The tribune. (Buchanan, Ga.) 1897-1917, November 29, 1901, Image 1

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X' T0T > V \ r ™ H P ‘ f df' JL. m . /• ci * * > •■. VBk* , Jr m«SIu ..Juli VOL. IV Repairing ffl&atly H©»© Never thought of such a sign for a medicine die you ? Well, it’s a good sign for Scott’s Emulsion, The body "as to be repaired like other things and Scott's Emulsion is the medicine that does it. These poor bodies wear out from worry, from over-work, ’ from disease. They get thin and .weak. Some of the new ones are not well made—and all of the old ones are racked from long usage. Scott’s Emulsion fixes all kinds. It does the work both inside and out. It makes soft bones hard, thin blood red, weak lungs strong, hollow places full. Only the best ma¬ terials are used ill the patching and the patches don’t show through the new glow of health. No one has to wait his turn. You can do it yourself-—you ! and the bottle. 1 JvTJEfP j i (he 'fti'-'i Trade picture Mark of represents Scott’s 1 ' ;m ’ ll#ion a " d is Oil the T - : ■ -i vrrapper of bottle. every n ! Send for use sample- Sllumf’S^ SCOTT’ & BOWNE, ac<j Pearl St,. New Voik. SteTil 5 ° C and $1 . ‘ 3 ,, drUgS1Sta , . THE FIRST AERONAUT HIS INITIAL FLIGHT INTO SPACE WAS AT PARIS IN 1733. PHatre Rosiers Was the Pioneer oi the Lons Lane of Daring- Spirits Who Perished In Tlieir Attempts to |Rvij;ate the Air. The* first attempts to make asceu- sloiis by means of balloons were made hi Paris in the year 17S3. Pilatre des Iioniers was the first and most illustri¬ ous of the loug list of aeronauts who have fallen victims to their desire to advance the art of aerostatics. In July and August of the year 17-83 balloons filled with hydrogen gas were sent up from Paris, and in September i Versailles the first balloon was sent o). freighted with living animals. i (he same year Montgolfier con¬ st. acted a balloon which he claimed would be capable of carrying passen¬ gers, his workshop being in the gardens <jf the Faubourg St. Antoine. The bal¬ loon was sixty feet In height and forty- eight broad. Its exterior was richly p uled and embroidered, there being -rented upon It the twelve signs of ’me. the arms of the king of h'VB. -i - 5l nd numberless fleurs-de-lis and lc e wn, amid a crowd of grotesque t-• ml garlands of flowers, a flock -ies, with extended wings, that -r-.vo r: ii 10 be flying and supporting the ou .illoon upon their shoulders. ]■«.., w the balloon proper was con- ft- il a circular platform of wicker- overed with silk, which was v *i 7 a car. This platform was very nml was surrounded by a balus- 1 :.-. lo prevent the aeronauts from ug out. Id the center of this plat- oi car was an opening, below " is suspended by chains an iron was to be used for rarefy- « tho air m the balloon, while in one flier was a magazine Intended for the ■ ring up of an immense quantity of . paw. which served as fuel. ’'•latre des Rosiers, generally alone. t at one time accompanied by the -• d'Ar laudes usid on another oc- ■--'=== , ■ it* which held it captive to a -.;f 1.290 feet. had much difficulty in obtain- LJiUi .the. JiiU 2 . iLL.IUOi^ "Don't CT-lxro XD'td tlx-E Jiip.” HU Cl I \NAN, GA,. I \ i NOV EM T ol. an ascent without being bold down by the rope, but consent. was at last se- cured, and on the ‘ 20 th of November. 1783, everything was made ready. I>ur- ing the day the wind and rain were vio- lent, and it was found ueoossary to postpone the ascent. The next dav, the 21 st, the weather was more and at 1:30 in the afternoon in the pres- enee of the dauphin and his suit Pi- latre des Hosiers and the Marquis d'Ar- laudes set out together from the .lar- dins de la Muette upon the first aerial voyage ever attempted and performed. The wind was still very rough and the weather stormy, but in spite of these disadvantages the balloon rose rapidly. Having passed over Paris and be- come free from all fear of getting en¬ tangled among the buildings of the city, the aeronauts suffered themselves to descend considerably until they found themselves In a fresh current of air. which bore them in a southerly direc- tion. After proceeding a few miles farther the fire was allowed to die out, and the balloon descended about five miles from Paris. When the aeronauts returned to the Chateau de la Muette. they were greeted with the utmost enthusiasm by the assembled crowds. Benjamin Frank- lin was a witness of the whole specta- cle, and when asked what he thought of it he replied, “1 have seen a child born which may one day be a man." Aerostatics bud advanced to such a degree that on the 7th of January, 1785. Blanchard, a rival of Hosiers, crossed over the channel from Dover to Calais. Hosiers was spurred on by Blanch¬ ard’s success and set to work con- structing a balloon which, when com¬ pleted, he called an aeromontgoltier. It consisted of an immense balloon of hydrogen gas, with a large cylinder placed under it, the use of it being to rarefy the air without losing gas. When a favorable day had arrived, Pilatre for the iast time mad-- his preparations, He wns assisted by a Boulogne physician nr mod Komaiu, and on June 15. 17S5, they stopped into the basket, the ropes wi n-« .!st oh. a ml the balloon rose with the utmost m-.j- efity from the earth When il had risen about 200 feet, it struck a fresh enneut of air which took if directly ; .card the sea It sood found another current which rapidly it '**'<•« — ; ' It jE'ssilily may have been the desire oi tile aeronauts to descend to find a more iavorai.-le cur- rent of air, for while opening The valve to let the coj.d air into his cylinder un¬ fortunately a huge rent was made in the balloon The consequences were immediate and horrible. At that time tbe | m » oon v .- a s 1.700 feet above the surface cf the earth. A few moments afterward the two aeronauts la.v on the ground dead and, horribly muti¬ lated. Near the spot where Pilatre des Ro- siers was buried a monument was erected in 1853 to commemorate the al- most miraculous crossing of the sea by Blanchard, upon the very spot of earth on which that intrepid aeronaut de- scPDfled He bad become for France a hero, and numbers of inscriptions are etill readable.—New York Times. (pools anti Thread. •me spool mills use about 82,000 cords, or 16,000.000 feet, of birch an- nually, turning out 800.000,000 spools. each spool large enough to carry 200 yards of thread. The amount of thread that could be wound upon these 800.000.000 spools would reach 8.600 times around the world . . at . the ,, equator , and leave a little for mending. Lemurs For the Zoo. The national zoo has just received through an animal dealer in Philadel¬ phia a magnificent pair of the large black and white lemurs indigenous to the Island of Madagascar. This makes the fourth pair of these animals brought to this country, and. in addi- tion to being highly attractive by rea- son of their coat of long jet black and snow white hair and tbelr abnormally large and luminous eyes, they are of very great Interest from the viewpoint of science and evolution. The lemur stands In the same rela- tion to apes and monkeys as they in turn stand to the human race, only in the case of the lemurs and apes the “missing link” connecting the two gen- era is in real and actual existence, be¬ ing realized in the “aye-aye,” a pecul¬ iar animal, also of Madagascar, that is as much lemur as it is simian. The Retort Courteous, A story oft told Is that of Lord -, who when a young man was opposing Mr. Rugden, s*bseqneutly lord chancel¬ lor of England, in a parliamentary con¬ test. “He’s the son of a country bar¬ ber,” said the noble lord. Replying afterward. Mr. Sugden said: “His lordship has told you that 1 am Eflthing but the son of a country b:u - bar, but he has not told yen all for l have been a barber rn t self and worked in my I'r.rher’s s-!u>f>. ai d ail 1 wMi 1 say about that Is that bad lid; lordsiup been born the \) n be would have been a Parser st .11. Thai. to my mind. Is quite clear."—Household Words, Si Suy.x 85c»* Life. Gooch’s Mexican Syrup has aocom- plisben a cure in this which has astonished the people. Vi Davis was given up to die by her attending physician She had lung fevpr) The doctor sa d she would dir before morning, aod advisi to disnon- tit-ue his medici u no g 0 <!. 11 r i'-: rent s had a hot tie o f Gooch’s Mexican Syrup and Gooch’s Quick Relief in e ho hey at x ’ ‘ ' loses hour apart, and In (pm'dlv 1 :iii;o! her chest with (Pie U Heiic , H tore m->rr»iriic v - s bettor, and gD r us ing a few bottles of .-adr.she is alum I as wpi j as ev jr wa- alni'-sf lik. raisin}f the aea«l. and lias established the reputation of Go .Mexican Syrup here as a cough remedy; we can sell nofhingel se. N. Sands. Trimble, Atl-msOn. O. Gooch’s Mexican Syrup cures a sim- pie cough as (11 h remedy for whooping co tig Price 25 cent h, ^ Rev. Ir! Micks Not Dead. Not withstand rig a widely current rumor that tin Rev. 1 rl licks was dead, he it; v<-r wrs in or*fter hfRlth. a h) never did h :;*(h r a id more suc- ces.-l i year’s than J clo-io.-. h s j 'let ;,irg** and ss and. w e f.:e tins bronchi h*> j 1 { ’: •:<) iVorks lastly . /• v. ii) I great i « f it i; Mr. Hicks I id i'v rvpinai (Ob and m u t He- V '• r • .* i s lijXjL'l t; r f It tb‘e b V*- M vv (- V I ou ' or a see*, u y i •• v d L Mi hi-oi-- of u w ! . 0 ii ■ <) i’ rt ii o.iU-r. ear’ ill eer niid t.. ft by f. HiCKs, when it oi lii Ge and ttie he -ti His fins Almanac oi 2 -o is u!, ** v and endiii ...... family j**«>r -•'>(• "< , ,,s sp nal s on lyonedo I nr.a year ioi.liKiinp; the Almanac. S- .-; to VV.u.i *... ^ (it .> Pub 0u - EU L . : S S . T sit.** t, Mo. Application Tor AdrriLi oil. Ge w G H-irais, To ll whom it ill'?, y concern I—A. Pm I having in in proper form an- IT " - - I ’y o’ill-' for’ 11 n- e * - h ’ ,. r.- i e istrftt ion ■ o the e:,ta f e Id Mis .,*-,. , J*;,ilp.,t, hie lid OOttSHV- till - i- r <-,;•• ail ned 1 ; ar i nf next • > 1 k u ol Miss J in 1 K- tub and appear .-U my obi v. it hi n (be 1 me a;-owed by Hu. e - SHOW **'*-* ; a " y ,' “,- v ne..i adiimustra 1 ion shcb!-* ( m-l i>" v * p., r „- )t , ,. j p|,,!i. t’:, e-Mi . W - m hand and official signature this the 6 th day ol November, 1901. Thus. A, Hutcheson, Ordinary. Jfofice Of If Disji!.* :• ,, .. *“ l . , ! „ ,, ,, . El!,’ 1 '' s ,v « alter t borrow *6 . Whereas, lh, ‘ C,H D- T hl9 P ! , 0, ! 'administered „ P r M - r m I ,w ' J. < This is t erefore to cite all »,ers«>n £?„ 8 concerned kindred and cred- to show cause, if any tb y m-, whysaid administrator should not be di- b,,rm*c from . u-iwuiu io»n : reneive letters oft ' M '' ' ' Vi nV "i’oi,I" r ' ”” ‘‘ ‘ a n.itehesm ".....11.1 - ' .--v _J. . Application , ,. p fOT Admin, a Mm -! - u Georgia Haralson County. To'all whom if may eo.-c *■ oF. applied P. S’ii.Ub having, in proper f, m to - e for permam lit left rs admin vatii n on th eat a te of i. G. Sun tl !afe of said c- i:nty, thi IM to cite ; I l i tjid singular t.h. creditor ; aod uexi < lc’-u o’ L. G Snip bin the : t. 'iuc- 1 > (illuued ivy ■fi flic" *i it ) iw canse. if any t Y fry r 1 fi i-".t itdminisrr, ♦; j>9 t*M n c(! u j) fM |n It ni ;v HI! - v ’r- \ 'this t * gov- ouber. 1 •. .n. A. *: •'- b so 1 , Gm.J. - 1 ,-y. , Siv riff Sal- s k-r first Tues day in Dec, i go i. \J1 TILT, bo «ol<l befor* the court house door in Hucbunar), <'a. within th<? lentil hours on nesday ni Doc. t;o the highest hiiLler tor cash, tlu; unlovin'; moy-my. n -wit -. A l-o i I tin- same time and place will , b • ild the following iScm ribed prop . to-vvi I : One h iti.'C ind lot i't i Pc town of v' ami, (la., raid lot con- fain n,< tivo acres more or c iti land ' 1 V o 240) n r S-'V-nrb d -ir of li S 1 C ; i O I lar I’.snn county, Via. Slid M is u U d. d on I he nor; h i*y 1 he S-iiil In re r ilrdid aod on the "t t the B’-ooks land, f, v.ed on fff d |u be soid as the prope-rv of Peter er nnder and by vi r «'<* »> i « fa in d from tie* j st ice’s onrt net, (4 M .in; e.vei hi iX Go. i) -end-iot in ti a notilied Evy as ri-unired i)\ law. V'-o at t'le . i ne t;'lie and place will tl ■ soid t tie (oil i nr described prop- rt if : till hat tract or parcel • < • - : 11 Li it, Haralson -oeniy , • of G->org,a. T-m-h h,*d as 1 >: j!'" i tentli hall '^ ot lo* -I lajid s 11 ‘ ‘ r u '.?' ‘ Xt' d'aig , hundr'd . on^'ami one anv’l r - . , u . r o’n :n . r .. sni property levied and to tie * tile property of the defendant J. * \ ; Powell, by virtue of a ii issued . ■ n I lie si ip-rior court of Haralson con TI avor of the Equitable .Mortga levy >meiny. Written nohe-* of this y h he # Mi givi»n to tenant in possession ^ A rt quir^d by law. rhis November 7, 1901, I. A. Sjiklnut. Sheriff. A'ojice to HeMors „«<I Cro.JJtor*. Georgia Haral-on county.— Notice is hereby given to all debtors and creditor of the estate of John NV r . r 0 * V:HI, late Of -Hi.; ■ tie- eecsed, to Pf } ( r in an aCCH.’U id- of • heir demand f O me 0 * tun ;* r< cribfd by law, properly made out. rDU- r -E■!; *'d l(» jjgl ‘1 d-•• fd arc hereby ro(|Uf>ted to make l< -* 1TMVU! the und rsigo- < aut relj. \d*nr *r.,i. : ! ?•> •u’s e i-il c. i- .:oit Ter Ail cbi a ri itv. t rs;{Etf sa« - orerbv, H •vison < Dm j mv ITi nli vvhoijj •< in;',) c<>ro*^rn,- v (’ * rru A.- o { vi; • e« h r e of jv I. E. J.'-l-y. t b }• thin the lintt o 1 t-C* ind sin *.* c.,u '*■*, if nv y can, w by permatn 1 1 j r i | p ;* . ; Should not he gran! lo N ( . ’iiersi u mi J, E. Jolley’s estate ; a* - n-v h«‘.d ai d dcici&l signa this Ih 24; h day or’Oc;., 1901. Tims. A. Hu he Oil , ()rd inn rv, Rjie Nisi to lUitUOM. Pa -fTjD'D''’ i’~- -ttp, eff* Superior (’unit, Hiu-aloon Cocuty, da.— ,i. uuuiy Term, tool.—it iinm, rri>*-e- ‘T Vn'ki!.'";. il tho lotii iVAeo^timi* day oi Apiii, liydeed'iT Eiriitooii lmndrod ,( • : ] '\ w{ y ' 7 hon,:,s o. Honor ar.’d botti. -u the i-M! cj-tida as ciostrrii;od in tho furopo Tv: vTiVTm lor the pnv. o-'' >. D'* i i-in v xho : , ; ' oned in aid mortgage* "j T- I-mEEj tu SEkTii; -T into this ooutt. by till! first ami day of thn next 'wm i.i the priucipal, W interest costs he dec lm- on to s nmn..-- ii any Hie* tin- contrary, contrai.v. or or that that in in di del 1 fault -hi thereof thereof fore fore elosure ore be be granted granted litul the equjtv to to the the said saiTi^petitiorier ed <><li>mpr.ion of of saiil tin* ’not iortixai?e, tgajfp, and the equity of of i : s.iid defendant therein he forever barred; and ...... service of this rule b perfected on said defendant according to law*. This July 15, mot. r. <:. .tanks. Judge Superior Court Haralson County A .Iiassjs’ator’s Stsic. Georgia, Haralson County. Agreeable to an order passed by the court ol ordinary of Haralson cou: ty, Ga., w.i.l be sold before the court house door, at- Buchanan, Ga., be¬ tween the legal hours of sale, bn the Tuesday in December. 1'9()1, for cash, \_ the following described R pror>**r- ty .. t< wit; K i«hty-rtve acres land lot No 309 in the Seventh dis- 1D Georgia, i ' ll! - except - etnm 20 ot acres i; ; 1 ral=ou m thi i } - -J'l <"•» ;'••• V ' YEoN'S . !t b t wJ“''l!' line’said , nf>ar the center of the south t„-.> acres krfown as- chur.-b proper!'.: also except a small tract in .the soutf cst <■< r;;i-r of said lot deeded to Mai V Tj l>- an by w .! H* ev ■ ; with goo- J " ••lliug and mu'-uildines situati i ' 1 Elvira lob*] U .bu-son mid as deceased, the property «•! Jesa. 11 * A 11 , Admr. X»ll«* I'»r I’eii'.vs Mupporf. G *i) ■ gia, Haralson county. Mr.-. M. A. Boswell, widow of J. A V 1 1 deceits d . has ill proper fore (•plied to ti.e for a twe monf-lo - U pport out of the estate o sard J . A 1 { swell. Now. this is to < I ' ill! HOC singular beer.*- it.orsar.d e - t nf kit >-• ,T. A Bos eii that ■-■'A-d aiHitli-nfioi- -vil! b - heard at my oiilee in Buchan a , (7a., at, 10 o’el -ek a. m-.. on t he fir* Monday Hi Deoemb-.T, Riot. Tiiis N> vembe'- 7, 1901. Tims. A. Hutchcmii, GrUinary. NO 52. •.....iW: ; ed? kmm C-G ’j*-, -k^y,-* - : j j ; 1 ;> f.* Mk. j I ., oar- l Too much y~~mm housework wroaks wo- R men’s nerves. And the constant R care of children, day and night, is B often too trying for even a strong 1 9 M ■ woman. A haggard face tells the C Q story of the overworked housewife ■ and mother. Deranged menses, ■ leucorrhma and falling of the 9 womb result from overwork. ■ Every housewife needs a remedy ■ to regulate her menses and to flj keep her sensitive female organs ti M in perfect condition. ^ | doing this for thousands of 5 is American women to-day. It cured S,; Mrs. Jones and that is why she I * writes this frank letter: rt VI G Glenrleane, Ky,, Feb. 10, 1901. V I H I am so glad that your Wine of Cardui * is tv lpir^ me. I am fettling ouster than 1 y have felt for years. I doing ' s. tn; mv ( 4 owe work without any belt), and I £ >; washed last week r-nd v.-ms not one bit P K iirod. That chows that, the Wine is « tt*, doing me ,<.o"d. 1 am getting fleshier Si H i.j H than d opt i ti t er v. as before, H-e'ore and I began Sleep tanag good m | a- 1 & jh the i;ov, day. fdonot think of lias. lying RIcuard down through Joxks. fg t 9 _ *i.e o a .7 ivauGcasTis. M * Cimtunifogn Modieim; Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ~J5HHgSCte*«WCfcB^ Ap^lifaHoir To Frcl’atr Will, Shu;- 1* Kviiiis, proj-iun il< i, vs. Jlviis at law • • d 1.1‘gi.ti CMif V <; Ufliiaii^ Kmumyi «v l-j-ia-atnui in ("oiot ot ( aMBtludsoB <011111 leceasf’d. y. (ia.. to probate will ’ lion, t .. To V . A iiiuunon, S. A. Hnuinon, tMerrit, Tex ns, and Kufraiees Kvr.ns. Arthiu Evr.iiR ?<ee Kvim.s, oi Heflin, Ala. You are hereby ; iiiGtl vo 1 h -md appear before tlie Ou3inaiy’» ' G”; ; of said com ty to be' held on the first Monday in December, .1901 then and there to us*‘. if any exists, why the paper offered ’ v oi'<■' . ('• by petitioner. Mary A.ij. J), Kvans, as the ; - nill ind lestaineiit of bran non, late pf eonut-y, 'deceased, -hotild not be proven in sopMon form ami admitted to record as tho •rst wifi ind test:-’ii••nt of said deceased. This T’hos. A. Hutcheson, Ordinary. a\ a' Estate Por Sale, '■Vf have for sale a good farm on MoiMtfniT', live mileH trotn i Payne, Alabama., consisting- of •20 acres; about 25 acres in cultiva- tioti. good orchprd, good house, sev- eral lasting springs, good corn mill, water power for gin and^saw fill; seventy-five acres of fine land to clear. * fv oppor^ ii rn ty for the right Terms; $500; £200 cash, one, and tbr> e years for rtiuainder with 8 per cent interest. vv .“ » ,s < > l>»ve several hundred Merc'S n f , !>ii(* land on Sand and Lookout Mtiuninin, mostly uni in proved, which ' " *' bt reasonable prices. Small , rash payments—long time ^ for remainder. Address HOWARD & ISBELL, [T7 _ 8t] Fort P«j ne , A Is. DiMnisioii From G nit r«t in lit Iti». * Georgia, Haralson county.—H. C. Ay - rs. . uardian of \V. H. and J. W. Bowir'a* has, in proper form, applied .» n fora discharge from his gnardi- ■msh t> of \v H arid \V Row man. tins 1 - therefore to notify all concerned, to file their objections, if any tiny have, n op before the first. Monday in De- -'"iiilin- next, else lie will be discharged ’Tom rps guardianship as applied for. This October 21 , 1901. Thus A. Hutcheson, Ordinary, NOTICE. Al) ptirtiPf? indebted to the tm- der-igned are requested local) and make settlement at once or else their accounts will he placed in the hands of an officer for collec- tion. T. P. Moore. Ulosiey To EiOaii. 'foreign capitalists have money o loan on improved farms at a rv low rate of interest. If you .-ml money see me at once. W. I’. Core, Carrollton, Ga. \ Sale. Gem gia, naralsou e.-moty.— Aercibl- teat "r'dn* of the court : ordinary of said county, will le soM ho fore ’he court house door, i u it.u-hn-um Georgia, between the legal • Mr- n sal** on the first Tuesday >n ; (•■•ioh'-'v, e.ic , t >r cash, thr followii g .-•r.het' property , Vo-wit; Tile m r Ii •i If of Inad lot No 164 in the Seventh rif( and Filth section oi Haralson county Georgia, coiiGiinin# 10! ].4 -<-*-■ s me re or less Sold as t he proj ir- : > ol R. M. SHiul'or’, late of said cum- y dec ased, Tbi* X’nv. 7. 19-1. Mrs LauiiH s auford. Ada.x.of R. M . 8 r... ford.