The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 11, 1898, Image 5

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" TO THE ECHO ■jjTliis El'Jdilml Mhr- Dinusi’ Speech, CHEERED BY ROMANS. o t pouch’s. Responce Toast -I he Vetrans.” . i' .mo Hustlor-Commurcial L:;a.i.e, who •-»»< R0....M « h ° WB ' e gUMt " ° ,„d Mr»-J- Umhoy John- Jft their Bryan dinner at b d from ..brdlun. rooial event a copy Mi ,i„ r H. T. Fouche’s eloquent f the toast: “The Vet the Blue and the Gray.” Herfiitis: .‘When the army of Northern premia surrendered to the~ Army fthe Potomac in April,lß(ss, then n( | e d the greatest drama of aodern times. Marble shafts on a lUll dred battle Helds, and simple jouuds of clay from the Potomac jthe Rio Grand, marking the spots here heroes perished, will pass ivfl y, but as long as the English mguage is spoken or a vestage of , e Anglo Saxon race remains, the titles of the Blue and Gray will i remembered, Georgia is erecting on the field | Chickamauga a shaft in honor fh 1 rsons who fe 1 1 in rundpr tribute could she pay to leva or of these who wore tl.e he. Hih<‘ animal pension roll of ■mi uno t»(»0 is a monument to the ■lor of American soldiery, but ■iai a tribute to the loyalty o» ■m who wore the grey participat. ■' io nothing but its payment . ■ Tim Confederate soldier took ■) arms to defend the principles of ■p did piti' ii of independence ■>c w.'ip . braced in theConstitu ■>n of ihe Edited States, and in ■ii.g so he followed the footsteps ■ his forefathers. H'l.” battl.-i- Bunker Hill and Bull Mun were fought for the same Mime and no lover of his country ■ll apologize for either. Mill. Confederate soldier, his Kt duty done, turned his face to Mu South and guided by the tMnsd flumes of expiring war l|H 'oionl hi s at peace, jr ;i (i.'sert. Gatber- H kii iii.'d ami comrades they 0.,t down in a M ■ rmu.d the aches ■ 0"' nod t’.-M I; Vi 'll to build h ' . ■ Old s-outli. ' l ie iap-i ■ of 33 years, ' of iho past liavi '‘"t. l l'." l •• • 1 ami today this b .sting its h< nor in 'I- nfederatc \'eter- H ' ins veins the blood sod and genial Inive responded to ! •’’ry. I'.puLtion and 9 Ji ' : ‘'-ing.,Our wonder- H r s ar., attracting the ■ ,h ” World. Tides of fp om the icy l,il| B o f Ho !lr " ’"'■ning eouth- H ‘lm North are ■ tbddsof the H; L '-'>'ida y w.. dm-atethe Hi?. r P ‘ g ir ° n in ill ‘ H. k " Ul! >he iH Bivin « H«— . 'inion ni ,d H"" : ' ’ h ' -" v “ ri ‘'»-'«t, and the H. ” w!1 "’ decend- ;'" r " ’he grey will ■ ... , 1 ’heir voices ■■ , v.S| 1 l 's o| t his C3n- H forefathers |H '■onstitntion- hly |.of gession . . '’ending by the H . to H ■ ” "bo wore B - "' " like we did M’ 11 ' S hH'.-e.!, . ■'i l|L ' i \ ,i, e'e., was most ■ -Mr. IOv,„. ■"■. i. j..,l ull'd B*. ~ ll “ lasi mau u , ADAIRSVILLE MASONS FIXING FCR A BIG “BLOW OUT.” TOWN IS REBUILCING •' 1 ■ Orchards Bbing Planted 5OO Apple Trees. ndairsville. Gn., March 10.— Mrs. Julia Veach is at home after some lime spent with her daughter n Chattanooga. Miss Mabie King and litt’e Miss' Emma King have returned fr< m a visit to Ringgold. Carl Boyd has returned from Atlanta where he spent some time preparing for the West Point ex amination which occured last week. Gardening will be quite the or der of the day this week if the present warm weather continues, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Veach dined a few friends very delight fully last Thursday evening. Adairsville Lodge F. & A. M., has issued an invitation to the mastersand warden and breth ren of the lodges of Bartow county inviting them to meet in convention here on Saturday morning, 10 o’clock, April 9, for the purpose of exemplifying and discussing the s°cret work, This is in line with a resolution passed at tho last grand commun ication though not so extensive in its scope. Grand Junior Warden John W. Akin and District Dep uty Max Meyerhardt will be in at tendance. At night the local lodge will confer the Third degree. All M ister Masons in good standing are invited to sea's on the floor. The work of removing dirt pre paratory to laying the foundation of the handsome new brick store D. W. Loudermilk will build on the old &ray lot is being rapidly pushed. The building will be a beauty and it is hoped that the whole burned row will be filled with buildings like this one. Felton Gibbons, of Linwood,was in tov. n Monday. The work cn the Boyd and Bray orchard is going right ahead. Five hundred apple trees have been put out. *A workman, at work on the railroad wa'er tank in course of construction here, fell from the top of the frame works Wednes day afternoon dislocating his shou’der. He was attended by Dr joe Bowdoin whofound he was not injured futhur than this: We wish the Hustler-Commer cial much success which we are quite sure it will attain. Mr. and Mrs.f N. H. Glossup went up to Calhoun recently. Rev. Fred June*’ held Episco pal service at the Busy Bee Schoil room Wednesday last. Arrang ments will be made to have ser vices regular after this. Miss Verdah Wray is teaching in the Adairsvill High School now Carl Boyd is at home after some time spent in Atlanta in special stduy fcr West Point examina tion . Dr. joe Bowdoin is having numerous improvements made on Dis lawn. Several Adairsville citizens have attended court in Calhoun this week. Rev. J. Hudson will fill the pulpit at the Baptist church Sun day. DON’T FAIL If you fail to visit W II Coker Co’s store this week it will be your loss. Bargains.J Victors, Peerless, Commer cials at E. E. Forbes, at factcry cost, for cash. Smoke Waters “Extra Good best smoke on the market. Wasting in Children can be overcome in almost all cases by the use of Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil and the Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. While it is a scientific fact that cod-liver oil is the most digestible oil in ex istence, in SCOTT'S EMULSION it is not only palatable, but it is already digested and made ready for immediate absorption by the system. It is also combined with fthe hypophosphites, which supply a food not only for the tissues of the body, but for the bones and nerves, and will build up the child when its ordinary food does not supply proper nourishment. Be sure you get SCOTT’S Emulsion. See that the >un and fish are on the wrapper. All druggists ; 50c. and sx.oo. SCOTT & BOW KI:. Chemists. New York. DIFFICULTIES REMOVED. “My father, my brother and myself were all troubled with lobh >f appetite and took Hood’s Sar -aparilla with great benefit, I have •fuffered for years with eruptions, but since taking Hood’s Sarsapar 11a I have had no trouble of this Kind. It has also cired me of in digestion.” Ernest N. Jennings, Bogart, Georgia. Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy to operate, Cure indigestion, heaadache. A PROMINENT MINISTE«jsPEAKB. From a personal test and a thorough outside observation, 1 am prepared to reccommend Chen ey’s as a positive remedy for coughs and colds, croup, etc. Rev. Henry Buchanan. Jonesboro, Ga. It is, or should be, the highest aim of every merchant to please his cuitomers, and that tho wide awake drug firm of Meyers & Esh leman, Sterling, 111., is doing so, is proven by the following, from Mr. Eshleman : “In my sixteen years’ experience in the drug bus iness I have never or sold or tried a medicine that gave as good natisfaction as Chamberlain’s Col ei, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy.” Slid by all Druggists There ar but two great class es of peple, the caught and the uncaught. If you don’t allredy belong to the former you wil when you see the prices on that new lot of stationary and tiolet soaps just receiyd at Frank Wright’s old Norton cor ner opposit Masonic Tempi. Do You Like Fine Butter? — We hava just received a spipment of the finest' butter ever brought to Rome. It is the famous Ele gant Creamery, called the Little Butter Cup, sweet and solid packed in hondsome one pound bricks, full weight. In order to introduce this butter, we are going sell it at 25c lb. All we aek is that you •ry one pound. Lloyd’s. —— Fresh Eggs Are Nice.—ls you like nice fresh eggs, we can just give you a pointer! We have made special arrangements with about a dozen different reliable farmer to bring us all their eges every week. By this means we are able to gurantee all our eggs to bestrictly fresh and new. We do not buy shipped or tig lots of.egg, therefore if you always wish the best, just send us your orders. Lloyd & Co. BEST OF ALL To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner, when the tipringtime comes, use the true and perfect remedy, Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents. Buy the genuine. Manu factured by tne California Fig tivrup Company only, an! for sale by all druggists- • DIETZ No. 3 Street Lamp HAS A SHINING RECORD OF 20 YEARS. 1 * ** offered a* an effectual B P-i ■« 1 antidote for "outer * nnm 1 darkness," and is thor- 'JI * °«ghiy well made on Yn scientific principles, g g ~ It "Bl give more lijfht DifTZ ~ • than any gai burning I /H? 3 cioit \ ,ainp ’ <1n h ‘ hta Pe r and / TUBULtt \ doit withkeroaene(coal / aTRUTtAMP \ oil). / \ It can be lit and rejju- I 1 I lated fr >ai the outside; \ J can continue tn business A- Y-A J. a despite the wind; can Lt zi ' ant * * 1,1 K* ve you entire I (A aatiafai tion, by reason r-4 \.l mu*" y of its absolute rclia- I. K-y-—r -bil ‘<r. X \ / It la but one member of an enormous family of j *’ light goods " that we I I build, and to whom we I I would be glad to intro- duce you by 'leans of our Catalogue, which we mail free upon applk ’tion. If you insist upon having the very best goods | made, your dealer will give you “ Diets.** If you cannot obtain this Lamp of your dealer, we will deliver it, freight prepaid, to any part of the ’J.S. or Canada, upon receipt of its price, viz., fG.OO. R. E. DIETZ CO., 60 Laight Street, New York. * Established in 1840. • VVE no longer supply our seeds to dealers to sell again. At the same time, any one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during either 1896 or 1897 will be sent our Manual of “Everything for the Garden” for 1898 rnrr provided they apply by letter I aLC and give the name of the local merchant from whom they bought. To all others, this magnifi cent Manual, every copy of which costs us 30 cents to place in your hands, will be sent free on receipt of 10 cents (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing like this Manual has ever been seen here or abroad; it is a book of 200 pages, contains 500 engravings of seeds and plants, mostly new, and these are supplemented by 6 full size colored plates of the best novelties of the season, finally, OUR “SOUVENIR” SEED COLLECTION will also be sent without charge to all appli cants sending 10 cts. for the Manual whe will state where they saw this advertise'..ient. Postal Card Applications Will Receive No Attention. Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Boxes t'OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS au' li as Wind and Pain in the Stomaeh. Giddiness, Fulness after meals, Head iche. Dizziness, Drowsiness, FluuhiuKS of Heat, Loss of Appetite. Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEI'.CII Airs PILI.S, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Mick Cieadache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival And havd the LARGEST SALE Os any Patent. Medicine in the World. 25c. at all Drug Stores. YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUVIY: — To all whom it may concern): Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a jear’s support to Mrs. Henry T, Clark, the widow of Henry T. Clark, deceased, have filled their award, and un'ess good and sufficient cause is shown, the same will be made the judge ment of the court at the April term, 1898, of the Court of Ordi nary. This March 7th, 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia. HE WANTS TO KEEP WELL. Mr. Smith raid today that he and bis wife decidtd last night that when they went to house keeping they would buy thei Soothing Syrup, Castoria, Meliu’s Food, Paregoric and other Drugs from Jervis & Wright, the popular Druggists. See W. 11. Coker & Co. for mackintoshes, umbrellars, rub ber boots and over shoes. BOY’S SCHOOL SUITS Phat our competitor cannot match in style and price. WII Coker <fc Co. Have you seen the newest fad, th ise plaid hose atoker’s. For a good smoke try War era’ “Extra Good” cigars, The finest of umbrellas for both ladies and gent’s at J. K. Williamson’s. Call and see them. i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IRepairing |! •Don’t Walk On • ; © * Your Tipper si; IW. A.MU LLINI X, M s a^ n mi| Just a lomeiit, Please The Opportunity of a Life-time For Big Dividend— Paying \ Investment I X THE ALASKA GOLD PLACER MACHINE MININGCOMPANY Capital stock $5,000,000 —full paid—aiidnon-assessable.Promisee to be tie good as the Beel Teleph ne, Westinghouse Air Brake, Grapho phone or Phonograph and other similar indulstrial enterprises which ire paying thousands in profits to their shareholders. This is an industrial rather than a Mining Company. We have •he only Hydraulic Machine Mining System (pateuted)that will work in the frozen ground of the Klondike and the Northwest, where we I take our machines and extract the gold from the claims of others, ; just as thrashing m <chines are taken into the wheat country to hresh out the farmer’s wheat. One of our machines does the work of over 1,000 men each day and we save the 40% of gold that is usual ly lost by other methods, so it can readily be seen what enormous profits we will earn in the fabulously rich gold mines of the Klondike and the Northwest, with which every one must be acquainted. Every prospector there is our prospector, for he must eventually come to us to have his claim worked. Therefore we believe we shall in time be payin as large dividends as the world-famous e’n terprisss mentioned above. Ours is a similar industrial stock which pm only b? had for a limited, titni at the very low price of $2.50 or SIO.OO share. This is an opportunity of a life time. Not ev ery day does Fortune knock atone’s.door Tby .. x The omy svst n of Sys terr that wil Hydra u _ W'■ pic Mine ;KlondiKfa ' & Nor t h (paten’d) - east . OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS I PRESIDENT,’H. P. Tawuley, New York Hen, L. Bradford P incs, Sant* Fe New Mex Manager of the Equitable,Life Assurance So President International Mining Oongres IST VICE PRES,Hon.J N Hnston. New York Hon. John I’. Hoyt Seattle, Washington Ex-Treasurer of the United States Fx-ChiAf Justice. Stite of NDvi'IEPRkS E. Parinly Browu.New York Geo. McLean, Manufacturer, Passaic N.J Treas, Andrew McLvxu, Mgf'r ramie, N.J, Jonathan Bourne, Jr,Mining Capitalists Portland Secty and Ass‘t Treas. 1, Naw York James W Clise, I Seattle, Washington auditor an 1 Counsel, wm R. Waeki.Naw York Ch. of Mining C’ni Chainberof Commesce Consulting E'agineav Win. E. Lvv, NawY>.-< I, ulie C. Bruoa,Pro r Turf, Field, Farm. N. V Pres Lay System Hydraulic P.aear Mining Co C >lonel A. C. Fisk New Yogk Lawrence F. Browu.New York. 6 The business ability financial standing of our Directors are amon the best evidences of our success. To raise the capitol to place several plants in the j Klondike a small block of stock is uow offered to the public at the very low rate of of 25 cents on the dollar or $2,50 for each $lO When this block is sold, no more will be offered at less than or $lO per share. An investment of $25 to SSO m this stock should very soon return largi profits—Even 100 to 1 —and thus afortuue for the sa gacious inveeton. Certificates are in very attractive form, called “Gold-Backs” and are transferable from hand to hand. Send tor illustrated Prospectus where full explanation is given ofjjhow we cau earn eueb enor.nous profits by the Lay System, Read! Reflect! Investigate! Invest! All information cheerfully given hy ths Secretary. Call or write —Alaska Gold Placer Machine Mining Co. Home cflices, Washington Building, No. 1 Broadway New York, N. Y. Can supply all Flowe? tS IuS AWyJfcj®/» ueparimern nursery | Seed , to str *• *.t e KOBIjC ■ n th A LI low rates. We publish one of lllu W. We | the teadingSeed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, V** l -* ~af which Will be mailed free. Send for it now, it will yfwjlt save you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory zVfc. in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends far and near. Have hundreds of carloads of < FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES-, PLANTS. . We send by mail postpaid. Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe arrival and satisfaction guaranteed; larger by express or freight. 44th year. 32 greenhouses. x,ooo acres. THE STORRS & HARRISON CO., Box 528. Painesville, O.