The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 11, 1898, Image 4

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IK HIJSM-MMlfflll THE HUSTLER OF ROME Established, I KUO. THE ROME COMMERCIAL Established. W'>. Issued every evening, except Saturday. Sunday and weekly. PHIL Q. BYRD. EDITOR AND MANAGER. • •rtlce, Wilkerson (Block, Third Avenue LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION Daily and Sunday,per year *5 OC Sundav, per year JI.OO Weekly (Thk RomkCourikh) per year 50 BY CARRIER IN CITY AND 6UBVI If. D»‘ y ar.dSunday, locenta per wee), Rpmit by bank draft. money order or registered letter Add-ess THE HUSTLER-COMMERCIAL. ROME, GA. Entered at the I’ostofflce at Rome. Ga., as second class matter. Advertising rates and sample co.des tor th asking, BUSINESS OFFICE PHONE 85 THE STATE TICKET. For Governor, ALLEN I). CANDLER, of Hall. For Secretary of State, PHIL COOK, of Lee. For Comptroller-General, W. A. WRIGHT, of Richmond. For Attorney-General. JOSEPH M. TERRELL, of Merriwether. For Treasurer, W. M. SPEER, of Fulton. For Commissioner of Agriculture, O. B. STEPHENS, r>k Terrell. For School Commissioner, G. R. GLENN, of Bibb. Now is the time for Coxey to reorganize. The Griffin News seems to have out of the editorial busi ness. There are more space writers in Atlanta than any other city in the south, and the fake dis patches and the sensational stories they send New York and Chicago papers give Georgia an unsavory reputation abroad.— Albany Herald. Allen I). Candler is in every sense of the word an able and competent man to till the guber natorial chair; and while this and other reasonsexist in sup port of his candidacy, can the people of Georgia do better than to lend him their votes? —Telfair Yeoman. In 1873 there were 238,411 pensioners on the rolls. Since then 321.485 pensioners have died, and there are now on the rolls 976,014 pensioners, of whom 733,537 are survivors of the war. Now the question is can the county stand it if they keep on dying?” The advocate, a populist pa per published at Carrollton is running the following ticket at its mast head : For Governor: Thos. E. Wat son, McDuffie county. For Secretary of State: W. F. Carter, Effingham county. For Attorney-Geheral: Felix N. Cobb. Carroll county. For Comptroller General: W. W. Wilson, Gwinette county. For Treasurer: S. J. Me ls night, Whitfield county. For Commissioner of Agricul ture :W. L. Pek, Rockdale countv. For State School Commis sioner: E. O'Neil, Early coun For Judges of Supreme court: James K. Hines, Fulton county ; Seaborn Wright, Floyd county ; Walter B. Hill, Bibb county. CANDLER NUGGETS. Judge Atkinson's friends are doing theT b?st. to make dußig- • non believe that Candler has promised to support Berner for the ( uited States senate. Du- Biguon ie no sucker, neither will he succor Atkinson. — Alpharetta Free Press. • - I Candler has waded through fire all his life and it is not at a'l surprising that he should re fuse to dodge when the boys pop 1 caps wt him. —Alpharetta Free Press. True Allen Candler hasn’t but j one eye, but if there were any unnecesary leaks in the expendi ture of the people's money he would be certain to find .them out. And. more, he would stop them. —Thomasville Times-Enter prise, About all the people in this part of the state are for Allen D. Cand'er, regardless of the other good candidates. Flowery Brauch Journal. Alkn D. Candler ie the choice of the people of Abbeville and vicinity for the next governor of Georgia by a 'arge majority . At a recent mass meeting ot the cit zens of Abbeville a Candler club was formed, in which the name of every one present was enrolled as an active work mg member.—Ab beville Chronicle. Judge Spencer R, Atkinson last week made the platform on which he asks for the Democratic guber natorial nomination. We have not read it carefully, but from a cursory reading of it he does not seem so close to the people as when be ran for congress on the sub-treasury alliance platform, in 1892. —Dublin Courier. The Candlers have always up held education end intelectuality, and have always been classed among the the solid citizenship of Georgia . That is the kind of a man Georgia needs for governor. A man of purpose, with moral courage to face all odds and at tain his ideal. The same tenacity and unswerving fealty to duty is a marked trait of Hon, Allen D. Candler —our next governor.—Cal houn Chronicle. We are for Colonel Candler’s nomination for governor at the hands of Georgia Democracy be cause he is squarely and practi cal! in favor of a reduction of tax es. During the two months past more prosperity has gone under the sheriff’s hammer for taxes than ever before in the history of Georgia for a like time. A fear less honest man as governor with no pets to support, and no friends to provide for can wield a mighty influence in reducing the burden of taxation and helping the stfug gling. tax ridden masses of the common people. Candler is just such a man standing on just such a platform—economy and the relief of his tax-oppressed fellcw citizens —HarmonyGrove Gazett. K ! -L '■ ■» Did you ever hear of the ket tle calling the pot black? Spen cer R. disclaims any relation ship with W. Y. Wonder how W. Y. feels! W. Y. must have greatly degenerated lately, as Spencer R. accepted a $2,500 job under W. |Y. and has not given it up—and probably does not intend to —till he gets anoth er. Spencer knows wnat it is to have a job ; he has been left job less a few times in his eventful career.—Toccoa Record. riesse don’t stop th? Spanish war. I’ve got about forty pairs of cruches that I want to sei sumbody [at cost.] “ Frank Wright, Farmaciat, at old Norton comer opposit Masonic Tempi, Ttkr P u H ntl ir-J >n u A BIRD'S EYE VIEW, Editor Eldridge is kind enough to say: “The first issue of Thk Rome Hustler-Commercial is indeed a creditable issue. Phil Byrd will give the people of his city a first-class paper and he should have good support.” * 4 * Phil Byrd announces that he started the Hustler oe Rome with no capital and no experi ence. It was on the same basis that The Herald was launched Phill, but we both seem to be arriving in very good shape.— Americus Herald. “That’s whut!” You can’t keep a laboring man down. If I lived in Americus I would cer tainly subscribe—to Ihe Even ing Herald. *•» Mrs. Zula Cook, editress of the Miller County Liberal, is one lady who doesn’t let sentiment get the better of judgement. She believes that criminals, regard less of sex, should pay the penal ty of their crimes. In the last issue of her paper she says: “A Mitchell county woman is charg ed with beating her own daugh ter to death and stamping the quivering body. And vet there are cranks who say that such as she and Mrs. Noble should not hang.” *»* The Hustler of Rome and Commercial are consolidated and will hereafter appear as The Hustler-Commercial with Phil G. Byrd as editor. This deal leaves Rome with only two dai lies, which, however, are as many as she needs.—Dallas New Era. * * * “Uncle Sam—the real old man —doesn’t fly into a rage at tri fles, but when well aroused he’s a b-a-d man,” says Editor Mc- Intosh. *** No, Jane, dear, W. J. Bryan is not a wealthy man. Neither is he traveling for his health. He can’t afford it. And then, J any, my dear, Mr. Bryan is not a nominee and he is, of course, not campaigning. Then, Miss Jane, you see he is not to be ex pected to make free speeches. *** I have been laying in close to my cyclone pit today. One of my compositors failed to correct the latter part of Major Fouche’s after-dinner speech at the Bryan dinner at Capt. J. Lindsay Johnson’s, on Tuesday evening *** I have taken a bath and put on fresh darned half-hose in or der to show up respectable when the undertaker calls to perform his grave duty with my remains. And right now, I want to make my post mortem statement: “I did not do this massacre with malice aforethought, and while I do not feel that I deserve death, I am positive that Major Fouche should be held justifiable if he removes-‘this” deponent—and I hereby waive my rights to a coroner’s inquest.” *** T read the proof, but, in the semi-chaotic condition of merg ed offices, the said compositor failed to correct —And yet I do feel so young to die. * * * With many apologies to Major Fouche, I publish his speech and in the corrected form I pre dict it will find its way into many a scrap book—for it’s a gem of purest ray. * * * If Phil Byrd would only call it the Comrnercial-Hustler we would be satisfied. It’s a good paper, all the same —Dalton Citizen. The Hustler of Rome and Rome Commercial have just been consolidated under the management of Col. Phil G Bvrd. the bright and breezy Hustler man, and the paper wi 1 hereafter be known as the 11 us- TLER-Co.M M ETC IA 1.. Rome t)O W has only twodailies, which is all she can rightly support —i ns lead of the four which have been try ing to live there the past year. Here’s to you, Bro. Byrd !—Ce dartown Standard. * * * If yon don’t get your Hus- TLER-Commercial promptly and regularly, you will confer a fa vor on the management by en tering a complaint. In the force of sixteen route boys there may be a sorry one. If there is I want to know it and weed him out at once. If you want The Hustler Commercial, and of course you do, you “have got to have it” and you shall. $5,000 In actual cash offered to the sub scribers of the Weekly Commer cial Appeal. Every one sending 50 cents for a year’s subscription to The Weekly Commercial Ap peal will be allowed a guess on the number of bales of cotton re ceived in Memphis from Sep tember 1, 1897, to April 15, 1898. The first correct or nearest correct guess will get, if the guess is received in January, $2,500; if in February, $1,500; if in March, $500; the second correct or nearest correct guess will get, if it is received in Jan uary, $1,500; if in February, $500; if in March, $250; the the third correct guess will get, if it is received in January, $1,000; if in February, $250; if in March, SIOO. This contest closes on march 31, but the guess is on the number of bales of cot ton received in Memphis from September 1, 1897, to April 15, 1898. In those months in ’95 and ’96, the numbers received was 407,260 : between that time in ’96 and ’97, 542,244 bales were received. This will help you form an estimate on you guess- The first three prizes make an aggregate amount actually offer ed of $5,000 in cash- QUICK TIME. Through Sleeping Car Service To Jacksonville. Tampa and Florida Points. Die Southern railway has re sumed its fast winter schedule between Rome, Ga., Jackson ville, Tampa and Florida points, leaving Rome 8 :20 p. m., ar riving Tampa 6 :15 p. in., mak ing tlie quickest time between these points. This is a solid trail carryin elegant day coach es tnd Pullman sleeping car, Roaie to Jacksonville, without ch.aige ; also Pullman sleeping car Rome to Tampa, without ch.aige. Winter tourist tickets are now on sale to all principal winter resorts in Florida. For information, call on J. N. Haifison, City Ticket Agent, Armstrong hotel. Telephone No. 89. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE Tlie Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Saltßheum, Fever Sores, Tet ter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corls and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no paylequired. It is guaranteed to gi e perfect satisfaction or mon y refunded. Price 25 cents per Dx. For sale by Curry- Arriigton Drug Company. CHEAP RATES. Hf f rates to Birmingham, New Orleans and Mobile, ac count Mardi Gras Carnivals, Febrikry 22nd, 1898. On I account of the above oc casion the Southern Railway will sfl tickets to each of the above joints, February 16th to 21st, ;; the rate of one fare for the ro nd trip, tickets good re turnii ; until March sth, 1898. For ickets and full informa tion, cll on or write to J. N. Harris n, city ticket agent, ( Armstbng hotel. Telephone 11 39.} After a: 1 the claims tint Judge Atkinson is t< ting south Georgia about in his pants pocket it seems that ev-ti his home county of Glynn is in despu'e. The Biun swick Sun save that Glynn will go into the Candler column. o o o Judge Atkinsi n’s s'tind in fuv.-r of exempting manufscturii.gestab lishments from is indefensi ble from tiny means special privileges to corporations and higher tuxes for individuals.— Dawson N ais. o o o Spencer Atkinson’s stand in favor of extending sptciil privil eges to manufacturing establish ments is indefensible from the standpoint of either justice or Dem cracy.—Sparta Ishmae'ite. o o o Editor Sweat says in The Way cross Journal: “S > Tom Hight the Augusta political heeler, is your Alien’s kind of democrat.”— Augusta Herald. Editor Sweat is welcome to al! he can make off of Alien D. Can dler on any letter. The Herald, at heart, must undoubtedly feel ashamed of the part it has played i.) the Tom Hight letter. o o o The Atlanta Journal says ex cept for the danger involved in being shot at by the enemy, war would not be an unprofitable occu pation to the officers ~f the g-ot gia militia, \\ hen in activeservice they are guaranteed the pay of f their respective grades in the ; Unibd States regular army. Thus j a captain of Georgia troops, who ■ may be a clerk on a S6O salary, i would, in the event of war, draw > $l5O a month If wounded he ' wouid get S2OO i year additional. > o o o ; Ihe following is a table of pay i for officers up to colonel during . first five years of service: i Colonel $3,500, lieutenant ■ colonel $3 000, major, $2,500, captain, mounted .*2,000, captain, not mounted, SI,BOO. first lieuten ant.,6oo, not mounten $1 500, second lieutenant mounted $1 500. not mounted $1 400. o o o The privates would not fare so • well as thev wou’d be on the same footing with the enlisted men in the regu'ar ar .>y nceiving sl3 ’ per month. Asa special induce ment they will be allowed 30 cents a day or fracoon -of day as commutation of rations Some privates in the Gforgia militia make more money in time of peace than some officers. In war they I would have less of the glory, less ' of the pay and more of the work. ROME BUSINESS COLLEGE Rome, Ga., will receive young men Snd ladies now at the actual cost to the College for carrying l them through a thorough conimer | cial course, and furnish board, books and commercial blanks and accept an easy time note for tuition payable after a position is secured. The College procured 92 POSITIONS THE PAST YEAR. It supplies schools and colleges with competent teachers of Pen manship and principals of commer-1 cial departments; sends first les sons in Shorthand fully explained for io cents in stamps; is strongly endorsed by hundreds of business and professional men who employ its graduates at Stenography or Bookkeeping. Address all letters to the Principal, 11. S. Shockley Rome, Ga. You should go now and in sure against fire with Cothran & Co. We have a lot of repossessed sewing machines, 1 ejn out only a few month, New Home, Wliee’l ar & Wilson and Singers, we will sell you at your own price at E. E. Forbes. , Cothran & Co,, represent first 1 class companies. Do not wait until the fire is over. Insure now. i Wi I J It it Foul Blood's A merit Hut ti iu Soar c r - t > w i -A g j f , U.. Yes, Scrofula, If a*.yUe: the advertiaeme ot < O' scourgoof the world- . debilitat i. •?, st , unendurable. Outward appPt-.tjen;> do n , only drive the din- m.; • .. '• I H Emollients may abolish the e>. il. ■ way out, r.i’d I bat is ... t .10 taint fre.m . he blood. There < :ie ! .ini >■ ■■ • % and it 1i the c .!y < ; 'w. know, inn almo. 1 1 even v.Th :'C t.-• .u r. o. • j by Ion; years of tain’, and . . be repaired are trw i udou". , is Iloed'' : n’-saparv: .. 1£- c “My daughter ww> , mire blood. Thera wcr i -■ . . . , pH over her body end ' • ■ r much buffering. x: ■ ■ ~t were recommend. .1 ts i 1 but could not see t h-’l- -l. A friend told me tbcu'_ ■ rilln and I began givi . ; icinc. The result wr.i Ida! . ... Itr . fectly cured after taking n . She hai ha 1 no svi i;.'.o:v , k sores since that time.” Is. • ■, i\|. Smith, South, ’ .- Hood-' : ; ; Is 11::' he.'t—ill f;v-t the One Tr.i" ; Insist itpwi Hook's; hike n.< si. ■ Hood's !'; ,r y NOTICE. The firm of Chhlsev & S.niv is fhi < solved by niutual consent. All p.ire. , , A us will please settle the s.uii" wi:i. • Seay Watson, as the entire stoc:.- ; ~,7 accounts have been transferee I to Feb.2B. IKM CH IDS KT ■ FREE OF CHARGE l< • : : r. FE RS. Cut this out and taki it to your druggist and get a sainulfi bottle free of Dr. King’s New Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. They <b> not ask you to buy before trynig. This will show you the '.'reiit merits of this wonderful i": i-iy and show you xvhat can In i•- coinplishefl by the regul;ir size bottle. This is no experiinent, and would be disastrous to tlni proprietors, did they m.i know it would invariably cure. Hinv of the best physicians e. om.v using it in their pract: great results, and are p, ; , n it in most severe cases. |> h guaranteed. Trial hot* I -• Ire' at Curry-Arringt'on Co. ') ii” Store. Regular size 50 e. nts and SIOO. THE COMING WO Al \ - Who goes to the clu’i ~ .lie her husband tends the bahv. h well as the good old-la -hi a A woman who looks ader iwr home, will both at tint' sg- t run down in health. Tlcy \\ ill be troubled with loss of appe tite, headaches, sleeple-oi '■ fainting or dizzy spells, most wonderful renn dy .>r these women is Electric Itu ■ Thousands of sufferer- from Lame Back and Weak Kidneys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for vmm Female complaints find N.'i'di troubles of all kinds ; re s on r lieved by the use of I.h < 1 ric Bitters. Delicate women slien’d keep this remedy on li uni 1 build up the system. Only ohc,. per bottle. For sale by Cut ry- Arringtcn Co’s., Drug Store. SLEEPING CAP Rome to St, Louis, via Son ei n railway, without chan;, R he Southern railway, in ‘ o nection with the Queen at Crescent route, operates da;!y through sleeping car line b tween Jacksonville and St L' n via Louisville. This sleep passes Home at 7 :27 am., ai: arrives St. Louis 6:55 the m morning. This will afford excellent commodations to partiesci ■ 1 to all points west and north a also to Florida. For further information > on or address J, N. Harris) C. P. and T. A., Armstrong > tel. Telephone 39. Take Rhe iin.-n-<-Co uinrn i■> Bicycles, Bicvcles, Bicycl* $5000.00 worth of bicycles to i closed out at prices never befo> known to retail trade. E. 1 Forbes. Insure before the fire wit Cothran A. Co.