost in the short stub- 1,10 0t 11)0 1,1 ! 1U ‘ " :l '' 1 ' 1 r ,uo mg to trust himself again OU the Wing, the hawk had : , alu^ative 'but to take hull on the ground, which he gnp e( ]jj v nttomnteil ‘ 1 lo ' do But an the , ground the partridge was far “ore Dun he. running this wav and that With great speed. The J dart awk alter ' voul the ^ jump scudding awkwardly partridge, up who and i Ust ul lL XTflUlL “OUieljt itliuned from NO 45 I. .i-i... ; .,ii,i nvrr lu« line!;, <!: .c. n|- ed on t h oilu'i side iiiiii eommetu-eu ’-■iT’i■ i.i, huiiHT tlii'.u l>t>iore. aLer time this wan done. At every " :>i i! • partridge mot the ;iuk u i om.itretched neck rail rals- ed ■ ii the attitude of a lighting (ids, jumping up 10 avoid b*‘- :die,! w 'icucvcr die hawk struck I ce' lo fact, las whole notion was ai ui a plucky litile gain? bnutnti i’ii■ s went on for some time, outil. ns 1 regret to say, l ended the unequal strife l>y putting the partridge cnee , ore fairly oti the wing, when, of course, the I: ,\vl; readily overtook and captlin'd it. not overmuch to his credit and stili less to mine. Su IHciont. ! < 1 s\ (fYL#! i ■ A TW ^ % i ; IF At, . \ .-V M —- m, •; . : fD ‘vj » ' J . ; rQ | A.aAo” / 9 ? •"-s- i ■ v\ i K. I'hii- i Iff l'J( l.’lig.l "It’s no r.s . we’ll have to stniic. my money is <! i b. tiiat \ iil i)i- ail right. Jack. dear. 1 have eu : h for a ’. , . of biscuits anil few .-as ,.ii s." 1 ,v York Journal. T-e ! K V *1.- . y <;.» anunil, ii n. .. I write n poem I hustle • off t i a:i editor as soon as pos¬ sible. x’tt« Any special reason? ’ y. you -itnpleton. I want 1, - :■ : si as . possible. ■ i’ecord-IIeralil. DlOiemte. Peter! My dr -'smaker’s btlb w ■■■;'! ' a ' i ::e this year as last. Mrs, r,ipii;i [ d.iti’t see bow your husband can afford it. “He can’t. But then he couldn’t last rear.’’—New York Life. T uJfiEass / i •-Sk- r: 1 A M 7 fiL; 0 ^ ■M® art? M J ; tl-l Ajoail U : i K-T 19 , T<--nn., .Jan. 27 , 1901 . Z Ever since the first, appearance cf my m, " , ; , \ very rre^u]nr and 1 I ?uiu?rc* eut p:ii:x in my terrible hips, j I bf»cV, str •h -d leg.:, ui:li i B rs in tii the [ have abdomen. been | ii. F men h. !IH 1*<1 ml TUedfovc’s j : i . tbo month- riod v/it. lit pro -the fi ttone * ^ :i ear Namkie Davis. 3 * iVhat is IKe worth to a woman suffer, ti lng . , ;Mvis suffered? Yet ft a fij there are women in thousandi-of homos M I 3 ^ , who ai ' e bedtl , '9 «•*-• ttrr - . a ^ . I h mens-.rual pains in siienee. tt you arc § | ^ can of these we want to say that this ^aaie ft « U will bring you permanent relief. Con- S - sole yourself with the knowledge that 1 * 1,i_ " ”00 v omen have been completely hi cured .by of Cardui. These wom- : :i suffered from ieucorrhoea. irregular r. .-■y~y headache, backache, anti ' hearing down pains. Wine of Cardui . slop all these aches and pains 3 p Scr you. Purchase a $ 1.00 bottle of t> -re of Cardui to-day and lake it in ihe privaey of year home. 'cr ;•■!' y' Clinttaiiooga i 4 Ire *Tho iJMit lentil',4’ litej’iimri.', jMfidiciiie Atlvisury ucldross,givIngSYmp* DcparrmuMt,** Ciiattanot^a, 1 Term. ® tfu i ’tion ?'o Prebste Will. 'In 1 y I). Evans, nvopoundor, vs. Heirs at law Mid Legatees of A O Brannon, Haralson lot lh-atioi) in Court < t Ordinary of (minty. Co. to probate will of A. ti Btan- v. iinn''n, 5>. V. Brniinon, Meilit, T . , . in ,lEuf ■ :u;s. -\ithui Evans and • «; field ihcfi’ : .. i, t , . v on t • .lav in Deecmfier, ltffU then and there to . oi- ■, 11 'am . xi-ms. wliv the pajicr offered -..i,-,- bvf'.hh.ner, Mnrv-ri.EvauH, as the will and b at of a. <; hranuon, late torn,‘and admittluttp wcord as’tlio t-rt ‘q will •" M t stamemo!^f^^.^k^Uinmy! " ~ J __ ____ Send Ill yolll* SIL S^l'.IjillOlT.