The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 13, 1898, Image 5

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The Cordele ‘-’en»inul nays . S|WllC pr Atkinson arrived in Cordele Thursday and was visited by the “most prominent eitl /-ns of the town.”. Yes. it will be that way all over Georgia whene/er he visits.—R 'in i Trib une. Atu l j u( lgo Atkinson, the unreal enable railroad commission mem ber of the “kid glove” Capitol Cl tv Club or Atlanta is playing for t ho “most prominent citizens of the town” thm. Well, Allen Can (||er will take the masses and be come governor over masses and classes Mark that prediction. O O 0 Editor Triplett, way down in South Georgia,says in hisThomas ville Times:“ The effort of the opposition to make capital out of the letter written by Col. Candler to one Tom Hight, of Augusta, will fall Hat. As a put up job, it will prove a flat fai ure. Gentle men, you will never beat Allen Cannier by such methods, Never!” 0 0 0 This war if war it be, will have another compensation. It will for ever efface from the memory of our countrymen those dreadful times of civil strife and the men whose courage made the first Man assas historic will jo'n with those who immortalized Gettysburg and together they will consecrate a new battlefield combining the glories of both. —Congressman Bai'ey of Texas. o o o Speaking of the battle scarnd old vet, who will be Georgia’s next governor the Americus Times It cord.-r says: ■‘True, /alien Candler hasn’t but one eye, but if there were any unnecessary leaks in the expend iture of ihe people's money, he would be certain to find them out. And more, he would stop them.” o o o Says the Thomasville Ttmes- Eiiterpnee: “No bofer or truer man in Georgia could be placed at the head of the state executive com mittee than Fleming G.dußtgnou. He is a democrat Hi rough and through .’’ 000 A New York man failed tn get his trousers in time to attend bit own wedding, and is being sued sor breach of promise. It isn’t of •cn that suits for breathes of promise come from promise of ' breaches .- Americus Herald. 000 Ihe "ring papers have, harped upon the Meyerhardt letter and the Hight letter until they have frothed ;1 t (he mouth and it has profited them nothing. They musi k't up s< inethin jr tangible against II" peoples candidates before they Ca " down him. Pettifogging, bush ''hacking aild stabbing in the 11 " “ i not do it.—Americus Herald. 000 •Says toe 'I hotnasville Times H " ,er Prise: t . TbHo iR one cfaar a< I' 1 1'tic o| Allen Candler wbicl app al- very strongly to the peop • " ruler to the rugged honesty ’ man. He Uot> a trim mer. 1 000 M,h - My rick says: dl oi those who think v. ar it ® wouhl in case of trouble l ' ‘‘''st to take to the woods N ' ,l ,l! y has ye L moved to b!o| ' 11 atoned war with Spain by ■ 111 i ‘ 'ution —Albany Herald. 000 Sa yH Editor Dick Grubb o< iHl'lfO ; Ko ' are for Candler for a ' ■ lllVo to say lh,) (,thers -They are good dler "i'i l,H!n “ UllCle Al,en Can -111 best man lor governor. Fi. ° ° ° “ the -‘Platform is as obsolete aa one of Weyler’s proclamations.” And there are nearly seven million Democrats who don’t know it! It sn’t often you find one man who knows more than seven million.— Sparta Ishmallite. 000 Editor Sid Lewis says: Grover Cleveland and Wm- McKinley are morally responsi ble for the starvation of tens of thousands of women and children i n Cuba —Had Cuban belligerency been recognized by them, the necessities of these victims could have been met by their friends in this country, 000 Phil Byrd announces that the started the Rome Hustler with no capital and no experience. Since that time, however, he has, no doubt, accumulated a vast amount of experience.— Macon News, Diskivered, by gray. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ATTORNEYS. J. ER.A.NHA.M, Law Office, 200 k ist First Street, ROME, GA. ,GHAS, W, UNDERWOOD, Attorney at Law, Rome, Ga. Corporation Law Only. M B EUBANKS, Atttruey at Law. Office in King Building. Rome, va. IW H. ENNIS, Attorney at Law Will Practice in all courts Office, Masonic Temple, Rome, Ga, W J NEEL, Attorney at law. Will practice in all courts, special attention given to commercial law and the examication cf laud titles. office iu King building, Rome, Ga. WALiTBR, HARRIS Attorney at law and J. P. Office over F. J. Kane & Co. ’s. dentistsT J. A. WILLS, D. D. S., Office 246 1 2 Broad. * Over Cantrell & Owens. J. L PCNNINGTON. D D.S..M D. DENTIST: Office. 305 1-2 Broad street. Over Hanks Fur uiture Co. PHYSICIANS. XV. A. JOHNSON, M. D, Physician and Surgeon. Rome, Ga. Office in Medical Building. Kesideuce, No. V 63 Broad street, o Hamilton, m d.. Physician and Surgeon. Office, Medical Building. Rome, Ga. Office 'phone No. 62. F HAMMONO, M. ID-. Physician and Surgeon, Office in Medical tuilding. Residence, No. 403 West First st. Office 'phone No 62. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. Whereas V\ m. A.Wright executor of Mrs. Mary W. Quinn represents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered Mrs Mary W. Quinn estate. This is to cite all persons concerned kindred and creditors to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from lis administration and receive letters of dismission on rhe first Monday in June 1898. This March 7th 1898. John P, Davis Ordinary. YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA FL YD COUNTY. To all whom ic may concern. >lOllO6 is nereby given that the ■ ppraisers appointed to set apart md assign a year’s support to Sa— •ah 0. Murdoch the widow of Jas. d. Murdock,deceased, have filed .heir award and unless good and sufficient cause is shown the same vill be made the judgement of he court at the April term, 1898, of the court of ordinary. This March 7th 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. LUMPKIN & PRINUTP, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rome, : : : : Georgia. General practice throughout North Georgia. Correnpoudencesolicited. Special attention to mercantile collections. Insure befoie the fit e wit i I Cothran & Go. City Marshal sales foi'ijril 1898, GEORGIA, Floyd County : Will bo sold before the court house door in the city of Rome Floyd county Georgia on the first Tuesday in April 1898 be tween the legal hours of sale the following described property,towit All that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Coosa Division of the city of Rome, in said county, known and distinguished in the plan of said city and Division as part of lot No. 153, and being all of the real estate known as the Mrs. Addie M. Holmes place on the corner of Second avenuo (for merly Howard street) and East Second (formerly Franklin)St., being all of the front on Second avenue and extending from East Second street corner to the Mrs, I). M, Hood line and comprising 132 feet; and all of the front on East Second street extending from Second avenue back to what was former ly known as the Graves line, af terwards owned by Mrs. A. R. Sullivan, comprising 220 feet, more or less, fronting on said East Second street. The lot here by conveyed being a parallelo gram of the above dimensions and including the residence, offices, rear dwelling, stables and all other buildings on said property. Also at the same time and place one vacant lot or parcel of land located in the Fifth ward of the city of Rome Floyd county Georgia, fronting on Penning ton avenue from Cemetery St., to property of Maranda Daniel, 505 feet, more or less, and run ning back same width 320 ft, to Harper St. Levied on by virtue of a tax fifa in favor of the may or and council of the city of Rome vs • C. M. Harper, for tax due said city for the year 1890, for the use of Mrs. A. 11. Che ney, transferee. Also at the same time and place, one house and lot in the Coosa Division of the city of Rome, Floyd county Georgia, fronting on the South side of East Fourth street 125 feet, more or less and running back same width to the right of way of the Rome rail road. Bounded on the West by property of W. J Nunnally, on the East by property of D. W. Curry and the old City Water Works property, being the place where the defendant now re sides, as the property of Chas. M. Harper, agent and trustee for wife and children. Levied on by virtue of a tax fifa in favor of the mayor and council of the city of Rome vs. C. M. Harper, agent, for tax due said city for the year 1896, for the use of Mrs. A. H. Cheney, transferee. J. B. Shropshire, City Marshal. SALESMEN WANTED. For our new wall map of Georgia, size 28x24 inches; printed in five colors on heavy paper with tin a 1 top and bottom ready to hang. On the border is an index locating all counties, C'ties, towns and villages with their population. Sells at a pop ular price. Send 50 cents and get sample and terms for coun tv agency. Rand, McNally & Co., 61 East 9th St.. New York. Special prices on Ila patent medicines. What we do isopen and we ask the patronage of all liberty loving people. J. T. Crouch & Co. Call at E. E. Forbes and see the celebrated Crown piano case organ, sac simile of the finest pianos for sale cheap . Insure with 11. D. Cothran Co. Do not wait until after the fire. APPLICATION FOR LETTKRg OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY Whereas Thomas Holeenback execu’or ol John HoLsisnback, de ceased , represents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has administered John Holsenback’e estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if anv they can why said administrator should not be discharged from his executorship and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in April 1898. This Jan. 3rd 1898. John P. Davis, Ordinary. NOTICE OF SALE. Agreeably to an order of the court of ordinary of Floyd county will be sold at the court house door of said county on the first Tuesday in April next within the legal hours of sale, the following property towit.—South half of lot No. 17i, containing 80 ecres, North half lot No. 185 containing 80 a ires, 30 acres eff lot No. 184 all in 22nd District and Third Section known as the Lane place whereon the deceased resided at the time of his death, containing in all 190 acies more or less, sold as the property of Hulbert Evans, late of said county, deceased- Terms of sale cash. This Bth day of March. 1898. Julius vV. Evans. Executor. YEARS SUPPORT. Georgia, Floyd County: To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apait and assign a year’s support to Mrs. Emma Nixon the, widow of W. C. Nixon, deceased, have filed their award and unles good and suffi cient cause is fhoivn, the same will be made the judgment of the Court at the April term, 1898, of the Court of Ordinary. This March 8, 1898, John P. Davis, Ordinary F.oyd County, Georgia RECEIVERS’ SALE. Morgan Mooney ) vs Petition for re- J. H. Carter ) ciever, ect. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY; Under and by virtue of an or der issued from Floyd Superior Court in the anove stated case, will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome, said county between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in April 1898 the following described prop erty belonging to the partnership business of Mooney & Carter to wit, —1 iron safe, 1 pair platform scales, 2 beef racks, 1 iron smoke house, 2 paper cutters, 1 counter and cash drawer, 1 pair market scales, 1 sausage pan. 3 meat blocks, 1 stewer, 2 scraps, 3 steak saws, 2 steak knives, 1 steel, one cleaver, 1 iron meat rack, 1 long meat rack, 1 refrigerator, 2 iron cranes, one coffee mill, 1 pair screen doors, 1 oil tank, 2 sausage mills and 1 table, 1 cash drawer, 1 sausage stuffer and 1 small boiler, said property can be seen and will bedelivered at the market No. 503 Broad St. Also 1 pair platform scales, 1 refle. 1 Streicher rope and hook, 1 rip saw. 1 sledge hammer, 1 fork, 1 oil can and contents 1 dezen hooks, 1 spring wagon, 3 kettles and furnace, 1 tallow press, 1 scalding press, 2 pots, 1 pick, 5 pad locks and 1 fish box. Said property can be seen and will be delivered at the slaughter pen of Mooney & Carter on the lands of Mrs. M. L. Graves ih said coun ty of Floyd. Also the dense hold interest of said partnership of Mooney & Carter to the slaughter pen and appurtenances belonging thereto, situated upon the lands of Mrs. M. L. Graves in the 23rd District and 3rd Section of Floyd county, this March 10 1898. J. P. McConaell, receiver for Mooney vs. Cartt r. We have a lot of repossessed sewing machines, lean out only a few month, New Home, WheeL ar & Wilson and Singers, we will sell you at your own price at E. E. Forbes. 1 Taki The Hustler-Comncercia' 800' to go regardless of OIOISIT FIRIIICIB. You can get just what you want of »l, ' F,, di'DJt-BiES. We have I\IEW Bicycles from TWELVE DOLLARS UP and they will be sold at prices to suit the purchaser. Pianos -- Organs and several makes of SEWING MEHINES. which will be sold at prices never before known i'i Rome We also have in stock 1,000 copies POPULAR SHEETMUSIC at ioc per copy, S;nd for catalogue of this music. We also handle mandolins:, GUITARS, VIOLINS, STRINGS; and will rent pianos or organs with purchasing privileges. Our piano-case organs are great sellers. Call and see them. lE. E, Forbes, 327 BROAD STREET - S. F* ID AVIS, Manager. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCkOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000000000000000000 B. F Montgomery < > 8 0 •*? 227, BROAD ST. Q Q SICK, ACCIDENT AND LIFt O g Insurance § O WE NUMBER AMONG OUR RISKS MANY OF THE Q O VERE BEST PEOPLE OF THE CITY AND COUNTY. Q >8 WANTED: —We want wide-awake agents to represent q /•> our companies in the counties of Polk, Bartow, Floyd, Q /'■>, Chattooga, Gordon, Walker, Whitfield, Catoosa and q Dade. Call on or address us at our Rome oitice, Q) Q B F. MONTGOMERY Gen’l Agt, O OO»> *- ODOOOOOOO -*—*«oo OOCOOOOOCT X JUOOOOUUOOOOOOOOO @ YOU DON’T B HAVE TO X ARSWEAR OFF. -■•tJ A XL J A IJj V Th e natural way to stop tobacco ©is to get a distaste f, >r it. Don’t jS’ Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away and go on suffering k ./ * MmSbW from nervous troubles that make ©Strongmen weak, impotent and Id' unable to do the right thing at V ‘*• r & PPrMR the right time, all because the ■rNH blood is tobacco poisoned. 4 JAp/pa, p. k'Xym No-To-Bac makes it easy to J * W Stop this brain-weakening, nei ve- y. Xflßlk niiniiig tobacco disease. You run no risk for yoi.r own dru> gist |WWBR will sell, under guarantee. M © NO-TO-BAC .EK® Wo urge you to tost No-To-Bac. Do it to-day' Over a million boxes ©sold in two years and aim >i: '-ui.stell the story of merit. No-To-Bac jfJHkk will not only kill I lie de ire for b m. elf in mate nicotine ami steady A 21*3 the nerves, but b ’aii- eof it gri : .".lednal qualities it will make MMfl the blcxxl pure and rich. Lina ling with n<‘w life and energy. Gloomy QlffiyW days will be gone, the sunshine w’ll be brighter, the old man in feeling V made young again and happy. e DRUGGIST’S GUARANTEE. is to sell No-To-Bac under absolute gun r intee to cure Our written guar an toe, free sample of No-To-Bac, Booklet cal led “Don’t Tobacco and Smoke Your Life Away” mailed free. Address THE STEELING V J REMEDY CO., Chicago, Montreal, Can., New York. 63 ! ki.-SA /T 2'a efl ■ DCTC ’candy cathartic cure constipation. Purely vegetable, smooth and I W easy, sold by druggists everywhere, guaranteed Ui cure. Only 10ft