The Rome hustler-commercial. (Rome, Ga.) 18??-????, March 13, 1898, Image 8

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CANDLER AND DOW I) Candler, and it is probable Colonel Candler’s mention of this fact at some time led to the false publications which have served in the end to bring out so many facts of real historic interest. Those who know the colonel do not need to be told that lie never attempted to tar nish his own brilliant military record by trying to borrow bril liancy from a fellow soldier, and Col. MacKowen will be glad to learn, when he sees this that Colonel Candler not only honors him for the bravery he display ed in his heroic expedition, but that he never by nor deed ever made the slightest attempt to rob him of one iota of the glory he honestly won on that occa sion. The MacKowens of Louis iana and the Candlers of Geor ia are not that sort of people. But the irresponsible person who first put tho fake story in circulation has done a real service, In that he has given an excuse for the teliing of an interesting war story at this time. Col. Can dler denied himself to his callers at the capitol yesterday lung enough to read Colonel M-acKow en’s article, and when he finiehed it he laid the paper into one of the drawers of his desk for safe keeping, “That is a mast interes'ii g account,” he sa'd, “I don’t mind having been tne innocent excuse for Colone 1 MacKowen’s writing it. I do not know him personally, but I am going tc take advantage cf the first opportunity! have ot writing to him and saying that the fashion of printing evil things about me seems to have overspead the bounds of Georgia and reached into Lousiana. i never said a ward of the interview’ attributed to me, but I am waiting every day to see if the papers won’t connect me some way with blowing up the Maine. Since I have been a can didate for governor I have begun to believe that any man can gel a conspicieus place on lhe wrong side in history if he will only have the courage to run for office. 'The colonel was asked what his real experience had been in the J) >w emsode and he replied: “As a captain ot infantry I was provost guard in Jackson in Jure 1868 and as such 1 received as prisoners General Dow and a number of federal so diers My headquarters were in a big biick building on State street and 1 used the entire second floor of it as a prison. I placed General Dow under parole, and my recollection of him is that he was particular ly genial old gentleman. We used to read the papers together, when we could get them, and 1 treated him with as much consideration as I thought a man of his rank deserved, Once or twice he break fasted with me nt my boardinig house. “When Jackson tell into the hands of the enemy, Captain Mitchell, of Georgia, took Gener al Dow under parole to the Libbj prison at Ricnmond. They travel ed, I remember, in a passenger coach, and 1 followed in an ordi nary car with the other prisoners, of whom I had charge. 1 did not know until I read C donel Mac- Kowen’s article that General Dow had been swapped for General Fitzhugh Lee, but I am r glad to learn that fact now, for with alt due respect to General Dow, 1 think the south got the best of th bargain. Some of these days 1 hup' to meet Colonel MacKowen per sonally, but in the memtime I want to advise him that I am a candidate for governor, and that he must be chary about accepting all the things ho sees about me in print. Which is about as true of Col onel MacKnowen as it is every body’ else who reads the news papers. R. B. C. See W. H. Coker & Co. for mackintoshes, umbrellars, rub ber boots and over shoes. A RYRD'S EYE VIEW, I than words, along with 99 out of every 100 Romans, I figured that the “innocent of guile” was one of the half-dozen At kinson men in Romo. None of us ever dreamed that he was a Candler man in disguise. * * « As to the insinuation that Gove: nor Allen I). Candler will appoint Max Meyerhardt, city court judge—the rumor must have originated with Hon. Sam Peajay Buncomb. Allen I). Can dler has made no pledges—he certainly would not be fool enough to make a confidant of of Max Meyerhardt—after re cent events. Meyerhardt is too unsophisticated to bo trusted, he is neither as wise as a serpent nor as harmless as a dove. * * * But, after all, it was a smooth play on the part of Max Meyer hardt, to desert a sinking craft, and at the same time fix Col. Candler so that he cannot ad minister the withering rebuke the betrayal of the letter merited which rebuke was supposed to be scheduled for Col. Candler’s opening speech in Rome. * * * The double play woul 1 be a daisv—were it not so transpa rent . * * * But this is not the only dou ble play nor is it the only trans parent. * * * The morning paper adminis ters a deserved rebuke to the star actor in the letter-betrayal “tragedy,” at the same time seeks to injure Col. Candler in Rome by insinuating, by pub lishing “a rumor” that Col. Candler had promised the city court judgeship to the unsophis ticated star actor .n said “trag edy.” * * * 1 know that Col. Candler did not buy, He is not built that way. Then it looks as if Judge Meyerhardt had discovered that his “innocence of guile” had been ‘ravished” and he deserted —leaving said “ravishers” to account for the betrayal of let ter, Atlanta date line and all. * * * And then, too, the statements made by the morning paper now throws a funny light on that former statement about the let ter having been published “purely as a piece of news,” etc. * * * On with the dance, swing and change! The Convention. The twentieth annual conven tion of the Young Men’s Chris tian Association of Georgia will convene in Americus on March 17th and close on Sunday night, March 20th. The people of Americus will entertain the delegates at their homes tree of cost, and Mr. Lee M. Hansford of that city has the matter in hand. The state association officers especially request that Sunday, March 13th be observed as a day of special prayer for this con vention. Jervis it Wright, the up town druggist, have n > old stale stuff to oiler you, but their stock is clean tnd fresh and thr-y will do as much for your in their way of ■ervic e, prices, etc., as any one Boar this in mind and you will be glad They allow no one to undersell them. There ar but two great class es of peple, the caught and the uncaught. 1! you don’t allredy belong to the former you wil when you see the prices on that new lot of stationary and tiolet soaps just receiv’d at Frank Wright’s Farmacy. At old Norton cor ner opposit Masonic Tempi. ! Eczema All Her Life. Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Ga.. says that his daughter, Ida, inherited a severe case of Eczema, which the usual xnwcury and potash remedies failed to ! relieve. Year by year she was treated with various medicines, external appli cations and internal remedies, without result. Her sufferings were intense, and her condition grew steadily worse. I All the so-called blood remedies did not seem to reach the dis .gOtSSk ease at all until S. S.S. was given, when nn i tn P roveme,, ‘ was at once noticed, v. medicine was X continuecd with fav t orable results, and now slle is sound and well, her r I ’’v she has been saveu 1 b from what threat- ened to blight her life forever. S.S.S. {guaranteed purely vegetable') cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu matism, or any other blood trouble. It is a real bloc d remedy and always cures even after all else fails. A Real Blood Remedy. Take a blood remedy for a blood disease; a tonic won’t cure it. Our books on blood and Z’SSk skin diseases f&’bJ F mailed free to any address. Swift Spe c i fi c Co., Atlanta, Ga. • -o*Bl uj paqs||qß)»a * •>|JOA ‘IWJJS 09 ‘ oo ziaia a -a •oouci sit jo jdi939j uodn jo *S*f. J° ° l iqUpjj *Jt J»Aipp ||i.a 3M *jd(Vdp jnoX jo dtut3 sup uicjqo jouuvd noX ji M noX 9ai3 {jim J9|t*dp jnoX ‘spent SpooF jsaq Xjsa dtp Supeq uodn jsisui noX j[ •wop. M|<ldc uodn oojj {ivut ®m q*>iqM ‘anlJoppej jno jo sueau Xq noX 9onp •ojiut oj p«|3 aq pfnoM I I 9m utoqM oj pue 'pftnq I | 9m trip „ spooS j<(3i|,, J L jo Xpuipj snoutjoua ue /\ jo jaqtujtu auo jnq ff| jj \ •Xtqtq ~11 —X__ll •eqat o)n|osqe sji jo kJ I ttosvai Xq [ I QjpuanoX oai3 pt.A pue I ) J ! neo fputM sip aiphap o ~ v—J j ss9utsnqui9nupuooue3 f / \ \ f aptsjno atp uiojj paje| I | | j •nflai pue )t| aq uw* If \ / •(|io \ MVWIU9 / ’ feo3)9ti9soa9q tpt.* it op \ wneai / putJidtaqn, op'duni \ ’ ZlVo’" I 3uitunq-sr3 Xue uvtp —| a— I jq3ij atom 9ai3 |]|m || " ~ *K9|dpuud oypuaps UJ L) uo apeat ip< XjqSno l)f IIF J •ioqi st pue ..‘ssautyep v p ■■ l». ""v 19)n0,, joj Qioppue w ■» .. .. jenpajp ue se paiajjo st jj •SHV3A or JO GMOOaH DNiNIH9 V S’VH dtunq jaojjs f ’ ziaia V"‘ 1 -—■ 7 ★ ★ WE no longer supply onr seeds to dealers to sell again. At the same time, any one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during cither 1596 or 1897 will be sent our Alanual cf “ Everything for the Uarden” for 1898 eppp provided they apply by letter an d give the name of the local merchant from whom they bought. To all others, this magnifi cent Manual, every copy of which costs us 30 cents to place in your hands, will be sent free on receipt of 10 cents (stamps) to cover postage. Nothing like this Manual has ever been seen here or abroad ; it is a book of 200 pages, contains 500 engravings of seeds and plants, mostly new, and these are supplemented by 6 full size colored plates 3f the best novelties of the season, finally, OUR ‘ SOUVENIR” SEED COLLECTION will also be sent without charge to all appli cants sending 10 cts. for the Manual whe will state where they saw this advertisement. Postal Card Applications Will Receive No Attention. Annual Sales 0ver6,000,000 Boxes fOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, aiddiness, Fulness after meals. Head xche. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings at Heat, Loss of Appetite, Costiveness, Blotches on the Skin, Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. IIFKCIIANI'N P11.1.M, taken asdirect ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure Sick Headaelie. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham’s Pills are Without a Rival i And have the LARGEST SALE of any Patent Medicine in the World. 25c. at all Drug Stores. The finest of umbrellas for both ladies and gent’s afj. K. Williamson’s. Call s and see them. $5,000 In actual cash offered to (lie sub scribjrs of the Weekly f'oinmei cial Appeal. Every one sending 50 cents for a year’s subscription j to The Weekly Commercial Ap- (i peal will he allowed a guess on the number of bales of cotton re ceived in Memphis from Sep tember 1, 1897, to April 15, 1898. The first correct or nearest correct guess will get, if the guess is received in January, $2,500; if in February, $1,500; if in March, SSOO ; the second correct or nearest correct guess will get, if it is received in Jan uary, $1,500; if in February, $500; if in March, $250; the the third correct guess \vill get, if it is received in January, $1,000; if in Febiuary, $250 ; if in March, SIOO. This contest closes on inarch 31, but the guess is on the number of bales of cot- [ ton received in Memphis from I September 1, 1897, to April 15, 1898. In those months in ’95 and '96, the numbers received was 407,260: between that time in ’96 and ’97, 542,244 bales were received. This will help you form an estimate on you guess- The first three prizes make an aggregate amount actually offer ed of $5,000 in cash- A man stands do chance of be ing elected to the mayorship of a city uniesc he enjoys the the confi dence and esteem of his neighbors. Geo. W. Murphey is the popular mayor of Swanton, Ohio, and un derdate of Jan. 17, 1896. he writes as follows. “This is to certify to our application of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy My family and neighbors have tested it, and w know it is an exceient reme ly for coughs and cods —George W Humphrey.” Sold ay all Drug- MUNK ABOUT YOUR HEALTH This Is The Time To Give Atten tion To Your Physical Condition The warmer weather which will come with the approaching spring months should find you strong and in robust health, your blood pure and your appetite good. Otherwise you will be in danger of serious illness. Purify and enrich your blood with Hood’s Sarsaparilla and thus “prepare for spring.” This medicine makes rich, red and gives vigor ami vitality. Itwil 1 guard you against danger from the changes which will soon take place. QUICK TIME. Through Sleeping Car Service To Jacksonville. Tampa and Florida Points. The Southern railway has re sumed its fast winter schedule between Rome, Ga., Jackson ville, 'Tampa and Florida points, leaving Rome 8 :20 p. m., ar riving Tampa 6 :15 p. m., mak ing the quickest time between these points. This is a solid train carryin elegant day coach es and Pullman sleeping car, Rome to Jacksonville, without change ; also Pullman sleeping car Rome to Tampa, without change. Winter tourist tickets ! are now on sale to all principal ( winter resorts in Florida. 1 For information, call on J. N. Harrison, City Ticket Agent, Armstrong hotel. Telephone No. 39. YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA, FLOYD COUNTY : To all whom it may corcerm: Notice is hereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a jear’s support to Mrs. Henry T, Clark, the widow of Henry T. Clark, deceased* have tilled their awar J , and un'ess good and suflicientcause is shown, the same will be made the judge ment of the court at the April term, 1898, of the Court of Ordi nary. This March 7th, 1898. John P. Davis. Ordinary Floyd County, Georgia. HEWAN TS TO KE E P WELL. Mr. Smith said today that ho and his wife decided last night that when they went to house keeping they would buy thei Soothing Syrup, Castoria, Melin’s Food, Paregoric and other Drugs from Jervis & Wright, the popular Druggists. I aG3®©©OO 3 6 0 G $ © % 1 •Don’t Walk On , J j a. our XJppyv-jM liisl a taenl. H The Opportunity of a Life-tiß For Big Dividena—Payin] \ Investment 1 / ■ THE ALASKA GOLD PLACER MACHINE MINIXGcoH Capital stoc'i s.'),( )<>< i —ful I pa id—ami non-assossahli'. as good as the Beei.lei.epii ne, Wistingiiol hp Aiit III; phone or Phonograph and other similar industrial ire paying thousands in profits to their shareholders. H This is nn industiial rather than a Mining Company. •he only Hydraulic Machine Mining System (patented)ihat wiH in the frozen ground of the Klondike cud the Northwest u|B lake our machines and extract the gold from the claims of I just as thrashing m chims zip taken into the wluat cmintH h,esh out the f.irm ir s wh ■ it. One of our mtiehines do-s i|® of over 1 000 men each day and we save the 40% of gold thatisH ly lost by other methods, so it can r.-a lily bn seer, wlmt enH profi s we will earn in the fabulous y rich gold mines <>f the KIH and the N<>r.hw<st. with which every <>ne must. !><■ Ev-ry prosp< ctor th r>‘ is cur prospector. f>r he must oveß come to u- Io Lave his claim worked. Therefore we l»-liifl shall in time be payin as large dividends as the world fannß terprises mentioned above. Ours is a similar ind istrial shckl an only bj hid for a li nite I tmn at th > v,ry I >v pri n nil or SIO.OO share. I This is an opportunity of a life f l m. Notß ery day doas Fa L ms knocx a~ on I’s dio™ T'/ T , I Th ■ ■ svsVnof Sysl Vg 7 ! - 'I \ s vol ue (patend) -w OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS I PKESIDEV r.'il. P. Tiwi'ey, NjwVi’k II i.i, L. Bridf >r.LP into, Sm'. I'> V Vlai.auer of Um Equitable,Life Assurance So Prssiile il I itoruati mil H'ii"Ul© IST VICE PRES,Hon .1 N .{niton. Naw Y >rk Han. John P. H .yt Seitt'e, W u © Ex-Treaauror of ilia 1’ iite<l States Fx-Ohkf fmtici. St it> 1 V l © ND vi’’E I’Rkl E Par.n'y Hrowa,Naw York Geo. McLa m, M nrifae.’ii-er. I Treas, Andrew vtcLa io, rPi <i lie, v J, J > nJi in B >ar la, Jr.Mi li n? (.'vp t i'h • ■ Secty and Ass'tTreas. 1. N-w Y irk J lines W Clise, t S o'lH’ Wb ''| Auditor an ICo insal, xyin R. W laki Niw Y >rk Oil ot Mini'll' C n h v> -1 ’ ■ " r “ ■ Co suiting gigl near Win. E, NiwY>-c f. hi la Bruo 1, P•>rT i> f, I'’ l ’ l ' l ' :ir 'H Pres Lay System 11/dr mlic. P i". ir V( ii ix C > oil > iel V. 'isk I l.iwranca P. Brow i, New York. I The business ability’ financial standing of our Directors ar« |V I the best evidences of our success. I To raise the capitol to place several plants in the Kl |,n l a small block cf stock is now of! red to tho public at 'h’ I low rate of of 25 ecu’s on the dollar or $2,50 for each $lO I When this black is soi I, no m ire will b) offii’od at less tii l ' l | >rslo per share I An investment of $25 to SSO in Hiis stock should vmv I return larg< profits—Even lot) to 1 —wd thus afortuni for t | " ! | <zacious invecton. I Certificates are in very attractive f orm, called “G >id-B"| and are transferab'e from hand to mind. Send for illustrated Prospeotus where full expl-inati |, i' *" ’ of.Jdow we ciu earn eu m enor none profits by the Liy Sy’sC® l Read! Reflect! Investigate! Invest! All information cheerfully given by ths Sicretnry. On writI—Alaska 1 —Alaska Gold Piacar Machine M'nfng Go. II ~ll> '' Washington Building, No. 1 Broadway New York, N. V. % Ours is the Most Complete |£ “S Department Nursery |ZTTX.';.. If! Tlie Us 5a low rates. We publish one of tbe leading Seed, Plant and Tree Catalogues issued, which will be mailed free. Send for it now, it will save you money. Try us, can refer you to customers in every state and territory in the Union. 43 years of square dealing has made us patrons and friends far and near. Have hundreds of carloads of „ FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, ROSES, PLANTS. We send by mail postpaid. Seeds. Bulbs, Plants, Roses, Small Trees, Etc. Safe satisfaction guaranteed; larger by express or freight. 44th year. 32 greenhouses. . THE STORRS & HARRISON CO., Box 528 Painesville.