The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 11, 1898, Image 6

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DO WITH IT? Why Bily a Half Million Rifles. II FLEET OF WAR SHIPS And all The Powder and Shot we Will Need. Washington, March 10.—How will the $50,000,000 so readily appropriated by congress for the nation’s defense be expended? This is the question of mo ment now. Juns for a half a million in fantry will be bought—that’s certain. More warships will be purchased and built and ammu nition will be put in stock. While the matter of expending the funds has been considered, it can be stated that the fund has not yet been allotted among the various branches of the gov ernment service. Each of these had prepared roughly and tentatively an esti mate of the funds it could dis pose of to advantage, but upon looking over the ground the pres ident concluded that it would be well perhaps, to avoid making the allottment until the necessity became apparent. The reason back of this is that the sum that can be profitably spent for war ships cannot even be guessed at with any approximation to ac curracy just now. As the ships are to be first choice in the steps for defense, until their cost is assured it is not possible to di vide the remainder of the appro priation among the other blanches of the military and naval services. The secretary of the navy is making every effort to secure from our naval attaches and di plomatic oilicers abroad all in formation obtainable respecting the number of ships building, their price and other data. This does not necessarily interfere with the execution of the plans confided toCapt. Brownson, who sailed for Southampton today, but rather promises to assist him materially in making speed with his inquiries. Up to this mo ment not only has the United States government bought no warships, but it has not even se cured an option on one. There are many applications coming to the department from persons and firms who desire to sell ships to the government, but in most of these cases one or two fatal obstacles are encoun tered to the consumation cf the sale— either the craft offered is not suitable for naval needs or the date of possible completion is so distant from three months upward, that it cannot be re garded as worthy of purchase to meet an emergency. There is less difficulty in secur ing tenders of war material such as shot and shell and powder and the navy department has almost assured itself of an abundant supply ot certain kinds of smoke less powder abroad at short no tice. The officials ot the depart ment are in daily cjrrespotidence by mail and telegraph with agents or ammunition houses and besides are now fully acquainted with the plans cf domestic powder-mak ers for enlarging their plants to meet an emergency. FOR RENT. The office lately occupied by he Ro in o Commercial will be or rent after April Ist. Apply to Mr. Thos. Fahy. Several Romans cam® in last Tuesday afternoon and are attend ing court. —Calhoun Times. : j .11. P. WOOTEN & BRO., ' S Successors to jjC 55 * ROME PHARMACY. * 301) Broad st. —New Clark Building. We have bought the entire stock of the Rome Pharmacy and are prepared to supply a our wants, in jC the drug, piescription and patent medicine line. Our stock is complete and of the very highest grade. We solicit a part of your patronage and sli .ill ni- gjc deavor to the best of our ability to plea-e you >H »dl times. We should be pleased to have you call on ns. ■■L Full line of druggist’s sundries, toilet artichanml J such things as are usually carried in a first-class drug store. Cigars and tobacco. Come to see us. RC ALADDIN IN THE CAVE was never dazzled with such an Os? T-‘D vz* array of gems, of all color* and varieties, as we arc showing m our exquisite stock of jewels for zA'YyL Christmas gills. They are sec * n all d shapes wrought by R. skillful designers, and diamond, ruby, sapphire, emeralds, opal, pearl or—-it combined with the ZA most beautiful effect in urnn men Is for either ladies or gen ? U tiemen. Our stock of line watch- es is unrivalied. J. K. WILLIAMSON. ROME. GA. AGENT, KlontlikeSak. Golden Bargains. This week special prices prevail. First sale of the season. All our new stoc<c at prices that please the money-saving buyers., Dress Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Shoes, etc!, selected for actual value and sold at the lowest possible prices. No advances on anything. The tariff man did not stuff our buyer with higher prices. This season will go dow.i in history as one that every pur chaser has made every effort to get the most for his money, and you will find, on investigating our stock, that we have secured the best goods at the lowest price yet named, and it is saving to you to buy your goods of us. F. J. KANE & CO., 248 BROAD ST,, ROME,GA. WE WILL OLLER ONL LINE OF OUR LADIES’ SHOES AT s>.3o s>.3o That has no equal in the United States. kaee ur Biltto, Plain or Fancy. 7 0C Pairs and a Leader.? Gome and See Them. THE PLACE —£ '5! To get your prescription < filled is ■<:' 5* A. TREVI FT. JC The Prescripiion Druggist. ••- Best chemicals used in compound *n"> A complete line of druggist’s sun dries and toilet articles al prices as ft jlp reasonable as can be found in the ':>■ market. All goods delivered to any 2ZW part of the city. J C. A. 1 RF.VITT J 331 Broad st. 'l ei. 110. IK. H. COKER FEBRUARY. IH9B. ■ i i Has only 28 days; therefore you will lose 3 daj this month, and, being desirous that no one shou\ fer from this great loss of time, we have de ermi make up to them their loss by cutting our great cut r i still lower. I ~ READ ON.- 1 We have just received v car-load of Dry Goods, < Goods, Notions, Etc., besides 100 dozen ladies’ waists. We are the only house in Rome that buy Goods, Notions, Etc., by the car-load. YOU'VE EOT NERVE l I That’s what a merchant said to our buyer the day when our car-load of superior Dry Goods, Goods, Laces, Notions, and 1,200 Ladies’ Shirt V was being drayed from our car CAN’T SELL GOODS UNLESS YOU HAVE Ti 4 and you w II always find a select line of Ladie waists at our store. WE EXPECT You to come to our store and buy goods. Why? cause we sell best goods cheaper than others, Every Departrcjen is full to overflowing. SHOES, all styles and HOSIERY, all plaids, stripes and numbers. NOT. any and all you want. WHITE GOODS in a!fg' DOMESTIC in ail grades. DRESS GOODS and , RICS in rich designs. DRY GOODS in family \ Hundreds a/’d Hundreds of other goods we can’t r tion in this small space. CLOTHING. CLOTHING. We can fit the long and lean, the stout and fa common and medium, the short or lon >• and an that comes we will fit up. HATS! HATS! COLORS: Coffee, [green, drab, dove, nutril, whi black, blue, navy. SHAPES: Alpine, stiff, soft, crushers, farmers, etc PRICES. PRICE - They shall be less than others. When we sc prices, we cut the price for the cash. Yes, it is true; we are jobbing Dry Goods, Dress C Notions, Etc. But we are not letting this interfere our retail business, as some one would make y ou be! It has only placed us in condition to buy goods in quantities and, therefore, giving you the benefit < buying. We are here to serve you. Call and se< 21 Broad street. 11 MB b IBL B